path: root/sonar-core/pom.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* SONAR-6370 isolate plugin classloader from coreSimon Brandhof2015-05-111-10/+4
* Remove coupling of sonar-plugin-api on Guava 10Simon Brandhof2015-04-161-0/+7
* Update pom to 5.2-SNAPSHOTJulien Lancelot2015-02-271-1/+1
* SONAR-2570 compress db table FILE_SOURCESSimon Brandhof2015-02-101-0/+24
* Automatic merge from branch-5.0Jenkins CI2014-12-111-2/+1
| * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationEric Hartmann2014-12-111-1/+1
| * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 5.0-RC15.0-RC1Eric Hartmann2014-12-111-3/+2
* | Upgrade version to 5.1-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2014-12-091-1/+1
* Centralize algorithm of UUID generationSimon Brandhof2014-11-211-17/+2
* Remove JFreeChart from batch classpathSimon Brandhof2014-10-231-1/+12
* Execute tests on non-h2 databases with the profile named "dbTests"Simon Brandhof2014-10-091-31/+0
* Upgrade version to 5.0-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2014-09-041-1/+1
* Remove elasticsearch from sonar-core dependenciesSimon Brandhof2014-08-281-5/+0
* Updated indexQueue mechanism for performance (no compression yet).Stephane Gamard2014-08-201-0/+5
* SONAR-5462 Upgrade PostgreSQL driver to support 9.3Julien Lancelot2014-07-171-1/+1
* Upgrade to 4.5-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2014-07-021-1/+1
* SONAR-5216 compare quality profile dates when batch detects profile changesSimon Brandhof2014-06-231-7/+0
* Upgrade hamcrest and fix conflicts with JUnit and MockitoSimon Brandhof2014-06-201-1/+14
* Upgrade to 4.4-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2014-04-181-1/+1
* Upgrade version to 4.3-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2014-02-241-1/+1
* Remove org.sonar.api.database.daos.MeasuresDao, deprecated since v2.3 and mov...Simon Brandhof2014-01-181-0/+4
* Upgrade to 4.2-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2013-12-111-1/+1
* Update to 4.1-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2013-10-221-1/+1
* SONAR-4675 Replace Jetty web server by Tomcat 7Simon Brandhof2013-10-011-0/+5
* Upgrade to 4.0-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2013-07-301-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationEric Hartmann2013-07-251-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.7-RC1Eric Hartmann2013-07-251-1/+1
* SONAR-4388 Move from Sonar to SonarQubeJulien HENRY2013-07-081-2/+2
* Upgrade integration test to ojdbc6Simon Brandhof2013-07-051-2/+2
* SONAR-4470 Performance issue when migrating DB from 3.5 to 3.6 (mainly with O...Simon Brandhof2013-07-041-0/+4
* Upgrade to 3.7-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2013-06-111-1/+1
* SONAR-4044 move to Java 6Simon Brandhof2013-03-251-3/+2
* Update version to 3.6-SNAPSHOTEric Hartmann2013-03-131-1/+1
* Release Sonar 3.5Eric Hartmann2013-03-131-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationEric Hartmann2013-03-071-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.5-RC4Eric Hartmann2013-03-071-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationEric Hartmann2013-03-011-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.5-RC2Eric Hartmann2013-03-011-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationEric Hartmann2013-02-251-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.5-RC1Eric Hartmann2013-02-251-3/+2
* Execute all the tests of sonar-core in database integration testsSimon Brandhof2013-02-221-5/+0
* Move blueprints version to parent pomSimon Brandhof2013-02-201-2/+1
* SONAR-3317 fix possible copy of inverted columnsSimon Brandhof2013-02-141-0/+1
* SONAR-2291 move management of file cache to the new module sonar-homeSimon Brandhof2013-02-051-0/+4
* Remove unused transitive dependencies of blueprintsSimon Brandhof2013-02-011-0/+18
* SONAR-2501 use blueprints-core for java5Simon Brandhof2013-01-281-33/+3
* Fix compatibility of blueprints-core with java 5Simon Brandhof2013-01-281-2/+30
* SONAR-4087 first draft of test apiSimon Brandhof2013-01-251-1/+10
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationGAUDIN2012-12-221-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.43.4GAUDIN2012-12-221-1/+1