# content of service-account-credentials.json, used to access to Google Cloud Platform gcp_credentials: ENCRYPTED[534d4b89444f3e4e3ba299769a98010609e71992355c132fd6e448f1d8fcb039184224c8b4cdf7933b0aec16d6a8896d] env: GRADLE_OPTS: -Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -XshowSettings:vm -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US" # to be replaced by other credentials ARTIFACTORY_PRIVATE_USERNAME: ENCRYPTED[c0baa3376daa1e08d602435081d07653799cf34ab09ca92e575f3dc4176bc6cf2ebf87120e83f3aa6804f072013e8e2b] ARTIFACTORY_PRIVATE_PASSWORD: ENCRYPTED[f13d32d218c3da8008114d2c8857b2956047fbdab2163bbf186b8b89f789f0efa7504f499749a59ad5988c14e5360353] ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_USERNAME: public-qa-deployer ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_PASSWORD: ENCRYPTED[9362d735843b21b375b6e19d91e0de5216e053e229e39e2ce33a0c866306e6e3f9b08db8a0e126ca5e986fea97e975fd] ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_USERNAME_PRIVATE: private-qa-deployer ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_PASSWORD_PRIVATE: ENCRYPTED[61769719e9b775afe103dbee22141eeaa0116b3332eafb993be2a5919ff7bf017cdc519afed07dc6cac8ebbc0846f191] ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY: ENCRYPTED[d52910db749f2678f43084b18c849486d68fbc02c2f5489c7ee1085c395de9dc7575313a8b348bb5361a693dd782e07e] # download licenses for testing commercial editions GITHUB_TOKEN: ENCRYPTED[bd3d5f7fe5901d9d9f2564caebb52af285262177294eae67ba5f1a3a1df1316449ce6e09c5e1b68eeff37e024e2d167a] # notifications to burgr BURGR_URL: ENCRYPTED[06b8fcc9aaa4b495043aa08bc4450b89588902ad9a60cc8525f53d14810aff84558812e4b7eb01131dd64f33916ac941] BURGR_USERNAME: ENCRYPTED[cf7bfb936025fb763013bbfef0ab5723c0d9b53f135d79af36f9defa933f4b5fc72842bd83a97ce9b614503c1b77e6da] BURGR_PASSWORD: ENCRYPTED[bc554fc6a06c9f14cc9924cefad0a69e962a905b6d1609fc9357d458b45fc52ac74c960ad9c7382a0691433fa9dcd483] # ops-jenkins credentials required to trigger docs deppoyment OPS_JENKINS_URL: ENCRYPTED[00ea2b88c762e374c02a3d29a306cc1cf3ceb4b3d807bda2a601486e0d483fd67a556ef295830231390f45e7d512b54d] OPS_JENKINS_USERNAME: ENCRYPTED[c778b1483a7ca000dc760ef731c2fbe1dc05a9af38f2a85206cfbcdf649e50715ca447ac291485d513aa9120b0c9abad] OPS_JENKINS_PASSWORD: ENCRYPTED[a035a2826c3bc971288284a59bd00dda193d8a81e7809e08bf4ec59b68894c16f30095a567e65755240bb7f919c2e0bf] # DOCS_JOB_TOKEN: token required to launch the deployment of documentation job on ops-jenkins (see private/cirrus/cirrus-trigger-deploy-docs.sh) DOCS_JOB_TOKEN: ENCRYPTED[7771f76a0fc0038f9929c32d98588963c8dcda6148ba054f57358bc17faa109ac638134c89067f3bacc8933d2fa2c541] # analysis on next.sonarqube.com SONARQUBE_NEXT_TOKEN: ENCRYPTED[e3d98fa0ecceb015e9803d47f78c3040f5a710d678a631107635d69f650d4e53ecaf2e2334cc1fe0c47037ec915dcda0] auto_cancellation: $CIRRUS_BRANCH != 'master' && $CIRRUS_BRANCH !=~ 'branch.*' && $CIRRUS_BRANCH != 'dogfood-on-next' build_task: only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH !=~ "dogfood/.*" && $CIRRUS_BRANCH != "public_master" timeout_in: 90m gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 3 memory: 10Gb gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches env: # No need to clone the full history. # Depth of 1 is not enough because it would fail the build in case of consecutive pushes # (example of error: "Hard resetting to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33...Failed to force reset to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33: object not found!") CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 50 script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-build.sh cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" deploy_docs_task: depends_on: build only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH == 'dogfood-on-next' gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1 memory: 1Gb env: # No need to clone the full history. # Depth of 1 is not enough because it would fail the build in case of consecutive pushes # (example of error: "Hard resetting to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33...Failed to force reset to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33: object not found!") CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 50 script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-trigger-deploy-docs.sh validate_task: depends_on: build only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH !=~ "dogfood/.*" && $CIRRUS_BRANCH != "public_master" && $CIRRUS_TAG != "nightly-build" timeout_in: 90m gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 2.4 memory: 10Gb additional_containers: - name: postgres image: postgres:10.6 port: 5432 cpu: 1 memory: 1Gb env: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-validate.sh postgres106 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" qa_task: depends_on: build only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH !=~ "dogfood/.*" && $CIRRUS_BRANCH != "public_master" && $CIRRUS_TAG != "nightly-build" gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 2.4 memory: 10Gb additional_containers: - name: postgres image: postgres:10.6 port: 5432 cpu: 1 memory: 1Gb env: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres env: matrix: QA_CATEGORY: Cat1 QA_CATEGORY: Cat2 QA_CATEGORY: Cat3 QA_CATEGORY: Cat4 QA_CATEGORY: Cat5 QA_CATEGORY: Cat6 QA_CATEGORY: Cat7 QA_CATEGORY: Gov QA_CATEGORY: Billing QA_CATEGORY: License QA_CATEGORY: Branch QA_CATEGORY: Upgrade # No need to clone the full history. # Depth of 1 is not enough because it would fail the build in case of consecutive pushes # (example of error: "Hard resetting to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33...Failed to force reset to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33: object not found!") CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 50 gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-qa.sh postgres106 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" promote_task: depends_on: - build - validate - qa only_if: $CIRRUS_BRANCH !=~ "dogfood/.*" && $CIRRUS_BRANCH != "public_master" && $CIRRUS_TAG != "nightly-build" gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1 memory: 1Gb env: # No need to clone the full history. # Depth of 1 is not enough because it would fail the build in case of consecutive pushes # (example of error: "Hard resetting to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33...Failed to force reset to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33: object not found!") CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 50 script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-promote.sh test_sql_mysql57_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: image: gradle:4.10.1-jdk8 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1 memory: 10Gb additional_containers: - name: mysql image: mysql:5.7 # see https://github.com/mysql/mysql-docker port: 3306 cpu: 1 memory: 1Gb env: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: sonarsource MYSQL_DATABASE: sonar MYSQL_USER: sonar MYSQL_PASSWORD: sonar gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-db-unit-test.sh mysql57 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" test_sql_mssql2017_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: image: gradle:4.10.1-jdk8 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1 memory: 5Gb additional_containers: - name: mssql image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-CU12-ubuntu port: 1433 cpu: 2 memory: 5Gb env: MSSQL_PID: Developer # this is the default edition ACCEPT_EULA: Y SA_PASSWORD: sonarqube!1 gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-db-unit-test.sh mssql2017 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" test_sql_mssql2019_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: image: gradle:4.10.1-jdk8 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1 memory: 5Gb additional_containers: - name: mssql image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-CTP2.2-ubuntu port: 1433 cpu: 2 memory: 5Gb env: MSSQL_PID: Developer # this is the default edition ACCEPT_EULA: Y SA_PASSWORD: sonarqube!1 gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-db-unit-test.sh mssql2019 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" # this is the oldest compatible version of PostgreSQL test_sql_postgres93_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: image: gradle:4.10.1-jdk8 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1 memory: 5Gb additional_containers: - name: postgres image: postgres:9.3 port: 5432 cpu: 1 memory: 1Gb env: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-db-unit-test.sh postgres93 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" test_sql_oracle12_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: image: gradle:4.10.1-jdk8 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1 memory: 5Gb additional_containers: - name: oracle image: gcr.io/ci-cd-215716/oracle12:0.0.1 # see https://github.com/SonarSource/vms/blob/master/docker/README.md#oracle-12c to build it port: 1521 cpu: 2 memory: 5Gb env: ORACLE_PWD: sonarqube gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-db-unit-test.sh oracle12 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" test_upgrade_mysql57_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1.5 memory: 6Gb additional_containers: - name: mysql image: mysql:5.7 # see https://github.com/mysql/mysql-docker port: 3306 cpu: 1 memory: 1Gb env: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: sonarsource MYSQL_DATABASE: sonar MYSQL_USER: sonar MYSQL_PASSWORD: sonar env: matrix: QA_CATEGORY: Upgrade # No need to clone the full history. # Depth of 1 is not enough because it would fail the build in case of consecutive pushes # (example of error: "Hard resetting to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33...Failed to force reset to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33: object not found!") CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 50 gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-qa.sh mysql57 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" test_upgrade_mssql2017_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1.5 memory: 6Gb additional_containers: - name: mssql image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-CU12-ubuntu port: 1433 cpu: 2 memory: 5Gb env: MSSQL_PID: Developer # this is the default edition ACCEPT_EULA: Y SA_PASSWORD: sonarqube!1 env: matrix: QA_CATEGORY: Upgrade # No need to clone the full history. # Depth of 1 is not enough because it would fail the build in case of consecutive pushes # (example of error: "Hard resetting to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33...Failed to force reset to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33: object not found!") CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 50 gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-qa.sh mssql2017 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*" test_upgrade_oracle12_task: depends_on: build # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run # this task on your branch only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build" gke_container: dockerfile: private/docker/Dockerfile-build builder_image_project: ci-cd-215716 builder_image_name: docker-builder-v1 cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster zone: europe-west3-a namespace: default cpu: 1.5 memory: 6Gb additional_containers: - name: oracle image: gcr.io/ci-cd-215716/oracle12:0.0.1 # see https://github.com/SonarSource/vms/blob/master/docker/README.md#oracle-12c to build it port: 1521 cpu: 2 memory: 5Gb env: ORACLE_PWD: sonarqube env: matrix: QA_CATEGORY: Upgrade # No need to clone the full history. # Depth of 1 is not enough because it would fail the build in case of consecutive pushes # (example of error: "Hard resetting to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33...Failed to force reset to c968ecaf7a1942dacecd78480b3751ac74d53c33: object not found!") CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 50 gradle_cache: folder: ~/.gradle/caches script: - ./private/cirrus/cirrus-qa.sh oracle12 cleanup_before_cache_script: - ./private/cirrus/cleanup-gradle-cache.sh on_failure: reports_artifacts: path: "**/build/reports/**/*"