# ---- Gradle build/ .gradle/ .gradletasknamecache classes/ out/ # ---- Maven (in integration tests) target/ # ---- IntelliJ IDEA *.iws *.iml *.ipr .idea/ .attach_pid* out/ http-client.private.env.json # ---- VS Code *.code-workspace # Directories generated on build on Windows bin/ !sonar-application/src/main/assembly/elasticsearch/**/bin/ !sonar-application/src/main/assembly/elasticsearch-patch/**/bin/ # npm logs npm-debug.log* npm.tar.gz yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* # ---- Eclipse .classpath .project .settings .externalToolBuilders # ---- Mac OS X .DS_Store # Thumbnails ._* # Files that might appear on external disk .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes # ---- Windows # Windows image file caches Thumbs.db # Folder config file Desktop.ini # ---- Linux .directory # ---- frontend node/ node_modules/ install-state.gz # ---- SonarQube .sonar/ .scannerwork/ # scripts patches, they are local to each developer scripts/patches/*.* scripts/patches/*license*.txt !scripts/patches/debug_ce.sh !scripts/patches/debug_web.sh !scripts/patches/postgres.sh gherkin-features/