import groovy.json.JsonOutput plugins { // Ordered alphabetically id 'com.github.hierynomus.license' version '0.16.1' id "com.github.hierynomus.license-report" version "0.16.1" apply false id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2' apply false id '' version '0.8.19' apply false id 'com.jfrog.artifactory' version '4.29.3' id "" version "5.3.0" apply false id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.1.0' id "" version "1.6.1" apply false id 'org.sonarqube' version '' } if (!JavaVersion.current().java11Compatible) { throw new GradleException("JDK 11+ is required to perform this build. It's currently " + System.getProperty("java.home") + ".") } /** * The BOM related tasks are disabled by default, activated by: * - running in the CI and being on a main branch or a nightly build, * - or using '-Dbom' project property * - or by explicit call to 'cyclonedxBom' Gradle task */ def bomTasks = "cyclonedxBom" def ghBranch = System.getenv()["GITHUB_BRANCH"] def isMainBranch = ghBranch in ['master'] || ghBranch ==~ 'branch-[\\d.]+' def isNightlyBuild = ghBranch == "branch-nightly-build" boolean enableBom = System.getenv('CI') == "true" && (isMainBranch || isNightlyBuild) || System.getProperty("bom") != null || gradle.startParameter.taskNames.findAll({ it.matches(".*:($bomTasks)") }) allprojects { apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' ext.versionInSources = version ext.buildNumber = System.getProperty("buildNumber") // when no buildNumber is provided, then project version must end with '-SNAPSHOT' if (ext.buildNumber == null) { version = "${version}-SNAPSHOT".toString() ext.versionWithoutBuildNumber = version } else { ext.versionWithoutBuildNumber = version version = (version.toString().count('.') == 1 ? "${version}.0.${ext.buildNumber}" : "${version}.${ext.buildNumber}").toString() } ext { release = project.hasProperty('release') && project.getProperty('release') official = project.hasProperty('official') && project.getProperty('official') } ext.enableBom = enableBom if (!enableBom) { tasks.matching { }.all({"{} disabled",; it.enabled = false }) } repositories { def repository = project.hasProperty('qa') ? 'sonarsource-qa' : 'sonarsource' maven { // The environment variables ARTIFACTORY_PRIVATE_USERNAME and ARTIFACTORY_PRIVATE_PASSWORD are used on QA env (Jenkins) // On local box, please add artifactoryUsername and artifactoryPassword to ~/.gradle/ def artifactoryUsername = System.env.'ARTIFACTORY_PRIVATE_USERNAME' ?: (project.hasProperty('artifactoryUsername') ? project.getProperty('artifactoryUsername') : '') def artifactoryPassword = System.env.'ARTIFACTORY_PRIVATE_PASSWORD' ?: (project.hasProperty('artifactoryPassword') ? project.getProperty('artifactoryPassword') : '') if (artifactoryUsername && artifactoryPassword) { credentials { username artifactoryUsername password artifactoryPassword } } else { // Workaround for artifactory // repository = 'public' } url "${repository}" } } task allDependencies { dependsOn 'dependencies' } artifactory { clientConfig.setIncludeEnvVars(true) clientConfig.setEnvVarsExcludePatterns('*pass*,*psw*,*secret*,*MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS*,,*token*,*login*,*key*,*signing*,*auth*,*pwd*') contextUrl = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_URL') publish { repository { repoKey = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_REPO') username = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_USERNAME') ?: password = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_PASSWORD') ?: } defaults { properties = [ '': 'sonar-enterprise', 'build.number': System.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER'), '': System.getenv('GITHUB_BASE_BRANCH'), 'pr.number': System.getenv('PULL_REQUEST'), 'vcs.branch': ghBranch, 'vcs.revision': System.getenv('GIT_SHA1'), 'version': version ] publications('mavenJava') publishPom = true publishIvy = false } }'sonar-enterprise')'BUILD_NUMBER')) // Define the artifacts to be deployed to on releases'ARTIFACTS_TO_PUBLISH', "${}:sonar-application:zip," + "com.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonarqube-developer:zip," + "com.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonarqube-datacenter:zip," + "com.sonarsource.sonarqube:sonarqube-enterprise:zip") // The name of this variable is important because it's used by the delivery process when extracting version from Artifactory build info.'PROJECT_VERSION', "${version}") } } apply plugin: 'org.sonarqube' sonar { properties { property 'sonar.projectName', projectTitle property 'sonar.projectVersion', "${versionInSources}-SNAPSHOT" property 'sonar.buildString', version } } tasks.named('wrapper') { distributionType = Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL } subprojects { apply plugin: 'com.github.hierynomus.license' apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management' apply plugin: 'jacoco' apply plugin: 'java-library' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'signing' // do not deploy to Artifactory by default artifactoryPublish.skip = true // Produce Java 11 bytecode while making sure the code does not use any APIs from Java 17 compileJava.options.release = 11 compileJava.options.encoding = "UTF-8" compileTestJava.options.encoding = "UTF-8" def testFixtureSrc = 'src/testFixtures' if (file(testFixtureSrc).exists()) { apply plugin: 'java-test-fixtures' } ext { protobufVersion = '3.21.7' } sonar { properties { property 'sonar.moduleKey', + ':' + } } // Central place for definition dependency versions and exclusions. dependencyManagement { dependencies { // bundled plugin list -- keep it alphabetically ordered dependency 'com.sonarsource.abap:sonar-abap-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.cobol:sonar-cobol-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.cpp:sonar-cfamily-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.dbd:sonar-dbd-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.dbd:sonar-dbd-java-frontend-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.dbd:sonar-dbd-python-frontend-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.pli:sonar-pli-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.plsql:sonar-plsql-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.plugins.vb:sonar-vb-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.rpg:sonar-rpg-plugin:' dependency '' dependency '' dependency '' dependency '' dependency '' dependency '' dependency 'com.sonarsource.slang:sonar-apex-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.swift:sonar-swift-plugin:' dependency 'com.sonarsource.tsql:sonar-tsql-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.config:sonar-config-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.dotnet:sonar-csharp-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.dotnet:sonar-vbnet-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.flex:sonar-flex-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.html:sonar-html-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.jacoco:sonar-jacoco-plugin:' dependency '' dependency 'org.sonarsource.javascript:sonar-javascript-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.php:sonar-php-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.python:sonar-python-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.slang:sonar-go-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.kotlin:sonar-kotlin-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.slang:sonar-ruby-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.slang:sonar-scala-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.api.plugin:sonar-plugin-api:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.xml:sonar-xml-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.iac:sonar-iac-plugin:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.text:sonar-text-plugin:' // please keep this list alphabetically ordered dependencySet(group: 'ch.qos.logback', version: '1.2.9') { entry 'logback-access' entry 'logback-classic' entry 'logback-core' } dependency('commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.4') { exclude 'commons-logging:commons-logging' } dependency 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15' dependency 'commons-dbutils:commons-dbutils:1.7' dependency 'commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0' dependency 'commons-lang:commons-lang:2.6' imports { mavenBom 'com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:' } dependency 'com.eclipsesource.minimal-json:minimal-json:0.9.5' dependencySet(group: 'com.github.scribejava', version: '8.3.1') { entry 'scribejava-apis' entry 'scribejava-core' } dependency 'com.github.everit-org.json-schema:org.everit.json.schema:1.14.0' // This project is no longer maintained and was forked // by // ( dependency '' dependency('com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:1.1.1') { exclude 'junit:junit' } dependency 'io.prometheus:simpleclient:0.16.0' dependency 'io.prometheus:simpleclient_common:0.16.0' dependency 'io.prometheus:simpleclient_servlet:0.16.0' dependency '' dependency '' dependency('') { exclude '' exclude '' exclude '' exclude 'org.checkerframework:checker-qual' exclude 'org.codehaus.mojo:animal-sniffer-annotations' } dependency "${protobufVersion}" dependency 'com.h2database:h2:2.1.214' dependencySet(group: 'com.hazelcast', version: '4.2.4') { entry 'hazelcast' } dependency 'com.hazelcast:hazelcast-kubernetes:2.2.3' // Documentation must be updated if mssql-jdbc is updated: dependency('') { exclude 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind' } dependency 'com.onelogin:java-saml:2.9.0' dependency '' dependency 'org.aspectj:aspectjtools:' dependencySet(group: 'com.squareup.okhttp3', version: '4.10.0') { entry 'okhttp' entry 'mockwebserver' } dependency 'org.json:json:20220924' dependency '' dependencySet(group: 'io.jsonwebtoken', version: '0.11.2') { entry 'jjwt-api' entry 'jjwt-impl' entry 'jjwt-jackson' } dependency 'com.auth0:java-jwt:4.1.0' dependency 'io.netty:netty-all:4.1.84.Final' dependency 'com.sun.mail:javax.mail:1.6.2' dependency 'javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:1.3.2' dependency 'javax.inject:javax.inject:1' dependency 'javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:4.0.1' dependency 'javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.3.1' dependency 'junit:junit:4.13.2' dependency 'org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core:2.9.0' dependency 'org.xmlunit:xmlunit-matchers:2.9.0' dependency 'net.jpountz.lz4:lz4:1.3.0' dependency 'net.lightbody.bmp:littleproxy:1.1.0-beta-bmp-17' dependency 'org.awaitility:awaitility:4.2.0' dependency 'org.apache.commons:commons-csv:1.9.0' dependency 'org.apache.commons:commons-email:1.5' dependency 'com.zaxxer:HikariCP:5.0.1' dependency('org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13'){ exclude 'commons-logging:commons-logging' } // Be aware that Log4j is used by Elasticsearch client dependencySet(group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', version: '2.17.1') { entry 'log4j-core' entry 'log4j-api' entry 'log4j-to-slf4j' } dependencySet(group: 'org.apache.tomcat.embed', version: '9.0.70') { entry 'tomcat-embed-core' entry('tomcat-embed-jasper') { exclude 'org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler:ecj' } } dependency 'org.assertj:assertj-core:3.23.1' dependency 'org.assertj:assertj-guava:3.5.0' dependency('org.codehaus.sonar:sonar-channel:4.2') { exclude 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api' } dependency 'org.codehaus.sonar:sonar-classloader:1.0' dependency 'com.fasterxml.staxmate:staxmate:2.4.0' dependencySet(group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', version: '9.4.6.v20170531') { entry 'jetty-proxy' entry 'jetty-server' entry 'jetty-servlet' } // "elasticsearchDownloadUrlFile" and "elasticsearchDownloadSha512" must also be updated in dependency('org.elasticsearch.client:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client:7.17.6') { exclude 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core' } dependency 'org.elasticsearch.plugin:transport-netty4-client:7.17.6' dependency 'org.elasticsearch:mocksocket:1.2' dependency 'org.codelibs.elasticsearch.module:analysis-common:7.17.1' dependency 'org.codelibs.elasticsearch.module:reindex:7.17.1' dependency 'org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:' dependency 'org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit:1.10.8' dependency 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:1.3' dependency 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.15.3' dependency 'org.mindrot:jbcrypt:0.4' dependency('org.mockito:mockito-core:4.8.0') { exclude 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core' } dependency('org.mockito:mockito-inline:4.8.0') dependency 'org.mybatis:mybatis:3.5.11' dependency 'org.nanohttpd:nanohttpd:2.3.1' dependencySet(group: 'org.slf4j', version: '1.7.30') { entry 'jcl-over-slf4j' entry 'jul-to-slf4j' entry 'log4j-over-slf4j' entry 'slf4j-api' } dependency 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.5.1' dependency 'org.reflections:reflections:0.10.2' dependency 'org.simpleframework:simple:5.1.6' dependency 'org.sonarsource.orchestrator:sonar-orchestrator:' dependency 'org.sonarsource.update-center:sonar-update-center-common:' dependency('org.springframework:spring-context:5.3.23') { exclude 'commons-logging:commons-logging' } dependency 'org.subethamail:subethasmtp:3.1.7' dependency 'org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.33' // please keep this list alphabetically ordered } } // global exclusions configurations.all { // do not conflict with com.sun.mail:javax.mail exclude group: 'javax.mail', module: 'mail' } tasks.withType(Javadoc) { options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet') options.encoding = 'UTF-8' title = + ' ' + versionWithoutBuildNumber } task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) { archiveClassifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allSource } task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) { archiveClassifier = 'javadoc' from javadoc.destinationDir } // generate code before opening project in IDE (Eclipse or Intellij) task ide() { // empty by default. Dependencies are added to the task // when needed (see protobuf modules for example) } jacocoTestReport { reports { xml.required = true csv.required = false html.required = false } } normalization { runtimeClasspath { // Following classpath resources contain volatile data that changes in each CI build (build number, commit id, time), // so we exclude them from calculation of build cache key of test tasks: ignore 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' ignore 'sonar-api-version.txt' ignore 'sq-version.txt' } } ext.failedTests = [] test { jvmArgs '-Dfile.encoding=UTF8' maxHeapSize = '1G' systemProperty 'java.awt.headless', true testLogging { events "skipped", "failed" // verbose log for failed and skipped tests (by default the name of the tests are not logged) exceptionFormat 'full' // log the full stack trace (default is the 1st line of the stack trace) } jacoco { enabled = true // do not disable recording of code coverage, so that remote Gradle cache entry can be used locally includes = ['com.sonar.*', 'com.sonarsource.*', 'org.sonar.*', 'org.sonarqube.*', 'org.sonarsource.*'] } if (project.hasProperty('maxParallelTests')) { maxParallelForks = project.maxParallelTests as int } if (project.hasProperty('parallelTests')) { // See maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors().intdiv(2) ?: 1 } afterTest { descriptor, result -> if (result.resultType == TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE) { String failedTest = " ${descriptor.className} > ${}" failedTests << failedTest } } } gradle.buildFinished { if (!failedTests.empty) { println "\nFailed tests:" failedTests.each { failedTest -> println failedTest } println "" } } def protoMainSrc = 'src/main/protobuf' def protoTestSrc = 'src/test/protobuf' if (file(protoMainSrc).exists() || file(protoTestSrc).exists()) { // protobuf must be applied after java apply plugin: '' sourceSets.main.proto.srcDir protoMainSrc // in addition to the default 'src/main/proto' sourceSets.test.proto.srcDir protoTestSrc // in addition to the default 'src/test/proto' protobuf { protoc { artifact = "${protobufVersion}" } } jar { exclude('**/*.proto') } idea { module { sourceDirs += file("${protobuf.generatedFilesBaseDir}/main/java") testSourceDirs += file("${protobuf.generatedFilesBaseDir}/test/java") generatedSourceDirs += file("${protobuf.generatedFilesBaseDir}/main/java") generatedSourceDirs += file("${protobuf.generatedFilesBaseDir}/test/java") } } ide.dependsOn(['generateProto', 'generateTestProto']) } if (official) { jar { // do not break incremental build on non official versions manifest { attributes( 'Version': "${version}", 'Implementation-Build': System.getenv('GIT_SHA1'), 'Build-Time': new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") ) } } } license { header = rootProject.file('HEADER') strictCheck true encoding = 'UTF-8' mapping { java = 'SLASHSTAR_STYLE' js = 'SLASHSTAR_STYLE' ts = 'SLASHSTAR_STYLE' tsx = 'SLASHSTAR_STYLE' css = 'SLASHSTAR_STYLE' } includes(['**/*.java', '**/*.js', '**/*.ts', '**/*.tsx', '**/*.css']) } tasks.withType(GenerateModuleMetadata) { enabled = false } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { pom { name = 'SonarQube' description = project.description url = '' organization { name = 'SonarSource' url = '' } licenses { license { name = 'GNU LGPL 3' url = '' distribution = 'repo' } } scm { url = '' } developers { developer { id = 'sonarsource-team' name = 'SonarSource Team' } } } } } } if (isNightlyBuild) { tasks.withType(Test) { configurations { utMonitoring } dependencies { testImplementation project(":ut-monitoring") utMonitoring 'org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:' } doFirst { ext { aspectJWeaver = configurations.utMonitoring.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.find { == 'aspectjweaver' } } jvmArgs "-javaagent:${aspectJWeaver.file}" } } } signing { def signingKeyId = findProperty("signingKeyId") def signingKey = findProperty("signingKey") def signingPassword = findProperty("signingPassword") useInMemoryPgpKeys(signingKeyId, signingKey, signingPassword) required { return isMainBranch && gradle.taskGraph.hasTask(":artifactoryPublish") } sign publishing.publications } tasks.withType(Sign) { onlyIf { return !artifactoryPublish.skip && isMainBranch && gradle.taskGraph.hasTask(":artifactoryPublish") } } } gradle.projectsEvaluated { gradle -> // yarn_run tasks can't all run in parallel without random issues // this script ensure all yarn_run tasks run sequentially def yarnRunTasks = allprojects.findResults { it -> it.tasks.findByName('yarn_run') } yarnRunTasks.drop(1).eachWithIndex { it, i -> it.mustRunAfter(yarnRunTasks[0..i]) } } ext.osAdaptiveCommand = { commands -> def newCommands = [] if ([''].toLowerCase().contains('windows')) { newCommands = ['cmd', '/c'] } newCommands.addAll(commands) return newCommands } tasks.named('sonarqube') { long taskStart doFirst { taskStart = System.currentTimeMillis() } doLast { long taskDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - taskStart File outputFile = new File("/tmp/analysis-monitoring.log") outputFile.append(JsonOutput.toJson([category: "Analysis", suite: "Standalone", operation: "total", duration: taskDuration]) + '\n') } }