#!/bin/bash # QA pipeline set -euo pipefail case "$RUN_ACTIVITY" in run-db-unit-tests-*) DB_ENGINE=$(sed "s/run-db-unit-tests-//g" <<< $RUN_ACTIVITY) ./run-db-unit-tests.sh "http://infra.internal.sonarsource.com/jenkins/orch-${DB_ENGINE}.properties" ;; run-db-integration-tests-*) DB_ENGINE=$(sed "s/run-db-integration-tests-//g" <<< $RUN_ACTIVITY | cut -d \- -f 1) CATEGORY_GROUP=$(sed "s/run-db-integration-tests-//g" <<< $RUN_ACTIVITY | cut -d \- -f 2) if [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" != "PULLREQUEST-"* ]] && [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" != "master" ]] && [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" != "branch-"* ]] && [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" != "dogfood-on-next" ]]; then # do not execute QA tests on feature branch outside pull request exit 0 elif [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" == "PULLREQUEST-"* ]] && [[ "$DB_ENGINE" != "postgresql93" ]]; then # restrict QA tests to PostgreSQL on pull requests exit 0 elif [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" == "dogfood-on-next" ]] && [[ "$DB_ENGINE" != "postgresql93" ]]; then # restrict QA tests to PostgreSQL on dogfood branch exit 0 else mvn clean package -B -e -V -f tests/plugins/pom.xml case "$CATEGORY_GROUP" in Category1) CATEGORY="Category1|authorization|measure|qualityGate|source" ;; Category2) CATEGORY="issue|test|qualityModel" ;; Category3) CATEGORY="Category3|component|project" ;; Category4) CATEGORY="Category4|duplication" ;; Category5) CATEGORY="Category5" ;; Category6) CATEGORY="Category6|organization" ;; *) echo "unknown CATEGORY_GROUP: $CATEGORY_GROUP" exit 1 ;; esac mvn verify \ -f tests/pom.xml \ -Dcategory="$CATEGORY" \ -Dorchestrator.configUrl="http://infra.internal.sonarsource.com/jenkins/orch-$DB_ENGINE.properties" \ -Pwith-db-drivers \ -B -e -V fi ;; run-it-released-plugins) ./run-integration-tests.sh "Plugins" "http://infra.internal.sonarsource.com/jenkins/orch-h2.properties" ;; run-perf-tests) ./run-perf-tests.sh ;; run-upgrade-tests-*) DB_ENGINE=$(sed "s/run-upgrade-tests-//g" <<< $RUN_ACTIVITY) if [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" != "master" ]] && [[ "$GITHUB_BRANCH" != "branch-"* ]] && [[ "$DB_ENGINE" != "postgresql93" ]]; then # restrict upgrade tests to PostgreSQL on feature branches and dogfood exit 0 else ./run-upgrade-tests.sh "http://infra.internal.sonarsource.com/jenkins/orch-${DB_ENGINE}.properties" fi ;; *) echo "unknown RUN_ACTIVITY = $RUN_ACTIVITY" exit 1 ;; esac