package selenium; import com.sonar.orchestrator.Orchestrator; import com.sonar.orchestrator.selenium.Selenese; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.openqa.selenium.Alert; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; public class SeleneseTest { private final Selenese suite; private Map variables; private String baseUrl; private SeleniumDriver driver; public SeleneseTest(Selenese suite) { this.suite = suite; } public void runOn(Orchestrator orchestrator) { this.variables = new HashMap<>(); this.baseUrl = orchestrator.getServer().getUrl(); this.driver = Browser.FIREFOX.getDriverForThread(); driver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); for (File file : suite.getHtmlTests()) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("============ " + file.getName() + " ============"); Document doc = parse(file); for (Element table : doc.getElementsByTag("table")) { for (Element tbody : table.getElementsByTag("tbody")) { for (Element tr : tbody.getElementsByTag("tr")) { String action = tr.child(0).text(); String param1 = tr.child(1).text(); String param2 = tr.child(2).text(); action(action, param1, param2); } } } } } private Document parse(File file) { try { return Jsoup.parse(file,; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse file: " + file, e); } } public SeleneseTest action(String action, String param1, String param2) { switch (action) { case "open": open(param1, param2); return this; case "type": type(param1, param2); return this; case "select": select(param1, param2); return this; case "clickAndWait": case "click": click(param1, param2); return this; case "check": check(param1, param2); return this; case "selectFrame": selectFrame(param1, param2); return this; case "assertElementPresent": assertElementPresent(param1, param2); return this; case "assertElementNotPresent": assertElementNotPresent(param1, param2); return this; case "storeText": storeText(param1, param2); return this; case "storeEval": storeEval(param1, param2); return this; case "assertText": case "waitForText": assertText(param1, param2); return this; case "assertNotText": case "waitForNotText": assertNotText(param1, param2); return this; case "assertTextPresent": assertTextPresent(param1, param2); case "assertTextNotPresent": assertTextNotPresent(param1, param2); return this; case "assertLocation": assertLocation(param1, param2); return this; case "waitForElementPresent": waitForElementPresent(param1, param2); return this; case "waitForVisible": waitForVisible(param1, param2); return this; case "assertValue": case "waitForValue": case "verifyValue": assertInputValue(param1, param2); return this; case "assertConfirmation": confirm(param1, param2); return this; case "setTimeout": // Ignore return this; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported action: " + action); } private void goTo(String url) { requireNonNull(url, "The url cannot be null"); URI uri = URI.create(url.replace(" ", "%20")); if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { url = baseUrl + url; } System.out.println("goTo " + url); driver.get(url); System.out.println(" - current url " + driver.getCurrentUrl()); } private void open(String url, String ignored) { if (url.startsWith("/sonar/")) { goTo(url.substring(6)); } else { goTo(url); } } private LazyDomElement find(String selector) { selector = replacePlaceholders(selector); if (selector.startsWith("link=")) { return find("a").withText(selector.substring(5)); } By by; if (selector.startsWith("//")) { by = new By.ByXPath(selector); } else if (selector.startsWith("xpath=")) { by = new By.ByXPath(selector.substring(6)); } else if (selector.startsWith("id=")) { by = new By.ById(selector.substring(3)); } else { by = new ByCssSelectorOrByNameOrById(cleanUp(selector)); } return new LazyDomElement(driver, by); } private void click(String selector, String ignored) { find(selector).click(); } private void check(String selector, String ignored) { find(selector).check(); } private void selectFrame(final String id, String ignored) { if ("relative=parent".equals(id)) { //driver().switchTo().parentFrame(); } else { System.out.println(" - selectFrame(" + id + ")"); Retry._5_SECONDS.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { driver.switchTo().frame(id); } }); } } private String cleanUp(String selector) { if (selector.startsWith("name=")) { return selector.substring(5); } if (selector.startsWith("css=")) { return selector.substring(4); } if (selector.startsWith("id=")) { return "#" + selector.substring(3); } if (selector.startsWith("class=")) { return "." + selector.substring(6); } return selector; } private void type(String selector, String text) { find(selector).fill(replacePlaceholders(text)); } private void select(String selector, String text) { if (text.startsWith("label=")) { find(selector).select(text.substring(6)); } else { find(selector).select(text); } } private void assertElementPresent(String selector, String ignored) { find(selector).should().beDisplayed(); } private void assertElementNotPresent(String selector, String ignored) { find(selector).should().not().beDisplayed(); } private void storeText(String selector, String name) { find(selector).execute(new ExtractVariable(name)); } private void storeEval(String expression, String name) { String value = driver.executeScript("return " + expression).toString(); variables.put(name, value); } private class ExtractVariable implements Consumer { private final String name; ExtractVariable(String name) { = name; } @Override public void accept(WebElement webElement) { variables.put(name, webElement.getText()); } public String toString() { return "read value into " + name; } } private void assertText(String selector, String pattern) { pattern = replacePlaceholders(pattern); if (pattern.startsWith("exact:")) { String expectedText = pattern.substring(6); find(selector).withText(expectedText).should().exist(); return; } if (pattern.startsWith("regexp:")) { String expectedRegEx = pattern.replaceFirst("regexp:", ".*") + ".*"; find(selector).should().match(Pattern.compile(expectedRegEx, Pattern.DOTALL)); return; } find(selector).should().match(glob(pattern)); } private void assertNotText(String selector, String pattern) { pattern = replacePlaceholders(pattern); if (pattern.startsWith("exact:")) { String expectedText = pattern.substring(6); find(selector).withText(expectedText).should().not().exist(); return; } if (pattern.startsWith("regexp:")) { String expectedRegEx = pattern.replaceFirst("regexp:", ".*") + ".*"; find(selector).should().not().match(Pattern.compile(expectedRegEx, Pattern.DOTALL)); return; } find(selector).should().not().match(glob(pattern)); } private Pattern glob(String pattern) { String expectedGlob = pattern.replaceFirst("glob:", ""); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("([\\]\\[\\\\{\\}$\\(\\)\\|\\^\\+.])", "\\\\$1"); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\*", ".*"); expectedGlob = expectedGlob.replaceAll("\\?", "."); return Pattern.compile(expectedGlob, Pattern.DOTALL); } private void assertTextPresent(String text, String ignored) { find("html").should().contain(text); } private void assertTextNotPresent(String text, String ignored) { find("html").should().not().contain(text); } private void waitForElementPresent(String selector, String ignored) { find(selector).should().exist(); } private void waitForVisible(String selector, String ignored) { find(selector).should().beDisplayed(); } private void assertInputValue(String selector, String text) { find(selector).should().contain(text); } private void confirm(final String message, String ignored) { System.out.println(" - confirm(" + message + ")"); Retry._5_SECONDS.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert(); if (alert.getText().contains(message)) { alert.accept(); } } }); } private void assertLocation(String urlPattern, String ignored) { assertThat(driver.getCurrentUrl()).matches(glob(urlPattern)); } private String replacePlaceholders(String text) { for (Map.Entry entry : variables.entrySet()) { text = text.replace("${" + entry.getKey() + "}", entry.getValue()); } return text; } }