<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

  <description>Open source platform for continuous inspection of code quality</description>









    <argLine>-Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:MaxPermSize=160m</argLine>

    <!-- used for deployment to SonarSource Artifactory -->


      <!-- Plugins ordered by shortname (assembly, antrun ...) -->
              <!-- Workaround for http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-422 -->
              <!-- 420(dec) = 644(oct) -->
              <!-- 493(dec) = 755(oct) -->
          <!-- not thread safe -->
          <!-- declared to avoid enforcer error during SQ analysis when Clirr plugin installed -->
          Detection of conflicts in classpath.
          Command line is: mvn org.basepom.maven:duplicate-finder-maven-plugin:check
          See https://github.com/basepom/duplicate-finder-maven-plugin

                  <message>Build reproducibility : always define plugin versions</message>
                  <message>No SNAPSHOT versions allowed for dependencies</message>
                  <message>To build this project JDK ${jdk.min.version} (or upper) is required. Please install it.
                  <!-- See SONAR-2512 -->
                  <message>commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils should be used instead</message>
                  <message>Definition of new repositories is not allowed in order to deploy to central repository.
      Choosing a random timezone when executing tests allows to detect
      early the tests that are coupled with local environment.
                String[] timezones = new String[] {"GMT-9", "UTC", "GMT+9"};
                String testTimezone = timezones[new java.util.Random().nextInt(timezones.length)];
                project.getProperties().setProperty("testTimezone", testTimezone);
                logger.info("Timezone used for tests: " + testTimezone);
          <!-- see
          <preparationGoals>clean install</preparationGoals>
          <!-- SONAR-4189 -->
            See profile 'randomize-environment'

      <!-- SonarQube modules -->
            Provided at runtime by sonar-plugin-api.
            Do not use transitive version 4.1 but the current version.
          <!-- A banned dependency is bring because java-squid is using maven-project:2.07
          This exclusion should be removed when the plugin will no more used maven-project -->
          <!-- The mockito version of the Java plugin is not compatible with the mockito version used in SonarQube -->
            <!-- should be declared with scope provided -->
        <!-- See SONAR-2512 -->
        <!-- animal-sniffer doesn't work with 2.6.1 -->
            <!-- provided by Java 1.7 -->
          <!-- see SONAR-879 -->
        <!-- do not upgrade to 1.7.10, much slower at startup -->
          <!--  removing commons lang 2.1 and xerces-->

      <!-- tomcat -->

      <!-- Using scope=provided to exclude from all transitive dependencies -->


      <name>SonarQube users mailing list</name>



      <name>GNU LGPL 3</name>

  <!-- Developers information should not be removed as it's
  required for deployment -->

      <name>Fabrice Bellingard</name>
      <name>Dinesh Bolkensteyn</name>
      <name>David Gageot</name>
      <name>Eric Hartmann</name>
      <name>Freddy Mallet</name>
      <name>Evgeny Mandrikov</name>
      <name>Julien Henry</name>
      <name>Jean-Baptiste Lievremont</name>
      <name>Julien Lancelot</name>
      <name>Olivier Gaudin</name>
      <name>Simon Brandhof</name>
      <name>Sebastien Lesaint</name>
      <name>Stas Vilchik</name>
      <name>Teryk Bellahsene</name>

                      <message>To release this project JDK ${jdk.min.version} is required.


                    <fileset id="fileset" dir="${project.basedir}/src/main/protobuf">
                      <include name="*.proto" />
                    <pathconvert refid="fileset" property="protos" pathsep=" " />
                    <mkdir dir="${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/protobuf" />
                    <chmod file="${protobuf.compiler}" perm="u+x" />
                    <exec failonerror="true" executable="${protobuf.compiler}">
                      <arg value="--proto_path=${project.basedir}/src/main/protobuf" />
                      <arg value="--java_out=${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/protobuf" />
                      <arg line="${protos}" />
                    <fileset id="fileset" dir="${project.basedir}/src/test/protobuf">
                      <include name="*.proto" />
                    <pathconvert refid="fileset" property="protos" pathsep=" " />
                    <mkdir dir="${project.build.directory}/generated-test-sources/protobuf" />
                    <chmod file="${protobuf.compiler}" perm="u+x" />
                    <exec failonerror="true" executable="${protobuf.compiler}">
                      <arg value="--proto_path=${project.basedir}/src/test/protobuf" />
                      <arg value="--java_out=${project.build.directory}/generated-test-sources/protobuf" />
                      <arg line="${protos}" />

        <!-- This profile is active only when used from Eclipse m2e and is used only to store settings. -->
                        <ignore />
                        <ignore />
                        <ignore />
                        <ignore />


    The following profiles optimize the build for each team, according to their
     stack layers (batch, server and web teams)
      <!-- disable all tests -->



        <!-- the web team does not care about java tests -->

      <!-- add microbenchmarks module to IDE -->

      check if maven dependencies have vulnerabilities listed in CVE
      Standalone command: mvn org.owasp:dependency-check-maven:check
      See http://jeremylong.github.io/DependencyCheck

      <!-- integration, performance and upgrade tests -->
