#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################## # # Generates batch reports dumps of a specific project into a given dump repository # from the Git history of that project. # # This script runs the analysis of the project in the current directory of the N # last commits of the current project. N can be configured. # # Batch report dumps can be processed with the replay_batch.sh script # # ############################## set -euo pipefail function clean() { rm -Rf $BUILD_DIR } function createPrivateClone() { BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) BRANCH=${BRANCH##refs/heads/} BRANCH=${BRANCH:-HEAD} LOCATION=$(pwd) REPO_DIR=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) REPO_NAME=${REPO_DIR##*/} RELATIVE_PATH=${LOCATION#$REPO_DIR} # create temp directory and register trap to clean it on exit BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t ${REPO_NAME}.XXXXXXXX 2>/dev/null) trap "clean" INT TERM EXIT # Private build cd $REPO_DIR git clone --single-branch -slb "${BRANCH}" . ${BUILD_DIR} cd ${BUILD_DIR}${RELATIVE_PATH} } function showHelp() { echo "Usage: $0 -d DIR_PATH [ -l integer ] [ -h URL ] [ -u string ] [ -p string ] -d : path to directory where batch report bumpds will be created -l : number of commit in the past (optional: default is $HISTORY_LENGTH) -h : URL of the SQ instance (optional: default is $SONAR_HOST) -u : username to authentication on the SQ instance (optional: default is $SONAR_USER) -p : password to authentication on the SQ instance (optional: default is $SONAR_USER)" } function checkOptions() { if [[ -z "$DUMP_DIR" ]]; then >&2 echo "-d option is mandatory" showHelp exit 1 fi } DUMP_DIR="" HISTORY_LENGTH=30 SONAR_HOST="http://localhost:9000" SONAR_USER="admin" SONAR_PASSWORD="admin" SONAR_JDBC_URL="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sonar" SONAR_JDBC_USERNAME="sonar" SONAR_JDBC_PASSWORD="sonar" while getopts ":d:l:h:u:p:" opt; do case "$opt" in d) DUMP_DIR=$OPTARG ;; l) HISTORY_LENGTH=$OPTARG ;; h) SONAR_HOST=$OPTARG ;; u) SONAR_USER=$OPTARG ;; p) SONAR_PASSWORD=$OPTARG ;; :) >&2 echo "option $OPTARG requires an argument" showHelp exit 1 ;; \?) >&2 echo "Unsupported option $OPTARG" showHelp exit 1 ;; esac done checkOptions createPrivateClone # retrieve ${HISTORY_LENGTH} commits for the current directory git log -${HISTORY_LENGTH} --pretty=%h -- . | tac > /tmp/sha1s.txt git co -b working_branch while read sha1; do echo $sha1 git reset --hard $sha1 date=`git show -s --format=%ci | sed 's/ /T/' | sed 's/ //'` echo "" echo "======================== analyzing at $date ($sha1) =======================================" $M2_HOME/bin/mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.host.url=$SONAR_HOST -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_USER -Dsonar.password=$SONAR_PASSWORD -Dsonar.analysis.mode=analysis -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable= -Dsonar.issuesReport.console.enable= -Dsonar.jdbc.url=$SONAR_JDBC_URL -Dsonar.jdbc.username=$SONAR_JDBC_USERNAME -Dsonar.jdbc.password=$SONAR_JDBC_PASSWORD -Dsonar.batch.dumpReportDir=$DUMP_DIR -Dsonar.projectDate=$date done < /tmp/sha1s.txt