#!/bin/bash ############################### # usage: logs.sh [ -l ARG ] [ -n ARG ] # -l ARG: name of log file to display. # valid values are 'all', 'sonar', 'web', 'ce' and 'es' (case insensitive). # default value is 'all'. # -n ARG: number of log line to display. Value is passed to n option of tail. # default value is 25 ############################### set -euo pipefail DEFAULT_LOG="all" DEFAULT_LINES="25" LOGS="sonar web ce es" function toLower() { echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' } function checkLogArgument() { local logArg="$1" local lowerLogArg=$(toLower $logArg) if [ "$lowerLogArg" == "$DEFAULT_LOG" ]; then return fi for t in $LOGS; do if [ "$lowerLogArg" == "$t" ]; then return fi done echo "Unsupported -l argument $logArg" exit 1 } function buildTailArgs() { local logArg=$(toLower $logArg) local logLines="$2" local res="" for t in $LOGS; do if [ "$logArg" == "$DEFAULT_LOG" ] || [ "$logArg" == "$t" ]; then res="$res -Fn $logLines $SQ_HOME/logs/$t.log" fi done echo "$res" } function doTail() { local logArg="$1" local logLines="${2:-"$DEFAULT_LINES"}" TAIL_ARG=$(buildTailArgs "$logArg" "$logLines") tail $TAIL_ARG } # check the script was called to avoid execute when script is only sourced script_name=$(basename "$0") if [ "$script_name" == "logs.sh" ]; then LOG="$DEFAULT_LOG" LINES="$DEFAULT_LINES" while getopts ":l:n:" opt; do case "$opt" in l) LOG=${OPTARG:=$DEFAULT_LOG} ;; n) LINES=${OPTARG:=$DEFAULT_LINES} ;; \?) echo "Unsupported option $OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done checkLogArgument "$LOG" ROOT=$(pwd) cd sonar-application/target/sonarqube-* SQ_HOME=$(pwd) cd "$ROOT" doTail "$LOG" "$LINES" fi