sonarqube { properties { property 'sonar.projectName', "${projectTitle} :: Database Migration" } } dependencies { // please keep the list grouped by configuration and ordered by name compile project(':server:sonar-db-core') compile project(':sonar-core') compileOnly '' testCompile '' testCompile '' testCompile 'junit:junit' testCompile 'org.assertj:assertj-core' testCompile 'org.dbunit:dbunit' testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core' testCompile project(':sonar-testing-harness') testCompile project(':server:sonar-db-core').sourceSets.test.output testRuntime 'com.h2database:h2' testRuntime '' testRuntime '' testRuntime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java' testRuntime 'org.postgresql:postgresql' } test { systemProperty 'orchestrator.configUrl', System.getProperty('orchestrator.configUrl') } artifactoryPublish.skip = false // Used by core plugins publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from if (release) { artifact sourcesJar artifact javadocJar pom.withXml { asNode().appendNode('description', description) asNode().children().last() + pomConfig } } } } }