import java.util.regex.Matcher import java.util.regex.Pattern Pattern PLUGIN_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(sonar-.*-plugin)(.*)") /** * This module is building the zip file containing the static web site */ sonarqube { skipProject = true } group = 'com.sonarsource.sonarqube' configurations { bundledPlugin { transitive = false } } // loads the bundled_plugins.gradle of each edition // (they will all add there own bundled plugins to the bundledPlugin dependency configuration) apply from: new File(rootDir, 'sonar-application/bundled_plugins.gradle') File closeSourceDir = new File(rootDir, 'private'); if (closeSourceDir.exists()) { apply from: new File(closeSourceDir, 'edition-developer/bundled_plugins.gradle') apply from: new File(closeSourceDir, 'edition-enterprise/bundled_plugins.gradle') apply from: new File(closeSourceDir, 'edition-datacenter/bundled_plugins.gradle') } task extractAnalyzerDocFiles { doLast { configurations.bundledPlugin.files.each { File file = it copy { from(zipTree(file).matching { include 'static/' }) { eachFile { fcd -> Matcher m = PLUGIN_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(file.getName()) if (m.find()) { fcd.relativePath = new RelativePath(true, + '.md') } } includeEmptyDirs = false } into "$buildDir/tmp/plugin-documentation/" } } } } yarn_run { def docsVersion = version.split("[.-]").take(2).join('.') environment = [ GATSBY_DOCS_VERSION: docsVersion ]'version', docsVersion) inputs.dir('src').withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) ['gatsby-config.js', 'gatsby-node.js', 'package.json', 'yarn.lock', 'tsconfig.json'].each { inputs.file(it).withPathSensitivity(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) } outputs.dir('public') outputs.cacheIf { true } args = ['build'] } // To clean outputs outside of "build" directory: clean.dependsOn(cleanYarn_run) "yarn_validate-ci" { // Note that outputs are not relocatable, because contain absolute paths, and that's why inputs are not relativized ['config', 'src'].each { inputs.dir(it) } ['package.json', 'yarn.lock', 'tsconfig.json', '.eslintrc'].each { inputs.file(it) } outputs.file('eslint-report.json') outputs.dir('coverage') outputs.cacheIf { true } dependsOn(yarn) } task zip(type: Zip) { def archiveDir = "$version" duplicatesStrategy DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE baseName "sonar-docs" into("${archiveDir}") { from tasks.getByName('yarn_run').outputs } } zip.dependsOn yarn_run assemble.dependsOn zip, extractAnalyzerDocFiles publishing { publications { docs(MavenPublication) { artifactId 'sonar-docs' artifact zip } } } artifactory { publish { contextUrl = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_URL') repository { repoKey = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_REPO_PRIVATE') username = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_USERNAME_PRIVATE') password = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_PASSWORD_PRIVATE') } } } artifactoryPublish { skip = false publishPom = false publications( }