/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2019 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import * as React from 'react'; import lunr, { LunrIndex, LunrBuilder, LunrToken, LunrMatch } from 'lunr'; import { sortBy } from 'lodash'; import ClearIcon from './icons/ClearIcon'; import { getUrlsList } from './navTreeUtils'; import { getMarkdownRemarkUrl, getMarkdownRemarkTitle, isDefined } from './utils'; import { MarkdownRemark } from '../@types/graphql-types'; import { DocNavigationItem, SearchResult } from '../@types/types'; interface Props { navigation: DocNavigationItem[]; onResultsChange: (results: SearchResult[], query: string) => void; pages: MarkdownRemark[]; } interface State { value: string; } export default class Search extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> { index?: LunrIndex; input?: HTMLInputElement | null; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { value: '' }; this.index = lunr(function() { this.use(tokenContextPlugin); this.ref('id'); this.field('title', { boost: 10 }); this.field('text'); this.metadataWhitelist = ['position', 'tokenContext']; props.pages .filter(page => getUrlsList(props.navigation).includes(getMarkdownRemarkUrl(page) || '')) .forEach(page => { if (page.html) { this.add({ id: page.id, text: page.html.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '').replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''), title: getMarkdownRemarkTitle(page) }); } }); }); } getFormattedResults = (query: string, results: LunrMatch[]) => { const formattedResults: SearchResult[] = results .map(match => { const page = this.props.pages.find(page => page.id === match.ref); if (!page) { return undefined; } const highlights: { [field: string]: [number, number][] } = {}; let longestTerm = ''; let exactMatch = false; // Loop over all matching terms/tokens. Object.keys(match.matchData.metadata).forEach(term => { // Remember the longest term that matches the query as close as possible. if (query.includes(term.toLowerCase()) && longestTerm.length < term.length) { longestTerm = term; } Object.keys(match.matchData.metadata[term]).forEach(fieldName => { const { position: positions, tokenContext: tokenContexts } = match.matchData.metadata[ term ][fieldName]; highlights[fieldName] = [...(highlights[fieldName] || []), ...positions]; // Check if we have an *exact match*. if (!exactMatch && tokenContexts) { tokenContexts.forEach((tokenContext: string) => { if (!exactMatch && tokenContext.includes(query)) { exactMatch = true; } }); } }); }); return { page: { id: page.id, text: (page.html || '') .replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '') .replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, ''), title: getMarkdownRemarkTitle(page) || '', url: getMarkdownRemarkUrl(page) || '' }, exactMatch, highlights, query, longestTerm }; }) .filter(isDefined); // Re-order results by the length of the longest matched term and by exact // match (if applicable). The longer the matched term is, the higher the // chance the result is more relevant. return sortBy( // Sort by longest term. sortBy(formattedResults, result => -result.longestTerm.length), // Sort by exact match. result => result.exactMatch && -1 ); }; handleClear = () => { this.setState({ value: '' }); this.props.onResultsChange([], ''); if (this.input) { this.input.focus(); } }; handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const { value } = event.currentTarget; this.setState({ value }); if (value !== '' && this.index) { const results = this.getFormattedResults( value, this.index.search( value .split(/\s+/) .map(s => `${s}~1 ${s}*`) .join(' ') ) ); this.props.onResultsChange(results, value); } else { this.props.onResultsChange([], value); } }; render() { return ( <div className="search-container"> <input aria-label="Search" className="search-input" onChange={this.handleChange} placeholder="Search..." ref={node => (this.input = node)} type="search" value={this.state.value} /> {this.state.value && ( <button onClick={this.handleClear} type="button"> <ClearIcon size={8} /> </button> )} </div> ); } } // Lunr doesn't support exact multiple-term matching. Meaning "foo bar" will not // boost a sentence like "Foo bar baz" more than "Baz bar foo". In order to // provide more accurate results, we store the token context, to see if we can // perform an "exact match". Unfortunately, we cannot extend the search logic, // only the tokenizer at *index time*. This is why we store the context as // meta-data, and post-process the matches before rendering (see above). For // performance reasons, we only add 2 extra tokens, one in front, one after. // This means we support "exact macthing" for up to 3 terms. More search terms // would fallback to the regular matching algorithm, which is OK: the more terms // searched for, the better the standard algorithm will perform anyway. In the // end, the best would be for Lunr to support multi-term matching, as extending // the search algorithm for this would be way too complicated. function tokenContextPlugin(builder: LunrBuilder) { const label = 'tokenContext'; const pipelineFunction = (token: LunrToken, index: number, tokens: LunrToken[]) => { const prevToken = tokens[index - 1] || ''; const nextToken = tokens[index + 1] || ''; token.metadata[label] = [prevToken.toString(), token.toString(), nextToken.toString()] .filter(s => s.length) .join(' ') .toLowerCase(); return token; }; if (label in (lunr as any).Pipeline.registeredFunctions) { return; } (lunr as any).Pipeline.registerFunction(pipelineFunction, label); builder.pipeline.before((lunr as any).stemmer, pipelineFunction); builder.metadataWhitelist.push(label); }