--- title: Go url: /analysis/languages/go/ --- ## Prerequisites * SonarQube Scanner should run on a x86-64 Windows, macOS or Linux 64bits machine * You need the [Go](https://golang.org/) installation on the scan machine only if you want to import coverage data ## Language-Specific Properties You can discover and update the Go-specific [properties](/analysis/analysis-parameters/) in: Project **[Administration > General Settings > Go](/#sonarqube-admin#/admin/settings?category=go)** ## "sonar-project.properties" Sample Here is a good first version of a `sonar-project.properties`, correctly excluding "vendor" directories and categorizing files as "main" or "test": ``` sonar.projectKey=com.company.projectkey1 sonar.projectName=My Project Name sonar.sources=. sonar.exclusions=**/*_test.go,**/vendor/** sonar.tests=. sonar.test.inclusions=**/*_test.go sonar.test.exclusions=**/vendor/** ``` ## Related Pages * [Test Coverage & Execution](/analysis/coverage/) * [Importing External Issues](/analysis/external-issues/) (GoVet, GoLint, GoMetaLinter)