title: Pull Request Analysis
url: /analysis/pull-request/
_Pull Request analysis is available as part of [Developer Edition](https://redirect.sonarsource.com/editions/developer.html) and [above](https://www.sonarsource.com/plans-and-pricing/)._
Pull Requests (PRs) are visible in {instance} from the branches and pull requests dropdown menu of your project.
PR analysis allows you to:
* see your PR's Quality Gate status in the {instance} UI.
* automatically decorate your PRs with {instance} issues in your SCM provider's interface.
## Quality Gate
The PR quality gate:
* **Focuses on new code** – The PR quality gate only uses your project's quality gate conditions that apply to "on New Code" metrics.
* **Assigns a status** – Each PR shows a quality gate status reflecting whether it Passed (green) or Failed (red).
When PR decoration is enabled, {instance} publishes the status of the analysis (Quality Gate) on the PR.
PR analyses on {instance} are deleted automatically after 30 days with no analysis. This can be updated in **Configuration > General > Number of days before purging inactive short living branches**.
## Integrations for GitHub, Bitbucket Cloud and Azure DevOps
If your repositories are hosted on GitHub, Bitbucket Cloud or Azure DevOps, check out first the dedicated Integrations for: [BitBucketCloud](/integrations/bitbucketcloud/), [GitHub](/integrations/github/), and [Azure DevOps](/integrations/vsts/). Chances are that you do not need to read this page further since those integrations handle the configuration and analysis parameters for you.
## Analysis Parameters
### Pull Request Analysis in {instance}
These parameters enable PR analysis:
| Parameter Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------ |
| `sonar.pullrequest.key` | Unique identifier of your PR. Must correspond to the key of the PR in GitHub or TFS.
E.G.: `sonar.pullrequest.key=5` |
| `sonar.pullrequest.branch` | The name of the branch that contains the changes to be merged.
Ex: `sonar.pullrequest.branch=feature/my-new-feature`|
| `sonar.pullrequest.base` | The long-lived branch into which the PR will be merged.
Default: master
E.G.: `sonar.pullrequest.base=master`|
### Pull Request Decoration
To activate PR decoration, you need to:
* (For GitHub Enterprise) Specify your pull request provider, create a GitHub App and configure your SonarQube instance, and set your GitHub parameters.
* (For Azure DevOps and Bitbucket) Specify your pull request provider and set an authentication token/personal access token.
#### Specifying Your Pull Request Provider
| Parameter Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------ |
| `sonar.pullrequest.provider` | `github` or `vsts` or `bitbucketcloud`. This is the name of the system managing your PR. In Azure DevOps, when the {instance} Extension for Azure DevOps is used, `sonar.pullrequest.provider` is automatically populated with "vsts". Same on GitHub if you are using the Travis CI Add-on, and on Bitbucket Cloud if you are building with Bitbucket Pipelines.|
Note: if you were relying on the GitHub Plugin, its properties are no longer required and they must be removed from your configuration: `sonar.analysis.mode`, `sonar.github.repository`, `sonar.github.pullRequest`, `sonar.github.oauth`.
#### Creating Your GitHub App
To add PR decoration to Checks in GitHub Enterprise, an instance administrator needs to create a GitHub App and configure your SonarQube instance. See [GitHub Enterprise Integration](/instance-administration/github-application/) for more information.
#### Setting Your GitHub Parameters
| Parameter Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------ |
| `sonar.pullrequest.github.repository` | SLUG of the GitHub Repo |
#### Setting Your Authentication Token/Personal Access Token
If you are using Azure DevOps or Bitbucket, you need to configure the authentication token/personal access token that will be used by {instance} to decorate the PRs. This can be configured in **Administration > General Settings > Pull Requests > VSTS > Personal access token**.
#### Bitbucket Cloud Parameters
| Parameter Name | Description | Example value |
| --------------------- | ------------------ |------------------ |
| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketcloud.repository` | UUID of the Bitbucket Cloud Repo | `{d2615dd4-550d-43e5-80c4-665f951e5d6e}` |
| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketcloud.owner` | UUID of the Bitbucket Cloud Owner | `{4f9fd128-1b08-49ec-bf2c-f094163cff4d}` |
#### Bitbucket Server Parameters
| Parameter Name | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------ |
| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketserver.serverUrl` | The base URL for your Bitbucket Server instance. Usually defined in global server settings.
Ex.: `https://bitbucket.company.com/` |
| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketserver.project` | Bitbucket project key. Can be set in project settings, or passed through scanner properties.
Ex.: `MYPRJ` |
| `sonar.pullrequest.bitbucketserver.repository` | SLUG of the Bitbucket repository. Can be set in project settings, or passed through scanner properties.
Ex.: `my-repo` |
#### Issue links
During pull request decoration, individual issues will be linked to their SonarQube counterparts automatically. However, for this to work correctly, the instance's **Server base URL** (**[Administration > General](/#sonarqube-admin#/admin/settings)**) must be set correctly. Otherwise the links will default to `localhost`.