--- title: Managing Applications url: /project-administration/managing-applications/ --- *Applications are available starting in [Developer Edition](https://redirect.sonarsource.com/editions/developer.html).* ## Permissions ### Creating Applications Both users with the Create Applications permission and global administrators can create Applications: * **Create Applications permission** – Users with the Create Applications permission (granted at the global level at **Administration > Security > Global Permissions**) can create Applications by clicking the **Create Application** button in the upper-right corner of the Projects homepage. * **Global Administrators** – In addition to creating Applications from the Projects homepage, global administrators (with the global Administer System permission granted at [**Administration > Security > Global Permissions**](/#sonarqube-admin#/admin/permissions)) can create Applications from the overall Portfolio administration interface at **Administration > Configuration > Portfolios**. ### Editing Applications Users need to have either **Administer** permissions for any Applications that they want to edit (set on the specific Application's page at **Application Settings > Permissions**) or the global **Administer System** permission. [[info]] | Users with **Administer** permissions for an Application can see the list of projects that make up the Application even if they don't have browse permissions for those projects. ## Populating Applications Once your Application exists, you can populate it with manually-selected projects. By default, the configuration interface shows the list of projects currently selected for the application. To add additional projects, choose the "Unselected" or "All" filter. ## Creating Application Branches Once your Application is populated with projects, you can create application branches by choosing branches from the Application's component projects. This option is available in the Application's **Application Settings > Edit Definition** interface, or from the global administration interface. ## Calculation By default, Applications are queued to be recalculated after each analysis of an included project. For each relevant Application, a “Background Task” is created, and you can follow the progress on each in the **[Administration > Projects > Background Tasks](/#sonarqube-admin#/admin/background_tasks)** by looking at the logs available for each item. ## Reindexing During Elasticsearch reindexing due to disaster recovery or upgrading, Applications become available as they are indexed.