* SonarQube
* Copyright (C) 2009-2019 SonarSource SA
* mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package org.sonar.application;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent;
import ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender;
import ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender;
import org.sonar.application.config.AppSettings;
import org.sonar.application.process.StreamGobbler;
import org.sonar.process.ProcessId;
import org.sonar.process.logging.LogLevelConfig;
import org.sonar.process.logging.LogbackHelper;
import org.sonar.process.logging.RootLoggerConfig;
import static org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME;
import static org.sonar.application.process.StreamGobbler.LOGGER_GOBBLER;
import static org.sonar.process.logging.RootLoggerConfig.newRootLoggerConfigBuilder;
* Configure logback for the APP process.
* SonarQube's logging use cases:
* -
* SQ started as a background process (with {@code sonar.sh start}):
* -
* logs produced by the JVM before logback is setup in the APP JVM or which can't be caught by logback
* (such as JVM crash) must be written to sonar.log
* -
* logs produced by the sub process JVMs before logback is setup in the subprocess JVMs or which can't be caught
* by logback (such as JVM crash) must be written to sonar.log
* - each JVM writes its own logs into its dedicated file
* -
* SQ started in console with wrapper (ie. with {@code sonar.sh console}):
* -
* logs produced by the APP JVM before logback is setup in the APP JVM or which can't be caught by logback
* (such as JVM crash) must be written to sonar.log
* -
* logs produced by the sub process JVMs before logback is setup in the subprocess JVMs or which can't be caught
* by logback (such as JVM crash) must be written to sonar.log
* - each JVM writes its own logs into its dedicated file
* - APP JVM logs are written to the APP JVM {@code System.out}
* -
* SQ started from command line (ie. {@code java -jar sonar-application-X.Y.jar}):
* -
* logs produced by the APP JVM before logback is setup in the APP JVM or which can't be caught by logback
* (such as JVM crash) are the responsibility of the user to be dealt with
* -
* logs produced by the sub process JVMs before logback is setup in the subprocess JVMs or which can't be caught
* by logback (such as JVM crash) must be written to APP's {@code System.out}
* - each JVM writes its own logs into its dedicated file
* - APP JVM logs are written to the APP JVM {@code System.out}
* -
* SQ started from an IT (ie. from command line with {@code option -Dsonar.log.console=true}):
* -
* logs produced by the APP JVM before logback is setup in the APP JVM or which can't be caught by logback
* (such as JVM crash) are the responsibility of the developer or maven to be dealt with
* -
* logs produced by the sub process JVMs before logback is setup in the subprocess JVMs or which can't be caught
* by logback (such as JVM crash) must be written to APP's {@code System.out} and are the responsibility of the
* developer or maven to be dealt with
* - each JVM writes its own logs into its dedicated file
* - logs of all 4 JVMs are also written to the APP JVM {@code System.out}
public class AppLogging {
private static final String CONSOLE_LOGGER = "console";
private static final String CONSOLE_PLAIN_APPENDER = "CONSOLE";
private static final String APP_CONSOLE_APPENDER = "APP_CONSOLE";
private static final String GOBBLER_PLAIN_CONSOLE = "GOBBLER_CONSOLE";
private static final RootLoggerConfig APP_ROOT_LOGGER_CONFIG = newRootLoggerConfigBuilder()
private final LogbackHelper helper = new LogbackHelper();
private final AppSettings appSettings;
public AppLogging(AppSettings appSettings) {
this.appSettings = appSettings;
public LoggerContext configure() {
LoggerContext ctx = helper.getRootContext();
if (helper.isAllLogsToConsoleEnabled(appSettings.getProps()) || !appSettings.getProps().valueAsBoolean("sonar.wrapped", false)) {
} else {
return ctx;
* Creates a non additive logger dedicated to printing message as is (ie. assuming they are already formatted).
* It creates a dedicated appender to the System.out which applies no formatting the logs it receives.
private void configureConsole(LoggerContext loggerContext) {
ConsoleAppender consoleAppender = helper.newConsoleAppender(loggerContext, CONSOLE_PLAIN_APPENDER, "%msg%n");
Logger consoleLogger = loggerContext.getLogger(CONSOLE_LOGGER);
* The process has been started by orchestrator (ie. via {@code java -jar} and optionally passing the option {@code -Dsonar.log.console=true}).
* Therefor, APP's System.out (and System.err) are not copied to sonar.log by the wrapper and
* printing to sonar.log must be done at logback level.
private void configureWithLogbackWritingToFile(LoggerContext ctx) {
// configure all logs (ie. root logger) to be written to sonar.log and also to the console with formatting
// in practice, this will be only APP's own logs as logs from sub processes LOGGER_GOBBLER and LOGGER_GOBBLER
// is configured below to be detached from root
// so, this will make all APP's log to be both written to sonar.log and visible in the console
// if option -Dsonar.log.console=true has been set, sub processes will write their logs to their own files but also
// copy them to their System.out.
// otherwise, the only logs to be expected in LOGGER_GOBBLER are those before logback is setup in subprocesses or
// when their JVM crashes
// they must be printed to App's System.out as is (as they are already formatted)
// logger is configured to be non additive as we don't want these logs to be written to sonar.log and duplicated in
// the console (with an incorrect formatting)
* SQ has been started by the wrapper (ie. with sonar.sh) therefor, APP's System.out (and System.err) are written to
* sonar.log by the wrapper.
private void configureWithWrapperWritingToFile(LoggerContext ctx) {
// configure all logs (ie. root logger) to be written to console with formatting
// in practice, this will be only APP's own logs as logs from sub processes are written to LOGGER_GOBBLER and
// LOGGER_GOBBLER is configured below to be detached from root
// logs are written to the console because we want them to be in sonar.log and the wrapper will write any log
// from APP's System.out and System.err to sonar.log
Logger rootLogger = ctx.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
rootLogger.addAppender(createAppConsoleAppender(ctx, helper.buildLogPattern(APP_ROOT_LOGGER_CONFIG)));
// in regular configuration, sub processes are not copying their logs to their System.out, so, the only logs to be
// expected in LOGGER_GOBBLER are those before logback is setup in subprocesses or when JVM crashes
// so, they must be printed to App's System.out as is (as they are already formatted) and the wrapper will write
// them to sonar.log
// logger is configured to be non additive as we don't want these logs written to sonar.log and duplicated in the
// console with an incorrect formatting
private void configureRootWithLogbackWritingToFile(LoggerContext ctx) {
Logger rootLogger = ctx.getLogger(ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
String appLogPattern = helper.buildLogPattern(APP_ROOT_LOGGER_CONFIG);
FileAppender fileAppender = helper.newFileAppender(ctx, appSettings.getProps(), APP_ROOT_LOGGER_CONFIG, appLogPattern);
rootLogger.addAppender(createAppConsoleAppender(ctx, appLogPattern));
* Configure the logger to which logs from sub processes are written to
* (called {@link StreamGobbler#LOGGER_GOBBLER}) by {@link StreamGobbler},
* to be:
* - non additive (ie. these logs will be output by the appender of {@link StreamGobbler#LOGGER_GOBBLER} and only this one)
* - write logs as is (ie. without any extra formatting)
* - write exclusively to App's System.out
private void configureGobbler(LoggerContext ctx) {
Logger gobblerLogger = ctx.getLogger(LOGGER_GOBBLER);
gobblerLogger.addAppender(helper.newConsoleAppender(ctx, GOBBLER_PLAIN_CONSOLE, "%msg%n"));
private ConsoleAppender createAppConsoleAppender(LoggerContext ctx, String appLogPattern) {
return helper.newConsoleAppender(ctx, APP_CONSOLE_APPENDER, appLogPattern);