/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2024 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * Positioning rules: * - Bottom = below the block, horizontally centered * - BottomLeft = below the block, horizontally left-aligned * - BottomRight = below the block, horizontally right-aligned * - Left = Left of the block, vertically centered * - LeftTop = on the left-side of the block, vertically top-aligned * - LeftBottom = on the left-side of the block, vertically bottom-aligned * - Right = Right of the block, vertically centered * - RightTop = on the right-side of the block, vertically top-aligned * - RightBottom = on the right-side of the block, vetically bottom-aligned * - Top = above the block, horizontally centered * - TopLeft = above the block, horizontally left-aligned * - TopRight = above the block, horizontally right-aligned */ export enum PopupPlacement { Bottom = 'bottom', BottomLeft = 'bottom-left', BottomRight = 'bottom-right', Left = 'left', LeftTop = 'left-top', LeftBottom = 'left-bottom', Right = 'right', RightTop = 'right-top', RightBottom = 'right-bottom', Top = 'top', TopLeft = 'top-left', TopRight = 'top-right', } export enum PopupZLevel { Content = 'content', Default = 'popup', Global = 'global', Absolute = 'absolute', } export type BasePlacement = Extract< PopupPlacement, PopupPlacement.Bottom | PopupPlacement.Top | PopupPlacement.Left | PopupPlacement.Right >; export const PLACEMENT_FLIP_MAP: { [key in PopupPlacement]: PopupPlacement } = { [PopupPlacement.Left]: PopupPlacement.Right, [PopupPlacement.LeftBottom]: PopupPlacement.RightBottom, [PopupPlacement.LeftTop]: PopupPlacement.RightTop, [PopupPlacement.Right]: PopupPlacement.Left, [PopupPlacement.RightBottom]: PopupPlacement.LeftBottom, [PopupPlacement.RightTop]: PopupPlacement.LeftTop, [PopupPlacement.Top]: PopupPlacement.Bottom, [PopupPlacement.TopLeft]: PopupPlacement.BottomLeft, [PopupPlacement.TopRight]: PopupPlacement.BottomRight, [PopupPlacement.Bottom]: PopupPlacement.Top, [PopupPlacement.BottomLeft]: PopupPlacement.TopLeft, [PopupPlacement.BottomRight]: PopupPlacement.TopRight, }; const MARGIN_TO_EDGE = 4; export function popupPositioning( toggleNode: Element, popupNode: Element, placement: PopupPlacement = PopupPlacement.Bottom, ) { const toggleRect = toggleNode.getBoundingClientRect(); const popupRect = popupNode.getBoundingClientRect(); let { left, top } = toggleRect; switch (placement) { case PopupPlacement.Bottom: left += toggleRect.width / 2 - popupRect.width / 2; top += toggleRect.height; break; case PopupPlacement.BottomLeft: top += toggleRect.height; break; case PopupPlacement.BottomRight: left += toggleRect.width - popupRect.width; top += toggleRect.height; break; case PopupPlacement.Left: left -= popupRect.width; top += toggleRect.height / 2 - popupRect.height / 2; break; case PopupPlacement.LeftTop: left -= popupRect.width; break; case PopupPlacement.LeftBottom: left -= popupRect.width; top += toggleRect.height - popupRect.height; break; case PopupPlacement.Right: left += toggleRect.width; top += toggleRect.height / 2 - popupRect.height / 2; break; case PopupPlacement.RightTop: left += toggleRect.width; break; case PopupPlacement.RightBottom: left += toggleRect.width; top += toggleRect.height - popupRect.height; break; case PopupPlacement.Top: left += toggleRect.width / 2 - popupRect.width / 2; top -= popupRect.height; break; case PopupPlacement.TopLeft: top -= popupRect.height; break; case PopupPlacement.TopRight: left += toggleRect.width - popupRect.width; top -= popupRect.height; break; } const inBoundariesLeft = Math.min( Math.max(left, getMinLeftPlacement(toggleRect)), getMaxLeftPlacement(toggleRect, popupRect), ); const inBoundariesTop = Math.min( Math.max(top, getMinTopPlacement(toggleRect)), getMaxTopPlacement(toggleRect, popupRect), ); return { height: popupRect.height, left: inBoundariesLeft, leftFix: inBoundariesLeft - left, top: inBoundariesTop, topFix: inBoundariesTop - top, width: popupRect.width, }; } function getMinLeftPlacement(toggleRect: DOMRect) { return Math.min( MARGIN_TO_EDGE, // Left edge of the sceen toggleRect.left + toggleRect.width / 2, // Left edge of the screen when scrolled ); } function getMaxLeftPlacement(toggleRect: DOMRect, popupRect: DOMRect) { return Math.max( document.documentElement.clientWidth - popupRect.width - MARGIN_TO_EDGE, // Right edge of the screen toggleRect.left + toggleRect.width / 2 - popupRect.width, // Right edge of the screen when scrolled ); } function getMinTopPlacement(toggleRect: DOMRect) { return Math.min( MARGIN_TO_EDGE, // Top edge of the sceen toggleRect.top + toggleRect.height / 2, // Top edge of the screen when scrolled ); } function getMaxTopPlacement(toggleRect: DOMRect, popupRect: DOMRect) { return Math.max( document.documentElement.clientHeight - popupRect.height - MARGIN_TO_EDGE, // Bottom edge of the screen toggleRect.top + toggleRect.height / 2 - popupRect.height, // Bottom edge of the screen when scrolled ); }