/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { throwGlobalError } from '../helpers/error'; import { get, getJSON, parseError, post, postJSON } from '../helpers/request'; import { AzureProject, AzureRepository, BitbucketCloudRepository, BitbucketProject, BitbucketRepository, GithubOrganization, GithubRepository, GitlabProject, } from '../types/alm-integration'; import { Paging } from '../types/types'; import { ProjectBase } from './components'; export function setAlmPersonalAccessToken( almSetting: string, pat: string, username?: string ): Promise { return post('/api/alm_integrations/set_pat', { almSetting, pat, username }).catch( throwGlobalError ); } export function checkPersonalAccessTokenIsValid( almSetting: string ): Promise<{ status: boolean; error?: string }> { return get('/api/alm_integrations/check_pat', { almSetting }) .then(() => ({ status: true })) .catch(async (response: Response) => { if (response.status === 400) { const error = await parseError(response); return { status: false, error }; } return throwGlobalError(response); }); } export function getAzureProjects(almSetting: string): Promise<{ projects: AzureProject[] }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/list_azure_projects', { almSetting }).catch( throwGlobalError ); } export function getAzureRepositories( almSetting: string, projectName: string ): Promise<{ repositories: AzureRepository[] }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/search_azure_repos', { almSetting, projectName }).catch( throwGlobalError ); } export function searchAzureRepositories( almSetting: string, searchQuery: string ): Promise<{ repositories: AzureRepository[] }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/search_azure_repos', { almSetting, searchQuery }).catch( throwGlobalError ); } export function importAzureRepository( almSetting: string, projectName: string, repositoryName: string ): Promise<{ project: ProjectBase }> { return postJSON('/api/alm_integrations/import_azure_project', { almSetting, projectName, repositoryName, }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function getBitbucketServerProjects( almSetting: string ): Promise<{ projects: BitbucketProject[] }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/list_bitbucketserver_projects', { almSetting }); } export function getBitbucketServerRepositories( almSetting: string, projectName: string ): Promise<{ isLastPage: boolean; repositories: BitbucketRepository[]; }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/search_bitbucketserver_repos', { almSetting, projectName, }); } export function importBitbucketServerProject( almSetting: string, projectKey: string, repositorySlug: string ): Promise<{ project: ProjectBase }> { return postJSON('/api/alm_integrations/import_bitbucketserver_project', { almSetting, projectKey, repositorySlug, }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function searchForBitbucketServerRepositories( almSetting: string, repositoryName: string ): Promise<{ isLastPage: boolean; repositories: BitbucketRepository[]; }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/search_bitbucketserver_repos', { almSetting, repositoryName, }); } export function searchForBitbucketCloudRepositories( almSetting: string, repositoryName: string, pageSize: number, page?: number ): Promise<{ isLastPage: boolean; repositories: BitbucketCloudRepository[]; }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/search_bitbucketcloud_repos', { almSetting, repositoryName, p: page, ps: pageSize, }); } export function getGithubClientId(almSetting: string): Promise<{ clientId?: string }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/get_github_client_id', { almSetting }); } export function importBitbucketCloudRepository( almSetting: string, repositorySlug: string ): Promise<{ project: ProjectBase }> { return postJSON('/api/alm_integrations/import_bitbucketcloud_repo', { almSetting, repositorySlug, }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function importGithubRepository( almSetting: string, organization: string, repositoryKey: string ): Promise<{ project: ProjectBase }> { return postJSON('/api/alm_integrations/import_github_project', { almSetting, organization, repositoryKey, }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function getGithubOrganizations( almSetting: string, token: string ): Promise<{ organizations: GithubOrganization[] }> { return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/list_github_organizations', { almSetting, token, }).catch((response?: Response) => { if (response && response.status !== 400) { throwGlobalError(response); } }); } export function getGithubRepositories(data: { almSetting: string; organization: string; pageSize: number; page?: number; query?: string; }): Promise<{ repositories: GithubRepository[]; paging: Paging }> { const { almSetting, organization, pageSize, page = 1, query } = data; return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/list_github_repositories', { almSetting, organization, p: page, ps: pageSize, q: query || undefined, }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function getGitlabProjects(data: { almSetting: string; page?: number; pageSize?: number; query?: string; }): Promise<{ projects: GitlabProject[]; projectsPaging: Paging }> { const { almSetting, pageSize, page, query } = data; return getJSON('/api/alm_integrations/search_gitlab_repos', { almSetting, projectName: query || undefined, p: page, ps: pageSize, }) .then(({ repositories, paging }) => ({ projects: repositories, projectsPaging: paging })) .catch(throwGlobalError); } export function importGitlabProject(data: { almSetting: string; gitlabProjectId: string; }): Promise<{ project: ProjectBase }> { const { almSetting, gitlabProjectId } = data; return postJSON('/api/alm_integrations/import_gitlab_project', { almSetting, gitlabProjectId, }).catch(throwGlobalError); }