/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { getJSON, postJSON, post, RequestData } from '../helpers/request'; import throwGlobalError from '../app/utils/throwGlobalError'; import { Paging, Visibility } from '../app/types'; export interface BaseSearchProjectsParameters { analyzedBefore?: string; onProvisionedOnly?: boolean; organization: string; projects?: string; q?: string; qualifiers?: string; visibility?: Visibility; } export interface SearchProjectsParameters extends BaseSearchProjectsParameters { p?: number; ps?: number; } export interface SearchProjectsResponseComponent { id: string; key: string; lastAnalysisDate?: string; name: string; organization: string; qualifier: string; visibility: Visibility; } export interface SearchProjectsResponse { components: SearchProjectsResponseComponent[]; paging: Paging; } export function getComponents( parameters: SearchProjectsParameters ): Promise<SearchProjectsResponse> { return getJSON('/api/projects/search', parameters); } export function bulkDeleteProjects(parameters: BaseSearchProjectsParameters): Promise<void> { return post('/api/projects/bulk_delete', parameters); } export function deleteProject(project: string): Promise<void | Response> { return post('/api/projects/delete', { project }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function deletePortfolio(portfolio: string): Promise<void | Response> { return post('/api/views/delete', { key: portfolio }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function createProject(data: { branch?: string; name: string; project: string; organization?: string; }): Promise<any> { return postJSON('/api/projects/create', data).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function searchProjectTags(data?: { ps?: number; q?: string }): Promise<any> { return getJSON('/api/project_tags/search', data); } export function setProjectTags(data: { project: string; tags: string }): Promise<void> { return post('/api/project_tags/set', data); } export function getComponentTree( strategy: string, componentKey: string, metrics: string[] = [], additional: RequestData = {} ): Promise<any> { const url = '/api/measures/component_tree'; const data = Object.assign({}, additional, { baseComponentKey: componentKey, metricKeys: metrics.join(','), strategy }); return getJSON(url, data); } export function getChildren( componentKey: string, metrics: string[] = [], additional: RequestData = {} ): Promise<any> { return getComponentTree('children', componentKey, metrics, additional); } export function getComponentLeaves( componentKey: string, metrics: string[] = [], additional: RequestData = {} ): Promise<any> { return getComponentTree('leaves', componentKey, metrics, additional); } export function getComponent( componentKey: string, metrics: string[] = [], branch?: string ): Promise<any> { const data = { branch, componentKey, metricKeys: metrics.join(',') }; return getJSON('/api/measures/component', data).then(r => r.component); } export function getTree(component: string, options: RequestData = {}): Promise<any> { return getJSON('/api/components/tree', { ...options, component }); } export function getComponentShow(component: string, branch?: string): Promise<any> { return getJSON('/api/components/show', { component, branch }); } export function getParents(component: string): Promise<any> { return getComponentShow(component).then(r => r.ancestors); } export function getBreadcrumbs(component: string, branch?: string): Promise<any> { return getComponentShow(component, branch).then(r => { const reversedAncestors = [...r.ancestors].reverse(); return [...reversedAncestors, r.component]; }); } export function getComponentData(component: string, branch?: string): Promise<any> { return getComponentShow(component, branch).then(r => r.component); } export function getMyProjects(data: RequestData): Promise<any> { const url = '/api/projects/search_my_projects'; return getJSON(url, data); } export interface Paging { pageIndex: number; pageSize: number; total: number; } export interface Component { organization: string; id: string; key: string; name: string; isFavorite?: boolean; analysisDate?: string; tags: string[]; visibility: string; leakPeriodDate?: string; } export interface Facet { property: string; values: Array<{ val: string; count: number }>; } export function searchProjects( data: RequestData ): Promise<{ components: Component[]; facets: Facet[]; paging: Paging }> { const url = '/api/components/search_projects'; return getJSON(url, data); } export function searchComponents(data?: { q?: string; qualifiers?: string; ps?: number; }): Promise<any> { return getJSON('/api/components/search', data); } /** * Change component's key */ export function changeKey(from: string, to: string): Promise<void> { const url = '/api/projects/update_key'; const data = { from, to }; return post(url, data); } /** * Bulk change component's key */ export function bulkChangeKey( project: string, from: string, to: string, dryRun: boolean = false ): Promise<any> { const url = '/api/projects/bulk_update_key'; const data = { project, from, to, dryRun }; return postJSON(url, data); } export interface SuggestionsResponse { organizations: Array<{ key: string; name: string }>; projects: Array<{ key: string; name: string }>; results: Array<{ items: Array<{ isFavorite: boolean; isRecentlyBrowsed: boolean; key: string; match: string; name: string; organization: string; project: string; }>; more: number; q: string; }>; warning?: string; } export function getSuggestions( query?: string, recentlyBrowsed?: string[], more?: string ): Promise<SuggestionsResponse> { const data: RequestData = {}; if (query) { data.s = query; } if (recentlyBrowsed) { data.recentlyBrowsed = recentlyBrowsed.join(); } if (more) { data.more = more; } return getJSON('/api/components/suggestions', data); } export function getComponentForSourceViewer(component: string, branch?: string): Promise<any> { return getJSON('/api/components/app', { component, branch }); } export function getSources( component: string, from?: number, to?: number, branch?: string ): Promise<any> { const data: RequestData = { key: component, branch }; if (from) { Object.assign(data, { from }); } if (to) { Object.assign(data, { to }); } return getJSON('/api/sources/lines', data).then(r => r.sources); } export function getDuplications(component: string, branch?: string): Promise<any> { return getJSON('/api/duplications/show', { key: component, branch }); } export function getTests(component: string, line: number | string, branch?: string): Promise<any> { const data = { sourceFileKey: component, sourceFileLineNumber: line, branch }; return getJSON('/api/tests/list', data).then(r => r.tests); }