/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2022 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import getCoverageStatus from '../components/SourceViewer/helpers/getCoverageStatus'; import { throwGlobalError } from '../helpers/error'; import { get, getJSON, HttpStatus, parseJSON, post, postJSON, RequestData } from '../helpers/request'; import { IssueResponse, RawIssuesResponse } from '../types/issues'; import { Dict, FacetValue, IssueChangelog, SnippetsByComponent, SourceLine } from '../types/types'; type FacetName = | 'assigned_to_me' | 'assignees' | 'author' | 'createdAt' | 'cwe' | 'directories' | 'files' | 'languages' | 'owaspTop10' | 'projects' | 'reporters' | 'resolutions' | 'rules' | 'sansTop25' | 'severities' | 'statuses' | 'tags' | 'types'; export function searchIssues(query: RequestData): Promise { return getJSON('/api/issues/search', query).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function getFacets( query: RequestData, facets: FacetName[] ): Promise<{ facets: Array<{ property: string; values: FacetValue[] }>; response: RawIssuesResponse; }> { const data = { ...query, facets: facets.join(), ps: 1, additionalFields: '_all' }; return searchIssues(data).then(r => { return { facets: r.facets, response: r }; }); } export function getFacet( query: RequestData, facet: FacetName ): Promise<{ facet: { count: number; val: string }[]; response: RawIssuesResponse }> { return getFacets(query, [facet]).then(r => { return { facet: r.facets[0].values, response: r.response }; }); } export function searchIssueTags(data: { project?: string; branch?: string; all?: boolean; ps?: number; q?: string; }): Promise { return getJSON('/api/issues/tags', data) .then(r => r.tags) .catch(throwGlobalError); } export function getIssueChangelog(issue: string): Promise<{ changelog: IssueChangelog[] }> { return getJSON('/api/issues/changelog', { issue }).catch(throwGlobalError); } export function getIssueFilters() { return getJSON('/api/issue_filters/search').then(r => r.issueFilters); } export function addIssueComment(data: { issue: string; text: string }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/add_comment', data); } export function deleteIssueComment(data: { comment: string }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/delete_comment', data); } export function editIssueComment(data: { comment: string; text: string }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/edit_comment', data); } export function setIssueAssignee(data: { issue: string; assignee?: string; }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/assign', data); } export function setIssueSeverity(data: { issue: string; severity: string }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/set_severity', data); } export function setIssueTags(data: { issue: string; tags: string }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/set_tags', data); } export function setIssueTransition(data: { issue: string; transition: string; }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/do_transition', data); } export function setIssueType(data: { issue: string; type: string }): Promise { return postJSON('/api/issues/set_type', data); } export function bulkChangeIssues(issueKeys: string[], query: RequestData): Promise { return post('/api/issues/bulk_change', { issues: issueKeys.join(), ...query }); } export function searchIssueAuthors(data: { project?: string; ps?: number; q?: string; }): Promise { return getJSON('/api/issues/authors', data).then(r => r.authors, throwGlobalError); } export function getIssueFlowSnippets(issueKey: string): Promise> { return get('/api/sources/issue_snippets', { issueKey }) .then(r => { if (r.status === HttpStatus.NoContent) { return {} as any; } return parseJSON(r); }) .then(result => { Object.keys(result).forEach(k => { if (result[k].sources) { result[k].sources = result[k].sources.reduce( (lineMap: Dict, line: SourceLine) => { line.coverageStatus = getCoverageStatus(line); lineMap[line.line] = line; return lineMap; }, {} ); } }); return result; }); }