/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2021 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { differenceBy } from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { getProjectAlmBinding, validateProjectAlmBinding } from '../../api/alm-settings'; import { getBranches, getPullRequests } from '../../api/branches'; import { getAnalysisStatus, getTasksForComponent } from '../../api/ce'; import { getComponentData } from '../../api/components'; import { getComponentNavigation } from '../../api/nav'; import { withAppState } from '../../components/hoc/withAppState'; import { Location, Router, withRouter } from '../../components/hoc/withRouter'; import { getBranchLikeQuery, isBranch, isMainBranch, isPullRequest } from '../../helpers/branch-like'; import { HttpStatus } from '../../helpers/request'; import { getPortfolioUrl } from '../../helpers/urls'; import { registerBranchStatus, requireAuthorization } from '../../store/rootActions'; import { ProjectAlmBindingConfigurationErrors, ProjectAlmBindingResponse } from '../../types/alm-settings'; import { BranchLike } from '../../types/branch-like'; import { ComponentQualifier, isPortfolioLike } from '../../types/component'; import { Task, TaskStatuses, TaskTypes, TaskWarning } from '../../types/tasks'; import ComponentContainerNotFound from './ComponentContainerNotFound'; import { ComponentContext } from './ComponentContext'; import PageUnavailableDueToIndexation from './indexation/PageUnavailableDueToIndexation'; import ComponentNav from './nav/component/ComponentNav'; interface Props { appState: Pick; children: React.ReactElement; location: Pick; registerBranchStatus: (branchLike: BranchLike, component: string, status: T.Status) => void; requireAuthorization: (router: Pick) => void; router: Pick; } interface State { branchLike?: BranchLike; branchLikes: BranchLike[]; component?: T.Component; currentTask?: Task; isPending: boolean; loading: boolean; projectBinding?: ProjectAlmBindingResponse; projectBindingErrors?: ProjectAlmBindingConfigurationErrors; tasksInProgress?: Task[]; warnings: TaskWarning[]; } const FETCH_STATUS_WAIT_TIME = 3000; export class ComponentContainer extends React.PureComponent { watchStatusTimer?: number; mounted = false; state: State = { branchLikes: [], isPending: false, loading: true, warnings: [] }; componentDidMount() { this.mounted = true; this.fetchComponent(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { if ( prevProps.location.query.id !== this.props.location.query.id || prevProps.location.query.branch !== this.props.location.query.branch || prevProps.location.query.pullRequest !== this.props.location.query.pullRequest ) { this.fetchComponent(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.mounted = false; window.clearTimeout(this.watchStatusTimer); } fetchComponent = async () => { const { branch, id: key, pullRequest } = this.props.location.query; this.setState({ loading: true }); let componentWithQualifier; try { const [nav, { component }] = await Promise.all([ getComponentNavigation({ component: key, branch, pullRequest }), getComponentData({ component: key, branch, pullRequest }) ]); componentWithQualifier = this.addQualifier({ ...nav, ...component }); } catch (e) { if (this.mounted) { if (e && e.status === HttpStatus.Forbidden) { this.props.requireAuthorization(this.props.router); } else { this.setState({ component: undefined, loading: false }); } } return; } /* * There used to be a redirect from /dashboard to /portfolio which caused issues. * Links should be fixed to not rely on this redirect, but: * This is a fail-safe in case there are still some faulty links remaining. */ if ( this.props.location.pathname.match('dashboard') && isPortfolioLike(componentWithQualifier.qualifier) ) { this.props.router.replace(getPortfolioUrl(componentWithQualifier.key)); } const { branchLike, branchLikes } = await this.fetchBranches(componentWithQualifier); let projectBinding; if (componentWithQualifier.qualifier === ComponentQualifier.Project) { projectBinding = await getProjectAlmBinding(key).catch(() => undefined); } if (this.mounted) { this.setState({ branchLike, branchLikes, component: componentWithQualifier, projectBinding, loading: false }); this.fetchStatus(componentWithQualifier.key); this.fetchWarnings(componentWithQualifier, branchLike); this.fetchProjectBindingErrors(componentWithQualifier); } }; fetchBranches = async (componentWithQualifier: T.Component) => { const breadcrumb = componentWithQualifier.breadcrumbs.find(({ qualifier }) => { return ([ComponentQualifier.Application, ComponentQualifier.Project] as string[]).includes( qualifier ); }); let branchLike = undefined; let branchLikes: BranchLike[] = []; if (breadcrumb) { const { key } = breadcrumb; const [branches, pullRequests] = await Promise.all([ getBranches(key), breadcrumb.qualifier === ComponentQualifier.Application ? Promise.resolve([]) : getPullRequests(key) ]); branchLikes = [...branches, ...pullRequests]; branchLike = this.getCurrentBranchLike(branchLikes); this.registerBranchStatuses(branchLikes, componentWithQualifier); } return { branchLike, branchLikes }; }; fetchStatus = (componentKey: string) => { getTasksForComponent(componentKey).then( ({ current, queue }) => { if (this.mounted) { let shouldFetchComponent = false; this.setState( ({ branchLike, component, currentTask, tasksInProgress }) => { const newCurrentTask = this.getCurrentTask(current, branchLike); const pendingTasks = this.getPendingTasksForBranchLike(queue, branchLike); const newTasksInProgress = this.getInProgressTasks(pendingTasks); shouldFetchComponent = this.computeShouldFetchComponent( tasksInProgress, newTasksInProgress, currentTask, newCurrentTask, component ); if (this.needsAnotherCheck(shouldFetchComponent, component, newTasksInProgress)) { // Refresh the status as long as there is tasks in progress or no analysis window.clearTimeout(this.watchStatusTimer); this.watchStatusTimer = window.setTimeout( () => this.fetchStatus(componentKey), FETCH_STATUS_WAIT_TIME ); } const isPending = pendingTasks.some(task => task.status === TaskStatuses.Pending); return { currentTask: newCurrentTask, isPending, tasksInProgress: newTasksInProgress }; }, () => { if (shouldFetchComponent) { this.fetchComponent(); } } ); } }, () => {} ); }; fetchWarnings = (component: T.Component, branchLike?: BranchLike) => { if (component.qualifier === ComponentQualifier.Project) { getAnalysisStatus({ component: component.key, ...getBranchLikeQuery(branchLike) }).then( ({ component }) => { this.setState({ warnings: component.warnings }); }, () => {} ); } }; fetchProjectBindingErrors = async (component: T.Component) => { if ( component.qualifier === ComponentQualifier.Project && component.analysisDate === undefined && this.props.appState.branchesEnabled ) { const projectBindingErrors = await validateProjectAlmBinding(component.key).catch( () => undefined ); if (this.mounted) { this.setState({ projectBindingErrors }); } } }; addQualifier = (component: T.Component) => ({ ...component, qualifier: component.breadcrumbs[component.breadcrumbs.length - 1].qualifier }); getCurrentBranchLike = (branchLikes: BranchLike[]) => { const { query } = this.props.location; return query.pullRequest ? branchLikes.find(b => isPullRequest(b) && b.key === query.pullRequest) : branchLikes.find(b => isBranch(b) && (query.branch ? b.name === query.branch : b.isMain)); }; getCurrentTask = (current: Task, branchLike?: BranchLike) => { if (!current || !this.isReportRelatedTask(current)) { return undefined; } return current.status === TaskStatuses.Failed || this.isSameBranch(current, branchLike) ? current : undefined; }; getPendingTasksForBranchLike = (pendingTasks: Task[], branchLike?: BranchLike) => { return pendingTasks.filter( task => this.isReportRelatedTask(task) && this.isSameBranch(task, branchLike) ); }; getInProgressTasks = (pendingTasks: Task[]) => { return pendingTasks.filter(task => task.status === TaskStatuses.InProgress); }; isReportRelatedTask = (task: Task) => { return [TaskTypes.AppRefresh, TaskTypes.Report, TaskTypes.ViewRefresh].includes(task.type); }; computeShouldFetchComponent = ( tasksInProgress: Task[] | undefined, newTasksInProgress: Task[], currentTask: Task | undefined, newCurrentTask: Task | undefined, component: T.Component | undefined ) => { const progressHasChanged = Boolean( tasksInProgress && (newTasksInProgress.length !== tasksInProgress.length || differenceBy(newTasksInProgress, tasksInProgress, 'id').length > 0) ); const currentTaskHasChanged = Boolean( (!currentTask && newCurrentTask) || (currentTask && newCurrentTask && currentTask.id !== newCurrentTask.id) ); if (progressHasChanged) { return true; } else if (currentTaskHasChanged && component) { // We return true if: // - there was no prior analysis date (means this is an empty project, and // a new analysis came in) // - OR, there was a prior analysis date (non-empty project) AND there were // some tasks in progress before return ( Boolean(!component.analysisDate) || Boolean(component.analysisDate && tasksInProgress?.length) ); } return false; }; needsAnotherCheck = ( shouldFetchComponent: boolean, component: T.Component | undefined, newTasksInProgress: Task[] ) => { return ( !shouldFetchComponent && component && (newTasksInProgress.length > 0 || !component.analysisDate) ); }; isSameBranch = (task: Pick, branchLike?: BranchLike) => { if (branchLike) { if (isMainBranch(branchLike)) { return (!task.pullRequest && !task.branch) || branchLike.name === task.branch; } if (isPullRequest(branchLike)) { return branchLike.key === task.pullRequest; } if (isBranch(branchLike)) { return branchLike.name === task.branch; } } return !task.branch && !task.pullRequest; }; registerBranchStatuses = (branchLikes: BranchLike[], component: T.Component) => { branchLikes.forEach(branchLike => { if (branchLike.status) { this.props.registerBranchStatus( branchLike, component.key, branchLike.status.qualityGateStatus ); } }); }; handleComponentChange = (changes: Partial) => { if (this.mounted) { this.setState(state => { if (state.component) { const newComponent: T.Component = { ...state.component, ...changes }; return { component: newComponent }; } return null; }); } }; handleBranchesChange = () => { if (this.mounted && this.state.component) { this.fetchBranches(this.state.component).then( ({ branchLike, branchLikes }) => { if (this.mounted) { this.setState({ branchLike, branchLikes }); } }, () => {} ); } }; handleWarningDismiss = () => { const { component } = this.state; if (component !== undefined) { this.fetchWarnings(component); } }; render() { const { component, loading } = this.state; if (!loading && !component) { return ; } if (component?.needIssueSync) { return ; } const { branchLike, branchLikes, currentTask, isPending, projectBinding, projectBindingErrors, tasksInProgress } = this.state; const isInProgress = tasksInProgress && tasksInProgress.length > 0; return (
{component && !([ComponentQualifier.File, ComponentQualifier.TestFile] as string[]).includes( component.qualifier ) && ( )} {loading ? (
) : ( {React.cloneElement(this.props.children, { branchLike, branchLikes, component, isInProgress, isPending, onBranchesChange: this.handleBranchesChange, onComponentChange: this.handleComponentChange, projectBinding })} )}
); } } const mapDispatchToProps = { registerBranchStatus, requireAuthorization }; export default withAppState(withRouter(connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(ComponentContainer)));