/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // IMPORTANT: any change in this file requires restart of the dev server const grid = 8; const baseFontSizeRaw = 13; module.exports = { colors: { blue: '#4b9fd5', veryLightBlue: '#f2faff', lightBlue: '#cae3f2', darkBlue: '#236a97', veryDarkBlue: '#0E516F', green: '#00aa00', lightGreen: '#b0d513', veryLightGreen: '#f5f9fc', yellow: '#eabe06', orange: '#ed7d20', red: '#D02F3A', purple: '#9139d4', gray94: '#efefef', gray80: '#cdcdcd', gray71: '#b4b4b4', gray67: '#aaa', gray60: '#888', gray52: '#525252', gray40: '#404040', disabledQualityGate: '#757575', sizeRatingBackground: '#297BAE', transparentWhite: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.62)', transparentGray: 'rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.5)', transparentBlack: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)', disableGrayText: '#bbb', disableGrayBorder: '#ddd', disableGrayBg: '#ebebeb', barBackgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', barBackgroundColorHighlight: '#f8f8f8', barBorderColor: '#e6e6e6', globalNavBarBg: '#262626', educationPrinciplesBgColor: '#F4F6FF', educationPrinciplesBorderColor: '#B0BDF9', favoriteColor: '#e77213', homepageColor: '#D86C13', // table rowHoverHighlight: '#ecf6fe', // fonts baseFontColor: '#333', secondFontColor: '#656565', // forms mandatoryFieldColor: '#a4030f', // leak leakPrimaryColor: '#fbf3d5', leakSecondaryColor: '#f1e8cb', // issues secondIssueBgColor: '#f8eeee', issueBgColor: '#f2dede', hotspotBgColor: '#eeeff4', issueLocationSelected: '#f4b1b0', issueLocationHighlighted: '#e1e1f2', conciseIssueRed: '#d18582', conciseIssueRedSelected: '#a4030f', // coverage lineCoverageRed: '#a4030f', lineCoverageGreen: '#b4dd78', // alerts warningIconColor: '#eabe06', alertBorderError: '#f4b1b0', alertBackgroundError: '#f2dede', alertTextError: '#862422', alertIconError: '#a4030f', alertBorderWarning: '#faebcc', alertBackgroundWarning: '#fcf8e3', alertTextWarning: '#6f4f17', alertIconWarning: '#db781a', alertBorderSuccess: '#d6e9c6', alertBackgroundSuccess: '#dff0d8', alertTextSuccess: '#215821', alertIconSuccess: '#6d9867', alertBorderInfo: '#b1dff3', alertBackgroundInfo: '#d9edf7', alertTextInfo: '#0e516f', alertIconInfo: '#0271b9', // badge badgeBlueBackground: '#2E7CB5', badgeBlueColor: '#FFFFFF', badgeRedBackgroundOnIssue: '#EEC8C8', // alm azure: '#0078d7', bitbucket: '#0052CC', github: '#e1e4e8', // code/pre codeBackground: '#f5f5f5', codeBorder: '#e6e6e6', codeAdded: '#dff0d8', codeRemoved: '#f2dede', // promotion darkBackground: '#292929', darkBackgroundSeparator: '#413b3b', darkBackgroundFontColor: '#f6f8fa', //quality gate badges badgeGreenBackground: '#f0faec', badgeRedBackground: '#ffeaea', // new color palette // Some of these colors duplicate what we have above, but this will make it // easier to align with the UX designers on what colors to use where. // Colors that have transparency are suffixed with an "a" followed by the percentage // value of the alpha channel. primary: '#236a97', primarya40: 'rgba(35, 107, 151, 0.40)', primary400: '#297BAE', info50: '#ECF6FE', info100: '#D9EDF7', info200: '#B1DFF3', info400: '#4B9FD5', info500: '#0271B9', success300: '#6CD46C', success300a20: 'rgba(108, 212, 108, 0.2)', success500: '#008223', success500a20: 'rgba(0, 138, 37, 0.20)', successVariant: '#C6E056', successVarianta20: 'rgba(198, 224, 86, 0.2)', successVariantDark: '#809E00', warning: '#B95E04', warningVariant: '#F4D348', warningVarianta20: 'rgba(244, 211, 72, 0.2)', warningVariantDark: '#B18F00', warningAccent: '#F69D53', warningAccenta20: 'rgba(246, 157, 83, 0.2)', error400: '#F0878E', error400a20: 'rgba(240, 135, 142, 0.2)', error500: '#D02F3A', error500a20: 'rgba(208, 47, 58, 0.20)', error700: '#B81723', neutral50: '#F3F3F3', neutral200: '#CCCCCC', neutral600: '#666666', neutral800: '#333333', white: '#FFFFFF', whitea18: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.18)', whitea60: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.60)', black: '#000000', blacka06: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)', blacka38: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38)', blacka60: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.60)', blacka75: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)', blacka87: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)', }, sizes: { gridSize: `${grid}px`, baseFontSize: `${baseFontSizeRaw}px`, verySmallFontSize: '10px', smallFontSize: '12px', mediumFontSize: '14px', bigFontSize: '16px', veryBigFontSize: '18px', hugeFontSize: '24px', giganticFontSize: '36px', hugeControlHeight: `${5 * grid}px`, largeControlHeight: `${4 * grid}px`, controlHeight: `${3 * grid}px`, smallControlHeight: `${2.5 * grid}px`, tinyControlHeight: `${2 * grid}px`, globalNavHeight: `${6 * grid}px`, globalNavContentHeight: `${4 * grid}px`, maxPageWidth: '1320px', minPageWidth: '1080px', pagePadding: '20px', }, rawSizes: { grid, baseFontSizeRaw, globalNavHeightRaw: 6 * grid, globalNavContentHeightRaw: 4 * grid, contextNavHeightRaw: 9 * grid, }, fonts: { baseFontFamily: "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif", systemFontFamily: "-apple-system,'BlinkMacSystemFont','Helvetica','Arial',sans-serif", sourceCodeFontFamily: "Consolas, 'Ubuntu Mono', 'Liberation Mono', Menlo, Courier, monospace", }, // z-index // ======= // 1 - 100 for page elements (e.g. sidebars, panels) // 101 - 500 for generic page fixed elements (e.g. navigation, workspace) // 501 - 3000 for page ui elements // 3001 - 8000 for generic ui elements (e.g. dropdowns, tooltips) zIndexes: { // common aboveNormalZIndex: '3', normalZIndex: '2', belowNormalZIndex: '1', // ui elements pageMainZIndex: '50', pageSideZIndex: '50', pageHeaderZIndex: '55', globalBannerZIndex: '60', contextbarZIndex: '420', tooltipZIndex: '8000', dropdownMenuZIndex: '7500', processContainerZIndex: '7000', modalZIndex: '6001', modalOverlayZIndex: '6000', popupZIndex: '5000', }, others: { defaultShadow: '0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175)', }, };