/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // @flow import { groupBy, memoize, sortBy, toPairs } from 'lodash'; import { getLocalizedMetricName } from '../../helpers/l10n'; import { cleanQuery, parseAsString, serializeString } from '../../helpers/query'; import { domains } from './config/domains'; import { bubbles } from './config/bubbles'; import { enhanceMeasure } from '../../components/measure/utils'; /*:: import type { Component, ComponentEnhanced, Query } from './types'; */ /*:: import type { RawQuery } from '../../helpers/query'; */ /*:: import type { Metric } from '../../store/metrics/actions'; */ /*:: import type { MeasureEnhanced } from '../../components/measure/types'; */ export const PROJECT_OVERVEW = 'project_overview'; export const DEFAULT_VIEW = 'list'; export const DEFAULT_METRIC = PROJECT_OVERVEW; export const KNOWN_DOMAINS = [ 'Releasability', 'Reliability', 'Security', 'Maintainability', 'Coverage', 'Duplications', 'Size', 'Complexity' ]; const BANNED_MEASURES = [ 'blocker_violations', 'new_blocker_violations', 'critical_violations', 'new_critical_violations', 'major_violations', 'new_major_violations', 'minor_violations', 'new_minor_violations', 'info_violations', 'new_info_violations' ]; export function filterMeasures( measures /*: Array */ ) /*: Array */ { return measures.filter(measure => !BANNED_MEASURES.includes(measure.metric.key)); } export function sortMeasures( domainName /*: string */, measures /*: Array */ ) /*: Array */ { const config = domains[domainName] || {}; const configOrder = config.order || []; return sortBy(measures, [ item => { if (typeof item === 'string') { return configOrder.indexOf(item); } const idx = configOrder.indexOf(item.metric.key); return idx >= 0 ? idx : configOrder.length; }, item => (typeof item === 'string' ? item : getLocalizedMetricName(item.metric)) ]); } export function addMeasureCategories( domainName /*: string */, measures /*: Array */ ) /*: Array */ { const categories = domains[domainName] && domains[domainName].categories; if (categories && categories.length > 0) { return [...categories, ...measures]; } return measures; } export function enhanceComponent( component /*: Component */, metric /*: ?Metric */, metrics /*: { [string]: Metric } */ ) /*: ComponentEnhanced */ { const enhancedMeasures = component.measures.map(measure => enhanceMeasure(measure, metrics)); // $FlowFixMe metric can't be null since there is a guard for it const measure = metric && enhancedMeasures.find(measure => measure.metric.key === metric.key); const value = measure ? measure.value : null; const leak = measure ? measure.leak : null; return { ...component, value, leak, measures: enhancedMeasures }; } export function isFileType(component /*: Component */) /*: boolean */ { return ['FIL', 'UTS'].includes(component.qualifier); } export function isViewType(component /*: Component */) /*: boolean */ { return ['VW', 'SVW', 'APP'].includes(component.qualifier); } export const groupByDomains = memoize((measures /*: Array */) => { const domains = toPairs(groupBy(measures, measure => measure.metric.domain)).map(r => ({ name: r[0], measures: r[1] })); return sortBy(domains, [ domain => { const idx = KNOWN_DOMAINS.indexOf(domain.name); return idx >= 0 ? idx : KNOWN_DOMAINS.length; }, 'name' ]); }); export function getDefaultView(metric /*: string */) /*: string */ { if (!hasList(metric)) { return 'tree'; } return DEFAULT_VIEW; } export function hasList(metric /*: string */) /*: boolean */ { return !['releasability_rating', 'releasability_effort'].includes(metric); } export function hasTree(metric /*: string */) /*: boolean */ { return metric !== 'alert_status'; } export function hasTreemap(metric /*: string */, type /*: string */) /*: boolean */ { return ['PERCENT', 'RATING', 'LEVEL'].includes(type) && hasTree(metric); } export function hasBubbleChart(domainName /*: string */) /*: boolean */ { return bubbles[domainName] != null; } export function hasFacetStat(metric /*: string */) /*: boolean */ { return metric !== 'alert_status'; } export function getBubbleMetrics(domain /*: string */, metrics /*: { [string]: Metric } */) { const conf = bubbles[domain]; return { x: metrics[conf.x], y: metrics[conf.y], size: metrics[conf.size], colors: conf.colors ? conf.colors.map(color => metrics[color]) : null }; } export function getBubbleYDomain(domain /*: string */) { return bubbles[domain].yDomain; } export function isProjectOverview(metric /*: string */) { return metric === PROJECT_OVERVEW; } const parseView = memoize((rawView /*:: ? */ /*: string */, metric /*: string */) => { const view = parseAsString(rawView) || DEFAULT_VIEW; if (!hasTree(metric)) { return 'list'; } else if (view === 'list' && !hasList(metric)) { return 'tree'; } return view; }); export const parseQuery = memoize((urlQuery /*: RawQuery */) => { const metric = parseAsString(urlQuery['metric']) || DEFAULT_METRIC; return { metric, selected: parseAsString(urlQuery['selected']), view: parseView(urlQuery['view'], metric) }; }); export const serializeQuery = memoize((query /*: Query */) => { return cleanQuery({ metric: query.metric === DEFAULT_METRIC ? null : serializeString(query.metric), selected: serializeString(query.selected), view: query.view === DEFAULT_VIEW ? null : serializeString(query.view) }); });