/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { FlagMessage, IssueMessageHighlighting, LineFinding, themeColor } from 'design-system'; import * as React from 'react'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import { getSources } from '../../../api/components'; import getCoverageStatus from '../../../components/SourceViewer/helpers/getCoverageStatus'; import { locationsByLine } from '../../../components/SourceViewer/helpers/indexing'; import { getBranchLikeQuery } from '../../../helpers/branch-like'; import { translate } from '../../../helpers/l10n'; import { BranchLike } from '../../../types/branch-like'; import { isFile } from '../../../types/component'; import { IssueStatus } from '../../../types/issues'; import { Dict, Duplication, ExpandDirection, FlowLocation, IssuesByLine, Snippet, SnippetGroup, SourceLine, SourceViewerFile, Issue as TypeIssue, } from '../../../types/types'; import { IssueSourceViewerScrollContext } from '../components/IssueSourceViewerScrollContext'; import IssueSourceViewerHeader from './IssueSourceViewerHeader'; import SnippetViewer from './SnippetViewer'; import { EXPAND_BY_LINES, MERGE_DISTANCE, createSnippets, expandSnippet, getPrimaryLocation, linesForSnippets, } from './utils'; interface Props { branchLike: BranchLike | undefined; duplications?: Duplication[]; duplicationsByLine?: { [line: number]: number[] }; highlightedLocationMessage: { index: number; text: string | undefined } | undefined; isLastOccurenceOfPrimaryComponent: boolean; issue: TypeIssue; issuesByLine: IssuesByLine; loadDuplications: (component: string, line: SourceLine) => void; locations: FlowLocation[]; onIssueSelect: (issueKey: string) => void; onLocationSelect: (index: number) => void; renderDuplicationPopup: ( component: SourceViewerFile, index: number, line: number ) => React.ReactNode; snippetGroup: SnippetGroup; } interface State { additionalLines: { [line: number]: SourceLine }; highlightedSymbols: string[]; loading: boolean; snippets: Snippet[]; } export default class ComponentSourceSnippetGroupViewer extends React.PureComponent { mounted = false; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { additionalLines: {}, highlightedSymbols: [], loading: false, snippets: [], }; } componentDidMount() { this.mounted = true; this.createSnippetsFromProps(); } componentWillUnmount() { this.mounted = false; } createSnippetsFromProps() { const { issue, snippetGroup } = this.props; const locations = [...snippetGroup.locations]; // Add primary location if the component matches if (issue.component === snippetGroup.component.key) { locations.unshift(getPrimaryLocation(issue)); } const snippets = createSnippets({ component: snippetGroup.component.key, issue, locations, }); this.setState({ snippets }); } expandBlock = (snippetIndex: number, direction: ExpandDirection): Promise => { const { branchLike, snippetGroup } = this.props; const { key } = snippetGroup.component; const { snippets } = this.state; const snippet = snippets.find((s) => s.index === snippetIndex); if (!snippet) { return Promise.reject(); } // Extend by EXPAND_BY_LINES and add buffer for merging snippets const extension = EXPAND_BY_LINES + MERGE_DISTANCE - 1; const range = direction === 'up' ? { from: Math.max(1, snippet.start - extension), to: snippet.start - 1, } : { from: snippet.end + 1, to: snippet.end + extension, }; return getSources({ key, ...range, ...getBranchLikeQuery(branchLike), }) .then((lines) => lines.reduce((lineMap: Dict, line) => { line.coverageStatus = getCoverageStatus(line); lineMap[line.line] = line; return lineMap; }, {}) ) .then((newLinesMapped) => { const newSnippets = expandSnippet({ direction, snippetIndex, snippets, }); this.setState(({ additionalLines }) => { const combinedLines = { ...additionalLines, ...newLinesMapped }; return { additionalLines: combinedLines, snippets: newSnippets.filter((s) => !s.toDelete), }; }); }); }; expandComponent = () => { const { branchLike, snippetGroup } = this.props; const { key } = snippetGroup.component; this.setState({ loading: true }); getSources({ key, ...getBranchLikeQuery(branchLike) }).then( (lines) => { if (this.mounted) { this.setState(({ additionalLines }) => { const combinedLines = { ...additionalLines, ...lines }; return { additionalLines: combinedLines, loading: false, snippets: [{ start: 0, end: lines[lines.length - 1].line, index: -1 }], }; }); } }, () => { if (this.mounted) { this.setState({ loading: false }); } } ); }; handleSymbolClick = (clickedSymbols: string[]) => { this.setState(({ highlightedSymbols }) => { const newHighlightedSymbols = clickedSymbols.filter( (symb) => !highlightedSymbols.includes(symb) ); return { highlightedSymbols: newHighlightedSymbols }; }); }; loadDuplications = (line: SourceLine) => { this.props.loadDuplications(this.props.snippetGroup.component.key, line); }; renderDuplicationPopup = (index: number, line: number) => { return this.props.renderDuplicationPopup(this.props.snippetGroup.component, index, line); }; renderIssuesList = (line: SourceLine) => { const { isLastOccurenceOfPrimaryComponent, issue, issuesByLine, snippetGroup } = this.props; const locations = issue.component === snippetGroup.component.key && issue.textRange !== undefined ? locationsByLine([issue]) : {}; const isFlow = issue.secondaryLocations.length === 0; const includeIssueLocation = isFlow ? isLastOccurenceOfPrimaryComponent : true; const issueLocations = includeIssueLocation ? locations[line.line] : []; const issuesForLine = (issuesByLine[line.line] || []).filter( (issueForline) => issue.key !== issueForline.key || (issue.key === issueForline.key && issueLocations.length > 0) ); return ( issuesForLine.length > 0 && (
{issuesForLine.map((issueToDisplay) => { const isSelectedIssue = issueToDisplay.key === issue.key; return ( {(ctx) => ( } selected={isSelectedIssue} ref={isSelectedIssue ? ctx?.registerPrimaryLocationRef : undefined} onIssueSelect={this.props.onIssueSelect} /> )} ); })}
) ); }; render() { const { branchLike, isLastOccurenceOfPrimaryComponent, issue, snippetGroup } = this.props; const { additionalLines, loading, snippets } = this.state; const snippetLines = linesForSnippets(snippets, { ...snippetGroup.sources, ...additionalLines, }); const issueIsClosed = issue.status === IssueStatus.Closed; const issueIsFileLevel = isFile(issue.componentQualifier) && issue.componentEnabled; const closedIssueMessageKey = issueIsFileLevel ? 'issue.closed.file_level' : 'issue.closed.project_level'; const hideLocationIndex = issue.secondaryLocations.length !== 0; return ( <> {issueIsClosed && (
{translate('issue.status', issue.status)} ( {issue.resolution ? translate('issue.resolution', issue.resolution) : '-'}) ), }} />
)} {issue.component === snippetGroup.component.key && issue.textRange === undefined && !issueIsClosed && ( {(ctx) => ( } selected ref={ctx?.registerPrimaryLocationRef} onIssueSelect={this.props.onIssueSelect} className="sw-m-0 sw-cursor-default" /> )} )} {snippetLines.map(({ snippet, sourcesMap }, index) => ( ))} ); } } function getLocationsByLine( issue: TypeIssue, snippetGroup: SnippetGroup, isLastOccurenceOfPrimaryComponent: boolean ) { const isFlow = issue.secondaryLocations.length === 0; const includeIssueLocation = isFlow ? isLastOccurenceOfPrimaryComponent : true; return includeIssueLocation && issue.component === snippetGroup.component.key && issue.textRange !== undefined ? locationsByLine([issue]) : {}; } function isExpandable(snippets: Snippet[], snippetGroup: SnippetGroup) { const fullyShown = snippets.length === 1 && snippetGroup.component.measures && snippets[0].end - snippets[0].start === parseInt(snippetGroup.component.measures.lines || '', 10); return !fullyShown && isFile(snippetGroup.component.q); } const FileLevelIssueStyle = styled.div` border: 1px solid ${themeColor('codeLineBorder')}; `;