/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2024 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { FlagMessage, LargeCenteredLayout, PageContentFontWrapper, Spinner } from 'design-system'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Navigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import { isBranch, isMainBranch } from '~sonar-aligned/helpers/branch-like'; import { getScannableProjects } from '../../../api/components'; import withCurrentUserContext from '../../../app/components/current-user/withCurrentUserContext'; import { getBranchLikeDisplayName } from '../../../helpers/branch-like'; import { translate, translateWithParameters } from '../../../helpers/l10n'; import { getProjectTutorialLocation } from '../../../helpers/urls'; import { hasGlobalPermission } from '../../../helpers/users'; import { useTaskForComponentQuery } from '../../../queries/component'; import { BranchLike } from '../../../types/branch-like'; import { ComponentQualifier } from '../../../types/component'; import { Permissions } from '../../../types/permissions'; import { TaskTypes } from '../../../types/tasks'; import { Component } from '../../../types/types'; import { CurrentUser, isLoggedIn } from '../../../types/users'; export interface EmptyOverviewProps { branchLike?: BranchLike; branchLikes: BranchLike[]; component: Component; currentUser: CurrentUser; } export function EmptyOverview(props: Readonly) { const { branchLike, branchLikes, component, currentUser } = props; const [currentUserCanScanProject, setCurrentUserCanScanProject] = React.useState( hasGlobalPermission(currentUser, Permissions.Scan), ); const { data, isLoading } = useTaskForComponentQuery(component); const hasQueuedAnalyses = data && data.queue.filter((task) => task.type === TaskTypes.Report).length > 0; const hasPermissionSyncInProgess = data && data.queue.filter((task) => task.type === TaskTypes.GithubProjectPermissionsProvisioning) .length > 0; React.useEffect(() => { if (currentUserCanScanProject || !isLoggedIn(currentUser)) { return; } getScannableProjects() .then(({ projects }) => { setCurrentUserCanScanProject(projects.find((p) => p.key === component.key) !== undefined); }) .catch(() => {}); }, [component.key, currentUser, currentUserCanScanProject]); if (isLoading) { return ; } if (component.qualifier === ComponentQualifier.Application) { return ( {translate('provisioning.no_analysis.application')} ); } else if (!isBranch(branchLike)) { return null; } const hasBranches = branchLikes.length > 1; const hasBadBranchConfig = branchLikes.length > 2 || (branchLikes.length === 2 && branchLikes.some((branch) => isBranch(branch))); if (hasPermissionSyncInProgess) { return ( {translate('provisioning.permission_synch_in_progress')} ); } const showTutorial = currentUserCanScanProject && isMainBranch(branchLike) && !hasBranches && !hasQueuedAnalyses; if (showTutorial && isLoggedIn(currentUser)) { return ; } let warning; if (isLoggedIn(currentUser) && isMainBranch(branchLike) && hasBranches && hasBadBranchConfig) { warning = translateWithParameters( 'provisioning.no_analysis_on_main_branch.bad_configuration', getBranchLikeDisplayName(branchLike), translate('branches.main_branch'), ); } else { warning = translateWithParameters( 'provisioning.no_analysis_on_main_branch', getBranchLikeDisplayName(branchLike), ); } return ( {warning} ); } export default withCurrentUserContext(EmptyOverview);