/* * SonarQube :: Web * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 SonarSource SA * mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import React from 'react'; import { LanguageDistribution } from './../components/language-distribution'; import { ComplexityDistribution } from './../components/complexity-distribution'; import { NclocDistribution } from '../components/ncloc-distribution'; import { getMeasuresAndVariations } from '../../../api/measures'; import { DetailedMeasure } from '../components/detailed-measure'; import { DomainTimeline } from '../components/domain-timeline'; import { getPeriodLabel, getPeriodDate } from './../helpers/periods'; import { TooltipsMixin } from '../../../components/mixins/tooltips-mixin'; import { filterMetrics, filterMetricsForDomains } from '../helpers/metrics'; import { DomainLeakTitle } from '../main/components'; export const StructureMain = React.createClass({ mixins: [TooltipsMixin], getInitialState() { return { ready: false, leakPeriodLabel: getPeriodLabel(this.props.component.periods, this.props.leakPeriodIndex), leakPeriodDate: getPeriodDate(this.props.component.periods, this.props.leakPeriodIndex) }; }, componentDidMount() { this.requestMeasures().then(r => { let measures = this.getMeasuresValues(r, 'value'); let leak = this.getMeasuresValues(r, 'var' + this.props.leakPeriodIndex); this.setState({ ready: true, measures, leak }); }); }, getMeasuresValues (measures, fieldKey) { let values = {}; Object.keys(measures).forEach(measureKey => { values[measureKey] = measures[measureKey][fieldKey]; }); return values; }, getMetricsForDomain() { return this.props.metrics .filter(metric => ['Size', 'Complexity', 'Documentation'].indexOf(metric.domain) !== -1) .map(metric => metric.key); }, getMetricsForTimeline() { return filterMetricsForDomains(this.props.metrics, ['Size', 'Complexity', 'Documentation']); }, getAllMetricsForTimeline() { return filterMetrics(this.props.metrics); }, requestMeasures () { return getMeasuresAndVariations(this.props.component.key, this.getMetricsForDomain()); }, renderLoading () { return
; }, renderLegend () { return ; }, renderOtherMeasures(domain, hiddenMetrics) { let metrics = filterMetricsForDomains(this.props.metrics, [domain]) .filter(metric => hiddenMetrics.indexOf(metric.key) === -1) .map(metric => { return ; }); return
; }, renderOtherSizeMeasures() { return this.renderOtherMeasures('Size', ['ncloc']); }, renderOtherComplexityMeasures() { return this.renderOtherMeasures('Complexity', ['complexity', 'function_complexity', 'file_complexity', 'class_complexity']); }, renderOtherDocumentationMeasures() { return this.renderOtherMeasures('Documentation', []); }, renderLanguageDistribution() { let distribution = this.state.measures['ncloc_language_distribution']; if (distribution == null) { return null; } return ; }, renderComplexityDistribution(distribution, props) { if (distribution == null) { return null; } return ; }, renderComplexityCard() { if (this.state.measures['complexity'] == null) { return null; } return
{this.renderComplexityDistribution(this.state.measures['function_complexity_distribution'], { of: 'function' })} {this.renderComplexityDistribution(this.state.measures['file_complexity_distribution'], { of: 'file' })} {this.renderOtherComplexityMeasures()}
; }, render () { if (!this.state.ready) { return this.renderLoading(); } return
{this.renderLanguageDistribution()} {this.renderOtherSizeMeasures()}
; } });