/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 SonarSource SA * mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { getQualityProfiles, associateProject, dissociateProject } from '../../../api/quality-profiles'; import { fetchQualityGates, getGateForProject, associateGateWithProject, dissociateGateWithProject } from '../../../api/quality-gates'; import { getProjectLinks, createLink } from '../../../api/projectLinks'; import { getTree, changeKey as changeKeyApi } from '../../../api/components'; import { addGlobalSuccessMessage } from '../../../components/store/globalMessages'; import { translate, translateWithParameters } from '../../../helpers/l10n'; import { getProjectAdminProfileByKey } from '../../../app/store/rootReducer'; export const RECEIVE_PROFILES = 'projectAdmin/RECEIVE_PROFILES'; export const receiveProfiles = profiles => ({ type: RECEIVE_PROFILES, profiles }); export const RECEIVE_PROJECT_PROFILES = 'projectAdmin/RECEIVE_PROJECT_PROFILES'; export const receiveProjectProfiles = (projectKey, profiles) => ({ type: RECEIVE_PROJECT_PROFILES, projectKey, profiles }); export const fetchProjectProfiles = projectKey => dispatch => { Promise.all([ getQualityProfiles(), getQualityProfiles({ projectKey }) ]).then(responses => { const [allProfiles, projectProfiles] = responses; dispatch(receiveProfiles(allProfiles)); dispatch(receiveProjectProfiles(projectKey, projectProfiles)); }); }; export const SET_PROJECT_PROFILE = 'projectAdmin/SET_PROJECT_PROFILE'; const setProjectProfileAction = (projectKey, oldProfileKey, newProfileKey) => ({ type: SET_PROJECT_PROFILE, projectKey, oldProfileKey, newProfileKey }); export const setProjectProfile = (projectKey, oldKey, newKey) => (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const newProfile = getProjectAdminProfileByKey(state, newKey); const request = newProfile.isDefault ? dissociateProject(oldKey, projectKey) : associateProject(newKey, projectKey); request.then(() => { dispatch(setProjectProfileAction(projectKey, oldKey, newKey)); dispatch(addGlobalSuccessMessage( translateWithParameters( 'project_quality_profile.successfully_updated', newProfile.languageName))); }); }; export const RECEIVE_GATES = 'projectAdmin/RECEIVE_GATES'; export const receiveGates = gates => ({ type: RECEIVE_GATES, gates }); export const RECEIVE_PROJECT_GATE = 'projectAdmin/RECEIVE_PROJECT_GATE'; export const receiveProjectGate = (projectKey, gate) => ({ type: RECEIVE_PROJECT_GATE, projectKey, gate }); export const fetchProjectGate = projectKey => dispatch => { Promise.all([ fetchQualityGates(), getGateForProject(projectKey) ]).then(responses => { const [allGates, projectGate] = responses; dispatch(receiveGates(allGates)); dispatch(receiveProjectGate(projectKey, projectGate)); }); }; export const SET_PROJECT_GATE = 'projectAdmin/SET_PROJECT_GATE'; const setProjectGateAction = (projectKey, gateId) => ({ type: SET_PROJECT_GATE, projectKey, gateId }); export const setProjectGate = (projectKey, oldId, newId) => dispatch => { const request = newId != null ? associateGateWithProject(newId, projectKey) : dissociateGateWithProject(oldId, projectKey); request.then(() => { dispatch(setProjectGateAction(projectKey, newId)); dispatch(addGlobalSuccessMessage( translate('project_quality_gate.successfully_updated'))); }); }; export const RECEIVE_PROJECT_LINKS = 'projectAdmin/RECEIVE_PROJECT_LINKS'; export const receiveProjectLinks = (projectKey, links) => ({ type: RECEIVE_PROJECT_LINKS, projectKey, links }); export const fetchProjectLinks = projectKey => dispatch => { getProjectLinks(projectKey).then(links => { dispatch(receiveProjectLinks(projectKey, links)); }); }; export const ADD_PROJECT_LINK = 'projectAdmin/ADD_PROJECT_LINK'; const addProjectLink = (projectKey, link) => ({ type: ADD_PROJECT_LINK, projectKey, link }); export const createProjectLink = (projectKey, name, url) => dispatch => { return createLink(projectKey, name, url).then(link => { dispatch(addProjectLink(projectKey, link)); }); }; export const DELETE_PROJECT_LINK = 'projectAdmin/DELETE_PROJECT_LINK'; export const deleteProjectLink = (projectKey, linkId) => ({ type: DELETE_PROJECT_LINK, projectKey, linkId }); export const RECEIVE_PROJECT_MODULES = 'projectAdmin/RECEIVE_PROJECT_MODULES'; const receiveProjectModules = (projectKey, modules) => ({ type: RECEIVE_PROJECT_MODULES, projectKey, modules }); export const fetchProjectModules = projectKey => dispatch => { const options = { qualifiers: 'BRC', s: 'name', ps: 500 }; getTree(projectKey, options).then(r => { dispatch(receiveProjectModules(projectKey, r.components)); }); }; export const CHANGE_KEY = 'projectAdmin/CHANGE_KEY'; const changeKeyAction = (key, newKey) => ({ type: CHANGE_KEY, key, newKey }); export const changeKey = (key, newKey) => dispatch => { return changeKeyApi(key, newKey) .then(() => dispatch(changeKeyAction(key, newKey))); };