/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2024 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import { Link, LinkStandalone } from '@sonarsource/echoes-react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { Badge, Card, LightLabel, LightPrimary, Note, QualityGateIndicator, SeparatorCircleIcon, SubnavigationFlowSeparator, Tags, themeBorder, themeColor, } from 'design-system'; import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import Favorite from '../../../../components/controls/Favorite'; import Tooltip from '../../../../components/controls/Tooltip'; import DateFromNow from '../../../../components/intl/DateFromNow'; import DateTimeFormatter from '../../../../components/intl/DateTimeFormatter'; import Measure from '../../../../components/measure/Measure'; import { translate, translateWithParameters } from '../../../../helpers/l10n'; import { formatMeasure } from '../../../../helpers/measures'; import { isDefined } from '../../../../helpers/types'; import { getProjectUrl } from '../../../../helpers/urls'; import { ComponentQualifier } from '../../../../types/component'; import { MetricKey, MetricType } from '../../../../types/metrics'; import { Status } from '../../../../types/types'; import { CurrentUser, isLoggedIn } from '../../../../types/users'; import { Project } from '../../types'; import ProjectCardLanguages from './ProjectCardLanguages'; import ProjectCardMeasures from './ProjectCardMeasures'; interface Props { currentUser: CurrentUser; handleFavorite: (component: string, isFavorite: boolean) => void; project: Project; type?: string; } function renderFirstLine( project: Props['project'], handleFavorite: Props['handleFavorite'], isNewCode: boolean, ) { const { analysisDate, isFavorite, key, measures, name, qualifier, tags, visibility } = project; const awaitingScan = [ MetricKey.reliability_issues, MetricKey.maintainability_issues, MetricKey.security_issues, ].every((key) => measures[key] === undefined) && !isNewCode && !isEmpty(analysisDate) && measures.ncloc !== undefined; const formatted = formatMeasure(measures[MetricKey.alert_status], MetricType.Level); const qualityGateLabel = translateWithParameters('overview.quality_gate_x', formatted); return ( <> <div className="sw-flex sw-justify-between sw-items-center "> <div className="sw-flex sw-items-center "> {isDefined(isFavorite) && ( <Favorite className="sw-mr-2" component={key} componentName={name} favorite={isFavorite} handleFavorite={handleFavorite} qualifier={qualifier} /> )} <span className="it__project-card-name" title={name}> <LinkStandalone to={getProjectUrl(key)}>{name}</LinkStandalone> </span> {qualifier === ComponentQualifier.Application && ( <Tooltip overlay={ <span> {translate('qualifier.APP')} {measures.projects !== '' && ( <span> {' ‒ '} {translateWithParameters('x_projects_', measures.projects)} </span> )} </span> } > <span> <Badge className="sw-ml-2">{translate('qualifier.APP')}</Badge> </span> </Tooltip> )} <Tooltip overlay={translate('visibility', visibility, 'description', qualifier)}> <span> <Badge className="sw-ml-2">{translate('visibility', visibility)}</Badge> </span> </Tooltip> {awaitingScan && !isNewCode && !isEmpty(analysisDate) && measures.ncloc !== undefined && ( <Tooltip overlay={translate(`projects.awaiting_scan.description.${qualifier}`)}> <span> <Badge variant="new" className="sw-ml-2"> {translate('projects.awaiting_scan')} </Badge> </span> </Tooltip> )} </div> {isDefined(analysisDate) && analysisDate !== '' && ( <Tooltip overlay={qualityGateLabel}> <span className="sw-flex sw-items-center"> <QualityGateIndicator status={(measures[MetricKey.alert_status] as Status) ?? 'NONE'} ariaLabel={qualityGateLabel} /> <LightPrimary className="sw-ml-2 sw-body-sm-highlight">{formatted}</LightPrimary> </span> </Tooltip> )} </div> <LightLabel as="div" className="sw-flex sw-items-center sw-mt-3"> {isDefined(analysisDate) && analysisDate !== '' && ( <DateTimeFormatter date={analysisDate}> {(formattedAnalysisDate) => ( <span className="sw-body-sm-highlight" title={formattedAnalysisDate}> <FormattedMessage id="projects.last_analysis_on_x" defaultMessage={translate('projects.last_analysis_on_x')} values={{ date: <DateFromNow className="sw-body-sm" date={analysisDate} />, }} /> </span> )} </DateTimeFormatter> )} {isNewCode ? measures[MetricKey.new_lines] != null && ( <> <SeparatorCircleIcon className="sw-mx-1" /> <div> <span className="sw-body-sm-highlight sw-mr-1" data-key={MetricKey.new_lines}> <Measure metricKey={MetricKey.new_lines} metricType={MetricType.ShortInteger} value={measures.new_lines} /> </span> <span className="sw-body-sm">{translate('metric.new_lines.name')}</span> </div> </> ) : measures[MetricKey.ncloc] != null && ( <> <SeparatorCircleIcon className="sw-mx-1" /> <div> <span className="sw-body-sm-highlight sw-mr-1" data-key={MetricKey.ncloc}> <Measure metricKey={MetricKey.ncloc} metricType={MetricType.ShortInteger} value={measures.ncloc} /> </span> <span className="sw-body-sm">{translate('metric.ncloc.name')}</span> </div> <SeparatorCircleIcon className="sw-mx-1" /> <span className="sw-body-sm" data-key={MetricKey.ncloc_language_distribution}> <ProjectCardLanguages distribution={measures.ncloc_language_distribution} /> </span> </> )} {tags.length > 0 && ( <> <SeparatorCircleIcon className="sw-mx-1" /> <Tags className="sw-body-sm" emptyText={translate('issue.no_tag')} ariaTagsListLabel={translate('issue.tags')} tooltip={Tooltip} tags={tags} tagsToDisplay={2} /> </> )} </LightLabel> </> ); } function renderSecondLine( currentUser: Props['currentUser'], project: Props['project'], isNewCode: boolean, ) { const { analysisDate, key, leakPeriodDate, measures, qualifier, isScannable } = project; if (!isEmpty(analysisDate) && (!isNewCode || !isEmpty(leakPeriodDate))) { return ( <ProjectCardMeasures measures={measures} componentQualifier={qualifier} isNewCode={isNewCode} /> ); } return ( <div className="sw-flex sw-items-center"> <Note className="sw-py-4"> {isNewCode && analysisDate ? translate('projects.no_new_code_period', qualifier) : translate('projects.not_analyzed', qualifier)} </Note> {qualifier !== ComponentQualifier.Application && isEmpty(analysisDate) && isLoggedIn(currentUser) && isScannable && ( <Link className="sw-ml-2 sw-body-sm-highlight" to={getProjectUrl(key)}> {translate('projects.configure_analysis')} </Link> )} </div> ); } export default function ProjectCard(props: Readonly<Props>) { const { currentUser, type, project } = props; const isNewCode = type === 'leak'; return ( <ProjectCardWrapper className={classNames( 'it_project_card sw-relative sw-box-border sw-rounded-1 sw-mb-page sw-h-full', )} data-key={project.key} > {renderFirstLine(project, props.handleFavorite, isNewCode)} <SubnavigationFlowSeparator className="sw-my-3" /> {renderSecondLine(currentUser, project, isNewCode)} </ProjectCardWrapper> ); } const ProjectCardWrapper = styled(Card)` background-color: ${themeColor('projectCardBackground')}; border: ${themeBorder('default', 'projectCardBorder')}; &.project-card-disabled *:not(g):not(path) { color: ${themeColor('projectCardDisabled')} !important; } `;