/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2024 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { HotspotRatingEnum } from 'design-system'; import { flatten, groupBy, sortBy } from 'lodash'; import { renderCASACategory, renderCWECategory, renderOwaspAsvs40Category, renderOwaspTop102021Category, renderOwaspTop10Category, renderPciDss32Category, renderPciDss40Category, renderSonarSourceSecurityCategory, renderStigCategory, } from '../../helpers/security-standard'; import { SecurityStandard } from '../../types/security'; import { Hotspot, HotspotResolution, HotspotStatus, HotspotStatusFilter, HotspotStatusOption, RawHotspot, ReviewHistoryElement, ReviewHistoryType, } from '../../types/security-hotspots'; import { Dict, FlowLocation, SourceViewerFile, StandardSecurityCategories, } from '../../types/types'; const OTHERS_SECURITY_CATEGORY = 'others'; export const RISK_EXPOSURE_LEVELS = [ HotspotRatingEnum.HIGH, HotspotRatingEnum.MEDIUM, HotspotRatingEnum.LOW, ]; export const SECURITY_STANDARDS = [ SecurityStandard.SONARSOURCE, SecurityStandard.OWASP_TOP10, SecurityStandard.OWASP_TOP10_2021, SecurityStandard.CWE, SecurityStandard.PCI_DSS_3_2, SecurityStandard.PCI_DSS_4_0, SecurityStandard.OWASP_ASVS_4_0, SecurityStandard.CASA, SecurityStandard.STIG_ASD_V5R3, ]; export const SECURITY_STANDARD_RENDERER = { [SecurityStandard.OWASP_TOP10]: renderOwaspTop10Category, [SecurityStandard.OWASP_TOP10_2021]: renderOwaspTop102021Category, [SecurityStandard.SONARSOURCE]: renderSonarSourceSecurityCategory, [SecurityStandard.CWE]: renderCWECategory, [SecurityStandard.PCI_DSS_3_2]: renderPciDss32Category, [SecurityStandard.PCI_DSS_4_0]: renderPciDss40Category, [SecurityStandard.OWASP_ASVS_4_0]: renderOwaspAsvs40Category, [SecurityStandard.CASA]: renderCASACategory, [SecurityStandard.STIG_ASD_V5R3]: renderStigCategory, }; export function mapRules(rules: Array<{ key: string; name: string }>): Dict { return rules.reduce((ruleMap: Dict, r) => { ruleMap[r.key] = r.name; return ruleMap; }, {}); } export function groupByCategory( hotspots: RawHotspot[] = [], securityCategories: StandardSecurityCategories, ) { const groups = groupBy(hotspots, (h) => h.securityCategory); const groupList = Object.keys(groups).map((key) => ({ key, title: getCategoryTitle(key, securityCategories), hotspots: groups[key], })); return [ ...sortBy( groupList.filter((group) => group.key !== OTHERS_SECURITY_CATEGORY), (group) => group.title, ), ...groupList.filter(({ key }) => key === OTHERS_SECURITY_CATEGORY), ]; } export function sortHotspots(hotspots: RawHotspot[], securityCategories: Dict<{ title: string }>) { return sortBy(hotspots, [ (h) => RISK_EXPOSURE_LEVELS.indexOf(h.vulnerabilityProbability), (h) => getCategoryTitle(h.securityCategory, securityCategories), (h) => h.message, ]); } function getCategoryTitle(key: string, securityCategories: StandardSecurityCategories) { return securityCategories[key] ? securityCategories[key].title : key; } export function constructSourceViewerFile( { component, project }: Hotspot, lines?: number, ): SourceViewerFile { return { key: component.key, measures: { lines: lines ? lines.toString() : undefined }, path: component.path || '', project: project.key, projectName: project.name, q: component.qualifier, uuid: '', }; } export function getHotspotReviewHistory(hotspot: Hotspot): ReviewHistoryElement[] { const history: ReviewHistoryElement[] = []; if (hotspot.creationDate) { history.push({ type: ReviewHistoryType.Creation, date: hotspot.creationDate, user: { ...hotspot.authorUser, name: hotspot.authorUser.name || hotspot.authorUser.login, }, }); } if (hotspot.changelog && hotspot.changelog.length > 0) { history.push( ...hotspot.changelog.map((log) => ({ type: ReviewHistoryType.Diff, date: log.creationDate, user: { active: log.isUserActive, avatar: log.avatar, name: log.userName || log.user, }, diffs: log.diffs, })), ); } if (hotspot.comment && hotspot.comment.length > 0) { history.push( ...hotspot.comment.map((comment) => ({ type: ReviewHistoryType.Comment, date: comment.createdAt, updatable: comment.updatable, user: { ...comment.user, name: comment.user.name || comment.user.login, }, html: comment.htmlText, key: comment.key, markdown: comment.markdown, })), ); } return sortBy(history, (elt) => elt.date).reverse(); } const STATUS_AND_RESOLUTION_TO_STATUS_OPTION = { [HotspotStatus.TO_REVIEW]: HotspotStatusOption.TO_REVIEW, [HotspotStatus.REVIEWED]: HotspotStatusOption.FIXED, [HotspotResolution.ACKNOWLEDGED]: HotspotStatusOption.ACKNOWLEDGED, [HotspotResolution.FIXED]: HotspotStatusOption.FIXED, [HotspotResolution.SAFE]: HotspotStatusOption.SAFE, }; export function getStatusOptionFromStatusAndResolution( status: HotspotStatus, resolution?: HotspotResolution, ) { // Resolution is the most determinist info here, so we use it first to get the matching status option // If not provided, we use the status (which will be TO_REVIEW) return STATUS_AND_RESOLUTION_TO_STATUS_OPTION[resolution ?? status]; } const STATUS_OPTION_TO_STATUS_AND_RESOLUTION_MAP = { [HotspotStatusOption.TO_REVIEW]: { status: HotspotStatus.TO_REVIEW, resolution: undefined }, [HotspotStatusOption.ACKNOWLEDGED]: { status: HotspotStatus.REVIEWED, resolution: HotspotResolution.ACKNOWLEDGED, }, [HotspotStatusOption.FIXED]: { status: HotspotStatus.REVIEWED, resolution: HotspotResolution.FIXED, }, [HotspotStatusOption.SAFE]: { status: HotspotStatus.REVIEWED, resolution: HotspotResolution.SAFE, }, }; export function getStatusAndResolutionFromStatusOption(statusOption: HotspotStatusOption) { return STATUS_OPTION_TO_STATUS_AND_RESOLUTION_MAP[statusOption]; } const STATUS_OPTION_TO_STATUS_FILTER = { [HotspotStatusOption.TO_REVIEW]: HotspotStatusFilter.TO_REVIEW, [HotspotStatusOption.ACKNOWLEDGED]: HotspotStatusFilter.ACKNOWLEDGED, [HotspotStatusOption.FIXED]: HotspotStatusFilter.FIXED, [HotspotStatusOption.SAFE]: HotspotStatusFilter.SAFE, }; export function getStatusFilterFromStatusOption(statusOption: HotspotStatusOption) { return STATUS_OPTION_TO_STATUS_FILTER[statusOption]; } function getSecondaryLocations(flows: RawHotspot['flows']) { const parsedFlows: FlowLocation[][] = (flows || []) .filter((flow) => flow.locations !== undefined) .map((flow) => flow.locations!.filter((location) => location.textRange != null)) .map((flow) => flow.map((location) => { return { ...location }; }), ); const onlySecondaryLocations = parsedFlows.every((flow) => flow.length === 1); return onlySecondaryLocations ? { secondaryLocations: orderLocations(flatten(parsedFlows)), flows: [] } : { secondaryLocations: [], flows: parsedFlows.map(reverseLocations) }; } export function getLocations(rawFlows: RawHotspot['flows'], selectedFlowIndex: number | undefined) { const { flows, secondaryLocations } = getSecondaryLocations(rawFlows); if (selectedFlowIndex !== undefined) { return flows[selectedFlowIndex] || []; } return flows.length > 0 ? flows[0] : secondaryLocations; } function orderLocations(locations: FlowLocation[]) { return sortBy( locations, (location) => location.textRange?.startLine, (location) => location.textRange?.startOffset, ); } function reverseLocations(locations: FlowLocation[]): FlowLocation[] { const x = [...locations]; x.reverse(); return x; } export function getFilePath(component: string, project: string) { return component.replace(project, '').replace(':', ''); }