define([ './plugin' ], function (Plugin) { var $ = jQuery; var Plugins = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Plugin, comparator: function (model) { return model.get('name') || ''; }, initialize: function () { this._installedCount = 0; this._uninstalledCount = 0; this.listenTo(this, 'change:_status', this.onStatusChange); }, parse: function (r) { var that = this; return (plugin) { var updates = [ that._getLastWithStatus(plugin.updates, 'COMPATIBLE'), that._getLastWithStatus(plugin.updates, 'REQUIRES_SYSTEM_UPGRADE'), that._getLastWithStatus(plugin.updates, 'DEPS_REQUIRE_SYSTEM_UPGRADE') ].filter(_.identity); updates = (update) { return that._extendChangelog(plugin.updates, update); }); return _.extend(plugin, { updates: updates }); }); }, _getLastWithStatus: function (updates, status) { var index = _.findLastIndex(updates, function (update) { return update.status === status; }); return index !== -1 ? updates[index] : null; }, _extendChangelog: function (updates, update) { var index = updates.indexOf(update); var previousUpdates = index > 0 ? updates.slice(0, index) : []; return _.extend(update, { previousUpdates: previousUpdates }); }, _fetchInstalled: function () { if (this._installed) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } var that = this; var opts = { type: 'GET', url: baseUrl + '/api/plugins/installed', success: function (r) { that._installed = that.parse(r); } }; return Backbone.ajax(opts); }, _fetchUpdates: function () { if (this._updates) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } var that = this; var opts = { type: 'GET', url: baseUrl + '/api/plugins/updates', success: function (r) { that._updates = that.parse(r); } }; return Backbone.ajax(opts); }, _fetchAvailable: function () { if (this._available) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } var that = this; var opts = { type: 'GET', url: baseUrl + '/api/plugins/available', success: function (r) { that._available = that.parse(r); } }; return Backbone.ajax(opts); }, _fetchPending: function () { var that = this; var opts = { type: 'GET', url: baseUrl + '/api/plugins/pending', success: function (r) { var installing = (plugin) { return { key: plugin.key, _status: 'installing' }; }), uninstalling = (plugin) { return { key: plugin.key, _status: 'uninstalling' }; }); that._installedCount = installing.length; that._uninstalledCount = uninstalling.length; that._pending = new Plugins([].concat(installing, uninstalling)).models; } }; return Backbone.ajax(opts); }, _fetchSystemUpgrades: function () { if (this._systemUpdates) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } var that = this; var opts = { type: 'GET', url: baseUrl + '/api/system/upgrades', success: function (r) { that._systemUpdates = (update) { return _.extend(update, { _system: true }); }); } }; return Backbone.ajax(opts); }, fetchInstalled: function () { var that = this; return $.when(this._fetchInstalled(), this._fetchUpdates(), this._fetchPending()).done(function () { var plugins = new Plugins(); plugins.set(that._installed); plugins.set(that._updates, { remove: false }); plugins.set(that._pending, { add: false, remove: false }); that.reset(plugins.models); }); }, fetchUpdates: function () { var that = this; return $.when(this._fetchInstalled(), this._fetchUpdates(), this._fetchPending()) .done(function () { var plugins = new Plugins(); plugins.set(that._installed); plugins.set(that._updates, { remove: true }); plugins.set(that._pending, { add: false, remove: false }); plugins.add(that._systemUpdates); that.reset(plugins.models); }); }, fetchAvailable: function () { var that = this; return $.when(this._fetchAvailable(), this._fetchPending()).done(function () { var plugins = new Plugins(); plugins.set(that._available); plugins.set(that._pending, { add: false, remove: false }); that.reset(plugins.models); }); }, fetchSystemUpgrades: function () { var that = this; return $.when(this._fetchSystemUpgrades()).done(function () { that.reset(that._systemUpdates); }); }, search: function (query) { this.filter(function (model) { model.set({ _hidden: !model.match(query) }); }); }, cancelAll: function () { var that = this; var opts = { type: 'POST', url: baseUrl + '/api/plugins/cancel_all', success: function () { that._installedCount = 0; that._uninstalledCount = 0; that.forEach(function (model) { model.unset('_status'); }); that.trigger('change'); } }; return Backbone.ajax(opts); }, onStatusChange: function (model, status) { if (status === 'installing') { this._installedCount++; } if (status === 'uninstalling') { this._uninstalledCount++; } this.trigger('change'); } }); return Plugins; });