/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { throttle, uniqueId } from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { createPortal, findDOMNode } from 'react-dom'; import { rawSizes } from '../../app/theme'; import EscKeydownHandler from './EscKeydownHandler'; import FocusOutHandler from './FocusOutHandler'; import ScreenPositionFixer from './ScreenPositionFixer'; import './Tooltip.css'; export type Placement = 'bottom' | 'right' | 'left' | 'top'; export interface TooltipProps { classNameSpace?: string; children: React.ReactElement<{}>; mouseEnterDelay?: number; mouseLeaveDelay?: number; onShow?: () => void; onHide?: () => void; overlay: React.ReactNode; placement?: Placement; visible?: boolean; // If tooltip overlay has interactive content (links for instance) we may set this to true to stop // default behavior of tabbing (other changes should be done outside of this component to make it work) // See example DocumentationTooltip isInteractive?: boolean; } interface Measurements { height: number; left: number; top: number; width: number; } interface OwnState { flipped: boolean; placement?: Placement; visible: boolean; } type State = OwnState & Partial; const FLIP_MAP: { [key in Placement]: Placement } = { left: 'right', right: 'left', top: 'bottom', bottom: 'top', }; function isMeasured(state: State): state is OwnState & Measurements { return state.height !== undefined; } export default function Tooltip(props: TooltipProps) { // `overlay` is a ReactNode, so it can be `undefined` or `null`. This allows to easily // render a tooltip conditionally. More generally, we avoid rendering empty tooltips. return props.overlay != null && props.overlay !== '' ? ( ) : ( props.children ); } export class TooltipInner extends React.Component { throttledPositionTooltip: () => void; mouseEnterTimeout?: number; mouseLeaveTimeout?: number; tooltipNode?: HTMLElement | null; mounted = false; mouseIn = false; id: string; static defaultProps = { mouseEnterDelay: 0.1, }; constructor(props: TooltipProps) { super(props); this.state = { flipped: false, placement: props.placement, visible: props.visible !== undefined ? props.visible : false, }; this.id = uniqueId('tooltip-'); this.throttledPositionTooltip = throttle(this.positionTooltip, 10); } componentDidMount() { this.mounted = true; if (this.props.visible === true) { this.positionTooltip(); this.addEventListeners(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: TooltipProps, prevState: State) { if (this.props.placement !== prevProps.placement) { this.setState({ placement: this.props.placement }); // Break. This will trigger a new componentDidUpdate() call, so the below // positionTooltip() call will be correct. Otherwise, it might not use // the new state.placement value. return; } if ( // opens (this.props.visible === true && !prevProps.visible) || (this.props.visible === undefined && this.state.visible === true && prevState.visible === false) ) { this.positionTooltip(); this.addEventListeners(); } else if ( // closes (!this.props.visible && prevProps.visible === true) || (this.props.visible === undefined && this.state.visible === false && prevState.visible === true) ) { this.clearPosition(); this.removeEventListeners(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.mounted = false; this.removeEventListeners(); this.clearTimeouts(); } addEventListeners = () => { window.addEventListener('resize', this.throttledPositionTooltip); window.addEventListener('scroll', this.throttledPositionTooltip); }; removeEventListeners = () => { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.throttledPositionTooltip); window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.throttledPositionTooltip); }; clearTimeouts = () => { window.clearTimeout(this.mouseEnterTimeout); window.clearTimeout(this.mouseLeaveTimeout); }; isVisible = () => { return this.props.visible !== undefined ? this.props.visible : this.state.visible; }; getPlacement = (): Placement => { return this.state.placement || 'bottom'; }; tooltipNodeRef = (node: HTMLElement | null) => { this.tooltipNode = node; }; adjustArrowPosition = ( placement: Placement, { leftFix, topFix }: { leftFix: number; topFix: number } ) => { switch (placement) { case 'left': case 'right': return { marginTop: -topFix }; default: return { marginLeft: -leftFix }; } }; positionTooltip = () => { // `findDOMNode(this)` will search for the DOM node for the current component. // First, it will find a React.Fragment (see `render`). It will skip this, and // it will get the DOM node of the first child, i.e. DOM node of `this.props.children`. // docs: https://reactjs.org/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html#exposing-dom-refs-to-parent-components // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-find-dom-node const toggleNode = findDOMNode(this); if (toggleNode && toggleNode instanceof Element && this.tooltipNode) { const toggleRect = toggleNode.getBoundingClientRect(); const tooltipRect = this.tooltipNode.getBoundingClientRect(); const { width, height } = tooltipRect; let left = 0; let top = 0; switch (this.getPlacement()) { case 'bottom': left = toggleRect.left + toggleRect.width / 2 - width / 2; top = toggleRect.top + toggleRect.height; break; case 'top': left = toggleRect.left + toggleRect.width / 2 - width / 2; top = toggleRect.top - height; break; case 'right': left = toggleRect.left + toggleRect.width; top = toggleRect.top + toggleRect.height / 2 - height / 2; break; case 'left': left = toggleRect.left - width; top = toggleRect.top + toggleRect.height / 2 - height / 2; break; } // Save width and height (and later set in `render`) to avoid resizing the tooltip // element when it's placed close to the window's edge. this.setState({ left: window.pageXOffset + left, top: window.pageYOffset + top, width, height, }); } }; clearPosition = () => { this.setState({ flipped: false, left: undefined, top: undefined, width: undefined, height: undefined, placement: this.props.placement, }); }; handleMouseEnter = () => { this.mouseEnterTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { // For some reason, even after the `this.mouseEnterTimeout` is cleared, it still // triggers. To workaround this issue, check that its value is not `undefined` // (if it's `undefined`, it means the timer has been reset). if ( this.mounted && this.props.visible === undefined && this.mouseEnterTimeout !== undefined ) { this.setState({ visible: true }); } }, (this.props.mouseEnterDelay || 0) * 1000); if (this.props.onShow) { this.props.onShow(); } }; handleMouseLeave = () => { if (this.mouseEnterTimeout !== undefined) { window.clearTimeout(this.mouseEnterTimeout); this.mouseEnterTimeout = undefined; } if (!this.mouseIn) { this.mouseLeaveTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { if (this.mounted && this.props.visible === undefined && !this.mouseIn) { this.setState({ visible: false }); } if (this.props.onHide && !this.mouseIn) { this.props.onHide(); } }, (this.props.mouseLeaveDelay || 0) * 1000); } }; handleFocus = () => { this.setState({ visible: true }); if (this.props.onShow) { this.props.onShow(); } }; handleBlur = () => { if (!this.props.isInteractive) { this.closeTooltip(); } }; closeTooltip = () => { if (this.mounted) { this.setState({ visible: false }); if (this.props.onHide) { this.props.onHide(); } } }; handleOverlayMouseEnter = () => { this.mouseIn = true; }; handleOverlayMouseLeave = () => { this.mouseIn = false; this.handleMouseLeave(); }; needsFlipping = (leftFix: number, topFix: number) => { // We can live with a tooltip that's slightly positioned over the toggle // node. Only trigger if it really starts overlapping, as the re-positioning // is quite expensive, needing 2 re-renders. const threshold = rawSizes.grid; switch (this.getPlacement()) { case 'left': case 'right': return Math.abs(leftFix) > threshold; case 'top': case 'bottom': return Math.abs(topFix) > threshold; } return false; }; renderActual = ({ leftFix = 0, topFix = 0 }) => { if ( !this.state.flipped && (leftFix !== 0 || topFix !== 0) && this.needsFlipping(leftFix, topFix) ) { // Update state in a render function... Not a good idea, but we need to // render in order to know if we need to flip... To prevent React from // complaining, we update the state using a setTimeout() call. setTimeout(() => { this.setState( ({ placement = 'bottom' }) => ({ flipped: true, // Set height to undefined to force ScreenPositionFixer to // re-compute our positioning. height: undefined, placement: FLIP_MAP[placement], }), () => { if (this.state.visible) { // Force a re-positioning, as "only" updating the state doesn't // recompute the position, only re-renders with the previous // position (which is no longer correct). this.positionTooltip(); } } ); }, 1); return null; } const { classNameSpace = 'tooltip' } = this.props; const currentPlacement = this.getPlacement(); const style = isMeasured(this.state) ? { left: this.state.left + leftFix, top: this.state.top + topFix, width: this.state.width, height: this.state.height, } : undefined; return (
); }; render() { const isVisible = this.isVisible(); return ( <> {React.cloneElement(this.props.children, { onPointerEnter: this.handleMouseEnter, onPointerLeave: this.handleMouseLeave, onFocus: this.handleFocus, onBlur: this.handleBlur, tabIndex: 0, // aria-describedby is the semantically correct property to use, but it's not // always well supported. As a fallback, we use aria-labelledby as well. // See https://sarahmhigley.com/writing/tooltips-in-wcag-21/ // See https://css-tricks.com/accessible-svgs/ 'aria-describedby': isVisible ? this.id : undefined, 'aria-labelledby': isVisible ? this.id : undefined, })} {isVisible && ( {this.renderActual} )} ); } } class TooltipPortal extends React.Component { el: HTMLElement; constructor(props: {}) { super(props); this.el = document.createElement('div'); } componentDidMount() { document.body.appendChild(this.el); } componentWillUnmount() { document.body.removeChild(this.el); } render() { return createPortal(this.props.children, this.el); } }