/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2024 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { orderBy } from 'lodash'; import { isBranch, isMainBranch, isPullRequest } from '~sonar-aligned/helpers/branch-like'; import { Branch, BranchLike, BranchLikeTree, PullRequest } from '../types/branch-like'; export function sortBranches(branches: Branch[]) { return orderBy(branches, [(b) => b.isMain, (b) => b.name], ['desc', 'asc']); } export function sortPullRequests(pullRequests: PullRequest[]) { return orderBy(pullRequests, (pr) => getPullRequestDisplayName(pr)); } export function getPullRequestDisplayName(pullRequest: PullRequest) { return `${pullRequest.key} – ${pullRequest.title}`; } export function getBranchLikeDisplayName(branchLike: BranchLike) { return isPullRequest(branchLike) ? getPullRequestDisplayName(branchLike) : branchLike.name; } export function getBranchLikeKey(branchLike: BranchLike) { return isPullRequest(branchLike) ? `pull-request-${branchLike.key}` : `branch-${branchLike.name}`; } export function isSameBranchLike(a: BranchLike | undefined, b: BranchLike | undefined) { // main branches are always equal if (isMainBranch(a) && isMainBranch(b)) { return true; } // Branches are compared by name if (isBranch(a) && isBranch(b)) { return a.name === b.name; } // pull requests are compared by id if (isPullRequest(a) && isPullRequest(b)) { return a.key === b.key; } // finally if both parameters are `undefined`, consider them equal return a === b; } export function getBrancheLikesAsTree(branchLikes: BranchLike[]): BranchLikeTree { const mainBranch = branchLikes.find(isMainBranch); const branches = orderBy( branchLikes.filter(isBranch).filter((b) => !isMainBranch(b)), (b) => b.name, ); const pullRequests = orderBy(branchLikes.filter(isPullRequest), (b) => parseInt(b.key, 10), [ 'desc', ]); const parentlessPullRequests = pullRequests.filter( (pr) => !pr.isOrphan && ![mainBranch, ...branches].find((b) => !!b && b.name === pr.base), ); const orphanPullRequests = pullRequests.filter((pr) => pr.isOrphan); const tree: BranchLikeTree = { branchTree: branches.map((b) => ({ branch: b, pullRequests: getPullRequests(b) })), parentlessPullRequests, orphanPullRequests, }; if (mainBranch) { tree.mainBranchTree = { branch: mainBranch, pullRequests: getPullRequests(mainBranch), }; } return tree; function getPullRequests(branch: Branch) { return pullRequests.filter((pr) => !pr.isOrphan && pr.base === branch.name); } } // Create branch object from branch name or pull request key export function fillBranchLike( branch?: string, pullRequest?: string, ): Branch | PullRequest | undefined { if (branch) { return { isMain: false, name: branch, } as Branch; } else if (pullRequest) { return { base: '', branch: '', key: pullRequest, title: '' } as PullRequest; } return undefined; }