/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 SonarSource SA * mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import numeral from 'numeral'; import _ from 'underscore'; import { translate, translateWithParameters } from './l10n'; /** * Format a measure value for a given type * @param {string|number} value * @param {string} type */ export function formatMeasure (value, type) { let formatter = getFormatter(type); return useFormatter(value, formatter); } /** * Format a measure variation for a given type * @param {string|number} value * @param {string} type */ export function formatMeasureVariation (value, type) { let formatter = getVariationFormatter(type); return useFormatter(value, formatter); } /** * Return a localized metric name * @param {string} metricKey * @returns {string} */ export function localizeMetric (metricKey) { return translate('metric', metricKey, 'name'); } /** * Group list of metrics by their domain * @param {Array} metrics * @returns {Array} */ export function groupByDomain (metrics) { let groupedMetrics = _.groupBy(metrics, 'domain'); let domains = _.map(groupedMetrics, (metricList, domain) => { return { domain, metrics: _.sortBy(metricList, 'name') }; }); return _.sortBy(domains, 'domain'); } /* * Helpers */ function useFormatter (value, formatter) { return value != null && value !== '' && formatter != null ? formatter(value) : null; } function getFormatter (type) { const FORMATTERS = { 'INT': intFormatter, 'SHORT_INT': shortIntFormatter, 'FLOAT': floatFormatter, 'PERCENT': percentFormatter, 'WORK_DUR': durationFormatter, 'SHORT_WORK_DUR': shortDurationFormatter, 'RATING': ratingFormatter, 'LEVEL': levelFormatter, 'MILLISEC': millisecondsFormatter }; return FORMATTERS[type] || noFormatter; } function getVariationFormatter (type) { const FORMATTERS = { 'INT': intVariationFormatter, 'SHORT_INT': shortIntVariationFormatter, 'FLOAT': floatVariationFormatter, 'PERCENT': percentVariationFormatter, 'WORK_DUR': durationVariationFormatter, 'SHORT_WORK_DUR': shortDurationVariationFormatter, 'RATING': ratingFormatter, 'LEVEL': levelFormatter, 'MILLISEC': millisecondsVariationFormatter }; return FORMATTERS[type] || noFormatter; } /* * Formatters */ function noFormatter (value) { return value; } function intFormatter (value) { return numeral(value).format('0,0'); } function intVariationFormatter (value) { return numeral(value).format('+0,0'); } function shortIntFormatter (value) { let format = '0,0'; if (value >= 1000) { format = '0.[0]a'; } if (value >= 10000) { format = '0a'; } return numeral(value).format(format); } function shortIntVariationFormatter (value) { let formatted = shortIntFormatter(Math.abs(value)); return value < 0 ? `-${formatted}` : `+${formatted}`; } function floatFormatter (value) { return numeral(value).format('0,0.0[0000]'); } function floatVariationFormatter (value) { return value === 0 ? '+0.0' : numeral(value).format('+0,0.0[0000]'); } function percentFormatter (value) { value = parseFloat(value); return numeral(value / 100).format('0,0.0%'); } function percentVariationFormatter (value) { value = parseFloat(value); return value === 0 ? '+0.0%' : numeral(value / 100).format('+0,0.0%'); } function ratingFormatter (value) { value = parseInt(value, 10); return String.fromCharCode(97 + value - 1).toUpperCase(); } function levelFormatter (value) { const l10nKey = 'metric.level.' + value; const result = translate(l10nKey); // if couldn't translate, return the initial value return l10nKey !== result ? result : value; } function millisecondsFormatter (value) { const ONE_SECOND = 1000; const ONE_MINUTE = 60 * ONE_SECOND; if (value >= ONE_MINUTE) { let minutes = Math.round(value / ONE_MINUTE); return `${minutes}min`; } else if (value >= ONE_SECOND) { let seconds = Math.round(value / ONE_SECOND); return `${seconds}s`; } else { return `${value}ms`; } } function millisecondsVariationFormatter (value) { let absValue = Math.abs(value); let formattedValue = millisecondsFormatter(absValue); return value < 0 ? `-${formattedValue}` : `+${formattedValue}`; } /* * Debt Formatters */ function shouldDisplayDays (days) { return days > 0; } function shouldDisplayHours (days, hours) { return hours > 0 && days < 10; } function shouldDisplayHoursInShortFormat (days, hours) { return hours > 0 && days === 0; } function shouldDisplayMinutes (days, hours, minutes) { return minutes > 0 && hours < 10 && days === 0; } function shouldDisplayMinutesInShortFormat (days, hours, minutes) { return minutes > 0 && hours === 0 && days === 0; } function addSpaceIfNeeded (value) { return value.length > 0 ? value + ' ' : value; } function formatDuration (isNegative, days, hours, minutes) { let formatted = ''; if (shouldDisplayDays(days)) { formatted += translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_days', isNegative ? -1 * days : days); } if (shouldDisplayHours(days, hours)) { formatted = addSpaceIfNeeded(formatted); formatted += translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_hours', isNegative && formatted.length === 0 ? -1 * hours : hours); } if (shouldDisplayMinutes(days, hours, minutes)) { formatted = addSpaceIfNeeded(formatted); formatted += translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_minutes', isNegative && formatted.length === 0 ? -1 * minutes : minutes); } return formatted; } function formatDurationShort (isNegative, days, hours, minutes) { let formatted = ''; if (shouldDisplayDays(days)) { const formattedDays = formatMeasure(isNegative ? -1 * days : days, 'SHORT_INT'); formatted += translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_days', formattedDays); } if (shouldDisplayHoursInShortFormat(days, hours)) { formatted = addSpaceIfNeeded(formatted); formatted += translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_hours', isNegative && formatted.length === 0 ? -1 * hours : hours); } if (shouldDisplayMinutesInShortFormat(days, hours, minutes)) { formatted = addSpaceIfNeeded(formatted); formatted += translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_minutes', isNegative && formatted.length === 0 ? -1 * minutes : minutes); } return formatted; } function durationFormatter (value) { if (value === 0) { return '0'; } const hoursInDay = window.SS.hoursInDay; const isNegative = value < 0; const absValue = Math.abs(value); const days = Math.floor(absValue / hoursInDay / 60); let remainingValue = absValue - days * hoursInDay * 60; const hours = Math.floor(remainingValue / 60); remainingValue -= hours * 60; return formatDuration(isNegative, days, hours, remainingValue); } function shortDurationFormatter (value) { value = parseInt(value, 10); if (value === 0) { return '0'; } const hoursInDay = window.SS.hoursInDay; const isNegative = value < 0; const absValue = Math.abs(value); const days = Math.floor(absValue / hoursInDay / 60); let remainingValue = absValue - days * hoursInDay * 60; const hours = Math.floor(remainingValue / 60); remainingValue -= hours * 60; return formatDurationShort(isNegative, days, hours, remainingValue); } function durationVariationFormatter (value) { if (value === 0) { return '0'; } const formatted = durationFormatter(value); return formatted[0] !== '-' ? '+' + formatted : formatted; } function shortDurationVariationFormatter (value) { if (value === 0) { return '+0'; } const formatted = shortDurationFormatter(value); return formatted[0] !== '-' ? '+' + formatted : formatted; }