/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { translate, translateWithParameters, getCurrentLocale } from './l10n'; import { Metric } from '../app/types'; const HOURS_IN_DAY = 8; export interface MeasurePeriod { index: number; value: string; } export interface MeasureIntern { value?: string; periods?: MeasurePeriod[]; } export interface Measure extends MeasureIntern { metric: string; } export interface MeasureEnhanced extends MeasureIntern { metric: Metric; leak?: string; } interface Formatter { (value: string | number, options?: any): string; } /** Format a measure value for a given type */ export function formatMeasure( value: string | number | undefined, type: string, options?: any ): string { const formatter = getFormatter(type); return useFormatter(value, formatter, options); } /** Return a localized metric name */ export function localizeMetric(metricKey: string): string { return translate('metric', metricKey, 'name'); } /** Return corresponding "short" for better display in UI */ export function getShortType(type: string): string { if (type === 'INT') { return 'SHORT_INT'; } else if (type === 'WORK_DUR') { return 'SHORT_WORK_DUR'; } return type; } export function enhanceMeasuresWithMetrics( measures: Measure[], metrics: Metric[] ): MeasureEnhanced[] { return measures.map(measure => { const metric = metrics.find(metric => metric.key === measure.metric) as Metric; return { ...measure, metric }; }); } /** Get period value of a measure */ export function getPeriodValue( measure: Measure | MeasureEnhanced, periodIndex: number ): string | undefined { const { periods } = measure; const period = periods && periods.find(period => period.index === periodIndex); return period ? period.value : undefined; } /** Check if metric is differential */ export function isDiffMetric(metricKey: string): boolean { return metricKey.indexOf('new_') === 0; } function useFormatter( value: string | number | undefined, formatter: Formatter, options?: any ): string { return value !== undefined && value !== '' ? formatter(value, options) : ''; } function getFormatter(type: string): Formatter { const FORMATTERS: { [type: string]: Formatter } = { INT: intFormatter, SHORT_INT: shortIntFormatter, FLOAT: floatFormatter, PERCENT: percentFormatter, WORK_DUR: durationFormatter, SHORT_WORK_DUR: shortDurationFormatter, RATING: ratingFormatter, LEVEL: levelFormatter, MILLISEC: millisecondsFormatter }; return FORMATTERS[type] || noFormatter; } function numberFormatter( value: number, minimumFractionDigits = 0, maximumFractionDigits = minimumFractionDigits ) { const { format } = new Intl.NumberFormat(getCurrentLocale(), { minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits }); return format(value); } function noFormatter(value: string | number): string | number { return value; } function intFormatter(value: number): string { return numberFormatter(value); } function shortIntFormatter(value: number): string { if (value >= 1e9) { return numberFormatter(value / 1e9) + translate('short_number_suffix.g'); } else if (value >= 1e6) { return numberFormatter(value / 1e6) + translate('short_number_suffix.m'); } else if (value >= 1e4) { return numberFormatter(value / 1e3) + translate('short_number_suffix.k'); } else if (value >= 1e3) { return numberFormatter(value / 1e3, 0, 1) + translate('short_number_suffix.k'); } else { return numberFormatter(value); } } function floatFormatter(value: number): string { return numberFormatter(value, 1, 5); } function percentFormatter(value: string | number, options: { decimals?: number } = {}): string { if (typeof value === 'string') { value = parseFloat(value); } if (options.decimals) { return numberFormatter(value, options.decimals) + '%'; } return value === 100 ? '100%' : numberFormatter(value, 1) + '%'; } function ratingFormatter(value: string | number): string { if (typeof value === 'string') { value = parseInt(value, 10); } return String.fromCharCode(97 + value - 1).toUpperCase(); } function levelFormatter(value: string): string { const l10nKey = 'metric.level.' + value; const result = translate(l10nKey); // if couldn't translate, return the initial value return l10nKey !== result ? result : value; } function millisecondsFormatter(value: number): string { const ONE_SECOND = 1000; const ONE_MINUTE = 60 * ONE_SECOND; if (value >= ONE_MINUTE) { const minutes = Math.round(value / ONE_MINUTE); return `${minutes}min`; } else if (value >= ONE_SECOND) { const seconds = Math.round(value / ONE_SECOND); return `${seconds}s`; } else { return `${value}ms`; } } /* * Debt Formatters */ function shouldDisplayDays(days: number): boolean { return days > 0; } function shouldDisplayDaysInShortFormat(days: number): boolean { return days > 0.9; } function shouldDisplayHours(days: number, hours: number): boolean { return hours > 0 && days < 10; } function shouldDisplayHoursInShortFormat(hours: number): boolean { return hours > 0.9; } function shouldDisplayMinutes(days: number, hours: number, minutes: number): boolean { return minutes > 0 && hours < 10 && days === 0; } function addSpaceIfNeeded(value: string): string { return value.length > 0 ? value + ' ' : value; } function formatDuration(isNegative: boolean, days: number, hours: number, minutes: number): string { let formatted = ''; if (shouldDisplayDays(days)) { formatted += translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_days', isNegative ? -1 * days : days); } if (shouldDisplayHours(days, hours)) { formatted = addSpaceIfNeeded(formatted); formatted += translateWithParameters( 'work_duration.x_hours', isNegative && formatted.length === 0 ? -1 * hours : hours ); } if (shouldDisplayMinutes(days, hours, minutes)) { formatted = addSpaceIfNeeded(formatted); formatted += translateWithParameters( 'work_duration.x_minutes', isNegative && formatted.length === 0 ? -1 * minutes : minutes ); } return formatted; } function formatDurationShort( isNegative: boolean, days: number, hours: number, minutes: number ): string { if (shouldDisplayDaysInShortFormat(days)) { const roundedDays = Math.round(days); const formattedDays = formatMeasure(isNegative ? -1 * roundedDays : roundedDays, 'SHORT_INT'); return translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_days', formattedDays); } if (shouldDisplayHoursInShortFormat(hours)) { const roundedHours = Math.round(hours); const formattedHours = formatMeasure( isNegative ? -1 * roundedHours : roundedHours, 'SHORT_INT' ); return translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_hours', formattedHours); } const formattedMinutes = formatMeasure(isNegative ? -1 * minutes : minutes, 'SHORT_INT'); return translateWithParameters('work_duration.x_minutes', formattedMinutes); } function durationFormatter(value: string | number): string { if (typeof value === 'string') { value = parseInt(value, 10); } if (value === 0) { return '0'; } const hoursInDay = HOURS_IN_DAY; const isNegative = value < 0; const absValue = Math.abs(value); const days = Math.floor(absValue / hoursInDay / 60); let remainingValue = absValue - days * hoursInDay * 60; const hours = Math.floor(remainingValue / 60); remainingValue -= hours * 60; return formatDuration(isNegative, days, hours, remainingValue); } function shortDurationFormatter(value: string | number): string { if (typeof value === 'string') { value = parseInt(value, 10); } if (value === 0) { return '0'; } const hoursInDay = HOURS_IN_DAY; const isNegative = value < 0; const absValue = Math.abs(value); const days = absValue / hoursInDay / 60; let remainingValue = absValue - Math.floor(days) * hoursInDay * 60; const hours = remainingValue / 60; remainingValue -= Math.floor(hours) * 60; return formatDurationShort(isNegative, days, hours, remainingValue); } function getRatingGrid(): string { // workaround cyclic dependencies const getStore = require('../app/utils/getStore').default; const { getGlobalSettingValue } = require('../store/rootReducer'); const store = getStore(); const settingValue = getGlobalSettingValue(store.getState(), 'sonar.technicalDebt.ratingGrid'); return settingValue ? settingValue.value : ''; } let maintainabilityRatingGrid: number[]; function getMaintainabilityRatingGrid(): number[] { if (maintainabilityRatingGrid) { return maintainabilityRatingGrid; } const str = getRatingGrid(); const numbers = str .split(',') .map(s => parseFloat(s)) .filter(n => !isNaN(n)); if (numbers.length === 4) { maintainabilityRatingGrid = numbers; } else { maintainabilityRatingGrid = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } return maintainabilityRatingGrid; } function getMaintainabilityRatingTooltip(rating: number): string { const maintainabilityGrid = getMaintainabilityRatingGrid(); const maintainabilityRatingThreshold = maintainabilityGrid[Math.floor(rating) - 2]; if (rating < 2) { return translateWithParameters( 'metric.sqale_rating.tooltip.A', formatMeasure(maintainabilityGrid[0] * 100, 'PERCENT') ); } const ratingLetter = formatMeasure(rating, 'RATING'); return translateWithParameters( 'metric.sqale_rating.tooltip', ratingLetter, formatMeasure(maintainabilityRatingThreshold * 100, 'PERCENT') ); } export function getRatingTooltip(metricKey: string, value: number | string): string { const ratingLetter = formatMeasure(value, 'RATING'); const finalMetricKey = isDiffMetric(metricKey) ? metricKey.substr(4) : metricKey; return finalMetricKey === 'sqale_rating' || finalMetricKey === 'maintainability_rating' ? getMaintainabilityRatingTooltip(Number(value)) : translate('metric', finalMetricKey, 'tooltip', ratingLetter); } export function getDisplayMetrics(metrics: Metric[]) { return metrics.filter(metric => !metric.hidden && !['DATA', 'DISTRIB'].includes(metric.type)); }