/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2024 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import { generateToken, getTokens } from '../api/user-tokens'; import { getHostUrl } from '../helpers/urls'; import { Ide } from '../types/sonarlint'; import { NewUserToken, TokenExpiration } from '../types/token'; import { UserBase } from '../types/users'; import { checkStatus, isSuccessStatus } from './request'; import { computeTokenExpirationDate, getAvailableExpirationOptions, getNextTokenName, } from './tokens'; export const SONARLINT_PORT_START = 64120; export const SONARLINT_PORT_RANGE = 11; export async function probeSonarLintServers(): Promise<Array<Ide>> { const probedPorts = buildPortRange(); const probeRequests = probedPorts.map((p) => fetch(buildSonarLintEndpoint(p, '/status')) .then((r) => r.json()) .then((json) => { const { description, ideName, needsToken } = json; return { description, ideName, needsToken, port: p } as Ide; }) .catch(() => undefined), ); const results = await Promise.all(probeRequests); return results.filter((r) => r !== undefined) as Ide[]; } export function openHotspot(calledPort: number, projectKey: string, hotspotKey: string) { const showUrl = new URL(buildSonarLintEndpoint(calledPort, '/hotspots/show')); showUrl.searchParams.set('server', getHostUrl()); showUrl.searchParams.set('project', projectKey); showUrl.searchParams.set('hotspot', hotspotKey); return fetch(showUrl.toString()).then((response: Response) => checkStatus(response, true)); } const computeSonarLintTokenExpirationDate = async () => { const options = await getAvailableExpirationOptions(); const maxOption = options[options.length - 1]; return computeTokenExpirationDate(maxOption.value || TokenExpiration.OneYear); }; const getNextAvailableSonarLintTokenName = async ({ ideName, login, }: { ideName: string; login: string; }) => { const tokens = await getTokens(login); return getNextTokenName(`SonarLint-${ideName}`, tokens); }; export const generateSonarLintUserToken = async ({ ideName, login, }: { ideName: string; login: UserBase['login']; }) => { const name = await getNextAvailableSonarLintTokenName({ ideName, login }); const expirationDate = await computeSonarLintTokenExpirationDate(); return generateToken({ expirationDate, login, name }); }; export function openIssue({ branchName, calledPort, issueKey, projectKey, pullRequestID, tokenName, tokenValue, }: { branchName?: string; calledPort: number; issueKey: string; projectKey: string; pullRequestID?: string; tokenName?: string; tokenValue?: string; }) { const showUrl = new URL(buildSonarLintEndpoint(calledPort, '/issues/show')); showUrl.searchParams.set('server', getHostUrl()); showUrl.searchParams.set('project', projectKey); showUrl.searchParams.set('issue', issueKey); if (branchName !== undefined) { showUrl.searchParams.set('branch', branchName); } if (pullRequestID !== undefined) { showUrl.searchParams.set('pullRequest', pullRequestID); } if (tokenName !== undefined && tokenValue !== undefined) { showUrl.searchParams.set('tokenName', tokenName); showUrl.searchParams.set('tokenValue', tokenValue); } return fetch(showUrl.toString()).then((response: Response) => checkStatus(response, true)); } export function portIsValid(port: number) { return port >= SONARLINT_PORT_START && port < SONARLINT_PORT_START + SONARLINT_PORT_RANGE; } export async function sendUserToken(port: number, token: NewUserToken) { const tokenUrl = buildSonarLintEndpoint(port, '/token'); const data = { login: token.login, name: token.name, createdAt: token.createdAt, expirationDate: token.expirationDate, token: token.token, type: token.type, }; const response = await fetch(tokenUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data) }); if (!isSuccessStatus(response.status)) { const content = await response.text(); throw new Error(`${response.status} ${response.statusText}. ${content}`); } } /** * @returns [ start , ... , start + size - 1 ] */ export function buildPortRange(start = SONARLINT_PORT_START, size = SONARLINT_PORT_RANGE) { return Array.from(Array(size).keys()).map((p) => start + p); } function buildSonarLintEndpoint(port: number, path: string) { return `http://localhost:${port}/sonarlint/api${path}`; }