define(function () { var $ = jQuery; return Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: function () { return { qualityGateStatus: 'ERROR' }; }, fetch: function () { return $.when( this.fetchGate(), this.fetchSize(), this.fetchSizeTrend(), this.fetchIssues(), this.fetchIssues1(), this.fetchIssues2(), this.fetchIssues3(), this.fetchIssuesTrend(), this.fetchDebt(), this.fetchDebtTrend(), this.fetchCoverage(), this.fetchCoverageTrend(), this.fetchDuplications(), this.fetchDuplicationsTrend() ); }, fetchGate: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/resources/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'quality_gate_details' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var gateData = JSON.parse(r[0].msr[0].data), gateConditions = gateData.conditions, urlMetrics = baseUrl + '/api/metrics'; $.get(urlMetrics).done(function (r) { var gateConditionsWithMetric = (c) { var metric = _.findWhere(r, { key: c.metric }), type = metric != null ? metric.val_type : null, periodDate = that.get('period' + c.period + 'Date'), periodName = that.get('period' + c.period + 'Name'); return _.extend(c, { type: type, periodName: periodName, periodDate: periodDate }); }); that.set({ gateStatus: gateData.level, gateConditions: gateConditionsWithMetric }); }); }); }, fetchSize: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/resources/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'ncloc,ncloc_language_distribution,function_complexity,file_complexity', includetrends: true }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var msr = r[0].msr, nclocMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'ncloc' }), nclocLangMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'ncloc_language_distribution' }), nclocLangParsed =';').map(function (token) { var tokens = token.split('='); return { key: tokens[0], value: +tokens[1] }; }), nclocLangSorted = _.sortBy(nclocLangParsed, function (item) { return -item.value; }), nclocLang = _.first(nclocLangSorted, 2), functionComplexityMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'function_complexity' }), fileComplexityMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'file_complexity' }); that.set({ ncloc: nclocMeasure.val, ncloc1: nclocMeasure.var1, ncloc2: nclocMeasure.var2, ncloc3: nclocMeasure.var3, nclocLang: nclocLang, functionComplexity: functionComplexityMeasure.val, functionComplexity1: functionComplexityMeasure.var1, functionComplexity2: functionComplexityMeasure.var2, functionComplexity3: functionComplexityMeasure.var3, fileComplexity: fileComplexityMeasure.val, fileComplexity1: fileComplexityMeasure.var1, fileComplexity2: fileComplexityMeasure.var2, fileComplexity3: fileComplexityMeasure.var3 }); }); }, fetchSizeTrend: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/timemachine/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'ncloc' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var trend = r[0] (cell) { return { val: cell.d, count: cell.v[0] }; }); that.set({ sizeTrend: trend }); }); }, fetchIssues: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/issues/search', options = { ps: 1, resolved: 'false', componentUuids: this.get('componentUuid'), facets: 'severities,statuses,tags' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var severityFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'severities' }), statusFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'statuses' }), tagFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'tags' }), tags = _.first(tagFacet.values, 10), minTagCount = _.min(tags, function (t) { return t.count; }).count, maxTagCount = _.max(tags, function (t) { return t.count; }).count, tagScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([minTagCount, maxTagCount]).range([10, 24]), sizedTags = (tag) { return _.extend(tag, { size: tagScale(tag.count) }); }); that.set({ issues:, blockerIssues: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'BLOCKER' }).count, criticalIssues: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'CRITICAL' }).count, majorIssues: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'MAJOR' }).count, openIssues: _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'OPEN' }).count + _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'REOPENED' }).count, issuesTags: sizedTags }); }); }, fetchIssues1: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/issues/search', options = { ps: 1, resolved: 'false', createdAfter: this.get('period1Date'), componentUuids: this.get('componentUuid'), facets: 'severities,statuses' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var severityFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'severities' }), statusFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'statuses' }); that.set({ issues1:, blockerIssues1: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'BLOCKER' }).count, criticalIssues1: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'CRITICAL' }).count, majorIssues1: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'MAJOR' }).count, openIssues1: _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'OPEN' }).count + _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'REOPENED' }).count }); }); }, fetchIssues2: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/issues/search', options = { ps: 1, resolved: 'false', createdAfter: this.get('period2Date'), componentUuids: this.get('componentUuid'), facets: 'severities,statuses' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var severityFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'severities' }), statusFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'statuses' }); that.set({ issues2:, blockerIssues2: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'BLOCKER' }).count, criticalIssues2: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'CRITICAL' }).count, majorIssues2: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'MAJOR' }).count, openIssues2: _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'OPEN' }).count + _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'REOPENED' }).count }); }); }, fetchIssues3: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/issues/search', options = { ps: 1, resolved: 'false', createdAfter: this.get('period3Date'), componentUuids: this.get('componentUuid'), facets: 'severities,statuses' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var severityFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'severities' }), statusFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'statuses' }); that.set({ issues3:, blockerIssues3: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'BLOCKER' }).count, criticalIssues3: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'CRITICAL' }).count, majorIssues3: _.findWhere(severityFacet.values, { val: 'MAJOR' }).count, openIssues3: _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'OPEN' }).count + _.findWhere(statusFacet.values, { val: 'REOPENED' }).count }); }); }, fetchIssuesTrend: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/timemachine/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'violations' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var trend = r[0] (cell) { return { val: cell.d, count: cell.v[0] }; }); that.set({ issuesTrend: trend }); }); }, fetchDebt: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/resources/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'sqale_index', includetrends: true }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var msr = r[0].msr, debtMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'sqale_index' }); that.set({ debt: debtMeasure.val, debt1: debtMeasure.var1, debt2: debtMeasure.var2, debt3: debtMeasure.var3 }); }); }, fetchDebtTrend: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/timemachine/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'sqale_index' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var trend = r[0] (cell) { return { val: cell.d, count: cell.v[0] }; }); that.set({ debtTrend: trend }); }); }, fetchCoverage: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/resources/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'overall_coverage,new_overall_coverage', includetrends: true }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var msr = r[0].msr, coverageMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'overall_coverage' }), newCoverageMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'new_overall_coverage' }); that.set({ coverage: coverageMeasure.val, coverage1: coverageMeasure.var1, coverage2: coverageMeasure.var2, coverage3: coverageMeasure.var3, newCoverage1: newCoverageMeasure.var1, newCoverage2: newCoverageMeasure.var2, newCoverage3: newCoverageMeasure.var3 }); }); }, fetchCoverageTrend: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/timemachine/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'coverage' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var trend = r[0] (cell) { return { val: cell.d, count: cell.v[0] }; }); that.set({ coverageTrend: trend }); }); }, fetchDuplications: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/resources/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'duplicated_lines_density', includetrends: true }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var msr = r[0].msr, duplicationsMeasure = _.findWhere(msr, { key: 'duplicated_lines_density' }); that.set({ duplications: duplicationsMeasure.val, duplications1: duplicationsMeasure.var1, duplications2: duplicationsMeasure.var2, duplications3: duplicationsMeasure.var3 }); }); }, fetchDuplicationsTrend: function () { var that = this, url = baseUrl + '/api/timemachine/index', options = { resource: this.get('componentKey'), metrics: 'duplicated_lines_density' }; return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) { var trend = r[0] (cell) { return { val: cell.d, count: cell.v[0] }; }); that.set({ duplicationsTrend: trend }); }); } }); });