{ "total": 609, "p": 1, "ps": 25, "rules": [ { "key": "squid:S2077", "name": "Values passed to SQL commands should be sanitized", "lang": "java", "langName": "Java", "sysTags": [ "cwe", "owasp-top10", "security", "sql" ], "tags": [ "custom-tag" ] }, { "key": "php:S107", "name": "Functions should not have too many parameters", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "brain-overload" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1192", "name": "String literals should not be duplicated", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1145", "name": "\"if\" statement conditions should not always evaluate to \"true\" or to \"false\"", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "bug", "cwe", "security" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S108", "name": "Nested blocks of code should not be left empty", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1301", "name": "\"switch\" statements should have at least 3 \"case\" clauses", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S103", "name": "Lines should not be too long", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "convention" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1144", "name": "Unused private method should be removed", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "unused" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S105", "name": "Tabulation characters should not be used", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "convention", "psr2" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1481", "name": "Unused local variables should be removed", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "unused" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1142", "name": "Functions should not contain too many return statements", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "brain-overload" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S104", "name": "Files should not have too many lines", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "brain-overload" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1605", "name": "PHP 4 style calls to parent constructors should not be used in PHP5 \"__construct\" functions", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "convention" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1448", "name": "Classes should not have too many methods", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "brain-overload" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1603", "name": "PHP 4 constructor declarations should not be used", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "pitfail" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1779", "name": "Only LF character (Unix-like) should be used to end lines", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "convention", "psr2" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1185", "name": "Overriding methods should do more than simply call the same method in the super class", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1600", "name": "Deprecated predefined variables should not be used", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "pitfail" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1109", "name": "A close curly brace should be located at the beginning of a line", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "convention" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S2001", "name": "Functions deprecated in PHP 5 should not be used", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "obsolete" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S2002", "name": "Errors should not be silenced", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "pitfail" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S2000", "name": "Files should not contain characters before \"<?php\"", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "user-experience" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1105", "name": "An open curly brace should be located at the end of a line", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "convention" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1200", "name": "Classes should not be coupled to too many other classes (Single Responsibility Principle)", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "brain-overload" ], "tags": [] }, { "key": "php:S1106", "name": "An open curly brace should be located at the beginning of a line", "lang": "php", "langName": "PHP", "sysTags": [ "convention" ], "tags": [] } ], "facets": [ { "property": "tags", "values": [ { "val": "convention", "count": 67 }, { "val": "brain-overload", "count": 36 }, { "val": "bug", "count": 36 }, { "val": "cwe", "count": 17 }, { "val": "unused", "count": 16 }, { "val": "security", "count": 14 }, { "val": "pitfall", "count": 12 }, { "val": "psr2", "count": 12 }, { "val": "error-handling", "count": 11 }, { "val": "pitfail", "count": 10 } ] }, { "property": "languages", "values": [ { "val": "java", "count": 212 }, { "val": "py", "count": 212 }, { "val": "php", "count": 103 }, { "val": "js", "count": 77 } ] }, { "property": "repositories", "values": [ { "val": "squid", "count": 206 }, { "val": "Pylint", "count": 180 }, { "val": "php", "count": 97 }, { "val": "javascript", "count": 73 }, { "val": "python", "count": 28 }, { "val": "common-java", "count": 6 }, { "val": "common-php", "count": 6 }, { "val": "manual", "count": 5 }, { "val": "common-js", "count": 4 }, { "val": "common-py", "count": 4 } ] } ] }