import Issue from '../../src/main/js/components/issue/models/issue'; let sinon = require('sinon'), sinonChai = require('sinon-chai'), chai = require('chai'), expect = chai.expect; chai.use(sinonChai); describe('Issue', function () { describe('Model', function () { it('should have correct urlRoot', function () { var issue = new Issue(); expect(issue.urlRoot()).to.equal('/api/issues'); }); it('should parse response without root issue object', function () { var issue = new Issue(); var example = { a: 1 }; expect(issue.parse(example)).to.deep.equal(example); }); it('should parse response with the root issue object', function () { var issue = new Issue(); var example = { a: 1 }; expect(issue.parse({ issue: example })).to.deep.equal(example); }); it('should reset attributes (no attributes initially)', function () { var issue = new Issue(); var example = { a: 1 }; issue.reset(example); expect(issue.toJSON()).to.deep.equal(example); }); it('should reset attributes (override attribute)', function () { var issue = new Issue({ a: 2 }); var example = { a: 1 }; issue.reset(example); expect(issue.toJSON()).to.deep.equal(example); }); it('should reset attributes (different attributes)', function () { var issue = new Issue({ a: 2 }); var example = { b: 1 }; issue.reset(example); expect(issue.toJSON()).to.deep.equal(example); }); it('should unset `textRange` of a closed issue', function () { var issue = new Issue(); var result = issue.parse({ issue: { status: 'CLOSED', textRange: { startLine: 5 } } }); expect(result.textRange); }); it('should unset `flows` of a closed issue', function () { var issue = new Issue(); var result = issue.parse({ issue: { status: 'CLOSED', flows: [1, 2, 3] } }); expect(result.flows).to.deep.equal([]); }); describe('Actions', function () { it('should assign', function () { var issue = new Issue({ key: 'issue-key' }); var spy = sinon.spy(); issue._action = spy; issue.assign('admin'); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith({ data: { assignee: 'admin', issue: 'issue-key' }, url: '/api/issues/assign' }); }); it('should unassign', function () { var issue = new Issue({ key: 'issue-key' }); var spy = sinon.spy(); issue._action = spy; issue.assign(); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith({ data: { assignee: undefined, issue: 'issue-key' }, url: '/api/issues/assign' }); }); it('should plan', function () { var issue = new Issue({ key: 'issue-key' }); var spy = sinon.spy(); issue._action = spy; issue.plan('plan'); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith({ data: { plan: 'plan', issue: 'issue-key' }, url: '/api/issues/plan' }); }); it('should unplan', function () { var issue = new Issue({ key: 'issue-key' }); var spy = sinon.spy(); issue._action = spy; issue.plan(); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith({ data: { plan: undefined, issue: 'issue-key' }, url: '/api/issues/plan' }); }); it('should set severity', function () { var issue = new Issue({ key: 'issue-key' }); var spy = sinon.spy(); issue._action = spy; issue.setSeverity('BLOCKER'); expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWith({ data: { severity: 'BLOCKER', issue: 'issue-key' }, url: '/api/issues/set_severity' }); }); }); describe('#getLinearLocations', function () { it('should return single line location', function () { var issue = new Issue({ textRange: { startLine: 1, endLine: 1, startOffset: 0, endOffset: 10 } }), locations = issue.getLinearLocations(); expect(locations.length).to.equal(1); expect(locations[0].line).to.equal(1); expect(locations[0].from).to.equal(0); expect(locations[0].to).to.equal(10); }); it('should return location not from 0', function () { var issue = new Issue({ textRange: { startLine: 1, endLine: 1, startOffset: 5, endOffset: 10 } }), locations = issue.getLinearLocations(); expect(locations.length).to.equal(1); expect(locations[0].line).to.equal(1); expect(locations[0].from).to.equal(5); expect(locations[0].to).to.equal(10); }); it('should return 2-lines location', function () { var issue = new Issue({ textRange: { startLine: 2, endLine: 3, startOffset: 5, endOffset: 10 } }), locations = issue.getLinearLocations(); expect(locations.length).to.equal(2); expect(locations[0].line).to.equal(2); expect(locations[0].from).to.equal(5); expect(locations[0].to).to.equal(999999); expect(locations[1].line).to.equal(3); expect(locations[1].from).to.equal(0); expect(locations[1].to).to.equal(10); }); it('should return 3-lines location', function () { var issue = new Issue({ textRange: { startLine: 4, endLine: 6, startOffset: 5, endOffset: 10 } }), locations = issue.getLinearLocations(); expect(locations.length).to.equal(3); expect(locations[0].line).to.equal(4); expect(locations[0].from).to.equal(5); expect(locations[0].to).to.equal(999999); expect(locations[1].line).to.equal(5); expect(locations[1].from).to.equal(0); expect(locations[1].to).to.equal(999999); expect(locations[2].line).to.equal(6); expect(locations[2].from).to.equal(0); expect(locations[2].to).to.equal(10); }); it('should return [] when no location', function () { var issue = new Issue(), locations = issue.getLinearLocations(); expect(locations.length).to.equal(0); }); }); }); });