define ['jquery.mockjax'], -> jQuery.mockjaxSettings.contentType = 'text/json'; jQuery.mockjaxSettings.responseTime = 250; # GET /api/codingrules/app jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/app" responseText: JSON.stringify qualityprofiles: [ { key: 'sonarway', name: 'Sonar Way', lang: 'Java', parent: null }, { key: 'qualityprofile1', name: 'Quality Profile 1', lang: 'Java', parent: 'sonarway' }, { key: 'qualityprofile2', name: 'Quality Profile 2', lang: 'JavaScript', parent: 'sonarway' }, { key: 'qualityprofile3', name: 'Quality Profile 3', lang: 'Java', parent: null }, ] languages: java: 'Java' javascript: 'JavaScript' repositories: 'checkstyle': 'Checkstyle' 'common-java': 'Common SonarQube' 'findbugs': 'FindBugs' 'pmd': 'PMD' 'pmd-unit-tests': 'PMD Unit Tests' 'squid': 'SonarQube' statuses: 'BETA': 'Beta' 'DEPRECATED': 'Deprecated' 'READY': 'Ready' tags: 'brain-overload': 'brain-overload' 'bug': 'bug' 'comment': 'comment' 'convention': 'convention' 'error-handling': 'error-handling' 'formatting': 'formatting' 'java8': 'java8' 'multithreading': 'multithreading' 'naming': 'naming' 'pitfall': 'pitfall' 'security': 'security' 'size': 'size' 'unused': 'unused' 'unused-code': 'unused-code' characteristics: '1469': 'Changeability' '1441': 'Changeability: Architecture related changeability' '1470': 'Changeability: Data related changeability' '1475': 'Changeability: Logic related changeability' '1392': 'Efficiency' '1377': 'Efficiency: Memory use' '2965': 'Efficiency: Network use' '1393': 'Efficiency: Processor use' '1154': 'Maintainability' '1022': 'Maintainability: Readability' '1155': 'Maintainability: Understandability' '988': 'Portability' '977': 'Portability: Compiler related portability' '989': 'Portability: Hardware related portability' '994': 'Portability: Language related portability' '1000': 'Portability: OS related portability' '1006': 'Portability: Software related portability' '1021': 'Portability: Time zone related portability' '1551': 'Reliability' '1496': 'Reliability: Architecture related reliability' '1552': 'Reliability: Data related reliability' '1596': 'Reliability: Exception handling' '1622': 'Reliability: Fault tolerance' '1629': 'Reliability: Instruction related reliability' '1759': 'Reliability: Logic related reliability' '2948': 'Reliability: Resource' '1874': 'Reliability: Synchronization related reliability' '1925': 'Reliability: Unit tests' '975': 'Reusability' '974': 'Reusability: Modularity' '976': 'Reusability: Transportability' '1345': 'Security' '1335': 'Security: API abuse' '1346': 'Security: Errors' '1349': 'Security: Input validation and representation' '1364': 'Security: Security features' '1933': 'Testability' '1932': 'Testability: Integration level testability' '1934': 'Testability: Unit level testability' messages: 'all': 'All' 'any': 'Any' 'apply': 'Apply' 'bold': 'Bold' 'bulk_change': 'Bulk Change' 'bulleted_point': 'Bulleted point' 'cancel': 'Cancel' 'change': 'Change' 'code': 'Code' 'delete': 'Delete' 'done': 'Done' 'edit': 'Edit' 'markdown.helplink': 'Markdown Help' 'moreCriteria': '+ More Criteria' 'save': 'Save' 'search_verb': 'Search' 'severity': 'Severity' 'update': 'Update' 'severity.BLOCKER': 'Blocker' 'severity.CRITICAL': 'Critical' 'severity.MAJOR': 'Major' 'severity.MINOR': 'Minor' 'severity.INFO': 'Info' 'coding_rules.activate': 'Activate' 'coding_rules.activate_in': 'Activate In' 'coding_rules.activate_in_quality_profile': 'Activate In Quality Profile' 'coding_rules.add_note': 'Add Note' 'coding_rules.available_since': 'Available Since' 'coding_rules.bulk_change': 'Bulk Change' 'coding_rules.change_severity': 'Change Severity' 'coding_rules.change_severity_in': 'Change Severity In' 'coding_rules.change_details': 'Change Details of Quality Profile' 'coding_rules.extend_description': 'Extend Description' 'coding_rules.deactivate_in': 'Deactivate In' 'coding_rules.deactivate': 'Deactivate' 'coding_rules.deactivate_in_quality_profile': 'Deactivate In Quality Profile' 'coding_rules.found': 'Found' 'coding_rules._inherits': 'inherits' 'coding_rules.key': 'Key:' 'coding_rules.new_search': 'New Search' 'coding_rules.no_results': 'No Coding Rules' 'coding_rules.order': 'Order' 'coding_rules.ordered_by': 'Ordered By' 'coding_rules.original': 'Original:' '': 'Coding Rules' 'coding_rules.parameters': 'Parameters' 'coding_rules.parameters.default_value': 'Default Value:' 'coding_rules.quality_profiles': 'Quality Profiles' 'coding_rules.quality_profile': 'Quality Profile' 'coding_rules.repository': 'Repository:' 'coding_rules.revert_to_parent_definition': 'Revert to Parent Definition' 'coding_rules._rules': 'rules' 'coding_rules.select_tag': 'Select Tag' 'coding_rules.filters.activation': 'Activation' '': 'Active' 'coding_rules.filters.activation.inactive': 'Inactive' '': 'Activation criterion is available when a quality profile is selected' 'coding_rules.filters.availableSince': 'Available Since' 'coding_rules.filters.characteristic': 'Characteristic' 'coding_rules.filters.description': 'Description' 'coding_rules.filters.quality_profile': 'Quality Profile' 'coding_rules.filters.inheritance': 'Inheritance' 'coding_rules.filters.inheritance.inactive': 'Inheritance criterion is available when an inherited quality profile is selected' 'coding_rules.filters.inheritance.not_inherited': 'Not Inherited' 'coding_rules.filters.inheritance.inherited': 'Inherited' 'coding_rules.filters.inheritance.overriden': 'Overriden' 'coding_rules.filters.key': 'Key' 'coding_rules.filters.language': 'Language' '': 'Name' 'coding_rules.filters.repository': 'Repository' 'coding_rules.filters.severity': 'Severity' 'coding_rules.filters.status': 'Status' 'coding_rules.filters.tag': 'Tag' 'coding_rules.sort.creation_date': 'Creation Date' '': 'Name' # GET /api/codingrules/search jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/search" responseText: JSON.stringify codingrules: [ { name: 'Array designators "[]" should be located after the type in method signatures' language: 'Java' severity: 'MAJOR' status: 'DEPRECATED' }, { name: 'Avoid Array Loops' language: 'Java' severity: 'CRITICAL' status: 'READY' }, { name: 'Bad practice - Abstract class defines covariant compareTo() method' language: 'Java' severity: 'MAJOR' status: 'READY' }, { name: 'Correctness - Use of class without a hashCode() method in a hashed data structure' language: 'Java' severity: 'MINOR' status: 'BETA' }, { name: 'Useless Operation On Immutable' language: 'Java' severity: 'MAJOR' status: 'READY' } ] paging: total: 5 fTotal: '5' # GET /api/codingrules/show jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/show" responseText: JSON.stringify codingrule: name: 'Array designators "[]" should be located after the type in method signatures' language: 'Java' tags: ['bug', 'comment', 'java8'] creationDate: '2013-10-15' fCreationDate: 'Oct 15, 2013' status: 'DEPRECATED' repositoryName: 'SonarQube' repositoryKey: 'squid' characteristic: 'Reliability' subcharacteristic: 'Data related reliability' key: 'S1190' parameters: [ { key: 'someParameter', type: 'INT', default: 4, description: 'Some parameter description' } ] description: '''

According to the Java Language Specification:

For compatibility with older versions of the Java SE platform,
            the declaration of a method that returns an array is allowed to place (some or all of)
            the empty bracket pairs that form the declaration of the array type after
            the formal parameter list. This obsolescent syntax should not be used in new code.

The following code snippet illustrates this rule:

public int getVector()[] { /* ... */ }    // Non-Compliant

            public int[] getVector() { /* ... */ }    // Compliant

            public int[] getMatrix()[] { /* ... */ }  // Non-Compliant

            public int[][] getMatrix() { /* ... */ }  // Compliant
''' extra: '''This note is here only for test purposes.''' extraRaw: '''This note is here *only for test purposes*.''' qualityProfiles: [ { name: 'SonarWay' key: 'sonarway' severity: 'MINOR' parameters: [ { key: 'someParameter', value: 8 } ] note: username: 'Admin Admin' html: '''

This note is here only for test purposes.

''' raw: '''This note is here *only for test purposes*.''' fCreationDate: 'less than a minute' }, { name: 'Quality Profile 1' key: 'qualityprofile1' severity: 'MAJOR' parameters: [ { key: 'someParameter', value: 6 } ] inherits: 'sonarway' } ] # POST /api/codingrules/extend_description jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/extend_description" responseText: JSON.stringify extra: '''This note is here only for test purposes.''' extraRaw: '''This note is here *only for test purposes*.''' # POST /api/codingrules/bulk_change jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/bulk_change" # POST /api/codingrules/set_tags jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/set_tags" # POST /api/codingrules/activate jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/activate" # POST /api/codingrules/note jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/codingrules/note" responseText: JSON.stringify note: username: 'Admin Admin' html: '''

This note is here only for test purposes.

''' raw: '''This note is here *only for test purposes*.''' fCreationDate: 'less than a minute' # GET /api/qualityprofiles/list jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/qualityprofiles/list" responseText: JSON.stringify more: false results: [ { id: 'sonarway', text: 'Sonar Way', category: 'Java', parent: null }, { id: 'qp1', text: 'Quality Profile 1', category: 'Java', parent: 'sonarway' }, { id: 'qp2', text: 'Quality Profile 2', category: 'JavaScript', parent: 'sonarway' }, { id: 'qp3', text: 'Quality Profile 3', category: 'Java', parent: null }, ] # GET /api/qualityprofiles/show jQuery.mockjax url: "#{baseUrl}/api/qualityprofiles/show" responseText: JSON.stringify qualityprofile: id: 'sonarway', text: 'Sonar Way', category: 'Java', parent: null