diff options
authorUlrich-Matthias Schäfer <>2018-11-07 15:08:41 +0100
committerUlrich-Matthias Schäfer <>2018-11-07 15:08:41 +0100
commit47fda3cf67cdc8ab20d3b1ba9d65a810adddf5ee (patch)
parent23595eba0ee68a86040d4667bdae4d9e6fe426ba (diff)
parent0cae4172fa0c7ee9b876b1cf2b38ea8be66d3584 (diff)
Merge branch '875-es6' into 3.0.0
-rw-r--r--spec/RAFPlugin.js (renamed from spec/lib/RAFPlugin.js)2
-rw-r--r--spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine_favicon.pngbin1486 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/modules/core/event.js (renamed from src/event.js)86
-rw-r--r--src/modules/optional/sugar.js (renamed from src/sugar.js)60
-rw-r--r--src/types/PathArray.js (renamed from src/patharray.js)206
165 files changed, 15220 insertions, 22491 deletions
diff --git a/.config/karma.conf.js b/.config/karma.conf.js
index 9ea2a89..7421808 100644
--- a/.config/karma.conf.js
+++ b/.config/karma.conf.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
basePath: '../',
// frameworks to use
// available frameworks:
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
- 'spec/lib/RAFPlugin.js',
+ 'spec/RAFPlugin.js',
pattern: 'spec/fixtures/fixture.css',
included: false,
@@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// start these browsers
// available browser launchers:
- browsers: ['Firefox'],
+ browsers: ['ChromeHeadless', 'FirefoxHeadless'],
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3578aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "extends": "standard"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f58d182..ebf7883 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
@@ -10,4 +11,4 @@ src/index.js
-fonts/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 0f36329..ee9f3cb 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ language: node_js
- "stable"
- - npm run build:test
+ - npm run build
- npm test
- cat coverage/firefox/ | node_modules/.bin/coveralls
#sudo: required
diff --git a/bench/runner.html b/bench/runner.html
index b39c1df..5b6040c 100644
--- a/bench/runner.html
+++ b/bench/runner.html
@@ -38,23 +38,16 @@
<div id="draw"></div>
<svg id="native" width="100" height="100" xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svgjs=""></svg>
<script src="../dist/svg.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/helpers.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/transform.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/matrix.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/morph.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/runner.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/timeline.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/controller.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="svg.bench.js"></script>
<!--<script src="tests/10000-each.js"></script> -->
- <!-- <script src="tests/10000-rects.js"></script>
- <script src="tests/10000-circles.js"></script>
+ <script src="tests/10000-rects.js"></script>
+ <!-- <script src="tests/10000-circles.js"></script>
<script src="tests/10000-paths.js"></script>
<script src="tests/10000-boxes.js"></script>
<script src="tests/10000-pointArray-bbox.js"></script>
- <script src="tests/10000-accesses.js"></script> -->
- <script src="tests/10000-transform.js"></script>
+ <script src="tests/10000-accesses.js"></script>
+ <script src="tests/10000-transform.js"></script> -->
diff --git a/bench/tests/10000-rects.js b/bench/tests/10000-rects.js
index 98b7ac9..d6ef518 100644
--- a/bench/tests/10000-rects.js
+++ b/bench/tests/10000-rects.js
@@ -17,102 +17,95 @@ SVG.bench.describe('Generate 10000 rects', function(bench) {
-SVG.bench.describe('Generate 10000 rects with fill', function(bench) {
- bench.test('using SVG.js v2.5.3', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
- bench.draw.rect(100,100).fill('#f06')
- })
- bench.test('using vanilla js', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- var rect = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'rect')
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', 100)
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', 100)
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#f06')
- bench.raw.appendChild(rect)
- }
- })
- bench.test('using Snap.svg v0.5.1', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
- bench.snap.rect(50, 50, 100, 100).attr('fill', '#f06')
- })
-SVG.bench.describe('Generate 10000 rects with position and fill', function(bench) {
- bench.test('using SVG.js v2.5.3', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
- bench.draw.rect(100,100).move(50,50).fill('#f06')
- })
- bench.test('using vanilla js', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- var rect = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'rect')
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', 100)
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', 100)
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#f06')
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', 50)
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', 50)
- bench.raw.appendChild(rect)
- }
- })
- bench.test('using Snap.svg v0.5.1', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
- bench.snap.rect(50, 50, 100, 100).attr('fill', '#f06')
- })
-SVG.bench.describe('Generate 10000 rects with gradient fill', function(bench) {
- bench.test('using SVG.js v2.5.3', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- var g = bench.draw.gradient('linear', function(add) {
- add.stop(0, '#000')
- add.stop(0.25, '#f00')
- add.stop(1, '#fff')
- })
- bench.draw.rect(100,100).fill(g)
- }
- })
- bench.test('using vanilla js', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- var g = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'linearGradient')
- var stop = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'stop')
- stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'offset', '0%')
- stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'color', '#000')
- g.appendChild(stop)
- stop = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'stop')
- stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'offset', '25%')
- stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'color', '#f00')
- g.appendChild(stop)
- stop = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'stop')
- stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'offset', '100%')
- stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'color', '#fff')
- g.appendChild(stop)
- bench.raw.appendChild(g)
- var rect = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'rect')
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', 100)
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', 100)
- rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#f06')
- bench.raw.appendChild(rect)
- }
- })
- bench.test('using Snap.svg v0.5.1', function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
- var g = bench.snap.gradient("L(0, 0, 100, 100)#000-#f00:25%-#fff")
- bench.snap.rect(50, 50, 100, 100).attr({
- fill: g
- })
- }
- })
+// SVG.bench.describe('Generate 10000 rects with fill', function(bench) {
+// bench.test('using SVG.js v2.5.3', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+// bench.draw.rect(100,100).fill('#f06')
+// })
+// bench.test('using vanilla js', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+// var rect = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'rect')
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', 100)
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', 100)
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#f06')
+// bench.raw.appendChild(rect)
+// }
+// })
+// bench.test('using Snap.svg v0.5.1', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+// bench.snap.rect(50, 50, 100, 100).attr('fill', '#f06')
+// })
+// })
+// SVG.bench.describe('Generate 10000 rects with position and fill', function(bench) {
+// bench.test('using SVG.js v2.5.3', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+// bench.draw.rect(100,100).move(50,50).fill('#f06')
+// })
+// bench.test('using vanilla js', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+// var rect = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'rect')
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', 100)
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', 100)
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#f06')
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', 50)
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', 50)
+// bench.raw.appendChild(rect)
+// }
+// })
+// bench.test('using Snap.svg v0.5.1', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
+// bench.snap.rect(50, 50, 100, 100).attr('fill', '#f06')
+// })
+// })
+// SVG.bench.describe('Generate 10000 rects with gradient fill', function(bench) {
+// bench.test('using SVG.js v2.5.3', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+// var g = bench.draw.gradient('linear', function(add) {
+// add.stop(0, '#000')
+// add.stop(0.25, '#f00')
+// add.stop(1, '#fff')
+// })
+// bench.draw.rect(100,100).fill(g)
+// }
+// })
+// bench.test('using vanilla js', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+// var g = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'linearGradient')
+// var stop = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'stop')
+// stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'offset', '0%')
+// stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'color', '#000')
+// g.appendChild(stop)
+// stop = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'stop')
+// stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'offset', '25%')
+// stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'color', '#f00')
+// g.appendChild(stop)
+// stop = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'stop')
+// stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'offset', '100%')
+// stop.setAttributeNS(null, 'color', '#fff')
+// g.appendChild(stop)
+// bench.raw.appendChild(g)
+// var rect = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'rect')
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', 100)
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', 100)
+// rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#f06')
+// bench.raw.appendChild(rect)
+// }
+// })
+// bench.test('using Snap.svg v0.5.1', function() {
+// for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+// var g = bench.snap.gradient("L(0, 0, 100, 100)#000-#f00:25%-#fff")
+// bench.snap.rect(50, 50, 100, 100).attr({
+// fill: g
+// })
+// }
+// })
+// })
diff --git a/dirty.html b/dirty.html
index f3e739a..23b2d6d 100644
--- a/dirty.html
+++ b/dirty.html
@@ -5,13 +5,6 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/svg.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="src/helpers.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="src/transform.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="src/matrix.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="src/morph.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="src/runner.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="src/timeline.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="src/controller.js"></script>
@@ -30,7 +23,11 @@
<!-- Modifying the svg -->
+<script type="module">
+// import SVG from './src/svg.js'
+// window.SVG = SVG
let rect = SVG('rect').hide()
let {sin, PI: pi, round, sqrt} = Math
@@ -270,6 +267,9 @@ let moon =, 300).attr({fill: '#ffa'})
.transform({rotate: 360, origin: [500, 300]}, true)
.transform({rotate: 720, origin: 'center'}, true)
+ .on('step', (e) => {
+ // console.log(e)
+ })
.transform({rotate: 360, origin: [500, 300]}, true)
diff --git a/dist/svg.js b/dist/svg.js
index b854ee4..e1dfbef 100644
--- a/dist/svg.js
+++ b/dist/svg.js
@@ -6,5694 +6,6800 @@
* @copyright Wout Fierens <>
* @license MIT
-* BUILT: Sat Oct 27 2018 12:02:54 GMT+0200 (CEST)
+* BUILT: Wed Nov 07 2018 15:06:40 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)
+var SVG = (function () {
+ 'use strict';
-(function(root, factory) {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define(function(){
- return factory(root, root.document)
- })
- } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
- module.exports = root.document ? factory(root, root.document) : function(w){ return factory(w, w.document) }
- } else {
- root.SVG = factory(root, root.document)
+ function _typeof(obj) {
+ if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
+ _typeof = function (obj) {
+ return typeof obj;
+ };
+ } else {
+ _typeof = function (obj) {
+ return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
+ };
+ }
+ return _typeof(obj);
+ }
+ function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
+ if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
+ throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ }
-}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function(window, document) {
-// Check that our browser supports svg
-var supported = !! document.createElementNS &&
- !! document.createElementNS('','svg').createSVGRect
+ function _defineProperties(target, props) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
+ var descriptor = props[i];
+ descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
+ descriptor.configurable = true;
+ if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
+ Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
+ }
+ }
-// If we don't support svg, just exit without doing anything
-if (!supported)
- return {supported: false}
+ function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
+ if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
+ if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
+ return Constructor;
+ }
-// Otherwise, the library will be here
-"use strict";
+ function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
+ if (key in obj) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+ value: value,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ obj[key] = value;
+ }
-function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
+ return obj;
+ }
-function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); }
+ function _objectSpread(target) {
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};
+ var ownKeys = Object.keys(source);
-function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); }
+ if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') {
+ ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable;
+ }));
+ }
-function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } }
+ ownKeys.forEach(function (key) {
+ _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
+ });
+ }
-function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
+ return target;
+ }
-function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
+ function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
+ if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ }
-function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
+ subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
+ constructor: {
+ value: subClass,
+ writable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ }
+ });
+ if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
+ }
-function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; var ownKeys = Object.keys(source); if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') { ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable; })); } ownKeys.forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } return target; }
+ function _getPrototypeOf(o) {
+ _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) {
+ return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
+ };
+ return _getPrototypeOf(o);
+ }
-function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
+ function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
+ _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
+ o.__proto__ = p;
+ return o;
+ };
-function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }
+ return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
+ }
-/* global createElement, capitalize */
+ function _assertThisInitialized(self) {
+ if (self === void 0) {
+ throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ }
-/* eslint-disable new-cap */
-// The main wrapping element
-var SVG = window.SVG = function (element) {
- if (SVG.supported) {
- element = createElement(element);
- return element;
+ return self;
-}; // Svg must be supported if we reached this stage
+ function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) {
+ if (call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function")) {
+ return call;
+ }
-SVG.supported = true; // Default namespaces
+ return _assertThisInitialized(self);
+ }
-SVG.ns = '';
-SVG.xmlns = '';
-SVG.xlink = '';
-SVG.svgjs = ''; // Element id sequence
+ function _superPropBase(object, property) {
+ while (!, property)) {
+ object = _getPrototypeOf(object);
+ if (object === null) break;
+ }
-SVG.did = 1000; // Get next named element id
+ return object;
+ }
-SVG.eid = function (name) {
- return 'Svgjs' + capitalize(name) + SVG.did++;
-}; // Method for element creation
+ function _get(target, property, receiver) {
+ if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.get) {
+ _get = Reflect.get;
+ } else {
+ _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) {
+ var base = _superPropBase(target, property);
+ if (!base) return;
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property);
-SVG.create = function (name) {
- // create element
- return document.createElementNS(this.ns, name);
-}; // Method for extending objects
+ if (desc.get) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return desc.value;
+ };
+ }
-SVG.extend = function (modules, methods) {
- var key, i;
- modules = Array.isArray(modules) ? modules : [modules];
+ return _get(target, property, receiver || target);
+ }
- for (i = modules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (modules[i]) {
- for (key in methods) {
- modules[i].prototype[key] = methods[key];
- }
+ function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
+ return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();
+ }
+ function _toConsumableArray(arr) {
+ return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread();
+ }
+ function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) {
+ if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
+ for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
+ return arr2;
-}; // Invent new element
+ function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
+ if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
+ }
-SVG.invent = function (config) {
- // Create element initializer
- var initializer = typeof config.create === 'function' ? config.create : function (node) {
-, node || SVG.create(config.create));
- }; // Inherit prototype
+ function _iterableToArray(iter) {
+ if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter);
+ }
+ function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
+ var _arr = [];
+ var _n = true;
+ var _d = false;
+ var _e = undefined;
- if (config.inherit) {
- initializer.prototype = new config.inherit();
- initializer.prototype.constructor = initializer;
- } // Extend with methods
+ try {
+ for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {
+ _arr.push(_s.value);
+ if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ _d = true;
+ _e = err;
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();
+ } finally {
+ if (_d) throw _e;
+ }
+ }
- if (config.extend) {
- SVG.extend(initializer, config.extend);
- } // Attach construct method to parent
+ return _arr;
+ }
+ function _nonIterableSpread() {
+ throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
+ }
- if (config.construct) {
- SVG.extend(config.parent || SVG.Container, config.construct);
+ function _nonIterableRest() {
+ throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
- return initializer;
-}; // Adopt existing svg elements
+ var methods = {};
+ function registerMethods(name, m) {
+ if (Array.isArray(name)) {
+ var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
+ var _didIteratorError = false;
+ var _iteratorError = undefined;
+ try {
+ for (var _iterator = name[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
+ var _name = _step.value;
+ registerMethods(_name, m);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ _didIteratorError = true;
+ _iteratorError = err;
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
+ _iterator.return();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (_didIteratorError) {
+ throw _iteratorError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-SVG.adopt = function (node) {
- // check for presence of node
- if (!node) return null; // make sure a node isn't already adopted
+ return;
+ }
- if (node.instance instanceof SVG.Element) return node.instance;
+ if (_typeof(name) === 'object') {
+ var _arr = Object.entries(name);
- if (!(node instanceof window.SVGElement)) {
- return new SVG.HtmlNode(node);
- } // initialize variables
+ for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
+ var _arr$_i = _slicedToArray(_arr[_i], 2),
+ _name2 = _arr$_i[0],
+ _m = _arr$_i[1];
+ registerMethods(_name2, _m);
+ }
- var element; // adopt with element-specific settings
+ return;
+ }
- if (node.nodeName === 'svg') {
- element = new SVG.Doc(node);
- } else if (node.nodeName === 'linearGradient' || node.nodeName === 'radialGradient') {
- element = new SVG.Gradient(node);
- } else if (SVG[capitalize(node.nodeName)]) {
- element = new SVG[capitalize(node.nodeName)](node);
- } else {
- element = new SVG.Parent(node);
+ methods[name] = Object.assign(methods[name] || {}, m);
+ }
+ function getMethodsFor(name) {
+ return methods[name] || {};
- return element;
-}; // Storage for regular expressions
+ function siblings() {
+ return this.parent().children();
+ } // Get the curent position siblings
+ function position() {
+ return this.parent().index(this);
+ } // Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
-SVG.regex = {
- // Parse unit value
- numberAndUnit: /^([+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?)([a-z%]*)$/i,
- // Parse hex value
- hex: /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i,
- // Parse rgb value
- rgb: /rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/,
- // Parse reference id
- reference: /#([a-z0-9\-_]+)/i,
- // splits a transformation chain
- transforms: /\)\s*,?\s*/,
- // Whitespace
- whitespace: /\s/g,
- // Test hex value
- isHex: /^#[a-f0-9]{3,6}$/i,
- // Test rgb value
- isRgb: /^rgb\(/,
- // Test css declaration
- isCss: /[^:]+:[^;]+;?/,
- // Test for blank string
- isBlank: /^(\s+)?$/,
- // Test for numeric string
- isNumber: /^[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,
- // Test for percent value
- isPercent: /^-?[\d.]+%$/,
- // Test for image url
- isImage: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)(\?[^=]+.*)?/i,
- // split at whitespace and comma
- delimiter: /[\s,]+/,
- // The following regex are used to parse the d attribute of a path
- // Matches all hyphens which are not after an exponent
- hyphen: /([^e])-/gi,
- // Replaces and tests for all path letters
- pathLetters: /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/gi,
- // yes we need this one, too
- isPathLetter: /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/i,
- // matches
- numbersWithDots: /((\d?\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)((?:\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)+))+/gi,
- // matches .
- dots: /\./g
-SVG.utils = {
- // Map function
- map: function map(array, block) {
- var i;
- var il = array.length;
- var result = [];
+ function next() {
+ return this.siblings()[this.position() + 1];
+ } // Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
- for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
- result.push(block(array[i]));
- }
+ function prev() {
+ return this.siblings()[this.position() - 1];
+ } // Send given element one step forward
- return result;
- },
- // Filter function
- filter: function filter(array, block) {
- var i;
- var il = array.length;
- var result = [];
+ function forward() {
+ var i = this.position() + 1;
+ var p = this.parent(); // move node one step forward
- for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
- if (block(array[i])) {
- result.push(array[i]);
- }
+ p.removeElement(this).add(this, i); // make sure defs node is always at the top
+ if (typeof p.isRoot === 'function' && p.isRoot()) {
+ p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node);
- return result;
- },
- // Degrees to radians
- radians: function radians(d) {
- return d % 360 * Math.PI / 180;
- },
- // Radians to degrees
- degrees: function degrees(r) {
- return r * 180 / Math.PI % 360;
- },
- filterSVGElements: function filterSVGElements(nodes) {
- return this.filter(nodes, function (el) {
- return el instanceof window.SVGElement;
- });
- }
+ return this;
+ } // Send given element one step backward
-SVG.void = function () {};
+ function backward() {
+ var i = this.position();
-SVG.defaults = {
- // Default animation values
- timeline: {
- duration: 400,
- ease: '>',
- delay: 0
- },
- // Default attribute values
- attrs: {
- // fill and stroke
- 'fill-opacity': 1,
- 'stroke-opacity': 1,
- 'stroke-width': 0,
- 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter',
- 'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
- fill: '#000000',
- stroke: '#000000',
- opacity: 1,
- // position
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- cx: 0,
- cy: 0,
- // size
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- // radius
- r: 0,
- rx: 0,
- ry: 0,
- // gradient
- offset: 0,
- 'stop-opacity': 1,
- 'stop-color': '#000000',
- // text
- 'font-size': 16,
- 'font-family': 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
- 'text-anchor': 'start'
- }
-SVG.Queue = SVG.invent({
- create: function create() {
- this._first = null;
- this._last = null;
- },
- extend: {
- push: function push(value) {
- // An item stores an id and the provided value
- var item = ? value : {
- value: value,
- next: null,
- prev: null // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
+ if (i > 0) {
+ this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, i - 1);
+ }
- };
+ return this;
+ } // Send given element all the way to the front
- if (this._last) {
- item.prev = this._last;
- = item;
- this._last = item;
- } else {
- this._last = item;
- this._first = item;
- } // Update the length and return the current item
+ function front() {
+ var p = this.parent(); // Move node forward
+ p.node.appendChild(this.node); // Make sure defs node is always at the top
- return item;
- },
- shift: function shift() {
- // Check if we have a value
- var remove = this._first;
- if (!remove) return null; // If we do, remove it and relink things
- this._first =;
- if (this._first) this._first.prev = null;
- this._last = this._first ? this._last : null;
- return remove.value;
- },
- // Shows us the first item in the list
- first: function first() {
- return this._first && this._first.value;
- },
- // Shows us the last item in the list
- last: function last() {
- return this._last && this._last.value;
- },
- // Removes the item that was returned from the push
- remove: function remove(item) {
- // Relink the previous item
- if (item.prev) =;
- if ( = item.prev;
- if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev;
- if (item === this._first) this._first =; // Invalidate item
- item.prev = null;
- = null;
+ if (typeof p.isRoot === 'function' && p.isRoot()) {
+ p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node);
- }
-/* globals fullHex, compToHex */
-Color {
- constructor (a, b, c, space) {
- space: 'hsl'
- a: 30
- b: 20
- c: 10
- },
- toRgb () { return new Color in rgb space }
- toHsl () { return new Color in hsl space }
- toLab () { return new Color in lab space }
- toArray () { [space, a, b, c] }
- fromArray () { convert it back }
-// Conversions aren't always exact because of monitor profiles etc...
-new Color(h, s, l, 'hsl') !== new Color(r, g, b).hsl()
-new Color(100, 100, 100, [space])
-new Color('hsl(30, 20, 10)')
-// Sugar
-SVG.rgb(30, 20, 50).lab()
-SVG.lab('rgb(100, 100, 100)')
-// Module for color convertions
-SVG.Color = function (color, g, b) {
- var match; // initialize defaults
- this.r = 0;
- this.g = 0;
- this.b = 0;
- if (!color) return; // parse color
- if (typeof color === 'string') {
- if (SVG.regex.isRgb.test(color)) {
- // get rgb values
- match = SVG.regex.rgb.exec(color.replace(SVG.regex.whitespace, '')); // parse numeric values
- this.r = parseInt(match[1]);
- this.g = parseInt(match[2]);
- this.b = parseInt(match[3]);
- } else if (SVG.regex.isHex.test(color)) {
- // get hex values
- match = SVG.regex.hex.exec(fullHex(color)); // parse numeric values
- this.r = parseInt(match[1], 16);
- this.g = parseInt(match[2], 16);
- this.b = parseInt(match[3], 16);
+ return this;
+ } // Send given element all the way to the back
+ function back() {
+ if (this.position() > 0) {
+ this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, 0);
- } else if (Array.isArray(color)) {
- this.r = color[0];
- this.g = color[1];
- this.b = color[2];
- } else if (_typeof(color) === 'object') {
- this.r = color.r;
- this.g = color.g;
- this.b = color.b;
- } else if (arguments.length === 3) {
- this.r = color;
- this.g = g;
- this.b = b;
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Color, {
- // Default to hex conversion
- toString: function toString() {
- return this.toHex();
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return [this.r, this.g, this.b];
- },
- fromArray: function fromArray(a) {
- return new SVG.Color(a);
- },
- // Build hex value
- toHex: function toHex() {
- return '#' + compToHex(Math.round(this.r)) + compToHex(Math.round(this.g)) + compToHex(Math.round(this.b));
- },
- // Build rgb value
- toRgb: function toRgb() {
- return 'rgb(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b].join() + ')';
- },
- // Calculate true brightness
- brightness: function brightness() {
- return this.r / 255 * 0.30 + this.g / 255 * 0.59 + this.b / 255 * 0.11;
- },
- // Make color morphable
- morph: function morph(color) {
- this.destination = new SVG.Color(color);
+ return this;
+ } // Inserts a given element before the targeted element
+ function before(element) {
+ element.remove();
+ var i = this.position();
+ this.parent().add(element, i);
+ return this;
+ } // Inserts a given element after the targeted element
+ function after(element) {
+ element.remove();
+ var i = this.position();
+ this.parent().add(element, i + 1);
return this;
- },
- // Get morphed color at given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this; // normalise pos
- pos = pos < 0 ? 0 : pos > 1 ? 1 : pos; // generate morphed color
- return new SVG.Color({
- r: ~~(this.r + (this.destination.r - this.r) * pos),
- g: ~~(this.g + (this.destination.g - this.g) * pos),
- b: ~~(this.b + (this.destination.b - this.b) * pos)
- });
-}); // Testers
-// Test if given value is a color string
+ registerMethods('Dom', {
+ siblings: siblings,
+ position: position,
+ next: next,
+ prev: prev,
+ forward: forward,
+ backward: backward,
+ front: front,
+ back: back,
+ before: before,
+ after: after
+ });
+ // Parse unit value
+ var numberAndUnit = /^([+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?)([a-z%]*)$/i; // Parse hex value
-SVG.Color.test = function (color) {
- color += '';
- return SVG.regex.isHex.test(color) || SVG.regex.isRgb.test(color);
-}; // Test if given value is a rgb object
+ var hex = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i; // Parse rgb value
+ var rgb = /rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/; // Parse reference id
-SVG.Color.isRgb = function (color) {
- return color && typeof color.r === 'number' && typeof color.g === 'number' && typeof color.b === 'number';
-}; // Test if given value is a color
+ var reference = /(#[a-z0-9\-_]+)/i; // splits a transformation chain
+ var transforms = /\)\s*,?\s*/; // Whitespace
-SVG.Color.isColor = function (color) {
- return SVG.Color.isRgb(color) || SVG.Color.test(color);
-/* global arrayClone */
-// Module for array conversion
+ var whitespace = /\s/g; // Test hex value
+ var isHex = /^#[a-f0-9]{3,6}$/i; // Test rgb value
-SVG.Array = function (array, fallback) {
- array = (array || []).valueOf(); // if array is empty and fallback is provided, use fallback
+ var isRgb = /^rgb\(/; // Test css declaration
- if (array.length === 0 && fallback) {
- array = fallback.valueOf();
- } // parse array
+ var isCss = /[^:]+:[^;]+;?/; // Test for blank string
+ var isBlank = /^(\s+)?$/; // Test for numeric string
- this.value = this.parse(array);
+ var isNumber = /^[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i; // Test for percent value
-SVG.extend(SVG.Array, {
- // Make array morphable
- morph: function morph(array) {
- this.destination = this.parse(array); // normalize length of arrays
+ var isPercent = /^-?[\d.]+%$/; // Test for image url
- if (this.value.length !== this.destination.length) {
- var lastValue = this.value[this.value.length - 1];
- var lastDestination = this.destination[this.destination.length - 1];
+ var isImage = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)(\?[^=]+.*)?/i; // split at whitespace and comma
- while (this.value.length > this.destination.length) {
- this.destination.push(lastDestination);
- }
+ var delimiter = /[\s,]+/; // The following regex are used to parse the d attribute of a path
+ // Matches all hyphens which are not after an exponent
- while (this.value.length < this.destination.length) {
- this.value.push(lastValue);
- }
+ var hyphen = /([^e])-/gi; // Replaces and tests for all path letters
+ var pathLetters = /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/gi; // yes we need this one, too
+ var isPathLetter = /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/i; // matches
+ var numbersWithDots = /((\d?\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)((?:\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)+))+/gi; // matches .
+ var dots = /\./g;
+ var regex = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ numberAndUnit: numberAndUnit,
+ hex: hex,
+ rgb: rgb,
+ reference: reference,
+ transforms: transforms,
+ whitespace: whitespace,
+ isHex: isHex,
+ isRgb: isRgb,
+ isCss: isCss,
+ isBlank: isBlank,
+ isNumber: isNumber,
+ isPercent: isPercent,
+ isImage: isImage,
+ delimiter: delimiter,
+ hyphen: hyphen,
+ pathLetters: pathLetters,
+ isPathLetter: isPathLetter,
+ numbersWithDots: numbersWithDots,
+ dots: dots
+ });
+ function classes() {
+ var attr = this.attr('class');
+ return attr == null ? [] : attr.trim().split(delimiter);
+ } // Return true if class exists on the node, false otherwise
+ function hasClass(name) {
+ return this.classes().indexOf(name) !== -1;
+ } // Add class to the node
+ function addClass(name) {
+ if (!this.hasClass(name)) {
+ var array = this.classes();
+ array.push(name);
+ this.attr('class', array.join(' '));
return this;
- },
- // Clean up any duplicate points
- settle: function settle() {
- // find all unique values
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, seen = []; i < il; i++) {
- if (seen.indexOf(this.value[i]) === -1) {
- seen.push(this.value[i]);
- }
- } // set new value
- this.value = seen;
- return seen;
- },
- // Get morphed array at given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this; // generate morphed array
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push(this.value[i] + (this.destination[i] - this.value[i]) * pos);
+ } // Remove class from the node
+ function removeClass(name) {
+ if (this.hasClass(name)) {
+ this.attr('class', this.classes().filter(function (c) {
+ return c !== name;
+ }).join(' '));
- return new SVG.Array(array);
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return this.value;
- },
- // Convert array to string
- toString: function toString() {
- return this.value.join(' ');
- },
- // Real value
- valueOf: function valueOf() {
- return this.value;
- },
- // Parse whitespace separated string
- parse: function parse(array) {
- array = array.valueOf(); // if already is an array, no need to parse it
- if (Array.isArray(array)) return array;
- return array.trim().split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat);
- },
- // Reverse array
- reverse: function reverse() {
- this.value.reverse();
return this;
- },
- clone: function clone() {
- var clone = new this.constructor();
- clone.value = arrayClone(this.value);
- return clone;
+ } // Toggle the presence of a class on the node
+ function toggleClass(name) {
+ return this.hasClass(name) ? this.removeClass(name) : this.addClass(name);
-}); // Poly points array
-SVG.PointArray = function (array, fallback) {
-, array, fallback || [[0, 0]]);
-}; // Inherit from SVG.Array
+ registerMethods('Dom', {
+ classes: classes,
+ hasClass: hasClass,
+ addClass: addClass,
+ removeClass: removeClass,
+ toggleClass: toggleClass
+ });
+ // Map function
+ function map(array, block) {
+ var i;
+ var il = array.length;
+ var result = [];
-SVG.PointArray.prototype = new SVG.Array();
-SVG.PointArray.prototype.constructor = SVG.PointArray;
-SVG.extend(SVG.PointArray, {
- // Convert array to string
- toString: function toString() {
- // convert to a poly point string
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push(this.value[i].join(','));
+ for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
+ result.push(block(array[i]));
- return array.join(' ');
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return this.value.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- return [], curr);
- }, []);
- },
- // Convert array to line object
- toLine: function toLine() {
- return {
- x1: this.value[0][0],
- y1: this.value[0][1],
- x2: this.value[1][0],
- y2: this.value[1][1]
- };
- },
- // Get morphed array at given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this; // generate morphed point string
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push([this.value[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this.value[i][0]) * pos, this.value[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this.value[i][1]) * pos]);
- }
+ return result;
+ } // Filter function
- return new SVG.PointArray(array);
- },
- // Parse point string and flat array
- parse: function parse(array) {
- var points = [];
- array = array.valueOf(); // if it is an array
+ function filter(array, block) {
+ var i;
+ var il = array.length;
+ var result = [];
- if (Array.isArray(array)) {
- // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
- if (Array.isArray(array[0])) {
- return array;
+ for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
+ if (block(array[i])) {
+ result.push(array[i]);
- } else {
- // Else, it is considered as a string
- // parse points
- array = array.trim().split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat);
- } // validate points -
- // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
+ }
- if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop(); // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
+ return result;
+ } // Degrees to radians
- for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
- points.push([array[i], array[i + 1]]);
- }
+ function radians(d) {
+ return d % 360 * Math.PI / 180;
+ } // Radians to degrees
- return points;
- },
- // Move point string
- move: function move(x, y) {
- var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
+ function degrees(r) {
+ return r * 180 / Math.PI % 360;
+ } // Convert dash-separated-string to camelCase
- x -= box.x;
- y -= box.y; // move every point
+ function camelCase(s) {
+ return s.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function (m, g) {
+ return g.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ } // Capitalize first letter of a string
- if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
- for (var i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- this.value[i] = [this.value[i][0] + x, this.value[i][1] + y];
- }
- }
+ function capitalize(s) {
+ return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
+ } // Calculate proportional width and height values when necessary
- return this;
- },
- // Resize poly string
- size: function size(width, height) {
- var i;
- var box = this.bbox(); // recalculate position of all points according to new size
+ function proportionalSize(element, width, height) {
+ if (width == null || height == null) {
+ var box = element.bbox();
- for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (box.width) this.value[i][0] = (this.value[i][0] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- if (box.height) this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ if (width == null) {
+ width = box.width / box.height * height;
+ } else if (height == null) {
+ height = box.height / box.width * width;
+ }
- return this;
- },
- // Get bounding box of points
- bbox: function bbox() {
- var maxX = -Infinity;
- var maxY = -Infinity;
- var minX = Infinity;
- var minY = Infinity;
- this.value.forEach(function (el) {
- maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX);
- maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY);
- minX = Math.min(el[0], minX);
- minY = Math.min(el[1], minY);
- });
return {
- x: minX,
- y: minY,
- width: maxX - minX,
- height: maxY - minY
+ width: width,
+ height: height
-/* globals arrayToString, pathRegReplace */
-var pathHandlers = {
- M: function M(c, p, p0) {
- p.x = p0.x = c[0];
- p.y = p0.y = c[1];
- return ['M', p.x, p.y];
- },
- L: function L(c, p) {
- p.x = c[0];
- p.y = c[1];
- return ['L', c[0], c[1]];
- },
- H: function H(c, p) {
- p.x = c[0];
- return ['H', c[0]];
- },
- V: function V(c, p) {
- p.y = c[0];
- return ['V', c[0]];
- },
- C: function C(c, p) {
- p.x = c[4];
- p.y = c[5];
- return ['C', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]];
- },
- S: function S(c, p) {
- p.x = c[2];
- p.y = c[3];
- return ['S', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
- },
- Q: function Q(c, p) {
- p.x = c[2];
- p.y = c[3];
- return ['Q', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
- },
- T: function T(c, p) {
- p.x = c[0];
- p.y = c[1];
- return ['T', c[0], c[1]];
- },
- Z: function Z(c, p, p0) {
- p.x = p0.x;
- p.y = p0.y;
- return ['Z'];
- },
- A: function A(c, p) {
- p.x = c[5];
- p.y = c[6];
- return ['A', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6]];
- }
-var mlhvqtcsaz = 'mlhvqtcsaz'.split('');
-for (var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i) {
- pathHandlers[mlhvqtcsaz[i]] = function (i) {
- return function (c, p, p0) {
- if (i === 'H') c[0] = c[0] + p.x;else if (i === 'V') c[0] = c[0] + p.y;else if (i === 'A') {
- c[5] = c[5] + p.x;
- c[6] = c[6] + p.y;
- } else {
- for (var j = 0, jl = c.length; j < jl; ++j) {
- c[j] = c[j] + (j % 2 ? p.y : p.x);
- }
- }
- return pathHandlers[i](c, p, p0);
- };
- }(mlhvqtcsaz[i].toUpperCase());
-} // Path points array
-SVG.PathArray = function (array, fallback) {
-, array, fallback || [['M', 0, 0]]);
-}; // Inherit from SVG.Array
-SVG.PathArray.prototype = new SVG.Array();
-SVG.PathArray.prototype.constructor = SVG.PathArray;
-SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
- // Convert array to string
- toString: function toString() {
- return arrayToString(this.value);
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return this.value.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- return [], curr);
- }, []);
- },
- // Move path string
- move: function move(x, y) {
- // get bounding box of current situation
- var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
- x -= box.x;
- y -= box.y;
- if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
- // move every point
- for (var l, i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- l = this.value[i][0];
+ function getOrigin(o, element) {
+ // Allow origin or around as the names
+ var origin = o.origin; // o.around == null ? o.origin : o.around
- if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- this.value[i][1] += x;
- this.value[i][2] += y;
- } else if (l === 'H') {
- this.value[i][1] += x;
- } else if (l === 'V') {
- this.value[i][1] += y;
- } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- this.value[i][1] += x;
- this.value[i][2] += y;
- this.value[i][3] += x;
- this.value[i][4] += y;
+ var ox, oy; // Allow the user to pass a string to rotate around a given point
- if (l === 'C') {
- this.value[i][5] += x;
- this.value[i][6] += y;
- }
- } else if (l === 'A') {
- this.value[i][6] += x;
- this.value[i][7] += y;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (typeof origin === 'string' || origin == null) {
+ // Get the bounding box of the element with no transformations applied
+ var string = (origin || 'center').toLowerCase().trim();
- return this;
- },
- // Resize path string
- size: function size(width, height) {
- // get bounding box of current situation
- var box = this.bbox();
- var i, l; // recalculate position of all points according to new size
- for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- l = this.value[i][0];
- if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this.value[i][2] = (this.value[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- } else if (l === 'H') {
- this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- } else if (l === 'V') {
- this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this.value[i][2] = (this.value[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- this.value[i][3] = (this.value[i][3] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this.value[i][4] = (this.value[i][4] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- if (l === 'C') {
- this.value[i][5] = (this.value[i][5] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this.value[i][6] = (this.value[i][6] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- }
- } else if (l === 'A') {
- // resize radii
- this.value[i][1] = this.value[i][1] * width / box.width;
- this.value[i][2] = this.value[i][2] * height / box.height; // move position values
+ var _element$bbox = element.bbox(),
+ height = _element$bbox.height,
+ width = _element$bbox.width,
+ x = _element$bbox.x,
+ y = _element$bbox.y; // Calculate the transformed x and y coordinates
- this.value[i][6] = (this.value[i][6] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this.value[i][7] = (this.value[i][7] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
- equalCommands: function equalCommands(pathArray) {
- var i, il, equalCommands;
- pathArray = new SVG.PathArray(pathArray);
- equalCommands = this.value.length === pathArray.value.length;
- for (i = 0, il = this.value.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
- equalCommands = this.value[i][0] === pathArray.value[i][0];
- }
- return equalCommands;
- },
- // Make path array morphable
- morph: function morph(pathArray) {
- pathArray = new SVG.PathArray(pathArray);
+ var bx = string.includes('left') ? x : string.includes('right') ? x + width : x + width / 2;
+ var by = string.includes('top') ? y : string.includes('bottom') ? y + height : y + height / 2; // Set the bounds eg : "bottom-left", "Top right", "middle" etc...
- if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
- this.destination = pathArray;
+ ox = o.ox != null ? o.ox : bx;
+ oy = o.oy != null ? o.oy : by;
} else {
- this.destination = null;
+ ox = origin[0];
+ oy = origin[1];
+ } // Return the origin as it is if it wasn't a string
+ return [ox, oy];
+ }
+ function css(style, val) {
+ var ret = {};
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ // get full style as object
+\s*;\s*/).filter(function (el) {
+ return !!el.length;
+ }).forEach(function (el) {
+ var t = el.split(/\s*:\s*/);
+ ret[t[0]] = t[1];
+ });
+ return ret;
- return this;
- },
- // Get morphed path array at given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this;
- var sourceArray = this.value;
- var destinationArray = this.destination.value;
- var array = [];
- var pathArray = new SVG.PathArray();
- var i, il, j, jl; // Animate has specified in the SVG spec
- // See:
- for (i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
- array[i] = [sourceArray[i][0]];
- for (j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
- array[i][j] = sourceArray[i][j] + (destinationArray[i][j] - sourceArray[i][j]) * pos;
- } // For the two flags of the elliptical arc command, the SVG spec say:
- // Flags and booleans are interpolated as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true
- // Elliptical arc command as an array followed by corresponding indexes:
- // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
- // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- if (array[i][0] === 'A') {
- array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] !== 0);
- array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] !== 0);
- }
- } // Directly modify the value of a path array, this is done this way for performance
- pathArray.value = array;
- return pathArray;
- },
- // Absolutize and parse path to array
- parse: function parse(array) {
- // if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
- if (array instanceof SVG.PathArray) return array.valueOf(); // prepare for parsing
- var s;
- var paramCnt = {
- 'M': 2,
- 'L': 2,
- 'H': 1,
- 'V': 1,
- 'C': 6,
- 'S': 4,
- 'Q': 4,
- 'T': 2,
- 'A': 7,
- 'Z': 0
- };
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ // get style properties in the array
+ if (Array.isArray(style)) {
+ var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
+ var _didIteratorError = false;
+ var _iteratorError = undefined;
- if (typeof array === 'string') {
- array = array.replace(SVG.regex.numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
- .replace(SVG.regex.pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
- .replace(SVG.regex.hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
- .trim() // trim
- .split(SVG.regex.delimiter); // split into array
- } else {
- array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- return [], curr);
- }, []);
- } // array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
+ try {
+ for (var _iterator = style[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
+ var name = _step.value;
+ var cased = camelCase(name);
+ ret[cased] =[cased];
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ _didIteratorError = true;
+ _iteratorError = err;
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
+ _iterator.return();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (_didIteratorError) {
+ throw _iteratorError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } // get style for property
- var result = [];
- var p = new SVG.Point();
- var p0 = new SVG.Point();
- var index = 0;
- var len = array.length;
- do {
- // Test if we have a path letter
- if (SVG.regex.isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
- s = array[index];
- ++index; // If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
- } else if (s === 'M') {
- s = 'L';
- } else if (s === 'm') {
- s = 'l';
- }
+ if (typeof style === 'string') {
+ return[camelCase(style)];
+ } // set styles in object
- result.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null, array.slice(index, index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()]).map(parseFloat), p, p0));
- } while (len > index);
- return result;
- },
- // Get bounding box of path
- bbox: function bbox() {
- SVG.parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString());
- return SVG.parser.nodes.path.getBBox();
- }
-}); // Module for unit convertions
+ if (_typeof(style) === 'object') {
+ for (var _name in style) {
+ // set empty string if null/undefined/'' was given
+[camelCase(_name)] = style[_name] == null || isBlank.test(style[_name]) ? '' : style[_name];
+ }
+ }
+ } // set style for property
-SVG.Number = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function create(value, unit) {
- unit = Array.isArray(value) ? value[1] : unit;
- value = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value; // initialize defaults
- this.value = 0;
- this.unit = unit || ''; // parse value
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+[camelCase(style)] = val == null || isBlank.test(val) ? '' : val;
+ }
- if (typeof value === 'number') {
- // ensure a valid numeric value
- this.value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : !isFinite(value) ? value < 0 ? -3.4e+38 : +3.4e+38 : value;
- } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
- unit = value.match(SVG.regex.numberAndUnit);
+ return this;
+ } // Show element
- if (unit) {
- // make value numeric
- this.value = parseFloat(unit[1]); // normalize
+ function show() {
+ return this.css('display', '');
+ } // Hide element
- if (unit[5] === '%') {
- this.value /= 100;
- } else if (unit[5] === 's') {
- this.value *= 1000;
- } // store unit
+ function hide() {
+ return this.css('display', 'none');
+ } // Is element visible?
+ function visible() {
+ return this.css('display') !== 'none';
+ }
+ registerMethods('Dom', {
+ css: css,
+ show: show,
+ hide: hide,
+ visible: visible
+ });
- this.unit = unit[5];
+ function data(a, v, r) {
+ if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {
+ for (v in a) {
+, a[v]);
- } else {
- if (value instanceof SVG.Number) {
- this.value = value.valueOf();
- this.unit = value.unit;
+ } else if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(this.attr('data-' + a));
+ } catch (e) {
+ return this.attr('data-' + a);
+ } else {
+ this.attr('data-' + a, v === null ? null : r === true || typeof v === 'string' || typeof v === 'number' ? v : JSON.stringify(v));
- },
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Stringalize
- toString: function toString() {
- return (this.unit === '%' ? ~~(this.value * 1e8) / 1e6 : this.unit === 's' ? this.value / 1e3 : this.value) + this.unit;
- },
- toJSON: function toJSON() {
- return this.toString();
- },
- // Convert to primitive
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return [this.value, this.unit];
- },
- valueOf: function valueOf() {
- return this.value;
- },
- // Add number
- plus: function plus(number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number);
- return new SVG.Number(this + number, this.unit || number.unit);
- },
- // Subtract number
- minus: function minus(number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number);
- return new SVG.Number(this - number, this.unit || number.unit);
- },
- // Multiply number
- times: function times(number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number);
- return new SVG.Number(this * number, this.unit || number.unit);
- },
- // Divide number
- divide: function divide(number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number);
- return new SVG.Number(this / number, this.unit || number.unit);
- },
- // Make number morphable
- morph: function morph(number) {
- this.destination = new SVG.Number(number);
- if (number.relative) {
- this.destination.value += this.value;
- }
+ return this;
+ }
+ registerMethods('Dom', {
+ data: data
+ });
- return this;
- },
- // Get morphed number at given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // Make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this; // Generate new morphed number
+ // Remember arbitrary data
- return new SVG.Number(this.destination).minus(this).times(pos).plus(this);
- }
- }
-SVG.EventTarget = SVG.invent({
- create: function create() {},
- extend: {
- // Bind given event to listener
- on: function on(event, listener, binding, options) {
- SVG.on(this, event, listener, binding, options);
- return this;
- },
- // Unbind event from listener
- off: function off(event, listener) {
-, event, listener);
- return this;
- },
- dispatch: function dispatch(event, data) {
- return SVG.dispatch(this, event, data);
- },
- // Fire given event
- fire: function fire(event, data) {
- this.dispatch(event, data);
- return this;
+ function remember(k, v) {
+ // remember every item in an object individually
+ if (_typeof(arguments[0]) === 'object') {
+ for (var key in k) {
+ this.remember(key, k[key]);
+ }
+ } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ // retrieve memory
+ return this.memory()[k];
+ } else {
+ // store memory
+ this.memory()[k] = v;
- }
-/* global createElement */
-SVG.HtmlNode = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.EventTarget,
- create: function create(element) {
- this.node = element;
- },
- extend: {
- add: function add(element, i) {
- element = createElement(element);
+ return this;
+ } // Erase a given memory
- if (element.node !== this.node.children[i]) {
- this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.children[i] || null);
+ function forget() {
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ this._memory = {};
+ } else {
+ for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ delete this.memory()[arguments[i]];
- return this;
- },
- put: function put(element, i) {
- this.add(element, i);
- return element;
- },
- getEventTarget: function getEventTarget() {
- return this.node;
+ return this;
+ } // return local memory object
+ function memory() {
+ return this._memory = this._memory || {};
-/* global proportionalSize, assignNewId, createElement, matches, is */
+ registerMethods('Dom', {
+ remember: remember,
+ forget: forget,
+ memory: memory
+ });
-SVG.Element = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.EventTarget,
- // Initialize node
- create: function create(node) {
- // event listener
- = {}; // initialize data object
+ function fullHex(hex$$1) {
+ return hex$$1.length === 4 ? ['#', hex$$1.substring(1, 2), hex$$1.substring(1, 2), hex$$1.substring(2, 3), hex$$1.substring(2, 3), hex$$1.substring(3, 4), hex$$1.substring(3, 4)].join('') : hex$$1;
+ } // Component to hex value
- this.dom = {}; // create circular reference
- this.node = node;
+ function compToHex(comp) {
+ var hex$$1 = comp.toString(16);
+ return hex$$1.length === 1 ? '0' + hex$$1 : hex$$1;
+ }
- if (this.node) {
- this.type = node.nodeName;
- this.node.instance = this;
- = || {};
+ var Color =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Color() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Color);
- if (node.hasAttribute('svgjs:data')) {
- // pull svgjs data from the dom (getAttributeNS doesn't work in html5)
- this.setData(JSON.parse(node.getAttribute('svgjs:data')) || {});
- }
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Move over x-axis
- x: function x(_x) {
- return this.attr('x', _x);
- },
- // Move over y-axis
- y: function y(_y) {
- return this.attr('y', _y);
- },
- // Move by center over x-axis
- cx: function cx(x) {
- return x == null ? this.x() + this.width() / 2 : this.x(x - this.width() / 2);
- },
- // Move by center over y-axis
- cy: function cy(y) {
- return y == null ? this.y() + this.height() / 2 : this.y(y - this.height() / 2);
- },
- // Move element to given x and y values
- move: function move(x, y) {
- return this.x(x).y(y);
- },
- // Move element by its center
- center: function center(x, y) {
- return;
- },
- // Set width of element
- width: function width(_width) {
- return this.attr('width', _width);
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function height(_height) {
- return this.attr('height', _height);
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.width(new SVG.Number(p.width)).height(new SVG.Number(p.height));
- },
- // Clone element
- clone: function clone(parent) {
- // write dom data to the dom so the clone can pickup the data
- this.writeDataToDom(); // clone element and assign new id
- var clone = assignNewId(this.node.cloneNode(true)); // insert the clone in the given parent or after myself
+ _createClass(Color, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(color, g, b) {
+ var match; // initialize defaults
+ this.r = 0;
+ this.g = 0;
+ this.b = 0;
+ if (!color) return; // parse color
+ if (typeof color === 'string') {
+ if (isRgb.test(color)) {
+ // get rgb values
+ match = rgb.exec(color.replace(whitespace, '')); // parse numeric values
+ this.r = parseInt(match[1]);
+ this.g = parseInt(match[2]);
+ this.b = parseInt(match[3]);
+ } else if (isHex.test(color)) {
+ // get hex values
+ match = hex.exec(fullHex(color)); // parse numeric values
+ this.r = parseInt(match[1], 16);
+ this.g = parseInt(match[2], 16);
+ this.b = parseInt(match[3], 16);
+ }
+ } else if (Array.isArray(color)) {
+ this.r = color[0];
+ this.g = color[1];
+ this.b = color[2];
+ } else if (_typeof(color) === 'object') {
+ this.r = color.r;
+ this.g = color.g;
+ this.b = color.b;
+ } else if (arguments.length === 3) {
+ this.r = color;
+ this.g = g;
+ this.b = b;
+ }
+ } // Default to hex conversion
- if (parent) parent.add(clone);else this.after(clone);
- return clone;
- },
- // Remove element
- remove: function remove() {
- if (this.parent()) {
- this.parent().removeElement(this);
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.toHex();
- return this;
- },
- // Replace element
- replace: function replace(element) {
- this.after(element).remove();
- return element;
- },
- // Add element to given container and return self
- addTo: function addTo(parent) {
- return createElement(parent).put(this);
- },
- // Add element to given container and return container
- putIn: function putIn(parent) {
- return createElement(parent).add(this);
- },
- // Get / set id
- id: function id(_id) {
- // generate new id if no id set
- if (typeof _id === 'undefined' && ! {
- = SVG.eid(this.type);
- } // dont't set directly width to make `null` work correctly
- return this.attr('id', _id);
- },
- // Checks whether the given point inside the bounding box of the element
- inside: function inside(x, y) {
- var box = this.bbox();
- return x > box.x && y > box.y && x < box.x + box.width && y < box.y + box.height;
- },
- // Show element
- show: function show() {
- return this.css('display', '');
- },
- // Hide element
- hide: function hide() {
- return this.css('display', 'none');
- },
- // Is element visible?
- visible: function visible() {
- return this.css('display') !== 'none';
- },
- // Return id on string conversion
- toString: function toString() {
- return;
- },
- // Return array of classes on the node
- classes: function classes() {
- var attr = this.attr('class');
- return attr == null ? [] : attr.trim().split(SVG.regex.delimiter);
- },
- // Return true if class exists on the node, false otherwise
- hasClass: function hasClass(name) {
- return this.classes().indexOf(name) !== -1;
- },
- // Add class to the node
- addClass: function addClass(name) {
- if (!this.hasClass(name)) {
- var array = this.classes();
- array.push(name);
- this.attr('class', array.join(' '));
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.r, this.g, this.b];
+ } // Build hex value
+ }, {
+ key: "toHex",
+ value: function toHex() {
+ return '#' + compToHex(Math.round(this.r)) + compToHex(Math.round(this.g)) + compToHex(Math.round(this.b));
+ } // Build rgb value
+ }, {
+ key: "toRgb",
+ value: function toRgb() {
+ return 'rgb(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b].join() + ')';
+ } // Calculate true brightness
+ }, {
+ key: "brightness",
+ value: function brightness() {
+ return this.r / 255 * 0.30 + this.g / 255 * 0.59 + this.b / 255 * 0.11;
+ } // Testers
+ // Test if given value is a color string
+ }], [{
+ key: "test",
+ value: function test(color) {
+ color += '';
+ return isHex.test(color) || isRgb.test(color);
+ } // Test if given value is a rgb object
+ }, {
+ key: "isRgb",
+ value: function isRgb$$1(color) {
+ return color && typeof color.r === 'number' && typeof color.g === 'number' && typeof color.b === 'number';
+ } // Test if given value is a color
+ }, {
+ key: "isColor",
+ value: function isColor(color) {
+ return this.isRgb(color) || this.test(color);
+ }]);
- return this;
- },
- // Remove class from the node
- removeClass: function removeClass(name) {
- if (this.hasClass(name)) {
- this.attr('class', this.classes().filter(function (c) {
- return c !== name;
- }).join(' '));
- }
+ return Color;
+ }();
- return this;
- },
- // Toggle the presence of a class on the node
- toggleClass: function toggleClass(name) {
- return this.hasClass(name) ? this.removeClass(name) : this.addClass(name);
- },
- // Get referenced element form attribute value
- reference: function reference(attr) {
- return SVG.get(this.attr(attr));
- },
- // Returns the parent element instance
- parent: function parent(type) {
- var parent = this; // check for parent
+ // Default namespaces
+ var ns = '';
+ var xmlns = '';
+ var xlink = '';
+ var svgjs = '';
- if (!parent.node.parentNode) return null; // get parent element
+ var Base = function Base() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Base);
+ };
- parent = SVG.adopt(parent.node.parentNode);
- if (!type) return parent; // loop trough ancestors if type is given
+ var elements = {};
+ var root = Symbol('root'); // Method for element creation
- while (parent && parent.node instanceof window.SVGElement) {
- if (typeof type === 'string' ? parent.matches(type) : parent instanceof type) return parent;
- parent = SVG.adopt(parent.node.parentNode);
- }
- },
- // Get parent document
- doc: function doc() {
- var p = this.parent(SVG.Doc);
- return p && p.doc();
- },
- // Get defs
- defs: function defs() {
- return this.doc().defs();
- },
- // return array of all ancestors of given type up to the root svg
- parents: function parents(type) {
- var parents = [];
- var parent = this;
+ function makeNode(name) {
+ // create element
+ return document.createElementNS(ns, name);
+ }
+ function makeInstance(element) {
+ if (element instanceof Base) return element;
- do {
- parent = parent.parent(type);
- if (!parent || !parent.node) break;
- parents.push(parent);
- } while (parent.parent);
+ if (_typeof(element) === 'object') {
+ return adopt(element);
+ }
- return parents;
- },
- // matches the element vs a css selector
- matches: function matches(selector) {
- return _matches(this.node, selector);
- },
- // Returns the svg node to call native svg methods on it
- native: function native() {
- return this.node;
- },
- // Import raw svg
- svg: function svg(_svg) {
- var well, len; // act as a setter if svg is given
+ if (element == null) {
+ return new elements[root]();
+ }
- if (typeof _svg === 'string' && this instanceof SVG.Parent) {
- // create temporary holder
- well = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'svg'); // dump raw svg
+ if (typeof element === 'string' && element.charAt(0) !== '<') {
+ return adopt(document.querySelector(element));
+ }
- well.innerHTML = _svg; // transplant nodes
+ var node = makeNode('svg');
+ node.innerHTML = element; // We can use firstChild here because we know,
+ // that the first char is < and thus an element
- for (len = well.children.length; len--;) {
- this.node.appendChild(well.firstElementChild);
- } // otherwise act as a getter
+ element = adopt(node.firstChild);
+ return element;
+ }
+ function nodeOrNew(name, node) {
+ return node || makeNode(name);
+ } // Adopt existing svg elements
- } else {
- // expose node modifiers
- if (typeof _svg === 'function') {
- this.each(function () {
- well = _svg(this); // If modifier returns false, discard node
+ function adopt(node) {
+ // check for presence of node
+ if (!node) return null; // make sure a node isn't already adopted
- if (well === false) {
- this.remove(); // If modifier returns new node, use it
- } else if (well && well !== this) {
- this.replace(well);
- }
- }, true);
- } // write svgjs data to the dom
+ if (node.instance instanceof Base) return node.instance;
+ if (!(node instanceof window.SVGElement)) {
+ return new elements.HtmlNode(node);
+ } // initialize variables
- this.writeDataToDom();
- return this.node.outerHTML;
- }
- return this;
- },
- // write svgjs data to the dom
- writeDataToDom: function writeDataToDom() {
- // dump variables recursively
- if ( {
- this.each(function () {
- this.writeDataToDom();
- });
- } // remove previously set data
+ var element; // adopt with element-specific settings
+ if (node.nodeName === 'svg') {
+ element = new elements[root](node);
+ } else if (node.nodeName === 'linearGradient' || node.nodeName === 'radialGradient') {
+ element = new elements.Gradient(node);
+ } else if (elements[capitalize(node.nodeName)]) {
+ element = new elements[capitalize(node.nodeName)](node);
+ } else {
+ element = new elements.Bare(node);
+ }
- this.node.removeAttribute('svgjs:data');
+ return element;
+ }
+ function register(element) {
+ var name = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] :;
+ var asRoot = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
+ elements[name] = element;
+ if (asRoot) elements[root] = element;
+ return element;
+ }
+ function getClass(name) {
+ return elements[name];
+ } // Element id sequence
- if (Object.keys(this.dom).length) {
- this.node.setAttribute('svgjs:data', JSON.stringify(this.dom)); // see #428
- }
+ var did = 1000; // Get next named element id
- return this;
- },
- // set given data to the elements data property
- setData: function setData(o) {
- this.dom = o;
- return this;
- },
- is: function is(obj) {
- return _is(this, obj);
- },
- getEventTarget: function getEventTarget() {
- return this.node;
- }
- }
-}) // Add events to elements
-['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].forEach(function (event) {
- // add event to SVG.Element
- SVG.Element.prototype[event] = function (f) {
- if (f === null) {
-, event);
- } else {
- SVG.on(this, event, f);
+ function eid(name) {
+ return 'Svgjs' + capitalize(name) + did++;
+ } // Deep new id assignment
+ function assignNewId(node) {
+ // do the same for SVG child nodes as well
+ for (var i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ assignNewId(node.children[i]);
- return this;
- };
-SVG.listenerId = 0; // Add event binder in the SVG namespace
+ if ( {
+ return adopt(node).id(eid(node.nodeName));
+ }
-SVG.on = function (node, events, listener, binding, options) {
- var l = listener.bind(binding || node);
- var n = node instanceof SVG.EventTarget ? node.getEventTarget() : node; // events can be an array of events or a string of events
+ return adopt(node);
+ } // Method for extending objects
- events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(SVG.regex.delimiter); // ensure instance object for nodes which are not adopted
+ function extend(modules, methods) {
+ var key, i;
+ modules = Array.isArray(modules) ? modules : [modules];
- n.instance = n.instance || {
- events: {} // pull event handlers from the element
+ for (i = modules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ for (key in methods) {
+ modules[i].prototype[key] = methods[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
- };
- var bag =; // add id to listener
+ var listenerId = 0;
- if (!listener._svgjsListenerId) {
- listener._svgjsListenerId = ++SVG.listenerId;
+ function getEvents(node) {
+ var n = makeInstance(node).getEventHolder();
+ if (! = {};
+ return;
- events.forEach(function (event) {
- var ev = event.split('.')[0];
- var ns = event.split('.')[1] || '*'; // ensure valid object
- bag[ev] = bag[ev] || {};
- bag[ev][ns] = bag[ev][ns] || {}; // reference listener
+ function getEventTarget(node) {
+ return makeInstance(node).getEventTarget();
+ }
- bag[ev][ns][listener._svgjsListenerId] = l; // add listener
+ function clearEvents(node) {
+ var n = makeInstance(node).getEventHolder();
+ if ( = {};
+ } // Add event binder in the SVG namespace
- n.addEventListener(ev, l, options || false);
- });
-}; // Add event unbinder in the SVG namespace
+ function on(node, events, listener, binding, options) {
+ var l = listener.bind(binding || node);
+ var bag = getEvents(node);
+ var n = getEventTarget(node); // events can be an array of events or a string of events = function (node, events, listener, options) {
- var n = node instanceof SVG.EventTarget ? node.getEventTarget() : node;
- if (!n.instance) return; // listener can be a function or a number
+ events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(delimiter); // add id to listener
- if (typeof listener === 'function') {
- listener = listener._svgjsListenerId;
- if (!listener) return;
- } // pull event handlers from the element
+ if (!listener._svgjsListenerId) {
+ listener._svgjsListenerId = ++listenerId;
+ }
+ events.forEach(function (event) {
+ var ev = event.split('.')[0];
+ var ns = event.split('.')[1] || '*'; // ensure valid object
- var bag =; // events can be an array of events or a string or undefined
+ bag[ev] = bag[ev] || {};
+ bag[ev][ns] = bag[ev][ns] || {}; // reference listener
- events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : (events || '').split(SVG.regex.delimiter);
- events.forEach(function (event) {
- var ev = event && event.split('.')[0];
- var ns = event && event.split('.')[1];
- var namespace, l;
+ bag[ev][ns][listener._svgjsListenerId] = l; // add listener
- if (listener) {
- // remove listener reference
- if (bag[ev] && bag[ev][ns || '*']) {
- // removeListener
- n.removeEventListener(ev, bag[ev][ns || '*'][listener], options || false);
- delete bag[ev][ns || '*'][listener];
- }
- } else if (ev && ns) {
- // remove all listeners for a namespaced event
- if (bag[ev] && bag[ev][ns]) {
- for (l in bag[ev][ns]) {
-, [ev, ns].join('.'), l);
+ n.addEventListener(ev, l, options || false);
+ });
+ } // Add event unbinder in the SVG namespace
+ function off(node, events, listener, options) {
+ var bag = getEvents(node);
+ var n = getEventTarget(node); // listener can be a function or a number
+ if (typeof listener === 'function') {
+ listener = listener._svgjsListenerId;
+ if (!listener) return;
+ } // events can be an array of events or a string or undefined
+ events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : (events || '').split(delimiter);
+ events.forEach(function (event) {
+ var ev = event && event.split('.')[0];
+ var ns = event && event.split('.')[1];
+ var namespace, l;
+ if (listener) {
+ // remove listener reference
+ if (bag[ev] && bag[ev][ns || '*']) {
+ // removeListener
+ n.removeEventListener(ev, bag[ev][ns || '*'][listener], options || false);
+ delete bag[ev][ns || '*'][listener];
+ } else if (ev && ns) {
+ // remove all listeners for a namespaced event
+ if (bag[ev] && bag[ev][ns]) {
+ for (l in bag[ev][ns]) {
+ off(n, [ev, ns].join('.'), l);
+ }
- delete bag[ev][ns];
- }
- } else if (ns) {
- // remove all listeners for a specific namespace
- for (event in bag) {
- for (namespace in bag[event]) {
- if (ns === namespace) {
-, [event, ns].join('.'));
+ delete bag[ev][ns];
+ }
+ } else if (ns) {
+ // remove all listeners for a specific namespace
+ for (event in bag) {
+ for (namespace in bag[event]) {
+ if (ns === namespace) {
+ off(n, [event, ns].join('.'));
+ }
- }
- } else if (ev) {
- // remove all listeners for the event
- if (bag[ev]) {
- for (namespace in bag[ev]) {
-, [ev, namespace].join('.'));
+ } else if (ev) {
+ // remove all listeners for the event
+ if (bag[ev]) {
+ for (namespace in bag[ev]) {
+ off(n, [ev, namespace].join('.'));
+ }
+ delete bag[ev];
+ }
+ } else {
+ // remove all listeners on a given node
+ for (event in bag) {
+ off(n, event);
- delete bag[ev];
- }
- } else {
- // remove all listeners on a given node
- for (event in bag) {
-, event);
+ clearEvents(node);
+ });
+ }
+ function dispatch(node, event, data) {
+ var n = getEventTarget(node); // Dispatch event
- = {};
+ if (event instanceof window.Event) {
+ n.dispatchEvent(event);
+ } else {
+ event = new window.CustomEvent(event, {
+ detail: data,
+ cancelable: true
+ });
+ n.dispatchEvent(event);
- });
-SVG.dispatch = function (node, event, data) {
- var n = node instanceof SVG.EventTarget ? node.getEventTarget() : node; // Dispatch event
- if (event instanceof window.Event) {
- n.dispatchEvent(event);
- } else {
- event = new window.CustomEvent(event, {
- detail: data,
- cancelable: true
- });
- n.dispatchEvent(event);
+ return event;
- return event;
-/* global abcdef arrayToMatrix closeEnough formatTransforms isMatrixLike matrixMultiply */
+ var EventTarget =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Base) {
+ _inherits(EventTarget, _Base);
+ function EventTarget() {
+ var _this;
-SVG.Matrix = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function create(source) {
- var base = arrayToMatrix([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); // ensure source as object
+ var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {},
+ _ref$events =,
+ events = _ref$events === void 0 ? {} : _ref$events;
- source = source instanceof SVG.Element ? source.matrixify() : typeof source === 'string' ? arrayToMatrix(source.split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat)) : Array.isArray(source) ? arrayToMatrix(source) : _typeof(source) === 'object' && isMatrixLike(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? new SVG.Matrix().transform(source) : arguments.length === 6 ? arrayToMatrix([] : base; // Merge the source matrix with the base matrix
+ _classCallCheck(this, EventTarget);
- this.a = source.a != null ? source.a : base.a;
- this.b = source.b != null ? source.b : base.b;
- this.c = source.c != null ? source.c : base.c;
- this.d = source.d != null ? source.d : base.d;
- this.e = source.e != null ? source.e : base.e;
- this.f = source.f != null ? source.f : base.f;
- },
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Clones this matrix
- clone: function clone() {
- return new SVG.Matrix(this);
- },
- // Transform a matrix into another matrix by manipulating the space
- transform: function transform(o) {
- // Check if o is a matrix and then left multiply it directly
- if (isMatrixLike(o)) {
- var matrix = new SVG.Matrix(o);
- return matrix.multiplyO(this);
- } // Get the proposed transformations and the current transformations
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(EventTarget).call(this));
+ = events;
+ return _this;
+ }
+ _createClass(EventTarget, [{
+ key: "addEventListener",
+ value: function addEventListener() {} // Bind given event to listener
- var t = formatTransforms(o);
- var current = this;
+ }, {
+ key: "on",
+ value: function on$$1(event, listener, binding, options) {
+ on(this, event, listener, binding, options);
- var _transform = new SVG.Point(t.ox, t.oy).transform(current),
- ox = _transform.x,
- oy = _transform.y; // Construct the resulting matrix
+ return this;
+ } // Unbind event from listener
+ }, {
+ key: "off",
+ value: function off$$1(event, listener) {
+ off(this, event, listener);
- var transformer = new SVG.Matrix().translateO(t.rx, t.ry).lmultiplyO(current).translateO(-ox, -oy).scaleO(t.scaleX, t.scaleY).skewO(t.skewX, t.skewY).shearO(t.shear).rotateO(t.theta).translateO(ox, oy); // If we want the origin at a particular place, we force it there
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "dispatch",
+ value: function dispatch$$1(event, data) {
+ return dispatch(this, event, data);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "dispatchEvent",
+ value: function dispatchEvent(event) {
+ var bag = this.getEventHolder().events;
+ if (!bag) return true;
+ var events = bag[event.type];
+ for (var i in events) {
+ for (var j in events[i]) {
+ events[i][j](event);
+ }
+ }
- if (isFinite(t.px) || isFinite( {
- var origin = new SVG.Point(ox, oy).transform(transformer); // TODO: Replace t.px with isFinite(t.px)
+ return !event.defaultPrevented;
+ } // Fire given event
- var dx = t.px ? t.px - origin.x : 0;
- var dy = ? - origin.y : 0;
- transformer.translateO(dx, dy);
- } // Translate now after positioning
+ }, {
+ key: "fire",
+ value: function fire(event, data) {
+ this.dispatch(event, data);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "getEventHolder",
+ value: function getEventHolder() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "getEventTarget",
+ value: function getEventTarget() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "removeEventListener",
+ value: function removeEventListener() {}
+ }]);
+ return EventTarget;
+ }(Base); // Add events to elements
+ var methods$1 = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].reduce(function (last, event) {
+ // add event to Element
+ var fn = function fn(f) {
+ if (f === null) {
+ off(this, event);
+ } else {
+ on(this, event, f);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
- transformer.translateO(t.tx, t.ty);
- return transformer;
- },
- // Applies a matrix defined by its affine parameters
- compose: function compose(o) {
- if (o.origin) {
- o.originX = o.origin[0];
- o.originY = o.origin[1];
- } // Get the parameters
- var ox = o.originX || 0;
- var oy = o.originY || 0;
- var sx = o.scaleX || 1;
- var sy = o.scaleY || 1;
- var lam = o.shear || 0;
- var theta = o.rotate || 0;
- var tx = o.translateX || 0;
- var ty = o.translateY || 0; // Apply the standard matrix
- var result = new SVG.Matrix().translateO(-ox, -oy).scaleO(sx, sy).shearO(lam).rotateO(theta).translateO(tx, ty).lmultiplyO(this).translateO(ox, oy);
- return result;
- },
- // Decomposes this matrix into its affine parameters
- decompose: function decompose() {
- var cx = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
- var cy = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
- // Get the parameters from the matrix
- var a = this.a;
- var b = this.b;
- var c = this.c;
- var d = this.d;
- var e = this.e;
- var f = this.f; // Figure out if the winding direction is clockwise or counterclockwise
- var determinant = a * d - b * c;
- var ccw = determinant > 0 ? 1 : -1; // Since we only shear in x, we can use the x basis to get the x scale
- // and the rotation of the resulting matrix
- var sx = ccw * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
- var thetaRad = Math.atan2(ccw * b, ccw * a);
- var theta = 180 / Math.PI * thetaRad;
- var ct = Math.cos(thetaRad);
- var st = Math.sin(thetaRad); // We can then solve the y basis vector simultaneously to get the other
- // two affine parameters directly from these parameters
- var lam = (a * c + b * d) / determinant;
- var sy = c * sx / (lam * a - b) || d * sx / (lam * b + a); // Use the translations
- var tx = e - cx + cx * ct * sx + cy * (lam * ct * sx - st * sy);
- var ty = f - cy + cx * st * sx + cy * (lam * st * sx + ct * sy); // Construct the decomposition and return it
+ last[event] = fn;
+ return last;
+ }, {});
+ registerMethods('Element', methods$1);
- return {
- // Return the affine parameters
- scaleX: sx,
- scaleY: sy,
- shear: lam,
- rotate: theta,
- translateX: tx,
- translateY: ty,
- originX: cx,
- originY: cy,
- // Return the matrix parameters
- a: this.a,
- b: this.b,
- c: this.c,
- d: this.d,
- e: this.e,
- f: this.f
- };
- },
- // Morph one matrix into another
- morph: function morph(matrix) {
- // Store new destination
- this.destination = new SVG.Matrix(matrix);
- return this;
- },
- // Get morphed matrix at a given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // Make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this; // Calculate morphed matrix at a given position
- var matrix = new SVG.Matrix({
- a: this.a + (this.destination.a - this.a) * pos,
- b: this.b + (this.destination.b - this.b) * pos,
- c: this.c + (this.destination.c - this.c) * pos,
- d: this.d + (this.destination.d - this.d) * pos,
- e: this.e + (this.destination.e - this.e) * pos,
- f: this.f + (this.destination.f - this.f) * pos
- });
- return matrix;
- },
- // Left multiplies by the given matrix
- multiply: function multiply(matrix) {
- return this.clone().multiplyO(matrix);
- },
- multiplyO: function multiplyO(matrix) {
- // Get the matrices
- var l = this;
- var r = matrix instanceof SVG.Matrix ? matrix : new SVG.Matrix(matrix);
- return matrixMultiply(l, r, this);
- },
- lmultiply: function lmultiply(matrix) {
- return this.clone().lmultiplyO(matrix);
- },
- lmultiplyO: function lmultiplyO(matrix) {
- var r = this;
- var l = matrix instanceof SVG.Matrix ? matrix : new SVG.Matrix(matrix);
- return matrixMultiply(l, r, this);
- },
- // Inverses matrix
- inverseO: function inverseO() {
- // Get the current parameters out of the matrix
- var a = this.a;
- var b = this.b;
- var c = this.c;
- var d = this.d;
- var e = this.e;
- var f = this.f; // Invert the 2x2 matrix in the top left
- var det = a * d - b * c;
- if (!det) throw new Error('Cannot invert ' + this); // Calculate the top 2x2 matrix
- var na = d / det;
- var nb = -b / det;
- var nc = -c / det;
- var nd = a / det; // Apply the inverted matrix to the top right
- var ne = -(na * e + nc * f);
- var nf = -(nb * e + nd * f); // Construct the inverted matrix
- this.a = na;
- this.b = nb;
- this.c = nc;
- this.d = nd;
- this.e = ne;
- this.f = nf;
- return this;
- },
- inverse: function inverse() {
- return this.clone().inverseO();
- },
- // Translate matrix
- translate: function translate(x, y) {
- return this.clone().translateO(x, y);
- },
- translateO: function translateO(x, y) {
- this.e += x || 0;
- this.f += y || 0;
- return this;
- },
- // Scale matrix
- scale: function scale(x, y, cx, cy) {
- var _this$clone;
+ function noop() {} // Default animation values
- return (_this$clone = this.clone()).scaleO.apply(_this$clone, arguments);
- },
- scaleO: function scaleO(x) {
- var y = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : x;
- var cx = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
- var cy = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
- // Support uniform scaling
- if (arguments.length === 3) {
- cy = cx;
- cx = y;
- y = x;
- }
- var a = this.a,
- b = this.b,
- c = this.c,
- d = this.d,
- e = this.e,
- f = this.f;
- this.a = a * x;
- this.b = b * y;
- this.c = c * x;
- this.d = d * y;
- this.e = e * x - cx * x + cx;
- this.f = f * y - cy * y + cy;
- return this;
- },
- // Rotate matrix
- rotate: function rotate(r, cx, cy) {
- return this.clone().rotateO(r, cx, cy);
- },
- rotateO: function rotateO(r) {
- var cx = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
- var cy = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
- // Convert degrees to radians
- r = SVG.utils.radians(r);
- var cos = Math.cos(r);
- var sin = Math.sin(r);
- var a = this.a,
- b = this.b,
- c = this.c,
- d = this.d,
- e = this.e,
- f = this.f;
- this.a = a * cos - b * sin;
- this.b = b * cos + a * sin;
- this.c = c * cos - d * sin;
- this.d = d * cos + c * sin;
- this.e = e * cos - f * sin + cy * sin - cx * cos + cx;
- this.f = f * cos + e * sin - cx * sin - cy * cos + cy;
- return this;
- },
- // Flip matrix on x or y, at a given offset
- flip: function flip(axis, around) {
- return this.clone().flipO(axis, around);
- },
- flipO: function flipO(axis, around) {
- return axis === 'x' ? this.scaleO(-1, 1, around, 0) : axis === 'y' ? this.scaleO(1, -1, 0, around) : this.scaleO(-1, -1, axis, around || axis); // Define an x, y flip point
- },
- // Shear matrix
- shear: function shear(a, cx, cy) {
- return this.clone().shearO(a, cx, cy);
- },
- shearO: function shearO(lx) {
- var cx = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
- var cy = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
- var a = this.a,
- b = this.b,
- c = this.c,
- d = this.d,
- e = this.e,
- f = this.f;
- this.a = a + b * lx;
- this.c = c + d * lx;
- this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx;
- return this;
- },
- // Skew Matrix
- skew: function skew(x, y, cx, cy) {
- var _this$clone2;
+ var timeline = {
+ duration: 400,
+ ease: '>',
+ delay: 0 // Default attribute values
- return (_this$clone2 = this.clone()).skewO.apply(_this$clone2, arguments);
- },
- skewO: function skewO(x) {
- var y = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : x;
- var cx = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
- var cy = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
- // support uniformal skew
- if (arguments.length === 3) {
- cy = cx;
- cx = y;
- y = x;
- } // Convert degrees to radians
- x = SVG.utils.radians(x);
- y = SVG.utils.radians(y);
- var lx = Math.tan(x);
- var ly = Math.tan(y);
- var a = this.a,
- b = this.b,
- c = this.c,
- d = this.d,
- e = this.e,
- f = this.f;
- this.a = a + b * lx;
- this.b = b + a * ly;
- this.c = c + d * lx;
- this.d = d + c * ly;
- this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx;
- this.f = f + e * ly - cx * ly;
- return this;
- },
- // SkewX
- skewX: function skewX(x, cx, cy) {
- return this.skew(x, 0, cx, cy);
- },
- skewXO: function skewXO(x, cx, cy) {
- return this.skewO(x, 0, cx, cy);
- },
- // SkewY
- skewY: function skewY(y, cx, cy) {
- return this.skew(0, y, cx, cy);
- },
- skewYO: function skewYO(y, cx, cy) {
- return this.skewO(0, y, cx, cy);
- },
- // Transform around a center point
- aroundO: function aroundO(cx, cy, matrix) {
- var dx = cx || 0;
- var dy = cy || 0;
- return this.translateO(-dx, -dy).lmultiplyO(matrix).translateO(dx, dy);
- },
- around: function around(cx, cy, matrix) {
- return this.clone().aroundO(cx, cy, matrix);
- },
- // Convert to native SVGMatrix
- native: function native() {
- // create new matrix
- var matrix = SVG.parser.nodes.svg.node.createSVGMatrix(); // update with current values
+ };
+ var attrs = {
+ // fill and stroke
+ 'fill-opacity': 1,
+ 'stroke-opacity': 1,
+ 'stroke-width': 0,
+ 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter',
+ 'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
+ fill: '#000000',
+ stroke: '#000000',
+ opacity: 1,
+ // position
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ cx: 0,
+ cy: 0,
+ // size
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ // radius
+ r: 0,
+ rx: 0,
+ ry: 0,
+ // gradient
+ offset: 0,
+ 'stop-opacity': 1,
+ 'stop-color': '#000000',
+ // text
+ 'font-size': 16,
+ 'font-family': 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
+ 'text-anchor': 'start'
+ };
- for (var i = abcdef.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- matrix[abcdef[i]] = this[abcdef[i]];
- }
+ var defaults = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ noop: noop,
+ timeline: timeline,
+ attrs: attrs
+ });
+ /* eslint no-new-func: "off" */
+ var subClassArray = function () {
+ try {
+ // try es6 subclassing
+ return Function('name', 'baseClass', '_constructor', ['baseClass = baseClass || Array', 'return {', '[name]: class extends baseClass {', 'constructor (...args) {', 'super(...args)', '_constructor && _constructor.apply(this, args)', '}', '}', '}[name]'].join('\n'));
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Use es5 approach
+ return function (name) {
+ var baseClass = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : Array;
+ var _constructor = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
+ var Arr = function Arr() {
+ baseClass.apply(this, arguments);
+ _constructor && _constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ Arr.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype);
+ Arr.prototype.constructor = Arr;
+ return Arr;
+ };
+ }
+ }();
- return matrix;
+ var SVGArray = subClassArray('SVGArray', Array, function (arr) {
+ this.init(arr);
+ });
+ extend(SVGArray, {
+ init: function init(arr) {
+ this.length = 0;
+ this.push.apply(this, _toConsumableArray(this.parse(arr)));
- // Check if two matrices are equal
- equals: function equals(other) {
- var comp = new SVG.Matrix(other);
- return closeEnough(this.a, comp.a) && closeEnough(this.b, comp.b) && closeEnough(this.c, comp.c) && closeEnough(this.d, comp.d) && closeEnough(this.e, comp.e) && closeEnough(this.f, comp.f);
+ toArray: function toArray() {
+ return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this);
- // Convert matrix to string
toString: function toString() {
- return 'matrix(' + this.a + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.c + ',' + this.d + ',' + this.e + ',' + this.f + ')';
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return [this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f];
+ return this.join(' ');
+ // Flattens the array if needed
valueOf: function valueOf() {
- return {
- a: this.a,
- b: this.b,
- c: this.c,
- d: this.d,
- e: this.e,
- f: this.f
- };
- }
- },
- // Define parent
- parent: SVG.Element,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Get current matrix
- ctm: function ctm() {
- return new SVG.Matrix(this.node.getCTM());
+ var ret = [];
+ ret.push.apply(ret, _toConsumableArray(this));
+ return ret;
- // Get current screen matrix
- screenCTM: function screenCTM() {
- /*
- This is needed because FF does not return the transformation matrix
- for the inner coordinate system when getScreenCTM() is called on nested svgs.
- However all other Browsers do that */
- if (this instanceof SVG.Doc && !this.isRoot()) {
- var rect = this.rect(1, 1);
- var m = rect.node.getScreenCTM();
- rect.remove();
- return new SVG.Matrix(m);
- }
- return new SVG.Matrix(this.node.getScreenCTM());
- }
- }
-}); // let extensions = {}
-// ['rotate'].forEach((method) => {
-// let methodO = method + 'O'
-// extensions[method] = function (...args) {
-// return new SVG.Matrix(this)[methodO](...args)
-// }
-// })
-// SVG.extend(SVG.Matrix, extensions)
-// function matrixMultiplyParams (matrix, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
-// return matrixMultiply({a, b, c, d, e, f}, matrix, matrix)
-// }
-SVG.Point = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function create(x, y, base) {
- var source;
- base = base || {
- x: 0,
- y: 0 // ensure source as object
- };
- source = Array.isArray(x) ? {
- x: x[0],
- y: x[1]
- } : _typeof(x) === 'object' ? {
- x: x.x,
- y: x.y
- } : {
- x: x,
- y: y // merge source
- };
- this.x = source.x == null ? base.x : source.x;
- this.y = source.y == null ? base.y : source.y;
- },
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Clone point
- clone: function clone() {
- return new SVG.Point(this);
+ // Parse whitespace separated string
+ parse: function parse() {
+ var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
+ // If already is an array, no need to parse it
+ if (array instanceof Array) return array;
+ return array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat);
- // Morph one point into another
- morph: function morph(x, y) {
- // store new destination
- this.destination = new SVG.Point(x, y);
- return this;
+ clone: function clone() {
+ return new this.constructor(this);
- // Get morphed point at a given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this; // calculate morphed matrix at a given position
+ toSet: function toSet() {
+ return new Set(this);
+ }
+ });
- var point = new SVG.Point({
- x: this.x + (this.destination.x - this.x) * pos,
- y: this.y + (this.destination.y - this.y) * pos
- });
- return point;
- },
- // Convert to native SVGPoint
- native: function native() {
- // create new point
- var point = SVG.parser.nodes.svg.node.createSVGPoint(); // update with current values
- point.x = this.x;
- point.y = this.y;
- return point;
- },
- // transform point with matrix
- transform: function transform(m) {
- // Perform the matrix multiplication
- var x = m.a * this.x + m.c * this.y + m.e;
- var y = m.b * this.x + m.d * this.y + m.f; // Return the required point
+ var SVGNumber =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ // Initialize
+ function SVGNumber() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, SVGNumber);
- return new SVG.Point(x, y);
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Get point
- point: function point(x, y) {
- return new SVG.Point(x, y).transform(this.screenCTM().inverse());
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Set svg element attribute
- attr: function attr(a, v, n) {
+ _createClass(SVGNumber, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(value, unit) {
+ unit = Array.isArray(value) ? value[1] : unit;
+ value = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value; // initialize defaults
+ this.value = 0;
+ this.unit = unit || ''; // parse value
+ if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ // ensure a valid numeric value
+ this.value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : !isFinite(value) ? value < 0 ? -3.4e+38 : +3.4e+38 : value;
+ } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ unit = value.match(numberAndUnit);
+ if (unit) {
+ // make value numeric
+ this.value = parseFloat(unit[1]); // normalize
+ if (unit[5] === '%') {
+ this.value /= 100;
+ } else if (unit[5] === 's') {
+ this.value *= 1000;
+ } // store unit
+ this.unit = unit[5];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (value instanceof SVGNumber) {
+ this.value = value.valueOf();
+ this.unit = value.unit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return (this.unit === '%' ? ~~(this.value * 1e8) / 1e6 : this.unit === 's' ? this.value / 1e3 : this.value) + this.unit;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toJSON",
+ value: function toJSON() {
+ return this.toString();
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.value, this.unit];
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "valueOf",
+ value: function valueOf() {
+ return this.value;
+ } // Add number
+ }, {
+ key: "plus",
+ value: function plus(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this + number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ } // Subtract number
+ }, {
+ key: "minus",
+ value: function minus(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this - number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ } // Multiply number
+ }, {
+ key: "times",
+ value: function times(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this * number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ } // Divide number
+ }, {
+ key: "divide",
+ value: function divide(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this / number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return SVGNumber;
+ }();
+ function attr(attr, val, ns) {
// act as full getter
- if (a == null) {
+ if (attr == null) {
// get an object of attributes
- a = {};
- v = this.node.attributes;
+ attr = {};
+ val = this.node.attributes;
+ var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
+ var _didIteratorError = false;
+ var _iteratorError = undefined;
- for (n = v.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
- a[v[n].nodeName] = SVG.regex.isNumber.test(v[n].nodeValue) ? parseFloat(v[n].nodeValue) : v[n].nodeValue;
+ try {
+ for (var _iterator = val[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
+ var node = _step.value;
+ attr[node.nodeName] = isNumber.test(node.nodeValue) ? parseFloat(node.nodeValue) : node.nodeValue;
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ _didIteratorError = true;
+ _iteratorError = err;
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
+ _iterator.return();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (_didIteratorError) {
+ throw _iteratorError;
+ }
+ }
- return a;
- } else if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {
+ return attr;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(attr)) ; else if (_typeof(attr) === 'object') {
// apply every attribute individually if an object is passed
- for (v in a) {
- this.attr(v, a[v]);
+ for (val in attr) {
+ this.attr(val, attr[val]);
- } else if (v === null) {
+ } else if (val === null) {
// remove value
- this.node.removeAttribute(a);
- } else if (v == null) {
+ this.node.removeAttribute(attr);
+ } else if (val == null) {
// act as a getter if the first and only argument is not an object
- v = this.node.getAttribute(a);
- return v == null ? SVG.defaults.attrs[a] : SVG.regex.isNumber.test(v) ? parseFloat(v) : v;
+ val = this.node.getAttribute(attr);
+ return val == null ? attrs[attr] // FIXME: do we need to return defaults?
+ : isNumber.test(val) ? parseFloat(val) : val;
} else {
// convert image fill and stroke to patterns
- if (a === 'fill' || a === 'stroke') {
- if (SVG.regex.isImage.test(v)) {
- v = this.doc().defs().image(v);
+ if (attr === 'fill' || attr === 'stroke') {
+ if (isImage.test(val)) {
+ val = this.doc().defs().image(val);
+ } // FIXME: This is fine, but what about the lines above?
+ // How does attr know about image()?
- if (v instanceof SVG.Image) {
- v = this.doc().defs().pattern(0, 0, function () {
- this.add(v);
- });
- }
+ while (typeof val.attrHook === 'function') {
+ val = val.attrHook(this, attr);
} // ensure correct numeric values (also accepts NaN and Infinity)
- if (typeof v === 'number') {
- v = new SVG.Number(v);
- } else if (SVG.Color.isColor(v)) {
+ if (typeof val === 'number') {
+ val = new SVGNumber(val);
+ } else if (Color.isColor(val)) {
// ensure full hex color
- v = new SVG.Color(v);
- } else if (Array.isArray(v)) {
- // parse array values
- v = new SVG.Array(v);
+ val = new Color(val);
+ } else if (val.constructor === Array) {
+ // Check for plain arrays and parse array values
+ val = new SVGArray(val);
} // if the passed attribute is leading...
- if (a === 'leading') {
+ if (attr === 'leading') {
// ... call the leading method instead
if (this.leading) {
- this.leading(v);
+ this.leading(val);
} else {
// set given attribute on node
- typeof n === 'string' ? this.node.setAttributeNS(n, a, v.toString()) : this.node.setAttribute(a, v.toString());
+ typeof ns === 'string' ? this.node.setAttributeNS(ns, attr, val.toString()) : this.node.setAttribute(attr, val.toString());
} // rebuild if required
- if (this.rebuild && (a === 'font-size' || a === 'x')) {
- this.rebuild(a, v);
+ if (this.rebuild && (attr === 'font-size' || attr === 'x')) {
+ this.rebuild();
return this;
-/* global arrayToMatrix getOrigin isMatrixLike */
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Reset all transformations
- untransform: function untransform() {
- return this.attr('transform', null);
- },
- // merge the whole transformation chain into one matrix and returns it
- matrixify: function matrixify() {
- var matrix = (this.attr('transform') || ''). // split transformations
- split(SVG.regex.transforms).slice(0, -1).map(function (str) {
- // generate key => value pairs
- var kv = str.trim().split('(');
- return [kv[0], kv[1].split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(function (str) {
- return parseFloat(str);
- })];
- }).reverse() // merge every transformation into one matrix
- .reduce(function (matrix, transform) {
- if (transform[0] === 'matrix') {
- return matrix.lmultiply(arrayToMatrix(transform[1]));
- }
- return matrix[transform[0]].apply(matrix, transform[1]);
- }, new SVG.Matrix());
- return matrix;
- },
- // add an element to another parent without changing the visual representation on the screen
- toParent: function toParent(parent) {
- if (this === parent) return this;
- var ctm = this.screenCTM();
- var pCtm = parent.screenCTM().inverse();
- this.addTo(parent).untransform().transform(pCtm.multiply(ctm));
- return this;
- },
- // same as above with parent equals root-svg
- toDoc: function toDoc() {
- return this.toParent(this.doc());
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Add transformations
- transform: function transform(o, relative) {
- // Act as a getter if no object was passed
- if (o == null || typeof o === 'string') {
- var decomposed = new SVG.Matrix(this).decompose();
- return decomposed[o] || decomposed;
- }
+ var Dom =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_EventTarget) {
+ _inherits(Dom, _EventTarget);
- if (!isMatrixLike(o)) {
- // Set the origin according to the defined transform
- o = _objectSpread({}, o, {
- origin: getOrigin(o, this)
- });
- } // The user can pass a boolean, an SVG.Element or an SVG.Matrix or nothing
+ function Dom(node) {
+ var _this;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Dom);
- var cleanRelative = relative === true ? this : relative || false;
- var result = new SVG.Matrix(cleanRelative).transform(o);
- return this.attr('transform', result);
- }
-/* global camelCase */
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Dom).call(this, node));
+ _this.node = node;
+ _this.type = node.nodeName;
+ return _this;
+ } // Add given element at a position
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Dynamic style generator
- css: function css(s, v) {
- var ret = {};
- var t, i;
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- // get full style as object
-\s*;\s*/).filter(function (el) {
- return !!el.length;
- }).forEach(function (el) {
- t = el.split(/\s*:\s*/);
- ret[t[0]] = t[1];
- });
- return ret;
- }
+ _createClass(Dom, [{
+ key: "add",
+ value: function add(element, i) {
+ element = makeInstance(element);
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- // get style properties in the array
- if (Array.isArray(s)) {
- for (i = s.length; i--;) {
- ret[camelCase(s[i])] =[camelCase(s[i])];
+ if (i == null) {
+ this.node.appendChild(element.node);
+ } else if (element.node !== this.node.childNodes[i]) {
+ this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.childNodes[i]);
- return ret;
- } // get style for property
+ return this;
+ } // Add element to given container and return self
+ }, {
+ key: "addTo",
+ value: function addTo(parent) {
+ return makeInstance(parent).put(this);
+ } // Returns all child elements
- if (typeof s === 'string') {
- return[camelCase(s)];
- } // set styles in object
+ }, {
+ key: "children",
+ value: function children() {
+ return map(this.node.children, function (node) {
+ return adopt(node);
+ });
+ } // Remove all elements in this container
+ }, {
+ key: "clear",
+ value: function clear() {
+ // remove children
+ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
+ } // remove defs reference
- if (_typeof(s) === 'object') {
- for (i in s) {
- // set empty string if null/undefined/'' was given
-[camelCase(i)] = s[i] == null || SVG.regex.isBlank.test(s[i]) ? '' : s[i];
+ delete this._defs;
+ return this;
+ } // Clone element
+ }, {
+ key: "clone",
+ value: function clone(parent) {
+ // write dom data to the dom so the clone can pickup the data
+ this.writeDataToDom(); // clone element and assign new id
+ var clone = assignNewId(this.node.cloneNode(true)); // insert the clone in the given parent or after myself
+ if (parent) parent.add(clone); // FIXME: after might not be available here
+ else this.after(clone);
+ return clone;
+ } // Iterates over all children and invokes a given block
+ }, {
+ key: "each",
+ value: function each(block, deep) {
+ var children = this.children();
+ var i, il;
+ for (i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i++) {
+ block.apply(children[i], [i, children]);
+ if (deep) {
+ children[i].each(block, deep);
+ }
+ return this;
+ } // Get first child
+ }, {
+ key: "first",
+ value: function first() {
+ return adopt(this.node.firstChild);
+ } // Get a element at the given index
+ }, {
+ key: "get",
+ value: function get(i) {
+ return adopt(this.node.childNodes[i]);
- } // set style for property
+ }, {
+ key: "getEventHolder",
+ value: function getEventHolder() {
+ return this.node;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "getEventTarget",
+ value: function getEventTarget() {
+ return this.node;
+ } // Checks if the given element is a child
+ }, {
+ key: "has",
+ value: function has(element) {
+ return this.index(element) >= 0;
+ } // Get / set id
+ }, {
+ key: "id",
+ value: function id(_id) {
+ // generate new id if no id set
+ if (typeof _id === 'undefined' && ! {
+ = eid(this.type);
+ } // dont't set directly width to make `null` work correctly
+ return this.attr('id', _id);
+ } // Gets index of given element
+ }, {
+ key: "index",
+ value: function index(element) {
+ return [];
+ } // Get the last child
+ }, {
+ key: "last",
+ value: function last() {
+ return adopt(this.node.lastChild);
+ } // matches the element vs a css selector
+ }, {
+ key: "matches",
+ value: function matches(selector) {
+ var el = this.node;
+ return (el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector).call(el, selector);
+ } // Returns the svg node to call native svg methods on it
+ }, {
+ key: "native",
+ value: function native() {
+ return this.node;
+ } // Returns the parent element instance
+ }, {
+ key: "parent",
+ value: function parent(type) {
+ var parent = this; // check for parent
+ if (!parent.node.parentNode) return null; // get parent element
+ parent = adopt(parent.node.parentNode);
+ if (!type) return parent; // loop trough ancestors if type is given
+ while (parent && parent.node instanceof window.SVGElement) {
+ if (typeof type === 'string' ? parent.matches(type) : parent instanceof type) return parent;
+ parent = adopt(parent.node.parentNode);
+ }
+ } // Basically does the same as `add()` but returns the added element instead
+ }, {
+ key: "put",
+ value: function put(element, i) {
+ this.add(element, i);
+ return element;
+ } // Add element to given container and return container
+ }, {
+ key: "putIn",
+ value: function putIn(parent) {
+ return makeInstance(parent).add(this);
+ } // Remove element
+ }, {
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function remove() {
+ if (this.parent()) {
+ this.parent().removeElement(this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ } // Remove a given child
+ }, {
+ key: "removeElement",
+ value: function removeElement(element) {
+ this.node.removeChild(element.node);
+ return this;
+ } // Replace element
+ }, {
+ key: "replace",
+ value: function replace(element) {
+ // FIXME: after() might not be available here
+ this.after(element).remove();
+ return element;
+ } // Return id on string conversion
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return;
+ } // Import raw svg
+ }, {
+ key: "svg",
+ value: function svg(_svg) {
+ var well, len; // act as a setter if svg is given
+ if (_svg) {
+ // create temporary holder
+ well = document.createElementNS(ns, 'svg'); // dump raw svg
+ well.innerHTML = _svg; // transplant nodes
+ for (len = well.children.length; len--;) {
+ this.node.appendChild(well.firstElementChild);
+ } // otherwise act as a getter
- if (arguments.length === 2) {
-[camelCase(s)] = v == null || SVG.regex.isBlank.test(v) ? '' : v;
- }
+ } else {
+ // write svgjs data to the dom
+ this.writeDataToDom();
+ return this.node.outerHTML;
+ }
- return this;
- }
-/* global createElement */
-SVG.Parent = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function create(node) {
-, node);
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Returns all child elements
- children: function children() {
- return, function (node) {
- return SVG.adopt(node);
- });
- },
- // Add given element at a position
- add: function add(element, i) {
- element = createElement(element);
+ return this;
+ } // write svgjs data to the dom
- if (element.node !== this.node.children[i]) {
- this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.children[i] || null);
+ }, {
+ key: "writeDataToDom",
+ value: function writeDataToDom() {
+ // dump variables recursively
+ this.each(function () {
+ this.writeDataToDom();
+ });
+ return this;
+ }]);
- return this;
- },
- // Basically does the same as `add()` but returns the added element instead
- put: function put(element, i) {
- this.add(element, i);
- return element.instance || element;
- },
- // Checks if the given element is a child
- has: function has(element) {
- return this.index(element) >= 0;
- },
- // Gets index of given element
- index: function index(element) {
- return [];
- },
- // Get a element at the given index
- get: function get(i) {
- return SVG.adopt(this.node.children[i]);
- },
- // Get first child
- first: function first() {
- return this.get(0);
- },
- // Get the last child
- last: function last() {
- return this.get(this.node.children.length - 1);
- },
- // Iterates over all children and invokes a given block
- each: function each(block, deep) {
- var children = this.children();
- var i, il;
+ return Dom;
+ }(EventTarget);
+ extend(Dom, {
+ attr: attr
+ });
- for (i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i++) {
- if (children[i] instanceof SVG.Element) {
- block.apply(children[i], [i, children]);
- }
+ var Doc = getClass(root);
- if (deep && children[i] instanceof SVG.Parent) {
- children[i].each(block, deep);
+ var Element =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Dom) {
+ _inherits(Element, _Dom);
+ function Element(node) {
+ var _this;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Element);
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Element).call(this, node)); // initialize data object
+ _this.dom = {}; // create circular reference
+ _this.node.instance = _assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this));
+ if (node.hasAttribute('svgjs:data')) {
+ // pull svgjs data from the dom (getAttributeNS doesn't work in html5)
+ _this.setData(JSON.parse(node.getAttribute('svgjs:data')) || {});
+ }
+ return _this;
+ } // Move element by its center
+ _createClass(Element, [{
+ key: "center",
+ value: function center(x, y) {
+ return;
+ } // Move by center over x-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "cx",
+ value: function cx(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.x() + this.width() / 2 : this.x(x - this.width() / 2);
+ } // Move by center over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "cy",
+ value: function cy(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.y() + this.height() / 2 : this.y(y - this.height() / 2);
+ } // Get defs
+ }, {
+ key: "defs",
+ value: function defs() {
+ return this.doc().defs();
+ } // Get parent document
+ }, {
+ key: "doc",
+ value: function doc() {
+ var p = this.parent(Doc);
+ return p && p.doc();
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "getEventHolder",
+ value: function getEventHolder() {
+ return this;
+ } // Set height of element
+ }, {
+ key: "height",
+ value: function height(_height) {
+ return this.attr('height', _height);
+ } // Checks whether the given point inside the bounding box of the element
+ }, {
+ key: "inside",
+ value: function inside(x, y) {
+ var box = this.bbox();
+ return x > box.x && y > box.y && x < box.x + box.width && y < box.y + box.height;
+ } // Move element to given x and y values
+ }, {
+ key: "move",
+ value: function move(x, y) {
+ return this.x(x).y(y);
+ } // return array of all ancestors of given type up to the root svg
+ }, {
+ key: "parents",
+ value: function parents(type) {
+ var parents = [];
+ var parent = this;
+ do {
+ parent = parent.parent(type);
+ if (!parent || parent instanceof getClass('HtmlNode')) break;
+ parents.push(parent);
+ } while (parent.parent);
+ return parents;
+ } // Get referenced element form attribute value
+ }, {
+ key: "reference",
+ value: function reference$$1(attr) {
+ attr = this.attr(attr);
+ if (!attr) return null;
+ var m = attr.match(reference);
+ return m ? makeInstance(m[1]) : null;
+ } // set given data to the elements data property
+ }, {
+ key: "setData",
+ value: function setData(o) {
+ this.dom = o;
+ return this;
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ }, {
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.width(new SVGNumber(p.width)).height(new SVGNumber(p.height));
+ } // Set width of element
+ }, {
+ key: "width",
+ value: function width(_width) {
+ return this.attr('width', _width);
+ } // write svgjs data to the dom
+ }, {
+ key: "writeDataToDom",
+ value: function writeDataToDom() {
+ // remove previously set data
+ this.node.removeAttribute('svgjs:data');
+ if (Object.keys(this.dom).length) {
+ this.node.setAttribute('svgjs:data', JSON.stringify(this.dom)); // see #428
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Element.prototype), "writeDataToDom", this).call(this);
+ } // Move over x-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "x",
+ value: function x(_x) {
+ return this.attr('x', _x);
+ } // Move over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "y",
+ value: function y(_y) {
+ return this.attr('y', _y);
+ }]);
- return this;
- },
- // Remove a given child
- removeElement: function removeElement(element) {
- this.node.removeChild(element.node);
- return this;
- },
- // Remove all elements in this container
- clear: function clear() {
- // remove children
- while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
- } // remove defs reference
+ return Element;
+ }(Dom);
+ var Container =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Element) {
+ _inherits(Container, _Element);
- delete this._defs;
- return this;
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Parent, {
- flatten: function flatten(parent) {
- // flattens is only possible for nested svgs and groups
- if (!(this instanceof SVG.G || this instanceof SVG.Doc)) {
- return this;
+ function Container() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Container);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Container).apply(this, arguments));
- parent = parent || (this instanceof SVG.Doc && this.isRoot() ? this : this.parent(SVG.Parent));
- this.each(function () {
- if (this instanceof SVG.Defs) return this;
- if (this instanceof SVG.Parent) return this.flatten(parent);
- return this.toParent(parent);
- }); // we need this so that SVG.Doc does not get removed
+ _createClass(Container, [{
+ key: "flatten",
+ value: function flatten(parent) {
+ this.each(function () {
+ if (this instanceof Container) return this.flatten(parent).ungroup(parent);
+ return this.toParent(parent);
+ }); // we need this so that Doc does not get removed
- this.node.firstElementChild || this.remove();
- return this;
- },
- ungroup: function ungroup(parent) {
- // ungroup is only possible for nested svgs and groups
- if (!(this instanceof SVG.G || this instanceof SVG.Doc && !this.isRoot())) {
- return this;
- }
+ this.node.firstElementChild || this.remove();
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "ungroup",
+ value: function ungroup(parent) {
+ parent = parent || this.parent();
+ this.each(function () {
+ return this.toParent(parent);
+ });
+ this.remove();
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
- parent = parent || this.parent(SVG.Parent);
- this.each(function () {
- return this.toParent(parent);
- }); // we need this so that SVG.Doc does not get removed
+ return Container;
+ }(Element);
- this.remove();
- return this;
- }
-SVG.Container = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function create(node) {
-, node);
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Parent
-SVG.Defs = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'defs',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container
-SVG.G = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'g',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {},
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a group element
- group: function group() {
- return this.put(new SVG.G());
+ var Defs =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Defs, _Container);
+ function Defs(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Defs);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Defs).call(this, nodeOrNew('defs', node), Defs));
- }
-}); // ### This module adds backward / forward functionality to elements.
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Get all siblings, including myself
- siblings: function siblings() {
- return this.parent().children();
- },
- // Get the curent position siblings
- position: function position() {
- return this.parent().index(this);
- },
- // Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
- next: function next() {
- return this.siblings()[this.position() + 1];
- },
- // Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
- prev: function prev() {
- return this.siblings()[this.position() - 1];
- },
- // Send given element one step forward
- forward: function forward() {
- var i = this.position() + 1;
- var p = this.parent(); // move node one step forward
+ _createClass(Defs, [{
+ key: "flatten",
+ value: function flatten() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "ungroup",
+ value: function ungroup() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
- p.removeElement(this).add(this, i); // make sure defs node is always at the top
+ return Defs;
+ }(Container);
+ register(Defs);
- if (p instanceof SVG.Doc) {
- p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node);
- }
+ var Doc$1 =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Doc, _Container);
- return this;
- },
- // Send given element one step backward
- backward: function backward() {
- var i = this.position();
+ function Doc(node) {
+ var _this;
- if (i > 0) {
- this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, i - 1);
- }
+ _classCallCheck(this, Doc);
- return this;
- },
- // Send given element all the way to the front
- front: function front() {
- var p = this.parent(); // Move node forward
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Doc).call(this, nodeOrNew('svg', node), Doc));
- p.node.appendChild(this.node); // Make sure defs node is always at the top
+ _this.namespace();
- if (p instanceof SVG.Doc) {
- p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node);
+ return _this;
- return this;
- },
- // Send given element all the way to the back
- back: function back() {
- if (this.position() > 0) {
- this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, 0);
- }
+ _createClass(Doc, [{
+ key: "isRoot",
+ value: function isRoot() {
+ return !this.node.parentNode || !(this.node.parentNode instanceof window.SVGElement) || this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document';
+ } // Check if this is a root svg
+ // If not, call docs from this element
+ }, {
+ key: "doc",
+ value: function doc() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this;
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Doc.prototype), "doc", this).call(this);
+ } // Add namespaces
+ }, {
+ key: "namespace",
+ value: function namespace() {
+ if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().namespace();
+ return this.attr({
+ xmlns: ns,
+ version: '1.1'
+ }).attr('xmlns:xlink', xlink, xmlns).attr('xmlns:svgjs', svgjs, xmlns);
+ } // Creates and returns defs element
+ }, {
+ key: "defs",
+ value: function defs() {
+ if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().defs();
+ return adopt(this.node.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0]) || this.put(new Defs());
+ } // custom parent method
+ }, {
+ key: "parent",
+ value: function parent(type) {
+ if (this.isRoot()) {
+ return this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document' ? null : adopt(this.node.parentNode);
+ }
- return this;
- },
- // Inserts a given element before the targeted element
- before: function before(element) {
- element.remove();
- var i = this.position();
- this.parent().add(element, i);
- return this;
- },
- // Insters a given element after the targeted element
- after: function after(element) {
- element.remove();
- var i = this.position();
- this.parent().add(element, i + 1);
- return this;
- }
-SVG.Mask = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'mask',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Unmask all masked elements and remove itself
- remove: function remove() {
- // unmask all targets
- this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
- el.unmask();
- }); // remove mask from parent
- return;
- },
- targets: function targets() {
- return'svg [mask*="' + + '"]');
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create masking element
- mask: function mask() {
- return this.defs().put(new SVG.Mask());
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Doc.prototype), "parent", this).call(this, type);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "clear",
+ value: function clear() {
+ // remove children
+ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Doc;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create nested svg document
+ nested: function nested() {
+ return this.put(new Doc$1());
+ }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Distribute mask to svg element
- maskWith: function maskWith(element) {
- // use given mask or create a new one
- var masker = element instanceof SVG.Mask ? element : this.parent().mask().add(element); // apply mask
- return this.attr('mask', 'url("#' + + '")');
- },
- // Unmask element
- unmask: function unmask() {
- return this.attr('mask', null);
- },
- masker: function masker() {
- return this.reference('mask');
- }
-SVG.ClipPath = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'clipPath',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Unclip all clipped elements and remove itself
- remove: function remove() {
- // unclip all targets
- this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
- el.unclip();
- }); // remove clipPath from parent
- return;
- },
- targets: function targets() {
- return'svg [clip-path*="' + + '"]');
+ });
+ register(Doc$1, 'Doc', true);
+ function parser() {
+ // Reuse cached element if possible
+ if (!parser.nodes) {
+ var svg = new Doc$1().size(2, 0);
+ svg.node.cssText = ['opacity: 0', 'position: absolute', 'left: -100%', 'top: -100%', 'overflow: hidden'].join(';');
+ var path = svg.path().node;
+ parser.nodes = {
+ svg: svg,
+ path: path
+ };
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create clipping element
- clip: function clip() {
- return this.defs().put(new SVG.ClipPath());
+ if (!parser.nodes.svg.node.parentNode) {
+ var b = document.body || document.documentElement;
+ parser.nodes.svg.addTo(b);
+ return parser.nodes;
-}); //
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Distribute clipPath to svg element
- clipWith: function clipWith(element) {
- // use given clip or create a new one
- var clipper = element instanceof SVG.ClipPath ? element : this.parent().clip().add(element); // apply mask
- return this.attr('clip-path', 'url("#' + + '")');
- },
- // Unclip element
- unclip: function unclip() {
- return this.attr('clip-path', null);
- },
- clipper: function clipper() {
- return this.reference('clip-path');
- }
-SVG.Gradient = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function create(type) {
-, _typeof(type) === 'object' ? type : SVG.create(type + 'Gradient'));
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Add a color stop
- stop: function stop(offset, color, opacity) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Stop()).update(offset, color, opacity);
- },
- // Update gradient
- update: function update(block) {
- // remove all stops
- this.clear(); // invoke passed block
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
-, this);
- }
+ var Point =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ // Initialize
+ function Point(x, y, base) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Point);
- return this;
- },
- // Return the fill id
- url: function url() {
- return 'url(#' + + ')';
- },
- // Alias string convertion to fill
- toString: function toString() {
- return this.url();
- },
- // custom attr to handle transform
- attr: function attr(a, b, c) {
- if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform';
- return, a, b, c);
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create gradient element in defs
- gradient: function gradient(type, block) {
- return this.defs().gradient(type, block);
+ var source;
+ base = base || {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0 // ensure source as object
+ };
+ source = Array.isArray(x) ? {
+ x: x[0],
+ y: x[1]
+ } : _typeof(x) === 'object' ? {
+ x: x.x,
+ y: x.y
+ } : {
+ x: x,
+ y: y // merge source
+ };
+ this.x = source.x == null ? base.x : source.x;
+ this.y = source.y == null ? base.y : source.y;
+ } // Clone point
+ _createClass(Point, [{
+ key: "clone",
+ value: function clone() {
+ return new Point(this);
+ } // Convert to native SVGPoint
+ }, {
+ key: "native",
+ value: function native() {
+ // create new point
+ var point = parser().svg.node.createSVGPoint(); // update with current values
+ point.x = this.x;
+ point.y = this.y;
+ return point;
+ } // transform point with matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "transform",
+ value: function transform(m) {
+ // Perform the matrix multiplication
+ var x = m.a * this.x + m.c * this.y + m.e;
+ var y = m.b * this.x + m.d * this.y + m.f; // Return the required point
+ return new Point(x, y);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Point;
+ }();
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Get point
+ point: function point(x, y) {
+ return new Point(x, y).transform(this.screenCTM().inverse());
+ }
- }
-}); // Add animatable methods to both gradient and fx module
-SVG.extend([SVG.Gradient, SVG.Timeline], {
- // From position
- from: function from(x, y) {
- return (this._target || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
- fx: new SVG.Number(x),
- fy: new SVG.Number(y)
- }) : this.attr({
- x1: new SVG.Number(x),
- y1: new SVG.Number(y)
- });
- },
- // To position
- to: function to(x, y) {
- return (this._target || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
- cx: new SVG.Number(x),
- cy: new SVG.Number(y)
- }) : this.attr({
- x2: new SVG.Number(x),
- y2: new SVG.Number(y)
- });
- }
-}); // Base gradient generation
+ });
-SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, {
- // define gradient
- gradient: function gradient(type, block) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Gradient(type)).update(block);
+ var abcdef = 'abcdef'.split('');
+ function closeEnough(a, b, threshold) {
+ return Math.abs(b - a) < (threshold || 1e-6);
-SVG.Stop = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'stop',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // add color stops
- update: function update(o) {
- if (typeof o === 'number' || o instanceof SVG.Number) {
- o = {
- offset: arguments[0],
- color: arguments[1],
- opacity: arguments[2]
+ var Matrix =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Matrix() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Matrix);
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ } // Initialize
+ _createClass(Matrix, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(source) {
+ var base = Matrix.fromArray([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); // ensure source as object
+ source = source instanceof Element ? source.matrixify() : typeof source === 'string' ? Matrix.fromArray(source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)) : Array.isArray(source) ? Matrix.fromArray(source) : _typeof(source) === 'object' && Matrix.isMatrixLike(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? new Matrix().transform(source) : arguments.length === 6 ? Matrix.fromArray([] : base; // Merge the source matrix with the base matrix
+ this.a = source.a != null ? source.a : base.a;
+ this.b = source.b != null ? source.b : base.b;
+ this.c = source.c != null ? source.c : base.c;
+ this.d = source.d != null ? source.d : base.d;
+ this.e = source.e != null ? source.e : base.e;
+ this.f = source.f != null ? source.f : base.f;
+ } // Clones this matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "clone",
+ value: function clone() {
+ return new Matrix(this);
+ } // Transform a matrix into another matrix by manipulating the space
+ }, {
+ key: "transform",
+ value: function transform(o) {
+ // Check if o is a matrix and then left multiply it directly
+ if (Matrix.isMatrixLike(o)) {
+ var matrix = new Matrix(o);
+ return matrix.multiplyO(this);
+ } // Get the proposed transformations and the current transformations
+ var t = Matrix.formatTransforms(o);
+ var current = this;
+ var _transform = new Point(t.ox, t.oy).transform(current),
+ ox = _transform.x,
+ oy = _transform.y; // Construct the resulting matrix
+ var transformer = new Matrix().translateO(t.rx, t.ry).lmultiplyO(current).translateO(-ox, -oy).scaleO(t.scaleX, t.scaleY).skewO(t.skewX, t.skewY).shearO(t.shear).rotateO(t.theta).translateO(ox, oy); // If we want the origin at a particular place, we force it there
+ if (isFinite(t.px) || isFinite( {
+ var origin = new Point(ox, oy).transform(transformer); // TODO: Replace t.px with isFinite(t.px)
+ var dx = t.px ? t.px - origin.x : 0;
+ var dy = ? - origin.y : 0;
+ transformer.translateO(dx, dy);
+ } // Translate now after positioning
+ transformer.translateO(t.tx, t.ty);
+ return transformer;
+ } // Applies a matrix defined by its affine parameters
+ }, {
+ key: "compose",
+ value: function compose(o) {
+ if (o.origin) {
+ o.originX = o.origin[0];
+ o.originY = o.origin[1];
+ } // Get the parameters
+ var ox = o.originX || 0;
+ var oy = o.originY || 0;
+ var sx = o.scaleX || 1;
+ var sy = o.scaleY || 1;
+ var lam = o.shear || 0;
+ var theta = o.rotate || 0;
+ var tx = o.translateX || 0;
+ var ty = o.translateY || 0; // Apply the standard matrix
+ var result = new Matrix().translateO(-ox, -oy).scaleO(sx, sy).shearO(lam).rotateO(theta).translateO(tx, ty).lmultiplyO(this).translateO(ox, oy);
+ return result;
+ } // Decomposes this matrix into its affine parameters
+ }, {
+ key: "decompose",
+ value: function decompose() {
+ var cx = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;
+ var cy = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
+ // Get the parameters from the matrix
+ var a = this.a;
+ var b = this.b;
+ var c = this.c;
+ var d = this.d;
+ var e = this.e;
+ var f = this.f; // Figure out if the winding direction is clockwise or counterclockwise
+ var determinant = a * d - b * c;
+ var ccw = determinant > 0 ? 1 : -1; // Since we only shear in x, we can use the x basis to get the x scale
+ // and the rotation of the resulting matrix
+ var sx = ccw * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
+ var thetaRad = Math.atan2(ccw * b, ccw * a);
+ var theta = 180 / Math.PI * thetaRad;
+ var ct = Math.cos(thetaRad);
+ var st = Math.sin(thetaRad); // We can then solve the y basis vector simultaneously to get the other
+ // two affine parameters directly from these parameters
+ var lam = (a * c + b * d) / determinant;
+ var sy = c * sx / (lam * a - b) || d * sx / (lam * b + a); // Use the translations
+ var tx = e - cx + cx * ct * sx + cy * (lam * ct * sx - st * sy);
+ var ty = f - cy + cx * st * sx + cy * (lam * st * sx + ct * sy); // Construct the decomposition and return it
+ return {
+ // Return the affine parameters
+ scaleX: sx,
+ scaleY: sy,
+ shear: lam,
+ rotate: theta,
+ translateX: tx,
+ translateY: ty,
+ originX: cx,
+ originY: cy,
+ // Return the matrix parameters
+ a: this.a,
+ b: this.b,
+ c: this.c,
+ d: this.d,
+ e: this.e,
+ f: this.f
- } // set attributes
+ } // Left multiplies by the given matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "multiply",
+ value: function multiply(matrix) {
+ return this.clone().multiplyO(matrix);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "multiplyO",
+ value: function multiplyO(matrix) {
+ // Get the matrices
+ var l = this;
+ var r = matrix instanceof Matrix ? matrix : new Matrix(matrix);
+ return Matrix.matrixMultiply(l, r, this);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "lmultiply",
+ value: function lmultiply(matrix) {
+ return this.clone().lmultiplyO(matrix);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "lmultiplyO",
+ value: function lmultiplyO(matrix) {
+ var r = this;
+ var l = matrix instanceof Matrix ? matrix : new Matrix(matrix);
+ return Matrix.matrixMultiply(l, r, this);
+ } // Inverses matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "inverseO",
+ value: function inverseO() {
+ // Get the current parameters out of the matrix
+ var a = this.a;
+ var b = this.b;
+ var c = this.c;
+ var d = this.d;
+ var e = this.e;
+ var f = this.f; // Invert the 2x2 matrix in the top left
+ var det = a * d - b * c;
+ if (!det) throw new Error('Cannot invert ' + this); // Calculate the top 2x2 matrix
+ var na = d / det;
+ var nb = -b / det;
+ var nc = -c / det;
+ var nd = a / det; // Apply the inverted matrix to the top right
+ var ne = -(na * e + nc * f);
+ var nf = -(nb * e + nd * f); // Construct the inverted matrix
+ this.a = na;
+ this.b = nb;
+ this.c = nc;
+ this.d = nd;
+ this.e = ne;
+ this.f = nf;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "inverse",
+ value: function inverse() {
+ return this.clone().inverseO();
+ } // Translate matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "translate",
+ value: function translate(x, y) {
+ return this.clone().translateO(x, y);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "translateO",
+ value: function translateO(x, y) {
+ this.e += x || 0;
+ this.f += y || 0;
+ return this;
+ } // Scale matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "scale",
+ value: function scale(x, y, cx, cy) {
+ var _this$clone;
+ return (_this$clone = this.clone()).scaleO.apply(_this$clone, arguments);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "scaleO",
+ value: function scaleO(x) {
+ var y = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : x;
+ var cx = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
+ var cy = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
+ // Support uniform scaling
+ if (arguments.length === 3) {
+ cy = cx;
+ cx = y;
+ y = x;
+ }
- if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity);
- if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color);
- if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', new SVG.Number(o.offset));
- return this;
- }
- }
-SVG.Pattern = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'pattern',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Return the fill id
- url: function url() {
- return 'url(#' + + ')';
- },
- // Update pattern by rebuilding
- update: function update(block) {
- // remove content
- this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ var a = this.a,
+ b = this.b,
+ c = this.c,
+ d = this.d,
+ e = this.e,
+ f = this.f;
+ this.a = a * x;
+ this.b = b * y;
+ this.c = c * x;
+ this.d = d * y;
+ this.e = e * x - cx * x + cx;
+ this.f = f * y - cy * y + cy;
+ return this;
+ } // Rotate matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "rotate",
+ value: function rotate(r, cx, cy) {
+ return this.clone().rotateO(r, cx, cy);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "rotateO",
+ value: function rotateO(r) {
+ var cx = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
+ var cy = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
+ // Convert degrees to radians
+ r = radians(r);
+ var cos = Math.cos(r);
+ var sin = Math.sin(r);
+ var a = this.a,
+ b = this.b,
+ c = this.c,
+ d = this.d,
+ e = this.e,
+ f = this.f;
+ this.a = a * cos - b * sin;
+ this.b = b * cos + a * sin;
+ this.c = c * cos - d * sin;
+ this.d = d * cos + c * sin;
+ this.e = e * cos - f * sin + cy * sin - cx * cos + cx;
+ this.f = f * cos + e * sin - cx * sin - cy * cos + cy;
+ return this;
+ } // Flip matrix on x or y, at a given offset
+ }, {
+ key: "flip",
+ value: function flip(axis, around) {
+ return this.clone().flipO(axis, around);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "flipO",
+ value: function flipO(axis, around) {
+ return axis === 'x' ? this.scaleO(-1, 1, around, 0) : axis === 'y' ? this.scaleO(1, -1, 0, around) : this.scaleO(-1, -1, axis, around || axis); // Define an x, y flip point
+ } // Shear matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "shear",
+ value: function shear(a, cx, cy) {
+ return this.clone().shearO(a, cx, cy);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "shearO",
+ value: function shearO(lx) {
+ var cy = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
+ var a = this.a,
+ b = this.b,
+ c = this.c,
+ d = this.d,
+ e = this.e,
+ f = this.f;
+ this.a = a + b * lx;
+ this.c = c + d * lx;
+ this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx;
+ return this;
+ } // Skew Matrix
+ }, {
+ key: "skew",
+ value: function skew(x, y, cx, cy) {
+ var _this$clone2;
+ return (_this$clone2 = this.clone()).skewO.apply(_this$clone2, arguments);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "skewO",
+ value: function skewO(x) {
+ var y = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : x;
+ var cx = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;
+ var cy = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0;
+ // support uniformal skew
+ if (arguments.length === 3) {
+ cy = cx;
+ cx = y;
+ y = x;
+ } // Convert degrees to radians
+ x = radians(x);
+ y = radians(y);
+ var lx = Math.tan(x);
+ var ly = Math.tan(y);
+ var a = this.a,
+ b = this.b,
+ c = this.c,
+ d = this.d,
+ e = this.e,
+ f = this.f;
+ this.a = a + b * lx;
+ this.b = b + a * ly;
+ this.c = c + d * lx;
+ this.d = d + c * ly;
+ this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx;
+ this.f = f + e * ly - cx * ly;
+ return this;
+ } // SkewX
+ }, {
+ key: "skewX",
+ value: function skewX(x, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skew(x, 0, cx, cy);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "skewXO",
+ value: function skewXO(x, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skewO(x, 0, cx, cy);
+ } // SkewY
+ }, {
+ key: "skewY",
+ value: function skewY(y, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skew(0, y, cx, cy);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "skewYO",
+ value: function skewYO(y, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skewO(0, y, cx, cy);
+ } // Transform around a center point
+ }, {
+ key: "aroundO",
+ value: function aroundO(cx, cy, matrix) {
+ var dx = cx || 0;
+ var dy = cy || 0;
+ return this.translateO(-dx, -dy).lmultiplyO(matrix).translateO(dx, dy);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "around",
+ value: function around(cx, cy, matrix) {
+ return this.clone().aroundO(cx, cy, matrix);
+ } // Convert to native SVGMatrix
+ }, {
+ key: "native",
+ value: function native() {
+ // create new matrix
+ var matrix = parser().svg.node.createSVGMatrix(); // update with current values
+ for (var i = abcdef.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ matrix[abcdef[i]] = this[abcdef[i]];
+ }
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
-, this);
+ return matrix;
+ } // Check if two matrices are equal
+ }, {
+ key: "equals",
+ value: function equals(other) {
+ var comp = new Matrix(other);
+ return closeEnough(this.a, comp.a) && closeEnough(this.b, comp.b) && closeEnough(this.c, comp.c) && closeEnough(this.d, comp.d) && closeEnough(this.e, comp.e) && closeEnough(this.f, comp.f);
+ } // Convert matrix to string
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return 'matrix(' + this.a + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.c + ',' + this.d + ',' + this.e + ',' + this.f + ')';
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f];
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "valueOf",
+ value: function valueOf() {
+ return {
+ a: this.a,
+ b: this.b,
+ c: this.c,
+ d: this.d,
+ e: this.e,
+ f: this.f
+ };
+ }
+ }], [{
+ key: "fromArray",
+ value: function fromArray(a) {
+ return {
+ a: a[0],
+ b: a[1],
+ c: a[2],
+ d: a[3],
+ e: a[4],
+ f: a[5]
+ };
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "isMatrixLike",
+ value: function isMatrixLike(o) {
+ return o.a != null || o.b != null || o.c != null || o.d != null || o.e != null || o.f != null;
+ }, {
+ key: "formatTransforms",
+ value: function formatTransforms(o) {
+ // Get all of the parameters required to form the matrix
+ var flipBoth = o.flip === 'both' || o.flip === true;
+ var flipX = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'x') ? -1 : 1;
+ var flipY = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'y') ? -1 : 1;
+ var skewX = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[0] : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew : isFinite(o.skewX) ? o.skewX : 0;
+ var skewY = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[1] : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew : isFinite(o.skewY) ? o.skewY : 0;
+ var scaleX = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[0] * flipX : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipX : isFinite(o.scaleX) ? o.scaleX * flipX : flipX;
+ var scaleY = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[1] * flipY : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipY : isFinite(o.scaleY) ? o.scaleY * flipY : flipY;
+ var shear = o.shear || 0;
+ var theta = o.rotate || o.theta || 0;
+ var origin = new Point(o.origin || o.around || o.ox || o.originX, o.oy || o.originY);
+ var ox = origin.x;
+ var oy = origin.y;
+ var position = new Point(o.position || o.px || o.positionX, || o.positionY);
+ var px = position.x;
+ var py = position.y;
+ var translate = new Point(o.translate || o.tx || o.translateX, o.ty || o.translateY);
+ var tx = translate.x;
+ var ty = translate.y;
+ var relative = new Point(o.relative || o.rx || o.relativeX, o.ry || o.relativeY);
+ var rx = relative.x;
+ var ry = relative.y; // Populate all of the values
+ return {
+ scaleX: scaleX,
+ scaleY: scaleY,
+ skewX: skewX,
+ skewY: skewY,
+ shear: shear,
+ theta: theta,
+ rx: rx,
+ ry: ry,
+ tx: tx,
+ ty: ty,
+ ox: ox,
+ oy: oy,
+ px: px,
+ py: py
+ };
+ } // left matrix, right matrix, target matrix which is overwritten
+ }, {
+ key: "matrixMultiply",
+ value: function matrixMultiply(l, r, o) {
+ // Work out the product directly
+ var a = l.a * r.a + l.c * r.b;
+ var b = l.b * r.a + l.d * r.b;
+ var c = l.a * r.c + l.c * r.d;
+ var d = l.b * r.c + l.d * r.d;
+ var e = l.e + l.a * r.e + l.c * r.f;
+ var f = l.f + l.b * r.e + l.d * r.f; // make sure to use local variables because l/r and o could be the same
+ o.a = a;
+ o.b = b;
+ o.c = c;
+ o.d = d;
+ o.e = e;
+ o.f = f;
+ return o;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Matrix;
+ }();
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Get current matrix
+ ctm: function ctm() {
+ return new Matrix(this.node.getCTM());
+ },
+ // Get current screen matrix
+ screenCTM: function screenCTM() {
+ /*
+ This is needed because FF does not return the transformation matrix
+ for the inner coordinate system when getScreenCTM() is called on nested svgs.
+ However all other Browsers do that */
+ if (typeof this.isRoot === 'function' && !this.isRoot()) {
+ var rect = this.rect(1, 1);
+ var m = rect.node.getScreenCTM();
+ rect.remove();
+ return new Matrix(m);
+ }
- return this;
- },
- // Alias string convertion to fill
- toString: function toString() {
- return this.url();
- },
- // custom attr to handle transform
- attr: function attr(a, b, c) {
- if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform';
- return, a, b, c);
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create pattern element in defs
- pattern: function pattern(width, height, block) {
- return this.defs().pattern(width, height, block);
+ return new Matrix(this.node.getScreenCTM());
+ }
+ });
+ /***
+ Base Class
+ ==========
+ The base stepper class that will be
+ ***/
+ function makeSetterGetter(k, f) {
+ return function (v) {
+ if (v == null) return this[v];
+ this[k] = v;
+ if (f);
+ return this;
+ };
-SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, {
- // Define gradient
- pattern: function pattern(width, height, block) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Pattern()).update(block).attr({
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
- });
- }
-SVG.Doc = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function create(node) {
-, node || SVG.create('svg')); // set svg element attributes and ensure defs node
- this.namespace();
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- isRoot: function isRoot() {
- return !this.node.parentNode || !(this.node.parentNode instanceof window.SVGElement) || this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document';
+ var easing = {
+ '-': function _(pos) {
+ return pos;
- // Check if this is a root svg. If not, call docs from this element
- doc: function doc() {
- if (this.isRoot()) return this;
- return;
+ '<>': function _(pos) {
+ return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;
- // Add namespaces
- namespace: function namespace() {
- if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().namespace();
- return this.attr({
- xmlns: SVG.ns,
- version: '1.1'
- }).attr('xmlns:xlink', SVG.xlink, SVG.xmlns).attr('xmlns:svgjs', SVG.svgjs, SVG.xmlns);
+ '>': function _(pos) {
+ return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2);
- // Creates and returns defs element
- defs: function defs() {
- if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().defs();
- return SVG.adopt(this.node.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0]) || this.put(new SVG.Defs());
+ '<': function _(pos) {
+ return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1;
- // custom parent method
- parent: function parent(type) {
- if (this.isRoot()) {
- return this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document' ? null : this.node.parentNode;
- }
+ bezier: function bezier(t0, x0, t1, x1) {
+ return function (t) {// TODO: FINISH
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var Stepper =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Stepper() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Stepper);
+ }
- return, type);
- },
- // Removes the doc from the DOM
- remove: function remove() {
- if (!this.isRoot()) {
- return;
+ _createClass(Stepper, [{
+ key: "done",
+ value: function done() {
+ return false;
+ }]);
- if (this.parent()) {
- this.parent().removeChild(this.node);
- }
+ return Stepper;
+ }();
+ /***
+ Easing Functions
+ ================
+ ***/
- return this;
- },
- clear: function clear() {
- // remove children
- while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
- }
+ var Ease =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Stepper) {
+ _inherits(Ease, _Stepper);
- return this;
- }
- },
- construct: {
- // Create nested svg document
- nested: function nested() {
- return this.put(new SVG.Doc());
+ function Ease(fn) {
+ var _this;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Ease);
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Ease).call(this));
+ _this.ease = easing[fn || timeline.ease] || fn;
+ return _this;
- }
-SVG.Shape = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function create(node) {
-, node);
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element
-SVG.Bare = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function create(element, inherit) {
- // construct element
-, SVG.create(element)); // inherit custom methods
- if (inherit) {
- for (var method in inherit.prototype) {
- if (typeof inherit.prototype[method] === 'function') {
- this[method] = inherit.prototype[method];
+ _createClass(Ease, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(from, to, pos) {
+ if (typeof from !== 'number') {
+ return pos < 1 ? from : to;
+ return from + (to - from) * this.ease(pos);
+ }]);
+ return Ease;
+ }(Stepper);
+ /***
+ Controller Types
+ ================
+ ***/
+ var Controller =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Stepper2) {
+ _inherits(Controller, _Stepper2);
+ function Controller(fn) {
+ var _this2;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Controller);
+ _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Controller).call(this));
+ _this2.stepper = fn;
+ return _this2;
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element,
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Insert some plain text
- words: function words(text) {
- // remove contents
- while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
- } // create text node
- this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
- return this;
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Parent, {
- // Create an element that is not described by SVG.js
- element: function element(_element, inherit) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Bare(_element, inherit));
- }
-SVG.Symbol = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'symbol',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- construct: {
- // create symbol
- symbol: function symbol() {
- return this.put(new SVG.Symbol());
- }
- }
-SVG.Use = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'use',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Use element as a reference
- element: function element(_element2, file) {
- // Set lined element
- return this.attr('href', (file || '') + '#' + _element2, SVG.xlink);
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a use element
- use: function use(element, file) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Use()).element(element, file);
- }
+ _createClass(Controller, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
+ return this.stepper(current, target, dt, c);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "done",
+ value: function done(c) {
+ return c.done;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Controller;
+ }(Stepper);
+ function recalculate() {
+ // Apply the default parameters
+ var duration = (this._duration || 500) / 1000;
+ var overshoot = this._overshoot || 0; // Calculate the PID natural response
+ var eps = 1e-10;
+ var pi = Math.PI;
+ var os = Math.log(overshoot / 100 + eps);
+ var zeta = -os / Math.sqrt(pi * pi + os * os);
+ var wn = 3.9 / (zeta * duration); // Calculate the Spring values
+ this.d = 2 * zeta * wn;
+ this.k = wn * wn;
-SVG.Rect = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'rect',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a rect element
- rect: function rect(width, height) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Rect()).size(width, height);
+ var Spring =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Controller) {
+ _inherits(Spring, _Controller);
+ function Spring(duration, overshoot) {
+ var _this3;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Spring);
+ _this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Spring).call(this));
+ _this3.duration(duration || 500).overshoot(overshoot || 0);
+ return _this3;
- }
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Circle = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'circle',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create circle element, based on ellipse
- circle: function circle(size) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Circle()).rx(new SVG.Number(size).divide(2)).move(0, 0);
+ _createClass(Spring, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
+ if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
+ c.done = dt === Infinity;
+ if (dt === Infinity) return target;
+ if (dt === 0) return current;
+ if (dt > 100) dt = 16;
+ dt /= 1000; // Get the previous velocity
+ var velocity = c.velocity || 0; // Apply the control to get the new position and store it
+ var acceleration = -this.d * velocity - this.k * (current - target);
+ var newPosition = current + velocity * dt + acceleration * dt * dt / 2; // Store the velocity
+ c.velocity = velocity + acceleration * dt; // Figure out if we have converged, and if so, pass the value
+ c.done = Math.abs(target - newPosition) + Math.abs(velocity) < 0.002;
+ return c.done ? target : newPosition;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Spring;
+ }(Controller);
+ extend(Spring, {
+ duration: makeSetterGetter('_duration', recalculate),
+ overshoot: makeSetterGetter('_overshoot', recalculate)
+ });
+ var PID =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Controller2) {
+ _inherits(PID, _Controller2);
+ function PID(p, i, d, windup) {
+ var _this4;
+ _classCallCheck(this, PID);
+ _this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(PID).call(this));
+ p = p == null ? 0.1 : p;
+ i = i == null ? 0.01 : i;
+ d = d == null ? 0 : d;
+ windup = windup == null ? 1000 : windup;
+ _this4.p(p).i(i).d(d).windup(windup);
+ return _this4;
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Circle, SVG.Timeline], {
- // Radius x value
- rx: function rx(_rx) {
- return this.attr('r', _rx);
- },
- // Alias radius x value
- ry: function ry(_ry) {
- return this.rx(_ry);
- }
-SVG.Ellipse = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'ellipse',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create an ellipse
- ellipse: function ellipse(width, height) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Ellipse()).size(width, height).move(0, 0);
+ _createClass(PID, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
+ if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
+ c.done = dt === Infinity;
+ if (dt === Infinity) return target;
+ if (dt === 0) return current;
+ var p = target - current;
+ var i = (c.integral || 0) + p * dt;
+ var d = (p - (c.error || 0)) / dt;
+ var windup = this.windup; // antiwindup
+ if (windup !== false) {
+ i = Math.max(-windup, Math.min(i, windup));
+ }
+ c.error = p;
+ c.integral = i;
+ c.done = Math.abs(p) < 0.001;
+ return c.done ? target : current + (this.P * p + this.I * i + this.D * d);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return PID;
+ }(Controller);
+ extend(PID, {
+ windup: makeSetterGetter('windup'),
+ p: makeSetterGetter('P'),
+ i: makeSetterGetter('I'),
+ d: makeSetterGetter('D')
+ });
+ var Queue =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Queue() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Queue);
+ this._first = null;
+ this._last = null;
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Ellipse, SVG.Rect, SVG.Timeline], {
- // Radius x value
- rx: function rx(_rx2) {
- return this.attr('rx', _rx2);
- },
- // Radius y value
- ry: function ry(_ry2) {
- return this.attr('ry', _ry2);
- }
-}); // Add common method
-SVG.extend([SVG.Circle, SVG.Ellipse], {
- // Move over x-axis
- x: function x(_x2) {
- return _x2 == null ? - this.rx() : + this.rx());
- },
- // Move over y-axis
- y: function y(_y2) {
- return _y2 == null ? - this.ry() : + this.ry());
- },
- // Move by center over x-axis
- cx: function cx(x) {
- return x == null ? this.attr('cx') : this.attr('cx', x);
- },
- // Move by center over y-axis
- cy: function cy(y) {
- return y == null ? this.attr('cy') : this.attr('cy', y);
- },
- // Set width of element
- width: function width(_width2) {
- return _width2 == null ? this.rx() * 2 : this.rx(new SVG.Number(_width2).divide(2));
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function height(_height2) {
- return _height2 == null ? this.ry() * 2 : this.ry(new SVG.Number(_height2).divide(2));
- },
- // Custom size function
- size: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.rx(new SVG.Number(p.width).divide(2)).ry(new SVG.Number(p.height).divide(2));
- }
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Line = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'line',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Get array
- array: function array() {
- return new SVG.PointArray([[this.attr('x1'), this.attr('y1')], [this.attr('x2'), this.attr('y2')]]);
- },
- // Overwrite native plot() method
- plot: function plot(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- if (x1 == null) {
- return this.array();
- } else if (typeof y1 !== 'undefined') {
- x1 = {
- x1: x1,
- y1: y1,
- x2: x2,
- y2: y2
+ _createClass(Queue, [{
+ key: "push",
+ value: function push(value) {
+ // An item stores an id and the provided value
+ var item = ? value : {
+ value: value,
+ next: null,
+ prev: null // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
- } else {
- x1 = new SVG.PointArray(x1).toLine();
+ if (this._last) {
+ item.prev = this._last;
+ = item;
+ this._last = item;
+ } else {
+ this._last = item;
+ this._first = item;
+ } // Update the length and return the current item
+ return item;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "shift",
+ value: function shift() {
+ // Check if we have a value
+ var remove = this._first;
+ if (!remove) return null; // If we do, remove it and relink things
+ this._first =;
+ if (this._first) this._first.prev = null;
+ this._last = this._first ? this._last : null;
+ return remove.value;
+ } // Shows us the first item in the list
+ }, {
+ key: "first",
+ value: function first() {
+ return this._first && this._first.value;
+ } // Shows us the last item in the list
+ }, {
+ key: "last",
+ value: function last() {
+ return this._last && this._last.value;
+ } // Removes the item that was returned from the push
+ }, {
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function remove(item) {
+ // Relink the previous item
+ if (item.prev) =;
+ if ( = item.prev;
+ if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev;
+ if (item === this._first) this._first =; // Invalidate item
+ item.prev = null;
+ = null;
+ }]);
- return this.attr(x1);
- },
- // Move by left top corner
- move: function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr(this.array().move(x, y).toLine());
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr(this.array().size(p.width, p.height).toLine());
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a line element
- line: function line(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- // x1 is not necessarily a number, it can also be an array, a string and a SVG.PointArray
- return SVG.Line.prototype.plot.apply(this.put(new SVG.Line()), x1 != null ? [x1, y1, x2, y2] : [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- }
- }
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Polyline = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'polyline',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a wrapped polyline element
- polyline: function polyline(p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new SVG.Polyline()).plot(p || new SVG.PointArray());
- }
- }
-SVG.Polygon = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'polygon',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a wrapped polygon element
- polygon: function polygon(p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new SVG.Polygon()).plot(p || new SVG.PointArray());
- }
- }
-}); // Add polygon-specific functions
-SVG.extend([SVG.Polyline, SVG.Polygon], {
- // Get array
- array: function array() {
- return this._array || (this._array = new SVG.PointArray(this.attr('points')));
- },
- // Plot new path
- plot: function plot(p) {
- return p == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p : this._array = new SVG.PointArray(p));
- },
- // Clear array cache
- clear: function clear() {
- delete this._array;
- return this;
- },
- // Move by left top corner
- move: function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y));
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
- }
-}); // unify all point to point elements
-SVG.extend([SVG.Line, SVG.Polyline, SVG.Polygon], {
- // Define morphable array
- MorphArray: SVG.PointArray,
- // Move by left top corner over x-axis
- x: function x(_x3) {
- return _x3 == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(_x3, this.bbox().y);
- },
- // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- y: function y(_y3) {
- return _y3 == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, _y3);
- },
- // Set width of element
- width: function width(_width3) {
- var b = this.bbox();
- return _width3 == null ? b.width : this.size(_width3, b.height);
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function height(_height3) {
- var b = this.bbox();
- return _height3 == null ? b.height : this.size(b.width, _height3);
- }
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Path = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'path',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Define morphable array
- MorphArray: SVG.PathArray,
- // Get array
- array: function array() {
- return this._array || (this._array = new SVG.PathArray(this.attr('d')));
- },
- // Plot new path
- plot: function plot(d) {
- return d == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : this._array = new SVG.PathArray(d));
- },
- // Clear array cache
- clear: function clear() {
- delete this._array;
- return this;
- },
- // Move by left top corner
- move: function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y));
- },
- // Move by left top corner over x-axis
- x: function x(_x4) {
- return _x4 == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(_x4, this.bbox().y);
- },
- // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- y: function y(_y4) {
- return _y4 == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, _y4);
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
+ return Queue;
+ }();
+ var Animator = {
+ nextDraw: null,
+ frames: new Queue(),
+ timeouts: new Queue(),
+ timer: window.performance || window.Date,
+ transforms: [],
+ frame: function frame(fn) {
+ // Store the node
+ var node = Animator.frames.push({
+ run: fn
+ }); // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
+ } // Return the node so we can remove it easily
+ return node;
- // Set width of element
- width: function width(_width4) {
- return _width4 == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(_width4, this.bbox().height);
+ transform_frame: function transform_frame(fn, id) {
+ Animator.transforms[id] = fn;
- // Set height of element
- height: function height(_height4) {
- return _height4 == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, _height4);
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a wrapped path element
- path: function path(d) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new SVG.Path()).plot(d || new SVG.PathArray());
- }
- }
-SVG.Image = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'image',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // (re)load image
- load: function load(url, callback) {
- if (!url) return this;
- var img = new window.Image();
- SVG.on(img, 'load', function (e) {
- var p = this.parent(SVG.Pattern); // ensure image size
- if (this.width() === 0 && this.height() === 0) {
- this.size(img.width, img.height);
- }
+ timeout: function timeout(fn, delay) {
+ delay = delay || 0; // Work out when the event should fire
- if (p instanceof SVG.Pattern) {
- // ensure pattern size if not set
- if (p.width() === 0 && p.height() === 0) {
- p.size(this.width(), this.height());
- }
- }
+ var time = + delay; // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
- if (typeof callback === 'function') {
-, {
- width: img.width,
- height: img.height,
- ratio: img.width / img.height,
- url: url
- });
- }
- }, this);
- SVG.on(img, 'load error', function () {
- // dont forget to unbind memory leaking events
- });
- return this.attr('href', img.src = url, SVG.xlink);
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // create image element, load image and set its size
- image: function image(source, callback) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Image()).size(0, 0).load(source, callback);
- }
- }
-SVG.Text = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function create(node) {
-, node || SVG.create('text'));
- this.dom.leading = new SVG.Number(1.3); // store leading value for rebuilding
- this._rebuild = true; // enable automatic updating of dy values
- this._build = false; // disable build mode for adding multiple lines
- // set default font
- this.attr('font-family', SVG.defaults.attrs['font-family']);
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Parent,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Move over x-axis
- x: function x(_x5) {
- // act as getter
- if (_x5 == null) {
- return this.attr('x');
- }
- return this.attr('x', _x5);
- },
- // Move over y-axis
- y: function y(_y5) {
- var oy = this.attr('y');
- var o = typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - this.bbox().y : 0; // act as getter
+ var node = Animator.timeouts.push({
+ run: fn,
+ time: time
+ }); // Request another animation frame if we need one
- if (_y5 == null) {
- return typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - o : oy;
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
- return this.attr('y', typeof _y5 === 'number' ? _y5 + o : _y5);
+ return node;
- // Move center over x-axis
- cx: function cx(x) {
- return x == null ? this.bbox().cx : this.x(x - this.bbox().width / 2);
+ cancelFrame: function cancelFrame(node) {
+ Animator.frames.remove(node);
- // Move center over y-axis
- cy: function cy(y) {
- return y == null ? this.bbox().cy : this.y(y - this.bbox().height / 2);
+ clearTimeout: function clearTimeout(node) {
+ Animator.timeouts.remove(node);
- // Set the text content
- text: function text(_text) {
- // act as getter
- if (_text === undefined) {
- var children = this.node.childNodes;
- var firstLine = 0;
- _text = '';
- for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
- // skip textPaths - they are no lines
- if (children[i].nodeName === 'textPath') {
- if (i === 0) firstLine = 1;
- continue;
- } // add newline if its not the first child and newLined is set to true
+ _draw: function _draw(now) {
+ // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
+ // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
+ var nextTimeout = null;
+ var lastTimeout = Animator.timeouts.last();
+ while (nextTimeout = Animator.timeouts.shift()) {
+ // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
+ if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
+ } else {
+ Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout);
+ } // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
- if (i !== firstLine && children[i].nodeType !== 3 && SVG.adopt(children[i]).dom.newLined === true) {
- _text += '\n';
- } // add content of this node
+ if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break;
+ } // Run all of the animation frames
- _text += children[i].textContent;
- }
- return _text;
- } // remove existing content
+ var nextFrame = null;
+ var lastFrame = Animator.frames.last();
+ while (nextFrame !== lastFrame && (nextFrame = Animator.frames.shift())) {
+ }
- this.clear().build(true);
+ Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) {
+ el();
+ }); // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
- if (typeof _text === 'function') {
- // call block
-, this);
- } else {
- // store text and make sure text is not blank
- _text = _text.split('\n'); // build new lines
+ Animator.nextDraw = Animator.timeouts.first() || Animator.frames.first() ? window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw) : null;
+ }
+ };
- for (var j = 0, jl = _text.length; j < jl; j++) {
- this.tspan(_text[j]).newLine();
- }
- } // disable build mode and rebuild lines
+ function isNulledBox(box) {
+ return !box.w && !box.h && !box.x && !box.y;
+ }
+ function domContains(node) {
+ return (document.documentElement.contains || function (node) {
+ // This is IE - it does not support contains() for top-level SVGs
+ while (node.parentNode) {
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
- return;
- },
- // Set / get leading
- leading: function leading(value) {
- // act as getter
- if (value == null) {
- return this.dom.leading;
- } // act as setter
+ return node === document;
+ }).call(document.documentElement, node);
+ }
+ var Box =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Box() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Box);
- this.dom.leading = new SVG.Number(value);
- return this.rebuild();
- },
- // Rebuild appearance type
- rebuild: function rebuild(_rebuild) {
- // store new rebuild flag if given
- if (typeof _rebuild === 'boolean') {
- this._rebuild = _rebuild;
- } // define position of all lines
- if (this._rebuild) {
- var self = this;
- var blankLineOffset = 0;
- var dy = this.dom.leading * new SVG.Number(this.attr('font-size'));
- this.each(function () {
- if (this.dom.newLined) {
- this.attr('x', self.attr('x'));
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
- if (this.text() === '\n') {
- blankLineOffset += dy;
- } else {
- this.attr('dy', dy + blankLineOffset);
- blankLineOffset = 0;
- }
- }
+ _createClass(Box, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(source) {
+ var base = [0, 0, 0, 0];
+ source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat) : Array.isArray(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left : source.x, != null ? : source.y, source.width, source.height] : arguments.length === 4 ? [] : base;
+ this.x = source[0] || 0;
+ this.y = source[1] || 0;
+ this.width = this.w = source[2] || 0;
+ this.height = this.h = source[3] || 0; // Add more bounding box properties
+ this.x2 = this.x + this.w;
+ this.y2 = this.y + this.h;
+ = this.x + this.w / 2;
+ = this.y + this.h / 2;
+ } // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
+ }, {
+ key: "merge",
+ value: function merge(box) {
+ var x = Math.min(this.x, box.x);
+ var y = Math.min(this.y, box.y);
+ var width = Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x;
+ var height = Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y;
+ return new Box(x, y, width, height);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "transform",
+ value: function transform(m) {
+ var xMin = Infinity;
+ var xMax = -Infinity;
+ var yMin = Infinity;
+ var yMax = -Infinity;
+ var pts = [new Point(this.x, this.y), new Point(this.x2, this.y), new Point(this.x, this.y2), new Point(this.x2, this.y2)];
+ pts.forEach(function (p) {
+ p = p.transform(m);
+ xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x);
+ xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x);
+ yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y);
+ yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y);
+ return new Box(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "addOffset",
+ value: function addOffset() {
+ // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
+ this.x += window.pageXOffset;
+ this.y += window.pageYOffset;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height];
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "isNulled",
+ value: function isNulled() {
+ return isNulledBox(this);
+ }]);
- return this;
- },
- // Enable / disable build mode
- build: function build(_build) {
- this._build = !!_build;
- return this;
- },
- // overwrite method from parent to set data properly
- setData: function setData(o) {
- this.dom = o;
- this.dom.leading = new SVG.Number(o.leading || 1.3);
- return this;
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create text element
- text: function text(_text2) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Text()).text(_text2);
- },
- // Create plain text element
- plain: function plain(text) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Text()).plain(text);
+ return Box;
+ }();
+ function getBox(cb) {
+ var box;
+ try {
+ box = cb(this.node);
+ if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
+ throw new Error('Element not in the dom');
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ var clone = this.clone(parser().svg).show();
+ box = cb(clone.node);
+ clone.remove();
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn('Getting a bounding box of this element is not possible');
+ }
+ return box;
-SVG.Tspan = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'tspan',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Parent,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Set text content
- text: function text(_text3) {
- if (_text3 == null) return this.node.textContent + (this.dom.newLined ? '\n' : '');
- typeof _text3 === 'function' ?, this) : this.plain(_text3);
- return this;
- },
- // Shortcut dx
- dx: function dx(_dx) {
- return this.attr('dx', _dx);
- },
- // Shortcut dy
- dy: function dy(_dy) {
- return this.attr('dy', _dy);
- },
- // Create new line
- newLine: function newLine() {
- // fetch text parent
- var t = this.parent(SVG.Text); // mark new line
- this.dom.newLined = true; // apply new position
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Get bounding box
+ bbox: function bbox() {
+ return new Box(, function (node) {
+ return node.getBBox();
+ }));
+ },
+ rbox: function rbox(el) {
+ var box = new Box(, function (node) {
+ return node.getBoundingClientRect();
+ }));
+ if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse());
+ return box.addOffset();
+ }
+ },
+ viewbox: {
+ viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (x == null) return new Box(this.attr('viewBox')); // act as setter
- return this.dy(t.dom.leading * t.attr('font-size')).attr('x', t.x());
+ return this.attr('viewBox', new Box(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+ });
+ var PathArray = subClassArray('PathArray', SVGArray);
+ function pathRegReplace(a, b, c, d) {
+ return c + d.replace(dots, ' .');
-SVG.extend([SVG.Text, SVG.Tspan], {
- // Create plain text node
- plain: function plain(text) {
- // clear if build mode is disabled
- if (this._build === false) {
- this.clear();
- } // create text node
+ function arrayToString(a) {
+ for (var i = 0, il = a.length, s = ''; i < il; i++) {
+ s += a[i][0];
- this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
- return this;
- },
- // Create a tspan
- tspan: function tspan(text) {
- var tspan = new SVG.Tspan(); // clear if build mode is disabled
+ if (a[i][1] != null) {
+ s += a[i][1];
- if (!this._build) {
- this.clear();
- } // add new tspan
+ if (a[i][2] != null) {
+ s += ' ';
+ s += a[i][2];
+ if (a[i][3] != null) {
+ s += ' ';
+ s += a[i][3];
+ s += ' ';
+ s += a[i][4];
- this.node.appendChild(tspan.node);
- return tspan.text(text);
- },
- // FIXME: Does this also work for textpath?
- // Get length of text element
- length: function length() {
- return this.node.getComputedTextLength();
- }
-SVG.TextPath = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'textPath',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Text,
- // Define parent class
- parent: SVG.Parent,
- // Add parent method
- extend: {
- MorphArray: SVG.PathArray,
- // return the array of the path track element
- array: function array() {
- var track = this.track();
- return track ? track.array() : null;
- },
- // Plot path if any
- plot: function plot(d) {
- var track = this.track();
- var pathArray = null;
+ if (a[i][5] != null) {
+ s += ' ';
+ s += a[i][5];
+ s += ' ';
+ s += a[i][6];
- if (track) {
- pathArray = track.plot(d);
+ if (a[i][7] != null) {
+ s += ' ';
+ s += a[i][7];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- return d == null ? pathArray : this;
- },
- // Get the path element
- track: function track() {
- return this.reference('href');
- },
- construct: {
- textPath: function textPath(text, path) {
- return this.defs().path(path).text(text).addTo(this);
- }
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Text], {
- // Create path for text to run on
- path: function path(track) {
- var path = new SVG.TextPath(); // if d is a path, reuse it
- if (!(track instanceof SVG.Path)) {
- // create path element
- track = this.doc().defs().path(track);
- } // link textPath to path and add content
- path.attr('href', '#' + track, SVG.xlink); // add textPath element as child node and return textPath
- return this.put(path);
- },
- // Todo: make this plural?
- // Get the textPath children
- textPath: function textPath() {
- return'textPath');
+ return s + ' ';
-SVG.extend([SVG.Path], {
- // creates a textPath from this path
- text: function text(_text4) {
- if (_text4 instanceof SVG.Text) {
- var txt = _text4.text();
- return _text4.clear().path(this).text(txt);
- }
- return this.parent().put(new SVG.Text()).path(this).text(_text4);
- } // TODO: Maybe add `targets` to get all textPaths associated with this path
-SVG.A = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'a',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Link url
- to: function to(url) {
- return this.attr('href', url, SVG.xlink);
- },
- // Link target attribute
- target: function target(_target) {
- return this.attr('target', _target);
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a hyperlink element
- link: function link(url) {
- return this.put(new SVG.A()).to(url);
+ var pathHandlers = {
+ M: function M(c, p, p0) {
+ p.x = p0.x = c[0];
+ p.y = p0.y = c[1];
+ return ['M', p.x, p.y];
+ },
+ L: function L(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[0];
+ p.y = c[1];
+ return ['L', c[0], c[1]];
+ },
+ H: function H(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[0];
+ return ['H', c[0]];
+ },
+ V: function V(c, p) {
+ p.y = c[0];
+ return ['V', c[0]];
+ },
+ C: function C(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[4];
+ p.y = c[5];
+ return ['C', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]];
+ },
+ S: function S(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[2];
+ p.y = c[3];
+ return ['S', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
+ },
+ Q: function Q(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[2];
+ p.y = c[3];
+ return ['Q', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
+ },
+ T: function T(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[0];
+ p.y = c[1];
+ return ['T', c[0], c[1]];
+ },
+ Z: function Z(c, p, p0) {
+ p.x = p0.x;
+ p.y = p0.y;
+ return ['Z'];
+ },
+ A: function A(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[5];
+ p.y = c[6];
+ return ['A', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6]];
+ };
+ var mlhvqtcsaz = 'mlhvqtcsaz'.split('');
+ for (var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i) {
+ pathHandlers[mlhvqtcsaz[i]] = function (i) {
+ return function (c, p, p0) {
+ if (i === 'H') c[0] = c[0] + p.x;else if (i === 'V') c[0] = c[0] + p.y;else if (i === 'A') {
+ c[5] = c[5] + p.x;
+ c[6] = c[6] + p.y;
+ } else {
+ for (var j = 0, jl = c.length; j < jl; ++j) {
+ c[j] = c[j] + (j % 2 ? p.y : p.x);
+ }
+ }
+ return pathHandlers[i](c, p, p0);
+ };
+ }(mlhvqtcsaz[i].toUpperCase());
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Create a hyperlink element
- linkTo: function linkTo(url) {
- var link = new SVG.A();
- if (typeof url === 'function') {
-, link);
- } else {
- }
- return this.parent().put(link).put(this);
- }
-SVG.Marker = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'marker',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Set width of element
- width: function width(_width5) {
- return this.attr('markerWidth', _width5);
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function height(_height5) {
- return this.attr('markerHeight', _height5);
+ extend(PathArray, {
+ // Convert array to string
+ toString: function toString() {
+ return arrayToString(this);
- // Set marker refX and refY
- ref: function ref(x, y) {
- return this.attr('refX', x).attr('refY', y);
+ // Move path string
+ move: function move(x, y) {
+ // get bounding box of current situation
+ var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
+ x -= box.x;
+ y -= box.y;
+ if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
+ // move every point
+ for (var l, i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ l = this[i][0];
+ if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
+ this[i][1] += x;
+ this[i][2] += y;
+ } else if (l === 'H') {
+ this[i][1] += x;
+ } else if (l === 'V') {
+ this[i][1] += y;
+ } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
+ this[i][1] += x;
+ this[i][2] += y;
+ this[i][3] += x;
+ this[i][4] += y;
+ if (l === 'C') {
+ this[i][5] += x;
+ this[i][6] += y;
+ }
+ } else if (l === 'A') {
+ this[i][6] += x;
+ this[i][7] += y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
- // Update marker
- update: function update(block) {
- // remove all content
- this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ // Resize path string
+ size: function size(width, height) {
+ // get bounding box of current situation
+ var box = this.bbox();
+ var i, l; // recalculate position of all points according to new size
+ for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ l = this[i][0];
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
-, this);
+ if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][2] = (this[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ } else if (l === 'H') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ } else if (l === 'V') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][2] = (this[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ this[i][3] = (this[i][3] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][4] = (this[i][4] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ if (l === 'C') {
+ this[i][5] = (this[i][5] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][6] = (this[i][6] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ }
+ } else if (l === 'A') {
+ // resize radii
+ this[i][1] = this[i][1] * width / box.width;
+ this[i][2] = this[i][2] * height / box.height; // move position values
+ this[i][6] = (this[i][6] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][7] = (this[i][7] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ }
return this;
- // Return the fill id
- toString: function toString() {
- return 'url(#' + + ')';
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- marker: function marker(width, height, block) {
- // Create marker element in defs
- return this.defs().marker(width, height, block);
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, {
- // Create marker
- marker: function marker(width, height, block) {
- // Set default viewbox to match the width and height, set ref to cx and cy and set orient to auto
- return this.put(new SVG.Marker()).size(width, height).ref(width / 2, height / 2).viewbox(0, 0, width, height).attr('orient', 'auto').update(block);
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Line, SVG.Polyline, SVG.Polygon, SVG.Path], {
- // Create and attach markers
- marker: function marker(_marker, width, height, block) {
- var attr = ['marker']; // Build attribute name
+ // Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
+ equalCommands: function equalCommands(pathArray) {
+ var i, il, equalCommands;
+ pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray);
+ equalCommands = this.length === pathArray.length;
- if (_marker !== 'all') attr.push(_marker);
- attr = attr.join('-'); // Set marker attribute
+ for (i = 0, il = this.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
+ equalCommands = this[i][0] === pathArray[i][0];
+ }
+ return equalCommands;
+ },
+ // Make path array morphable
+ morph: function morph(pathArray) {
+ pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray);
+ if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
+ this.destination = pathArray;
+ } else {
+ this.destination = null;
+ }
- _marker = arguments[1] instanceof SVG.Marker ? arguments[1] : this.doc().marker(width, height, block);
- return this.attr(attr, _marker);
- }
-}); // Define list of available attributes for stroke and fill
-var sugar = {
- stroke: ['color', 'width', 'opacity', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'dasharray', 'dashoffset'],
- fill: ['color', 'opacity', 'rule'],
- prefix: function prefix(t, a) {
- return a === 'color' ? t : t + '-' + a;
- } // Add sugar for fill and stroke
-['fill', 'stroke'].forEach(function (m) {
- var extension = {};
- var i;
- extension[m] = function (o) {
- if (typeof o === 'undefined') {
return this;
- }
+ },
+ // Get morphed path array at given position
+ at: function at(pos) {
+ // make sure a destination is defined
+ if (!this.destination) return this;
+ var sourceArray = this;
+ var destinationArray = this.destination.value;
+ var array = [];
+ var pathArray = new PathArray();
+ var i, il, j, jl; // Animate has specified in the SVG spec
+ // See:
+ for (i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
+ array[i] = [sourceArray[i][0]];
+ for (j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
+ array[i][j] = sourceArray[i][j] + (destinationArray[i][j] - sourceArray[i][j]) * pos;
+ } // For the two flags of the elliptical arc command, the SVG spec say:
+ // Flags and booleans are interpolated as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true
+ // Elliptical arc command as an array followed by corresponding indexes:
+ // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ if (array[i][0] === 'A') {
+ array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] !== 0);
+ array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] !== 0);
+ }
+ } // Directly modify the value of a path array, this is done this way for performance
+ pathArray.value = array;
+ return pathArray;
+ },
+ // Absolutize and parse path to array
+ parse: function parse() {
+ var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [['M', 0, 0]];
+ // if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
+ if (array instanceof PathArray) return array; // prepare for parsing
+ var s;
+ var paramCnt = {
+ 'M': 2,
+ 'L': 2,
+ 'H': 1,
+ 'V': 1,
+ 'C': 6,
+ 'S': 4,
+ 'Q': 4,
+ 'T': 2,
+ 'A': 7,
+ 'Z': 0
+ };
- if (typeof o === 'string' || SVG.Color.isRgb(o) || o && typeof o.fill === 'function') {
- this.attr(m, o);
- } else {
- // set all attributes from sugar.fill and sugar.stroke list
- for (i = sugar[m].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (o[sugar[m][i]] != null) {
- this.attr(sugar.prefix(m, sugar[m][i]), o[sugar[m][i]]);
+ if (typeof array === 'string') {
+ array = array.replace(numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
+ .replace(pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
+ .replace(hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
+ .trim() // trim
+ .split(delimiter); // split into array
+ } else {
+ array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
+ return [], curr);
+ }, []);
+ } // array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
+ var result = [];
+ var p = new Point();
+ var p0 = new Point();
+ var index = 0;
+ var len = array.length;
+ do {
+ // Test if we have a path letter
+ if (isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
+ s = array[index];
+ ++index; // If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
+ } else if (s === 'M') {
+ s = 'L';
+ } else if (s === 'm') {
+ s = 'l';
- }
+ result.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null, array.slice(index, index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()]).map(parseFloat), p, p0));
+ } while (len > index);
+ return result;
+ },
+ // Get bounding box of path
+ bbox: function bbox() {
+ parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString());
+ return parser.nodes.path.getBBox();
+ });
- return this;
- };
+ var Morphable =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Morphable(stepper) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Morphable);
+ // FIXME: the default stepper does not know about easing
+ this._stepper = stepper || new Ease('-');
+ this._from = null;
+ this._to = null;
+ this._type = null;
+ this._context = null;
+ this._morphObj = null;
+ }
- SVG.extend([SVG.Element, SVG.Timeline], extension);
-SVG.extend([SVG.Element, SVG.Timeline], {
- // Let the user set the matrix directly
- matrix: function matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f) {
- // Act as a getter
- if (mat == null) {
- return new SVG.Matrix(this);
- } // Act as a setter, the user can pass a matrix or a set of numbers
- return this.attr('transform', new SVG.Matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f));
- },
- // Map rotation to transform
- rotate: function rotate(angle, cx, cy) {
- return this.transform({
- rotate: angle,
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- // Map skew to transform
- skew: function skew(x, y, cx, cy) {
- return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
- skew: x,
- ox: y,
- oy: cx
- }, true) : this.transform({
- skew: [x, y],
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- shear: function shear(lam, cx, cy) {
- return this.transform({
- shear: lam,
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- // Map scale to transform
- scale: function scale(x, y, cx, cy) {
- return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
- scale: x,
- ox: y,
- oy: cx
- }, true) : this.transform({
- scale: [x, y],
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- // Map translate to transform
- translate: function translate(x, y) {
- return this.transform({
- translate: [x, y]
- }, true);
- },
- // Map relative translations to transform
- relative: function relative(x, y) {
- return this.transform({
- relative: [x, y]
- }, true);
- },
- // Map flip to transform
- flip: function flip(direction, around) {
- var directionString = typeof direction === 'string' ? direction : isFinite(direction) ? 'both' : 'both';
- var origin = direction === 'both' && isFinite(around) ? [around, around] : direction === 'x' ? [around, 0] : direction === 'y' ? [0, around] : isFinite(direction) ? [direction, direction] : [0, 0];
- this.transform({
- flip: directionString,
- origin: origin
- }, true);
- },
- // Opacity
- opacity: function opacity(value) {
- return this.attr('opacity', value);
- },
- // Relative move over x axis
- dx: function dx(x) {
- return this.x(new SVG.Number(x).plus(this instanceof SVG.Timeline ? 0 : this.x()), true);
- },
- // Relative move over y axis
- dy: function dy(y) {
- return this.y(new SVG.Number(y).plus(this instanceof SVG.Timeline ? 0 : this.y()), true);
- },
- // Relative move over x and y axes
- dmove: function dmove(x, y) {
- return this.dx(x).dy(y);
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Rect, SVG.Ellipse, SVG.Circle, SVG.Gradient, SVG.Timeline], {
- // Add x and y radius
- radius: function radius(x, y) {
- var type = (this._target || this).type;
- return type === 'radialGradient' || type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr('r', new SVG.Number(x)) : this.rx(x).ry(y == null ? x : y);
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Path, {
- // Get path length
- length: function length() {
- return this.node.getTotalLength();
- },
- // Get point at length
- pointAt: function pointAt(length) {
- return new SVG.Point(this.node.getPointAtLength(length));
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Parent, SVG.Text, SVG.Tspan, SVG.Timeline], {
- // Set font
- font: function font(a, v) {
- if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {
- for (v in a) {
- this.font(v, a[v]);
+ _createClass(Morphable, [{
+ key: "from",
+ value: function from(val) {
+ if (val == null) {
+ return this._from;
+ }
+ this._from = this._set(val);
+ return this;
- }
+ }, {
+ key: "to",
+ value: function to(val) {
+ if (val == null) {
+ return this._to;
+ }
- return a === 'leading' ? this.leading(v) : a === 'anchor' ? this.attr('text-anchor', v) : a === 'size' || a === 'family' || a === 'weight' || a === 'stretch' || a === 'variant' || a === 'style' ? this.attr('font-' + a, v) : this.attr(a, v);
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Store data values on svg nodes
- data: function data(a, v, r) {
- if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {
- for (v in a) {
-, a[v]);
+ this._to = this._set(val);
+ return this;
- } else if (arguments.length < 2) {
- try {
- return JSON.parse(this.attr('data-' + a));
- } catch (e) {
- return this.attr('data-' + a);
+ }, {
+ key: "type",
+ value: function type(_type) {
+ // getter
+ if (_type == null) {
+ return this._type;
+ } // setter
+ this._type = _type;
+ return this;
- } else {
- this.attr('data-' + a, v === null ? null : r === true || typeof v === 'string' || typeof v === 'number' ? v : JSON.stringify(v));
- }
+ }, {
+ key: "_set",
+ value: function _set$$1(value) {
+ if (!this._type) {
+ var type = _typeof(value);
+ if (type === 'number') {
+ this.type(SVGNumber);
+ } else if (type === 'string') {
+ if (Color.isColor(value)) {
+ this.type(Color);
+ } else if (delimiter.test(value)) {
+ this.type(pathLetters.test(value) ? PathArray : SVGArray);
+ } else if (numberAndUnit.test(value)) {
+ this.type(SVGNumber);
+ } else {
+ this.type(NonMorphable);
+ }
+ } else if (morphableTypes.indexOf(value.constructor) > -1) {
+ this.type(value.constructor);
+ } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ this.type(SVGArray);
+ } else if (type === 'object') {
+ this.type(ObjectBag);
+ } else {
+ this.type(NonMorphable);
+ }
+ }
- return this;
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Remember arbitrary data
- remember: function remember(k, v) {
- // remember every item in an object individually
- if (_typeof(arguments[0]) === 'object') {
- for (var key in k) {
- this.remember(key, k[key]);
+ var result = new this._type(value).toArray();
+ this._morphObj = this._morphObj || new this._type();
+ this._context = this._context || Array.apply(null, Array(result.length)).map(Object);
+ return result;
- } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
- // retrieve memory
- return this.memory()[k];
- } else {
- // store memory
- this.memory()[k] = v;
+ }, {
+ key: "stepper",
+ value: function stepper(_stepper) {
+ if (_stepper == null) return this._stepper;
+ this._stepper = _stepper;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "done",
+ value: function done() {
+ var complete = (last, curr) {
+ return last && curr;
+ }, true);
+ return complete;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "at",
+ value: function at(pos) {
+ var _this = this;
+ return this._morphObj.fromArray( (i, index) {
+ return _this._stepper.step(i, _this._to[index], pos, _this._context[index], _this._context);
+ }));
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Morphable;
+ }();
+ var NonMorphable =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function NonMorphable() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, NonMorphable);
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- return this;
- },
- // Erase a given memory
- forget: function forget() {
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- this._memory = {};
- } else {
- for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- delete this.memory()[arguments[i]];
+ _createClass(NonMorphable, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(val) {
+ val = Array.isArray(val) ? val[0] : val;
+ this.value = val;
- }
+ }, {
+ key: "valueOf",
+ value: function valueOf() {
+ return this.value;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.value];
+ }
+ }]);
- return this;
- },
- // Initialize or return local memory object
- memory: function memory() {
- return this._memory || (this._memory = {});
- }
-/* global idFromReference */
-// Method for getting an element by id
+ return NonMorphable;
+ }();
+ var TransformBag =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function TransformBag() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, TransformBag);
-SVG.get = function (id) {
- var node = document.getElementById(idFromReference(id) || id);
- return SVG.adopt(node);
-}; // Select elements by query string
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ _createClass(TransformBag, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(obj) {
+ if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ obj = {
+ scaleX: obj[0],
+ scaleY: obj[1],
+ shear: obj[2],
+ rotate: obj[3],
+ translateX: obj[4],
+ translateY: obj[5],
+ originX: obj[6],
+ originY: obj[7]
+ };
+ } = function (query, parent) {
- return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
- return SVG.adopt(node);
- });
+ Object.assign(this, TransformBag.defaults, obj);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ var v = this;
+ return [v.scaleX, v.scaleY, v.shear, v.rotate, v.translateX, v.translateY, v.originX, v.originY];
+ }
+ }]);
+ return TransformBag;
+ }();
+ TransformBag.defaults = {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1,
+ shear: 0,
+ rotate: 0,
+ translateX: 0,
+ translateY: 0,
+ originX: 0,
+ originY: 0
+ };
+ var ObjectBag =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function ObjectBag() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, ObjectBag);
-SVG.$$ = function (query, parent) {
- return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
- return SVG.adopt(node);
- });
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
-SVG.$ = function (query, parent) {
- return SVG.adopt((parent || document).querySelector(query));
+ _createClass(ObjectBag, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(objOrArr) {
+ this.values = [];
-SVG.extend(SVG.Parent, {
- // Scoped select method
- select: function select(query) {
- return, this.node);
- }
-/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */
+ if (Array.isArray(objOrArr)) {
+ this.values = objOrArr;
+ return;
+ }
-function createElement(element, makeNested) {
- if (element instanceof SVG.Element) return element;
+ var entries = Object.entries(objOrArr || {}).sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a[0] - b[0];
+ });
+ this.values = entries.reduce(function (last, curr) {
+ return last.concat(curr);
+ }, []);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "valueOf",
+ value: function valueOf() {
+ var obj = {};
+ var arr = this.values;
+ for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 2) {
+ obj[arr[i]] = arr[i + 1];
+ }
- if (_typeof(element) === 'object') {
- return SVG.adopt(element);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return this.values;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return ObjectBag;
+ }();
+ var morphableTypes = [NonMorphable, TransformBag, ObjectBag];
+ function registerMorphableType() {
+ var type = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
+ morphableTypes.push.apply(morphableTypes, _toConsumableArray([].concat(type)));
- if (element == null) {
- return new SVG.Doc();
+ function makeMorphable() {
+ extend(morphableTypes, {
+ to: function to(val, args) {
+ return new Morphable().type(this.constructor).from(this.valueOf()).to(val, args);
+ },
+ fromArray: function fromArray(arr) {
+ this.init(arr);
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
- if (typeof element === 'string' && element.charAt(0) !== '<') {
- return SVG.adopt(document.querySelector(element));
- }
+ var time = window.performance || Date;
- var node = SVG.create('svg');
- node.innerHTML = element;
- element = SVG.adopt(node.firstElementChild);
- return element;
-function isNulledBox(box) {
- return !box.w && !box.h && !box.x && !box.y;
-function domContains(node) {
- return (document.documentElement.contains || function (node) {
- // This is IE - it does not support contains() for top-level SVGs
- while (node.parentNode) {
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
+ var makeSchedule = function makeSchedule(runnerInfo) {
+ var start = runnerInfo.start;
+ var duration = runnerInfo.runner.duration();
+ var end = start + duration;
+ return {
+ start: start,
+ duration: duration,
+ end: end,
+ runner: runnerInfo.runner
+ };
+ };
+ var Timeline =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ // Construct a new timeline on the given element
+ function Timeline() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Timeline);
- return node === document;
- }).call(document.documentElement, node);
+ this._timeSource = function () {
+ return;
+ };
-function pathRegReplace(a, b, c, d) {
- return c + d.replace(SVG.regex.dots, ' .');
-} // creates deep clone of array
+ this._dispatcher = document.createElement('div'); // Store the timing variables
+ this._startTime = 0;
+ this._speed = 1.0; // Play control variables control how the animation proceeds
-function arrayClone(arr) {
- var clone = arr.slice(0);
+ this._reverse = false;
+ this._persist = 0; // Keep track of the running animations and their starting parameters
- for (var i = clone.length; i--;) {
- if (Array.isArray(clone[i])) {
- clone[i] = arrayClone(clone[i]);
+ this._nextFrame = null;
+ this._paused = false;
+ this._runners = [];
+ this._order = [];
+ this._time = 0;
+ this._lastSourceTime = 0;
+ this._lastStepTime = 0;
- }
- return clone;
-} // tests if a given element is instance of an object
+ _createClass(Timeline, [{
+ key: "getEventTarget",
+ value: function getEventTarget() {
+ return this._dispatcher;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ // schedules a runner on the timeline
+ }, {
+ key: "schedule",
+ value: function schedule(runner, delay, when) {
+ if (runner == null) {
+ return (a, b) {
+ return a.start - b.start || a.duration - b.duration;
+ });
+ }
+ if (! {
+ this._step();
-function _is(el, obj) {
- return el instanceof obj;
-} // tests if a given selector matches an element
+ if (when == null) {
+ when = 'now';
+ }
+ } // The start time for the next animation can either be given explicitly,
+ // derived from the current timeline time or it can be relative to the
+ // last start time to chain animations direclty
-function _matches(el, selector) {
- return (el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector).call(el, selector);
-} // Convert dash-separated-string to camelCase
+ var absoluteStartTime = 0;
+ delay = delay || 0; // Work out when to start the animation
+ if (when == null || when === 'last' || when === 'after') {
+ // Take the last time and increment
+ absoluteStartTime = this._startTime;
+ } else if (when === 'absolute' || when === 'start') {
+ absoluteStartTime = delay;
+ delay = 0;
+ } else if (when === 'now') {
+ absoluteStartTime = this._time;
+ } else if (when === 'relative') {
+ var runnerInfo = this._runners[];
+ if (runnerInfo) {
+ absoluteStartTime = runnerInfo.start + delay;
+ delay = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Invalid value for the "when" parameter');
+ } // Manage runner
-function camelCase(s) {
- return s.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function (m, g) {
- return g.toUpperCase();
- });
-} // Capitalize first letter of a string
+ runner.unschedule();
+ runner.timeline(this);
+ runner.time(-delay); // Save startTime for next runner
-function capitalize(s) {
- return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
-} // Ensure to six-based hex
+ this._startTime = absoluteStartTime + runner.duration() + delay; // Save runnerInfo
+ this._runners[] = {
+ persist: this.persist(),
+ runner: runner,
+ start: absoluteStartTime // Save order and continue
-function fullHex(hex) {
- return hex.length === 4 ? ['#', hex.substring(1, 2), hex.substring(1, 2), hex.substring(2, 3), hex.substring(2, 3), hex.substring(3, 4), hex.substring(3, 4)].join('') : hex;
-} // Component to hex value
+ };
+ this._order.push(;
-function compToHex(comp) {
- var hex = comp.toString(16);
- return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex;
-} // Calculate proportional width and height values when necessary
+ this._continue();
+ return this;
+ } // Remove the runner from this timeline
-function proportionalSize(element, width, height) {
- if (width == null || height == null) {
- var box = element.bbox();
+ }, {
+ key: "unschedule",
+ value: function unschedule(runner) {
+ var index = this._order.indexOf(;
- if (width == null) {
- width = box.width / box.height * height;
- } else if (height == null) {
- height = box.height / box.width * width;
- }
- }
+ if (index < 0) return this;
+ delete this._runners[];
- return {
- width: width,
- height: height
- };
-} // Map matrix array to object
+ this._order.splice(index, 1);
+ runner.timeline(null);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "play",
+ value: function play() {
+ // Now make sure we are not paused and continue the animation
+ this._paused = false;
+ return this._continue();
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "pause",
+ value: function pause() {
+ // Cancel the next animation frame and pause
+ this._nextFrame = null;
+ this._paused = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "stop",
+ value: function stop() {
+ // Cancel the next animation frame and go to start
+ return this.pause();
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "finish",
+ value: function finish() {
+ return this.pause();
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "speed",
+ value: function speed(_speed) {
+ if (_speed == null) return this._speed;
+ this._speed = _speed;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "reverse",
+ value: function reverse(yes) {
+ var currentSpeed = this.speed();
+ if (yes == null) return this.speed(-currentSpeed);
+ var positive = Math.abs(currentSpeed);
+ return this.speed(yes ? positive : -positive);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "seek",
+ value: function seek(dt) {
+ this._time += dt;
+ return this._continue();
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "time",
+ value: function time(_time) {
+ if (_time == null) return this._time;
+ this._time = _time;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "persist",
+ value: function persist(dtOrForever) {
+ if (dtOrForever == null) return this._persist;
+ this._persist = dtOrForever;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "source",
+ value: function source(fn) {
+ if (fn == null) return this._timeSource;
+ this._timeSource = fn;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "_step",
+ value: function _step() {
+ // If the timeline is paused, just do nothing
+ if (this._paused) return; // Get the time delta from the last time and update the time
+ // TODO: Deal with window.blur window.focus to pause animations
-function arrayToMatrix(a) {
- return {
- a: a[0],
- b: a[1],
- c: a[2],
- d: a[3],
- e: a[4],
- f: a[5]
- };
-} // Add centre point to transform object
+ var time = this._timeSource();
+ var dtSource = time - this._lastSourceTime;
+ var dtTime = this._speed * dtSource + (this._time - this._lastStepTime);
+ this._lastSourceTime = time; // Update the time
-function ensureCentre(o, target) {
- = == null ? target.bbox().cx :;
- = == null ? target.bbox().cy :;
-} // PathArray Helpers
+ this._time += dtTime;
+ this._lastStepTime = this._time; //'time', this._time)
+ // Run all of the runners directly
+ var runnersLeft = false;
-function arrayToString(a) {
- for (var i = 0, il = a.length, s = ''; i < il; i++) {
- s += a[i][0];
+ for (var i = 0, len = this._order.length; i < len; i++) {
+ // Get and run the current runner and ignore it if its inactive
+ var runnerInfo = this._runners[this._order[i]];
+ var runner = runnerInfo.runner;
+ var dt = dtTime; // Make sure that we give the actual difference
+ // between runner start time and now
- if (a[i][1] != null) {
- s += a[i][1];
+ var dtToStart = this._time - runnerInfo.start; // Dont run runner if not started yet
- if (a[i][2] != null) {
- s += ' ';
- s += a[i][2];
+ if (dtToStart < 0) {
+ runnersLeft = true;
+ continue;
+ } else if (dtToStart < dt) {
+ // Adjust dt to make sure that animation is on point
+ dt = dtToStart;
+ }
- if (a[i][3] != null) {
- s += ' ';
- s += a[i][3];
- s += ' ';
- s += a[i][4];
+ if (! continue; // If this runner is still going, signal that we need another animation
+ // frame, otherwise, remove the completed runner
- if (a[i][5] != null) {
- s += ' ';
- s += a[i][5];
- s += ' ';
- s += a[i][6];
+ var finished = runner.step(dt).done;
- if (a[i][7] != null) {
- s += ' ';
- s += a[i][7];
+ if (!finished) {
+ runnersLeft = true; // continue
+ } else if (runnerInfo.persist !== true) {
+ // runner is finished. And runner might get removed
+ // TODO: Figure out end time of runner
+ var endTime = runner.duration() - runner.time() + this._time;
+ if (endTime + this._persist < this._time) {
+ // Delete runner and correct index
+ delete this._runners[this._order[i]];
+ this._order.splice(i--, 1) && --len;
+ runner.timeline(null);
+ } // Get the next animation frame to keep the simulation going
+ if (runnersLeft) {
+ this._nextFrame = Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this));
+ } else {
+ this._nextFrame = null;
+ }
+ return this;
+ } // Checks if we are running and continues the animation
+ }, {
+ key: "_continue",
+ value: function _continue() {
+ if (this._paused) return this;
+ if (!this._nextFrame) {
+ this._nextFrame = Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this));
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "active",
+ value: function active() {
+ return !!this._nextFrame;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Timeline;
+ }();
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ timeline: function timeline() {
+ this._timeline = this._timeline || new Timeline();
+ return this._timeline;
- }
+ });
- return s + ' ';
-} // Deep new id assignment
+ var Runner =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_EventTarget) {
+ _inherits(Runner, _EventTarget);
+ function Runner(options) {
+ var _this;
-function assignNewId(node) {
- // do the same for SVG child nodes as well
- for (var i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- assignNewId(node.children[i]);
- }
+ _classCallCheck(this, Runner);
- if ( {
- return SVG.adopt(node).id(SVG.eid(node.nodeName));
- }
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Runner).call(this)); // Store a unique id on the runner, so that we can identify it later
- return SVG.adopt(node);
-} // Add more bounding box properties
+ =; // Ensure a default value
+ options = options == null ? timeline.duration : options; // Ensure that we get a controller
-function fullBox(b) {
- if (b.x == null) {
- b.x = 0;
- b.y = 0;
- b.width = 0;
- b.height = 0;
- }
+ options = typeof options === 'function' ? new Controller(options) : options; // Declare all of the variables
- b.w = b.width;
- b.h = b.height;
- b.x2 = b.x + b.width;
- b.y2 = b.y + b.height;
- = b.x + b.width / 2;
- = b.y + b.height / 2;
- return b;
-} // Get id from reference string
-function idFromReference(url) {
- var m = (url || '').toString().match(SVG.regex.reference);
- if (m) return m[1];
-} // Create matrix array for looping
-var abcdef = 'abcdef'.split('');
-function closeEnough(a, b, threshold) {
- return Math.abs(b - a) < (threshold || 1e-6);
-function isMatrixLike(o) {
- return o.a != null || o.b != null || o.c != null || o.d != null || o.e != null || o.f != null;
-} // TODO: Refactor this to a static function of matrix.js
-function formatTransforms(o) {
- // Get all of the parameters required to form the matrix
- var flipBoth = o.flip === 'both' || o.flip === true;
- var flipX = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'x') ? -1 : 1;
- var flipY = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'y') ? -1 : 1;
- var skewX = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[0] : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew : isFinite(o.skewX) ? o.skewX : 0;
- var skewY = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[1] : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew : isFinite(o.skewY) ? o.skewY : 0;
- var scaleX = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[0] * flipX : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipX : isFinite(o.scaleX) ? o.scaleX * flipX : flipX;
- var scaleY = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[1] * flipY : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipY : isFinite(o.scaleY) ? o.scaleY * flipY : flipY;
- var shear = o.shear || 0;
- var theta = o.rotate || o.theta || 0;
- var origin = new SVG.Point(o.origin || o.around || o.ox || o.originX, o.oy || o.originY);
- var ox = origin.x;
- var oy = origin.y;
- var position = new SVG.Point(o.position || o.px || o.positionX, || o.positionY);
- var px = position.x;
- var py = position.y;
- var translate = new SVG.Point(o.translate || o.tx || o.translateX, o.ty || o.translateY);
- var tx = translate.x;
- var ty = translate.y;
- var relative = new SVG.Point(o.relative || o.rx || o.relativeX, o.ry || o.relativeY);
- var rx = relative.x;
- var ry = relative.y; // Populate all of the values
- return {
- scaleX: scaleX,
- scaleY: scaleY,
- skewX: skewX,
- skewY: skewY,
- shear: shear,
- theta: theta,
- rx: rx,
- ry: ry,
- tx: tx,
- ty: ty,
- ox: ox,
- oy: oy,
- px: px,
- py: py
- };
-} // left matrix, right matrix, target matrix which is overwritten
-function matrixMultiply(l, r, o) {
- // Work out the product directly
- var a = l.a * r.a + l.c * r.b;
- var b = l.b * r.a + l.d * r.b;
- var c = l.a * r.c + l.c * r.d;
- var d = l.b * r.c + l.d * r.d;
- var e = l.e + l.a * r.e + l.c * r.f;
- var f = l.f + l.b * r.e + l.d * r.f; // make sure to use local variables because l/r and o could be the same
- o.a = a;
- o.b = b;
- o.c = c;
- o.d = d;
- o.e = e;
- o.f = f;
- return o;
-function getOrigin(o, element) {
- // Allow origin or around as the names
- var origin = o.origin; // o.around == null ? o.origin : o.around
- var ox, oy; // Allow the user to pass a string to rotate around a given point
- if (typeof origin === 'string' || origin == null) {
- // Get the bounding box of the element with no transformations applied
- var string = (origin || 'center').toLowerCase().trim();
- var _element$bbox = element.bbox(),
- height = _element$bbox.height,
- width = _element$bbox.width,
- x = _element$bbox.x,
- y = _element$bbox.y; // Calculate the transformed x and y coordinates
- var bx = string.includes('left') ? x : string.includes('right') ? x + width : x + width / 2;
- var by = string.includes('top') ? y : string.includes('bottom') ? y + height : y + height / 2; // Set the bounds eg : "bottom-left", "Top right", "middle" etc...
- ox = o.ox != null ? o.ox : bx;
- oy = o.oy != null ? o.oy : by;
- } else {
- ox = origin[0];
- oy = origin[1];
- } // Return the origin as it is if it wasn't a string
- return [ox, oy];
-/* globals fullBox, domContains, isNulledBox, Exception */
-SVG.Box = SVG.invent({
- create: function create(source) {
- var base = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat) : Array.isArray(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left : source.x, != null ? : source.y, source.width, source.height] : arguments.length === 4 ? [] : base;
- this.x = source[0];
- this.y = source[1];
- this.width = source[2];
- this.height = source[3]; // add center, right, bottom...
- fullBox(this);
- },
- extend: {
- // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
- merge: function merge(box) {
- var x = Math.min(this.x, box.x);
- var y = Math.min(this.y, box.y);
- return new SVG.Box(x, y, Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x, Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y);
- },
- transform: function transform(m) {
- var xMin = Infinity;
- var xMax = -Infinity;
- var yMin = Infinity;
- var yMax = -Infinity;
- var pts = [new SVG.Point(this.x, this.y), new SVG.Point(this.x2, this.y), new SVG.Point(this.x, this.y2), new SVG.Point(this.x2, this.y2)];
- pts.forEach(function (p) {
- p = p.transform(m);
- xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x);
- xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x);
- yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y);
- yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y);
- });
- return new SVG.Box(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
- },
- addOffset: function addOffset() {
- // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
- this.x += window.pageXOffset;
- this.y += window.pageYOffset;
- return this;
- },
- toString: function toString() {
- return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height;
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height];
- },
- morph: function morph(x, y, width, height) {
- this.destination = new SVG.Box(x, y, width, height);
- return this;
- },
- at: function at(pos) {
- if (!this.destination) return this;
- return new SVG.Box(this.x + (this.destination.x - this.x) * pos, this.y + (this.destination.y - this.y) * pos, this.width + (this.destination.width - this.width) * pos, this.height + (this.destination.height - this.height) * pos);
+ _this._element = null;
+ _this._timeline = null;
+ _this.done = false;
+ _this._queue = []; // Work out the stepper and the duration
+ _this._duration = typeof options === 'number' && options;
+ _this._isDeclarative = options instanceof Controller;
+ _this._stepper = _this._isDeclarative ? options : new Ease(); // We copy the current values from the timeline because they can change
+ _this._history = {}; // Store the state of the runner
+ _this.enabled = true;
+ _this._time = 0;
+ _this._last = 0; // Save transforms applied to this runner
+ _this.transforms = new Matrix();
+ _this.transformId = 1; // Looping variables
+ _this._haveReversed = false;
+ _this._reverse = false;
+ _this._loopsDone = 0;
+ _this._swing = false;
+ _this._wait = 0;
+ _this._times = 1;
+ return _this;
- },
- // Define Parent
- parent: SVG.Element,
- // Constructor
- construct: {
- // Get bounding box
- bbox: function bbox() {
- var box;
+ /*
+ Runner Definitions
+ ==================
+ These methods help us define the runtime behaviour of the Runner or they
+ help us make new runners from the current runner
+ */
- try {
- // find native bbox
- box = this.node.getBBox();
- if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
- throw new Exception('Element not in the dom');
+ _createClass(Runner, [{
+ key: "element",
+ value: function element(_element) {
+ if (_element == null) return this._element;
+ this._element = _element;
+ _element._prepareRunner();
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "timeline",
+ value: function timeline$$1(_timeline) {
+ // check explicitly for undefined so we can set the timeline to null
+ if (typeof _timeline === 'undefined') return this._timeline;
+ this._timeline = _timeline;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "animate",
+ value: function animate(duration, delay, when) {
+ var o = Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when);
+ var runner = new Runner(o.duration);
+ if (this._timeline) runner.timeline(this._timeline);
+ if (this._element) runner.element(this._element);
+ return runner.loop(o).schedule(delay, when);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "schedule",
+ value: function schedule(timeline$$1, delay, when) {
+ // The user doesn't need to pass a timeline if we already have one
+ if (!(timeline$$1 instanceof Timeline)) {
+ when = delay;
+ delay = timeline$$1;
+ timeline$$1 = this.timeline();
+ } // If there is no timeline, yell at the user...
+ if (!timeline$$1) {
+ throw Error('Runner cannot be scheduled without timeline');
+ } // Schedule the runner on the timeline provided
+ timeline$$1.schedule(this, delay, when);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "unschedule",
+ value: function unschedule() {
+ var timeline$$1 = this.timeline();
+ timeline$$1 && timeline$$1.unschedule(this);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "loop",
+ value: function loop(times, swing, wait) {
+ // Deal with the user passing in an object
+ if (_typeof(times) === 'object') {
+ swing = times.swing;
+ wait = times.wait;
+ times = times.times;
+ } // Sanitise the values and store them
+ this._times = times || Infinity;
+ this._swing = swing || false;
+ this._wait = wait || 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "delay",
+ value: function delay(_delay) {
+ return this.animate(0, _delay);
+ }
+ /*
+ Basic Functionality
+ ===================
+ These methods allow us to attach basic functions to the runner directly
+ */
+ }, {
+ key: "queue",
+ value: function queue(initFn, runFn, isTransform) {
+ this._queue.push({
+ initialiser: initFn || noop,
+ runner: runFn || noop,
+ isTransform: isTransform,
+ initialised: false,
+ finished: false
+ });
+ var timeline$$1 = this.timeline();
+ timeline$$1 && this.timeline()._continue();
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "during",
+ value: function during(fn) {
+ return this.queue(null, fn);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "after",
+ value: function after(fn) {
+ return this.on('finish', fn);
+ }
+ /*
+ Runner animation methods
+ ========================
+ Control how the animation plays
+ */
+ }, {
+ key: "time",
+ value: function time(_time) {
+ if (_time == null) {
+ return this._time;
- } catch (e) {
- try {
- var clone = this.clone(SVG.parser().svg).show();
- box = clone.node.getBBox();
- clone.remove();
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn('Getting a bounding box of this element is not possible');
+ var dt = _time - this._time;
+ this.step(dt);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "duration",
+ value: function duration() {
+ return this._times * (this._wait + this._duration) - this._wait;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "loops",
+ value: function loops(p) {
+ var loopDuration = this._duration + this._wait;
+ if (p == null) {
+ var loopsDone = Math.floor(this._time / loopDuration);
+ var relativeTime = this._time - loopsDone * loopDuration;
+ var position = relativeTime / this._duration;
+ return Math.min(loopsDone + position, this._times);
+ var whole = Math.floor(p);
+ var partial = p % 1;
+ var time = loopDuration * whole + this._duration * partial;
+ return this.time(time);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "position",
+ value: function position(p) {
+ // Get all of the variables we need
+ var x = this._time;
+ var d = this._duration;
+ var w = this._wait;
+ var t = this._times;
+ var s = this._swing;
+ var r = this._reverse;
+ var position;
+ if (p == null) {
+ /*
+ This function converts a time to a position in the range [0, 1]
+ The full explanation can be found in this desmos demonstration
+ The logic is slightly simplified here because we can use booleans
+ */
+ // Figure out the value without thinking about the start or end time
+ var f = function f(x) {
+ var swinging = s * Math.floor(x % (2 * (w + d)) / (w + d));
+ var backwards = swinging && !r || !swinging && r;
+ var uncliped = Math.pow(-1, backwards) * (x % (w + d)) / d + backwards;
+ var clipped = Math.max(Math.min(uncliped, 1), 0);
+ return clipped;
+ }; // Figure out the value by incorporating the start time
+ var endTime = t * (w + d) - w;
+ position = x <= 0 ? Math.round(f(1e-5)) : x < endTime ? f(x) : Math.round(f(endTime - 1e-5));
+ return position;
+ } // Work out the loops done and add the position to the loops done
+ var loopsDone = Math.floor(this.loops());
+ var swingForward = s && loopsDone % 2 === 0;
+ var forwards = swingForward && !r || r && swingForward;
+ position = loopsDone + (forwards ? p : 1 - p);
+ return this.loops(position);
+ }, {
+ key: "progress",
+ value: function progress(p) {
+ if (p == null) {
+ return Math.min(1, this._time / this.duration());
+ }
- return new SVG.Box(box);
- },
- rbox: function rbox(el) {
- // IE11 throws an error when element not in dom
- try {
- var box = new SVG.Box(this.node.getBoundingClientRect());
- if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse());
- return box.addOffset();
- } catch (e) {
- return new SVG.Box();
+ return this.time(p * this.duration());
- }
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Doc, SVG.Symbol, SVG.Image, SVG.Pattern, SVG.Marker, SVG.ForeignObject, SVG.View], {
- viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
- // act as getter
- if (x == null) return new SVG.Box(this.attr('viewBox')); // act as setter
+ }, {
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(dt) {
+ // If we are inactive, this stepper just gets skipped
+ if (!this.enabled) return this; // Update the time and get the new position
- return this.attr('viewBox', new SVG.Box(x, y, width, height));
- }
+ dt = dt == null ? 16 : dt;
+ this._time += dt;
+ var position = this.position(); // Figure out if we need to run the stepper in this frame
-SVG.parser = function () {
- var b;
+ var running = this._lastPosition !== position && this._time >= 0;
+ this._lastPosition = position; // Figure out if we just started
- if (!SVG.parser.nodes.svg.node.parentNode) {
- b = document.body || document.documentElement;
- SVG.parser.nodes.svg.addTo(b);
- }
+ var duration = this.duration();
+ var justStarted = this._lastTime < 0 && this._time > 0;
+ var justFinished = this._lastTime < this._time && this.time > duration;
+ this._lastTime = this._time;
- return SVG.parser.nodes;
-SVG.parser.nodes = {
- svg: SVG().size(2, 0).css({
- opacity: 0,
- position: 'absolute',
- left: '-100%',
- top: '-100%',
- overflow: 'hidden'
- })
-SVG.parser.nodes.path = SVG.parser.nodes.svg.path().node;
-/* global requestAnimationFrame */
-SVG.Animator = {
- nextDraw: null,
- frames: new SVG.Queue(),
- timeouts: new SVG.Queue(),
- timer: window.performance || window.Date,
- transforms: [],
- frame: function frame(fn) {
- // Store the node
- var node = SVG.Animator.frames.push({
- run: fn
- }); // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
- if (SVG.Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- SVG.Animator.nextDraw = requestAnimationFrame(SVG.Animator._draw);
- } // Return the node so we can remove it easily
- return node;
- },
- transform_frame: function transform_frame(fn, id) {
- SVG.Animator.transforms[id] = fn;
- },
- timeout: function timeout(fn, delay) {
- delay = delay || 0; // Work out when the event should fire
- var time = + delay; // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
- var node = SVG.Animator.timeouts.push({
- run: fn,
- time: time
- }); // Request another animation frame if we need one
- if (SVG.Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- SVG.Animator.nextDraw = requestAnimationFrame(SVG.Animator._draw);
- }
+ if (justStarted) {
+'start', this);
+ } // Work out if the runner is finished set the done flag here so animations
+ // know, that they are running in the last step (this is good for
+ // transformations which can be merged)
- return node;
- },
- cancelFrame: function cancelFrame(node) {
- SVG.Animator.frames.remove(node);
- },
- clearTimeout: function clearTimeout(node) {
- SVG.Animator.timeouts.remove(node);
- },
- _draw: function _draw(now) {
- // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
- // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
- var nextTimeout = null;
- var lastTimeout = SVG.Animator.timeouts.last();
- while (nextTimeout = SVG.Animator.timeouts.shift()) {
- // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
- if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
- } else {
- SVG.Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout);
- } // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
+ var declarative = this._isDeclarative;
+ this.done = !declarative && !justFinished && this._time >= duration; // Call initialise and the run function
- if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break;
- } // Run all of the animation frames
+ if (running || declarative) {
+ this._initialise(running); // clear the transforms on this runner so they dont get added again and again
- var nextFrame = null;
- var lastFrame = SVG.Animator.frames.last();
+ this.transforms = new Matrix();
- while (nextFrame !== lastFrame && (nextFrame = SVG.Animator.frames.shift())) {
- }
+ var converged = this._run(declarative ? dt : position);
- SVG.Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) {
- el();
- }); // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
+'step', this);
+ } // correct the done flag here
+ // declaritive animations itself know when they converged
- SVG.Animator.nextDraw = SVG.Animator.timeouts.first() || SVG.Animator.frames.first() ? requestAnimationFrame(SVG.Animator._draw) : null;
- }
-SVG.Morphable = SVG.invent({
- create: function create(stepper) {
- // FIXME: the default stepper does not know about easing
- this._stepper = stepper || new SVG.Ease('-');
- this._from = null;
- this._to = null;
- this._type = null;
- this._context = null;
- this._morphObj = null;
- },
- extend: {
- from: function from(val) {
- if (val == null) {
- return this._from;
- }
- this._from = this._set(val);
- return this;
- },
- to: function to(val) {
- if (val == null) {
- return this._to;
+ this.done = this.done || converged && declarative;
+ if (this.done) {
+'finish', this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "finish",
+ value: function finish() {
+ return this.step(Infinity);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "reverse",
+ value: function reverse(_reverse) {
+ this._reverse = _reverse == null ? !this._reverse : _reverse;
+ return this;
+ }, {
+ key: "ease",
+ value: function ease(fn) {
+ this._stepper = new Ease(fn);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "active",
+ value: function active(enabled) {
+ if (enabled == null) return this.enabled;
+ this.enabled = enabled;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /*
+ Private Methods
+ ===============
+ Methods that shouldn't be used externally
+ */
+ // Save a morpher to the morpher list so that we can retarget it later
+ }, {
+ key: "_rememberMorpher",
+ value: function _rememberMorpher(method, morpher) {
+ this._history[method] = {
+ morpher: morpher,
+ caller: this._queue[this._queue.length - 1]
+ };
+ } // Try to set the target for a morpher if the morpher exists, otherwise
+ // do nothing and return false
- this._to = this._set(val);
- return this;
- },
- type: function type(_type) {
- // getter
- if (_type == null) {
- return this._type;
- } // setter
+ }, {
+ key: "_tryRetarget",
+ value: function _tryRetarget(method, target) {
+ if (this._history[method]) {
+ // if the last method wasnt even initialised, throw it away
+ if (!this._history[method].caller.initialised) {
+ var index = this._queue.indexOf(this._history[method].caller);
+ this._queue.splice(index, 1);
+ return false;
+ } // for the case of transformations, we use the special retarget function
+ // which has access to the outer scope
+ if (this._history[method].caller.isTransform) {
+ this._history[method].caller.isTransform(target); // for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
- this._type = _type;
- return this;
- },
- _set: function _set(value) {
- if (!this._type) {
- var type = _typeof(value);
- if (type === 'number') {
- this.type(SVG.Number);
- } else if (type === 'string') {
- if (SVG.Color.isColor(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.Color);
- } else if (SVG.regex.delimiter.test(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.regex.pathLetters.test(value) ? SVG.PathArray : SVG.Array);
- } else if (SVG.regex.numberAndUnit.test(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.Number);
} else {
- this.type(SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable);
+ this._history[method];
- } else if (SVG.MorphableTypes.indexOf(value.constructor) > -1) {
- this.type(value.constructor);
- } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.Array);
- } else if (type === 'object') {
- this.type(SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag);
- } else {
- this.type(SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable);
+ this._history[method].caller.finished = false;
+ var timeline$$1 = this.timeline();
+ timeline$$1 && timeline$$1._continue();
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ } // Run each initialise function in the runner if required
+ }, {
+ key: "_initialise",
+ value: function _initialise(running) {
+ // If we aren't running, we shouldn't initialise when not declarative
+ if (!running && !this._isDeclarative) return; // Loop through all of the initialisers
+ for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // Get the current initialiser
+ var current = this._queue[i]; // Determine whether we need to initialise
+ var needsIt = this._isDeclarative || !current.initialised && running;
+ running = !current.finished; // Call the initialiser if we need to
+ if (needsIt && running) {
+ current.initialised = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } // Run each run function for the position or dt given
+ }, {
+ key: "_run",
+ value: function _run(positionOrDt) {
+ // Run all of the _queue directly
+ var allfinished = true;
+ for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // Get the current function to run
+ var current = this._queue[i]; // Run the function if its not finished, we keep track of the finished
+ // flag for the sake of declarative _queue
+ var converged =, positionOrDt);
+ current.finished = current.finished || converged === true;
+ allfinished = allfinished && current.finished;
+ } // We report when all of the constructors are finished
+ return allfinished;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "addTransform",
+ value: function addTransform(transform, index) {
+ this.transforms.lmultiplyO(transform);
+ return this;
+ }, {
+ key: "clearTransform",
+ value: function clearTransform() {
+ this.transforms = new Matrix();
+ return this;
+ }
+ }], [{
+ key: "sanitise",
+ value: function sanitise(duration, delay, when) {
+ // Initialise the default parameters
+ var times = 1;
+ var swing = false;
+ var wait = 0;
+ duration = duration || timeline.duration;
+ delay = delay || timeline.delay;
+ when = when || 'last'; // If we have an object, unpack the values
+ if (_typeof(duration) === 'object' && !(duration instanceof Stepper)) {
+ delay = duration.delay || delay;
+ when = duration.when || when;
+ swing = duration.swing || swing;
+ times = duration.times || times;
+ wait = duration.wait || wait;
+ duration = duration.duration || timeline.duration;
+ }
- var result = new this._type(value).toArray();
- this._morphObj = this._morphObj || new this._type();
- this._context = this._context || Array.apply(null, Array(result.length)).map(Object);
- return result;
- },
- stepper: function stepper(_stepper) {
- if (_stepper == null) return this._stepper;
- this._stepper = _stepper;
- return this;
- },
- done: function done() {
- var complete = (last, curr) {
- return last && curr;
- }, true);
+ return {
+ duration: duration,
+ delay: delay,
+ swing: swing,
+ times: times,
+ wait: wait,
+ when: when
+ };
+ }
+ }]);
- return complete;
- },
- at: function at(pos) {
- var _this = this;
+ return Runner;
+ }(EventTarget);
+ = 0;
- return this._morphObj.fromArray( (i, index) {
- return _this._stepper.step(i, _this._to[index], pos, _this._context[index], _this._context);
- }));
- }
- }
-SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable = SVG.invent({
- create: function create(val) {
- val = Array.isArray(val) ? val[0] : val;
- this.value = val;
- },
- extend: {
- valueOf: function valueOf() {
- return this.value;
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return [this.value];
- }
- }
-SVG.Morphable.TransformBag = SVG.invent({
- create: function create(obj) {
- if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
- obj = {
- scaleX: obj[0],
- scaleY: obj[1],
- shear: obj[2],
- rotate: obj[3],
- translateX: obj[4],
- translateY: obj[5],
- originX: obj[6],
- originY: obj[7]
- };
+ var FakeRunner = function FakeRunner() {
+ var transforms = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new Matrix();
+ var id = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : -1;
+ var done = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
+ _classCallCheck(this, FakeRunner);
+ this.transforms = transforms;
+ = id;
+ this.done = done;
+ };
+ extend([Runner, FakeRunner], {
+ mergeWith: function mergeWith(runner) {
+ return new FakeRunner(runner.transforms.lmultiply(this.transforms),;
+ }); // FakeRunner.emptyRunner = new FakeRunner()
- Object.assign(this, SVG.Morphable.TransformBag.defaults, obj);
- },
- extend: {
- toArray: function toArray() {
- var v = this;
- return [v.scaleX, v.scaleY, v.shear, v.rotate, v.translateX, v.translateY, v.originX, v.originY];
+ var lmultiply = function lmultiply(last, curr) {
+ return last.lmultiplyO(curr);
+ };
+ var getRunnerTransform = function getRunnerTransform(runner) {
+ return runner.transforms;
+ };
+ function mergeTransforms() {
+ // Find the matrix to apply to the element and apply it
+ var runners = this._transformationRunners.runners;
+ var netTransform =, new Matrix());
+ this.transform(netTransform);
+ this._transformationRunners.merge();
+ if (this._transformationRunners.length() === 1) {
+ this._frameId = null;
-SVG.Morphable.TransformBag.defaults = {
- scaleX: 1,
- scaleY: 1,
- shear: 0,
- rotate: 0,
- translateX: 0,
- translateY: 0,
- originX: 0,
- originY: 0
-SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag = SVG.invent({
- create: function create(objOrArr) {
- this.values = [];
- if (Array.isArray(objOrArr)) {
- this.values = objOrArr;
- return;
+ var RunnerArray =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function RunnerArray() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, RunnerArray);
+ this.runners = [];
+ this.ids = [];
- var entries = Object.entries(objOrArr || {}).sort(function (a, b) {
- return a[0] - b[0];
- });
- this.values = entries.reduce(function (last, curr) {
- return last.concat(curr);
- }, []);
- },
- extend: {
- valueOf: function valueOf() {
- var obj = {};
- var arr = this.values;
+ _createClass(RunnerArray, [{
+ key: "add",
+ value: function add(runner) {
+ if (this.runners.includes(runner)) return;
+ var id = + 1;
+ var leftSibling = this.ids.reduce(function (last, curr) {
+ if (curr > last && curr < id) return curr;
+ return last;
+ }, 0);
+ var index = this.ids.indexOf(leftSibling) + 1;
+ this.ids.splice(index, 0, id);
+ this.runners.splice(index, 0, runner);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "getByID",
+ value: function getByID(id) {
+ return this.runners[this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)];
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function remove(id) {
+ var index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1);
+ this.ids.splice(index, 1);
+ this.runners.splice(index, 1);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "merge",
+ value: function merge() {
+ var _this2 = this;
+ var lastRunner = null;
+ this.runners.forEach(function (runner, i) {
+ if (lastRunner && runner.done && lastRunner.done) {
+ _this2.remove(;
+ _this2.edit(, runner.mergeWith(lastRunner));
+ }
- for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 2) {
- obj[arr[i]] = arr[i + 1];
+ lastRunner = runner;
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "edit",
+ value: function edit(id, newRunner) {
+ var index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1);
+ this.ids.splice(index, 1, id);
+ this.runners.splice(index, 1, newRunner);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "length",
+ value: function length() {
+ return this.ids.length;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "clearBefore",
+ value: function clearBefore(id) {
+ var deleteCnt = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1) || 1;
+ this.ids.splice(0, deleteCnt, 0);
+ this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new FakeRunner());
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return RunnerArray;
+ }();
+ var frameId = 0;
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ animate: function animate(duration, delay, when) {
+ var o = Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when);
+ var timeline$$1 = this.timeline();
+ return new Runner(o.duration).loop(o).element(this).timeline(timeline$$1).schedule(delay, when);
+ },
+ delay: function delay(by, when) {
+ return this.animate(0, by, when);
+ },
+ // this function searches for all runners on the element and deletes the ones
+ // which run before the current one. This is because absolute transformations
+ // overwfrite anything anyway so there is no need to waste time computing
+ // other runners
+ _clearTransformRunnersBefore: function _clearTransformRunnersBefore(currentRunner) {
+ this._transformationRunners.clearBefore(;
+ },
+ _currentTransform: function _currentTransform(current) {
+ return this._transformationRunners.runners // we need the equal sign here to make sure, that also transformations
+ // on the same runner which execute before the current transformation are
+ // taken into account
+ .filter(function (runner) {
+ return <=;
+ }).map(getRunnerTransform).reduce(lmultiply, new Matrix());
+ },
+ addRunner: function addRunner(runner) {
+ this._transformationRunners.add(runner);
+ Animator.transform_frame(mergeTransforms.bind(this), this._frameId);
+ },
+ _prepareRunner: function _prepareRunner() {
+ if (this._frameId == null) {
+ this._transformationRunners = new RunnerArray().add(new FakeRunner(new Matrix(this)));
+ this._frameId = frameId++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ extend(Runner, {
+ attr: function attr(a, v) {
+ return this.styleAttr('attr', a, v);
+ },
+ // Add animatable styles
+ css: function css(s, v) {
+ return this.styleAttr('css', s, v);
+ },
+ styleAttr: function styleAttr(type, name, val) {
+ // apply attributes individually
+ if (_typeof(name) === 'object') {
+ for (var key in val) {
+ this.styleAttr(type, key, val[key]);
+ }
- return obj;
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(val);
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher = morpher.from(this.element()[type](name));
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element()[type](name,;
+ return morpher.done();
+ });
+ return this;
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return this.values;
- }
- }
-SVG.MorphableTypes = [SVG.Number, SVG.Color, SVG.Box, SVG.Matrix, SVG.Array, SVG.PointArray, SVG.PathArray, SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable, SVG.Morphable.TransformBag, SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag];
-SVG.extend(SVG.MorphableTypes, {
- to: function to(val, args) {
- return new SVG.Morphable().type(this.constructor).from(this.valueOf()).to(val, args);
- },
- fromArray: function fromArray(arr) {
- this.constructor(arr);
- return this;
- }
-/* global isMatrixLike getOrigin */
-SVG.easing = {
- '-': function _(pos) {
- return pos;
- },
- '<>': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;
- },
- '>': function _(pos) {
- return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2);
- },
- '<': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1;
- }
-SVG.Runner = SVG.invent({
- parent: SVG.Element,
- create: function create(options) {
- // Store a unique id on the runner, so that we can identify it later
- =; // Ensure a default value
- options = options == null ? SVG.defaults.timeline.duration : options; // Ensure that we get a controller
- options = typeof options === 'function' ? new SVG.Controller(options) : options; // Declare all of the variables
- this._element = null;
- this._timeline = null;
- this.done = false;
- this._queue = []; // Work out the stepper and the duration
- this._duration = typeof options === 'number' && options;
- this._isDeclarative = options instanceof SVG.Controller;
- this._stepper = this._isDeclarative ? options : new SVG.Ease(); // We copy the current values from the timeline because they can change
- this._history = {}; // Store the state of the runner
- this.enabled = true;
- this._time = 0;
- this._last = 0; // Save transforms applied to this runner
- this.transforms = new SVG.Matrix();
- this.transformId = 1; // Looping variables
- this._haveReversed = false;
- this._reverse = false;
- this._loopsDone = 0;
- this._swing = false;
- this._wait = 0;
- this._times = 1;
- },
- construct: {
- animate: function animate(duration, delay, when) {
- var o = SVG.Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when);
- var timeline = this.timeline();
- return new SVG.Runner(o.duration).loop(o).element(this).timeline(timeline).schedule(delay, when);
+ zoom: function zoom(level, point) {
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(new SVGNumber(level));
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher = morpher.from(this.zoom());
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element().zoom(, point);
+ return morpher.done();
+ });
+ return this;
- delay: function delay(by, when) {
- return this.animate(0, by, when);
- }
- },
- extend: {
- /*
- Runner Definitions
- ==================
- These methods help us define the runtime behaviour of the Runner or they
- help us make new runners from the current runner
- */
- element: function element(_element3) {
- if (_element3 == null) return this._element;
- this._element = _element3;
- _element3._prepareRunner();
+ /**
+ ** absolute transformations
+ **/
+ //
+ // M v -----|-----(D M v = F v)------|-----> T v
+ //
+ // 1. define the final state (T) and decompose it (once)
+ // t = [tx, ty, the, lam, sy, sx]
+ // 2. on every frame: pull the current state of all previous transforms
+ // (M - m can change)
+ // and then write this as m = [tx0, ty0, the0, lam0, sy0, sx0]
+ // 3. Find the interpolated matrix F(pos) = m + pos * (t - m)
+ // - Note F(0) = M
+ // - Note F(1) = T
+ // 4. Now you get the delta matrix as a result: D = F * inv(M)
+ transform: function transform(transforms, relative, affine) {
+ // If we have a declarative function, we should retarget it if possible
+ relative = transforms.relative || relative;
+ if (this._isDeclarative && !relative && this._tryRetarget('transform', transforms)) {
+ return this;
+ } // Parse the parameters
+ var isMatrix = Matrix.isMatrixLike(transforms);
+ affine = transforms.affine != null ? transforms.affine : affine != null ? affine : !isMatrix; // Create a morepher and set its type
+ var morpher = new Morphable().type(affine ? TransformBag : Matrix).stepper(this._stepper);
+ var origin;
+ var element;
+ var current;
+ var currentAngle;
+ var startTransform;
+ function setup() {
+ // make sure element and origin is defined
+ element = element || this.element();
+ origin = origin || getOrigin(transforms, element);
+ startTransform = new Matrix(relative ? undefined : element); // add the runner to the element so it can merge transformations
+ element.addRunner(this); // Deactivate all transforms that have run so far if we are absolute
+ if (!relative) {
+ element._clearTransformRunnersBefore(this);
+ }
+ }
+ function run(pos) {
+ // clear all other transforms before this in case something is saved
+ // on this runner. We are absolute. We dont need these!
+ if (!relative) this.clearTransform();
+ var _transform = new Point(origin).transform(element._currentTransform(this)),
+ x = _transform.x,
+ y = _transform.y;
+ var target = new Matrix(_objectSpread({}, transforms, {
+ origin: [x, y]
+ }));
+ var start = this._isDeclarative && current ? current : startTransform;
+ if (affine) {
+ target = target.decompose(x, y);
+ start = start.decompose(x, y); // Get the current and target angle as it was set
+ var rTarget = target.rotate;
+ var rCurrent = start.rotate; // Figure out the shortest path to rotate directly
+ var possibilities = [rTarget - 360, rTarget, rTarget + 360];
+ var distances = (a) {
+ return Math.abs(a - rCurrent);
+ });
+ var shortest = Math.min.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray(distances));
+ var index = distances.indexOf(shortest);
+ target.rotate = possibilities[index];
+ }
+ if (relative) {
+ // we have to be careful here not to overwrite the rotation
+ // with the rotate method of Matrix
+ if (!isMatrix) {
+ target.rotate = transforms.rotate || 0;
+ }
+ if (this._isDeclarative && currentAngle) {
+ start.rotate = currentAngle;
+ }
+ }
+ morpher.from(start);
+ var affineParameters =;
+ currentAngle = affineParameters.rotate;
+ current = new Matrix(affineParameters);
+ this.addTransform(current);
+ return morpher.done();
+ }
+ function retarget(newTransforms) {
+ // only get a new origin if it changed since the last call
+ if ((newTransforms.origin || 'center').toString() !== (transforms.origin || 'center').toString()) {
+ origin = getOrigin(transforms, element);
+ } // overwrite the old transformations with the new ones
+ transforms = _objectSpread({}, newTransforms, {
+ origin: origin
+ });
+ }
+ this.queue(setup, run, retarget);
+ this._isDeclarative && this._rememberMorpher('transform', morpher);
return this;
- timeline: function timeline(_timeline) {
- // check explicitly for undefined so we can set the timeline to null
- if (typeof _timeline === 'undefined') return this._timeline;
- this._timeline = _timeline;
- return this;
+ // Animatable x-axis
+ x: function x(_x, relative) {
+ return this._queueNumber('x', _x);
+ },
+ // Animatable y-axis
+ y: function y(_y) {
+ return this._queueNumber('y', _y);
+ },
+ dx: function dx(x) {
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('dx', x);
- animate: function animate(duration, delay, when) {
- var o = SVG.Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when);
- var runner = new SVG.Runner(o.duration);
- if (this._timeline) runner.timeline(this._timeline);
- if (this._element) runner.element(this._element);
- return runner.loop(o).schedule(delay, when);
+ dy: function dy(y) {
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('dy', y);
- schedule: function schedule(timeline, delay, when) {
- // The user doesn't need to pass a timeline if we already have one
- if (!(timeline instanceof SVG.Timeline)) {
- when = delay;
- delay = timeline;
- timeline = this.timeline();
- } // If there is no timeline, yell at the user...
+ _queueNumberDelta: function _queueNumberDelta(method, to) {
+ to = new SVGNumber(to); // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
+ if (this._tryRetargetDelta(method, to)) return this; // Make a morpher and queue the animation
- if (!timeline) {
- throw Error('Runner cannot be scheduled without timeline');
- } // Schedule the runner on the timeline provided
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to);
+ this.queue(function () {
+ var from = this.element()[method]();
+ morpher.from(from);
+ + to);
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element()[method](;
+ return morpher.done();
+ }); // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
+ this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher);
- timeline.schedule(this, delay, when);
return this;
- unschedule: function unschedule() {
- var timeline = this.timeline();
- timeline && timeline.unschedule(this);
+ _queueObject: function _queueObject(method, to) {
+ // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
+ if (this._tryRetarget(method, to)) return this; // Make a morpher and queue the animation
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to);
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher.from(this.element()[method]());
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element()[method](;
+ return morpher.done();
+ }); // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
+ this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher);
return this;
- loop: function loop(times, swing, wait) {
- // Deal with the user passing in an object
- if (_typeof(times) === 'object') {
- swing = times.swing;
- wait = times.wait;
- times = times.times;
- } // Sanitise the values and store them
- this._times = times || Infinity;
- this._swing = swing || false;
- this._wait = wait || 0;
- return this;
+ _queueNumber: function _queueNumber(method, value) {
+ return this._queueObject(method, new SVGNumber(value));
- delay: function delay(_delay) {
- return this.animate(0, _delay);
+ // Animatable center x-axis
+ cx: function cx(x) {
+ return this._queueNumber('cx', x);
+ },
+ // Animatable center y-axis
+ cy: function cy(y) {
+ return this._queueNumber('cy', y);
+ // Add animatable move
+ move: function move(x, y) {
+ return this.x(x).y(y);
+ },
+ // Add animatable center
+ center: function center(x, y) {
+ return;
+ },
+ // Add animatable size
+ size: function size(width, height) {
+ // animate bbox based size for all other elements
+ var box;
- /*
- Basic Functionality
- ===================
- These methods allow us to attach basic functions to the runner directly
- */
- queue: function queue(initFn, runFn, isTransform) {
- this._queue.push({
- initialiser: initFn || SVG.void,
- runner: runFn || SVG.void,
- isTransform: isTransform,
- initialised: false,
- finished: false
- });
+ if (!width || !height) {
+ box = this._element.bbox();
+ }
- var timeline = this.timeline();
- timeline && this.timeline()._continue();
- return this;
+ if (!width) {
+ width = box.width / box.height * height;
+ }
+ if (!height) {
+ height = box.height / box.width * width;
+ }
+ return this.width(width).height(height);
+ },
+ // Add animatable width
+ width: function width(_width) {
+ return this._queueNumber('width', _width);
- during: function during(fn) {
- return this.queue(null, fn);
+ // Add animatable height
+ height: function height(_height) {
+ return this._queueNumber('height', _height);
+ },
+ // Add animatable plot
+ plot: function plot(a, b, c, d) {
+ // Lines can be plotted with 4 arguments
+ if (arguments.length === 4) {
+ return this.plot([a, b, c, d]);
+ } // FIXME: this needs to be rewritten such that the element is only accesed
+ // in the init function
+ return this._queueObject('plot', new this._element.MorphArray(a));
+ /*
+ var morpher = this._element.morphArray().to(a)
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher.from(this._element.array())
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this._element.plot(
+ })
+ return this
+ */
+ },
+ // Add leading method
+ leading: function leading(value) {
+ return this._queueNumber('leading', value);
- after: function after(fn) {
- return this.on('finish', fn);
+ // Add animatable viewbox
+ viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
+ return this._queueObject('viewbox', new Box(x, y, width, height));
+ update: function update(o) {
+ if (_typeof(o) !== 'object') {
+ return this.update({
+ offset: arguments[0],
+ color: arguments[1],
+ opacity: arguments[2]
+ });
+ }
- /*
- Runner animation methods
- ========================
- Control how the animation plays
- */
- time: function time(_time) {
- if (_time == null) {
- return this._time;
+ if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity);
+ if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color);
+ if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', o.offset);
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ var sugar = {
+ stroke: ['color', 'width', 'opacity', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'dasharray', 'dashoffset'],
+ fill: ['color', 'opacity', 'rule'],
+ prefix: function prefix(t, a) {
+ return a === 'color' ? t : t + '-' + a;
+ } // Add sugar for fill and stroke
+ };
+ ['fill', 'stroke'].forEach(function (m) {
+ var extension = {};
+ var i;
+ extension[m] = function (o) {
+ if (typeof o === 'undefined') {
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (typeof o === 'string' || Color.isRgb(o) || o instanceof Element) {
+ this.attr(m, o);
+ } else {
+ // set all attributes from sugar.fill and sugar.stroke list
+ for (i = sugar[m].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (o[sugar[m][i]] != null) {
+ this.attr(sugar.prefix(m, sugar[m][i]), o[sugar[m][i]]);
+ }
+ }
- var dt = _time - this._time;
- this.step(dt);
return this;
+ };
+ registerMethods(['Shape', 'Runner'], extension);
+ });
+ registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
+ // Let the user set the matrix directly
+ matrix: function matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ // Act as a getter
+ if (mat == null) {
+ return new Matrix(this);
+ } // Act as a setter, the user can pass a matrix or a set of numbers
+ return this.attr('transform', new Matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f));
+ },
+ // Map rotation to transform
+ rotate: function rotate(angle, cx, cy) {
+ return this.transform({
+ rotate: angle,
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
- duration: function duration() {
- return this._times * (this._wait + this._duration) - this._wait;
+ // Map skew to transform
+ skew: function skew(x, y, cx, cy) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
+ skew: x,
+ ox: y,
+ oy: cx
+ }, true) : this.transform({
+ skew: [x, y],
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
+ },
+ shear: function shear(lam, cx, cy) {
+ return this.transform({
+ shear: lam,
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map scale to transform
+ scale: function scale(x, y, cx, cy) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
+ scale: x,
+ ox: y,
+ oy: cx
+ }, true) : this.transform({
+ scale: [x, y],
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
- loops: function loops(p) {
- var loopDuration = this._duration + this._wait;
+ // Map translate to transform
+ translate: function translate(x, y) {
+ return this.transform({
+ translate: [x, y]
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map relative translations to transform
+ relative: function relative(x, y) {
+ return this.transform({
+ relative: [x, y]
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map flip to transform
+ flip: function flip(direction, around) {
+ var directionString = typeof direction === 'string' ? direction : isFinite(direction) ? 'both' : 'both';
+ var origin = direction === 'both' && isFinite(around) ? [around, around] : direction === 'x' ? [around, 0] : direction === 'y' ? [0, around] : isFinite(direction) ? [direction, direction] : [0, 0];
+ this.transform({
+ flip: directionString,
+ origin: origin
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Opacity
+ opacity: function opacity(value) {
+ return this.attr('opacity', value);
+ },
+ // Relative move over x axis
+ dx: function dx(x) {
+ return this.x(new SVGNumber(x).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.x()), true);
+ },
+ // Relative move over y axis
+ dy: function dy(y) {
+ return this.y(new SVGNumber(y).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.y()), true);
+ },
+ // Relative move over x and y axes
+ dmove: function dmove(x, y) {
+ return this.dx(x).dy(y);
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods('radius', {
+ // Add x and y radius
+ radius: function radius(x, y) {
+ var type = (this._element || this).type;
+ return type === 'radialGradient' || type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr('r', new SVGNumber(x)) : this.rx(x).ry(y == null ? x : y);
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods('Path', {
+ // Get path length
+ length: function length() {
+ return this.node.getTotalLength();
+ },
+ // Get point at length
+ pointAt: function pointAt(length) {
+ return new Point(this.node.getPointAtLength(length));
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
+ // Set font
+ font: function font(a, v) {
+ if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {
+ for (v in a) {
+ this.font(v, a[v]);
+ }
+ }
+ return a === 'leading' ? this.leading(v) : a === 'anchor' ? this.attr('text-anchor', v) : a === 'size' || a === 'family' || a === 'weight' || a === 'stretch' || a === 'variant' || a === 'style' ? this.attr('font-' + a, v) : this.attr(a, v);
+ }
+ });
+ function untransform() {
+ return this.attr('transform', null);
+ } // merge the whole transformation chain into one matrix and returns it
- if (p == null) {
- var loopsDone = Math.floor(this._time / loopDuration);
- var relativeTime = this._time - loopsDone * loopDuration;
- var position = relativeTime / this._duration;
- return Math.min(loopsDone + position, this._times);
+ function matrixify() {
+ var matrix = (this.attr('transform') || ''). // split transformations
+ split(transforms).slice(0, -1).map(function (str) {
+ // generate key => value pairs
+ var kv = str.trim().split('(');
+ return [kv[0], kv[1].split(delimiter).map(function (str) {
+ return parseFloat(str);
+ })];
+ }).reverse() // merge every transformation into one matrix
+ .reduce(function (matrix, transform) {
+ if (transform[0] === 'matrix') {
+ return matrix.lmultiply(Matrix.fromArray(transform[1]));
- var whole = Math.floor(p);
- var partial = p % 1;
- var time = loopDuration * whole + this._duration * partial;
- return this.time(time);
- },
- position: function position(p) {
- // Get all of the variables we need
- var x = this._time;
- var d = this._duration;
- var w = this._wait;
- var t = this._times;
- var s = this._swing;
- var r = this._reverse;
- var position;
- if (p == null) {
- /*
- This function converts a time to a position in the range [0, 1]
- The full explanation can be found in this desmos demonstration
- The logic is slightly simplified here because we can use booleans
- */
- // Figure out the value without thinking about the start or end time
- var f = function f(x) {
- var swinging = s * Math.floor(x % (2 * (w + d)) / (w + d));
- var backwards = swinging && !r || !swinging && r;
- var uncliped = Math.pow(-1, backwards) * (x % (w + d)) / d + backwards;
- var clipped = Math.max(Math.min(uncliped, 1), 0);
- return clipped;
- }; // Figure out the value by incorporating the start time
- var endTime = t * (w + d) - w;
- position = x <= 0 ? Math.round(f(1e-5)) : x < endTime ? f(x) : Math.round(f(endTime - 1e-5));
- return position;
- } // Work out the loops done and add the position to the loops done
- var loopsDone = Math.floor(this.loops());
- var swingForward = s && loopsDone % 2 === 0;
- var forwards = swingForward && !r || r && swingForward;
- position = loopsDone + (forwards ? p : 1 - p);
- return this.loops(position);
- },
- progress: function progress(p) {
- if (p == null) {
- return Math.min(1, this._time / this.duration());
+ return matrix[transform[0]].apply(matrix, transform[1]);
+ }, new Matrix());
+ return matrix;
+ } // add an element to another parent without changing the visual representation on the screen
+ function toParent(parent) {
+ if (this === parent) return this;
+ var ctm = this.screenCTM();
+ var pCtm = parent.screenCTM().inverse();
+ this.addTo(parent).untransform().transform(pCtm.multiply(ctm));
+ return this;
+ } // same as above with parent equals root-svg
+ function toDoc() {
+ return this.toParent(this.doc());
+ } // Add transformations
+ function transform(o, relative) {
+ // Act as a getter if no object was passed
+ if (o == null || typeof o === 'string') {
+ var decomposed = new Matrix(this).decompose();
+ return decomposed[o] || decomposed;
+ }
+ if (!Matrix.isMatrixLike(o)) {
+ // Set the origin according to the defined transform
+ o = _objectSpread({}, o, {
+ origin: getOrigin(o, this)
+ });
+ } // The user can pass a boolean, an Element or an Matrix or nothing
+ var cleanRelative = relative === true ? this : relative || false;
+ var result = new Matrix(cleanRelative).transform(o);
+ return this.attr('transform', result);
+ }
+ registerMethods('Element', {
+ untransform: untransform,
+ matrixify: matrixify,
+ toParent: toParent,
+ toDoc: toDoc,
+ transform: transform
+ });
+ // FIXME: import this to runner
+ function rx(rx) {
+ return this.attr('rx', rx);
+ } // Radius y value
+ function ry(ry) {
+ return this.attr('ry', ry);
+ } // Move over x-axis
+ function x(x) {
+ return x == null ? - this.rx() : + this.rx());
+ } // Move over y-axis
+ function y(y) {
+ return y == null ? - this.ry() : + this.ry());
+ } // Move by center over x-axis
+ function cx(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.attr('cx') : this.attr('cx', x);
+ } // Move by center over y-axis
+ function cy(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.attr('cy') : this.attr('cy', y);
+ } // Set width of element
+ function width(width) {
+ return width == null ? this.rx() * 2 : this.rx(new SVGNumber(width).divide(2));
+ } // Set height of element
+ function height(height) {
+ return height == null ? this.ry() * 2 : this.ry(new SVGNumber(height).divide(2));
+ } // Custom size function
+ function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.rx(new SVGNumber(p.width).divide(2)).ry(new SVGNumber(p.height).divide(2));
+ }
+ var circled = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ rx: rx,
+ ry: ry,
+ x: x,
+ y: y,
+ cx: cx,
+ cy: cy,
+ width: width,
+ height: height,
+ size: size
+ });
+ var Shape =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Element) {
+ _inherits(Shape, _Element);
+ function Shape() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Shape);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Shape).apply(this, arguments));
+ }
+ return Shape;
+ }(Element);
+ var Circle =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Circle, _Shape);
+ function Circle(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Circle);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Circle).call(this, nodeOrNew('circle', node), Circle));
+ }
+ _createClass(Circle, [{
+ key: "radius",
+ value: function radius(r) {
+ return this.attr('r', r);
+ } // Radius x value
+ }, {
+ key: "rx",
+ value: function rx$$1(_rx) {
+ return this.attr('r', _rx);
+ } // Alias radius x value
+ }, {
+ key: "ry",
+ value: function ry$$1(_ry) {
+ return this.rx(_ry);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Circle;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Circle, {
+ x: x,
+ y: y,
+ cx: cx,
+ cy: cy,
+ width: width,
+ height: height,
+ size: size
+ });
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Create circle element
+ circle: function circle(size$$1) {
+ return this.put(new Circle()).radius(new SVGNumber(size$$1).divide(2)).move(0, 0);
+ }
+ });
+ register(Circle);
- return this.time(p * this.duration());
- },
- step: function step(dt) {
- // If we are inactive, this stepper just gets skipped
- if (!this.enabled) return this; // Update the time and get the new position
+ var Ellipse =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Ellipse, _Shape);
- dt = dt == null ? 16 : dt;
- this._time += dt;
- var position = this.position(); // Figure out if we need to run the stepper in this frame
+ function Ellipse(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Ellipse);
- var running = this._lastPosition !== position && this._time >= 0;
- this._lastPosition = position; // Figure out if we just started
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Ellipse).call(this, nodeOrNew('ellipse', node), Ellipse));
+ }
- var duration = this.duration();
- var justStarted = this._lastTime < 0 && this._time > 0;
- var justFinished = this._lastTime < this._time && this.time > duration;
- this._lastTime = this._time;
+ return Ellipse;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Ellipse, circled);
+ registerMethods('Container', {
+ // Create an ellipse
+ ellipse: function ellipse(width$$1, height$$1) {
+ return this.put(new Ellipse()).size(width$$1, height$$1).move(0, 0);
+ }
+ });
+ register(Ellipse);
- if (justStarted) {} //'start', this)
- // Work out if the runner is finished set the done flag here so animations
- // know, that they are running in the last step (this is good for
- // transformations which can be merged)
+ var Stop =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Element) {
+ _inherits(Stop, _Element);
+ function Stop(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Stop);
- var declarative = this._isDeclarative;
- this.done = !declarative && !justFinished && this._time >= duration; // Call initialise and the run function
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Stop).call(this, nodeOrNew('stop', node), Stop));
+ } // add color stops
- if (running || declarative) {
- this._initialise(running); // clear the transforms on this runner so they dont get added again and again
+ _createClass(Stop, [{
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(o) {
+ if (typeof o === 'number' || o instanceof SVGNumber) {
+ o = {
+ offset: arguments[0],
+ color: arguments[1],
+ opacity: arguments[2]
+ };
+ } // set attributes
- this.transforms = new SVG.Matrix();
- var converged = this._run(declarative ? dt : position); //'step', this)
+ if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity);
+ if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color);
+ if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', new SVGNumber(o.offset));
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
- } // correct the done flag here
- // declaritive animations itself know when they converged
+ return Stop;
+ }(Element);
+ register(Stop);
+ function baseFind(query, parent) {
+ return map((parent || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
+ return adopt(node);
+ });
+ } // Scoped find method
- this.done = this.done || converged && declarative; // if (this.done) {
- //'finish', this)
- // }
+ function find(query) {
+ return baseFind(query, this.node);
+ }
+ registerMethods('Dom', {
+ find: find
+ });
- return this;
- },
- finish: function finish() {
- return this.step(Infinity);
- },
- reverse: function reverse(_reverse) {
- this._reverse = _reverse == null ? !this._reverse : _reverse;
- return this;
- },
- ease: function ease(fn) {
- this._stepper = new SVG.Ease(fn);
- return this;
- },
- active: function active(enabled) {
- if (enabled == null) return this.enabled;
- this.enabled = enabled;
- return this;
- },
+ // FIXME: add to runner
+ function from(x, y) {
+ return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
+ fx: new SVGNumber(x),
+ fy: new SVGNumber(y)
+ }) : this.attr({
+ x1: new SVGNumber(x),
+ y1: new SVGNumber(y)
+ });
+ }
+ function to(x, y) {
+ return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
+ cx: new SVGNumber(x),
+ cy: new SVGNumber(y)
+ }) : this.attr({
+ x2: new SVGNumber(x),
+ y2: new SVGNumber(y)
+ });
+ }
- /*
- Private Methods
- ===============
- Methods that shouldn't be used externally
- */
- // Save a morpher to the morpher list so that we can retarget it later
- _rememberMorpher: function _rememberMorpher(method, morpher) {
- this._history[method] = {
- morpher: morpher,
- caller: this._queue[this._queue.length - 1]
- };
- },
- // Try to set the target for a morpher if the morpher exists, otherwise
- // do nothing and return false
- _tryRetarget: function _tryRetarget(method, target) {
- if (this._history[method]) {
- // if the last method wasnt even initialised, throw it away
- if (!this._history[method].caller.initialised) {
- var index = this._queue.indexOf(this._history[method].caller);
+ var gradiented = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ from: from,
+ to: to
+ });
- this._queue.splice(index, 1);
+ var Gradient =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Gradient, _Container);
- return false;
- } // for the case of transformations, we use the special retarget function
- // which has access to the outer scope
+ function Gradient(type) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Gradient);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Gradient).call(this, nodeOrNew(type + 'Gradient', typeof type === 'string' ? null : type), Gradient));
+ } // Add a color stop
- if (this._history[method].caller.isTransform) {
- this._history[method].caller.isTransform(target); // for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
- } else {
- this._history[method];
+ _createClass(Gradient, [{
+ key: "stop",
+ value: function stop(offset, color, opacity) {
+ return this.put(new Stop()).update(offset, color, opacity);
+ } // Update gradient
+ }, {
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(block) {
+ // remove all stops
+ this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+, this);
- this._history[method].caller.finished = false;
- var timeline = this.timeline();
- timeline && timeline._continue();
- return true;
+ return this;
+ } // Return the fill id
+ }, {
+ key: "url",
+ value: function url() {
+ return 'url(#' + + ')';
+ } // Alias string convertion to fill
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.url();
+ } // custom attr to handle transform
+ }, {
+ key: "attr",
+ value: function attr(a, b, c) {
+ if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform';
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Gradient.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + + '"]');
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "bbox",
+ value: function bbox() {
+ return new Box();
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Gradient;
+ }(Container);
+ extend(Gradient, gradiented);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create gradient element in defs
+ gradient: function gradient(type, block) {
+ return this.defs().gradient(type, block);
- return false;
- // Run each initialise function in the runner if required
- _initialise: function _initialise(running) {
- // If we aren't running, we shouldn't initialise when not declarative
- if (!running && !this._isDeclarative) return; // Loop through all of the initialisers
+ // define gradient
+ Defs: {
+ gradient: function gradient(type, block) {
+ return this.put(new Gradient(type)).update(block);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Gradient);
+ var Pattern =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Pattern, _Container);
- for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
- // Get the current initialiser
- var current = this._queue[i]; // Determine whether we need to initialise
+ // Initialize node
+ function Pattern(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Pattern);
- var needsIt = this._isDeclarative || !current.initialised && running;
- running = !current.finished; // Call the initialiser if we need to
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Pattern).call(this, nodeOrNew('pattern', node), Pattern));
+ } // Return the fill id
- if (needsIt && running) {
- current.initialised = true;
+ _createClass(Pattern, [{
+ key: "url",
+ value: function url() {
+ return 'url(#' + + ')';
+ } // Update pattern by rebuilding
+ }, {
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(block) {
+ // remove content
+ this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+, this);
+ return this;
+ } // Alias string convertion to fill
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.url();
+ } // custom attr to handle transform
+ }, {
+ key: "attr",
+ value: function attr(a, b, c) {
+ if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform';
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Pattern.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + + '"]');
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "bbox",
+ value: function bbox() {
+ return new Box();
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Pattern;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create pattern element in defs
+ pattern: function pattern(width, height, block) {
+ return this.defs().pattern(width, height, block);
- // Run each run function for the position or dt given
- _run: function _run(positionOrDt) {
- // Run all of the _queue directly
- var allfinished = true;
+ Defs: {
+ pattern: function pattern(width, height, block) {
+ return this.put(new Pattern()).update(block).attr({
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ width: width,
+ height: height,
+ patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Pattern);
+ var Image =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Image, _Shape);
+ function Image(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Image);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Image).call(this, nodeOrNew('image', node), Image));
+ } // (re)load image
+ _createClass(Image, [{
+ key: "load",
+ value: function load(url, callback) {
+ if (!url) return this;
+ var img = new window.Image();
+ on(img, 'load', function (e) {
+ var p = this.parent(Pattern); // ensure image size
+ if (this.width() === 0 && this.height() === 0) {
+ this.size(img.width, img.height);
+ }
+ if (p instanceof Pattern) {
+ // ensure pattern size if not set
+ if (p.width() === 0 && p.height() === 0) {
+ p.size(this.width(), this.height());
+ }
+ }
- for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
- // Get the current function to run
- var current = this._queue[i]; // Run the function if its not finished, we keep track of the finished
- // flag for the sake of declarative _queue
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+, {
+ width: img.width,
+ height: img.height,
+ ratio: img.width / img.height,
+ url: url
+ });
+ }
+ }, this);
+ on(img, 'load error', function () {
+ // dont forget to unbind memory leaking events
+ off(img);
+ });
+ return this.attr('href', img.src = url, xlink);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "attrHook",
+ value: function attrHook(obj) {
+ var _this = this;
- var converged =, positionOrDt);
- current.finished = current.finished || converged === true;
- allfinished = allfinished && current.finished;
- } // We report when all of the constructors are finished
+ return obj.doc().defs().pattern(0, 0, function (pattern) {
+ pattern.add(_this);
+ });
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Image;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // create image element, load image and set its size
+ image: function image(source, callback) {
+ return this.put(new Image()).size(0, 0).load(source, callback);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Image);
+ var PointArray = subClassArray('PointArray', SVGArray);
+ extend(PointArray, {
+ // Convert array to string
+ toString: function toString() {
+ // convert to a poly point string
+ for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
+ array.push(this[i].join(','));
+ }
- return allfinished;
+ return array.join(' ');
+ },
+ // Convert array to line object
+ toLine: function toLine() {
+ return {
+ x1: this[0][0],
+ y1: this[0][1],
+ x2: this[1][0],
+ y2: this[1][1]
+ };
- addTransform: function addTransform(transform, index) {
- this.transforms.lmultiplyO(transform);
+ // Get morphed array at given position
+ at: function at(pos) {
+ // make sure a destination is defined
+ if (!this.destination) return this; // generate morphed point string
+ for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
+ array.push([this[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this[i][0]) * pos, this[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this[i][1]) * pos]);
+ }
+ return new PointArray(array);
+ },
+ // Parse point string and flat array
+ parse: function parse() {
+ var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [[0, 0]];
+ var points = []; // if it is an array
+ if (array instanceof Array) {
+ // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
+ if (array[0] instanceof Array) {
+ return array;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Else, it is considered as a string
+ // parse points
+ array = array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat);
+ } // validate points -
+ // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
+ if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop(); // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
+ for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
+ points.push([array[i], array[i + 1]]);
+ }
+ return points;
+ },
+ // Move point string
+ move: function move(x, y) {
+ var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
+ x -= box.x;
+ y -= box.y; // move every point
+ if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
+ for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this[i] = [this[i][0] + x, this[i][1] + y];
+ }
+ }
return this;
- clearTransform: function clearTransform() {
- this.transforms = new SVG.Matrix();
+ // Resize poly string
+ size: function size(width, height) {
+ var i;
+ var box = this.bbox(); // recalculate position of all points according to new size
+ for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (box.width) this[i][0] = (this[i][0] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ if (box.height) this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ }
return this;
+ },
+ // Get bounding box of points
+ bbox: function bbox() {
+ var maxX = -Infinity;
+ var maxY = -Infinity;
+ var minX = Infinity;
+ var minY = Infinity;
+ this.forEach(function (el) {
+ maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX);
+ maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY);
+ minX = Math.min(el[0], minX);
+ minY = Math.min(el[1], minY);
+ });
+ return {
+ x: minX,
+ y: minY,
+ width: maxX - minX,
+ height: maxY - minY
+ };
- }
-}); = 0;
-SVG.Runner.sanitise = function (duration, delay, when) {
- // Initialise the default parameters
- var times = 1;
- var swing = false;
- var wait = 0;
- duration = duration || SVG.defaults.timeline.duration;
- delay = delay || SVG.defaults.timeline.delay;
- when = when || 'last'; // If we have an object, unpack the values
- if (_typeof(duration) === 'object' && !(duration instanceof SVG.Stepper)) {
- delay = duration.delay || delay;
- when = duration.when || when;
- swing = duration.swing || swing;
- times = duration.times || times;
- wait = duration.wait || wait;
- duration = duration.duration || SVG.defaults.timeline.duration;
- }
+ });
- return {
- duration: duration,
- delay: delay,
- swing: swing,
- times: times,
- wait: wait,
- when: when
- };
+ var MorphArray = PointArray; // Move by left top corner over x-axis
-SVG.FakeRunner =
-function () {
- function _class() {
- var transforms = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new SVG.Matrix();
- var id = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : -1;
- var done = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
+ function x$1(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(x, this.bbox().y);
+ } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- _classCallCheck(this, _class);
+ function y$1(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, y);
+ } // Set width of element
- this.transforms = transforms;
- = id;
- this.done = done;
+ function width$1(width) {
+ var b = this.bbox();
+ return width == null ? b.width : this.size(width, b.height);
+ } // Set height of element
+ function height$1(height) {
+ var b = this.bbox();
+ return height == null ? b.height : this.size(b.width, height);
- return _class;
+ var pointed = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ MorphArray: MorphArray,
+ x: x$1,
+ y: y$1,
+ width: width$1,
+ height: height$1
+ });
-SVG.extend([SVG.Runner, SVG.FakeRunner], {
- mergeWith: function mergeWith(runner) {
- return new SVG.FakeRunner(runner.transforms.lmultiply(this.transforms),;
- }
-}); // SVG.FakeRunner.emptyRunner = new SVG.FakeRunner()
+ var Line =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Line, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Line(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Line);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Line).call(this, nodeOrNew('line', node), Line));
+ } // Get array
+ _createClass(Line, [{
+ key: "array",
+ value: function array() {
+ return new PointArray([[this.attr('x1'), this.attr('y1')], [this.attr('x2'), this.attr('y2')]]);
+ } // Overwrite native plot() method
+ }, {
+ key: "plot",
+ value: function plot(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ if (x1 == null) {
+ return this.array();
+ } else if (typeof y1 !== 'undefined') {
+ x1 = {
+ x1: x1,
+ y1: y1,
+ x2: x2,
+ y2: y2
+ };
+ } else {
+ x1 = new PointArray(x1).toLine();
+ }
-var lmultiply = function lmultiply(last, curr) {
- return last.lmultiplyO(curr);
+ return this.attr(x1);
+ } // Move by left top corner
-var getRunnerTransform = function getRunnerTransform(runner) {
- return runner.transforms;
+ }, {
+ key: "move",
+ value: function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr(this.array().move(x, y).toLine());
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
-function mergeTransforms() {
- // Find the matrix to apply to the element and apply it
- var runners = this._transformationRunners.runners;
- var netTransform =, new SVG.Matrix());
- this.transform(netTransform);
+ }, {
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr(this.array().size(p.width, p.height).toLine());
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Line;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Line, pointed);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a line element
+ line: function line() {
+ for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
+ args[_key] = arguments[_key];
+ }
- this._transformationRunners.merge();
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ // x1 is not necessarily a number, it can also be an array, a string and a PointArray
+ return Line.prototype.plot.apply(this.put(new Line()), args[0] != null ? args : [0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Line);
+ var Marker =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Marker, _Container);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Marker(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Marker);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Marker).call(this, nodeOrNew('marker', node), Marker));
+ } // Set width of element
+ _createClass(Marker, [{
+ key: "width",
+ value: function width(_width) {
+ return this.attr('markerWidth', _width);
+ } // Set height of element
+ }, {
+ key: "height",
+ value: function height(_height) {
+ return this.attr('markerHeight', _height);
+ } // Set marker refX and refY
+ }, {
+ key: "ref",
+ value: function ref(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('refX', x).attr('refY', y);
+ } // Update marker
+ }, {
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(block) {
+ // remove all content
+ this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+, this);
+ }
- if (this._transformationRunners.length() === 1) {
- this._frameId = null;
- }
+ return this;
+ } // Return the fill id
-var RunnerArray =
-function () {
- function RunnerArray() {
- _classCallCheck(this, RunnerArray);
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return 'url(#' + + ')';
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Marker;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ marker: function marker(width, height, block) {
+ // Create marker element in defs
+ return this.defs().marker(width, height, block);
+ }
+ },
+ Defs: {
+ // Create marker
+ marker: function marker(width, height, block) {
+ // Set default viewbox to match the width and height, set ref to cx and cy and set orient to auto
+ return this.put(new Marker()).size(width, height).ref(width / 2, height / 2).viewbox(0, 0, width, height).attr('orient', 'auto').update(block);
+ }
+ },
+ marker: {
+ // Create and attach markers
+ marker: function marker(_marker, width, height, block) {
+ var attr = ['marker']; // Build attribute name
- this.runners = [];
- this.ids = [];
- }
+ if (_marker !== 'all') attr.push(_marker);
+ attr = attr.join('-'); // Set marker attribute
- _createClass(RunnerArray, [{
- key: "add",
- value: function add(runner) {
- if (this.runners.includes(runner)) return;
- var id = + 1;
- var leftSibling = this.ids.reduce(function (last, curr) {
- if (curr > last && curr < id) return curr;
- return last;
- }, 0);
- var index = this.ids.indexOf(leftSibling) + 1;
- this.ids.splice(index, 0, id);
- this.runners.splice(index, 0, runner);
- return this;
- }
- }, {
- key: "getByID",
- value: function getByID(id) {
- return this.runners[this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)];
+ _marker = arguments[1] instanceof Marker ? arguments[1] : this.defs().marker(width, height, block);
+ return this.attr(attr, _marker);
+ }
- }, {
- key: "remove",
- value: function remove(id) {
- var index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1);
- this.ids.splice(index, 1);
- this.runners.splice(index, 1);
- return this;
+ });
+ register(Marker);
+ var Path =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Path, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Path(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Path);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Path).call(this, nodeOrNew('path', node), Path));
+ } // Get array
+ _createClass(Path, [{
+ key: "array",
+ value: function array() {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PathArray(this.attr('d')));
+ } // Plot new path
+ }, {
+ key: "plot",
+ value: function plot(d) {
+ return d == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : this._array = new PathArray(d));
+ } // Clear array cache
+ }, {
+ key: "clear",
+ value: function clear() {
+ delete this._array;
+ return this;
+ } // Move by left top corner
+ }, {
+ key: "move",
+ value: function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y));
+ } // Move by left top corner over x-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "x",
+ value: function x(_x) {
+ return _x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(_x, this.bbox().y);
+ } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "y",
+ value: function y(_y) {
+ return _y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, _y);
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ }, {
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
+ } // Set width of element
+ }, {
+ key: "width",
+ value: function width(_width) {
+ return _width == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(_width, this.bbox().height);
+ } // Set height of element
+ }, {
+ key: "height",
+ value: function height(_height) {
+ return _height == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, _height);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg textpath [href*="' + + '"]');
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Path;
+ }(Shape); // Define morphable array
+ Path.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray; // Add parent method
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped path element
+ path: function path(d) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Path()).plot(d || new PathArray());
+ }
- }, {
- key: "merge",
- value: function merge() {
- var _this2 = this;
+ });
+ register(Path);
- var lastRunner = null;
- this.runners.forEach(function (runner, i) {
- if (lastRunner && runner.done && lastRunner.done) {
- _this2.remove(;
+ function array() {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PointArray(this.attr('points')));
+ } // Plot new path
- _this2.edit(, runner.mergeWith(lastRunner));
- }
+ function plot(p) {
+ return p == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p : this._array = new PointArray(p));
+ } // Clear array cache
- lastRunner = runner;
- });
- return this;
- }
- }, {
- key: "edit",
- value: function edit(id, newRunner) {
- var index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1);
- this.ids.splice(index, 1, id);
- this.runners.splice(index, 1, newRunner);
- return this;
+ function clear() {
+ delete this._array;
+ return this;
+ } // Move by left top corner
+ function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y));
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ function size$1(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
+ }
+ var poly = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ array: array,
+ plot: plot,
+ clear: clear,
+ move: move,
+ size: size$1
+ });
+ var Polygon =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Polygon, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Polygon(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Polygon);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polygon).call(this, nodeOrNew('polygon', node), Polygon));
- }, {
- key: "length",
- value: function length() {
- return this.ids.length;
+ return Polygon;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polygon: function polygon(p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polygon()).plot(p || new PointArray());
+ }
- }, {
- key: "clearBefore",
- value: function clearBefore(id) {
- var deleteCnt = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1) || 1;
- this.ids.splice(0, deleteCnt, 0);
- this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new SVG.FakeRunner());
- return this;
+ });
+ extend(Polygon, pointed);
+ extend(Polygon, poly);
+ register(Polygon);
+ var Polyline =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Polyline, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Polyline(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Polyline);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polyline).call(this, nodeOrNew('polyline', node), Polyline));
- }]);
- return RunnerArray;
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // this function searches for all runners on the element and deletes the ones
- // which run before the current one. This is because absolute transformations
- // overwfrite anything anyway so there is no need to waste time computing
- // other runners
- _clearTransformRunnersBefore: function _clearTransformRunnersBefore(currentRunner) {
- this._transformationRunners.clearBefore(;
- },
- _currentTransform: function _currentTransform(current) {
- return this._transformationRunners.runners // we need the equal sign here to make sure, that also transformations
- // on the same runner which execute before the current transformation are
- // taken into account
- .filter(function (runner) {
- return <=;
- }).map(getRunnerTransform).reduce(lmultiply, new SVG.Matrix());
- },
- addRunner: function addRunner(runner) {
- this._transformationRunners.add(runner);
- SVG.Animator.transform_frame(mergeTransforms.bind(this), this._frameId);
- },
- _prepareRunner: function _prepareRunner() {
- if (this._frameId == null) {
- this._transformationRunners = new RunnerArray().add(new SVG.FakeRunner(new SVG.Matrix(this)));
- this._frameId = SVG.Element.frameId++;
+ return Polyline;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polyline: function polyline(p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polyline()).plot(p || new PointArray());
+ }
- }
-SVG.Element.frameId = 0;
-SVG.extend(SVG.Runner, {
- attr: function attr(a, v) {
- return this.styleAttr('attr', a, v);
- },
- // Add animatable styles
- css: function css(s, v) {
- return this.styleAttr('css', s, v);
- },
- styleAttr: function styleAttr(type, name, val) {
- // apply attributes individually
- if (_typeof(name) === 'object') {
- for (var key in val) {
- this.styleAttr(type, key, val[key]);
+ });
+ extend(Polyline, pointed);
+ extend(Polyline, poly);
+ register(Polyline);
+ var Rect =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Rect, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Rect(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Rect);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Rect).call(this, nodeOrNew('rect', node), Rect));
+ } // FIXME: unify with circle
+ // Radius x value
+ _createClass(Rect, [{
+ key: "rx",
+ value: function rx(_rx) {
+ return this.attr('rx', _rx);
+ } // Radius y value
+ }, {
+ key: "ry",
+ value: function ry(_ry) {
+ return this.attr('ry', _ry);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Rect;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a rect element
+ rect: function rect(width, height) {
+ return this.put(new Rect()).size(width, height);
+ });
+ register(Rect);
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(val);
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher = morpher.from(this.element()[type](name));
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element()[type](name,;
- return morpher.done();
- });
- return this;
- },
- zoom: function zoom(level, point) {
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(new SVG.Number(level));
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher = morpher.from(this.zoom());
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element().zoom(, point);
- return morpher.done();
- });
+ // Create plain text node
+ function plain(text) {
+ // clear if build mode is disabled
+ if (this._build === false) {
+ this.clear();
+ } // create text node
+ this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
return this;
- },
- /**
- ** absolute transformations
- **/
- //
- // M v -----|-----(D M v = F v)------|-----> T v
- //
- // 1. define the final state (T) and decompose it (once)
- // t = [tx, ty, the, lam, sy, sx]
- // 2. on every frame: pull the current state of all previous transforms
- // (M - m can change)
- // and then write this as m = [tx0, ty0, the0, lam0, sy0, sx0]
- // 3. Find the interpolated matrix F(pos) = m + pos * (t - m)
- // - Note F(0) = M
- // - Note F(1) = T
- // 4. Now you get the delta matrix as a result: D = F * inv(M)
- transform: function transform(transforms, relative, affine) {
- // If we have a declarative function, we should retarget it if possible
- relative = transforms.relative || relative;
- if (this._isDeclarative && !relative && this._tryRetarget('transform', transforms)) {
- return this;
- } // Parse the parameters
+ } // FIXME: Does this also work for textpath?
+ // Get length of text element
+ function length() {
+ return this.node.getComputedTextLength();
+ }
- var isMatrix = isMatrixLike(transforms);
- affine = transforms.affine != null ? transforms.affine : affine != null ? affine : !isMatrix; // Create a morepher and set its type
+ var textable = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ plain: plain,
+ length: length
+ });
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().type(affine ? SVG.Morphable.TransformBag : SVG.Matrix).stepper(this._stepper);
- var origin;
- var element;
- var current;
- var currentAngle;
- var startTransform;
+ var Text =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Text, _Shape);
- function setup() {
- // make sure element and origin is defined
- element = element || this.element();
- origin = origin || getOrigin(transforms, element);
- startTransform = new SVG.Matrix(relative ? undefined : element); // add the runner to the element so it can merge transformations
+ // Initialize node
+ function Text(node) {
+ var _this;
- element.addRunner(this); // Deactivate all transforms that have run so far if we are absolute
+ _classCallCheck(this, Text);
- if (!relative) {
- element._clearTransformRunnersBefore(this);
- }
- }
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Text).call(this, nodeOrNew('text', node), Text));
+ _this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(1.3); // store leading value for rebuilding
- function run(pos) {
- // clear all other transforms before this in case something is saved
- // on this runner. We are absolute. We dont need these!
- if (!relative) this.clearTransform();
+ _this._rebuild = true; // enable automatic updating of dy values
- var _transform2 = new SVG.Point(origin).transform(element._currentTransform(this)),
- x = _transform2.x,
- y = _transform2.y;
+ _this._build = false; // disable build mode for adding multiple lines
+ // set default font
- var target = new SVG.Matrix(_objectSpread({}, transforms, {
- origin: [x, y]
- }));
- var start = this._isDeclarative && current ? current : startTransform;
+ _this.attr('font-family', attrs['font-family']);
- if (affine) {
- target = target.decompose(x, y);
- start = start.decompose(x, y); // Get the current and target angle as it was set
+ return _this;
+ } // Move over x-axis
- var rTarget = target.rotate;
- var rCurrent = start.rotate; // Figure out the shortest path to rotate directly
- var possibilities = [rTarget - 360, rTarget, rTarget + 360];
- var distances = (a) {
- return Math.abs(a - rCurrent);
- });
- var shortest = Math.min.apply(Math, _toConsumableArray(distances));
- var index = distances.indexOf(shortest);
- target.rotate = possibilities[index];
- }
+ _createClass(Text, [{
+ key: "x",
+ value: function x(_x) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (_x == null) {
+ return this.attr('x');
+ }
- if (relative) {
- // we have to be careful here not to overwrite the rotation
- // with the rotate method of SVG.Matrix
- if (!isMatrix) {
- target.rotate = transforms.rotate || 0;
+ return this.attr('x', _x);
+ } // Move over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "y",
+ value: function y(_y) {
+ var oy = this.attr('y');
+ var o = typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - this.bbox().y : 0; // act as getter
+ if (_y == null) {
+ return typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - o : oy;
- if (this._isDeclarative && currentAngle) {
- start.rotate = currentAngle;
+ return this.attr('y', typeof _y === 'number' ? _y + o : _y);
+ } // Move center over x-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "cx",
+ value: function cx(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.bbox().cx : this.x(x - this.bbox().width / 2);
+ } // Move center over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "cy",
+ value: function cy(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.bbox().cy : this.y(y - this.bbox().height / 2);
+ } // Set the text content
+ }, {
+ key: "text",
+ value: function text(_text) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (_text === undefined) {
+ // FIXME use children() or each()
+ var children = this.node.childNodes;
+ var firstLine = 0;
+ _text = '';
+ for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // skip textPaths - they are no lines
+ if (children[i].nodeName === 'textPath') {
+ if (i === 0) firstLine = 1;
+ continue;
+ } // add newline if its not the first child and newLined is set to true
+ if (i !== firstLine && children[i].nodeType !== 3 && adopt(children[i]).dom.newLined === true) {
+ _text += '\n';
+ } // add content of this node
+ _text += children[i].textContent;
+ }
+ return _text;
+ } // remove existing content
+ this.clear().build(true);
+ if (typeof _text === 'function') {
+ // call block
+, this);
+ } else {
+ // store text and make sure text is not blank
+ _text = _text.split('\n'); // build new lines
+ for (var j = 0, jl = _text.length; j < jl; j++) {
+ this.tspan(_text[j]).newLine();
+ }
+ } // disable build mode and rebuild lines
+ return;
+ } // Set / get leading
+ }, {
+ key: "leading",
+ value: function leading(value) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (value == null) {
+ return this.dom.leading;
+ } // act as setter
+ this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(value);
+ return this.rebuild();
+ } // Rebuild appearance type
+ }, {
+ key: "rebuild",
+ value: function rebuild(_rebuild) {
+ // store new rebuild flag if given
+ if (typeof _rebuild === 'boolean') {
+ this._rebuild = _rebuild;
+ } // define position of all lines
+ if (this._rebuild) {
+ var self = this;
+ var blankLineOffset = 0;
+ var dy = this.dom.leading * new SVGNumber(this.attr('font-size'));
+ this.each(function () {
+ if (this.dom.newLined) {
+ this.attr('x', self.attr('x'));
+ if (this.text() === '\n') {
+ blankLineOffset += dy;
+ } else {
+ this.attr('dy', dy + blankLineOffset);
+ blankLineOffset = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return this;
+ } // Enable / disable build mode
+ }, {
+ key: "build",
+ value: function build(_build) {
+ this._build = !!_build;
+ return this;
+ } // overwrite method from parent to set data properly
+ }, {
+ key: "setData",
+ value: function setData(o) {
+ this.dom = o;
+ this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(o.leading || 1.3);
+ return this;
+ }]);
+ return Text;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Text, textable);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create text element
+ text: function text(_text2) {
+ return this.put(new Text()).text(_text2);
+ },
+ // Create plain text element
+ plain: function plain$$1(text) {
+ return this.put(new Text()).plain(text);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Text);
+ var Tspan =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Text) {
+ _inherits(Tspan, _Text);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Tspan(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Tspan);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Tspan).call(this, nodeOrNew('tspan', node), Tspan));
+ } // Set text content
+ _createClass(Tspan, [{
+ key: "text",
+ value: function text(_text) {
+ if (_text == null) return this.node.textContent + (this.dom.newLined ? '\n' : '');
+ typeof _text === 'function' ?, this) : this.plain(_text);
+ return this;
+ } // Shortcut dx
+ }, {
+ key: "dx",
+ value: function dx(_dx) {
+ return this.attr('dx', _dx);
+ } // Shortcut dy
+ }, {
+ key: "dy",
+ value: function dy(_dy) {
+ return this.attr('dy', _dy);
+ } // Create new line
+ }, {
+ key: "newLine",
+ value: function newLine() {
+ // fetch text parent
+ var t = this.parent(Text); // mark new line
+ this.dom.newLined = true; // apply new position
+ return this.dy(t.dom.leading * t.attr('font-size')).attr('x', t.x());
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Tspan;
+ }(Text);
+ extend(Tspan, textable);
+ registerMethods({
+ Tspan: {
+ tspan: function tspan(text) {
+ var tspan = new Tspan(); // clear if build mode is disabled
+ if (!this._build) {
+ this.clear();
+ } // add new tspan
- morpher.from(start);
- var affineParameters =;
- currentAngle = affineParameters.rotate;
- current = new SVG.Matrix(affineParameters);
- this.addTransform(current);
- return morpher.done();
+ this.node.appendChild(tspan.node);
+ return tspan.text(text);
+ }
+ });
+ register(Tspan);
- function retarget(newTransforms) {
- // only get a new origin if it changed since the last call
- if ((newTransforms.origin || 'center').toString() !== (transforms.origin || 'center').toString()) {
- origin = getOrigin(transforms, element);
- } // overwrite the old transformations with the new ones
+ var Bare =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Bare, _Container);
+ function Bare(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Bare);
- transforms = _objectSpread({}, newTransforms, {
- origin: origin
- });
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Bare).call(this, nodeOrNew(node, typeof node === 'string' ? null : node), Bare));
- this.queue(setup, run, retarget);
- this._isDeclarative && this._rememberMorpher('transform', morpher);
- return this;
- },
- // Animatable x-axis
- x: function x(_x6, relative) {
- return this._queueNumber('x', _x6);
- },
- // Animatable y-axis
- y: function y(_y6) {
- return this._queueNumber('y', _y6);
- },
- dx: function dx(x) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dx', x);
- },
- dy: function dy(y) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dy', y);
- },
- _queueNumberDelta: function _queueNumberDelta(method, to) {
- to = new SVG.Number(to); // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
- if (this._tryRetargetDelta(method, to)) return this; // Make a morpher and queue the animation
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(to);
- this.queue(function () {
- var from = this.element()[method]();
- morpher.from(from);
- + to);
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element()[method](;
- return morpher.done();
- }); // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
- this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher);
+ _createClass(Bare, [{
+ key: "words",
+ value: function words(text) {
+ // remove contents
+ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
+ } // create text node
- return this;
- },
- _queueObject: function _queueObject(method, to) {
- // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
- if (this._tryRetarget(method, to)) return this; // Make a morpher and queue the animation
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(to);
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher.from(this.element()[method]());
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element()[method](;
- return morpher.done();
- }); // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
+ this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Bare;
+ }(Container);
+ register(Bare);
+ registerMethods('Container', {
+ // Create an element that is not described by SVG.js
+ element: function element(node, inherit) {
+ return this.put(new Bare(node, inherit));
+ }
+ });
- this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher);
+ var ClipPath =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(ClipPath, _Container);
- return this;
- },
- _queueNumber: function _queueNumber(method, value) {
- return this._queueObject(method, new SVG.Number(value));
- },
- // Animatable center x-axis
- cx: function cx(x) {
- return this._queueNumber('cx', x);
- },
- // Animatable center y-axis
- cy: function cy(y) {
- return this._queueNumber('cy', y);
- },
- // Add animatable move
- move: function move(x, y) {
- return this.x(x).y(y);
- },
- // Add animatable center
- center: function center(x, y) {
- return;
- },
- // Add animatable size
- size: function size(width, height) {
- // animate bbox based size for all other elements
- var box;
+ function ClipPath(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, ClipPath);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(ClipPath).call(this, nodeOrNew('clipPath', node), ClipPath));
+ } // Unclip all clipped elements and remove itself
+ _createClass(ClipPath, [{
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function remove() {
+ // unclip all targets
+ this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
+ el.unclip();
+ }); // remove clipPath from parent
- if (!width || !height) {
- box = this._element.bbox();
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(ClipPath.prototype), "remove", this).call(this);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg [clip-path*="' + + '"]');
+ }
+ }]);
+ return ClipPath;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create clipping element
+ clip: function clip() {
+ return this.defs().put(new ClipPath());
+ }
+ },
+ Element: {
+ // Distribute clipPath to svg element
+ clipWith: function clipWith(element) {
+ // use given clip or create a new one
+ var clipper = element instanceof ClipPath ? element : this.parent().clip().add(element); // apply mask
+ return this.attr('clip-path', 'url("#' + + '")');
+ },
+ // Unclip element
+ unclip: function unclip() {
+ return this.attr('clip-path', null);
+ },
+ clipper: function clipper() {
+ return this.reference('clip-path');
+ }
+ });
+ register(ClipPath);
+ var G =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(G, _Container);
+ function G(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, G);
- if (!width) {
- width = box.width / box.height * height;
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(G).call(this, nodeOrNew('g', node), G));
- if (!height) {
- height = box.height / box.width * width;
+ return G;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Create a group element
+ group: function group() {
+ return this.put(new G());
+ }
+ });
+ register(G);
- return this.width(width).height(height);
- },
- // Add animatable width
- width: function width(_width6) {
- return this._queueNumber('width', _width6);
- },
- // Add animatable height
- height: function height(_height6) {
- return this._queueNumber('height', _height6);
- },
- // Add animatable plot
- plot: function plot(a, b, c, d) {
- // Lines can be plotted with 4 arguments
- if (arguments.length === 4) {
- return this.plot([a, b, c, d]);
- } // FIXME: this needs to be rewritten such that the element is only accesed
- // in the init function
- return this._queueObject('plot', new this._element.MorphArray(a));
- /*
- var morpher = this._element.morphArray().to(a)
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher.from(this._element.array())
- }, function (pos) {
- this._element.plot(
- })
- return this
- */
- },
- // Add leading method
- leading: function leading(value) {
- return this._queueNumber('leading', value);
- },
- // Add animatable viewbox
- viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
- return this._queueObject('viewbox', new SVG.Box(x, y, width, height));
- },
- update: function update(o) {
- if (_typeof(o) !== 'object') {
- return this.update({
- offset: arguments[0],
- color: arguments[1],
- opacity: arguments[2]
- });
+ var HtmlNode =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Dom) {
+ _inherits(HtmlNode, _Dom);
+ function HtmlNode(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, HtmlNode);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(HtmlNode).call(this, node, HtmlNode));
- if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity);
- if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color);
- if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', o.offset);
- return this;
- }
-}); // Must Change ....
-SVG.easing = {
- '-': function _(pos) {
- return pos;
- },
- '<>': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;
- },
- '>': function _(pos) {
- return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2);
- },
- '<': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1;
- }
-var time = window.performance || Date;
-var makeSchedule = function makeSchedule(runnerInfo) {
- var start = runnerInfo.start;
- var duration = runnerInfo.runner.duration();
- var end = start + duration;
- return {
- start: start,
- duration: duration,
- end: end,
- runner: runnerInfo.runner
- };
-SVG.Timeline = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.EventTarget,
- // Construct a new timeline on the given element
- create: function create() {
- this._timeSource = function () {
- return;
- };
+ return HtmlNode;
+ }(Dom);
+ register(HtmlNode);
- this._dispatcher = document.createElement('div'); // Store the timing variables
- this._startTime = 0;
- this._speed = 1.0; // Play control variables control how the animation proceeds
- this._reverse = false;
- this._persist = 0; // Keep track of the running animations and their starting parameters
- this._nextFrame = null;
- this._paused = false;
- this._runners = [];
- this._order = [];
- this._time = 0;
- this._lastSourceTime = 0;
- this._lastStepTime = 0;
- },
- extend: {
- getEventTarget: function getEventTarget() {
- return this._dispatcher;
+ var A =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(A, _Container);
+ function A(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, A);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(A).call(this, nodeOrNew('a', node), A));
+ } // Link url
+ _createClass(A, [{
+ key: "to",
+ value: function to(url) {
+ return this.attr('href', url, xlink);
+ } // Link target attribute
+ }, {
+ key: "target",
+ value: function target(_target) {
+ return this.attr('target', _target);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return A;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a hyperlink element
+ link: function link(url) {
+ return this.put(new A()).to(url);
+ }
+ Element: {
+ // Create a hyperlink element
+ linkTo: function linkTo(url) {
+ var link = new A();
- /**
- *
- */
- // schedules a runner on the timeline
- schedule: function schedule(runner, delay, when) {
- if (runner == null) {
- return (a, b) {
- return a.start - b.start || a.duration - b.duration;
- });
+ if (typeof url === 'function') {
+, link);
+ } else {
+ }
+ return this.parent().put(link).put(this);
+ }
+ });
+ register(A);
- if (! {
- this._step();
+ var Mask =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Mask, _Container);
- if (when == null) {
- when = 'now';
- }
- } // The start time for the next animation can either be given explicitly,
- // derived from the current timeline time or it can be relative to the
- // last start time to chain animations direclty
- var absoluteStartTime = 0;
- delay = delay || 0; // Work out when to start the animation
- if (when == null || when === 'last' || when === 'after') {
- // Take the last time and increment
- absoluteStartTime = this._startTime;
- } else if (when === 'absolute' || when === 'start') {
- absoluteStartTime = delay;
- delay = 0;
- } else if (when === 'now') {
- absoluteStartTime = this._time;
- } else if (when === 'relative') {
- var runnerInfo = this._runners[];
- if (runnerInfo) {
- absoluteStartTime = runnerInfo.start + delay;
- delay = 0;
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Invalid value for the "when" parameter');
- } // Manage runner
+ // Initialize node
+ function Mask(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Mask);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Mask).call(this, nodeOrNew('mask', node), Mask));
+ } // Unmask all masked elements and remove itself
- runner.unschedule();
- runner.timeline(this);
- runner.time(-delay); // Save startTime for next runner
- this._startTime = absoluteStartTime + runner.duration() + delay; // Save runnerInfo
+ _createClass(Mask, [{
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function remove() {
+ // unmask all targets
+ this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
+ el.unmask();
+ }); // remove mask from parent
- this._runners[] = {
- persist: this.persist(),
- runner: runner,
- start: absoluteStartTime // Save order and continue
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Mask.prototype), "remove", this).call(this);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg [mask*="' + + '"]');
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Mask;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ mask: function mask() {
+ return this.defs().put(new Mask());
+ }
+ },
+ Element: {
+ // Distribute mask to svg element
+ maskWith: function maskWith(element) {
+ // use given mask or create a new one
+ var masker = element instanceof Mask ? element : this.parent().mask().add(element); // apply mask
+ return this.attr('mask', 'url("#' + + '")');
+ },
+ // Unmask element
+ unmask: function unmask() {
+ return this.attr('mask', null);
+ },
+ masker: function masker() {
+ return this.reference('mask');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Mask);
- };
+ var _Symbol =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(_Symbol, _Container);
- this._order.push(;
+ // Initialize node
+ function _Symbol(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, _Symbol);
- this._continue();
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(_Symbol).call(this, nodeOrNew('symbol', node), _Symbol));
+ }
- return this;
- },
- // Remove the runner from this timeline
- unschedule: function unschedule(runner) {
- var index = this._order.indexOf(;
+ return _Symbol;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ symbol: function symbol() {
+ return this.put(new _Symbol());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(_Symbol);
- if (index < 0) return this;
- delete this._runners[];
+ var TextPath =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Text) {
+ _inherits(TextPath, _Text);
- this._order.splice(index, 1);
+ // Initialize node
+ function TextPath(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, TextPath);
- runner.timeline(null);
- return this;
- },
- play: function play() {
- // Now make sure we are not paused and continue the animation
- this._paused = false;
- return this._continue();
- },
- pause: function pause() {
- // Cancel the next animation frame and pause
- this._nextFrame = null;
- this._paused = true;
- return this;
- },
- stop: function stop() {
- // Cancel the next animation frame and go to start
- return this.pause();
- },
- finish: function finish() {
- return this.pause();
- },
- speed: function speed(_speed) {
- if (_speed == null) return this._speed;
- this._speed = _speed;
- return this;
- },
- reverse: function reverse(yes) {
- var currentSpeed = this.speed();
- if (yes == null) return this.speed(-currentSpeed);
- var positive = Math.abs(currentSpeed);
- return this.speed(yes ? positive : -positive);
- },
- seek: function seek(dt) {
- this._time += dt;
- return this._continue();
- },
- time: function time(_time2) {
- if (_time2 == null) return this._time;
- this._time = _time2;
- return this;
- },
- persist: function persist(dtOrForever) {
- if (dtOrForever == null) return this._persist;
- this._persist = dtOrForever;
- return this;
- },
- source: function source(fn) {
- if (fn == null) return this._timeSource;
- this._timeSource = fn;
- return this;
- },
- _step: function _step() {
- // If the timeline is paused, just do nothing
- if (this._paused) return; // Get the time delta from the last time and update the time
- // TODO: Deal with window.blur window.focus to pause animations
- var time = this._timeSource();
- var dtSource = time - this._lastSourceTime;
- var dtTime = this._speed * dtSource + (this._time - this._lastStepTime);
- this._lastSourceTime = time; // Update the time
- this._time += dtTime;
- this._lastStepTime = this._time; //'time', this._time)
- // Run all of the runners directly
- var runnersLeft = false;
- for (var i = 0, len = this._order.length; i < len; i++) {
- // Get and run the current runner and ignore it if its inactive
- var runnerInfo = this._runners[this._order[i]];
- var runner = runnerInfo.runner;
- var dt = dtTime; // Make sure that we give the actual difference
- // between runner start time and now
- var dtToStart = this._time - runnerInfo.start; // Dont run runner if not started yet
- if (dtToStart < 0) {
- runnersLeft = true;
- continue;
- } else if (dtToStart < dt) {
- // Adjust dt to make sure that animation is on point
- dt = dtToStart;
- }
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(TextPath).call(this, nodeOrNew('textPath', node), TextPath));
+ } // return the array of the path track element
- if (! continue; // If this runner is still going, signal that we need another animation
- // frame, otherwise, remove the completed runner
- var finished = runner.step(dt).done;
+ _createClass(TextPath, [{
+ key: "array",
+ value: function array() {
+ var track = this.track();
+ return track ? track.array() : null;
+ } // Plot path if any
- if (!finished) {
- runnersLeft = true; // continue
- } else if (runnerInfo.persist !== true) {
- // runner is finished. And runner might get removed
- // TODO: Figure out end time of runner
- var endTime = runner.duration() - runner.time() + this._time;
+ }, {
+ key: "plot",
+ value: function plot(d) {
+ var track = this.track();
+ var pathArray = null;
- if (endTime + this._persist < this._time) {
- // Delete runner and correct index
- delete this._runners[this._order[i]];
- this._order.splice(i--, 1) && --len;
- runner.timeline(null);
- }
+ if (track) {
+ pathArray = track.plot(d);
- } // Get the next animation frame to keep the simulation going
+ return d == null ? pathArray : this;
+ } // Get the path element
- if (runnersLeft) {
- this._nextFrame = SVG.Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this));
- } else {
- this._nextFrame = null;
+ }, {
+ key: "track",
+ value: function track() {
+ return this.reference('href');
+ }
+ }]);
+ return TextPath;
+ }(Text);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ textPath: function textPath(text, path) {
+ return this.defs().path(path).text(text).addTo(this);
- return this;
- // Checks if we are running and continues the animation
- _continue: function _continue() {
- if (this._paused) return this;
+ Text: {
+ // Create path for text to run on
+ path: function path(track) {
+ var path = new TextPath(); // if d is a path, reuse it
- if (!this._nextFrame) {
- this._nextFrame = SVG.Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this));
- }
+ if (!(track instanceof Path)) {
+ // create path element
+ track = this.doc().defs().path(track);
+ } // link textPath to path and add content
- return this;
- },
- active: function active() {
- return !!this._nextFrame;
- }
- },
- // These methods will be added to all SVG.Element objects
- parent: SVG.Element,
- construct: {
- timeline: function timeline() {
- this._timeline = this._timeline || new SVG.Timeline();
- return this._timeline;
- }
- }
-}); // c = {
-// finished: Whether or not we are finished
-// }
-Base Class
-The base stepper class that will be
-function makeSetterGetter(k, f) {
- return function (v) {
- if (v == null) return this[v];
- this[k] = v;
- if (f);
- return this;
- };
-SVG.Stepper = SVG.invent({
- create: function create() {}
-Easing Functions
-SVG.Ease = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Stepper,
- create: function create(fn) {
-, fn);
- this.ease = SVG.easing[fn || SVG.defaults.timeline.ease] || fn;
- },
- extend: {
- step: function step(from, to, pos) {
- if (typeof from !== 'number') {
- return pos < 1 ? from : to;
- }
- return from + (to - from) * this.ease(pos);
+ path.attr('href', '#' + track, xlink); // add textPath element as child node and return textPath
+ return this.put(path);
+ },
+ // FIXME: make this plural?
+ // Get the textPath children
+ textPath: function textPath() {
+ return this.find('textPath');
+ }
- done: function done(dt, c) {
- return false;
+ Path: {
+ // creates a textPath from this path
+ text: function text(_text) {
+ if (_text instanceof Text) {
+ var txt = _text.text();
+ return _text.clear().path(this).text(txt);
+ }
+ return this.parent().put(new Text()).path(this).text(_text);
+ } // FIXME: Maybe add `targets` to get all textPaths associated with this path
- }
-SVG.easing = {
- '-': function _(pos) {
- return pos;
- },
- '<>': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;
- },
- '>': function _(pos) {
- return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2);
- },
- '<': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1;
- },
- bezier: function bezier(t0, x0, t1, x1) {
- return function (t) {// TODO: FINISH
- };
- }
- /***
- Controller Types
- ================
- ***/
+ });
+ TextPath.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray;
+ register(TextPath);
-SVG.Controller = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Stepper,
- create: function create(fn) {
-, fn);
- this.stepper = fn;
- },
- extend: {
- step: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
- return this.stepper(current, target, dt, c);
- },
- done: function done(c) {
- return c.done;
+ var Use =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Use, _Shape);
+ function Use(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Use);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Use).call(this, nodeOrNew('use', node), Use));
+ } // Use element as a reference
+ _createClass(Use, [{
+ key: "element",
+ value: function element(_element, file) {
+ // Set lined element
+ return this.attr('href', (file || '') + '#' + _element, xlink);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Use;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a use element
+ use: function use(element, file) {
+ return this.put(new Use()).element(element, file);
+ }
+ });
+ register(Use);
+ /* Optional Modules */
+ extend([Doc$1, Symbol, Image, Pattern, Marker], getMethodsFor('viewbox'));
+ extend([Line, Polyline, Polygon, Path], getMethodsFor('marker'));
+ extend(Text, getMethodsFor('Text'));
+ extend(Path, getMethodsFor('Path'));
+ extend(Defs, getMethodsFor('Defs'));
+ extend([Text, Tspan], getMethodsFor('Tspan'));
+ extend([Rect, Ellipse, Circle, Gradient], getMethodsFor('radius'));
+ extend(EventTarget, getMethodsFor('EventTarget'));
+ extend(Dom, getMethodsFor('Dom'));
+ extend(Element, getMethodsFor('Element'));
+ extend(Shape, getMethodsFor('Shape')); // extend(Element, getConstructor('Memory'))
+ extend(Container, getMethodsFor('Container'));
+ registerMorphableType([SVGNumber, Color, Box, Matrix, SVGArray, PointArray, PathArray]);
+ makeMorphable();
+ var svgMembers = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ Morphable: Morphable,
+ registerMorphableType: registerMorphableType,
+ makeMorphable: makeMorphable,
+ TransformBag: TransformBag,
+ ObjectBag: ObjectBag,
+ NonMorphable: NonMorphable,
+ defaults: defaults,
+ parser: parser,
+ find: baseFind,
+ Animator: Animator,
+ Controller: Controller,
+ Ease: Ease,
+ Spring: Spring,
+ easing: easing,
+ Queue: Queue,
+ Runner: Runner,
+ Timeline: Timeline,
+ SVGArray: SVGArray,
+ Box: Box,
+ Color: Color,
+ EventTarget: EventTarget,
+ Matrix: Matrix,
+ SVGNumber: SVGNumber,
+ PathArray: PathArray,
+ Point: Point,
+ PointArray: PointArray,
+ Bare: Bare,
+ Circle: Circle,
+ ClipPath: ClipPath,
+ Container: Container,
+ Defs: Defs,
+ Doc: Doc$1,
+ Dom: Dom,
+ Element: Element,
+ Ellipse: Ellipse,
+ Gradient: Gradient,
+ G: G,
+ HtmlNode: HtmlNode,
+ A: A,
+ Image: Image,
+ Line: Line,
+ Marker: Marker,
+ Mask: Mask,
+ Path: Path,
+ Pattern: Pattern,
+ Polygon: Polygon,
+ Polyline: Polyline,
+ Rect: Rect,
+ Shape: Shape,
+ Stop: Stop,
+ Symbol: _Symbol,
+ Text: Text,
+ TextPath: TextPath,
+ Tspan: Tspan,
+ Use: Use,
+ map: map,
+ filter: filter,
+ radians: radians,
+ degrees: degrees,
+ camelCase: camelCase,
+ capitalize: capitalize,
+ proportionalSize: proportionalSize,
+ getOrigin: getOrigin,
+ ns: ns,
+ xmlns: xmlns,
+ xlink: xlink,
+ svgjs: svgjs,
+ on: on,
+ off: off,
+ dispatch: dispatch,
+ root: root,
+ makeNode: makeNode,
+ makeInstance: makeInstance,
+ nodeOrNew: nodeOrNew,
+ adopt: adopt,
+ register: register,
+ getClass: getClass,
+ eid: eid,
+ assignNewId: assignNewId,
+ extend: extend
+ });
+ function SVG(element) {
+ return makeInstance(element);
-function recalculate() {
- // Apply the default parameters
- var duration = (this._duration || 500) / 1000;
- var overshoot = this._overshoot || 0; // Calculate the PID natural response
- var eps = 1e-10;
- var pi = Math.PI;
- var os = Math.log(overshoot / 100 + eps);
- var zeta = -os / Math.sqrt(pi * pi + os * os);
- var wn = 3.9 / (zeta * duration); // Calculate the Spring values
- this.d = 2 * zeta * wn;
- this.k = wn * wn;
-SVG.Spring = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Controller,
- create: function create(duration, overshoot) {
- this.duration(duration || 500).overshoot(overshoot || 0);
- },
- extend: {
- step: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
- if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
- c.done = dt === Infinity;
- if (dt === Infinity) return target;
- if (dt === 0) return current;
- if (dt > 100) dt = 16;
- dt /= 1000; // Get the previous velocity
- var velocity = c.velocity || 0; // Apply the control to get the new position and store it
- var acceleration = -this.d * velocity - this.k * (current - target);
- var newPosition = current + velocity * dt + acceleration * dt * dt / 2; // Store the velocity
- c.velocity = velocity + acceleration * dt; // Figure out if we have converged, and if so, pass the value
- c.done = Math.abs(target - newPosition) + Math.abs(velocity) < 0.002;
- return c.done ? target : newPosition;
- },
- duration: makeSetterGetter('_duration', recalculate),
- overshoot: makeSetterGetter('_overshoot', recalculate)
- }
-SVG.PID = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Controller,
- create: function create(p, i, d, windup) {
- p = p == null ? 0.1 : p;
- i = i == null ? 0.01 : i;
- d = d == null ? 0 : d;
- windup = windup == null ? 1000 : windup;
- this.p(p).i(i).d(d).windup(windup);
- },
- extend: {
- step: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
- if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
- c.done = dt === Infinity;
- if (dt === Infinity) return target;
- if (dt === 0) return current;
- var p = target - current;
- var i = (c.integral || 0) + p * dt;
- var d = (p - (c.error || 0)) / dt;
- var windup = this.windup; // antiwindup
- if (windup !== false) {
- i = Math.max(-windup, Math.min(i, windup));
- }
- c.error = p;
- c.integral = i;
- c.done = Math.abs(p) < 0.001;
- return c.done ? target : current + (this.P * p + this.I * i + this.D * d);
- },
- windup: makeSetterGetter('windup'),
- p: makeSetterGetter('P'),
- i: makeSetterGetter('I'),
- d: makeSetterGetter('D')
- }
+ Object.assign(SVG, svgMembers);
+ SVG.utils = SVG;
+ SVG.regex = regex;
+ SVG.get = SVG;
-return SVG
+ return SVG;
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new file mode 100644
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+import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel'
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+import uglifyEs6 from "rollup-plugin-uglify-es"
+import filesize from 'rollup-plugin-filesize'
+import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
+import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'
+const pkg = require('./package.json')
+const buildDate = Date()
+const headerLong = `/*!
+* ${} - ${pkg.description}
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+* BUILT: ${buildDate}
+var headerShort = `/*! ${} v${pkg.version} ${pkg.license}*/;`
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+// input: 'src/svg.js',
+// output: {
+// // file: 'dist/svg.js',
+// name: 'SVG',
+// sourceMap: true,
+// // format: 'iife',
+// // banner: headerLong
+// },
+// plugins: [
+// // babel({
+// // include: 'src/**'
+// // }),
+// // filesize(),
+// ]
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+// const config = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(baseConfig))
+// config.output.file = file
+// config.output.format = format
+// config.output.banner = minify ? headerShort : headerLong
+// config.plugins.push(resolve({browser: true}))
+// config.plugins.push(commonjs())
+// if (format == 'esm') {
+// config.plugins.push(
+// babel({
+// runtimeHelpers: true,
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+// presets: [["@babel/preset-env", {
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+// targets: {
+// chrome: 49,
+// edge: 14,
+// firefox: 45,
+// safari: 10
+// },
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+// babel({
+// include: 'src/**',
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+// babelrc: false,
+// presets: [
+// ["@babel/preset-env", {
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+// ie: "9"
+// },
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+// }]
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+// [
+// "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime",
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+// helpers: true,
+// regenerator: true,
+// useESModules: true
+// }
+// ]
+// ]
+// })
+// )
+// }
+// if (minify) {
+// config.plugins.push(format == 'esm' ? uglifyEs6() : uglify())
+// } else {
+// config.plugins.push(filesize())
+// }
+// return config
+// }
+export default [
+ //createConfig('dist/svg.js', 'iife', false),
+ // createConfig('dist/svg.min.js', 'iife', true),
+ // createConfig('dist/svg.es6.js', 'esm', false),
+ // createConfig('dist/svg.es6.min.js', 'esm', true)
+ {
+ input: 'src/svg.js',
+ output: {
+ file: 'dist/svg.js',
+ name: 'SVG',
+ sourceMap: true,
+ format: 'iife',
+ banner: headerLong
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ // resolve({browser: true}),
+ // commonjs(),
+ babel({
+ include: 'src/**',
+ runtimeHelpers: true,
+ babelrc: false,
+ presets: [["@babel/preset-env", {
+ modules: false,
+ // targets: {
+ // firefox: "63"
+ // },
+ // useBuiltIns: "usage"
+ }]],
+ // plugins: [["@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", {
+ // corejs: false,
+ // helpers: true,
+ // regenerator: true,
+ // useESModules: true
+ // }]]
+ }),
+ filesize()
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/spec/lib/RAFPlugin.js b/spec/RAFPlugin.js
index fefdda6..2dea383 100644
--- a/spec/lib/RAFPlugin.js
+++ b/spec/RAFPlugin.js
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
global.requestAnimationFrame = _this.realRAF;
global.cancelAnimationFrame = _this.realCAF;
global.performance = _this.realPerf;
+ _this.nextTime = 0
+ callbacks = []
diff --git a/spec/SpecRunner.html b/spec/SpecRunner.html
index cdc31de..9d84677 100644
--- a/spec/SpecRunner.html
+++ b/spec/SpecRunner.html
@@ -2,27 +2,20 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>SVG.js - Jasmine Spec Runner v2.6.0</title>
+ <title>SVG.js - Jasmine Spec Runner</title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine_favicon.png">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.css">
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="../node_modules/jasmine-core/images/jasmine_favicon.png">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.css">
- <script src="lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.js"></script>
- <script src="lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine-html.js"></script>
- <script src="lib/jasmine-2.6.0/boot.js"></script>
- <script src="lib/RAFPlugin.js"></script>
+ <script src="../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js"></script>
+ <script src="../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine-html.js"></script>
+ <script src="../node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/boot.js"></script>
+ <script src="RAFPlugin.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="fixtures/fixture.css">
<!-- include source files here... -->
<script src="../dist/svg.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/helpers.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/transform.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/matrix.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/morph.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/runner.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/timeline.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/controller.js"></script>
@@ -85,6 +78,7 @@
<script src="spec/marker.js"></script>
<script src="spec/mask.js"></script>
<script src="spec/matrix.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/memory.js"></script>
<script src="spec/number.js"></script>
<script src="spec/path.js"></script>
<script src="spec/pattern.js"></script>
@@ -103,7 +97,6 @@
<script src="spec/tspan.js"></script>
<script src="spec/use.js"></script>
<script src="spec/utils.js"></script>
- <script src="spec/viewbox.js"></script>
<script src="spec/morphing.js"></script>
<script src="spec/animator.js"></script>
<script src="spec/runner.js"></script>
diff --git a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/boot.js b/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/boot.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b5a80..0000000
--- a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/boot.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- Starting with version 2.0, this file "boots" Jasmine, performing all of the necessary initialization before executing the loaded environment and all of a project's specs. This file should be loaded after `jasmine.js` and `jasmine_html.js`, but before any project source files or spec files are loaded. Thus this file can also be used to customize Jasmine for a project.
- If a project is using Jasmine via the standalone distribution, this file can be customized directly. If a project is using Jasmine via the [Ruby gem][jasmine-gem], this file can be copied into the support directory via `jasmine copy_boot_js`. Other environments (e.g., Python) will have different mechanisms.
- The location of `boot.js` can be specified and/or overridden in `jasmine.yml`.
- [jasmine-gem]:
- */
-(function() {
- /**
- * ## Require &amp; Instantiate
- *
- * Require Jasmine's core files. Specifically, this requires and attaches all of Jasmine's code to the `jasmine` reference.
- */
- window.jasmine = jasmineRequire.core(jasmineRequire);
- /**
- * Since this is being run in a browser and the results should populate to an HTML page, require the HTML-specific Jasmine code, injecting the same reference.
- */
- jasmineRequire.html(jasmine);
- /**
- * Create the Jasmine environment. This is used to run all specs in a project.
- */
- var env = jasmine.getEnv();
- /**
- * ## The Global Interface
- *
- * Build up the functions that will be exposed as the Jasmine public interface. A project can customize, rename or alias any of these functions as desired, provided the implementation remains unchanged.
- */
- var jasmineInterface = jasmineRequire.interface(jasmine, env);
- /**
- * Add all of the Jasmine global/public interface to the global scope, so a project can use the public interface directly. For example, calling `describe` in specs instead of `jasmine.getEnv().describe`.
- */
- extend(window, jasmineInterface);
- /**
- * ## Runner Parameters
- *
- * More browser specific code - wrap the query string in an object and to allow for getting/setting parameters from the runner user interface.
- */
- var queryString = new jasmine.QueryString({
- getWindowLocation: function() { return window.location; }
- });
- var filterSpecs = !!queryString.getParam("spec");
- var catchingExceptions = queryString.getParam("catch");
- env.catchExceptions(typeof catchingExceptions === "undefined" ? true : catchingExceptions);
- var throwingExpectationFailures = queryString.getParam("throwFailures");
- env.throwOnExpectationFailure(throwingExpectationFailures);
- var random = queryString.getParam("random");
- env.randomizeTests(random);
- var seed = queryString.getParam("seed");
- if (seed) {
- env.seed(seed);
- }
- /**
- * ## Reporters
- * The `HtmlReporter` builds all of the HTML UI for the runner page. This reporter paints the dots, stars, and x's for specs, as well as all spec names and all failures (if any).
- */
- var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter({
- env: env,
- onRaiseExceptionsClick: function() { queryString.navigateWithNewParam("catch", !env.catchingExceptions()); },
- onThrowExpectationsClick: function() { queryString.navigateWithNewParam("throwFailures", !env.throwingExpectationFailures()); },
- onRandomClick: function() { queryString.navigateWithNewParam("random", !env.randomTests()); },
- addToExistingQueryString: function(key, value) { return queryString.fullStringWithNewParam(key, value); },
- getContainer: function() { return document.body; },
- createElement: function() { return document.createElement.apply(document, arguments); },
- createTextNode: function() { return document.createTextNode.apply(document, arguments); },
- timer: new jasmine.Timer(),
- filterSpecs: filterSpecs
- });
- /**
- * The `jsApiReporter` also receives spec results, and is used by any environment that needs to extract the results from JavaScript.
- */
- env.addReporter(jasmineInterface.jsApiReporter);
- env.addReporter(htmlReporter);
- /**
- * Filter which specs will be run by matching the start of the full name against the `spec` query param.
- */
- var specFilter = new jasmine.HtmlSpecFilter({
- filterString: function() { return queryString.getParam("spec"); }
- });
- env.specFilter = function(spec) {
- return specFilter.matches(spec.getFullName());
- };
- /**
- * Setting up timing functions to be able to be overridden. Certain browsers (Safari, IE 8, phantomjs) require this hack.
- */
- window.setTimeout = window.setTimeout;
- window.setInterval = window.setInterval;
- window.clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout;
- window.clearInterval = window.clearInterval;
- /**
- * ## Execution
- *
- * Replace the browser window's `onload`, ensure it's called, and then run all of the loaded specs. This includes initializing the `HtmlReporter` instance and then executing the loaded Jasmine environment. All of this will happen after all of the specs are loaded.
- */
- var currentWindowOnload = window.onload;
- window.onload = function() {
- if (currentWindowOnload) {
- currentWindowOnload();
- }
- htmlReporter.initialize();
- env.execute();
- };
- /**
- * Helper function for readability above.
- */
- function extend(destination, source) {
- for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property];
- return destination;
- }
diff --git a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/console.js b/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/console.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ad952..0000000
--- a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/console.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pivotal Labs
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-function getJasmineRequireObj() {
- if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
- return exports;
- } else {
- window.jasmineRequire = window.jasmineRequire || {};
- return window.jasmineRequire;
- }
-getJasmineRequireObj().console = function(jRequire, j$) {
- j$.ConsoleReporter = jRequire.ConsoleReporter();
-getJasmineRequireObj().ConsoleReporter = function() {
- var noopTimer = {
- start: function(){},
- elapsed: function(){ return 0; }
- };
- function ConsoleReporter(options) {
- var print = options.print,
- showColors = options.showColors || false,
- onComplete = options.onComplete || function() {},
- timer = options.timer || noopTimer,
- specCount,
- failureCount,
- failedSpecs = [],
- pendingCount,
- ansi = {
- green: '\x1B[32m',
- red: '\x1B[31m',
- yellow: '\x1B[33m',
- none: '\x1B[0m'
- },
- failedSuites = [];
- print('ConsoleReporter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.');
- this.jasmineStarted = function() {
- specCount = 0;
- failureCount = 0;
- pendingCount = 0;
- print('Started');
- printNewline();
- timer.start();
- };
- this.jasmineDone = function() {
- printNewline();
- for (var i = 0; i < failedSpecs.length; i++) {
- specFailureDetails(failedSpecs[i]);
- }
- if(specCount > 0) {
- printNewline();
- var specCounts = specCount + ' ' + plural('spec', specCount) + ', ' +
- failureCount + ' ' + plural('failure', failureCount);
- if (pendingCount) {
- specCounts += ', ' + pendingCount + ' pending ' + plural('spec', pendingCount);
- }
- print(specCounts);
- } else {
- print('No specs found');
- }
- printNewline();
- var seconds = timer.elapsed() / 1000;
- print('Finished in ' + seconds + ' ' + plural('second', seconds));
- printNewline();
- for(i = 0; i < failedSuites.length; i++) {
- suiteFailureDetails(failedSuites[i]);
- }
- onComplete(failureCount === 0);
- };
- this.specDone = function(result) {
- specCount++;
- if (result.status == 'pending') {
- pendingCount++;
- print(colored('yellow', '*'));
- return;
- }
- if (result.status == 'passed') {
- print(colored('green', '.'));
- return;
- }
- if (result.status == 'failed') {
- failureCount++;
- failedSpecs.push(result);
- print(colored('red', 'F'));
- }
- };
- this.suiteDone = function(result) {
- if (result.failedExpectations && result.failedExpectations.length > 0) {
- failureCount++;
- failedSuites.push(result);
- }
- };
- return this;
- function printNewline() {
- print('\n');
- }
- function colored(color, str) {
- return showColors ? (ansi[color] + str + ansi.none) : str;
- }
- function plural(str, count) {
- return count == 1 ? str : str + 's';
- }
- function repeat(thing, times) {
- var arr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) {
- arr.push(thing);
- }
- return arr;
- }
- function indent(str, spaces) {
- var lines = (str || '').split('\n');
- var newArr = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- newArr.push(repeat(' ', spaces).join('') + lines[i]);
- }
- return newArr.join('\n');
- }
- function specFailureDetails(result) {
- printNewline();
- print(result.fullName);
- for (var i = 0; i < result.failedExpectations.length; i++) {
- var failedExpectation = result.failedExpectations[i];
- printNewline();
- print(indent(failedExpectation.message, 2));
- print(indent(failedExpectation.stack, 2));
- }
- printNewline();
- }
- function suiteFailureDetails(result) {
- for (var i = 0; i < result.failedExpectations.length; i++) {
- printNewline();
- print(colored('red', 'An error was thrown in an afterAll'));
- printNewline();
- print(colored('red', 'AfterAll ' + result.failedExpectations[i].message));
- }
- printNewline();
- }
- }
- return ConsoleReporter;
diff --git a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine-html.js b/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine-html.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 90407cc..0000000
--- a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine-html.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pivotal Labs
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-jasmineRequire.html = function(j$) {
- j$.ResultsNode = jasmineRequire.ResultsNode();
- j$.HtmlReporter = jasmineRequire.HtmlReporter(j$);
- j$.QueryString = jasmineRequire.QueryString();
- j$.HtmlSpecFilter = jasmineRequire.HtmlSpecFilter();
-jasmineRequire.HtmlReporter = function(j$) {
- var noopTimer = {
- start: function() {},
- elapsed: function() { return 0; }
- };
- function HtmlReporter(options) {
- var env = options.env || {},
- getContainer = options.getContainer,
- createElement = options.createElement,
- createTextNode = options.createTextNode,
- onRaiseExceptionsClick = options.onRaiseExceptionsClick || function() {},
- onThrowExpectationsClick = options.onThrowExpectationsClick || function() {},
- onRandomClick = options.onRandomClick || function() {},
- addToExistingQueryString = options.addToExistingQueryString || defaultQueryString,
- filterSpecs = options.filterSpecs,
- timer = options.timer || noopTimer,
- results = [],
- specsExecuted = 0,
- failureCount = 0,
- pendingSpecCount = 0,
- htmlReporterMain,
- symbols,
- failedSuites = [];
- this.initialize = function() {
- clearPrior();
- htmlReporterMain = createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine_html-reporter'},
- createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-banner'},
- createDom('a', {className: 'jasmine-title', href: '', target: '_blank'}),
- createDom('span', {className: 'jasmine-version'}, j$.version)
- ),
- createDom('ul', {className: 'jasmine-symbol-summary'}),
- createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-alert'}),
- createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-results'},
- createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-failures'})
- )
- );
- getContainer().appendChild(htmlReporterMain);
- };
- var totalSpecsDefined;
- this.jasmineStarted = function(options) {
- totalSpecsDefined = options.totalSpecsDefined || 0;
- timer.start();
- };
- var summary = createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-summary'});
- var topResults = new j$.ResultsNode({}, '', null),
- currentParent = topResults;
- this.suiteStarted = function(result) {
- currentParent.addChild(result, 'suite');
- currentParent = currentParent.last();
- };
- this.suiteDone = function(result) {
- if (result.status == 'failed') {
- failedSuites.push(result);
- }
- if (currentParent == topResults) {
- return;
- }
- currentParent = currentParent.parent;
- };
- this.specStarted = function(result) {
- currentParent.addChild(result, 'spec');
- };
- var failures = [];
- this.specDone = function(result) {
- if(noExpectations(result) && typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.error !== 'undefined') {
- console.error('Spec \'' + result.fullName + '\' has no expectations.');
- }
- if (result.status != 'disabled') {
- specsExecuted++;
- }
- if (!symbols){
- symbols = find('.jasmine-symbol-summary');
- }
- symbols.appendChild(createDom('li', {
- className: noExpectations(result) ? 'jasmine-empty' : 'jasmine-' + result.status,
- id: 'spec_' +,
- title: result.fullName
- }
- ));
- if (result.status == 'failed') {
- failureCount++;
- var failure =
- createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-spec-detail jasmine-failed'},
- createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-description'},
- createDom('a', {title: result.fullName, href: specHref(result)}, result.fullName)
- ),
- createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-messages'})
- );
- var messages = failure.childNodes[1];
- for (var i = 0; i < result.failedExpectations.length; i++) {
- var expectation = result.failedExpectations[i];
- messages.appendChild(createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-result-message'}, expectation.message));
- messages.appendChild(createDom('div', {className: 'jasmine-stack-trace'}, expectation.stack));
- }
- failures.push(failure);
- }
- if (result.status == 'pending') {
- pendingSpecCount++;
- }
- };
- this.jasmineDone = function(doneResult) {
- var banner = find('.jasmine-banner');
- var alert = find('.jasmine-alert');
- var order = doneResult && doneResult.order;
- alert.appendChild(createDom('span', {className: 'jasmine-duration'}, 'finished in ' + timer.elapsed() / 1000 + 's'));
- banner.appendChild(
- createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-run-options' },
- createDom('span', { className: 'jasmine-trigger' }, 'Options'),
- createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-payload' },
- createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-exceptions' },
- createDom('input', {
- className: 'jasmine-raise',
- id: 'jasmine-raise-exceptions',
- type: 'checkbox'
- }),
- createDom('label', { className: 'jasmine-label', 'for': 'jasmine-raise-exceptions' }, 'raise exceptions')),
- createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-throw-failures' },
- createDom('input', {
- className: 'jasmine-throw',
- id: 'jasmine-throw-failures',
- type: 'checkbox'
- }),
- createDom('label', { className: 'jasmine-label', 'for': 'jasmine-throw-failures' }, 'stop spec on expectation failure')),
- createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-random-order' },
- createDom('input', {
- className: 'jasmine-random',
- id: 'jasmine-random-order',
- type: 'checkbox'
- }),
- createDom('label', { className: 'jasmine-label', 'for': 'jasmine-random-order' }, 'run tests in random order'))
- )
- ));
- var raiseCheckbox = find('#jasmine-raise-exceptions');
- raiseCheckbox.checked = !env.catchingExceptions();
- raiseCheckbox.onclick = onRaiseExceptionsClick;
- var throwCheckbox = find('#jasmine-throw-failures');
- throwCheckbox.checked = env.throwingExpectationFailures();
- throwCheckbox.onclick = onThrowExpectationsClick;
- var randomCheckbox = find('#jasmine-random-order');
- randomCheckbox.checked = env.randomTests();
- randomCheckbox.onclick = onRandomClick;
- var optionsMenu = find('.jasmine-run-options'),
- optionsTrigger = optionsMenu.querySelector('.jasmine-trigger'),
- optionsPayload = optionsMenu.querySelector('.jasmine-payload'),
- isOpen = /\bjasmine-open\b/;
- optionsTrigger.onclick = function() {
- if (isOpen.test(optionsPayload.className)) {
- optionsPayload.className = optionsPayload.className.replace(isOpen, '');
- } else {
- optionsPayload.className += ' jasmine-open';
- }
- };
- if (specsExecuted < totalSpecsDefined) {
- var skippedMessage = 'Ran ' + specsExecuted + ' of ' + totalSpecsDefined + ' specs - run all';
- var skippedLink = order && order.random ? '?random=true' : '?';
- alert.appendChild(
- createDom('span', {className: 'jasmine-bar jasmine-skipped'},
- createDom('a', {href: skippedLink, title: 'Run all specs'}, skippedMessage)
- )
- );
- }
- var statusBarMessage = '';
- var statusBarClassName = 'jasmine-bar ';
- if (totalSpecsDefined > 0) {
- statusBarMessage += pluralize('spec', specsExecuted) + ', ' + pluralize('failure', failureCount);
- if (pendingSpecCount) { statusBarMessage += ', ' + pluralize('pending spec', pendingSpecCount); }
- statusBarClassName += (failureCount > 0) ? 'jasmine-failed' : 'jasmine-passed';
- } else {
- statusBarClassName += 'jasmine-skipped';
- statusBarMessage += 'No specs found';
- }
- var seedBar;
- if (order && order.random) {
- seedBar = createDom('span', {className: 'jasmine-seed-bar'},
- ', randomized with seed ',
- createDom('a', {title: 'randomized with seed ' + order.seed, href: seedHref(order.seed)}, order.seed)
- );
- }
- alert.appendChild(createDom('span', {className: statusBarClassName}, statusBarMessage, seedBar));
- var errorBarClassName = 'jasmine-bar jasmine-errored';
- var errorBarMessagePrefix = 'AfterAll ';
- for(var i = 0; i < failedSuites.length; i++) {
- var failedSuite = failedSuites[i];
- for(var j = 0; j < failedSuite.failedExpectations.length; j++) {
- alert.appendChild(createDom('span', {className: errorBarClassName}, errorBarMessagePrefix + failedSuite.failedExpectations[j].message));
- }
- }
- var globalFailures = (doneResult && doneResult.failedExpectations) || [];
- for(i = 0; i < globalFailures.length; i++) {
- var failure = globalFailures[i];
- alert.appendChild(createDom('span', {className: errorBarClassName}, errorBarMessagePrefix + failure.message));
- }
- var results = find('.jasmine-results');
- results.appendChild(summary);
- summaryList(topResults, summary);
- function summaryList(resultsTree, domParent) {
- var specListNode;
- for (var i = 0; i < resultsTree.children.length; i++) {
- var resultNode = resultsTree.children[i];
- if (filterSpecs && !hasActiveSpec(resultNode)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (resultNode.type == 'suite') {
- var suiteListNode = createDom('ul', {className: 'jasmine-suite', id: 'suite-' +},
- createDom('li', {className: 'jasmine-suite-detail'},
- createDom('a', {href: specHref(resultNode.result)}, resultNode.result.description)
- )
- );
- summaryList(resultNode, suiteListNode);
- domParent.appendChild(suiteListNode);
- }
- if (resultNode.type == 'spec') {
- if (domParent.getAttribute('class') != 'jasmine-specs') {
- specListNode = createDom('ul', {className: 'jasmine-specs'});
- domParent.appendChild(specListNode);
- }
- var specDescription = resultNode.result.description;
- if(noExpectations(resultNode.result)) {
- specDescription = 'SPEC HAS NO EXPECTATIONS ' + specDescription;
- }
- if(resultNode.result.status === 'pending' && resultNode.result.pendingReason !== '') {
- specDescription = specDescription + ' PENDING WITH MESSAGE: ' + resultNode.result.pendingReason;
- }
- specListNode.appendChild(
- createDom('li', {
- className: 'jasmine-' + resultNode.result.status,
- id: 'spec-' +
- },
- createDom('a', {href: specHref(resultNode.result)}, specDescription)
- )
- );
- }
- }
- }
- if (failures.length) {
- alert.appendChild(
- createDom('span', {className: 'jasmine-menu jasmine-bar jasmine-spec-list'},
- createDom('span', {}, 'Spec List | '),
- createDom('a', {className: 'jasmine-failures-menu', href: '#'}, 'Failures')));
- alert.appendChild(
- createDom('span', {className: 'jasmine-menu jasmine-bar jasmine-failure-list'},
- createDom('a', {className: 'jasmine-spec-list-menu', href: '#'}, 'Spec List'),
- createDom('span', {}, ' | Failures ')));
- find('.jasmine-failures-menu').onclick = function() {
- setMenuModeTo('jasmine-failure-list');
- };
- find('.jasmine-spec-list-menu').onclick = function() {
- setMenuModeTo('jasmine-spec-list');
- };
- setMenuModeTo('jasmine-failure-list');
- var failureNode = find('.jasmine-failures');
- for (i = 0; i < failures.length; i++) {
- failureNode.appendChild(failures[i]);
- }
- }
- };
- return this;
- function find(selector) {
- return getContainer().querySelector('.jasmine_html-reporter ' + selector);
- }
- function clearPrior() {
- // return the reporter
- var oldReporter = find('');
- if(oldReporter) {
- getContainer().removeChild(oldReporter);
- }
- }
- function createDom(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) {
- var el = createElement(type);
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var child = arguments[i];
- if (typeof child === 'string') {
- el.appendChild(createTextNode(child));
- } else {
- if (child) {
- el.appendChild(child);
- }
- }
- }
- for (var attr in attrs) {
- if (attr == 'className') {
- el[attr] = attrs[attr];
- } else {
- el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]);
- }
- }
- return el;
- }
- function pluralize(singular, count) {
- var word = (count == 1 ? singular : singular + 's');
- return '' + count + ' ' + word;
- }
- function specHref(result) {
- return addToExistingQueryString('spec', result.fullName);
- }
- function seedHref(seed) {
- return addToExistingQueryString('seed', seed);
- }
- function defaultQueryString(key, value) {
- return '?' + key + '=' + value;
- }
- function setMenuModeTo(mode) {
- htmlReporterMain.setAttribute('class', 'jasmine_html-reporter ' + mode);
- }
- function noExpectations(result) {
- return (result.failedExpectations.length + result.passedExpectations.length) === 0 &&
- result.status === 'passed';
- }
- function hasActiveSpec(resultNode) {
- if (resultNode.type == 'spec' && resultNode.result.status != 'disabled') {
- return true;
- }
- if (resultNode.type == 'suite') {
- for (var i = 0, j = resultNode.children.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (hasActiveSpec(resultNode.children[i])) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return HtmlReporter;
-jasmineRequire.HtmlSpecFilter = function() {
- function HtmlSpecFilter(options) {
- var filterString = options && options.filterString() && options.filterString().replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
- var filterPattern = new RegExp(filterString);
- this.matches = function(specName) {
- return filterPattern.test(specName);
- };
- }
- return HtmlSpecFilter;
-jasmineRequire.ResultsNode = function() {
- function ResultsNode(result, type, parent) {
- this.result = result;
- this.type = type;
- this.parent = parent;
- this.children = [];
- this.addChild = function(result, type) {
- this.children.push(new ResultsNode(result, type, this));
- };
- this.last = function() {
- return this.children[this.children.length - 1];
- };
- }
- return ResultsNode;
-jasmineRequire.QueryString = function() {
- function QueryString(options) {
- this.navigateWithNewParam = function(key, value) {
- options.getWindowLocation().search = this.fullStringWithNewParam(key, value);
- };
- this.fullStringWithNewParam = function(key, value) {
- var paramMap = queryStringToParamMap();
- paramMap[key] = value;
- return toQueryString(paramMap);
- };
- this.getParam = function(key) {
- return queryStringToParamMap()[key];
- };
- return this;
- function toQueryString(paramMap) {
- var qStrPairs = [];
- for (var prop in paramMap) {
- qStrPairs.push(encodeURIComponent(prop) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(paramMap[prop]));
- }
- return '?' + qStrPairs.join('&');
- }
- function queryStringToParamMap() {
- var paramStr = options.getWindowLocation().search.substring(1),
- params = [],
- paramMap = {};
- if (paramStr.length > 0) {
- params = paramStr.split('&');
- for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
- var p = params[i].split('=');
- var value = decodeURIComponent(p[1]);
- if (value === 'true' || value === 'false') {
- value = JSON.parse(value);
- }
- paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = value;
- }
- }
- return paramMap;
- }
- }
- return QueryString;
diff --git a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.css b/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.css
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index 6319982..0000000
--- a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
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-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-banner { position: relative; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-banner .jasmine-version { margin-left: 14px; position: relative; top: 6px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-version { color: #aaa; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-banner { margin-top: 14px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-duration { color: #fff; float: right; line-height: 28px; padding-right: 9px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary { overflow: hidden; *zoom: 1; margin: 14px 0; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li { display: inline-block; height: 10px; width: 14px; font-size: 16px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-passed { font-size: 14px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-passed:before { color: #007069; content: "\02022"; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-failed { line-height: 9px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-failed:before { color: #ca3a11; content: "\d7"; font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-disabled { font-size: 14px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-disabled:before { color: #bababa; content: "\02022"; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-pending { line-height: 17px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-pending:before { color: #ba9d37; content: "*"; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-empty { font-size: 14px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-symbol-summary li.jasmine-empty:before { color: #ba9d37; content: "\02022"; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-run-options { float: right; margin-right: 5px; border: 1px solid #8a4182; color: #8a4182; position: relative; line-height: 20px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-run-options .jasmine-trigger { cursor: pointer; padding: 8px 16px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-run-options .jasmine-payload { position: absolute; display: none; right: -1px; border: 1px solid #8a4182; background-color: #eee; white-space: nowrap; padding: 4px 8px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-run-options .jasmine-payload.jasmine-open { display: block; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar { line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px; display: block; color: #eee; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar.jasmine-failed { background-color: #ca3a11; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar.jasmine-passed { background-color: #007069; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar.jasmine-skipped { background-color: #bababa; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar.jasmine-errored { background-color: #ca3a11; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar.jasmine-menu { background-color: #fff; color: #aaa; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar.jasmine-menu a { color: #333; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-bar a { color: white; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter.jasmine-spec-list .jasmine-bar.jasmine-menu.jasmine-failure-list, .jasmine_html-reporter.jasmine-spec-list .jasmine-results .jasmine-failures { display: none; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter.jasmine-failure-list .jasmine-bar.jasmine-menu.jasmine-spec-list, .jasmine_html-reporter.jasmine-failure-list .jasmine-summary { display: none; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-results { margin-top: 14px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary { margin-top: 14px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary ul { list-style-type: none; margin-left: 14px; padding-top: 0; padding-left: 0; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary ul.jasmine-suite { margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 7px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary li.jasmine-passed a { color: #007069; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary li.jasmine-failed a { color: #ca3a11; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary li.jasmine-empty a { color: #ba9d37; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary li.jasmine-pending a { color: #ba9d37; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-summary li.jasmine-disabled a { color: #bababa; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-description + .jasmine-suite { margin-top: 0; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-suite { margin-top: 14px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-suite a { color: #333; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-failures .jasmine-spec-detail { margin-bottom: 28px; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-failures .jasmine-spec-detail .jasmine-description { background-color: #ca3a11; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-failures .jasmine-spec-detail .jasmine-description a { color: white; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-result-message { padding-top: 14px; color: #333; white-space: pre; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-result-message span.jasmine-result { display: block; }
-.jasmine_html-reporter .jasmine-stack-trace { margin: 5px 0 0 0; max-height: 224px; overflow: auto; line-height: 18px; color: #666; border: 1px solid #ddd; background: white; white-space: pre; }
diff --git a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.js b/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 57b5afe..0000000
--- a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4943 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pivotal Labs
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-var getJasmineRequireObj = (function (jasmineGlobal) {
- var jasmineRequire;
- if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
- if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
- jasmineGlobal = global;
- } else {
- jasmineGlobal = {};
- }
- jasmineRequire = exports;
- } else {
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.toString === 'function' && window.toString() === '[object GjsGlobal]') {
- jasmineGlobal = window;
- }
- jasmineRequire = jasmineGlobal.jasmineRequire = jasmineGlobal.jasmineRequire || {};
- }
- function getJasmineRequire() {
- return jasmineRequire;
- }
- getJasmineRequire().core = function(jRequire) {
- var j$ = {};
- jRequire.base(j$, jasmineGlobal);
- j$.util = jRequire.util();
- j$.errors = jRequire.errors();
- j$.formatErrorMsg = jRequire.formatErrorMsg();
- j$.Any = jRequire.Any(j$);
- j$.Anything = jRequire.Anything(j$);
- j$.CallTracker = jRequire.CallTracker(j$);
- j$.MockDate = jRequire.MockDate();
- j$.getClearStack = jRequire.clearStack(j$);
- j$.Clock = jRequire.Clock();
- j$.DelayedFunctionScheduler = jRequire.DelayedFunctionScheduler();
- j$.Env = jRequire.Env(j$);
- j$.ExceptionFormatter = jRequire.ExceptionFormatter();
- j$.Expectation = jRequire.Expectation();
- j$.buildExpectationResult = jRequire.buildExpectationResult();
- j$.JsApiReporter = jRequire.JsApiReporter();
- j$.matchersUtil = jRequire.matchersUtil(j$);
- j$.ObjectContaining = jRequire.ObjectContaining(j$);
- j$.ArrayContaining = jRequire.ArrayContaining(j$);
- j$.pp = jRequire.pp(j$);
- j$.QueueRunner = jRequire.QueueRunner(j$);
- j$.ReportDispatcher = jRequire.ReportDispatcher();
- j$.Spec = jRequire.Spec(j$);
- j$.Spy = jRequire.Spy(j$);
- j$.SpyRegistry = jRequire.SpyRegistry(j$);
- j$.SpyStrategy = jRequire.SpyStrategy(j$);
- j$.StringMatching = jRequire.StringMatching(j$);
- j$.Suite = jRequire.Suite(j$);
- j$.Timer = jRequire.Timer();
- j$.TreeProcessor = jRequire.TreeProcessor();
- j$.version = jRequire.version();
- j$.Order = jRequire.Order();
- j$.DiffBuilder = jRequire.DiffBuilder(j$);
- j$.NullDiffBuilder = jRequire.NullDiffBuilder(j$);
- j$.ObjectPath = jRequire.ObjectPath(j$);
- j$.GlobalErrors = jRequire.GlobalErrors(j$);
- j$.matchers = jRequire.requireMatchers(jRequire, j$);
- return j$;
- };
- return getJasmineRequire;
-getJasmineRequireObj().requireMatchers = function(jRequire, j$) {
- var availableMatchers = [
- 'toBe',
- 'toBeCloseTo',
- 'toBeDefined',
- 'toBeFalsy',
- 'toBeGreaterThan',
- 'toBeGreaterThanOrEqual',
- 'toBeLessThan',
- 'toBeLessThanOrEqual',
- 'toBeNaN',
- 'toBeNegativeInfinity',
- 'toBeNull',
- 'toBePositiveInfinity',
- 'toBeTruthy',
- 'toBeUndefined',
- 'toContain',
- 'toEqual',
- 'toHaveBeenCalled',
- 'toHaveBeenCalledBefore',
- 'toHaveBeenCalledTimes',
- 'toHaveBeenCalledWith',
- 'toMatch',
- 'toThrow',
- 'toThrowError'
- ],
- matchers = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < availableMatchers.length; i++) {
- var name = availableMatchers[i];
- matchers[name] = jRequire[name](j$);
- }
- return matchers;
-getJasmineRequireObj().base = function(j$, jasmineGlobal) {
- j$.unimplementedMethod_ = function() {
- throw new Error('unimplemented method');
- };
- /**
- * Maximum object depth the pretty printer will print to.
- * Set this to a lower value to speed up pretty printing if you have large objects.
- * @name jasmine.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH
- */
- /**
- * Maximum number of array elements to display when pretty printing objects.
- * Elements past this number will be ellipised.
- */
- /**
- * Default number of milliseconds Jasmine will wait for an asynchronous spec to complete.
- */
- j$.getGlobal = function() {
- return jasmineGlobal;
- };
- /**
- * Get the currently booted Jasmine Environment.
- *
- * @name jasmine.getEnv
- * @function
- * @return {Env}
- */
- j$.getEnv = function(options) {
- var env = j$.currentEnv_ = j$.currentEnv_ || new j$.Env(options);
- //jasmine. singletons in here (setTimeout blah blah).
- return env;
- };
- j$.isArray_ = function(value) {
- return j$.isA_('Array', value);
- };
- j$.isObject_ = function(value) {
- return !j$.util.isUndefined(value) && value !== null && j$.isA_('Object', value);
- };
- j$.isString_ = function(value) {
- return j$.isA_('String', value);
- };
- j$.isNumber_ = function(value) {
- return j$.isA_('Number', value);
- };
- j$.isFunction_ = function(value) {
- return j$.isA_('Function', value);
- };
- j$.isA_ = function(typeName, value) {
- return j$.getType_(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']';
- };
- j$.getType_ = function(value) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value);
- };
- j$.isDomNode = function(obj) {
- return obj.nodeType > 0;
- };
- j$.fnNameFor = function(func) {
- if ( {
- return;
- }
- var matches = func.toString().match(/^\s*function\s*(\w*)\s*\(/);
- return matches ? matches[1] : '<anonymous>';
- };
- /**
- * Get a matcher, usable in any {@link matchers|matcher} that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. {@link matchers#toEqual|toEqual}, {@link matchers#toContain|toContain}, or {@link matchers#toHaveBeenCalledWith|toHaveBeenCalledWith}),
- * that will succeed if the actual value being compared is an instance of the specified class/constructor.
- * @name jasmine.any
- * @function
- * @param {Constructor} clazz - The constructor to check against.
- */
- j$.any = function(clazz) {
- return new j$.Any(clazz);
- };
- /**
- * Get a matcher, usable in any {@link matchers|matcher} that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. {@link matchers#toEqual|toEqual}, {@link matchers#toContain|toContain}, or {@link matchers#toHaveBeenCalledWith|toHaveBeenCalledWith}),
- * that will succeed if the actual value being compared is not `null` and not `undefined`.
- * @name jasmine.anything
- * @function
- */
- j$.anything = function() {
- return new j$.Anything();
- };
- /**
- * Get a matcher, usable in any {@link matchers|matcher} that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. {@link matchers#toEqual|toEqual}, {@link matchers#toContain|toContain}, or {@link matchers#toHaveBeenCalledWith|toHaveBeenCalledWith}),
- * that will succeed if the actual value being compared contains at least the keys and values.
- * @name jasmine.objectContaining
- * @function
- * @param {Object} sample - The subset of properties that _must_ be in the actual.
- */
- j$.objectContaining = function(sample) {
- return new j$.ObjectContaining(sample);
- };
- /**
- * Get a matcher, usable in any {@link matchers|matcher} that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. {@link matchers#toEqual|toEqual}, {@link matchers#toContain|toContain}, or {@link matchers#toHaveBeenCalledWith|toHaveBeenCalledWith}),
- * that will succeed if the actual value is a `String` that matches the `RegExp` or `String`.
- * @name jasmine.stringMatching
- * @function
- * @param {RegExp|String} expected
- */
- j$.stringMatching = function(expected) {
- return new j$.StringMatching(expected);
- };
- /**
- * Get a matcher, usable in any {@link matchers|matcher} that uses Jasmine's equality (e.g. {@link matchers#toEqual|toEqual}, {@link matchers#toContain|toContain}, or {@link matchers#toHaveBeenCalledWith|toHaveBeenCalledWith}),
- * that will succeed if the actual value is an `Array` that contains at least the elements in the sample.
- * @name jasmine.arrayContaining
- * @function
- * @param {Array} sample
- */
- j$.arrayContaining = function(sample) {
- return new j$.ArrayContaining(sample);
- };
- /**
- * Create a bare {@link Spy} object. This won't be installed anywhere and will not have any implementation behind it.
- * @name jasmine.createSpy
- * @function
- * @param {String} [name] - Name to give the spy. This will be displayed in failure messages.
- * @param {Function} [originalFn] - Function to act as the real implementation.
- * @return {Spy}
- */
- j$.createSpy = function(name, originalFn) {
- return j$.Spy(name, originalFn);
- };
- j$.isSpy = function(putativeSpy) {
- if (!putativeSpy) {
- return false;
- }
- return putativeSpy.and instanceof j$.SpyStrategy &&
- putativeSpy.calls instanceof j$.CallTracker;
- };
- /**
- * Create an object with multiple {@link Spy}s as its members.
- * @name jasmine.createSpyObj
- * @function
- * @param {String} [baseName] - Base name for the spies in the object.
- * @param {String[]|Object} methodNames - Array of method names to create spies for, or Object whose keys will be method names and values the {@link Spy#and#returnValue|returnValue}.
- * @return {Object}
- */
- j$.createSpyObj = function(baseName, methodNames) {
- var baseNameIsCollection = j$.isObject_(baseName) || j$.isArray_(baseName);
- if (baseNameIsCollection && j$.util.isUndefined(methodNames)) {
- methodNames = baseName;
- baseName = 'unknown';
- }
- var obj = {};
- var spiesWereSet = false;
- if (j$.isArray_(methodNames)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) {
- obj[methodNames[i]] = j$.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]);
- spiesWereSet = true;
- }
- } else if (j$.isObject_(methodNames)) {
- for (var key in methodNames) {
- if (methodNames.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- obj[key] = j$.createSpy(baseName + '.' + key);
- obj[key].and.returnValue(methodNames[key]);
- spiesWereSet = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!spiesWereSet) {
- throw 'createSpyObj requires a non-empty array or object of method names to create spies for';
- }
- return obj;
- };
-getJasmineRequireObj().util = function() {
- var util = {};
- util.inherit = function(childClass, parentClass) {
- var Subclass = function() {
- };
- Subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype;
- childClass.prototype = new Subclass();
- };
- util.htmlEscape = function(str) {
- if (!str) {
- return str;
- }
- return str.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
- .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
- .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
- };
- util.argsToArray = function(args) {
- var arrayOfArgs = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
- arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]);
- }
- return arrayOfArgs;
- };
- util.isUndefined = function(obj) {
- return obj === void 0;
- };
- util.arrayContains = function(array, search) {
- var i = array.length;
- while (i--) {
- if (array[i] === search) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- util.clone = function(obj) {
- if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Array]') {
- return obj.slice();
- }
- var cloned = {};
- for (var prop in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- cloned[prop] = obj[prop];
- }
- }
- return cloned;
- };
- util.getPropertyDescriptor = function(obj, methodName) {
- var descriptor,
- proto = obj;
- do {
- descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, methodName);
- proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto);
- } while (!descriptor && proto);
- return descriptor;
- };
- util.objectDifference = function(obj, toRemove) {
- var diff = {};
- for (var key in obj) {
- if (util.has(obj, key) && !util.has(toRemove, key)) {
- diff[key] = obj[key];
- }
- }
- return diff;
- };
- util.has = function(obj, key) {
- return, key);
- };
- return util;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Spec = function(j$) {
- function Spec(attrs) {
- this.expectationFactory = attrs.expectationFactory;
- this.resultCallback = attrs.resultCallback || function() {};
- =;
- this.description = attrs.description || '';
- this.queueableFn = attrs.queueableFn;
- this.beforeAndAfterFns = attrs.beforeAndAfterFns || function() { return {befores: [], afters: []}; };
- this.userContext = attrs.userContext || function() { return {}; };
- this.onStart = attrs.onStart || function() {};
- this.getSpecName = attrs.getSpecName || function() { return ''; };
- this.expectationResultFactory = attrs.expectationResultFactory || function() { };
- this.queueRunnerFactory = attrs.queueRunnerFactory || function() {};
- this.catchingExceptions = attrs.catchingExceptions || function() { return true; };
- this.throwOnExpectationFailure = !!attrs.throwOnExpectationFailure;
- if (!this.queueableFn.fn) {
- this.pend();
- }
- this.result = {
- id:,
- description: this.description,
- fullName: this.getFullName(),
- failedExpectations: [],
- passedExpectations: [],
- pendingReason: ''
- };
- }
- Spec.prototype.addExpectationResult = function(passed, data, isError) {
- var expectationResult = this.expectationResultFactory(data);
- if (passed) {
- this.result.passedExpectations.push(expectationResult);
- } else {
- this.result.failedExpectations.push(expectationResult);
- if (this.throwOnExpectationFailure && !isError) {
- throw new j$.errors.ExpectationFailed();
- }
- }
- };
- Spec.prototype.expect = function(actual) {
- return this.expectationFactory(actual, this);
- };
- Spec.prototype.execute = function(onComplete, enabled) {
- var self = this;
- this.onStart(this);
- if (!this.isExecutable() || this.markedPending || enabled === false) {
- complete(enabled);
- return;
- }
- var fns = this.beforeAndAfterFns();
- var allFns = fns.befores.concat(this.queueableFn).concat(fns.afters);
- this.queueRunnerFactory({
- queueableFns: allFns,
- onException: function() { self.onException.apply(self, arguments); },
- onComplete: complete,
- userContext: this.userContext()
- });
- function complete(enabledAgain) {
- self.result.status = self.status(enabledAgain);
- self.resultCallback(self.result);
- if (onComplete) {
- onComplete();
- }
- }
- };
- Spec.prototype.onException = function onException(e) {
- if (Spec.isPendingSpecException(e)) {
- this.pend(extractCustomPendingMessage(e));
- return;
- }
- if (e instanceof j$.errors.ExpectationFailed) {
- return;
- }
- this.addExpectationResult(false, {
- matcherName: '',
- passed: false,
- expected: '',
- actual: '',
- error: e
- }, true);
- };
- Spec.prototype.disable = function() {
- this.disabled = true;
- };
- Spec.prototype.pend = function(message) {
- this.markedPending = true;
- if (message) {
- this.result.pendingReason = message;
- }
- };
- Spec.prototype.getResult = function() {
- this.result.status = this.status();
- return this.result;
- };
- Spec.prototype.status = function(enabled) {
- if (this.disabled || enabled === false) {
- return 'disabled';
- }
- if (this.markedPending) {
- return 'pending';
- }
- if (this.result.failedExpectations.length > 0) {
- return 'failed';
- } else {
- return 'passed';
- }
- };
- Spec.prototype.isExecutable = function() {
- return !this.disabled;
- };
- Spec.prototype.getFullName = function() {
- return this.getSpecName(this);
- };
- var extractCustomPendingMessage = function(e) {
- var fullMessage = e.toString(),
- boilerplateStart = fullMessage.indexOf(Spec.pendingSpecExceptionMessage),
- boilerplateEnd = boilerplateStart + Spec.pendingSpecExceptionMessage.length;
- return fullMessage.substr(boilerplateEnd);
- };
- Spec.pendingSpecExceptionMessage = '=> marked Pending';
- Spec.isPendingSpecException = function(e) {
- return !!(e && e.toString && e.toString().indexOf(Spec.pendingSpecExceptionMessage) !== -1);
- };
- return Spec;
-if (typeof window == void 0 && typeof exports == 'object') {
- exports.Spec = jasmineRequire.Spec;
-/*jshint bitwise: false*/
-getJasmineRequireObj().Order = function() {
- function Order(options) {
- this.random = 'random' in options ? options.random : true;
- var seed = this.seed = options.seed || generateSeed();
- this.sort = this.random ? randomOrder : naturalOrder;
- function naturalOrder(items) {
- return items;
- }
- function randomOrder(items) {
- var copy = items.slice();
- copy.sort(function(a, b) {
- return jenkinsHash(seed + - jenkinsHash(seed +;
- });
- return copy;
- }
- function generateSeed() {
- return String(Math.random()).slice(-5);
- }
- // Bob Jenkins One-at-a-Time Hash algorithm is a non-cryptographic hash function
- // used to get a different output when the key changes slighly.
- // We use your return to sort the children randomly in a consistent way when
- // used in conjunction with a seed
- function jenkinsHash(key) {
- var hash, i;
- for(hash = i = 0; i < key.length; ++i) {
- hash += key.charCodeAt(i);
- hash += (hash << 10);
- hash ^= (hash >> 6);
- }
- hash += (hash << 3);
- hash ^= (hash >> 11);
- hash += (hash << 15);
- return hash;
- }
- }
- return Order;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Env = function(j$) {
- /**
- * _Note:_ Do not construct this directly, Jasmine will make one during booting.
- * @name Env
- * @classdesc The Jasmine environment
- * @constructor
- */
- function Env(options) {
- options = options || {};
- var self = this;
- var global = || j$.getGlobal();
- var totalSpecsDefined = 0;
- var catchExceptions = true;
- var realSetTimeout = j$.getGlobal().setTimeout;
- var realClearTimeout = j$.getGlobal().clearTimeout;
- var clearStack = j$.getClearStack(j$.getGlobal());
- this.clock = new j$.Clock(global, function () { return new j$.DelayedFunctionScheduler(); }, new j$.MockDate(global));
- var runnableResources = {};
- var currentSpec = null;
- var currentlyExecutingSuites = [];
- var currentDeclarationSuite = null;
- var throwOnExpectationFailure = false;
- var random = false;
- var seed = null;
- var currentSuite = function() {
- return currentlyExecutingSuites[currentlyExecutingSuites.length - 1];
- };
- var currentRunnable = function() {
- return currentSpec || currentSuite();
- };
- var reporter = new j$.ReportDispatcher([
- 'jasmineStarted',
- 'jasmineDone',
- 'suiteStarted',
- 'suiteDone',
- 'specStarted',
- 'specDone'
- ]);
- var globalErrors = new j$.GlobalErrors();
- this.specFilter = function() {
- return true;
- };
- this.addCustomEqualityTester = function(tester) {
- if(!currentRunnable()) {
- throw new Error('Custom Equalities must be added in a before function or a spec');
- }
- runnableResources[currentRunnable().id].customEqualityTesters.push(tester);
- };
- this.addMatchers = function(matchersToAdd) {
- if(!currentRunnable()) {
- throw new Error('Matchers must be added in a before function or a spec');
- }
- var customMatchers = runnableResources[currentRunnable().id].customMatchers;
- for (var matcherName in matchersToAdd) {
- customMatchers[matcherName] = matchersToAdd[matcherName];
- }
- };
- j$.Expectation.addCoreMatchers(j$.matchers);
- var nextSpecId = 0;
- var getNextSpecId = function() {
- return 'spec' + nextSpecId++;
- };
- var nextSuiteId = 0;
- var getNextSuiteId = function() {
- return 'suite' + nextSuiteId++;
- };
- var expectationFactory = function(actual, spec) {
- return j$.Expectation.Factory({
- util: j$.matchersUtil,
- customEqualityTesters: runnableResources[].customEqualityTesters,
- customMatchers: runnableResources[].customMatchers,
- actual: actual,
- addExpectationResult: addExpectationResult
- });
- function addExpectationResult(passed, result) {
- return spec.addExpectationResult(passed, result);
- }
- };
- var defaultResourcesForRunnable = function(id, parentRunnableId) {
- var resources = {spies: [], customEqualityTesters: [], customMatchers: {}};
- if(runnableResources[parentRunnableId]){
- resources.customEqualityTesters = j$.util.clone(runnableResources[parentRunnableId].customEqualityTesters);
- resources.customMatchers = j$.util.clone(runnableResources[parentRunnableId].customMatchers);
- }
- runnableResources[id] = resources;
- };
- var clearResourcesForRunnable = function(id) {
- spyRegistry.clearSpies();
- delete runnableResources[id];
- };
- var beforeAndAfterFns = function(suite) {
- return function() {
- var befores = [],
- afters = [];
- while(suite) {
- befores = befores.concat(suite.beforeFns);
- afters = afters.concat(suite.afterFns);
- suite = suite.parentSuite;
- }
- return {
- befores: befores.reverse(),
- afters: afters
- };
- };
- };
- var getSpecName = function(spec, suite) {
- var fullName = [spec.description],
- suiteFullName = suite.getFullName();
- if (suiteFullName !== '') {
- fullName.unshift(suiteFullName);
- }
- return fullName.join(' ');
- };
- // TODO: we may just be able to pass in the fn instead of wrapping here
- var buildExpectationResult = j$.buildExpectationResult,
- exceptionFormatter = new j$.ExceptionFormatter(),
- expectationResultFactory = function(attrs) {
- attrs.messageFormatter = exceptionFormatter.message;
- attrs.stackFormatter = exceptionFormatter.stack;
- return buildExpectationResult(attrs);
- };
- // TODO: fix this naming, and here's where the value comes in
- this.catchExceptions = function(value) {
- catchExceptions = !!value;
- return catchExceptions;
- };
- this.catchingExceptions = function() {
- return catchExceptions;
- };
- var maximumSpecCallbackDepth = 20;
- var currentSpecCallbackDepth = 0;
- var catchException = function(e) {
- return j$.Spec.isPendingSpecException(e) || catchExceptions;
- };
- this.throwOnExpectationFailure = function(value) {
- throwOnExpectationFailure = !!value;
- };
- this.throwingExpectationFailures = function() {
- return throwOnExpectationFailure;
- };
- this.randomizeTests = function(value) {
- random = !!value;
- };
- this.randomTests = function() {
- return random;
- };
- this.seed = function(value) {
- if (value) {
- seed = value;
- }
- return seed;
- };
- var queueRunnerFactory = function(options) {
- options.catchException = catchException;
- options.clearStack = options.clearStack || clearStack;
- options.timeout = {setTimeout: realSetTimeout, clearTimeout: realClearTimeout};
- =;
- options.globalErrors = globalErrors;
- new j$.QueueRunner(options).execute();
- };
- var topSuite = new j$.Suite({
- env: this,
- id: getNextSuiteId(),
- description: 'Jasmine__TopLevel__Suite',
- expectationFactory: expectationFactory,
- expectationResultFactory: expectationResultFactory
- });
- defaultResourcesForRunnable(;
- currentDeclarationSuite = topSuite;
- this.topSuite = function() {
- return topSuite;
- };
- this.execute = function(runnablesToRun) {
- if(!runnablesToRun) {
- if (focusedRunnables.length) {
- runnablesToRun = focusedRunnables;
- } else {
- runnablesToRun = [];
- }
- }
- var order = new j$.Order({
- random: random,
- seed: seed
- });
- var processor = new j$.TreeProcessor({
- tree: topSuite,
- runnableIds: runnablesToRun,
- queueRunnerFactory: queueRunnerFactory,
- nodeStart: function(suite) {
- currentlyExecutingSuites.push(suite);
- defaultResourcesForRunnable(,;
- reporter.suiteStarted(suite.result);
- },
- nodeComplete: function(suite, result) {
- if (!suite.markedPending) {
- clearResourcesForRunnable(;
- }
- currentlyExecutingSuites.pop();
- reporter.suiteDone(result);
- },
- orderChildren: function(node) {
- return order.sort(node.children);
- }
- });
- if(!processor.processTree().valid) {
- throw new Error('Invalid order: would cause a beforeAll or afterAll to be run multiple times');
- }
- reporter.jasmineStarted({
- totalSpecsDefined: totalSpecsDefined
- });
- currentlyExecutingSuites.push(topSuite);
- globalErrors.install();
- processor.execute(function() {
- clearResourcesForRunnable(;
- currentlyExecutingSuites.pop();
- globalErrors.uninstall();
- reporter.jasmineDone({
- order: order,
- failedExpectations: topSuite.result.failedExpectations
- });
- });
- };
- /**
- * Add a custom reporter to the Jasmine environment.
- * @name Env#addReporter
- * @function
- * @see custom_reporter
- */
- this.addReporter = function(reporterToAdd) {
- reporter.addReporter(reporterToAdd);
- };
- this.provideFallbackReporter = function(reporterToAdd) {
- reporter.provideFallbackReporter(reporterToAdd);
- };
- this.clearReporters = function() {
- reporter.clearReporters();
- };
- var spyRegistry = new j$.SpyRegistry({currentSpies: function() {
- if(!currentRunnable()) {
- throw new Error('Spies must be created in a before function or a spec');
- }
- return runnableResources[currentRunnable().id].spies;
- }});
- this.allowRespy = function(allow){
- spyRegistry.allowRespy(allow);
- };
- this.spyOn = function() {
- return spyRegistry.spyOn.apply(spyRegistry, arguments);
- };
- this.spyOnProperty = function() {
- return spyRegistry.spyOnProperty.apply(spyRegistry, arguments);
- };
- var ensureIsFunction = function(fn, caller) {
- if (!j$.isFunction_(fn)) {
- throw new Error(caller + ' expects a function argument; received ' + j$.getType_(fn));
- }
- };
- var suiteFactory = function(description) {
- var suite = new j$.Suite({
- env: self,
- id: getNextSuiteId(),
- description: description,
- parentSuite: currentDeclarationSuite,
- expectationFactory: expectationFactory,
- expectationResultFactory: expectationResultFactory,
- throwOnExpectationFailure: throwOnExpectationFailure
- });
- return suite;
- };
- this.describe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
- ensureIsFunction(specDefinitions, 'describe');
- var suite = suiteFactory(description);
- if (specDefinitions.length > 0) {
- throw new Error('describe does not expect any arguments');
- }
- if (currentDeclarationSuite.markedPending) {
- suite.pend();
- }
- addSpecsToSuite(suite, specDefinitions);
- return suite;
- };
- this.xdescribe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
- ensureIsFunction(specDefinitions, 'xdescribe');
- var suite = suiteFactory(description);
- suite.pend();
- addSpecsToSuite(suite, specDefinitions);
- return suite;
- };
- var focusedRunnables = [];
- this.fdescribe = function(description, specDefinitions) {
- ensureIsFunction(specDefinitions, 'fdescribe');
- var suite = suiteFactory(description);
- suite.isFocused = true;
- focusedRunnables.push(;
- unfocusAncestor();
- addSpecsToSuite(suite, specDefinitions);
- return suite;
- };
- function addSpecsToSuite(suite, specDefinitions) {
- var parentSuite = currentDeclarationSuite;
- parentSuite.addChild(suite);
- currentDeclarationSuite = suite;
- var declarationError = null;
- try {
- } catch (e) {
- declarationError = e;
- }
- if (declarationError) {
-'encountered a declaration exception', function() {
- throw declarationError;
- });
- }
- currentDeclarationSuite = parentSuite;
- }
- function findFocusedAncestor(suite) {
- while (suite) {
- if (suite.isFocused) {
- return;
- }
- suite = suite.parentSuite;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function unfocusAncestor() {
- var focusedAncestor = findFocusedAncestor(currentDeclarationSuite);
- if (focusedAncestor) {
- for (var i = 0; i < focusedRunnables.length; i++) {
- if (focusedRunnables[i] === focusedAncestor) {
- focusedRunnables.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var specFactory = function(description, fn, suite, timeout) {
- totalSpecsDefined++;
- var spec = new j$.Spec({
- id: getNextSpecId(),
- beforeAndAfterFns: beforeAndAfterFns(suite),
- expectationFactory: expectationFactory,
- resultCallback: specResultCallback,
- getSpecName: function(spec) {
- return getSpecName(spec, suite);
- },
- onStart: specStarted,
- description: description,
- expectationResultFactory: expectationResultFactory,
- queueRunnerFactory: queueRunnerFactory,
- userContext: function() { return suite.clonedSharedUserContext(); },
- queueableFn: {
- fn: fn,
- timeout: function() { return timeout || j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; }
- },
- throwOnExpectationFailure: throwOnExpectationFailure
- });
- if (!self.specFilter(spec)) {
- spec.disable();
- }
- return spec;
- function specResultCallback(result) {
- clearResourcesForRunnable(;
- currentSpec = null;
- reporter.specDone(result);
- }
- function specStarted(spec) {
- currentSpec = spec;
- defaultResourcesForRunnable(,;
- reporter.specStarted(spec.result);
- }
- };
- = function(description, fn, timeout) {
- // it() sometimes doesn't have a fn argument, so only check the type if
- // it's given.
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- ensureIsFunction(fn, 'it');
- }
- var spec = specFactory(description, fn, currentDeclarationSuite, timeout);
- if (currentDeclarationSuite.markedPending) {
- spec.pend();
- }
- currentDeclarationSuite.addChild(spec);
- return spec;
- };
- this.xit = function(description, fn, timeout) {
- // xit(), like it(), doesn't always have a fn argument, so only check the
- // type when needed.
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- ensureIsFunction(fn, 'xit');
- }
- var spec =, arguments);
- spec.pend('Temporarily disabled with xit');
- return spec;
- };
- = function(description, fn, timeout){
- ensureIsFunction(fn, 'fit');
- var spec = specFactory(description, fn, currentDeclarationSuite, timeout);
- currentDeclarationSuite.addChild(spec);
- focusedRunnables.push(;
- unfocusAncestor();
- return spec;
- };
- this.expect = function(actual) {
- if (!currentRunnable()) {
- throw new Error('\'expect\' was used when there was no current spec, this could be because an asynchronous test timed out');
- }
- return currentRunnable().expect(actual);
- };
- this.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction, timeout) {
- ensureIsFunction(beforeEachFunction, 'beforeEach');
- currentDeclarationSuite.beforeEach({
- fn: beforeEachFunction,
- timeout: function() { return timeout || j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; }
- });
- };
- this.beforeAll = function(beforeAllFunction, timeout) {
- ensureIsFunction(beforeAllFunction, 'beforeAll');
- currentDeclarationSuite.beforeAll({
- fn: beforeAllFunction,
- timeout: function() { return timeout || j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; }
- });
- };
- this.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction, timeout) {
- ensureIsFunction(afterEachFunction, 'afterEach');
- currentDeclarationSuite.afterEach({
- fn: afterEachFunction,
- timeout: function() { return timeout || j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; }
- });
- };
- this.afterAll = function(afterAllFunction, timeout) {
- ensureIsFunction(afterAllFunction, 'afterAll');
- currentDeclarationSuite.afterAll({
- fn: afterAllFunction,
- timeout: function() { return timeout || j$.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; }
- });
- };
- this.pending = function(message) {
- var fullMessage = j$.Spec.pendingSpecExceptionMessage;
- if(message) {
- fullMessage += message;
- }
- throw fullMessage;
- };
- = function(error) {
- if (!currentRunnable()) {
- throw new Error('\'fail\' was used when there was no current spec, this could be because an asynchronous test timed out');
- }
- var message = 'Failed';
- if (error) {
- message += ': ';
- if (error.message) {
- message += error.message;
- } else if (jasmine.isString_(error)) {
- message += error;
- } else {
- // pretty print all kind of objects. This includes arrays.
- message += jasmine.pp(error);
- }
- }
- currentRunnable().addExpectationResult(false, {
- matcherName: '',
- passed: false,
- expected: '',
- actual: '',
- message: message,
- error: error && error.message ? error : null
- });
- };
- }
- return Env;
-getJasmineRequireObj().JsApiReporter = function() {
- var noopTimer = {
- start: function(){},
- elapsed: function(){ return 0; }
- };
- /**
- * _Note:_ Do not construct this directly, use the global `jsApiReporter` to retrieve the instantiated object.
- *
- * @name jsApiReporter
- * @classdesc Reporter added by default in `boot.js` to record results for retrieval in javascript code.
- * @class
- */
- function JsApiReporter(options) {
- var timer = options.timer || noopTimer,
- status = 'loaded';
- this.started = false;
- this.finished = false;
- this.runDetails = {};
- this.jasmineStarted = function() {
- this.started = true;
- status = 'started';
- timer.start();
- };
- var executionTime;
- this.jasmineDone = function(runDetails) {
- this.finished = true;
- this.runDetails = runDetails;
- executionTime = timer.elapsed();
- status = 'done';
- };
- /**
- * Get the current status for the Jasmine environment.
- * @name jsApiReporter#status
- * @function
- * @return {String} - One of `loaded`, `started`, or `done`
- */
- this.status = function() {
- return status;
- };
- var suites = [],
- suites_hash = {};
- this.suiteStarted = function(result) {
- suites_hash[] = result;
- };
- this.suiteDone = function(result) {
- storeSuite(result);
- };
- /**
- * Get the results for a set of suites.
- *
- * Retrievable in slices for easier serialization.
- * @name jsApiReporter#suiteResults
- * @function
- * @param {Number} index - The position in the suites list to start from.
- * @param {Number} length - Maximum number of suite results to return.
- * @return {Object[]}
- */
- this.suiteResults = function(index, length) {
- return suites.slice(index, index + length);
- };
- function storeSuite(result) {
- suites.push(result);
- suites_hash[] = result;
- }
- /**
- * Get all of the suites in a single object, with their `id` as the key.
- * @name jsApiReporter#suites
- * @function
- * @return {Object}
- */
- this.suites = function() {
- return suites_hash;
- };
- var specs = [];
- this.specDone = function(result) {
- specs.push(result);
- };
- /**
- * Get the results for a set of specs.
- *
- * Retrievable in slices for easier serialization.
- * @name jsApiReporter#specResults
- * @function
- * @param {Number} index - The position in the specs list to start from.
- * @param {Number} length - Maximum number of specs results to return.
- * @return {Object[]}
- */
- this.specResults = function(index, length) {
- return specs.slice(index, index + length);
- };
- /**
- * Get all spec results.
- * @name jsApiReporter#specs
- * @function
- * @return {Object[]}
- */
- this.specs = function() {
- return specs;
- };
- /**
- * Get the number of milliseconds it took for the full Jasmine suite to run.
- * @name jsApiReporter#executionTime
- * @function
- * @return {Number}
- */
- this.executionTime = function() {
- return executionTime;
- };
- }
- return JsApiReporter;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Any = function(j$) {
- function Any(expectedObject) {
- if (typeof expectedObject === 'undefined') {
- throw new TypeError(
- 'jasmine.any() expects to be passed a constructor function. ' +
- 'Please pass one or use jasmine.anything() to match any object.'
- );
- }
- this.expectedObject = expectedObject;
- }
- Any.prototype.asymmetricMatch = function(other) {
- if (this.expectedObject == String) {
- return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String;
- }
- if (this.expectedObject == Number) {
- return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number;
- }
- if (this.expectedObject == Function) {
- return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function;
- }
- if (this.expectedObject == Object) {
- return typeof other == 'object';
- }
- if (this.expectedObject == Boolean) {
- return typeof other == 'boolean';
- }
- return other instanceof this.expectedObject;
- };
- Any.prototype.jasmineToString = function() {
- return '<jasmine.any(' + j$.fnNameFor(this.expectedObject) + ')>';
- };
- return Any;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Anything = function(j$) {
- function Anything() {}
- Anything.prototype.asymmetricMatch = function(other) {
- return !j$.util.isUndefined(other) && other !== null;
- };
- Anything.prototype.jasmineToString = function() {
- return '<jasmine.anything>';
- };
- return Anything;
-getJasmineRequireObj().ArrayContaining = function(j$) {
- function ArrayContaining(sample) {
- this.sample = sample;
- }
- ArrayContaining.prototype.asymmetricMatch = function(other, customTesters) {
- var className =;
- if (className !== '[object Array]') { throw new Error('You must provide an array to arrayContaining, not \'' + this.sample + '\'.'); }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.sample.length; i++) {
- var item = this.sample[i];
- if (!j$.matchersUtil.contains(other, item, customTesters)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- ArrayContaining.prototype.jasmineToString = function () {
- return '<jasmine.arrayContaining(' + jasmine.pp(this.sample) +')>';
- };
- return ArrayContaining;
-getJasmineRequireObj().ObjectContaining = function(j$) {
- function ObjectContaining(sample) {
- this.sample = sample;
- }
- function getPrototype(obj) {
- if (Object.getPrototypeOf) {
- return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
- }
- if (obj.constructor.prototype == obj) {
- return null;
- }
- return obj.constructor.prototype;
- }
- function hasProperty(obj, property) {
- if (!obj) {
- return false;
- }
- if (, property)) {
- return true;
- }
- return hasProperty(getPrototype(obj), property);
- }
- ObjectContaining.prototype.asymmetricMatch = function(other, customTesters) {
- if (typeof(this.sample) !== 'object') { throw new Error('You must provide an object to objectContaining, not \''+this.sample+'\'.'); }
- for (var property in this.sample) {
- if (!hasProperty(other, property) ||
- !j$.matchersUtil.equals(this.sample[property], other[property], customTesters)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineToString = function() {
- return '<jasmine.objectContaining(' + j$.pp(this.sample) + ')>';
- };
- return ObjectContaining;
-getJasmineRequireObj().StringMatching = function(j$) {
- function StringMatching(expected) {
- if (!j$.isString_(expected) && !j$.isA_('RegExp', expected)) {
- throw new Error('Expected is not a String or a RegExp');
- }
- this.regexp = new RegExp(expected);
- }
- StringMatching.prototype.asymmetricMatch = function(other) {
- return this.regexp.test(other);
- };
- StringMatching.prototype.jasmineToString = function() {
- return '<jasmine.stringMatching(' + this.regexp + ')>';
- };
- return StringMatching;
-getJasmineRequireObj().CallTracker = function(j$) {
- /**
- * @namespace Spy#calls
- */
- function CallTracker() {
- var calls = [];
- var opts = {};
- function argCloner(context) {
- var clonedArgs = [];
- var argsAsArray = j$.util.argsToArray(context.args);
- for(var i = 0; i < argsAsArray.length; i++) {
- if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(argsAsArray[i]).match(/^\[object/)) {
- clonedArgs.push(j$.util.clone(argsAsArray[i]));
- } else {
- clonedArgs.push(argsAsArray[i]);
- }
- }
- context.args = clonedArgs;
- }
- this.track = function(context) {
- if(opts.cloneArgs) {
- argCloner(context);
- }
- calls.push(context);
- };
- /**
- * Check whether this spy has been invoked.
- * @name Spy#calls#any
- * @function
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
- this.any = function() {
- return !!calls.length;
- };
- /**
- * Get the number of invocations of this spy.
- * @name Spy#calls#count
- * @function
- * @return {Integer}
- */
- this.count = function() {
- return calls.length;
- };
- /**
- * Get the arguments that were passed to a specific invocation of this spy.
- * @name Spy#calls#argsFor
- * @function
- * @param {Integer} index The 0-based invocation index.
- * @return {Array}
- */
- this.argsFor = function(index) {
- var call = calls[index];
- return call ? call.args : [];
- };
- /**
- * Get the raw calls array for this spy.
- * @name Spy#calls#all
- * @function
- * @return {Spy.callData[]}
- */
- this.all = function() {
- return calls;
- };
- /**
- * Get all of the arguments for each invocation of this spy in the order they were received.
- * @name Spy#calls#allArgs
- * @function
- * @return {Array}
- */
- this.allArgs = function() {
- var callArgs = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < calls.length; i++){
- callArgs.push(calls[i].args);
- }
- return callArgs;
- };
- /**
- * Get the first invocation of this spy.
- * @name Spy#calls#first
- * @function
- * @return {ObjecSpy.callData}
- */
- this.first = function() {
- return calls[0];
- };
- /**
- * Get the most recent invocation of this spy.
- * @name Spy#calls#mostRecent
- * @function
- * @return {ObjecSpy.callData}
- */
- this.mostRecent = function() {
- return calls[calls.length - 1];
- };
- /**
- * Reset this spy as if it has never been called.
- * @name Spy#calls#reset
- * @function
- */
- this.reset = function() {
- calls = [];
- };
- /**
- * Set this spy to do a shallow clone of arguments passed to each invocation.
- * @name Spy#calls#saveArgumentsByValue
- * @function
- */
- this.saveArgumentsByValue = function() {
- opts.cloneArgs = true;
- };
- }
- return CallTracker;
-getJasmineRequireObj().clearStack = function(j$) {
- function messageChannelImpl(global) {
- var channel = new global.MessageChannel(),
- head = {},
- tail = head;
- channel.port1.onmessage = function() {
- head =;
- var task = head.task;
- delete head.task;
- task();
- };
- return function clearStack(fn) {
- tail = = { task: fn };
- channel.port2.postMessage(0);
- };
- }
- function getClearStack(global) {
- if (global && global.process && j$.isFunction_(global.process.nextTick)) {
- return global.process.nextTick;
- } else if (j$.isFunction_(global.setImmediate)) {
- var realSetImmediate = global.setImmediate;
- return function(fn) {
- realSetImmediate(fn);
- };
- } else if (!j$.util.isUndefined(global.MessageChannel)) {
- return messageChannelImpl(global);
- } else {
- var realSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
- return function clearStack(fn) {
- Function.prototype.apply.apply(realSetTimeout, [global, [fn, 0]]);
- };
- }
- }
- return getClearStack;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Clock = function() {
- /**
- * _Note:_ Do not construct this directly, Jasmine will make one during booting. You can get the current clock with {@link jasmine.clock}.
- * @class Clock
- * @classdesc Jasmine's mock clock is used when testing time dependent code.
- */
- function Clock(global, delayedFunctionSchedulerFactory, mockDate) {
- var self = this,
- realTimingFunctions = {
- setTimeout: global.setTimeout,
- clearTimeout: global.clearTimeout,
- setInterval: global.setInterval,
- clearInterval: global.clearInterval
- },
- fakeTimingFunctions = {
- setTimeout: setTimeout,
- clearTimeout: clearTimeout,
- setInterval: setInterval,
- clearInterval: clearInterval
- },
- installed = false,
- delayedFunctionScheduler,
- timer;
- /**
- * Install the mock clock over the built-in methods.
- * @name Clock#install
- * @function
- * @return {Clock}
- */
- self.install = function() {
- if(!originalTimingFunctionsIntact()) {
- throw new Error('Jasmine Clock was unable to install over custom global timer functions. Is the clock already installed?');
- }
- replace(global, fakeTimingFunctions);
- timer = fakeTimingFunctions;
- delayedFunctionScheduler = delayedFunctionSchedulerFactory();
- installed = true;
- return self;
- };
- /**
- * Uninstall the mock clock, returning the built-in methods to their places.
- * @name Clock#uninstall
- * @function
- */
- self.uninstall = function() {
- delayedFunctionScheduler = null;
- mockDate.uninstall();
- replace(global, realTimingFunctions);
- timer = realTimingFunctions;
- installed = false;
- };
- /**
- * Execute a function with a mocked Clock
- *
- * The clock will be {@link Clock#install|install}ed before the function is called and {@link Clock#uninstall|uninstall}ed in a `finally` after the function completes.
- * @name Clock#withMock
- * @function
- * @param {closure} Function The function to be called.
- */
- self.withMock = function(closure) {
- this.install();
- try {
- closure();
- } finally {
- this.uninstall();
- }
- };
- /**
- * Instruct the installed Clock to also mock the date returned by `new Date()`
- * @name Clock#mockDate
- * @function
- * @param {Date} [initialDate=now] The `Date` to provide.
- */
- self.mockDate = function(initialDate) {
- mockDate.install(initialDate);
- };
- self.setTimeout = function(fn, delay, params) {
- if (legacyIE()) {
- if (arguments.length > 2) {
- throw new Error('IE < 9 cannot support extra params to setTimeout without a polyfill');
- }
- return timer.setTimeout(fn, delay);
- }
- return Function.prototype.apply.apply(timer.setTimeout, [global, arguments]);
- };
- self.setInterval = function(fn, delay, params) {
- if (legacyIE()) {
- if (arguments.length > 2) {
- throw new Error('IE < 9 cannot support extra params to setInterval without a polyfill');
- }
- return timer.setInterval(fn, delay);
- }
- return Function.prototype.apply.apply(timer.setInterval, [global, arguments]);
- };
- self.clearTimeout = function(id) {
- return, [global, id]);
- };
- self.clearInterval = function(id) {
- return, [global, id]);
- };
- /**
- * Tick the Clock forward, running any enqueued timeouts along the way
- * @name Clock#tick
- * @function
- * @param {int} millis The number of milliseconds to tick.
- */
- self.tick = function(millis) {
- if (installed) {
- delayedFunctionScheduler.tick(millis, function(millis) { mockDate.tick(millis); });
- } else {
- throw new Error('Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.clock().install()');
- }
- };
- return self;
- function originalTimingFunctionsIntact() {
- return global.setTimeout === realTimingFunctions.setTimeout &&
- global.clearTimeout === realTimingFunctions.clearTimeout &&
- global.setInterval === realTimingFunctions.setInterval &&
- global.clearInterval === realTimingFunctions.clearInterval;
- }
- function legacyIE() {
- //if these methods are polyfilled, apply will be present
- return !(realTimingFunctions.setTimeout || realTimingFunctions.setInterval).apply;
- }
- function replace(dest, source) {
- for (var prop in source) {
- dest[prop] = source[prop];
- }
- }
- function setTimeout(fn, delay) {
- return delayedFunctionScheduler.scheduleFunction(fn, delay, argSlice(arguments, 2));
- }
- function clearTimeout(id) {
- return delayedFunctionScheduler.removeFunctionWithId(id);
- }
- function setInterval(fn, interval) {
- return delayedFunctionScheduler.scheduleFunction(fn, interval, argSlice(arguments, 2), true);
- }
- function clearInterval(id) {
- return delayedFunctionScheduler.removeFunctionWithId(id);
- }
- function argSlice(argsObj, n) {
- return, n);
- }
- }
- return Clock;
-getJasmineRequireObj().DelayedFunctionScheduler = function() {
- function DelayedFunctionScheduler() {
- var self = this;
- var scheduledLookup = [];
- var scheduledFunctions = {};
- var currentTime = 0;
- var delayedFnCount = 0;
- self.tick = function(millis, tickDate) {
- millis = millis || 0;
- var endTime = currentTime + millis;
- runScheduledFunctions(endTime, tickDate);
- currentTime = endTime;
- };
- self.scheduleFunction = function(funcToCall, millis, params, recurring, timeoutKey, runAtMillis) {
- var f;
- if (typeof(funcToCall) === 'string') {
- /* jshint evil: true */
- f = function() { return eval(funcToCall); };
- /* jshint evil: false */
- } else {
- f = funcToCall;
- }
- millis = millis || 0;
- timeoutKey = timeoutKey || ++delayedFnCount;
- runAtMillis = runAtMillis || (currentTime + millis);
- var funcToSchedule = {
- runAtMillis: runAtMillis,
- funcToCall: f,
- recurring: recurring,
- params: params,
- timeoutKey: timeoutKey,
- millis: millis
- };
- if (runAtMillis in scheduledFunctions) {
- scheduledFunctions[runAtMillis].push(funcToSchedule);
- } else {
- scheduledFunctions[runAtMillis] = [funcToSchedule];
- scheduledLookup.push(runAtMillis);
- scheduledLookup.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a - b;
- });
- }
- return timeoutKey;
- };
- self.removeFunctionWithId = function(timeoutKey) {
- for (var runAtMillis in scheduledFunctions) {
- var funcs = scheduledFunctions[runAtMillis];
- var i = indexOfFirstToPass(funcs, function (func) {
- return func.timeoutKey === timeoutKey;
- });
- if (i > -1) {
- if (funcs.length === 1) {
- delete scheduledFunctions[runAtMillis];
- deleteFromLookup(runAtMillis);
- } else {
- funcs.splice(i, 1);
- }
- // intervals get rescheduled when executed, so there's never more
- // than a single scheduled function with a given timeoutKey
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- return self;
- function indexOfFirstToPass(array, testFn) {
- var index = -1;
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
- if (testFn(array[i])) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return index;
- }
- function deleteFromLookup(key) {
- var value = Number(key);
- var i = indexOfFirstToPass(scheduledLookup, function (millis) {
- return millis === value;
- });
- if (i > -1) {
- scheduledLookup.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- function reschedule(scheduledFn) {
- self.scheduleFunction(scheduledFn.funcToCall,
- scheduledFn.millis,
- scheduledFn.params,
- true,
- scheduledFn.timeoutKey,
- scheduledFn.runAtMillis + scheduledFn.millis);
- }
- function forEachFunction(funcsToRun, callback) {
- for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) {
- callback(funcsToRun[i]);
- }
- }
- function runScheduledFunctions(endTime, tickDate) {
- tickDate = tickDate || function() {};
- if (scheduledLookup.length === 0 || scheduledLookup[0] > endTime) {
- tickDate(endTime - currentTime);
- return;
- }
- do {
- var newCurrentTime = scheduledLookup.shift();
- tickDate(newCurrentTime - currentTime);
- currentTime = newCurrentTime;
- var funcsToRun = scheduledFunctions[currentTime];
- delete scheduledFunctions[currentTime];
- forEachFunction(funcsToRun, function(funcToRun) {
- if (funcToRun.recurring) {
- reschedule(funcToRun);
- }
- });
- forEachFunction(funcsToRun, function(funcToRun) {
- funcToRun.funcToCall.apply(null, funcToRun.params || []);
- });
- } while (scheduledLookup.length > 0 &&
- // checking first if we're out of time prevents setTimeout(0)
- // scheduled in a funcToRun from forcing an extra iteration
- currentTime !== endTime &&
- scheduledLookup[0] <= endTime);
- // ran out of functions to call, but still time left on the clock
- if (currentTime !== endTime) {
- tickDate(endTime - currentTime);
- }
- }
- }
- return DelayedFunctionScheduler;
-getJasmineRequireObj().errors = function() {
- function ExpectationFailed() {}
- ExpectationFailed.prototype = new Error();
- ExpectationFailed.prototype.constructor = ExpectationFailed;
- return {
- ExpectationFailed: ExpectationFailed
- };
-getJasmineRequireObj().ExceptionFormatter = function() {
- function ExceptionFormatter() {
- this.message = function(error) {
- var message = '';
- if ( && error.message) {
- message += + ': ' + error.message;
- } else {
- message += error.toString() + ' thrown';
- }
- if (error.fileName || error.sourceURL) {
- message += ' in ' + (error.fileName || error.sourceURL);
- }
- if (error.line || error.lineNumber) {
- message += ' (line ' + (error.line || error.lineNumber) + ')';
- }
- return message;
- };
- this.stack = function(error) {
- return error ? error.stack : null;
- };
- }
- return ExceptionFormatter;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Expectation = function() {
- /**
- * Matchers that come with Jasmine out of the box.
- * @namespace matchers
- */
- function Expectation(options) {
- this.util = options.util || { buildFailureMessage: function() {} };
- this.customEqualityTesters = options.customEqualityTesters || [];
- this.actual = options.actual;
- this.addExpectationResult = options.addExpectationResult || function(){};
- this.isNot = options.isNot;
- var customMatchers = options.customMatchers || {};
- for (var matcherName in customMatchers) {
- this[matcherName] = Expectation.prototype.wrapCompare(matcherName, customMatchers[matcherName]);
- }
- }
- Expectation.prototype.wrapCompare = function(name, matcherFactory) {
- return function() {
- var args =, 0),
- expected = args.slice(0),
- message = '';
- args.unshift(this.actual);
- var matcher = matcherFactory(this.util, this.customEqualityTesters),
- matcherCompare =;
- function defaultNegativeCompare() {
- var result =, args);
- result.pass = !result.pass;
- return result;
- }
- if (this.isNot) {
- matcherCompare = matcher.negativeCompare || defaultNegativeCompare;
- }
- var result = matcherCompare.apply(null, args);
- if (!result.pass) {
- if (!result.message) {
- args.unshift(this.isNot);
- args.unshift(name);
- message = this.util.buildFailureMessage.apply(null, args);
- } else {
- if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(result.message) === '[object Function]') {
- message = result.message();
- } else {
- message = result.message;
- }
- }
- }
- if (expected.length == 1) {
- expected = expected[0];
- }
- // TODO: how many of these params are needed?
- this.addExpectationResult(
- result.pass,
- {
- matcherName: name,
- passed: result.pass,
- message: message,
- error: result.error,
- actual: this.actual,
- expected: expected // TODO: this may need to be arrayified/sliced
- }
- );
- };
- };
- Expectation.addCoreMatchers = function(matchers) {
- var prototype = Expectation.prototype;
- for (var matcherName in matchers) {
- var matcher = matchers[matcherName];
- prototype[matcherName] = prototype.wrapCompare(matcherName, matcher);
- }
- };
- Expectation.Factory = function(options) {
- options = options || {};
- var expect = new Expectation(options);
- // TODO: this would be nice as its own Object - NegativeExpectation
- // TODO: copy instead of mutate options
- options.isNot = true;
- expect.not = new Expectation(options);
- return expect;
- };
- return Expectation;
-//TODO: expectation result may make more sense as a presentation of an expectation.
-getJasmineRequireObj().buildExpectationResult = function() {
- function buildExpectationResult(options) {
- var messageFormatter = options.messageFormatter || function() {},
- stackFormatter = options.stackFormatter || function() {};
- var result = {
- matcherName: options.matcherName,
- message: message(),
- stack: stack(),
- passed: options.passed
- };
- if(!result.passed) {
- result.expected = options.expected;
- result.actual = options.actual;
- }
- return result;
- function message() {
- if (options.passed) {
- return 'Passed.';
- } else if (options.message) {
- return options.message;
- } else if (options.error) {
- return messageFormatter(options.error);
- }
- return '';
- }
- function stack() {
- if (options.passed) {
- return '';
- }
- var error = options.error;
- if (!error) {
- try {
- throw new Error(message());
- } catch (e) {
- error = e;
- }
- }
- return stackFormatter(error);
- }
- }
- return buildExpectationResult;
-getJasmineRequireObj().formatErrorMsg = function() {
- function generateErrorMsg(domain, usage) {
- var usageDefinition = usage ? '\nUsage: ' + usage : '';
- return function errorMsg(msg) {
- return domain + ' : ' + msg + usageDefinition;
- };
- }
- return generateErrorMsg;
-getJasmineRequireObj().GlobalErrors = function(j$) {
- function GlobalErrors(global) {
- var handlers = [];
- global = global || j$.getGlobal();
- var onerror = function onerror() {
- var handler = handlers[handlers.length - 1];
- handler.apply(null,, 0));
- };
- this.uninstall = function noop() {};
- this.install = function install() {
- if (global.process && j$.isFunction_(global.process.on)) {
- var originalHandlers = global.process.listeners('uncaughtException');
- global.process.removeAllListeners('uncaughtException');
- global.process.on('uncaughtException', onerror);
- this.uninstall = function uninstall() {
- global.process.removeListener('uncaughtException', onerror);
- for (var i = 0; i < originalHandlers.length; i++) {
- global.process.on('uncaughtException', originalHandlers[i]);
- }
- };
- } else {
- var originalHandler = global.onerror;
- global.onerror = onerror;
- this.uninstall = function uninstall() {
- global.onerror = originalHandler;
- };
- }
- };
- this.pushListener = function pushListener(listener) {
- handlers.push(listener);
- };
- this.popListener = function popListener() {
- handlers.pop();
- };
- }
- return GlobalErrors;
-getJasmineRequireObj().DiffBuilder = function(j$) {
- return function DiffBuilder() {
- var path = new j$.ObjectPath(),
- mismatches = [];
- return {
- record: function (actual, expected, formatter) {
- formatter = formatter || defaultFormatter;
- mismatches.push(formatter(actual, expected, path));
- },
- getMessage: function () {
- return mismatches.join('\n');
- },
- withPath: function (pathComponent, block) {
- var oldPath = path;
- path = path.add(pathComponent);
- block();
- path = oldPath;
- }
- };
- function defaultFormatter (actual, expected, path) {
- return 'Expected ' +
- path + (path.depth() ? ' = ' : '') +
- j$.pp(actual) +
- ' to equal ' +
- j$.pp(expected) +
- '.';
- }
- };
-getJasmineRequireObj().matchersUtil = function(j$) {
- // TODO: what to do about jasmine.pp not being inject? move to JSON.stringify? gut PrettyPrinter?
- return {
- equals: equals,
- contains: function(haystack, needle, customTesters) {
- customTesters = customTesters || [];
- if ((Object.prototype.toString.apply(haystack) === '[object Set]')) {
- return haystack.has(needle);
- }
- if ((Object.prototype.toString.apply(haystack) === '[object Array]') ||
- (!!haystack && !haystack.indexOf))
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
- if (equals(haystack[i], needle, customTesters)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- return !!haystack && haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0;
- },
- buildFailureMessage: function() {
- var args =, 0),
- matcherName = args[0],
- isNot = args[1],
- actual = args[2],
- expected = args.slice(3),
- englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(s) { return ' ' + s.toLowerCase(); });
- var message = 'Expected ' +
- j$.pp(actual) +
- (isNot ? ' not ' : ' ') +
- englishyPredicate;
- if (expected.length > 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- message += ',';
- }
- message += ' ' + j$.pp(expected[i]);
- }
- }
- return message + '.';
- }
- };
- function isAsymmetric(obj) {
- return obj && j$.isA_('Function', obj.asymmetricMatch);
- }
- function asymmetricMatch(a, b, customTesters, diffBuilder) {
- var asymmetricA = isAsymmetric(a),
- asymmetricB = isAsymmetric(b),
- result;
- if (asymmetricA && asymmetricB) {
- return undefined;
- }
- if (asymmetricA) {
- result = a.asymmetricMatch(b, customTesters);
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return result;
- }
- if (asymmetricB) {
- result = b.asymmetricMatch(a, customTesters);
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return result;
- }
- }
- function equals(a, b, customTesters, diffBuilder) {
- customTesters = customTesters || [];
- diffBuilder = diffBuilder || j$.NullDiffBuilder();
- return eq(a, b, [], [], customTesters, diffBuilder);
- }
- // Equality function lovingly adapted from isEqual in
- // [Underscore](
- function eq(a, b, aStack, bStack, customTesters, diffBuilder) {
- var result = true, i;
- var asymmetricResult = asymmetricMatch(a, b, customTesters, diffBuilder);
- if (!j$.util.isUndefined(asymmetricResult)) {
- return asymmetricResult;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < customTesters.length; i++) {
- var customTesterResult = customTesters[i](a, b);
- if (!j$.util.isUndefined(customTesterResult)) {
- if (!customTesterResult) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return customTesterResult;
- }
- }
- if (a instanceof Error && b instanceof Error) {
- result = a.message == b.message;
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- }
- // Identical objects are equal. `0 === -0`, but they aren't identical.
- // See the [Harmony `egal` proposal](
- if (a === b) {
- result = a !== 0 || 1 / a == 1 / b;
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- }
- // A strict comparison is necessary because `null == undefined`.
- if (a === null || b === null) {
- result = a === b;
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- }
- var className =;
- if (className != {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return false;
- }
- switch (className) {
- // Strings, numbers, dates, and booleans are compared by value.
- case '[object String]':
- // Primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equivalent; thus, `"5"` is
- // equivalent to `new String("5")`.
- result = a == String(b);
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- case '[object Number]':
- // `NaN`s are equivalent, but non-reflexive. An `egal` comparison is performed for
- // other numeric values.
- result = a != +a ? b != +b : (a === 0 ? 1 / a == 1 / b : a == +b);
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- case '[object Date]':
- case '[object Boolean]':
- // Coerce dates and booleans to numeric primitive values. Dates are compared by their
- // millisecond representations. Note that invalid dates with millisecond representations
- // of `NaN` are not equivalent.
- result = +a == +b;
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- // RegExps are compared by their source patterns and flags.
- case '[object RegExp]':
- return a.source == b.source &&
- == &&
- a.multiline == b.multiline &&
- a.ignoreCase == b.ignoreCase;
- }
- if (typeof a != 'object' || typeof b != 'object') {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return false;
- }
- var aIsDomNode = j$.isDomNode(a);
- var bIsDomNode = j$.isDomNode(b);
- if (aIsDomNode && bIsDomNode) {
- // At first try to use DOM3 method isEqualNode
- if (a.isEqualNode) {
- result = a.isEqualNode(b);
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- }
- // IE8 doesn't support isEqualNode, try to use outerHTML && innerText
- var aIsElement = a instanceof Element;
- var bIsElement = b instanceof Element;
- if (aIsElement && bIsElement) {
- result = a.outerHTML == b.outerHTML;
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- }
- if (aIsElement || bIsElement) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return false;
- }
- result = a.innerText == b.innerText && a.textContent == b.textContent;
- if (!result) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- }
- return result;
- }
- if (aIsDomNode || bIsDomNode) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return false;
- }
- // Assume equality for cyclic structures. The algorithm for detecting cyclic
- // structures is adapted from ES 5.1 section 15.12.3, abstract operation `JO`.
- var length = aStack.length;
- while (length--) {
- // Linear search. Performance is inversely proportional to the number of
- // unique nested structures.
- if (aStack[length] == a) { return bStack[length] == b; }
- }
- // Add the first object to the stack of traversed objects.
- aStack.push(a);
- bStack.push(b);
- var size = 0;
- // Recursively compare objects and arrays.
- // Compare array lengths to determine if a deep comparison is necessary.
- if (className == '[object Array]') {
- size = a.length;
- if (size !== b.length) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return false;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- diffBuilder.withPath(i, function() {
- result = eq(a[i], b[i], aStack, bStack, customTesters, diffBuilder) && result;
- });
- }
- if (!result) {
- return false;
- }
- } else if (className == '[object Set]') {
- if (a.size != b.size) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return false;
- }
- var iterA = a.values(), iterB = b.values();
- var valA, valB;
- do {
- valA =;
- valB =;
- if (!eq(valA.value, valB.value, aStack, bStack, customTesters, j$.NullDiffBuilder())) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b);
- return false;
- }
- } while (!valA.done && !valB.done);
- } else {
- // Objects with different constructors are not equivalent, but `Object`s
- // or `Array`s from different frames are.
- var aCtor = a.constructor, bCtor = b.constructor;
- if (aCtor !== bCtor &&
- isFunction(aCtor) && isFunction(bCtor) &&
- a instanceof aCtor && b instanceof bCtor &&
- !(aCtor instanceof aCtor && bCtor instanceof bCtor)) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b, constructorsAreDifferentFormatter);
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Deep compare objects.
- var aKeys = keys(a, className == '[object Array]'), key;
- size = aKeys.length;
- // Ensure that both objects contain the same number of properties before comparing deep equality.
- if (keys(b, className == '[object Array]').length !== size) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b, objectKeysAreDifferentFormatter);
- return false;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- key = aKeys[i];
- // Deep compare each member
- if (!j$.util.has(b, key)) {
- diffBuilder.record(a, b, objectKeysAreDifferentFormatter);
- result = false;
- continue;
- }
- diffBuilder.withPath(key, function() {
- if(!eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack, customTesters, diffBuilder)) {
- result = false;
- }
- });
- }
- if (!result) {
- return false;
- }
- // Remove the first object from the stack of traversed objects.
- aStack.pop();
- bStack.pop();
- return result;
- }
- function keys(obj, isArray) {
- var allKeys = Object.keys ? Object.keys(obj) :
- (function(o) {
- var keys = [];
- for (var key in o) {
- if (j$.util.has(o, key)) {
- keys.push(key);
- }
- }
- return keys;
- })(obj);
- if (!isArray) {
- return allKeys;
- }
- if (allKeys.length === 0) {
- return allKeys;
- }
- var extraKeys = [];
- for (var i in allKeys) {
- if (!allKeys[i].match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
- extraKeys.push(allKeys[i]);
- }
- }
- return extraKeys;
- }
- function has(obj, key) {
- return, key);
- }
- function isFunction(obj) {
- return typeof obj === 'function';
- }
- function objectKeysAreDifferentFormatter(actual, expected, path) {
- var missingProperties = j$.util.objectDifference(expected, actual),
- extraProperties = j$.util.objectDifference(actual, expected),
- missingPropertiesMessage = formatKeyValuePairs(missingProperties),
- extraPropertiesMessage = formatKeyValuePairs(extraProperties),
- messages = [];
- if (!path.depth()) {
- path = 'object';
- }
- if (missingPropertiesMessage.length) {
- messages.push('Expected ' + path + ' to have properties' + missingPropertiesMessage);
- }
- if (extraPropertiesMessage.length) {
- messages.push('Expected ' + path + ' not to have properties' + extraPropertiesMessage);
- }
- return messages.join('\n');
- }
- function constructorsAreDifferentFormatter(actual, expected, path) {
- if (!path.depth()) {
- path = 'object';
- }
- return 'Expected ' +
- path + ' to be a kind of ' +
- j$.fnNameFor(expected.constructor) +
- ', but was ' + j$.pp(actual) + '.';
- }
- function formatKeyValuePairs(obj) {
- var formatted = '';
- for (var key in obj) {
- formatted += '\n ' + key + ': ' + j$.pp(obj[key]);
- }
- return formatted;
- }
-getJasmineRequireObj().NullDiffBuilder = function(j$) {
- return function() {
- return {
- withPath: function(_, block) {
- block();
- },
- record: function() {}
- };
- };
-getJasmineRequireObj().ObjectPath = function(j$) {
- function ObjectPath(components) {
- this.components = components || [];
- }
- ObjectPath.prototype.toString = function() {
- if (this.components.length) {
- return '$' + map(this.components, formatPropertyAccess).join('');
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- };
- ObjectPath.prototype.add = function(component) {
- return new ObjectPath(this.components.concat([component]));
- };
- ObjectPath.prototype.depth = function() {
- return this.components.length;
- };
- function formatPropertyAccess(prop) {
- if (typeof prop === 'number') {
- return '[' + prop + ']';
- }
- if (isValidIdentifier(prop)) {
- return '.' + prop;
- }
- return '[\'' + prop + '\']';
- }
- function map(array, fn) {
- var results = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- results.push(fn(array[i]));
- }
- return results;
- }
- function isValidIdentifier(string) {
- return /^[A-Za-z\$_][A-Za-z0-9\$_]*$/.test(string);
- }
- return ObjectPath;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBe = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be `===` to the expected value.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBe
- * @param {Object} expected - The expected value to compare against.
- * @example
- * expect(thing).toBe(realThing);
- */
- function toBe() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- return {
- pass: actual === expected
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBe;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeCloseTo = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be within a specified precision of the expected value.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeCloseTo
- * @param {Object} expected - The expected value to compare against.
- * @param {Number} [precision=2] - The number of decimal points to check.
- * @example
- * expect(number).toBeCloseTo(42.2, 3);
- */
- function toBeCloseTo() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected, precision) {
- if (precision !== 0) {
- precision = precision || 2;
- }
- return {
- pass: Math.abs(expected - actual) < (Math.pow(10, -precision) / 2)
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeCloseTo;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeDefined = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be defined. (Not `undefined`)
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeDefined
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeDefined();
- */
- function toBeDefined() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- return {
- pass: (void 0 !== actual)
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeDefined;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeFalsy = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be falsy
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeFalsy
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeFalsy();
- */
- function toBeFalsy() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- return {
- pass: !!!actual
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeFalsy;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeGreaterThan = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be greater than the expected value.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeGreaterThan
- * @param {Number} expected - The value to compare against.
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeGreaterThan(3);
- */
- function toBeGreaterThan() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- return {
- pass: actual > expected
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeGreaterThan;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeGreaterThanOrEqual = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be greater than or equal to the expected value.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeGreaterThanOrEqual
- * @param {Number} expected - The expected value to compare against.
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(25);
- */
- function toBeGreaterThanOrEqual() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- return {
- pass: actual >= expected
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeGreaterThanOrEqual;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeLessThan = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be less than the expected value.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeLessThan
- * @param {Number} expected - The expected value to compare against.
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeLessThan(0);
- */
- function toBeLessThan() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- return {
- pass: actual < expected
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeLessThan;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeLessThanOrEqual = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be less than or equal to the expected value.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeLessThanOrEqual
- * @param {Number} expected - The expected value to compare against.
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeLessThanOrEqual(123);
- */
- function toBeLessThanOrEqual() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- return {
- pass: actual <= expected
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeLessThanOrEqual;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeNaN = function(j$) {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be `NaN` (Not a Number).
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeNaN
- * @example
- * expect(thing).toBeNaN();
- */
- function toBeNaN() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- var result = {
- pass: (actual !== actual)
- };
- if (result.pass) {
- result.message = 'Expected actual not to be NaN.';
- } else {
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected ' + j$.pp(actual) + ' to be NaN.'; };
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeNaN;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeNegativeInfinity = function(j$) {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be `-Infinity` (-infinity).
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeNegativeInfinity
- * @example
- * expect(thing).toBeNegativeInfinity();
- */
- function toBeNegativeInfinity() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- var result = {
- pass: (actual === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
- };
- if (result.pass) {
- result.message = 'Expected actual to be -Infinity.';
- } else {
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected ' + j$.pp(actual) + ' not to be -Infinity.'; };
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeNegativeInfinity;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeNull = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be `null`.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeNull
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeNull();
- */
- function toBeNull() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- return {
- pass: actual === null
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeNull;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBePositiveInfinity = function(j$) {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be `Infinity` (infinity).
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBePositiveInfinity
- * @example
- * expect(thing).toBePositiveInfinity();
- */
- function toBePositiveInfinity() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- var result = {
- pass: (actual === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
- };
- if (result.pass) {
- result.message = 'Expected actual to be Infinity.';
- } else {
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected ' + j$.pp(actual) + ' not to be Infinity.'; };
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toBePositiveInfinity;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeTruthy = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be truthy.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeTruthy
- * @example
- * expect(thing).toBeTruthy();
- */
- function toBeTruthy() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- return {
- pass: !!actual
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeTruthy;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toBeUndefined = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be `undefined`.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toBeUndefined
- * @example
- * expect(result).toBeUndefined():
- */
- function toBeUndefined() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- return {
- pass: void 0 === actual
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toBeUndefined;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toContain = function() {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to contain a specific value.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toContain
- * @param {Object} expected - The value to look for.
- * @example
- * expect(array).toContain(anElement);
- * expect(string).toContain(substring);
- */
- function toContain(util, customEqualityTesters) {
- customEqualityTesters = customEqualityTesters || [];
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- return {
- pass: util.contains(actual, expected, customEqualityTesters)
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toContain;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toEqual = function(j$) {
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to be equal to the expected, using deep equality comparison.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toEqual
- * @param {Object} expected - Expected value
- * @example
- * expect(bigObject).toEqual({"foo": ['bar', 'baz']});
- */
- function toEqual(util, customEqualityTesters) {
- customEqualityTesters = customEqualityTesters || [];
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- var result = {
- pass: false
- },
- diffBuilder = j$.DiffBuilder();
- result.pass = util.equals(actual, expected, customEqualityTesters, diffBuilder);
- // TODO: only set error message if test fails
- result.message = diffBuilder.getMessage();
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toEqual;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toHaveBeenCalled = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<toHaveBeenCalled>', 'expect(<spyObj>).toHaveBeenCalled()');
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual (a {@link Spy}) to have been called.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toHaveBeenCalled
- * @example
- * expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalled();
- * expect(mySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- */
- function toHaveBeenCalled() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- var result = {};
- if (!j$.isSpy(actual)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected a spy, but got ' + j$.pp(actual) + '.'));
- }
- if (arguments.length > 1) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith'));
- }
- result.pass = actual.calls.any();
- result.message = result.pass ?
- 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() + ' not to have been called.' :
- 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() + ' to have been called.';
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toHaveBeenCalled;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toHaveBeenCalledBefore = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<toHaveBeenCalledBefore>', 'expect(<spyObj>).toHaveBeenCalledBefore(<spyObj>)');
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value (a {@link Spy}) to have been called before another {@link Spy}.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toHaveBeenCalledBefore
- * @param {Spy} expected - {@link Spy} that should have been called after the `actual` {@link Spy}.
- * @example
- * expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledBefore(otherSpy);
- */
- function toHaveBeenCalledBefore() {
- return {
- compare: function(firstSpy, latterSpy) {
- if (!j$.isSpy(firstSpy)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected a spy, but got ' + j$.pp(firstSpy) + '.'));
- }
- if (!j$.isSpy(latterSpy)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected a spy, but got ' + j$.pp(latterSpy) + '.'));
- }
- var result = { pass: false };
- if (!firstSpy.calls.count()) {
- result.message = 'Expected spy ' + firstSpy.and.identity() + ' to have been called.';
- return result;
- }
- if (!latterSpy.calls.count()) {
- result.message = 'Expected spy ' + latterSpy.and.identity() + ' to have been called.';
- return result;
- }
- var latest1stSpyCall = firstSpy.calls.mostRecent().invocationOrder;
- var first2ndSpyCall = latterSpy.calls.first().invocationOrder;
- result.pass = latest1stSpyCall < first2ndSpyCall;
- if (result.pass) {
- result.message = 'Expected spy ' + firstSpy.and.identity() + ' to not have been called before spy ' + latterSpy.and.identity() + ', but it was';
- } else {
- var first1stSpyCall = firstSpy.calls.first().invocationOrder;
- var latest2ndSpyCall = latterSpy.calls.mostRecent().invocationOrder;
- if(first1stSpyCall < first2ndSpyCall) {
- result.message = 'Expected latest call to spy ' + firstSpy.and.identity() + ' to have been called before first call to spy ' + latterSpy.and.identity() + ' (no interleaved calls)';
- } else if (latest2ndSpyCall > latest1stSpyCall) {
- result.message = 'Expected first call to spy ' + latterSpy.and.identity() + ' to have been called after latest call to spy ' + firstSpy.and.identity() + ' (no interleaved calls)';
- } else {
- result.message = 'Expected spy ' + firstSpy.and.identity() + ' to have been called before spy ' + latterSpy.and.identity();
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toHaveBeenCalledBefore;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toHaveBeenCalledTimes = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<toHaveBeenCalledTimes>', 'expect(<spyObj>).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(<Number>)');
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual (a {@link Spy}) to have been called the specified number of times.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toHaveBeenCalledTimes
- * @param {Number} expected - The number of invocations to look for.
- * @example
- * expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);
- */
- function toHaveBeenCalledTimes() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- if (!j$.isSpy(actual)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected a spy, but got ' + j$.pp(actual) + '.'));
- }
- var args =, 0),
- result = { pass: false };
- if (!j$.isNumber_(expected)){
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('The expected times failed is a required argument and must be a number.'));
- }
- actual = args[0];
- var calls = actual.calls.count();
- var timesMessage = expected === 1 ? 'once' : expected + ' times';
- result.pass = calls === expected;
- result.message = result.pass ?
- 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() + ' not to have been called ' + timesMessage + '. It was called ' + calls + ' times.' :
- 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() + ' to have been called ' + timesMessage + '. It was called ' + calls + ' times.';
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toHaveBeenCalledTimes;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toHaveBeenCalledWith = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<toHaveBeenCalledWith>', 'expect(<spyObj>).toHaveBeenCalledWith(...arguments)');
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual (a {@link Spy}) to have been called with particular arguments at least once.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toHaveBeenCalledWith
- * @param {...Object} - The arguments to look for
- * @example
- * expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo', 'bar', 2);
- */
- function toHaveBeenCalledWith(util, customEqualityTesters) {
- return {
- compare: function() {
- var args =, 0),
- actual = args[0],
- expectedArgs = args.slice(1),
- result = { pass: false };
- if (!j$.isSpy(actual)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected a spy, but got ' + j$.pp(actual) + '.'));
- }
- if (!actual.calls.any()) {
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() + ' to have been called with ' + j$.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but it was never called.'; };
- return result;
- }
- if (util.contains(actual.calls.allArgs(), expectedArgs, customEqualityTesters)) {
- result.pass = true;
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() + ' not to have been called with ' + j$.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but it was.'; };
- } else {
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected spy ' + actual.and.identity() + ' to have been called with ' + j$.pp(expectedArgs) + ' but actual calls were ' + j$.pp(actual.calls.allArgs()).replace(/^\[ | \]$/g, '') + '.'; };
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toHaveBeenCalledWith;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toMatch = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<toMatch>', 'expect(<expectation>).toMatch(<string> || <regexp>)');
- /**
- * {@link expect} the actual value to match a regular expression
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toMatch
- * @param {RegExp|String} expected - Value to look for in the string.
- * @example
- * expect("my string").toMatch(/string$/);
- * expect("other string").toMatch("her");
- */
- function toMatch() {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- if (!j$.isString_(expected) && !j$.isA_('RegExp', expected)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected is not a String or a RegExp'));
- }
- var regexp = new RegExp(expected);
- return {
- pass: regexp.test(actual)
- };
- }
- };
- }
- return toMatch;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toThrow = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<toThrow>', 'expect(function() {<expectation>}).toThrow()');
- /**
- * {@link expect} a function to `throw` something.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toThrow
- * @param {Object} [expected] - Value that should be thrown. If not provided, simply the fact that something was thrown will be checked.
- * @example
- * expect(function() { return 'things'; }).toThrow('foo');
- * expect(function() { return 'stuff'; }).toThrow();
- */
- function toThrow(util) {
- return {
- compare: function(actual, expected) {
- var result = { pass: false },
- threw = false,
- thrown;
- if (typeof actual != 'function') {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Actual is not a Function'));
- }
- try {
- actual();
- } catch (e) {
- threw = true;
- thrown = e;
- }
- if (!threw) {
- result.message = 'Expected function to throw an exception.';
- return result;
- }
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- result.pass = true;
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected function not to throw, but it threw ' + j$.pp(thrown) + '.'; };
- return result;
- }
- if (util.equals(thrown, expected)) {
- result.pass = true;
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected function not to throw ' + j$.pp(expected) + '.'; };
- } else {
- result.message = function() { return 'Expected function to throw ' + j$.pp(expected) + ', but it threw ' + j$.pp(thrown) + '.'; };
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- }
- return toThrow;
-getJasmineRequireObj().toThrowError = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<toThrowError>', 'expect(function() {<expectation>}).toThrowError(<ErrorConstructor>, <message>)');
- /**
- * {@link expect} a function to `throw` an `Error`.
- * @function
- * @name matchers#toThrowError
- * @param {Error} [expected] - `Error` constructor the object that was thrown needs to be an instance of. If not provided, `Error` will be used.
- * @param {RegExp|String} [message] - The message that should be set on the thrown `Error`
- * @example
- * expect(function() { return 'things'; }).toThrowError(MyCustomError, 'message');
- * expect(function() { return 'things'; }).toThrowError(MyCustomError, /bar/);
- * expect(function() { return 'stuff'; }).toThrowError(MyCustomError);
- * expect(function() { return 'other'; }).toThrowError(/foo/);
- * expect(function() { return 'other'; }).toThrowError();
- */
- function toThrowError () {
- return {
- compare: function(actual) {
- var threw = false,
- pass = {pass: true},
- fail = {pass: false},
- thrown;
- if (typeof actual != 'function') {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Actual is not a Function'));
- }
- var errorMatcher = getMatcher.apply(null, arguments);
- try {
- actual();
- } catch (e) {
- threw = true;
- thrown = e;
- }
- if (!threw) {
- fail.message = 'Expected function to throw an Error.';
- return fail;
- }
- // Get Error constructor of thrown
- if (!isErrorObject(thrown)) {
- fail.message = function() { return 'Expected function to throw an Error, but it threw ' + j$.pp(thrown) + '.'; };
- return fail;
- }
- if (errorMatcher.hasNoSpecifics()) {
- pass.message = 'Expected function not to throw an Error, but it threw ' + j$.fnNameFor(thrown) + '.';
- return pass;
- }
- if (errorMatcher.matches(thrown)) {
- pass.message = function() {
- return 'Expected function not to throw ' + errorMatcher.errorTypeDescription + errorMatcher.messageDescription() + '.';
- };
- return pass;
- } else {
- fail.message = function() {
- return 'Expected function to throw ' + errorMatcher.errorTypeDescription + errorMatcher.messageDescription() +
- ', but it threw ' + errorMatcher.thrownDescription(thrown) + '.';
- };
- return fail;
- }
- }
- };
- function getMatcher() {
- var expected = null,
- errorType = null;
- if (arguments.length == 2) {
- expected = arguments[1];
- if (isAnErrorType(expected)) {
- errorType = expected;
- expected = null;
- }
- } else if (arguments.length > 2) {
- errorType = arguments[1];
- expected = arguments[2];
- if (!isAnErrorType(errorType)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected error type is not an Error.'));
- }
- }
- if (expected && !isStringOrRegExp(expected)) {
- if (errorType) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected error message is not a string or RegExp.'));
- } else {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('Expected is not an Error, string, or RegExp.'));
- }
- }
- function messageMatch(message) {
- if (typeof expected == 'string') {
- return expected == message;
- } else {
- return expected.test(message);
- }
- }
- return {
- errorTypeDescription: errorType ? j$.fnNameFor(errorType) : 'an exception',
- thrownDescription: function(thrown) {
- var thrownName = errorType ? j$.fnNameFor(thrown.constructor) : 'an exception',
- thrownMessage = '';
- if (expected) {
- thrownMessage = ' with message ' + j$.pp(thrown.message);
- }
- return thrownName + thrownMessage;
- },
- messageDescription: function() {
- if (expected === null) {
- return '';
- } else if (expected instanceof RegExp) {
- return ' with a message matching ' + j$.pp(expected);
- } else {
- return ' with message ' + j$.pp(expected);
- }
- },
- hasNoSpecifics: function() {
- return expected === null && errorType === null;
- },
- matches: function(error) {
- return (errorType === null || error instanceof errorType) &&
- (expected === null || messageMatch(error.message));
- }
- };
- }
- function isStringOrRegExp(potential) {
- return potential instanceof RegExp || (typeof potential == 'string');
- }
- function isAnErrorType(type) {
- if (typeof type !== 'function') {
- return false;
- }
- var Surrogate = function() {};
- Surrogate.prototype = type.prototype;
- return isErrorObject(new Surrogate());
- }
- function isErrorObject(thrown) {
- if (thrown instanceof Error) {
- return true;
- }
- if (thrown && thrown.constructor && thrown.constructor.constructor &&
- (thrown instanceof (thrown.constructor.constructor('return this')()).Error)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- return toThrowError;
-getJasmineRequireObj().MockDate = function() {
- function MockDate(global) {
- var self = this;
- var currentTime = 0;
- if (!global || !global.Date) {
- self.install = function() {};
- self.tick = function() {};
- self.uninstall = function() {};
- return self;
- }
- var GlobalDate = global.Date;
- self.install = function(mockDate) {
- if (mockDate instanceof GlobalDate) {
- currentTime = mockDate.getTime();
- } else {
- currentTime = new GlobalDate().getTime();
- }
- global.Date = FakeDate;
- };
- self.tick = function(millis) {
- millis = millis || 0;
- currentTime = currentTime + millis;
- };
- self.uninstall = function() {
- currentTime = 0;
- global.Date = GlobalDate;
- };
- createDateProperties();
- return self;
- function FakeDate() {
- switch(arguments.length) {
- case 0:
- return new GlobalDate(currentTime);
- case 1:
- return new GlobalDate(arguments[0]);
- case 2:
- return new GlobalDate(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
- case 3:
- return new GlobalDate(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
- case 4:
- return new GlobalDate(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
- case 5:
- return new GlobalDate(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3],
- arguments[4]);
- case 6:
- return new GlobalDate(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3],
- arguments[4], arguments[5]);
- default:
- return new GlobalDate(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3],
- arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]);
- }
- }
- function createDateProperties() {
- FakeDate.prototype = GlobalDate.prototype;
- = function() {
- if ( {
- return currentTime;
- } else {
- throw new Error('Browser does not support');
- }
- };
- FakeDate.toSource = GlobalDate.toSource;
- FakeDate.toString = GlobalDate.toString;
- FakeDate.parse = GlobalDate.parse;
- FakeDate.UTC = GlobalDate.UTC;
- }
- }
- return MockDate;
-getJasmineRequireObj().pp = function(j$) {
- function PrettyPrinter() {
- this.ppNestLevel_ = 0;
- this.seen = [];
- }
- function hasCustomToString(value) {
- // value.toString !== Object.prototype.toString if value has no custom toString but is from another context (e.g.
- // iframe, web worker)
- return value.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && (value.toString() !==;
- }
- PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function(value) {
- this.ppNestLevel_++;
- try {
- if (j$.util.isUndefined(value)) {
- this.emitScalar('undefined');
- } else if (value === null) {
- this.emitScalar('null');
- } else if (value === 0 && 1/value === -Infinity) {
- this.emitScalar('-0');
- } else if (value === j$.getGlobal()) {
- this.emitScalar('<global>');
- } else if (value.jasmineToString) {
- this.emitScalar(value.jasmineToString());
- } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
- this.emitString(value);
- } else if (j$.isSpy(value)) {
- this.emitScalar('spy on ' + value.and.identity());
- } else if (value instanceof RegExp) {
- this.emitScalar(value.toString());
- } else if (typeof value === 'function') {
- this.emitScalar('Function');
- } else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') {
- this.emitScalar('HTMLNode');
- } else if (value instanceof Date) {
- this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')');
- } else if (value.toString && value.toString() == '[object Set]') {
- this.emitSet(value);
- } else if (value.toString && typeof value === 'object' && !j$.isArray_(value) && hasCustomToString(value)) {
- this.emitScalar(value.toString());
- } else if (j$.util.arrayContains(this.seen, value)) {
- this.emitScalar('<circular reference: ' + (j$.isArray_(value) ? 'Array' : 'Object') + '>');
- } else if (j$.isArray_(value) || j$.isA_('Object', value)) {
- this.seen.push(value);
- if (j$.isArray_(value)) {
- this.emitArray(value);
- } else {
- this.emitObject(value);
- }
- this.seen.pop();
- } else {
- this.emitScalar(value.toString());
- }
- } finally {
- this.ppNestLevel_--;
- }
- };
- PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function(obj, fn) {
- for (var property in obj) {
- if (!, property)) { continue; }
- fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (!j$.util.isUndefined(obj.__lookupGetter__(property)) &&
- obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== null) : false);
- }
- };
- PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = j$.unimplementedMethod_;
- PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitSet = j$.unimplementedMethod_;
- PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = j$.unimplementedMethod_;
- PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = j$.unimplementedMethod_;
- PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = j$.unimplementedMethod_;
- function StringPrettyPrinter() {
- this.string = '';
- }
- j$.util.inherit(StringPrettyPrinter, PrettyPrinter);
- StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function(value) {
- this.append(value);
- };
- StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function(value) {
- this.append('\'' + value + '\'');
- };
- StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function(array) {
- if (this.ppNestLevel_ > j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH) {
- this.append('Array');
- return;
- }
- var length = Math.min(array.length, j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_ARRAY_LENGTH);
- this.append('[ ');
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- this.append(', ');
- }
- this.format(array[i]);
- }
- if(array.length > length){
- this.append(', ...');
- }
- var self = this;
- var first = array.length === 0;
- this.iterateObject(array, function(property, isGetter) {
- if (property.match(/^\d+$/)) {
- return;
- }
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- } else {
- self.append(', ');
- }
- self.formatProperty(array, property, isGetter);
- });
- this.append(' ]');
- };
- StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitSet = function(set) {
- if (this.ppNestLevel_ > j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH) {
- this.append('Set');
- return;
- }
- this.append('Set( ');
- var size = Math.min(set.size, j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_ARRAY_LENGTH);
- var iter = set.values();
- for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- this.append(', ');
- }
- this.format(;
- }
- if (set.size > size){
- this.append(', ...');
- }
- this.append(' )');
- };
- StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function(obj) {
- var ctor = obj.constructor,
- constructorName;
- constructorName = typeof ctor === 'function' && obj instanceof ctor ?
- j$.fnNameFor(obj.constructor) :
- 'null';
- this.append(constructorName);
- if (this.ppNestLevel_ > j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH) {
- return;
- }
- var self = this;
- this.append('({ ');
- var first = true;
- this.iterateObject(obj, function(property, isGetter) {
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- } else {
- self.append(', ');
- }
- self.formatProperty(obj, property, isGetter);
- });
- this.append(' })');
- };
- StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.formatProperty = function(obj, property, isGetter) {
- this.append(property);
- this.append(': ');
- if (isGetter) {
- this.append('<getter>');
- } else {
- this.format(obj[property]);
- }
- };
- StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function(value) {
- this.string += value;
- };
- return function(value) {
- var stringPrettyPrinter = new StringPrettyPrinter();
- stringPrettyPrinter.format(value);
- return stringPrettyPrinter.string;
- };
-getJasmineRequireObj().QueueRunner = function(j$) {
- function once(fn) {
- var called = false;
- return function() {
- if (!called) {
- called = true;
- fn();
- }
- return null;
- };
- }
- function QueueRunner(attrs) {
- this.queueableFns = attrs.queueableFns || [];
- this.onComplete = attrs.onComplete || function() {};
- this.clearStack = attrs.clearStack || function(fn) {fn();};
- this.onException = attrs.onException || function() {};
- this.catchException = attrs.catchException || function() { return true; };
- this.userContext = attrs.userContext || {};
- this.timeout = attrs.timeout || {setTimeout: setTimeout, clearTimeout: clearTimeout};
- = || function() {};
- this.globalErrors = attrs.globalErrors || { pushListener: function() {}, popListener: function() {} };
- }
- QueueRunner.prototype.execute = function() {
-, 0);
- };
- = function(queueableFns, recursiveIndex) {
- var length = queueableFns.length,
- self = this,
- iterativeIndex;
- for(iterativeIndex = recursiveIndex; iterativeIndex < length; iterativeIndex++) {
- var queueableFn = queueableFns[iterativeIndex];
- if (queueableFn.fn.length > 0) {
- attemptAsync(queueableFn);
- return;
- } else {
- attemptSync(queueableFn);
- }
- }
- this.clearStack(this.onComplete);
- function attemptSync(queueableFn) {
- try {
- } catch (e) {
- handleException(e, queueableFn);
- }
- }
- function attemptAsync(queueableFn) {
- var clearTimeout = function () {
- Function.prototype.apply.apply(self.timeout.clearTimeout, [j$.getGlobal(), [timeoutId]]);
- },
- handleError = function(error) {
- onException(error);
- next();
- },
- next = once(function () {
- clearTimeout(timeoutId);
- self.globalErrors.popListener(handleError);
-, iterativeIndex + 1);
- }),
- timeoutId;
- = function() {
-, arguments);
- next();
- };
- self.globalErrors.pushListener(handleError);
- if (queueableFn.timeout) {
- timeoutId = Function.prototype.apply.apply(self.timeout.setTimeout, [j$.getGlobal(), [function() {
- var error = new Error('Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.');
- onException(error);
- next();
- }, queueableFn.timeout()]]);
- }
- try {
-, next);
- } catch (e) {
- handleException(e, queueableFn);
- next();
- }
- }
- function onException(e) {
- self.onException(e);
- }
- function handleException(e, queueableFn) {
- onException(e);
- if (!self.catchException(e)) {
- //TODO: set a var when we catch an exception and
- //use a finally block to close the loop in a nice way..
- throw e;
- }
- }
- };
- return QueueRunner;
-getJasmineRequireObj().ReportDispatcher = function() {
- function ReportDispatcher(methods) {
- var dispatchedMethods = methods || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < dispatchedMethods.length; i++) {
- var method = dispatchedMethods[i];
- this[method] = (function(m) {
- return function() {
- dispatch(m, arguments);
- };
- }(method));
- }
- var reporters = [];
- var fallbackReporter = null;
- this.addReporter = function(reporter) {
- reporters.push(reporter);
- };
- this.provideFallbackReporter = function(reporter) {
- fallbackReporter = reporter;
- };
- this.clearReporters = function() {
- reporters = [];
- };
- return this;
- function dispatch(method, args) {
- if (reporters.length === 0 && fallbackReporter !== null) {
- reporters.push(fallbackReporter);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < reporters.length; i++) {
- var reporter = reporters[i];
- if (reporter[method]) {
- reporter[method].apply(reporter, args);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ReportDispatcher;
-getJasmineRequireObj().interface = function(jasmine, env) {
- var jasmineInterface = {
- /**
- * Create a group of specs (often called a suite).
- *
- * Calls to `describe` can be nested within other calls to compose your suite as a tree.
- * @name describe
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String} description Textual description of the group
- * @param {Function} specDefinitions Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites a specs
- */
- describe: function(description, specDefinitions) {
- return env.describe(description, specDefinitions);
- },
- /**
- * A temporarily disabled [`describe`]{@link describe}
- *
- * Specs within an `xdescribe` will be marked pending and not executed
- * @name xdescribe
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String} description Textual description of the group
- * @param {Function} specDefinitions Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites a specs
- */
- xdescribe: function(description, specDefinitions) {
- return env.xdescribe(description, specDefinitions);
- },
- /**
- * A focused [`describe`]{@link describe}
- *
- * If suites or specs are focused, only those that are focused will be executed
- * @see fit
- * @name fdescribe
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String} description Textual description of the group
- * @param {Function} specDefinitions Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites a specs
- */
- fdescribe: function(description, specDefinitions) {
- return env.fdescribe(description, specDefinitions);
- },
- /**
- * Define a single spec. A spec should contain one or more {@link expect|expectations} that test the state of the code.
- *
- * A spec whose expectations all succeed will be passing and a spec with any failures will fail.
- * @name it
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String} description Textual description of what this spec is checking
- * @param {Function} [testFunction] Function that contains the code of your test. If not provided the test will be `pending`.
- * @param {Int} [timeout={@link jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}] Custom timeout for an async spec.
- */
- it: function() {
- return, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * A temporarily disabled [`it`]{@link it}
- *
- * The spec will report as `pending` and will not be executed.
- * @name xit
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String} description Textual description of what this spec is checking.
- * @param {Function} [testFunction] Function that contains the code of your test. Will not be executed.
- */
- xit: function() {
- return env.xit.apply(env, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * A focused [`it`]{@link it}
- *
- * If suites or specs are focused, only those that are focused will be executed.
- * @name fit
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String} description Textual description of what this spec is checking.
- * @param {Function} testFunction Function that contains the code of your test.
- * @param {Int} [timeout={@link jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}] Custom timeout for an async spec.
- */
- fit: function() {
- return, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * Run some shared setup before each of the specs in the {@link describe} in which it is called.
- * @name beforeEach
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {Function} [function] Function that contains the code to setup your specs.
- * @param {Int} [timeout={@link jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}] Custom timeout for an async beforeEach.
- */
- beforeEach: function() {
- return env.beforeEach.apply(env, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * Run some shared teardown after each of the specs in the {@link describe} in which it is called.
- * @name afterEach
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {Function} [function] Function that contains the code to teardown your specs.
- * @param {Int} [timeout={@link jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}] Custom timeout for an async afterEach.
- */
- afterEach: function() {
- return env.afterEach.apply(env, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * Run some shared setup once before all of the specs in the {@link describe} are run.
- *
- * _Note:_ Be careful, sharing the setup from a beforeAll makes it easy to accidentally leak state between your specs so that they erroneously pass or fail.
- * @name beforeAll
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {Function} [function] Function that contains the code to setup your specs.
- * @param {Int} [timeout={@link jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}] Custom timeout for an async beforeAll.
- */
- beforeAll: function() {
- return env.beforeAll.apply(env, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * Run some shared teardown once before all of the specs in the {@link describe} are run.
- *
- * _Note:_ Be careful, sharing the teardown from a afterAll makes it easy to accidentally leak state between your specs so that they erroneously pass or fail.
- * @name afterAll
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {Function} [function] Function that contains the code to teardown your specs.
- * @param {Int} [timeout={@link jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL}] Custom timeout for an async afterAll.
- */
- afterAll: function() {
- return env.afterAll.apply(env, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * Create an expectation for a spec.
- * @name expect
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {Object} actual - Actual computed value to test expectations against.
- * @return {matchers}
- */
- expect: function(actual) {
- return env.expect(actual);
- },
- /**
- * Mark a spec as pending, expectation results will be ignored.
- * @name pending
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String} [message] - Reason the spec is pending.
- */
- pending: function() {
- return env.pending.apply(env, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * Explicitly mark a spec as failed.
- * @name fail
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {String|Error} [error] - Reason for the failure.
- */
- fail: function() {
- return, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * Install a spy onto an existing object.
- * @name spyOn
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {Object} obj - The object upon which to install the {@link Spy}.
- * @param {String} methodName - The name of the method to replace with a {@link Spy}.
- * @returns {Spy}
- */
- spyOn: function(obj, methodName) {
- return env.spyOn(obj, methodName);
- },
- /**
- * Install a spy on a property onto an existing object.
- * @name spyOnProperty
- * @function
- * @global
- * @param {Object} obj - The object upon which to install the {@link Spy}
- * @param {String} propertyName - The name of the property to replace with a {@link Spy}.
- * @param {String} [accessType=get] - The access type (get|set) of the property to {@link Spy} on.
- * @returns {Spy}
- */
- spyOnProperty: function(obj, methodName, accessType) {
- return env.spyOnProperty(obj, methodName, accessType);
- },
- jsApiReporter: new jasmine.JsApiReporter({
- timer: new jasmine.Timer()
- }),
- /**
- * @namespace jasmine
- */
- jasmine: jasmine
- };
- /**
- * Add a custom equality tester for the current scope of specs.
- *
- * _Note:_ This is only callable from within a {@link beforeEach}, {@link it}, or {@link beforeAll}.
- * @name jasmine.addCustomEqualityTester
- * @function
- * @param {Function} tester - A function which takes two arguments to compare and returns a `true` or `false` comparison result if it knows how to compare them, and `undefined` otherwise.
- * @see custom_equality
- */
- jasmine.addCustomEqualityTester = function(tester) {
- env.addCustomEqualityTester(tester);
- };
- /**
- * Add custom matchers for the current scope of specs.
- *
- * _Note:_ This is only callable from within a {@link beforeEach}, {@link it}, or {@link beforeAll}.
- * @name jasmine.addMatchers
- * @function
- * @param {Object} matchers - Keys from this object will be the new matcher names.
- * @see custom_matcher
- */
- jasmine.addMatchers = function(matchers) {
- return env.addMatchers(matchers);
- };
- /**
- * Get the currently booted mock {Clock} for this Jasmine environment.
- * @name jasmine.clock
- * @function
- * @returns {Clock}
- */
- jasmine.clock = function() {
- return env.clock;
- };
- return jasmineInterface;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Spy = function (j$) {
- var nextOrder = (function() {
- var order = 0;
- return function() {
- return order++;
- };
- })();
- /**
- * _Note:_ Do not construct this directly, use {@link spyOn}, {@link spyOnProperty}, {@link jasmine.createSpy}, or {@link jasmine.createSpyObj}
- * @constructor
- * @name Spy
- */
- function Spy(name, originalFn) {
- var args = buildArgs(),
- /*`eval` is the only option to preserve both this and context:
- - former is needed to work as expected with methods,
- - latter is needed to access real spy function and allows to reduce eval'ed code to absolute minimum
- More explanation here (look at comments):
- */
- /* jshint evil: true */
- wrapper = eval('(0, function (' + args + ') { return spy.apply(this,; })'),
- /* jshint evil: false */
- spyStrategy = new j$.SpyStrategy({
- name: name,
- fn: originalFn,
- getSpy: function () {
- return wrapper;
- }
- }),
- callTracker = new j$.CallTracker(),
- spy = function () {
- /**
- * @name Spy.callData
- * @property {object} object - `this` context for the invocation.
- * @property {number} invocationOrder - Order of the invocation.
- * @property {Array} args - The arguments passed for this invocation.
- */
- var callData = {
- object: this,
- invocationOrder: nextOrder(),
- args: Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)
- };
- callTracker.track(callData);
- var returnValue = spyStrategy.exec.apply(this, arguments);
- callData.returnValue = returnValue;
- return returnValue;
- };
- function buildArgs() {
- var args = [];
- while (originalFn instanceof Function && args.length < originalFn.length) {
- args.push('arg' + args.length);
- }
- return args.join(', ');
- }
- for (var prop in originalFn) {
- if (prop === 'and' || prop === 'calls') {
- throw new Error('Jasmine spies would overwrite the \'and\' and \'calls\' properties on the object being spied upon');
- }
- wrapper[prop] = originalFn[prop];
- }
- wrapper.and = spyStrategy;
- wrapper.calls = callTracker;
- return wrapper;
- }
- return Spy;
-getJasmineRequireObj().SpyRegistry = function(j$) {
- var getErrorMsg = j$.formatErrorMsg('<spyOn>', 'spyOn(<object>, <methodName>)');
- function SpyRegistry(options) {
- options = options || {};
- var currentSpies = options.currentSpies || function() { return []; };
- this.allowRespy = function(allow){
- this.respy = allow;
- };
- this.spyOn = function(obj, methodName) {
- if (j$.util.isUndefined(obj) || obj === null) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('could not find an object to spy upon for ' + methodName + '()'));
- }
- if (j$.util.isUndefined(methodName) || methodName === null) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg('No method name supplied'));
- }
- if (j$.util.isUndefined(obj[methodName])) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg(methodName + '() method does not exist'));
- }
- if (obj[methodName] && j$.isSpy(obj[methodName]) ) {
- if ( !!this.respy ){
- return obj[methodName];
- }else {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg(methodName + ' has already been spied upon'));
- }
- }
- var descriptor;
- try {
- descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, methodName);
- } catch(e) {
- // IE 8 doesn't support `definePropery` on non-DOM nodes
- }
- if (descriptor && !(descriptor.writable || descriptor.set)) {
- throw new Error(getErrorMsg(methodName + ' is not declared writable or has no setter'));
- }
- var originalMethod = obj[methodName],
- spiedMethod = j$.createSpy(methodName, originalMethod),
- restoreStrategy;
- if (, methodName)) {
- restoreStrategy = function() {
- obj[methodName] = originalMethod;
- };
- } else {
- restoreStrategy = function() {
- if (!delete obj[methodName]) {
- obj[methodName] = originalMethod;
- }
- };
- }
- currentSpies().push({
- restoreObjectToOriginalState: restoreStrategy
- });
- obj[methodName] = spiedMethod;
- return spiedMethod;
- };
- this.spyOnProperty = function (obj, propertyName, accessType) {
- accessType = accessType || 'get';
- if (j$.util.isUndefined(obj)) {
- throw new Error('spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for ' + propertyName + '');
- }
- if (j$.util.isUndefined(propertyName)) {
- throw new Error('No property name supplied');
- }
- var descriptor;
- try {
- descriptor = j$.util.getPropertyDescriptor(obj, propertyName);
- } catch(e) {
- // IE 8 doesn't support `definePropery` on non-DOM nodes
- }
- if (!descriptor) {
- throw new Error(propertyName + ' property does not exist');
- }
- if (!descriptor.configurable) {
- throw new Error(propertyName + ' is not declared configurable');
- }
- if(!descriptor[accessType]) {
- throw new Error('Property ' + propertyName + ' does not have access type ' + accessType);
- }
- if (j$.isSpy(descriptor[accessType])) {
- //TODO?: should this return the current spy? Downside: may cause user confusion about spy state
- throw new Error(propertyName + ' has already been spied upon');
- }
- var originalDescriptor = j$.util.clone(descriptor),
- spy = j$.createSpy(propertyName, descriptor[accessType]),
- restoreStrategy;
- if (, propertyName)) {
- restoreStrategy = function() {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, propertyName, originalDescriptor);
- };
- } else {
- restoreStrategy = function() {
- delete obj[propertyName];
- };
- }
- currentSpies().push({
- restoreObjectToOriginalState: restoreStrategy
- });
- descriptor[accessType] = spy;
- Object.defineProperty(obj, propertyName, descriptor);
- return spy;
- };
- this.clearSpies = function() {
- var spies = currentSpies();
- for (var i = spies.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var spyEntry = spies[i];
- spyEntry.restoreObjectToOriginalState();
- }
- };
- }
- return SpyRegistry;
-getJasmineRequireObj().SpyStrategy = function(j$) {
- /**
- * @namespace Spy#and
- */
- function SpyStrategy(options) {
- options = options || {};
- var identity = || 'unknown',
- originalFn = options.fn || function() {},
- getSpy = options.getSpy || function() {},
- plan = function() {};
- /**
- * Return the identifying information for the spy.
- * @name Spy#and#identity
- * @function
- * @returns {String}
- */
- this.identity = function() {
- return identity;
- };
- /**
- * Execute the current spy strategy.
- * @name Spy#and#exec
- * @function
- */
- this.exec = function() {
- return plan.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- /**
- * Tell the spy to call through to the real implementation when invoked.
- * @name Spy#and#callThrough
- * @function
- */
- this.callThrough = function() {
- plan = originalFn;
- return getSpy();
- };
- /**
- * Tell the spy to return the value when invoked.
- * @name Spy#and#returnValue
- * @function
- * @param {*} value The value to return.
- */
- this.returnValue = function(value) {
- plan = function() {
- return value;
- };
- return getSpy();
- };
- /**
- * Tell the spy to return one of the specified values (sequentially) each time the spy is invoked.
- * @name Spy#and#returnValues
- * @function
- * @param {...*} values - Values to be returned on subsequent calls to the spy.
- */
- this.returnValues = function() {
- var values =;
- plan = function () {
- return values.shift();
- };
- return getSpy();
- };
- /**
- * Tell the spy to throw an error when invoked.
- * @name Spy#and#throwError
- * @function
- * @param {Error|String} something Thing to throw
- */
- this.throwError = function(something) {
- var error = (something instanceof Error) ? something : new Error(something);
- plan = function() {
- throw error;
- };
- return getSpy();
- };
- /**
- * Tell the spy to call a fake implementation when invoked.
- * @name Spy#and#callFake
- * @function
- * @param {Function} fn The function to invoke with the passed parameters.
- */
- this.callFake = function(fn) {
- if(!j$.isFunction_(fn)) {
- throw new Error('Argument passed to callFake should be a function, got ' + fn);
- }
- plan = fn;
- return getSpy();
- };
- /**
- * Tell the spy to do nothing when invoked. This is the default.
- * @name Spy#and#stub
- * @function
- */
- this.stub = function(fn) {
- plan = function() {};
- return getSpy();
- };
- }
- return SpyStrategy;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Suite = function(j$) {
- function Suite(attrs) {
- this.env = attrs.env;
- =;
- this.parentSuite = attrs.parentSuite;
- this.description = attrs.description;
- this.expectationFactory = attrs.expectationFactory;
- this.expectationResultFactory = attrs.expectationResultFactory;
- this.throwOnExpectationFailure = !!attrs.throwOnExpectationFailure;
- this.beforeFns = [];
- this.afterFns = [];
- this.beforeAllFns = [];
- this.afterAllFns = [];
- this.children = [];
- this.result = {
- id:,
- description: this.description,
- fullName: this.getFullName(),
- failedExpectations: []
- };
- }
- Suite.prototype.expect = function(actual) {
- return this.expectationFactory(actual, this);
- };
- Suite.prototype.getFullName = function() {
- var fullName = [];
- for (var parentSuite = this; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) {
- if (parentSuite.parentSuite) {
- fullName.unshift(parentSuite.description);
- }
- }
- return fullName.join(' ');
- };
- Suite.prototype.pend = function() {
- this.markedPending = true;
- };
- Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(fn) {
- this.beforeFns.unshift(fn);
- };
- Suite.prototype.beforeAll = function(fn) {
- this.beforeAllFns.push(fn);
- };
- Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(fn) {
- this.afterFns.unshift(fn);
- };
- Suite.prototype.afterAll = function(fn) {
- this.afterAllFns.unshift(fn);
- };
- Suite.prototype.addChild = function(child) {
- this.children.push(child);
- };
- Suite.prototype.status = function() {
- if (this.markedPending) {
- return 'pending';
- }
- if (this.result.failedExpectations.length > 0) {
- return 'failed';
- } else {
- return 'finished';
- }
- };
- Suite.prototype.isExecutable = function() {
- return !this.markedPending;
- };
- Suite.prototype.canBeReentered = function() {
- return this.beforeAllFns.length === 0 && this.afterAllFns.length === 0;
- };
- Suite.prototype.getResult = function() {
- this.result.status = this.status();
- return this.result;
- };
- Suite.prototype.sharedUserContext = function() {
- if (!this.sharedContext) {
- this.sharedContext = this.parentSuite ? clone(this.parentSuite.sharedUserContext()) : {};
- }
- return this.sharedContext;
- };
- Suite.prototype.clonedSharedUserContext = function() {
- return clone(this.sharedUserContext());
- };
- Suite.prototype.onException = function() {
- if (arguments[0] instanceof j$.errors.ExpectationFailed) {
- return;
- }
- if(isAfterAll(this.children)) {
- var data = {
- matcherName: '',
- passed: false,
- expected: '',
- actual: '',
- error: arguments[0]
- };
- this.result.failedExpectations.push(this.expectationResultFactory(data));
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
- var child = this.children[i];
- child.onException.apply(child, arguments);
- }
- }
- };
- Suite.prototype.addExpectationResult = function () {
- if(isAfterAll(this.children) && isFailure(arguments)){
- var data = arguments[1];
- this.result.failedExpectations.push(this.expectationResultFactory(data));
- if(this.throwOnExpectationFailure) {
- throw new j$.errors.ExpectationFailed();
- }
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
- var child = this.children[i];
- try {
- child.addExpectationResult.apply(child, arguments);
- } catch(e) {
- // keep going
- }
- }
- }
- };
- function isAfterAll(children) {
- return children && children[0].result.status;
- }
- function isFailure(args) {
- return !args[0];
- }
- function clone(obj) {
- var clonedObj = {};
- for (var prop in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- clonedObj[prop] = obj[prop];
- }
- }
- return clonedObj;
- }
- return Suite;
-if (typeof window == void 0 && typeof exports == 'object') {
- exports.Suite = jasmineRequire.Suite;
-getJasmineRequireObj().Timer = function() {
- var defaultNow = (function(Date) {
- return function() { return new Date().getTime(); };
- })(Date);
- function Timer(options) {
- options = options || {};
- var now = || defaultNow,
- startTime;
- this.start = function() {
- startTime = now();
- };
- this.elapsed = function() {
- return now() - startTime;
- };
- }
- return Timer;
-getJasmineRequireObj().TreeProcessor = function() {
- function TreeProcessor(attrs) {
- var tree = attrs.tree,
- runnableIds = attrs.runnableIds,
- queueRunnerFactory = attrs.queueRunnerFactory,
- nodeStart = attrs.nodeStart || function() {},
- nodeComplete = attrs.nodeComplete || function() {},
- orderChildren = attrs.orderChildren || function(node) { return node.children; },
- stats = { valid: true },
- processed = false,
- defaultMin = Infinity,
- defaultMax = 1 - Infinity;
- this.processTree = function() {
- processNode(tree, false);
- processed = true;
- return stats;
- };
- this.execute = function(done) {
- if (!processed) {
- this.processTree();
- }
- if (!stats.valid) {
- throw 'invalid order';
- }
- var childFns = wrapChildren(tree, 0);
- queueRunnerFactory({
- queueableFns: childFns,
- userContext: tree.sharedUserContext(),
- onException: function() {
- tree.onException.apply(tree, arguments);
- },
- onComplete: done
- });
- };
- function runnableIndex(id) {
- for (var i = 0; i < runnableIds.length; i++) {
- if (runnableIds[i] === id) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- function processNode(node, parentEnabled) {
- var executableIndex = runnableIndex(;
- if (executableIndex !== undefined) {
- parentEnabled = true;
- }
- parentEnabled = parentEnabled && node.isExecutable();
- if (!node.children) {
- stats[] = {
- executable: parentEnabled && node.isExecutable(),
- segments: [{
- index: 0,
- owner: node,
- nodes: [node],
- min: startingMin(executableIndex),
- max: startingMax(executableIndex)
- }]
- };
- } else {
- var hasExecutableChild = false;
- var orderedChildren = orderChildren(node);
- for (var i = 0; i < orderedChildren.length; i++) {
- var child = orderedChildren[i];
- processNode(child, parentEnabled);
- if (!stats.valid) {
- return;
- }
- var childStats = stats[];
- hasExecutableChild = hasExecutableChild || childStats.executable;
- }
- stats[] = {
- executable: hasExecutableChild
- };
- segmentChildren(node, orderedChildren, stats[], executableIndex);
- if (!node.canBeReentered() && stats[].segments.length > 1) {
- stats = { valid: false };
- }
- }
- }
- function startingMin(executableIndex) {
- return executableIndex === undefined ? defaultMin : executableIndex;
- }
- function startingMax(executableIndex) {
- return executableIndex === undefined ? defaultMax : executableIndex;
- }
- function segmentChildren(node, orderedChildren, nodeStats, executableIndex) {
- var currentSegment = { index: 0, owner: node, nodes: [], min: startingMin(executableIndex), max: startingMax(executableIndex) },
- result = [currentSegment],
- lastMax = defaultMax,
- orderedChildSegments = orderChildSegments(orderedChildren);
- function isSegmentBoundary(minIndex) {
- return lastMax !== defaultMax && minIndex !== defaultMin && lastMax < minIndex - 1;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < orderedChildSegments.length; i++) {
- var childSegment = orderedChildSegments[i],
- maxIndex = childSegment.max,
- minIndex = childSegment.min;
- if (isSegmentBoundary(minIndex)) {
- currentSegment = {index: result.length, owner: node, nodes: [], min: defaultMin, max: defaultMax};
- result.push(currentSegment);
- }
- currentSegment.nodes.push(childSegment);
- currentSegment.min = Math.min(currentSegment.min, minIndex);
- currentSegment.max = Math.max(currentSegment.max, maxIndex);
- lastMax = maxIndex;
- }
- nodeStats.segments = result;
- }
- function orderChildSegments(children) {
- var specifiedOrder = [],
- unspecifiedOrder = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- var child = children[i],
- segments = stats[].segments;
- for (var j = 0; j < segments.length; j++) {
- var seg = segments[j];
- if (seg.min === defaultMin) {
- unspecifiedOrder.push(seg);
- } else {
- specifiedOrder.push(seg);
- }
- }
- }
- specifiedOrder.sort(function(a, b) {
- return a.min - b.min;
- });
- return specifiedOrder.concat(unspecifiedOrder);
- }
- function executeNode(node, segmentNumber) {
- if (node.children) {
- return {
- fn: function(done) {
- nodeStart(node);
- queueRunnerFactory({
- onComplete: function() {
- nodeComplete(node, node.getResult());
- done();
- },
- queueableFns: wrapChildren(node, segmentNumber),
- userContext: node.sharedUserContext(),
- onException: function() {
- node.onException.apply(node, arguments);
- }
- });
- }
- };
- } else {
- return {
- fn: function(done) { node.execute(done, stats[].executable); }
- };
- }
- }
- function wrapChildren(node, segmentNumber) {
- var result = [],
- segmentChildren = stats[].segments[segmentNumber].nodes;
- for (var i = 0; i < segmentChildren.length; i++) {
- result.push(executeNode(segmentChildren[i].owner, segmentChildren[i].index));
- }
- if (!stats[].executable) {
- return result;
- }
- return node.beforeAllFns.concat(result).concat(node.afterAllFns);
- }
- }
- return TreeProcessor;
-getJasmineRequireObj().version = function() {
- return '2.6.0';
diff --git a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine_favicon.png b/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine_favicon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b84583..0000000
--- a/spec/lib/jasmine-2.6.0/jasmine_favicon.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/spec/spec/adopter.js b/spec/spec/adopter.js
index 0398cb3..90e0411 100644
--- a/spec/spec/adopter.js
+++ b/spec/spec/adopter.js
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ describe('Adopter', function() {
var path, polyline, polygon, linearGradient, radialGradient
beforeEach(function() {
- path = SVG.get('lineAB')
- polyline = SVG.get('inlineSVG').select('polyline')[0]
- polygon = SVG.get('inlineSVG').select('polygon')[0]
- linearGradient = SVG.get('inlineSVG').select('linearGradient')[0]
- radialGradient = SVG.get('inlineSVG').select('radialGradient')[0]
+ path = SVG('#lineAB')
+ polyline = SVG('#inlineSVG').find('polyline')[0]
+ polygon = SVG('#inlineSVG').find('polygon')[0]
+ linearGradient = SVG('#inlineSVG').find('linearGradient')[0]
+ radialGradient = SVG('#inlineSVG').find('radialGradient')[0]
describe('with SVG.Doc instance', function() {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe('Adopter', function() {
expect(polygon.array() instanceof SVG.PointArray).toBeTruthy()
describe('with linear SVG.Gradient instance', function() {
it('is instance of SVG.Gradient', function() {
expect(linearGradient instanceof SVG.Gradient).toBeTruthy()
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ describe('Adopter', function() {
describe('with node that has no matching svg.js class', function() {
it('wraps the node in the base SVG.Element class', function() {
- var desc = SVG.get('inlineSVG').select('desc')[0]
+ var desc = SVG('#inlineSVG').find('desc')[0]
expect(desc instanceof SVG.Element).toBeTruthy()
-}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/spec/animator.js b/spec/spec/animator.js
index a36408c..b1834b4 100644
--- a/spec/spec/animator.js
+++ b/spec/spec/animator.js
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ describe('SVG.Animator', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
SVG.Animator.timer = jasmine.RequestAnimationFrame.mockPerf
+ SVG.Animator.timeouts = new SVG.Queue()
+ SVG.Animator.frames = new SVG.Queue()
+ SVG.Animator.nextDraw = null
afterEach(function () {
diff --git a/spec/spec/array.js b/spec/spec/array.js
index 7530ea1..eeccdca 100644
--- a/spec/spec/array.js
+++ b/spec/spec/array.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ describe('Array', function () {
var array, arr1, arr2
it('parses a matrix array correctly to string', function() {
- array = new SVG.Array([ .343, .669, .119, 0, 0
+ array = new SVG.SVGArray([ .343, .669, .119, 0, 0
, .249, -.626, .130, 0, 0
, .172, .334, .111, 0, 0
, .000, .000, .000, 1, -0 ])
@@ -10,35 +10,35 @@ describe('Array', function () {
expect(array + '').toBe('0.343 0.669 0.119 0 0 0.249 -0.626 0.13 0 0 0.172 0.334 0.111 0 0 0 0 0 1 0')
it('parses space seperated string and converts it to array', function() {
- expect((new SVG.Array('1 2 3 4')).value).toEqual([1,2,3,4])
+ expect((new SVG.SVGArray('1 2 3 4')).valueOf()).toEqual([1,2,3,4])
it('parses comma seperated string and converts it to array', function() {
- expect((new SVG.Array('1,2,3,4')).value).toEqual([1,2,3,4])
+ expect((new SVG.SVGArray('1,2,3,4')).valueOf()).toEqual([1,2,3,4])
describe('reverse()', function() {
it('reverses the array', function() {
- array = new SVG.Array([1 ,2 ,3, 4, 5]).reverse()
- expect(array.value).toEqual([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
+ array = new SVG.SVGArray([1 ,2 ,3, 4, 5]).reverse()
+ expect(array.valueOf()).toEqual([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
it('returns itself', function() {
- array = new SVG.Array()
+ array = new SVG.SVGArray()
describe('clone()', function() {
it('creates a deep clone of the array', function() {
- array = new SVG.Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+ array = new SVG.SVGArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
clone = array.clone()
- array = new SVG.Array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5]])
+ array = new SVG.SVGArray([[1,2], [3, 4], [5]])
clone = array.clone()
- for(var i = 0, len = array.value.length; i; ++i){
+ for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i; ++i){
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ describe('Array', function () {
- for(var i = 0, len = array.value.length; i; ++i){
+ for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i; ++i){
@@ -60,63 +60,11 @@ describe('Array', function () {
- for(var i = 0, len = array.value.length; i; ++i){
+ for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i; ++i){
- describe('morph()', function() {
- it('adds entries so that destination array has equal length', function() {
- arr1 = new SVG.Array([1,2,3,4,5])
- arr2 = new SVG.Array([1,2,3,4])
- arr1.morph(arr2)
- expect(arr1.destination.length).toBe(arr1.value.length)
- })
- it('does the same the other way round', function() {
- arr1 = new SVG.Array([1,2,3,4])
- arr2 = new SVG.Array([1,2,3,4,5])
- arr1.morph(arr2)
- expect(arr1.destination.length).toBe(arr1.value.length)
- })
- })
- describe('settle()', function() {
- it('cleans up any duplicate value', function() {
- array = new SVG.Array([1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1])
- expect(array.settle().sort()).toEqual([1,2,3,4,5].sort())
- })
- })
- describe('at()', function() {
- beforeEach(function() {
- arr1 = new SVG.Array([1,2,3,4])
- arr2 = new SVG.Array([2,3,4,5])
- })
- it('returns a new array instance', function() {
- arr1.morph(arr2)
- start =
- end =
- expect(start instanceof SVG.Array).toBeTruthy()
- expect(start).not.toBe(arr1)
- expect(end instanceof SVG.Array).toBeTruthy()
- expect(end).not.toBe(arr2)
- })
- it('morphs all values of the array', function() {
- arr1.morph(arr2)
- expect([1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5])
- })
- it('returns itself if no destination was specified', function() {
- expect(
- })
- })
@@ -134,7 +82,7 @@ describe('PointArray', function () {
it('parses a flat array of x/y coordinates to a point array', function() {
var array = new SVG.PointArray([1,4, 5,68, 12,24])
- expect(array.value).toEqual([[1,4], [5,68], [12,24]])
+ expect(array.valueOf()).toEqual([[1,4], [5,68], [12,24]])
it('parses points with space delimitered x/y coordinates', function() {
var array = new SVG.PointArray('221.08 191.79 0.46 191.79 0.46 63.92 63.8 0.46 284.46 0.46 284.46 128.37 221.08 191.79')
@@ -178,7 +126,7 @@ describe('PointArray', function () {
var array = new SVG.PointArray([1, 2, 3])
- expect(array.value).toEqual([[1,2]])
+ expect(array.valueOf()).toEqual([[1,2]])
describe('size()', function() {
@@ -196,35 +144,6 @@ describe('PointArray', function () {
- describe('at()', function() {
- var arr1, arr2
- beforeEach(function() {
- arr1 = new SVG.PointArray([[1,2],[3,4]])
- arr2 = new SVG.Array([[2,3],[4,5]])
- })
- it('returns a new array instance', function() {
- arr1.morph(arr2)
- start =
- end =
- expect(start instanceof SVG.PointArray).toBeTruthy()
- expect(start).not.toBe(arr1)
- expect(end instanceof SVG.PointArray).toBeTruthy()
- expect(end).not.toBe(arr2)
- })
- it('morphs all values of the array', function() {
- arr1.morph(arr2)
- expect([[1.5, 2.5], [3.5, 4.5]])
- })
- it('returns itself if no destination was specified', function() {
- expect(
- })
- })
describe('PathArray', function () {
@@ -251,12 +170,12 @@ describe('PathArray', function () {
it('parses difficult syntax correctly', function() {
expect(p5.toString()).toBe('M10 10L-45 -30.5L0.5 0.89L0.02 0.5L0.5 -0.5C0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5L-3 -4Z ')
it('parses flat arrays correctly', function() {
p6 = new SVG.PathArray([ 'M', 0, 0, 'L', 100, 100, 'z' ])
expect(p6.toString()).toBe('M0 0L100 100Z ')
- })
+ })
it('parses nested arrays correctly', function() {
p7 = new SVG.PathArray([ ['M', 0, 0], ['L', 100, 100], ['z'] ])
expect(p7.toString()).toBe('M0 0L100 100Z ')
@@ -266,7 +185,7 @@ describe('PathArray', function () {
it('returns the valueOf when PathArray is given', function() {
var p = new SVG.PathArray('m10 10 h 80 v 80 h -80 l 300 400 z')
- expect((new SVG.PathArray(p)).value).toEqual(p.value)
+ expect((new SVG.PathArray(p))).toEqual(p)
it('can handle all formats which can be used', function() {
@@ -304,10 +223,11 @@ describe('PathArray', function () {
- var toBeTested = p3.size(600,200).value
- for(var i in toBeTested) {
+ var toBeTested = p3.size(600,200)
+ for(var i = toBeTested.length; i--;) {
- for(var j in toBeTested[i]) {
+ for(var j = toBeTested[i].length; j--;) {
@@ -328,77 +248,77 @@ describe('PathArray', function () {
- describe('morph()', function() {
- it('should set the attribute destination to the passed path array when it have the same comands as this path array', function() {
- var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray('m -1500,-478 a 292,195 0 0 1 262,205 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 251,-273 251,-273 z')
- , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray('m -680, 527 a 292,195 0 0 1 262,205 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 251,-273 251,-273 z')
- pathArray1.morph(pathArray2)
- expect(pathArray1.destination).toEqual(pathArray2)
- })
- it('should set the attribute destination to null when the passed path array does not have the same comands as this path array', function() {
- var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray('m -1500,-478 a 292,195 0 0 1 262,205 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 251,-273 251,-273 z')
- , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray('m - 663, 521 c 147,178 118,-25 245,210 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 268,-278 268,-278 z')
- pathArray1.morph(pathArray2)
- expect(pathArray1.destination).toBeNull()
- })
- })
- describe('at()', function() {
- it('returns a morphed path array at a given position', function() {
- var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray("M 63 25 A 15 15 0 0 1 73 40 A 15 15 0 0 1 61 53 C 49 36 50 59 50 59 L 33 55 Z")
- , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray("M 132 40 A 15 15 0 0 1 141 54 A 15 15 0 0 1 130 67 C 118 51 119 73 119 73 L 103 69 Z")
- , morphedPathArray = pathArray1.morph(pathArray2).at(0.5)
- , sourceArray = pathArray1.value, destinationArray = pathArray1.destination.value
- , morphedArray = morphedPathArray.value
- , i, il, j, jl
- expect(morphedArray.length).toBe(sourceArray.length)
- // For all the commands
- for(i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
- // Expect the current command to be the same
- expect(morphedArray[i][0]).toBe(sourceArray[i][0])
- expect(morphedArray[i].length).toBe(sourceArray[i].length)
- // For all the parameters of the current command
- for(j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
- expect(morphedArray[i][j]).toBe((sourceArray[i][j] + destinationArray[i][j]) / 2)
- }
- }
- })
- it('should interpolate flags and booleans as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true', function() {
- // Only the Elliptical arc command use flags, it has the following form:
- // A rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y
- var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray('M 13 13 A 25 37 0 0 1 43 25')
- , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray('M 101 55 A 25 37 0 1 0 130 67')
- , morphedPathArray
- pathArray1.morph(pathArray2)
- // The morphedPathArray.value contain 2 commands: [['M', ...], ['A', ...]]
- // Elliptical arc command in a path array followed by corresponding indexes:
- // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
- // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- morphedPathArray =
- expect(morphedPathArray.value[1][4]).toBe(0)
- expect(morphedPathArray.value[1][5]).toBe(1)
- morphedPathArray =
- expect(morphedPathArray.value[1][4]).toBe(1)
- expect(morphedPathArray.value[1][5]).toBe(1)
- morphedPathArray =
- expect(morphedPathArray.value[1][4]).toBe(1)
- expect(morphedPathArray.value[1][5]).toBe(0)
- })
- it('return itself if the destination attribute is null', function(){
- var pathArray = new SVG.PathArray('M 13 13 A 25 37 0 0 1 43 25')
- pathArray.destination = null
- expect(
- })
- })
+ //
+ // describe('morph()', function() {
+ // it('should set the attribute destination to the passed path array when it have the same comands as this path array', function() {
+ // var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray('m -1500,-478 a 292,195 0 0 1 262,205 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 251,-273 251,-273 z')
+ // , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray('m -680, 527 a 292,195 0 0 1 262,205 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 251,-273 251,-273 z')
+ //
+ // pathArray1.morph(pathArray2)
+ // expect(pathArray1.destination).toEqual(pathArray2)
+ // })
+ // it('should set the attribute destination to null when the passed path array does not have the same comands as this path array', function() {
+ // var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray('m -1500,-478 a 292,195 0 0 1 262,205 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 251,-273 251,-273 z')
+ // , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray('m - 663, 521 c 147,178 118,-25 245,210 l -565,319 c 0,0 -134,-374 51,-251 185,122 268,-278 268,-278 z')
+ //
+ // pathArray1.morph(pathArray2)
+ // expect(pathArray1.destination).toBeNull()
+ // })
+ // })
+ //
+ // describe('at()', function() {
+ // it('returns a morphed path array at a given position', function() {
+ // var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray("M 63 25 A 15 15 0 0 1 73 40 A 15 15 0 0 1 61 53 C 49 36 50 59 50 59 L 33 55 Z")
+ // , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray("M 132 40 A 15 15 0 0 1 141 54 A 15 15 0 0 1 130 67 C 118 51 119 73 119 73 L 103 69 Z")
+ // , morphedPathArray = pathArray1.morph(pathArray2).at(0.5)
+ // , sourceArray = pathArray1, destinationArray = pathArray1.destination
+ // , morphedArray = morphedPathArray
+ // , i, il, j, jl
+ //
+ // expect(morphedArray.length).toBe(sourceArray.length)
+ //
+ // // For all the commands
+ // for(i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
+ // // Expect the current command to be the same
+ // expect(morphedArray[i][0]).toBe(sourceArray[i][0])
+ // expect(morphedArray[i].length).toBe(sourceArray[i].length)
+ //
+ // // For all the parameters of the current command
+ // for(j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
+ // expect(morphedArray[i][j]).toBe((sourceArray[i][j] + destinationArray[i][j]) / 2)
+ // }
+ // }
+ // })
+ // it('should interpolate flags and booleans as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true', function() {
+ // // Only the Elliptical arc command use flags, it has the following form:
+ // // A rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y
+ // var pathArray1 = new SVG.PathArray('M 13 13 A 25 37 0 0 1 43 25')
+ // , pathArray2 = new SVG.PathArray('M 101 55 A 25 37 0 1 0 130 67')
+ // , morphedPathArray
+ //
+ // pathArray1.morph(pathArray2)
+ //
+ // // The morphedPathArray contain 2 commands: [['M', ...], ['A', ...]]
+ // // Elliptical arc command in a path array followed by corresponding indexes:
+ // // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
+ // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+ // morphedPathArray =
+ // expect(morphedPathArray[1][4]).toBe(0)
+ // expect(morphedPathArray[1][5]).toBe(1)
+ //
+ // morphedPathArray =
+ // expect(morphedPathArray[1][4]).toBe(1)
+ // expect(morphedPathArray[1][5]).toBe(1)
+ //
+ // morphedPathArray =
+ // expect(morphedPathArray[1][4]).toBe(1)
+ // expect(morphedPathArray[1][5]).toBe(0)
+ // })
+ // it('return itself if the destination attribute is null', function(){
+ // var pathArray = new SVG.PathArray('M 13 13 A 25 37 0 0 1 43 25')
+ // pathArray.destination = null
+ // expect(
+ // })
+ // })
diff --git a/spec/spec/bare.js b/spec/spec/bare.js
index 0488bbd..5601a37 100644
--- a/spec/spec/bare.js
+++ b/spec/spec/bare.js
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ describe('Bare', function() {
it('creates element in called parent', function() {
- it('inherits from given parent', function() {
- expect(draw.element('g', SVG.Container).rect).toBeTruthy()
- expect(draw.element('g', SVG.Container).group).toBeTruthy()
- })
+ // it('inherits from given parent', function() {
+ // expect(draw.element('g', SVG.Container).rect).toBeTruthy()
+ // expect(draw.element('g', SVG.Container).group).toBeTruthy()
+ // })
describe('words()', function() {
diff --git a/spec/spec/boxes.js b/spec/spec/boxes.js
index 934f472..2fcbd8b 100644
--- a/spec/spec/boxes.js
+++ b/spec/spec/boxes.js
@@ -119,40 +119,6 @@ describe('Box', function() {
- describe('morph()', function() {
- it('stores a given box for morphing', function() {
- var box1 = new SVG.Box(10, 100, 200, 300)
- , box2 = new SVG.Box(50, -100, 300, 300)
- box1.morph(box2)
- expect(box1.destination).toEqual(box2)
- })
- it('stores a clone, not the given viewbox itself', function() {
- var box1 = new SVG.Box(10, 100, 200, 300)
- , box2 = new SVG.Box(50, -100, 300, 300)
- box1.morph(box2)
- expect(box1.destination).not.toBe(box2)
- })
- })
- describe('at()', function() {
- it('returns a morphed box at a given position', function() {
- var box1 = new SVG.Box(10, 100, 200, 300)
- , box2 = new SVG.Box(50, -100, 300, 300)
- , box3 = box1.morph(box2).at(0.5)
- expect(box1.toString()).toBe('10 100 200 300')
- expect(box2.toString()).toBe('50 -100 300 300')
- expect(box3.toString()).toBe('30 0 250 300')
- })
- it('returns itself when no destination given', function() {
- var box = new SVG.Box(10, 100, 200, 300)
- expect(
- })
- })
diff --git a/spec/spec/color.js b/spec/spec/color.js
index 1e86544..410577f 100644
--- a/spec/spec/color.js
+++ b/spec/spec/color.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe('Color', function() {
it('correclty parses a 3 digit hex string', function() {
color = new SVG.Color('#f06')
@@ -43,44 +43,4 @@ describe('Color', function() {
- describe('morph()', function() {
- it('prepares the color for morphing', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Color
- color.morph(destination)
- expect(color.destination).toEqual(destination)
- })
- })
- describe('at()', function() {
- it('morphes color to a given position', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Color
- var morphed = color.morph(destination).at(0.5)
- expect(morphed.r).toBe(0)
- expect(morphed.g).toBe(51)
- expect(morphed.b).toBe(127)
- })
- it('morphes color to 1 with higher values', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Color('#fff')
- var morphed = color.morph(destination).at(2)
- expect(morphed.r).toBe(255)
- expect(morphed.g).toBe(255)
- expect(morphed.b).toBe(255)
- })
- it('morphes color to 0 with lower values', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Color('#fff')
- var morphed = color.morph(destination).at(-3)
- expect(morphed.r).toBe(0)
- expect(morphed.g).toBe(102)
- expect(morphed.b).toBe(255)
- })
- it('returns itself when no destination specified', function() {
- expect(
- })
- })
diff --git a/spec/spec/container.js b/spec/spec/container.js
index 3e49e37..6f63ba5 100644
--- a/spec/spec/container.js
+++ b/spec/spec/container.js
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ describe('Container', function() {
it('creates an instance of SVG.Text', function() {
expect(draw.text(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Text).toBe(true)
- it('is an instance of SVG.Parent', function() {
- expect(draw.text(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Parent).toBe(true)
+ it('is an instance of SVG.Shape', function() {
+ expect(draw.text(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Shape).toBe(true)
it('is an instance of SVG.Element', function() {
expect(draw.text(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Element).toBe(true)
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ describe('Container', function() {
expect(draw.plain(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Text).toBe(true)
it('is an instance of SVG.Parent', function() {
- expect(draw.plain(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Parent).toBe(true)
+ expect(draw.plain(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Shape).toBe(true)
it('is an instance of SVG.Element', function() {
expect(draw.plain(loremIpsum) instanceof SVG.Element).toBe(true)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ describe('Container', function() {
expect(children).toEqual((parserInDoc ? [parser[0].type] : []).concat(['rect', 'ellipse', 'polygon']))
- it('should only include the its own children', function() {
+ it('should only include its own children', function() {
var children = []
, group =
@@ -375,14 +375,3 @@ describe('Container', function() {
diff --git a/spec/spec/element.js b/spec/spec/element.js
index 1e502d1..a02d635 100644
--- a/spec/spec/element.js
+++ b/spec/spec/element.js
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe('Element', function() {
afterEach(function() {
- //draw.defs().select('pattern').forEach(function(el) { el.remove() })
+ //draw.defs().find('pattern').forEach(function(el) { el.remove() })
@@ -95,17 +95,17 @@ describe('Element', function() {
it('creates an image in defs when image path is specified for fill', function() {
rect.attr('fill', imageUrl)
- expect(draw.defs().select('pattern').length).toBe(1)
- expect(draw.defs().select('pattern image').length).toBe(1)
- expect(draw.defs().select('pattern image')[0].attr('href')).toBe(imageUrl)
+ expect(draw.defs().find('pattern').length).toBe(1)
+ expect(draw.defs().find('pattern image').length).toBe(1)
+ expect(draw.defs().find('pattern image')[0].attr('href')).toBe(imageUrl)
it('creates pattern in defs when image object is specified for fill', function() {
rect.attr('fill', new SVG.Image().load(imageUrl))
- expect(draw.defs().select('pattern').length).toBe(1)
- expect(draw.defs().select('pattern image').length).toBe(1)
- expect(draw.defs().select('pattern image')[0].attr('href')).toBe(imageUrl)
+ expect(draw.defs().find('pattern').length).toBe(1)
+ expect(draw.defs().find('pattern image').length).toBe(1)
+ expect(draw.defs().find('pattern image')[0].attr('href')).toBe(imageUrl)
- it('correctly creates SVG.Array if array given', function() {
+ it('correctly creates SVG.SVGArray if array given', function() {
rect.attr('something', [2,3,4])
expect(rect.attr('something')).toBe('2 3 4')
@@ -131,17 +131,16 @@ describe('Element', function() {
- it('increases the global id sequence', function() {
- var did = SVG.did
- expect(did + 1).toBe(SVG.did)
- })
+ // it('increases the global id sequence', function() {
+ // var did = SVG.did
+ //
+ //
+ // expect(did + 1).toBe(SVG.did)
+ // })
it('adds a unique id containing the node name', function() {
- var did = SVG.did
- expect(rect.attr('id')).toBe('SvgjsRect' + did)
+ expect(rect.attr('id').includes('Rect')).toBe(true)
it('gets the value if the id attribute without an argument', function() {
@@ -448,55 +447,56 @@ describe('Element', function() {
- describe('flatten()', function() {
- var nested, g1, g2, rect1
- beforeEach(function() {
- draw.defs()
- nested = draw.nested()
- g1 =, 20)
- g2 =, 100)
- rect1 = g2.rect(100,100).scale(2)
- rect2 = g1.rect(100,100).scale(0.5)
- })
- afterEach(function() {
- draw.clear()
- })
- it('returns itself when depths is 0 or this is SVG.Defs', function() {
- expect(draw.defs().flatten()).toBe(draw.defs())
- expect(g1.flatten(null, 0)).toBe(g1)
- })
- it('breaks up all container and move the elements to the parent', function() {
- g1.flatten()
- expect(rect1.parent()).toBe(nested)
- expect(rect2.parent()).toBe(nested)
- expect(g1.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
- expect(g2.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
- expect(window.roundMatrix(rect1.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, 70, 70))
- expect(window.roundMatrix(rect2.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 45, 45))
- })
- it('ungroups everything to the doc root when called on SVG.Doc / does not ungroup defs/parser', function() {
- draw.flatten()
- expect(rect1.parent()).toBe(draw)
- expect(rect2.parent()).toBe(draw)
- expect(g1.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
- expect(g2.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
- expect(nested.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
- expect(window.roundMatrix(rect1.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, 70, 70))
- expect(window.roundMatrix(rect2.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 45, 45))
- expect(draw.children().length).toBe(3+parserInDoc) // 2 * rect + defs
- })
- })
+ // FIXME
+ // describe('flatten()', function() {
+ // var nested, g1, g2, rect1
+ //
+ // beforeEach(function() {
+ // draw.defs()
+ // nested = draw.nested()
+ // g1 =, 20)
+ // g2 =, 100)
+ // rect1 = g2.rect(100,100).scale(2)
+ // rect2 = g1.rect(100,100).scale(0.5)
+ // })
+ //
+ // afterEach(function() {
+ // draw.clear()
+ // })
+ //
+ // it('returns itself when depths is 0 or this is SVG.Defs', function() {
+ // expect(draw.defs().flatten()).toBe(draw.defs())
+ // expect(g1.flatten(null, 0)).toBe(g1)
+ // })
+ //
+ // it('breaks up all container and move the elements to the parent', function() {
+ // g1.flatten()
+ // expect(rect1.parent()).toBe(nested)
+ // expect(rect2.parent()).toBe(nested)
+ //
+ // expect(g1.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
+ // expect(g2.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
+ //
+ // expect(window.roundMatrix(rect1.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, 70, 70))
+ // expect(window.roundMatrix(rect2.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 45, 45))
+ // })
+ //
+ // it('ungroups everything to the doc root when called on SVG.Doc / does not ungroup defs/parser', function() {
+ // draw.flatten()
+ //
+ // expect(rect1.parent()).toBe(draw)
+ // expect(rect2.parent()).toBe(draw)
+ //
+ // expect(g1.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
+ // expect(g2.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
+ // expect(nested.node.parentNode).toBeFalsy()
+ //
+ // expect(window.roundMatrix(rect1.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(2, 0, 0, 2, 70, 70))
+ // expect(window.roundMatrix(rect2.matrix())).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 45, 45))
+ //
+ // expect(draw.children().length).toBe(3+parserInDoc) // 2 * rect + defs
+ // })
+ // })
describe('ctm()', function() {
var rect
@@ -883,16 +883,6 @@ describe('Element', function() {
- it('does not import on single elements, even with an argument it acts as a getter', function() {
- var rect = draw.rect(100,100).id(null)
- , result = rect.svg('<circle r="300"></rect>')
- expect(
- result === '<rect width="100" height="100"></rect>'
- || result === '<rect height="100" width="100"></rect>'
- || result === '<rect xmlns="" width="100" height="100"></rect>'
- ).toBeTruthy()
- })
describe('with a modifier function', function() {
var rect, circle, group
@@ -951,7 +941,7 @@ describe('Element', function() {
it('set all properties in el.dom to the svgjs:data attribute', function(){
var rect = draw.rect(100,100) = 'bar'
- rect.dom.number = new SVG.Number('3px')
+ rect.dom.number = new SVG.SVGNumber('3px')
@@ -961,7 +951,7 @@ describe('Element', function() {
var g =
rect = g.rect(100,100) = 'bar'
- rect.dom.number = new SVG.Number('3px')
+ rect.dom.number = new SVG.SVGNumber('3px')
@@ -1024,14 +1014,14 @@ describe('Element', function() {
- describe('is()', function() {
- it('checks if element is instance of a certain kind', function() {
- var rect = draw.rect(100,100)
- expect(
- expect(
- expect(
- })
- })
+ // describe('is()', function() {
+ // it('checks if element is instance of a certain kind', function() {
+ // var rect = draw.rect(100,100)
+ // expect(
+ // expect(
+ // expect(
+ // })
+ // })
describe('defs()', function() {
it('returns the defs from the svg', function() {
var g =
diff --git a/spec/spec/event.js b/spec/spec/event.js
index 6329151..83d173a 100644
--- a/spec/spec/event.js
+++ b/spec/spec/event.js
@@ -18,39 +18,40 @@ describe('Event', function() {
toast = context = null
- if (!this.isTouchDevice) {
- [ 'click'
- , 'dblclick'
- , 'mousedown'
- , 'mouseup'
- , 'mouseover'
- , 'mouseout'
- , 'mousemove'
- , 'mouseenter'
- , 'mouseleave'
- ].forEach(function(event) {
- describe(event+'()', function() {
- it('calls `on()` with '+event+' as event', function() {
- rect[event](action)
- expect(SVG.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith(rect, event, action)
- })
- })
- })
- } else {
- [ 'touchstart'
- , 'touchmove'
- , 'touchleave'
- , 'touchend'
- , 'touchcancel'
- ].forEach(function(event) {
- describe(event+'()', function() {
- it('calls `on()` with '+event+' as event', function() {
- rect[event](action)
- expect(SVG.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith(rect, event, action)
- })
- })
- })
- }
+ // FIXME: cannot be spied like that with es6 modules
+ // if (!this.isTouchDevice) {
+ // [ 'click'
+ // , 'dblclick'
+ // , 'mousedown'
+ // , 'mouseup'
+ // , 'mouseover'
+ // , 'mouseout'
+ // , 'mousemove'
+ // , 'mouseenter'
+ // , 'mouseleave'
+ // ].forEach(function(event) {
+ // describe(event+'()', function() {
+ // it('calls `on()` with '+event+' as event', function() {
+ // rect[event](action)
+ // expect(SVG.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith(rect, event, action)
+ // })
+ // })
+ // })
+ // } else {
+ // [ 'touchstart'
+ // , 'touchmove'
+ // , 'touchleave'
+ // , 'touchend'
+ // , 'touchcancel'
+ // ].forEach(function(event) {
+ // describe(event+'()', function() {
+ // it('calls `on()` with '+event+' as event', function() {
+ // rect[event](action)
+ // expect(SVG.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith(rect, event, action)
+ // })
+ // })
+ // })
+ // }
describe('on()', function() {
diff --git a/spec/spec/fx.js b/spec/spec/fx.js
index 365a196..cc4e6d8 100644
--- a/spec/spec/fx.js
+++ b/spec/spec/fx.js
@@ -2143,7 +2143,7 @@
// it('should be possible to animate numeric attributes', function () {
// var startValue = 0
// , endValue = 150
-// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , morph = new SVG.SVGNumber(startValue).morph(endValue)
// var text = draw.text(function(add) {
// add.tspan('We go ')
@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@
// it('should be possible to pass percentage strings to numeric attributes', function () {
// var startValue = '0%'
// , endValue = '80%'
-// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , morph = new SVG.SVGNumber(startValue).morph(endValue)
// var text = draw.text(function(add) {
// add.tspan('We go ')
@@ -2288,7 +2288,7 @@
// it('should be possible to animate numeric styles', function () {
// var startValue = 0
// , endValue = 5
-// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , morph = new SVG.SVGNumber(startValue).morph(endValue)
// rect.css('stroke-width', startValue)
// fx.css('stroke-width', endValue)
@@ -2352,7 +2352,7 @@
// it('should be possible to pass percentage strings to numeric styles', function () {
// var startValue = '0%'
// , endValue = '5%'
-// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , morph = new SVG.SVGNumber(startValue).morph(endValue)
// rect.css('stroke-width', startValue)
// fx.css('stroke-width', endValue)
@@ -2398,14 +2398,14 @@
// describe('add()', function() {
// it('adds to animations obj by default', function() {
-// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20))
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.SVGNumber(20))
// expect(fx.situation.animations.x.value).toBe(20)
// })
// it('adds to specified obj', function() {
-// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'animations')
-// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'attrs')
-// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'styles')
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.SVGNumber(20), 'animations')
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.SVGNumber(20), 'attrs')
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.SVGNumber(20), 'styles')
// expect(fx.situation.animations.x.value).toBe(20)
// expect(fx.situation.attrs.x.value).toBe(20)
// expect(fx.situation.styles.x.value).toBe(20)
@@ -2836,12 +2836,12 @@
// expect(obj instanceof SVG.Color).toBeTruthy()
// })
-// it('accepts numbers and converts them to SVG.Number', function() {
+// it('accepts numbers and converts them to SVG.SVGNumber', function() {
// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('0', '10')
-// expect(obj instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
+// expect(obj instanceof SVG.SVGNumber).toBeTruthy()
// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj(0, 10)
-// expect(obj instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
+// expect(obj instanceof SVG.SVGNumber).toBeTruthy()
// })
// it('accepts any other values', function() {
diff --git a/spec/spec/helper.js b/spec/spec/helper.js
index a77b3e7..f8992ac 100644
--- a/spec/spec/helper.js
+++ b/spec/spec/helper.js
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-// create canavs
-//var drawing, window = window, document = document, SVG = SVG
parserInDoc = false
if(typeof exports === 'object'){
@@ -133,22 +130,24 @@ if(typeof exports === 'object'){
parserInDoc |= 0 = 'drawing'
-draw = SVG().addTo(drawing).size(100,100)
+//draw = SVG().addTo(drawing)
parser = parserInDoc ? [SVG.parser.draw.instance] : []
// raw path data
svgPath = 'M88.006,61.994c3.203,0,6.216-1.248,8.481-3.514C98.752,56.215,100,53.203,100,50c0-3.204-1.248-6.216-3.513-8.481 c-2.266-2.265-5.278-3.513-8.481-3.513c-2.687,0-5.237,0.877-7.327,2.496h-7.746l5.479-5.479 c5.891-0.757,10.457-5.803,10.457-11.896c0-6.614-5.381-11.995-11.994-11.995c-6.093,0-11.14,4.567-11.896,10.457l-5.479,5.479 v-7.747c1.618-2.089,2.495-4.641,2.495-7.327c0-3.204-1.247-6.216-3.513-8.481C56.216,1.248,53.204,0,50,0 c-3.204,0-6.216,1.248-8.481,3.513c-2.265,2.265-3.513,5.277-3.513,8.481c0,2.686,0.877,5.237,2.495,7.327v7.747l-5.479-5.479 c-0.757-5.89-5.803-10.457-11.896-10.457c-6.614,0-11.995,5.381-11.995,11.995c0,6.093,4.567,11.139,10.458,11.896l5.479,5.479 h-7.747c-2.089-1.619-4.641-2.496-7.327-2.496c-3.204,0-6.216,1.248-8.481,3.513C1.248,43.784,0,46.796,0,50 c0,3.203,1.248,6.216,3.513,8.48c2.265,2.266,5.277,3.514,8.481,3.514c2.686,0,5.237-0.877,7.327-2.496h7.747l-5.479,5.479 c-5.891,0.757-10.458,5.804-10.458,11.896c0,6.614,5.381,11.994,11.995,11.994c6.093,0,11.139-4.566,11.896-10.457l5.479-5.479 v7.749c-3.63,4.7-3.291,11.497,1.018,15.806C43.784,98.752,46.796,100,50,100c3.204,0,6.216-1.248,8.481-3.514 c4.309-4.309,4.647-11.105,1.018-15.806v-7.749l5.479,5.479c0.757,5.891,5.804,10.457,11.896,10.457 c6.613,0,11.994-5.38,11.994-11.994c0-6.093-4.566-11.14-10.457-11.896l-5.479-5.479h7.746 C82.769,61.117,85.319,61.994,88.006,61.994z M76.874,68.354c4.705,0,8.52,3.814,8.52,8.521c0,4.705-3.814,8.52-8.52,8.52 s-8.52-3.814-8.52-8.52l-12.33-12.33V81.98c3.327,3.328,3.327,8.723,0,12.049c-3.327,3.328-8.722,3.328-12.049,0 c-3.327-3.326-3.327-8.721,0-12.049V64.544l-12.33,12.33c0,4.705-3.814,8.52-8.52,8.52s-8.52-3.814-8.52-8.52 c0-4.706,3.814-8.521,8.52-8.521l12.33-12.33H18.019c-3.327,3.328-8.722,3.328-12.049,0c-3.327-3.326-3.327-8.721,0-12.048 s8.722-3.327,12.049,0h17.438l-12.33-12.33c-4.706,0-8.52-3.814-8.52-8.52c0-4.706,3.814-8.52,8.52-8.52s8.52,3.814,8.52,8.52 l12.33,12.33V18.019c-3.327-3.327-3.327-8.722,0-12.049s8.722-3.327,12.049,0s3.327,8.722,0,12.049v17.438l12.33-12.33 c0-4.706,3.814-8.52,8.52-8.52s8.52,3.814,8.52,8.52c0,4.705-3.814,8.52-8.52,8.52l-12.33,12.33h17.438 c3.327-3.327,8.722-3.327,12.049,0s3.327,8.722,0,12.048c-3.327,3.328-8.722,3.328-12.049,0H64.544L76.874,68.354z'
-// image url
// lorem ipsum text
loremIpsum = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sodales\n imperdiet auctor. Nunc ultrices lectus at erat dictum pharetra\n elementum ante posuere. Duis turpis risus, blandit nec elementum et,\n posuere eget lacus. Aliquam et risus magna, eu aliquet nibh. Fusce\n consequat mi quis purus varius sagittis euismod urna interdum.\n Curabitur aliquet orci quis felis semper vulputate. Vestibulum ac nisi\n magna, id dictum diam. Proin sed metus vel magna blandit\n sodales. Pellentesque at neque ultricies nunc euismod rutrum ut in\n lorem. Mauris euismod tellus in tellus tempus interdum. Phasellus\n mattis sapien et leo feugiat dictum. Vestibulum at volutpat velit.'
// test for touch device
this.isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement
+ draw = SVG().addTo(drawing).size(100,100)
+ draw.remove()
// strip spaces from result
diff --git a/spec/spec/morphing.js b/spec/spec/morphing.js
index 4074d7e..7fc0c06 100644
--- a/spec/spec/morphing.js
+++ b/spec/spec/morphing.js
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ describe('Morphing', function () {
var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().from(10).to(5)
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Number)
- expect( instanceof SVG.Number).toBe(true)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.SVGNumber)
+ expect( instanceof SVG.SVGNumber).toBe(true)
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ describe('Morphing', function () {
var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().from('foo').to('bar')
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable)
- expect( instanceof SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable).toBe(true)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.NonMorphable)
+ expect( instanceof SVG.NonMorphable).toBe(true)
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ describe('Morphing', function () {
var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().from({a:5, b: 10}).to({a: 10, b: 20})
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.ObjectBag)
expect( instanceof Object).toBe(true)
expect({a: 7.5, b: 15}))
- it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.Number`, function () {
- var morpher = new SVG.Number(5).to(10)
+ it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.SVGNumber`, function () {
+ var morpher = new SVG.SVGNumber(5).to(10)
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Number)
- expect( instanceof SVG.Number).toBe(true)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.SVGNumber)
+ expect( instanceof SVG.SVGNumber).toBe(true)
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ describe('Morphing', function () {
expect( SVG.Matrix(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)))
- it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.Array`, function () {
- var morpher = new SVG.Array([1,2,3,4,5,6]).to([3,4,5,6,7,8])
+ it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.SVGArray`, function () {
+ var morpher = new SVG.SVGArray([1,2,3,4,5,6]).to([3,4,5,6,7,8])
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Array)
- expect( instanceof SVG.Array).toBe(true)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.SVGArray)
+ expect( instanceof SVG.SVGArray).toBe(true)
expect([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]))
@@ -92,32 +92,32 @@ describe('Morphing', function () {
expect(['M', 2, 3, 'L', 4, 5, 'L', 6, 7]))
- it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable`, function () {
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable('foo').to('bar')
+ it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.NonMorphable`, function () {
+ var morpher = new SVG.NonMorphable('foo').to('bar')
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable)
- expect( instanceof SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable).toBe(true)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.NonMorphable)
+ expect( instanceof SVG.NonMorphable).toBe(true)
- it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.Morphable.TransformBag`, function () {
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable.TransformBag({rotate: 0, translateX: 0})
+ it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.TransformBag`, function () {
+ var morpher = new SVG.TransformBag({rotate: 0, translateX: 0})
.to({rotate: 50, translateX: 20})
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Morphable.TransformBag)
- expect( instanceof SVG.Morphable.TransformBag).toBe(true)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.TransformBag)
+ expect( instanceof SVG.TransformBag).toBe(true)
expect({rotate: 25, translateX: 10}))
- it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag`, function () {
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag({a:5, b: 10}).to({a: 10, b: 20})
+ it(`Creates a morphable out of an SVG.ObjectBag`, function () {
+ var morpher = new SVG.ObjectBag({a:5, b: 10}).to({a: 10, b: 20})
expect(morpher instanceof SVG.Morphable).toBe(true)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.ObjectBag)
expect( instanceof Object).toBe(true)
expect({a: 7.5, b: 15}))
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ describe('Morphing', function () {
describe('from()', function () {
it('sets the type of the runner', function () {
var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().from(5)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Number)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.SVGNumber)
it('sets the from attribute to an array representation of the morphable type', function () {
@@ -137,20 +137,20 @@ describe('Morphing', function () {
describe('type()', function () {
it('sets the type of the runner', function () {
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().type(SVG.Number)
- expect(morpher._type).toBe(SVG.Number)
+ var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().type(SVG.SVGNumber)
+ expect(morpher._type).toBe(SVG.SVGNumber)
it('gets the type of the runner', function () {
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().type(SVG.Number)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Number)
+ var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().type(SVG.SVGNumber)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.SVGNumber)
describe('to()', function () {
it('sets the type of the runner', function () {
var morpher = new SVG.Morphable().to(5)
- expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.Number)
+ expect(morpher.type()).toBe(SVG.SVGNumber)
it('sets the from attribute to an array representation of the morphable type', function () {
diff --git a/spec/spec/number.js b/spec/spec/number.js
index ce5c641..a6ae80e 100644
--- a/spec/spec/number.js
+++ b/spec/spec/number.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ describe('Number', function() {
var number
beforeEach(function() {
- number = new SVG.Number
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber
describe('new', function() {
@@ -13,40 +13,40 @@ describe('Number', function() {
it('accepts the unit as a second argument', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number(30, '%')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber(30, '%')
it('parses a pixel value', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number('20px')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber('20px')
it('parses a percent value', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number('99%')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber('99%')
it('parses a seconds value', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number('2s')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber('2s')
it('parses a negative percent value', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number('-89%')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber('-89%')
it('falls back to 0 if given value is NaN', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number(NaN)
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber(NaN)
it('falls back to maximum value if given number is positive infinite', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number(1.7976931348623157E+10308)
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber(1.7976931348623157E+10308)
it('falls back to minimum value if given number is negative infinite', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number(-1.7976931348623157E+10308)
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber(-1.7976931348623157E+10308)
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ describe('Number', function() {
describe('valueOf()', function() {
it('returns a numeric value for default units', function() {
expect(typeof number.valueOf()).toBe('number')
- number = new SVG.Number('12')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber('12')
expect(typeof number.valueOf()).toBe('number')
- number = new SVG.Number(13)
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber(13)
expect(typeof number.valueOf()).toBe('number')
it('returns a numeric value for pixel units', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number('10px')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber('10px')
expect(typeof number.valueOf()).toBe('number')
it('returns a numeric value for percent units', function() {
- number = new SVG.Number('20%')
+ number = new SVG.SVGNumber('20%')
expect(typeof number.valueOf()).toBe('number')
it('converts to a primitive when multiplying', function() {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe('Number', function() {
describe('plus()', function() {
it('returns a new instance', function() {
- expect( instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
+ expect( instanceof SVG.SVGNumber).toBeTruthy()
it('adds a given number', function() {
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ describe('Number', function() {
it('use the unit of this number as the unit of the returned number by default', function (){
- expect(new SVG.Number('12s').plus('3%').unit).toBe('s')
+ expect(new SVG.SVGNumber('12s').plus('3%').unit).toBe('s')
it('use the unit of the passed number as the unit of the returned number when this number as no unit', function() {
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ describe('Number', function() {
it('use the unit of this number as the unit of the returned number by default', function (){
- expect(new SVG.Number('12s').minus('3%').unit).toBe('s')
+ expect(new SVG.SVGNumber('12s').minus('3%').unit).toBe('s')
it('use the unit of the passed number as the unit of the returned number when this number as no unit', function() {
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ describe('Number', function() {
it('use the unit of this number as the unit of the returned number by default', function (){
- expect(new SVG.Number('12s').times('3%').unit).toBe('s')
+ expect(new SVG.SVGNumber('12s').times('3%').unit).toBe('s')
it('use the unit of the passed number as the unit of the returned number when this number as no unit', function() {
@@ -169,58 +169,10 @@ describe('Number', function() {
it('use the unit of this number as the unit of the returned number by default', function (){
- expect(new SVG.Number('12s').divide('3%').unit).toBe('s')
+ expect(new SVG.SVGNumber('12s').divide('3%').unit).toBe('s')
it('use the unit of the passed number as the unit of the returned number when this number as no unit', function() {
- describe('morph()', function() {
- it('returns itself', function() {
- expect(number.morph(new SVG.Number)).toBe(number)
- })
- it('prepares the color for morphing', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Number
- number.morph(destination)
- expect(number.destination).toEqual(destination)
- })
- it('if the passed object as a relative attribute set to true, destination is relative to the current value', function() {
- var n1 = new SVG.Number(3)
- , n2 = new SVG.Number(7)
- n2.relative = true
- n1.morph(n2)
- expect(n1.destination.value).toBe(n1.value + n2.value)
- })
- })
- describe('at()', function() {
- it('returns a new instance', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Number(200)
- var morphed = number.morph(destination).at(0.4)
- expect(morphed).not.toBe(number)
- expect(morphed).not.toBe(destination)
- })
- it('morphes number to a given position', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Number(200)
- var morphed = number.morph(destination).at(0.4)
- expect(morphed.valueOf()).toBe(80)
- })
- it('morphes number to a given percentage position', function() {
- var destination = new SVG.Number('100%')
- var morphed = number.morph(destination).at(0.72)
- expect(morphed.toString()).toBe('72%')
- })
- it('use the unit of the destination number as the unit of the returned number by default', function() {
- expect(new SVG.Number('100s').morph('50%').at(0.5).unit).toBe('%')
- })
- it('use the unit of this number as the unit of the returned number when the destination number as no unit', function() {
- expect(expect(new SVG.Number('100s').morph(50).at(0.5).unit).toBe('s'))
- })
- it('returns itself when no destination specified', function() {
- expect(
- })
- })
diff --git a/spec/spec/point.js b/spec/spec/point.js
index a41f2ee..768d7e9 100644
--- a/spec/spec/point.js
+++ b/spec/spec/point.js
@@ -81,60 +81,4 @@ describe('Point', function() {
- describe('morph()', function() {
- it('stores a given point for morphing', function() {
- var point1 = new SVG.Point(1,1)
- , point2 = new SVG.Point(2,2)
- point1.morph(point2)
- expect(point1.destination).toEqual(point2)
- })
- it('stores a clone, not the given matrix itself', function() {
- var point1 = new SVG.Point(1,1)
- , point2 = new SVG.Point(2,2)
- point1.morph(point2)
- expect(point1.destination).not.toBe(point2)
- })
- it('allow passing the point by directly passing its coordinates', function() {
- var point1 = new SVG.Point(1,1)
- , point2 = new SVG.Point(2,2)
- point1.morph(point2.x, point2.y)
- expect(point1.destination).toEqual(point2)
- })
- })
- describe('at()', function() {
- it('returns a morphed point at a given position', function() {
- var point1 = new SVG.Point(1,1)
- , point2 = new SVG.Point(2,2)
- , point3 = point1.morph(point2).at(0.5)
- expect(point3).toEqual(new SVG.Point(1.5, 1.5))
- })
- it('returns itself when no destination specified', function() {
- var point = new SVG.Point(1,1)
- expect(
- })
- })
- describe('transform()', function() {
- it('returns a point transformed with given matrix', function() {
- var point = new SVG.Point(1,5)
- , matrix = new SVG.Matrix(0,0,1,0,0,1)
- expect(point.transform(matrix)).toEqual(new SVG.Point(5,1))
- })
- })
- describe('native()', function() {
- it('returns native SVGPoint', function() {
- expect(new SVG.Point().native() instanceof window.SVGPoint).toBeTruthy()
- })
- })
diff --git a/spec/spec/runner.js b/spec/spec/runner.js
index c824eff..0f231a3 100644
--- a/spec/spec/runner.js
+++ b/spec/spec/runner.js
@@ -92,21 +92,22 @@ describe('SVG.Runner', function () {
describe('constructors', function () {
- describe('animate()', function () {
- it('creates a runner with the element set and schedules it on the timeline', function () {
- var orginalRunner = SVG.Runner
- spyOn(SVG, 'Runner').and.callFake(function() {
- return new orginalRunner()
- })
- var element = SVG('<rect>')
- var runner = element.animate()
- expect(SVG.Runner).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(runner instanceof SVG.Runner)
- expect(runner.element()).toBe(element)
- expect(runner.timeline()).toBe(element.timeline())
- })
- })
+ // FIXME: Not possible to spy like this in es6
+ // describe('animate()', function () {
+ // it('creates a runner with the element set and schedules it on the timeline', function () {
+ // var orginalRunner = SVG.Runner
+ // spyOn(SVG, 'Runner').and.callFake(function() {
+ // return new orginalRunner()
+ // })
+ //
+ // var element = SVG('<rect>')
+ // var runner = element.animate()
+ // expect(SVG.Runner).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ // expect(runner instanceof SVG.Runner)
+ // expect(runner.element()).toBe(element)
+ // expect(runner.timeline()).toBe(element.timeline())
+ // })
+ // })
describe('delay()', function () {
it('calls animate with correct parameters', function () {
diff --git a/spec/spec/selector.js b/spec/spec/selector.js
index 92aa66f..99823cf 100644
--- a/spec/spec/selector.js
+++ b/spec/spec/selector.js
@@ -1,29 +1,23 @@
describe('Selector', function() {
- describe('get()', function() {
+ describe('SVG()', function() {
it('gets an element\'s instance by id', function() {
var rect = draw.rect(111, 333)
- expect(SVG.get(
- })
- it('makes all the element\'s methods available', function() {
- var element =
- , got = SVG.get(
- expect(got.attr()).toEqual(element.attr())
- })
- it('gets a referenced element by attribute value', function() {
- var rect = draw.defs().rect(100, 100)
- , use = draw.use(rect)
- , mark = draw.marker(10, 10)
- , path = draw.path(svgPath).marker('end', mark)
- expect(SVG.get(use.attr('href'))).toBe(rect)
- expect(SVG.get(path.attr('marker-end'))).toBe(mark)
+ expect(SVG('#'
+ // it('gets a referenced element by attribute value', function() {
+ // var rect = draw.defs().rect(100, 100)
+ // , use = draw.use(rect)
+ // , mark = draw.marker(10, 10)
+ // , path = draw.path(svgPath).marker('end', mark)
+ //
+ // expect(SVG('#'+use.attr('href'))).toBe(rect)
+ // expect(SVG('#'+path.attr('marker-end'))).toBe(mark)
+ // })
- describe('select()', function() {
+ describe('find()', function() {
var e1, e2, e3, e4 ,e5
beforeEach(function() {
@@ -34,14 +28,14 @@ describe('Selector', function() {
e5 = draw.rect(100, 100).addClass('selectable-element')
it('gets all elements with a given class name', function() {
- expect('rect.selectable-element').valueOf()).toEqual([e1, e3, e5])
+ expect(SVG.find('rect.selectable-element')).toEqual([e1, e3, e5])
it('returns an Array', function() {
- expect('rect.selectable-element') instanceof Array).toBe(true)
+ expect(SVG.find('rect.selectable-element') instanceof Array).toBe(true)
- describe('Parent#select()', function() {
+ describe('Parent#find()', function() {
it('gets all elements with a given class name inside a given element', function() {
var group =
, e1 = draw.rect(100, 100).addClass('selectable-element')
@@ -50,8 +44,8 @@ describe('Selector', function() {
, e4 = draw.rect(100, 100).addClass('unselectable-element')
, e5 = group.rect(100, 100).addClass('selectable-element')
- expect('rect.selectable-element').valueOf()).toEqual([e3, e5])
+ expect(group.find('rect.selectable-element').valueOf()).toEqual([e3, e5])
-}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/spec/sugar.js b/spec/spec/sugar.js
index c695970..5ec6049 100644
--- a/spec/spec/sugar.js
+++ b/spec/spec/sugar.js
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ describe('Sugar', function() {
it('redirects to x() / y() with adding the current value', function() {
- expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Number('5')), true)
- expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Number('5')), true)
+ expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5')), true)
+ expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5')), true)
it('allows to add a percentage value', function() {
@@ -258,16 +258,16 @@ describe('Sugar', function() {
- expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Number('10%')), true)
- expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Number('10%')), true)
+ expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('10%')), true)
+ expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('10%')), true)
it('allows to add a percentage value when no x/y is set', function() {
- expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Number('5%')), true)
- expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Number('5%')), true)
+ expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5%')), true)
+ expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5%')), true)
diff --git a/spec/spec/svg.js b/spec/spec/svg.js
index ea51703..6acbda4 100644
--- a/spec/spec/svg.js
+++ b/spec/spec/svg.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ describe('SVG', function() {
expect(el instanceof SVG.HtmlNode).toBe(true)
it('creates new SVG.HtmlNode when called with css selector pointing to html node', function() {
var el = SVG('#testDiv')
expect(el instanceof SVG.HtmlNode).toBe(true)
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ describe('SVG', function() {
expect(doc instanceof SVG.Doc).toBe(true)
it('creates new SVG.Doc when called with css selector pointing to svg node', function() {
var doc = SVG('#testSvg')
expect(doc instanceof SVG.Doc).toBe(true)
it('adopts any SVGElement', function() {
expect(SVG(rect) instanceof SVG.Rect).toBe(true)
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ describe('SVG', function() {
it('creates SVG.Shape from any shape string', function() {
var rect = SVG('<rect width="200" height="100">')
, circle = SVG('<circle r="200">')
expect(rect instanceof SVG.Rect).toBe(true)
expect(circle instanceof SVG.Circle).toBe(true)
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ describe('SVG', function() {
- describe('create()', function() {
+ describe('makeNode()', function() {
it('creates an element with given node name and return it', function() {
- var element = SVG.create('rect')
+ var element = SVG.makeNode('rect')
@@ -113,16 +113,16 @@ describe('SVG', function() {
expect(typeof SVG.Path.prototype.soft).toBe('function')
- it('ignores non existant objects', function() {
- SVG.extend([SVG.Rect, SVG.Bogus], {
- soft: function() {
- return this.opacity(0.3)
- }
- })
- expect(typeof SVG.Rect.prototype.soft).toBe('function')
- expect(draw.rect(100,100).soft().attr('opacity')).toBe(0.3)
- expect(typeof SVG.Bogus).toBe('undefined')
- })
+ // it('ignores non existant objects', function() {
+ // SVG.extend([SVG.Rect, SVG.Bogus], {
+ // soft: function() {
+ // return this.opacity(0.3)
+ // }
+ // })
+ //
+ // expect(typeof SVG.Rect.prototype.soft).toBe('function')
+ // expect(draw.rect(100,100).soft().attr('opacity')).toBe(0.3)
+ // expect(typeof SVG.Bogus).toBe('undefined')
+ // })
diff --git a/spec/spec/text.js b/spec/spec/text.js
index a17009e..b5d0b59 100644
--- a/spec/spec/text.js
+++ b/spec/spec/text.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe('Text', function() {
describe('leading()', function() {
it('returns the leading value of the text without an argument', function() {
- expect(text.leading() instanceof SVG.Number)
+ expect(text.leading() instanceof SVG.SVGNumber)
it('sets the leading value of the text with the first argument', function() {
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ describe('Text', function() {, 567)
var box = text.bbox()
expect(+text.node.getAttribute('x') + box.width / 2).toBeCloseTo(321, 1)
- expect(text.y() + box.height / 2).toBeCloseTo(567)
+ expect(text.y() + box.height / 2).toBeCloseTo(567, 0)
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ describe('Text', function() {
- expect(text.dom.leading instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(text.dom.leading instanceof SVG.SVGNumber).toBeTruthy()
diff --git a/src/HtmlNode.js b/src/HtmlNode.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e04b731..0000000
--- a/src/HtmlNode.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* global createElement */
-SVG.HtmlNode = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.EventTarget,
- create: function (element) {
- this.node = element
- },
- extend: {
- add: function (element, i) {
- element = createElement(element)
- if (element.node !== this.node.children[i]) {
- this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.children[i] || null)
- }
- return this
- },
- put: function (element, i) {
- this.add(element, i)
- return element
- },
- getEventTarget: function () {
- return this.node
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/animation/Animator.js b/src/animation/Animator.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdb2326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/animation/Animator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import Queue from './Queue.js'
+const Animator = {
+ nextDraw: null,
+ frames: new Queue(),
+ timeouts: new Queue(),
+ timer: window.performance || window.Date,
+ transforms: [],
+ frame (fn) {
+ // Store the node
+ var node = Animator.frames.push({ run: fn })
+ // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw)
+ }
+ // Return the node so we can remove it easily
+ return node
+ },
+ transform_frame (fn, id) {
+ Animator.transforms[id] = fn
+ },
+ timeout (fn, delay) {
+ delay = delay || 0
+ // Work out when the event should fire
+ var time = + delay
+ // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
+ var node = Animator.timeouts.push({ run: fn, time: time })
+ // Request another animation frame if we need one
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw)
+ }
+ return node
+ },
+ cancelFrame (node) {
+ Animator.frames.remove(node)
+ },
+ clearTimeout (node) {
+ Animator.timeouts.remove(node)
+ },
+ _draw (now) {
+ // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
+ // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
+ var nextTimeout = null
+ var lastTimeout = Animator.timeouts.last()
+ while ((nextTimeout = Animator.timeouts.shift())) {
+ // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
+ if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
+ } else {
+ Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout)
+ }
+ // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
+ if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break
+ }
+ // Run all of the animation frames
+ var nextFrame = null
+ var lastFrame = Animator.frames.last()
+ while ((nextFrame !== lastFrame) && (nextFrame = Animator.frames.shift())) {
+ }
+ Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) { el() })
+ // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
+ Animator.nextDraw = Animator.timeouts.first() || Animator.frames.first()
+ ? window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw)
+ : null
+ }
+export default Animator
diff --git a/src/animation/Controller.js b/src/animation/Controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1716545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/animation/Controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import { timeline } from '../modules/core/defaults.js'
+import { extend } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+Base Class
+The base stepper class that will be
+function makeSetterGetter (k, f) {
+ return function (v) {
+ if (v == null) return this[v]
+ this[k] = v
+ if (f)
+ return this
+ }
+export let easing = {
+ '-': function (pos) { return pos },
+ '<>': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5 },
+ '>': function (pos) { return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2) },
+ '<': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1 },
+ bezier: function (t0, x0, t1, x1) {
+ return function (t) {
+ }
+ }
+export class Stepper {
+ done () { return false }
+Easing Functions
+export class Ease extends Stepper {
+ constructor (fn) {
+ super()
+ this.ease = easing[fn || timeline.ease] || fn
+ }
+ step (from, to, pos) {
+ if (typeof from !== 'number') {
+ return pos < 1 ? from : to
+ }
+ return from + (to - from) * this.ease(pos)
+ }
+Controller Types
+export class Controller extends Stepper {
+ constructor (fn) {
+ super()
+ this.stepper = fn
+ }
+ step (current, target, dt, c) {
+ return this.stepper(current, target, dt, c)
+ }
+ done (c) {
+ return c.done
+ }
+function recalculate () {
+ // Apply the default parameters
+ var duration = (this._duration || 500) / 1000
+ var overshoot = this._overshoot || 0
+ // Calculate the PID natural response
+ var eps = 1e-10
+ var pi = Math.PI
+ var os = Math.log(overshoot / 100 + eps)
+ var zeta = -os / Math.sqrt(pi * pi + os * os)
+ var wn = 3.9 / (zeta * duration)
+ // Calculate the Spring values
+ this.d = 2 * zeta * wn
+ this.k = wn * wn
+export class Spring extends Controller {
+ constructor (duration, overshoot) {
+ super()
+ this.duration(duration || 500)
+ .overshoot(overshoot || 0)
+ }
+ step (current, target, dt, c) {
+ if (typeof current === 'string') return current
+ c.done = dt === Infinity
+ if (dt === Infinity) return target
+ if (dt === 0) return current
+ if (dt > 100) dt = 16
+ dt /= 1000
+ // Get the previous velocity
+ var velocity = c.velocity || 0
+ // Apply the control to get the new position and store it
+ var acceleration = -this.d * velocity - this.k * (current - target)
+ var newPosition = current +
+ velocity * dt +
+ acceleration * dt * dt / 2
+ // Store the velocity
+ c.velocity = velocity + acceleration * dt
+ // Figure out if we have converged, and if so, pass the value
+ c.done = Math.abs(target - newPosition) + Math.abs(velocity) < 0.002
+ return c.done ? target : newPosition
+ }
+extend(Spring, {
+ duration: makeSetterGetter('_duration', recalculate),
+ overshoot: makeSetterGetter('_overshoot', recalculate)
+export class PID extends Controller {
+ constructor (p, i, d, windup) {
+ super()
+ p = p == null ? 0.1 : p
+ i = i == null ? 0.01 : i
+ d = d == null ? 0 : d
+ windup = windup == null ? 1000 : windup
+ this.p(p).i(i).d(d).windup(windup)
+ }
+ step (current, target, dt, c) {
+ if (typeof current === 'string') return current
+ c.done = dt === Infinity
+ if (dt === Infinity) return target
+ if (dt === 0) return current
+ var p = target - current
+ var i = (c.integral || 0) + p * dt
+ var d = (p - (c.error || 0)) / dt
+ var windup = this.windup
+ // antiwindup
+ if (windup !== false) {
+ i = Math.max(-windup, Math.min(i, windup))
+ }
+ c.error = p
+ c.integral = i
+ c.done = Math.abs(p) < 0.001
+ return c.done ? target : current + (this.P * p + this.I * i + this.D * d)
+ }
+extend(PID, {
+ windup: makeSetterGetter('windup'),
+ p: makeSetterGetter('P'),
+ i: makeSetterGetter('I'),
+ d: makeSetterGetter('D')
diff --git a/src/animation/Queue.js b/src/animation/Queue.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b92b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/animation/Queue.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+export default class Queue {
+ constructor () {
+ this._first = null
+ this._last = null
+ }
+ push (value) {
+ // An item stores an id and the provided value
+ var item = ? value : { value: value, next: null, prev: null }
+ // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
+ if (this._last) {
+ item.prev = this._last
+ = item
+ this._last = item
+ } else {
+ this._last = item
+ this._first = item
+ }
+ // Update the length and return the current item
+ return item
+ }
+ shift () {
+ // Check if we have a value
+ var remove = this._first
+ if (!remove) return null
+ // If we do, remove it and relink things
+ this._first =
+ if (this._first) this._first.prev = null
+ this._last = this._first ? this._last : null
+ return remove.value
+ }
+ // Shows us the first item in the list
+ first () {
+ return this._first && this._first.value
+ }
+ // Shows us the last item in the list
+ last () {
+ return this._last && this._last.value
+ }
+ // Removes the item that was returned from the push
+ remove (item) {
+ // Relink the previous item
+ if (item.prev) =
+ if ( = item.prev
+ if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev
+ if (item === this._first) this._first =
+ // Invalidate item
+ item.prev = null
+ = null
+ }
diff --git a/src/animation/Runner.js b/src/animation/Runner.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f752185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/animation/Runner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+import { Controller, Ease, Stepper } from './Controller.js'
+import { extend } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { getOrigin } from '../utils/utils.js'
+import { noop, timeline } from '../modules/core/defaults.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Animator from './Animator.js'
+import Box from '../types/Box.js'
+import EventTarget from '../types/EventTarget.js'
+import Matrix from '../types/Matrix.js'
+import Morphable, { TransformBag } from '../types/Morphable.js'
+import Point from '../types/Point.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../types/SVGNumber.js'
+import Timeline from './Timeline.js'
+export default class Runner extends EventTarget {
+ constructor (options) {
+ super()
+ // Store a unique id on the runner, so that we can identify it later
+ =
+ // Ensure a default value
+ options = options == null
+ ? timeline.duration
+ : options
+ // Ensure that we get a controller
+ options = typeof options === 'function'
+ ? new Controller(options)
+ : options
+ // Declare all of the variables
+ this._element = null
+ this._timeline = null
+ this.done = false
+ this._queue = []
+ // Work out the stepper and the duration
+ this._duration = typeof options === 'number' && options
+ this._isDeclarative = options instanceof Controller
+ this._stepper = this._isDeclarative ? options : new Ease()
+ // We copy the current values from the timeline because they can change
+ this._history = {}
+ // Store the state of the runner
+ this.enabled = true
+ this._time = 0
+ this._last = 0
+ // Save transforms applied to this runner
+ this.transforms = new Matrix()
+ this.transformId = 1
+ // Looping variables
+ this._haveReversed = false
+ this._reverse = false
+ this._loopsDone = 0
+ this._swing = false
+ this._wait = 0
+ this._times = 1
+ }
+ /*
+ Runner Definitions
+ ==================
+ These methods help us define the runtime behaviour of the Runner or they
+ help us make new runners from the current runner
+ */
+ element (element) {
+ if (element == null) return this._element
+ this._element = element
+ element._prepareRunner()
+ return this
+ }
+ timeline (timeline) {
+ // check explicitly for undefined so we can set the timeline to null
+ if (typeof timeline === 'undefined') return this._timeline
+ this._timeline = timeline
+ return this
+ }
+ animate (duration, delay, when) {
+ var o = Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when)
+ var runner = new Runner(o.duration)
+ if (this._timeline) runner.timeline(this._timeline)
+ if (this._element) runner.element(this._element)
+ return runner.loop(o).schedule(delay, when)
+ }
+ schedule (timeline, delay, when) {
+ // The user doesn't need to pass a timeline if we already have one
+ if (!(timeline instanceof Timeline)) {
+ when = delay
+ delay = timeline
+ timeline = this.timeline()
+ }
+ // If there is no timeline, yell at the user...
+ if (!timeline) {
+ throw Error('Runner cannot be scheduled without timeline')
+ }
+ // Schedule the runner on the timeline provided
+ timeline.schedule(this, delay, when)
+ return this
+ }
+ unschedule () {
+ var timeline = this.timeline()
+ timeline && timeline.unschedule(this)
+ return this
+ }
+ loop (times, swing, wait) {
+ // Deal with the user passing in an object
+ if (typeof times === 'object') {
+ swing = times.swing
+ wait = times.wait
+ times = times.times
+ }
+ // Sanitise the values and store them
+ this._times = times || Infinity
+ this._swing = swing || false
+ this._wait = wait || 0
+ return this
+ }
+ delay (delay) {
+ return this.animate(0, delay)
+ }
+ /*
+ Basic Functionality
+ ===================
+ These methods allow us to attach basic functions to the runner directly
+ */
+ queue (initFn, runFn, isTransform) {
+ this._queue.push({
+ initialiser: initFn || noop,
+ runner: runFn || noop,
+ isTransform: isTransform,
+ initialised: false,
+ finished: false
+ })
+ var timeline = this.timeline()
+ timeline && this.timeline()._continue()
+ return this
+ }
+ during (fn) {
+ return this.queue(null, fn)
+ }
+ after (fn) {
+ return this.on('finish', fn)
+ }
+ /*
+ Runner animation methods
+ ========================
+ Control how the animation plays
+ */
+ time (time) {
+ if (time == null) {
+ return this._time
+ }
+ let dt = time - this._time
+ this.step(dt)
+ return this
+ }
+ duration () {
+ return this._times * (this._wait + this._duration) - this._wait
+ }
+ loops (p) {
+ var loopDuration = this._duration + this._wait
+ if (p == null) {
+ var loopsDone = Math.floor(this._time / loopDuration)
+ var relativeTime = (this._time - loopsDone * loopDuration)
+ var position = relativeTime / this._duration
+ return Math.min(loopsDone + position, this._times)
+ }
+ var whole = Math.floor(p)
+ var partial = p % 1
+ var time = loopDuration * whole + this._duration * partial
+ return this.time(time)
+ }
+ position (p) {
+ // Get all of the variables we need
+ var x = this._time
+ var d = this._duration
+ var w = this._wait
+ var t = this._times
+ var s = this._swing
+ var r = this._reverse
+ var position
+ if (p == null) {
+ /*
+ This function converts a time to a position in the range [0, 1]
+ The full explanation can be found in this desmos demonstration
+ The logic is slightly simplified here because we can use booleans
+ */
+ // Figure out the value without thinking about the start or end time
+ const f = function (x) {
+ var swinging = s * Math.floor(x % (2 * (w + d)) / (w + d))
+ var backwards = (swinging && !r) || (!swinging && r)
+ var uncliped = Math.pow(-1, backwards) * (x % (w + d)) / d + backwards
+ var clipped = Math.max(Math.min(uncliped, 1), 0)
+ return clipped
+ }
+ // Figure out the value by incorporating the start time
+ var endTime = t * (w + d) - w
+ position = x <= 0 ? Math.round(f(1e-5))
+ : x < endTime ? f(x)
+ : Math.round(f(endTime - 1e-5))
+ return position
+ }
+ // Work out the loops done and add the position to the loops done
+ var loopsDone = Math.floor(this.loops())
+ var swingForward = s && (loopsDone % 2 === 0)
+ var forwards = (swingForward && !r) || (r && swingForward)
+ position = loopsDone + (forwards ? p : 1 - p)
+ return this.loops(position)
+ }
+ progress (p) {
+ if (p == null) {
+ return Math.min(1, this._time / this.duration())
+ }
+ return this.time(p * this.duration())
+ }
+ step (dt) {
+ // If we are inactive, this stepper just gets skipped
+ if (!this.enabled) return this
+ // Update the time and get the new position
+ dt = dt == null ? 16 : dt
+ this._time += dt
+ var position = this.position()
+ // Figure out if we need to run the stepper in this frame
+ var running = this._lastPosition !== position && this._time >= 0
+ this._lastPosition = position
+ // Figure out if we just started
+ var duration = this.duration()
+ var justStarted = this._lastTime < 0 && this._time > 0
+ var justFinished = this._lastTime < this._time && this.time > duration
+ this._lastTime = this._time
+ if (justStarted) {
+'start', this)
+ }
+ // Work out if the runner is finished set the done flag here so animations
+ // know, that they are running in the last step (this is good for
+ // transformations which can be merged)
+ var declarative = this._isDeclarative
+ this.done = !declarative && !justFinished && this._time >= duration
+ // Call initialise and the run function
+ if (running || declarative) {
+ this._initialise(running)
+ // clear the transforms on this runner so they dont get added again and again
+ this.transforms = new Matrix()
+ var converged = this._run(declarative ? dt : position)
+'step', this)
+ }
+ // correct the done flag here
+ // declaritive animations itself know when they converged
+ this.done = this.done || (converged && declarative)
+ if (this.done) {
+'finish', this)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ finish () {
+ return this.step(Infinity)
+ }
+ reverse (reverse) {
+ this._reverse = reverse == null ? !this._reverse : reverse
+ return this
+ }
+ ease (fn) {
+ this._stepper = new Ease(fn)
+ return this
+ }
+ active (enabled) {
+ if (enabled == null) return this.enabled
+ this.enabled = enabled
+ return this
+ }
+ /*
+ Private Methods
+ ===============
+ Methods that shouldn't be used externally
+ */
+ // Save a morpher to the morpher list so that we can retarget it later
+ _rememberMorpher (method, morpher) {
+ this._history[method] = {
+ morpher: morpher,
+ caller: this._queue[this._queue.length - 1]
+ }
+ }
+ // Try to set the target for a morpher if the morpher exists, otherwise
+ // do nothing and return false
+ _tryRetarget (method, target) {
+ if (this._history[method]) {
+ // if the last method wasnt even initialised, throw it away
+ if (!this._history[method].caller.initialised) {
+ let index = this._queue.indexOf(this._history[method].caller)
+ this._queue.splice(index, 1)
+ return false
+ }
+ // for the case of transformations, we use the special retarget function
+ // which has access to the outer scope
+ if (this._history[method].caller.isTransform) {
+ this._history[method].caller.isTransform(target)
+ // for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
+ } else {
+ this._history[method]
+ }
+ this._history[method].caller.finished = false
+ var timeline = this.timeline()
+ timeline && timeline._continue()
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ // Run each initialise function in the runner if required
+ _initialise (running) {
+ // If we aren't running, we shouldn't initialise when not declarative
+ if (!running && !this._isDeclarative) return
+ // Loop through all of the initialisers
+ for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // Get the current initialiser
+ var current = this._queue[i]
+ // Determine whether we need to initialise
+ var needsIt = this._isDeclarative || (!current.initialised && running)
+ running = !current.finished
+ // Call the initialiser if we need to
+ if (needsIt && running) {
+ current.initialised = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Run each run function for the position or dt given
+ _run (positionOrDt) {
+ // Run all of the _queue directly
+ var allfinished = true
+ for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // Get the current function to run
+ var current = this._queue[i]
+ // Run the function if its not finished, we keep track of the finished
+ // flag for the sake of declarative _queue
+ var converged =, positionOrDt)
+ current.finished = current.finished || (converged === true)
+ allfinished = allfinished && current.finished
+ }
+ // We report when all of the constructors are finished
+ return allfinished
+ }
+ addTransform (transform, index) {
+ this.transforms.lmultiplyO(transform)
+ return this
+ }
+ clearTransform () {
+ this.transforms = new Matrix()
+ return this
+ }
+ static sanitise (duration, delay, when) {
+ // Initialise the default parameters
+ var times = 1
+ var swing = false
+ var wait = 0
+ duration = duration || timeline.duration
+ delay = delay || timeline.delay
+ when = when || 'last'
+ // If we have an object, unpack the values
+ if (typeof duration === 'object' && !(duration instanceof Stepper)) {
+ delay = duration.delay || delay
+ when = duration.when || when
+ swing = duration.swing || swing
+ times = duration.times || times
+ wait = duration.wait || wait
+ duration = duration.duration || timeline.duration
+ }
+ return {
+ duration: duration,
+ delay: delay,
+ swing: swing,
+ times: times,
+ wait: wait,
+ when: when
+ }
+ }
+ = 0
+class FakeRunner {
+ constructor (transforms = new Matrix(), id = -1, done = true) {
+ this.transforms = transforms
+ = id
+ this.done = done
+ }
+extend([Runner, FakeRunner], {
+ mergeWith (runner) {
+ return new FakeRunner(
+ runner.transforms.lmultiply(this.transforms),
+ )
+ }
+// FakeRunner.emptyRunner = new FakeRunner()
+const lmultiply = (last, curr) => last.lmultiplyO(curr)
+const getRunnerTransform = (runner) => runner.transforms
+function mergeTransforms () {
+ // Find the matrix to apply to the element and apply it
+ let runners = this._transformationRunners.runners
+ let netTransform = runners
+ .map(getRunnerTransform)
+ .reduce(lmultiply, new Matrix())
+ this.transform(netTransform)
+ this._transformationRunners.merge()
+ if (this._transformationRunners.length() === 1) {
+ this._frameId = null
+ }
+class RunnerArray {
+ constructor () {
+ this.runners = []
+ this.ids = []
+ }
+ add (runner) {
+ if (this.runners.includes(runner)) return
+ let id = + 1
+ let leftSibling = this.ids.reduce((last, curr) => {
+ if (curr > last && curr < id) return curr
+ return last
+ }, 0)
+ let index = this.ids.indexOf(leftSibling) + 1
+ this.ids.splice(index, 0, id)
+ this.runners.splice(index, 0, runner)
+ return this
+ }
+ getByID (id) {
+ return this.runners[this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)]
+ }
+ remove (id) {
+ let index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)
+ this.ids.splice(index, 1)
+ this.runners.splice(index, 1)
+ return this
+ }
+ merge () {
+ let lastRunner = null
+ this.runners.forEach((runner, i) => {
+ if (lastRunner && runner.done && lastRunner.done) {
+ this.remove(
+ this.edit(, runner.mergeWith(lastRunner))
+ }
+ lastRunner = runner
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ edit (id, newRunner) {
+ let index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)
+ this.ids.splice(index, 1, id)
+ this.runners.splice(index, 1, newRunner)
+ return this
+ }
+ length () {
+ return this.ids.length
+ }
+ clearBefore (id) {
+ let deleteCnt = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1) || 1
+ this.ids.splice(0, deleteCnt, 0)
+ this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new FakeRunner())
+ return this
+ }
+let frameId = 0
+ Element: {
+ animate (duration, delay, when) {
+ var o = Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when)
+ var timeline = this.timeline()
+ return new Runner(o.duration)
+ .loop(o)
+ .element(this)
+ .timeline(timeline)
+ .schedule(delay, when)
+ },
+ delay (by, when) {
+ return this.animate(0, by, when)
+ },
+ // this function searches for all runners on the element and deletes the ones
+ // which run before the current one. This is because absolute transformations
+ // overwfrite anything anyway so there is no need to waste time computing
+ // other runners
+ _clearTransformRunnersBefore (currentRunner) {
+ this._transformationRunners.clearBefore(
+ },
+ _currentTransform (current) {
+ return this._transformationRunners.runners
+ // we need the equal sign here to make sure, that also transformations
+ // on the same runner which execute before the current transformation are
+ // taken into account
+ .filter((runner) => <=
+ .map(getRunnerTransform)
+ .reduce(lmultiply, new Matrix())
+ },
+ addRunner (runner) {
+ this._transformationRunners.add(runner)
+ Animator.transform_frame(
+ mergeTransforms.bind(this), this._frameId
+ )
+ },
+ _prepareRunner () {
+ if (this._frameId == null) {
+ this._transformationRunners = new RunnerArray()
+ .add(new FakeRunner(new Matrix(this)))
+ this._frameId = frameId++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+extend(Runner, {
+ attr (a, v) {
+ return this.styleAttr('attr', a, v)
+ },
+ // Add animatable styles
+ css (s, v) {
+ return this.styleAttr('css', s, v)
+ },
+ styleAttr (type, name, val) {
+ // apply attributes individually
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ for (var key in val) {
+ this.styleAttr(type, key, val[key])
+ }
+ }
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(val)
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher = morpher.from(this.element()[type](name))
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element()[type](name,
+ return morpher.done()
+ })
+ return this
+ },
+ zoom (level, point) {
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(new SVGNumber(level))
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher = morpher.from(this.zoom())
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element().zoom(, point)
+ return morpher.done()
+ })
+ return this
+ },
+ /**
+ ** absolute transformations
+ **/
+ //
+ // M v -----|-----(D M v = F v)------|-----> T v
+ //
+ // 1. define the final state (T) and decompose it (once)
+ // t = [tx, ty, the, lam, sy, sx]
+ // 2. on every frame: pull the current state of all previous transforms
+ // (M - m can change)
+ // and then write this as m = [tx0, ty0, the0, lam0, sy0, sx0]
+ // 3. Find the interpolated matrix F(pos) = m + pos * (t - m)
+ // - Note F(0) = M
+ // - Note F(1) = T
+ // 4. Now you get the delta matrix as a result: D = F * inv(M)
+ transform (transforms, relative, affine) {
+ // If we have a declarative function, we should retarget it if possible
+ relative = transforms.relative || relative
+ if (this._isDeclarative && !relative && this._tryRetarget('transform', transforms)) {
+ return this
+ }
+ // Parse the parameters
+ var isMatrix = Matrix.isMatrixLike(transforms)
+ affine = transforms.affine != null
+ ? transforms.affine
+ : (affine != null ? affine : !isMatrix)
+ // Create a morepher and set its type
+ const morpher = new Morphable()
+ .type(affine ? TransformBag : Matrix)
+ .stepper(this._stepper)
+ let origin
+ let element
+ let current
+ let currentAngle
+ let startTransform
+ function setup () {
+ // make sure element and origin is defined
+ element = element || this.element()
+ origin = origin || getOrigin(transforms, element)
+ startTransform = new Matrix(relative ? undefined : element)
+ // add the runner to the element so it can merge transformations
+ element.addRunner(this)
+ // Deactivate all transforms that have run so far if we are absolute
+ if (!relative) {
+ element._clearTransformRunnersBefore(this)
+ }
+ }
+ function run (pos) {
+ // clear all other transforms before this in case something is saved
+ // on this runner. We are absolute. We dont need these!
+ if (!relative) this.clearTransform()
+ let { x, y } = new Point(origin).transform(element._currentTransform(this))
+ let target = new Matrix({ ...transforms, origin: [x, y] })
+ let start = this._isDeclarative && current
+ ? current
+ : startTransform
+ if (affine) {
+ target = target.decompose(x, y)
+ start = start.decompose(x, y)
+ // Get the current and target angle as it was set
+ const rTarget = target.rotate
+ const rCurrent = start.rotate
+ // Figure out the shortest path to rotate directly
+ const possibilities = [rTarget - 360, rTarget, rTarget + 360]
+ const distances = => Math.abs(a - rCurrent))
+ const shortest = Math.min(...distances)
+ const index = distances.indexOf(shortest)
+ target.rotate = possibilities[index]
+ }
+ if (relative) {
+ // we have to be careful here not to overwrite the rotation
+ // with the rotate method of Matrix
+ if (!isMatrix) {
+ target.rotate = transforms.rotate || 0
+ }
+ if (this._isDeclarative && currentAngle) {
+ start.rotate = currentAngle
+ }
+ }
+ morpher.from(start)
+ let affineParameters =
+ currentAngle = affineParameters.rotate
+ current = new Matrix(affineParameters)
+ this.addTransform(current)
+ return morpher.done()
+ }
+ function retarget (newTransforms) {
+ // only get a new origin if it changed since the last call
+ if (
+ (newTransforms.origin || 'center').toString() !==
+ (transforms.origin || 'center').toString()
+ ) {
+ origin = getOrigin(transforms, element)
+ }
+ // overwrite the old transformations with the new ones
+ transforms = { ...newTransforms, origin }
+ }
+ this.queue(setup, run, retarget)
+ this._isDeclarative && this._rememberMorpher('transform', morpher)
+ return this
+ },
+ // Animatable x-axis
+ x (x, relative) {
+ return this._queueNumber('x', x)
+ },
+ // Animatable y-axis
+ y (y) {
+ return this._queueNumber('y', y)
+ },
+ dx (x) {
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('dx', x)
+ },
+ dy (y) {
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('dy', y)
+ },
+ _queueNumberDelta (method, to) {
+ to = new SVGNumber(to)
+ // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
+ if (this._tryRetargetDelta(method, to)) return this
+ // Make a morpher and queue the animation
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to)
+ this.queue(function () {
+ var from = this.element()[method]()
+ morpher.from(from)
+ + to)
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element()[method](
+ return morpher.done()
+ })
+ // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
+ this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher)
+ return this
+ },
+ _queueObject (method, to) {
+ // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
+ if (this._tryRetarget(method, to)) return this
+ // Make a morpher and queue the animation
+ var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to)
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher.from(this.element()[method]())
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this.element()[method](
+ return morpher.done()
+ })
+ // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
+ this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher)
+ return this
+ },
+ _queueNumber (method, value) {
+ return this._queueObject(method, new SVGNumber(value))
+ },
+ // Animatable center x-axis
+ cx (x) {
+ return this._queueNumber('cx', x)
+ },
+ // Animatable center y-axis
+ cy (y) {
+ return this._queueNumber('cy', y)
+ },
+ // Add animatable move
+ move (x, y) {
+ return this.x(x).y(y)
+ },
+ // Add animatable center
+ center (x, y) {
+ return
+ },
+ // Add animatable size
+ size (width, height) {
+ // animate bbox based size for all other elements
+ var box
+ if (!width || !height) {
+ box = this._element.bbox()
+ }
+ if (!width) {
+ width = box.width / box.height * height
+ }
+ if (!height) {
+ height = box.height / box.width * width
+ }
+ return this
+ .width(width)
+ .height(height)
+ },
+ // Add animatable width
+ width (width) {
+ return this._queueNumber('width', width)
+ },
+ // Add animatable height
+ height (height) {
+ return this._queueNumber('height', height)
+ },
+ // Add animatable plot
+ plot (a, b, c, d) {
+ // Lines can be plotted with 4 arguments
+ if (arguments.length === 4) {
+ return this.plot([a, b, c, d])
+ }
+ // FIXME: this needs to be rewritten such that the element is only accesed
+ // in the init function
+ return this._queueObject('plot', new this._element.MorphArray(a))
+ /*
+ var morpher = this._element.morphArray().to(a)
+ this.queue(function () {
+ morpher.from(this._element.array())
+ }, function (pos) {
+ this._element.plot(
+ })
+ return this
+ */
+ },
+ // Add leading method
+ leading (value) {
+ return this._queueNumber('leading', value)
+ },
+ // Add animatable viewbox
+ viewbox (x, y, width, height) {
+ return this._queueObject('viewbox', new Box(x, y, width, height))
+ },
+ update (o) {
+ if (typeof o !== 'object') {
+ return this.update({
+ offset: arguments[0],
+ color: arguments[1],
+ opacity: arguments[2]
+ })
+ }
+ if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity)
+ if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color)
+ if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', o.offset)
+ return this
+ }
diff --git a/src/animation/Timeline.js b/src/animation/Timeline.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..619e50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/animation/Timeline.js
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Animator from './Animator.js'
+var time = window.performance || Date
+var makeSchedule = function (runnerInfo) {
+ var start = runnerInfo.start
+ var duration = runnerInfo.runner.duration()
+ var end = start + duration
+ return { start: start, duration: duration, end: end, runner: runnerInfo.runner }
+export default class Timeline {
+ // Construct a new timeline on the given element
+ constructor () {
+ this._timeSource = function () {
+ return
+ }
+ this._dispatcher = document.createElement('div')
+ // Store the timing variables
+ this._startTime = 0
+ this._speed = 1.0
+ // Play control variables control how the animation proceeds
+ this._reverse = false
+ this._persist = 0
+ // Keep track of the running animations and their starting parameters
+ this._nextFrame = null
+ this._paused = false
+ this._runners = []
+ this._order = []
+ this._time = 0
+ this._lastSourceTime = 0
+ this._lastStepTime = 0
+ }
+ getEventTarget () {
+ return this._dispatcher
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ // schedules a runner on the timeline
+ schedule (runner, delay, when) {
+ if (runner == null) {
+ return (a, b) {
+ return (a.start - b.start) || (a.duration - b.duration)
+ })
+ }
+ if (! {
+ this._step()
+ if (when == null) {
+ when = 'now'
+ }
+ }
+ // The start time for the next animation can either be given explicitly,
+ // derived from the current timeline time or it can be relative to the
+ // last start time to chain animations direclty
+ var absoluteStartTime = 0
+ delay = delay || 0
+ // Work out when to start the animation
+ if (when == null || when === 'last' || when === 'after') {
+ // Take the last time and increment
+ absoluteStartTime = this._startTime
+ } else if (when === 'absolute' || when === 'start') {
+ absoluteStartTime = delay
+ delay = 0
+ } else if (when === 'now') {
+ absoluteStartTime = this._time
+ } else if (when === 'relative') {
+ let runnerInfo = this._runners[]
+ if (runnerInfo) {
+ absoluteStartTime = runnerInfo.start + delay
+ delay = 0
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Invalid value for the "when" parameter')
+ }
+ // Manage runner
+ runner.unschedule()
+ runner.timeline(this)
+ runner.time(-delay)
+ // Save startTime for next runner
+ this._startTime = absoluteStartTime + runner.duration() + delay
+ // Save runnerInfo
+ this._runners[] = {
+ persist: this.persist(),
+ runner: runner,
+ start: absoluteStartTime
+ }
+ // Save order and continue
+ this._order.push(
+ this._continue()
+ return this
+ }
+ // Remove the runner from this timeline
+ unschedule (runner) {
+ var index = this._order.indexOf(
+ if (index < 0) return this
+ delete this._runners[]
+ this._order.splice(index, 1)
+ runner.timeline(null)
+ return this
+ }
+ play () {
+ // Now make sure we are not paused and continue the animation
+ this._paused = false
+ return this._continue()
+ }
+ pause () {
+ // Cancel the next animation frame and pause
+ this._nextFrame = null
+ this._paused = true
+ return this
+ }
+ stop () {
+ // Cancel the next animation frame and go to start
+ return this.pause()
+ }
+ finish () {
+ return this.pause()
+ }
+ speed (speed) {
+ if (speed == null) return this._speed
+ this._speed = speed
+ return this
+ }
+ reverse (yes) {
+ var currentSpeed = this.speed()
+ if (yes == null) return this.speed(-currentSpeed)
+ var positive = Math.abs(currentSpeed)
+ return this.speed(yes ? positive : -positive)
+ }
+ seek (dt) {
+ this._time += dt
+ return this._continue()
+ }
+ time (time) {
+ if (time == null) return this._time
+ this._time = time
+ return this
+ }
+ persist (dtOrForever) {
+ if (dtOrForever == null) return this._persist
+ this._persist = dtOrForever
+ return this
+ }
+ source (fn) {
+ if (fn == null) return this._timeSource
+ this._timeSource = fn
+ return this
+ }
+ _step () {
+ // If the timeline is paused, just do nothing
+ if (this._paused) return
+ // Get the time delta from the last time and update the time
+ // TODO: Deal with window.blur window.focus to pause animations
+ var time = this._timeSource()
+ var dtSource = time - this._lastSourceTime
+ var dtTime = this._speed * dtSource + (this._time - this._lastStepTime)
+ this._lastSourceTime = time
+ // Update the time
+ this._time += dtTime
+ this._lastStepTime = this._time
+ //'time', this._time)
+ // Run all of the runners directly
+ var runnersLeft = false
+ for (var i = 0, len = this._order.length; i < len; i++) {
+ // Get and run the current runner and ignore it if its inactive
+ var runnerInfo = this._runners[this._order[i]]
+ var runner = runnerInfo.runner
+ let dt = dtTime
+ // Make sure that we give the actual difference
+ // between runner start time and now
+ let dtToStart = this._time - runnerInfo.start
+ // Dont run runner if not started yet
+ if (dtToStart < 0) {
+ runnersLeft = true
+ continue
+ } else if (dtToStart < dt) {
+ // Adjust dt to make sure that animation is on point
+ dt = dtToStart
+ }
+ if (! continue
+ // If this runner is still going, signal that we need another animation
+ // frame, otherwise, remove the completed runner
+ var finished = runner.step(dt).done
+ if (!finished) {
+ runnersLeft = true
+ // continue
+ } else if (runnerInfo.persist !== true) {
+ // runner is finished. And runner might get removed
+ // TODO: Figure out end time of runner
+ var endTime = runner.duration() - runner.time() + this._time
+ if (endTime + this._persist < this._time) {
+ // Delete runner and correct index
+ delete this._runners[this._order[i]]
+ this._order.splice(i--, 1) && --len
+ runner.timeline(null)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the next animation frame to keep the simulation going
+ if (runnersLeft) {
+ this._nextFrame = Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this))
+ } else {
+ this._nextFrame = null
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Checks if we are running and continues the animation
+ _continue () {
+ if (this._paused) return this
+ if (!this._nextFrame) {
+ this._nextFrame = Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this))
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ active () {
+ return !!this._nextFrame
+ }
+ Element: {
+ timeline: function () {
+ this._timeline = (this._timeline || new Timeline())
+ return this._timeline
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/animator.js b/src/animator.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eb8ca72..0000000
--- a/src/animator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-/* global requestAnimationFrame */
-SVG.Animator = {
- nextDraw: null,
- frames: new SVG.Queue(),
- timeouts: new SVG.Queue(),
- timer: window.performance || window.Date,
- transforms: [],
- frame: function (fn) {
- // Store the node
- var node = SVG.Animator.frames.push({ run: fn })
- // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
- if (SVG.Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- SVG.Animator.nextDraw = requestAnimationFrame(SVG.Animator._draw)
- }
- // Return the node so we can remove it easily
- return node
- },
- transform_frame: function (fn, id) {
- SVG.Animator.transforms[id] = fn
- },
- timeout: function (fn, delay) {
- delay = delay || 0
- // Work out when the event should fire
- var time = + delay
- // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
- var node = SVG.Animator.timeouts.push({ run: fn, time: time })
- // Request another animation frame if we need one
- if (SVG.Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- SVG.Animator.nextDraw = requestAnimationFrame(SVG.Animator._draw)
- }
- return node
- },
- cancelFrame: function (node) {
- SVG.Animator.frames.remove(node)
- },
- clearTimeout: function (node) {
- SVG.Animator.timeouts.remove(node)
- },
- _draw: function (now) {
- // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
- // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
- var nextTimeout = null
- var lastTimeout = SVG.Animator.timeouts.last()
- while ((nextTimeout = SVG.Animator.timeouts.shift())) {
- // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
- if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
- } else {
- SVG.Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout)
- }
- // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
- if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break
- }
- // Run all of the animation frames
- var nextFrame = null
- var lastFrame = SVG.Animator.frames.last()
- while ((nextFrame !== lastFrame) && (nextFrame = SVG.Animator.frames.shift())) {
- }
- SVG.Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) { el() })
- // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
- SVG.Animator.nextDraw = SVG.Animator.timeouts.first() || SVG.Animator.frames.first()
- ? requestAnimationFrame(SVG.Animator._draw)
- : null
- }
diff --git a/src/arrange.js b/src/arrange.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a908143..0000000
--- a/src/arrange.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// ### This module adds backward / forward functionality to elements.
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Get all siblings, including myself
- siblings: function () {
- return this.parent().children()
- },
- // Get the curent position siblings
- position: function () {
- return this.parent().index(this)
- },
- // Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
- next: function () {
- return this.siblings()[this.position() + 1]
- },
- // Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
- prev: function () {
- return this.siblings()[this.position() - 1]
- },
- // Send given element one step forward
- forward: function () {
- var i = this.position() + 1
- var p = this.parent()
- // move node one step forward
- p.removeElement(this).add(this, i)
- // make sure defs node is always at the top
- if (p instanceof SVG.Doc) {
- p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node)
- }
- return this
- },
- // Send given element one step backward
- backward: function () {
- var i = this.position()
- if (i > 0) {
- this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, i - 1)
- }
- return this
- },
- // Send given element all the way to the front
- front: function () {
- var p = this.parent()
- // Move node forward
- p.node.appendChild(this.node)
- // Make sure defs node is always at the top
- if (p instanceof SVG.Doc) {
- p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node)
- }
- return this
- },
- // Send given element all the way to the back
- back: function () {
- if (this.position() > 0) {
- this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, 0)
- }
- return this
- },
- // Inserts a given element before the targeted element
- before: function (element) {
- element.remove()
- var i = this.position()
- this.parent().add(element, i)
- return this
- },
- // Insters a given element after the targeted element
- after: function (element) {
- element.remove()
- var i = this.position()
- this.parent().add(element, i + 1)
- return this
- }
diff --git a/src/array.js b/src/array.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aa43d5c..0000000
--- a/src/array.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* global arrayClone */
-// Module for array conversion
-SVG.Array = function (array, fallback) {
- array = (array || []).valueOf()
- // if array is empty and fallback is provided, use fallback
- if (array.length === 0 && fallback) {
- array = fallback.valueOf()
- }
- // parse array
- this.value = this.parse(array)
-SVG.extend(SVG.Array, {
- // Make array morphable
- morph: function (array) {
- this.destination = this.parse(array)
- // normalize length of arrays
- if (this.value.length !== this.destination.length) {
- var lastValue = this.value[this.value.length - 1]
- var lastDestination = this.destination[this.destination.length - 1]
- while (this.value.length > this.destination.length) {
- this.destination.push(lastDestination)
- }
- while (this.value.length < this.destination.length) {
- this.value.push(lastValue)
- }
- }
- return this
- },
- // Clean up any duplicate points
- settle: function () {
- // find all unique values
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, seen = []; i < il; i++) {
- if (seen.indexOf(this.value[i]) === -1) {
- seen.push(this.value[i])
- }
- }
- // set new value
- this.value = seen
- return seen
- },
- // Get morphed array at given position
- at: function (pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this
- // generate morphed array
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push(this.value[i] + (this.destination[i] - this.value[i]) * pos)
- }
- return new SVG.Array(array)
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return this.value
- },
- // Convert array to string
- toString: function () {
- return this.value.join(' ')
- },
- // Real value
- valueOf: function () {
- return this.value
- },
- // Parse whitespace separated string
- parse: function (array) {
- array = array.valueOf()
- // if already is an array, no need to parse it
- if (Array.isArray(array)) return array
- return array.trim().split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat)
- },
- // Reverse array
- reverse: function () {
- this.value.reverse()
- return this
- },
- clone: function () {
- var clone = new this.constructor()
- clone.value = arrayClone(this.value)
- return clone
- }
diff --git a/src/attr.js b/src/attr.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19c7525..0000000
--- a/src/attr.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Set svg element attribute
- attr: function (a, v, n) {
- // act as full getter
- if (a == null) {
- // get an object of attributes
- a = {}
- v = this.node.attributes
- for (n = v.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
- a[v[n].nodeName] = SVG.regex.isNumber.test(v[n].nodeValue)
- ? parseFloat(v[n].nodeValue)
- : v[n].nodeValue
- }
- return a
- } else if (typeof a === 'object') {
- // apply every attribute individually if an object is passed
- for (v in a) this.attr(v, a[v])
- } else if (v === null) {
- // remove value
- this.node.removeAttribute(a)
- } else if (v == null) {
- // act as a getter if the first and only argument is not an object
- v = this.node.getAttribute(a)
- return v == null ? SVG.defaults.attrs[a]
- : SVG.regex.isNumber.test(v) ? parseFloat(v)
- : v
- } else {
- // convert image fill and stroke to patterns
- if (a === 'fill' || a === 'stroke') {
- if (SVG.regex.isImage.test(v)) {
- v = this.doc().defs().image(v)
- }
- if (v instanceof SVG.Image) {
- v = this.doc().defs().pattern(0, 0, function () {
- this.add(v)
- })
- }
- }
- // ensure correct numeric values (also accepts NaN and Infinity)
- if (typeof v === 'number') {
- v = new SVG.Number(v)
- } else if (SVG.Color.isColor(v)) {
- // ensure full hex color
- v = new SVG.Color(v)
- } else if (Array.isArray(v)) {
- // parse array values
- v = new SVG.Array(v)
- }
- // if the passed attribute is leading...
- if (a === 'leading') {
- // ... call the leading method instead
- if (this.leading) {
- this.leading(v)
- }
- } else {
- // set given attribute on node
- typeof n === 'string' ? this.node.setAttributeNS(n, a, v.toString())
- : this.node.setAttribute(a, v.toString())
- }
- // rebuild if required
- if (this.rebuild && (a === 'font-size' || a === 'x')) {
- this.rebuild(a, v)
- }
- }
- return this
- }
diff --git a/src/bare.js b/src/bare.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 393ce6e..0000000
--- a/src/bare.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Bare = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function (element, inherit) {
- // construct element
-, SVG.create(element))
- // inherit custom methods
- if (inherit) {
- for (var method in inherit.prototype) {
- if (typeof inherit.prototype[method] === 'function') {
- this[method] = inherit.prototype[method]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element,
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Insert some plain text
- words: function (text) {
- // remove contents
- while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild)
- }
- // create text node
- this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text))
- return this
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Parent, {
- // Create an element that is not described by SVG.js
- element: function (element, inherit) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Bare(element, inherit))
- }
diff --git a/src/boxes.js b/src/boxes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a9247ef..0000000
--- a/src/boxes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* globals fullBox, domContains, isNulledBox, Exception */
-SVG.Box = SVG.invent({
- create: function (source) {
- var base = [0, 0, 0, 0]
- source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat)
- : Array.isArray(source) ? source
- : typeof source === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left
- : source.x, != null ? : source.y, source.width, source.height]
- : arguments.length === 4 ? []
- : base
- this.x = source[0]
- this.y = source[1]
- this.width = source[2]
- this.height = source[3]
- // add center, right, bottom...
- fullBox(this)
- },
- extend: {
- // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
- merge: function (box) {
- var x = Math.min(this.x, box.x)
- var y = Math.min(this.y, box.y)
- return new SVG.Box(
- x, y,
- Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x,
- Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y
- )
- },
- transform: function (m) {
- var xMin = Infinity
- var xMax = -Infinity
- var yMin = Infinity
- var yMax = -Infinity
- var pts = [
- new SVG.Point(this.x, this.y),
- new SVG.Point(this.x2, this.y),
- new SVG.Point(this.x, this.y2),
- new SVG.Point(this.x2, this.y2)
- ]
- pts.forEach(function (p) {
- p = p.transform(m)
- xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x)
- xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x)
- yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y)
- yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y)
- })
- return new SVG.Box(
- xMin, yMin,
- xMax - xMin,
- yMax - yMin
- )
- },
- addOffset: function () {
- // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
- this.x += window.pageXOffset
- this.y += window.pageYOffset
- return this
- },
- toString: function () {
- return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height]
- },
- morph: function (x, y, width, height) {
- this.destination = new SVG.Box(x, y, width, height)
- return this
- },
- at: function (pos) {
- if (!this.destination) return this
- return new SVG.Box(
- this.x + (this.destination.x - this.x) * pos
- , this.y + (this.destination.y - this.y) * pos
- , this.width + (this.destination.width - this.width) * pos
- , this.height + (this.destination.height - this.height) * pos
- )
- }
- },
- // Define Parent
- parent: SVG.Element,
- // Constructor
- construct: {
- // Get bounding box
- bbox: function () {
- var box
- try {
- // find native bbox
- box = this.node.getBBox()
- if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
- throw new Exception('Element not in the dom')
- }
- } catch (e) {
- try {
- var clone = this.clone(SVG.parser().svg).show()
- box = clone.node.getBBox()
- clone.remove()
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn('Getting a bounding box of this element is not possible')
- }
- }
- return new SVG.Box(box)
- },
- rbox: function (el) {
- // IE11 throws an error when element not in dom
- try {
- var box = new SVG.Box(this.node.getBoundingClientRect())
- if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse())
- return box.addOffset()
- } catch (e) {
- return new SVG.Box()
- }
- }
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Doc, SVG.Symbol, SVG.Image, SVG.Pattern, SVG.Marker, SVG.ForeignObject, SVG.View], {
- viewbox: function (x, y, width, height) {
- // act as getter
- if (x == null) return new SVG.Box(this.attr('viewBox'))
- // act as setter
- return this.attr('viewBox', new SVG.Box(x, y, width, height))
- }
diff --git a/src/clip.js b/src/clip.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 63fff74..0000000
--- a/src/clip.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-SVG.ClipPath = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'clipPath',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Unclip all clipped elements and remove itself
- remove: function () {
- // unclip all targets
- this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
- el.unclip()
- })
- // remove clipPath from parent
- return
- },
- targets: function () {
- return'svg [clip-path*="' + + '"]')
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create clipping element
- clip: function () {
- return this.defs().put(new SVG.ClipPath())
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Distribute clipPath to svg element
- clipWith: function (element) {
- // use given clip or create a new one
- var clipper = element instanceof SVG.ClipPath ? element : this.parent().clip().add(element)
- // apply mask
- return this.attr('clip-path', 'url("#' + + '")')
- },
- // Unclip element
- unclip: function () {
- return this.attr('clip-path', null)
- },
- clipper: function () {
- return this.reference('clip-path')
- }
diff --git a/src/color.js b/src/color.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43bafcb..0000000
--- a/src/color.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-/* globals fullHex, compToHex */
-Color {
- constructor (a, b, c, space) {
- space: 'hsl'
- a: 30
- b: 20
- c: 10
- },
- toRgb () { return new Color in rgb space }
- toHsl () { return new Color in hsl space }
- toLab () { return new Color in lab space }
- toArray () { [space, a, b, c] }
- fromArray () { convert it back }
-// Conversions aren't always exact because of monitor profiles etc...
-new Color(h, s, l, 'hsl') !== new Color(r, g, b).hsl()
-new Color(100, 100, 100, [space])
-new Color('hsl(30, 20, 10)')
-// Sugar
-SVG.rgb(30, 20, 50).lab()
-SVG.lab('rgb(100, 100, 100)')
-// Module for color convertions
-SVG.Color = function (color, g, b) {
- var match
- // initialize defaults
- this.r = 0
- this.g = 0
- this.b = 0
- if (!color) return
- // parse color
- if (typeof color === 'string') {
- if (SVG.regex.isRgb.test(color)) {
- // get rgb values
- match = SVG.regex.rgb.exec(color.replace(SVG.regex.whitespace, ''))
- // parse numeric values
- this.r = parseInt(match[1])
- this.g = parseInt(match[2])
- this.b = parseInt(match[3])
- } else if (SVG.regex.isHex.test(color)) {
- // get hex values
- match = SVG.regex.hex.exec(fullHex(color))
- // parse numeric values
- this.r = parseInt(match[1], 16)
- this.g = parseInt(match[2], 16)
- this.b = parseInt(match[3], 16)
- }
- } else if (Array.isArray(color)) {
- this.r = color[0]
- this.g = color[1]
- this.b = color[2]
- } else if (typeof color === 'object') {
- this.r = color.r
- this.g = color.g
- this.b = color.b
- } else if (arguments.length === 3) {
- this.r = color
- this.g = g
- this.b = b
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Color, {
- // Default to hex conversion
- toString: function () {
- return this.toHex()
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return [this.r, this.g, this.b]
- },
- fromArray: function (a) {
- return new SVG.Color(a)
- },
- // Build hex value
- toHex: function () {
- return '#' +
- compToHex(Math.round(this.r)) +
- compToHex(Math.round(this.g)) +
- compToHex(Math.round(this.b))
- },
- // Build rgb value
- toRgb: function () {
- return 'rgb(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b].join() + ')'
- },
- // Calculate true brightness
- brightness: function () {
- return (this.r / 255 * 0.30) +
- (this.g / 255 * 0.59) +
- (this.b / 255 * 0.11)
- },
- // Make color morphable
- morph: function (color) {
- this.destination = new SVG.Color(color)
- return this
- },
- // Get morphed color at given position
- at: function (pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this
- // normalise pos
- pos = pos < 0 ? 0 : pos > 1 ? 1 : pos
- // generate morphed color
- return new SVG.Color({
- r: ~~(this.r + (this.destination.r - this.r) * pos),
- g: ~~(this.g + (this.destination.g - this.g) * pos),
- b: ~~(this.b + (this.destination.b - this.b) * pos)
- })
- }
-// Testers
-// Test if given value is a color string
-SVG.Color.test = function (color) {
- color += ''
- return SVG.regex.isHex.test(color) ||
- SVG.regex.isRgb.test(color)
-// Test if given value is a rgb object
-SVG.Color.isRgb = function (color) {
- return color && typeof color.r === 'number' &&
- typeof color.g === 'number' &&
- typeof color.b === 'number'
-// Test if given value is a color
-SVG.Color.isColor = function (color) {
- return SVG.Color.isRgb(color) || SVG.Color.test(color)
diff --git a/src/container.js b/src/container.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b324bd..0000000
--- a/src/container.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Container = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function (node) {
-, node)
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Parent
diff --git a/src/controller.js b/src/controller.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 842c772..0000000
--- a/src/controller.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// c = {
-// finished: Whether or not we are finished
-// }
-Base Class
-The base stepper class that will be
-function makeSetterGetter (k, f) {
- return function (v) {
- if (v == null) return this[v]
- this[k] = v
- if (f)
- return this
- }
-SVG.Stepper = SVG.invent({
- create: function () {}
-Easing Functions
-SVG.Ease = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Stepper,
- create: function (fn) {
-, fn)
- this.ease = SVG.easing[fn || SVG.defaults.timeline.ease] || fn
- },
- extend: {
- step: function (from, to, pos) {
- if (typeof from !== 'number') {
- return pos < 1 ? from : to
- }
- return from + (to - from) * this.ease(pos)
- },
- done: function (dt, c) {
- return false
- }
- }
-SVG.easing = {
- '-': function (pos) { return pos },
- '<>': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5 },
- '>': function (pos) { return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2) },
- '<': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1 },
- bezier: function (t0, x0, t1, x1) {
- return function (t) {
- }
- }
-Controller Types
-SVG.Controller = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Stepper,
- create: function (fn) {
-, fn)
- this.stepper = fn
- },
- extend: {
- step: function (current, target, dt, c) {
- return this.stepper(current, target, dt, c)
- },
- done: function (c) {
- return c.done
- }
- }
-function recalculate () {
- // Apply the default parameters
- var duration = (this._duration || 500) / 1000
- var overshoot = this._overshoot || 0
- // Calculate the PID natural response
- var eps = 1e-10
- var pi = Math.PI
- var os = Math.log(overshoot / 100 + eps)
- var zeta = -os / Math.sqrt(pi * pi + os * os)
- var wn = 3.9 / (zeta * duration)
- // Calculate the Spring values
- this.d = 2 * zeta * wn
- this.k = wn * wn
-SVG.Spring = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Controller,
- create: function (duration, overshoot) {
- this.duration(duration || 500)
- .overshoot(overshoot || 0)
- },
- extend: {
- step: function (current, target, dt, c) {
- if (typeof current === 'string') return current
- c.done = dt === Infinity
- if (dt === Infinity) return target
- if (dt === 0) return current
- if (dt > 100) dt = 16
- dt /= 1000
- // Get the previous velocity
- var velocity = c.velocity || 0
- // Apply the control to get the new position and store it
- var acceleration = -this.d * velocity - this.k * (current - target)
- var newPosition = current +
- velocity * dt +
- acceleration * dt * dt / 2
- // Store the velocity
- c.velocity = velocity + acceleration * dt
- // Figure out if we have converged, and if so, pass the value
- c.done = Math.abs(target - newPosition) + Math.abs(velocity) < 0.002
- return c.done ? target : newPosition
- },
- duration: makeSetterGetter('_duration', recalculate),
- overshoot: makeSetterGetter('_overshoot', recalculate)
- }
-SVG.PID = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.Controller,
- create: function (p, i, d, windup) {
- p = p == null ? 0.1 : p
- i = i == null ? 0.01 : i
- d = d == null ? 0 : d
- windup = windup == null ? 1000 : windup
- this.p(p).i(i).d(d).windup(windup)
- },
- extend: {
- step: function (current, target, dt, c) {
- if (typeof current === 'string') return current
- c.done = dt === Infinity
- if (dt === Infinity) return target
- if (dt === 0) return current
- var p = target - current
- var i = (c.integral || 0) + p * dt
- var d = (p - (c.error || 0)) / dt
- var windup = this.windup
- // antiwindup
- if (windup !== false) {
- i = Math.max(-windup, Math.min(i, windup))
- }
- c.error = p
- c.integral = i
- c.done = Math.abs(p) < 0.001
- return c.done ? target : current + (this.P * p + this.I * i + this.D * d)
- },
- windup: makeSetterGetter('windup'),
- p: makeSetterGetter('P'),
- i: makeSetterGetter('I'),
- d: makeSetterGetter('D')
- }
diff --git a/src/css.js b/src/css.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c549bd5..0000000
--- a/src/css.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* global camelCase */
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Dynamic style generator
- css: function (s, v) {
- var ret = {}
- var t, i
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- // get full style as object
-\s*;\s*/).filter(function (el) { return !!el.length }).forEach(function (el) {
- t = el.split(/\s*:\s*/)
- ret[t[0]] = t[1]
- })
- return ret
- }
- if (arguments.length < 2) {
- // get style properties in the array
- if (Array.isArray(s)) {
- for (i = s.length; i--;) {
- ret[camelCase(s[i])] =[camelCase(s[i])]
- }
- return ret
- }
- // get style for property
- if (typeof s === 'string') {
- return[camelCase(s)]
- }
- // set styles in object
- if (typeof s === 'object') {
- for (i in s) {
- // set empty string if null/undefined/'' was given
-[camelCase(i)] = (s[i] == null || SVG.regex.isBlank.test(s[i])) ? '' : s[i]
- }
- }
- }
- // set style for property
- if (arguments.length === 2) {
-[camelCase(s)] = (v == null || SVG.regex.isBlank.test(v)) ? '' : v
- }
- return this
- }
diff --git a/src/data.js b/src/data.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f7fcd55..0000000
--- a/src/data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Store data values on svg nodes
- data: function (a, v, r) {
- if (typeof a === 'object') {
- for (v in a) {
-, a[v])
- }
- } else if (arguments.length < 2) {
- try {
- return JSON.parse(this.attr('data-' + a))
- } catch (e) {
- return this.attr('data-' + a)
- }
- } else {
- this.attr('data-' + a,
- v === null ? null
- : r === true || typeof v === 'string' || typeof v === 'number' ? v
- : JSON.stringify(v)
- )
- }
- return this
- }
diff --git a/src/default.js b/src/default.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e82d1db..0000000
--- a/src/default.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-SVG.void = function () {}
-SVG.defaults = {
- // Default animation values
- timeline: {
- duration: 400,
- ease: '>',
- delay: 0
- },
- // Default attribute values
- attrs: {
- // fill and stroke
- 'fill-opacity': 1,
- 'stroke-opacity': 1,
- 'stroke-width': 0,
- 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter',
- 'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
- fill: '#000000',
- stroke: '#000000',
- opacity: 1,
- // position
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- cx: 0,
- cy: 0,
- // size
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- // radius
- r: 0,
- rx: 0,
- ry: 0,
- // gradient
- offset: 0,
- 'stop-opacity': 1,
- 'stop-color': '#000000',
- // text
- 'font-size': 16,
- 'font-family': 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
- 'text-anchor': 'start'
- }
diff --git a/src/defs.js b/src/defs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6ebb9..0000000
--- a/src/defs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Defs = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'defs',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container
diff --git a/src/doc.js b/src/doc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 423204f..0000000
--- a/src/doc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Doc = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function (node) {
-, node || SVG.create('svg'))
- // set svg element attributes and ensure defs node
- this.namespace()
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- isRoot: function () {
- return !this.node.parentNode || !(this.node.parentNode instanceof window.SVGElement) || this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document'
- },
- // Check if this is a root svg. If not, call docs from this element
- doc: function () {
- if (this.isRoot()) return this
- return
- },
- // Add namespaces
- namespace: function () {
- if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().namespace()
- return this
- .attr({ xmlns: SVG.ns, version: '1.1' })
- .attr('xmlns:xlink', SVG.xlink, SVG.xmlns)
- .attr('xmlns:svgjs', SVG.svgjs, SVG.xmlns)
- },
- // Creates and returns defs element
- defs: function () {
- if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().defs()
- return SVG.adopt(this.node.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0]) || this.put(new SVG.Defs())
- },
- // custom parent method
- parent: function (type) {
- if (this.isRoot()) {
- return this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document' ? null : this.node.parentNode
- }
- return, type)
- },
- // Removes the doc from the DOM
- remove: function () {
- if (!this.isRoot()) {
- return
- }
- if (this.parent()) {
- this.parent().removeChild(this.node)
- }
- return this
- },
- clear: function () {
- // remove children
- while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild)
- }
- return this
- }
- },
- construct: {
- // Create nested svg document
- nested: function () {
- return this.put(new SVG.Doc())
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/element.js b/src/element.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 406a35e..0000000
--- a/src/element.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-/* global proportionalSize, assignNewId, createElement, matches, is */
-SVG.Element = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.EventTarget,
- // Initialize node
- create: function (node) {
- // event listener
- = {}
- // initialize data object
- this.dom = {}
- // create circular reference
- this.node = node
- if (this.node) {
- this.type = node.nodeName
- this.node.instance = this
- = || {}
- if (node.hasAttribute('svgjs:data')) {
- // pull svgjs data from the dom (getAttributeNS doesn't work in html5)
- this.setData(JSON.parse(node.getAttribute('svgjs:data')) || {})
- }
- }
- },
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Move over x-axis
- x: function (x) {
- return this.attr('x', x)
- },
- // Move over y-axis
- y: function (y) {
- return this.attr('y', y)
- },
- // Move by center over x-axis
- cx: function (x) {
- return x == null ? this.x() + this.width() / 2 : this.x(x - this.width() / 2)
- },
- // Move by center over y-axis
- cy: function (y) {
- return y == null
- ? this.y() + this.height() / 2
- : this.y(y - this.height() / 2)
- },
- // Move element to given x and y values
- move: function (x, y) {
- return this.x(x).y(y)
- },
- // Move element by its center
- center: function (x, y) {
- return
- },
- // Set width of element
- width: function (width) {
- return this.attr('width', width)
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function (height) {
- return this.attr('height', height)
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function (width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
- return this
- .width(new SVG.Number(p.width))
- .height(new SVG.Number(p.height))
- },
- // Clone element
- clone: function (parent) {
- // write dom data to the dom so the clone can pickup the data
- this.writeDataToDom()
- // clone element and assign new id
- var clone = assignNewId(this.node.cloneNode(true))
- // insert the clone in the given parent or after myself
- if (parent) parent.add(clone)
- else this.after(clone)
- return clone
- },
- // Remove element
- remove: function () {
- if (this.parent()) { this.parent().removeElement(this) }
- return this
- },
- // Replace element
- replace: function (element) {
- this.after(element).remove()
- return element
- },
- // Add element to given container and return self
- addTo: function (parent) {
- return createElement(parent).put(this)
- },
- // Add element to given container and return container
- putIn: function (parent) {
- return createElement(parent).add(this)
- },
- // Get / set id
- id: function (id) {
- // generate new id if no id set
- if (typeof id === 'undefined' && ! {
- = SVG.eid(this.type)
- }
- // dont't set directly width to make `null` work correctly
- return this.attr('id', id)
- },
- // Checks whether the given point inside the bounding box of the element
- inside: function (x, y) {
- var box = this.bbox()
- return x > box.x &&
- y > box.y &&
- x < box.x + box.width &&
- y < box.y + box.height
- },
- // Show element
- show: function () {
- return this.css('display', '')
- },
- // Hide element
- hide: function () {
- return this.css('display', 'none')
- },
- // Is element visible?
- visible: function () {
- return this.css('display') !== 'none'
- },
- // Return id on string conversion
- toString: function () {
- return
- },
- // Return array of classes on the node
- classes: function () {
- var attr = this.attr('class')
- return attr == null ? [] : attr.trim().split(SVG.regex.delimiter)
- },
- // Return true if class exists on the node, false otherwise
- hasClass: function (name) {
- return this.classes().indexOf(name) !== -1
- },
- // Add class to the node
- addClass: function (name) {
- if (!this.hasClass(name)) {
- var array = this.classes()
- array.push(name)
- this.attr('class', array.join(' '))
- }
- return this
- },
- // Remove class from the node
- removeClass: function (name) {
- if (this.hasClass(name)) {
- this.attr('class', this.classes().filter(function (c) {
- return c !== name
- }).join(' '))
- }
- return this
- },
- // Toggle the presence of a class on the node
- toggleClass: function (name) {
- return this.hasClass(name) ? this.removeClass(name) : this.addClass(name)
- },
- // Get referenced element form attribute value
- reference: function (attr) {
- return SVG.get(this.attr(attr))
- },
- // Returns the parent element instance
- parent: function (type) {
- var parent = this
- // check for parent
- if (!parent.node.parentNode) return null
- // get parent element
- parent = SVG.adopt(parent.node.parentNode)
- if (!type) return parent
- // loop trough ancestors if type is given
- while (parent && parent.node instanceof window.SVGElement) {
- if (typeof type === 'string' ? parent.matches(type) : parent instanceof type) return parent
- parent = SVG.adopt(parent.node.parentNode)
- }
- },
- // Get parent document
- doc: function () {
- var p = this.parent(SVG.Doc)
- return p && p.doc()
- },
- // Get defs
- defs: function () {
- return this.doc().defs()
- },
- // return array of all ancestors of given type up to the root svg
- parents: function (type) {
- var parents = []
- var parent = this
- do {
- parent = parent.parent(type)
- if (!parent || !parent.node) break
- parents.push(parent)
- } while (parent.parent)
- return parents
- },
- // matches the element vs a css selector
- matches: function (selector) {
- return matches(this.node, selector)
- },
- // Returns the svg node to call native svg methods on it
- native: function () {
- return this.node
- },
- // Import raw svg
- svg: function (svg) {
- var well, len
- // act as a setter if svg is given
- if (typeof svg === 'string' && this instanceof SVG.Parent) {
- // create temporary holder
- well = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'svg')
- // dump raw svg
- well.innerHTML = svg
- // transplant nodes
- for (len = well.children.length; len--;) {
- this.node.appendChild(well.firstElementChild)
- }
- // otherwise act as a getter
- } else {
- // expose node modifiers
- if (typeof svg === 'function') {
- this.each(function () {
- well = svg(this)
- // If modifier returns false, discard node
- if (well === false) {
- this.remove()
- // If modifier returns new node, use it
- } else if (well && well !== this) {
- this.replace(well)
- }
- }, true)
- }
- // write svgjs data to the dom
- this.writeDataToDom()
- return this.node.outerHTML
- }
- return this
- },
- // write svgjs data to the dom
- writeDataToDom: function () {
- // dump variables recursively
- if ( {
- this.each(function () {
- this.writeDataToDom()
- })
- }
- // remove previously set data
- this.node.removeAttribute('svgjs:data')
- if (Object.keys(this.dom).length) {
- this.node.setAttribute('svgjs:data', JSON.stringify(this.dom)) // see #428
- }
- return this
- },
- // set given data to the elements data property
- setData: function (o) {
- this.dom = o
- return this
- },
- is: function (obj) {
- return is(this, obj)
- },
- getEventTarget: function () {
- return this.node
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/elements/A.js b/src/elements/A.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68da597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/A.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import { xlink } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+export default class A extends Container {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('a', node), A)
+ }
+ // Link url
+ to (url) {
+ return this.attr('href', url, xlink)
+ }
+ // Link target attribute
+ target (target) {
+ return this.attr('target', target)
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create a hyperlink element
+ link: function (url) {
+ return this.put(new A()).to(url)
+ }
+ },
+ Element: {
+ // Create a hyperlink element
+ linkTo: function (url) {
+ var link = new A()
+ if (typeof url === 'function') {, link) } else {
+ }
+ return this.parent().put(link).put(this)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Bare.js b/src/elements/Bare.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43fc075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Bare.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+export default class Bare extends Container {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew(node, typeof node === 'string' ? null : node), Bare)
+ }
+ words (text) {
+ // remove contents
+ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild)
+ }
+ // create text node
+ this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text))
+ return this
+ }
+registerMethods('Container', {
+ // Create an element that is not described by SVG.js
+ element (node, inherit) {
+ return this.put(new Bare(node, inherit))
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Circle.js b/src/elements/Circle.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c296885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Circle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import { cx, cy, height, size, width, x, y } from '../modules/core/circled.js'
+import { extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../types/SVGNumber.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+export default class Circle extends Shape {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('circle', node), Circle)
+ }
+ radius (r) {
+ return this.attr('r', r)
+ }
+ // Radius x value
+ rx (rx) {
+ return this.attr('r', rx)
+ }
+ // Alias radius x value
+ ry (ry) {
+ return this.rx(ry)
+ }
+extend(Circle, { x, y, cx, cy, width, height, size })
+ Element: {
+ // Create circle element
+ circle (size) {
+ return this.put(new Circle())
+ .radius(new SVGNumber(size).divide(2))
+ .move(0, 0)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/ClipPath.js b/src/elements/ClipPath.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2828d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/ClipPath.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+import baseFind from '../modules/core/selector.js'
+export default class ClipPath extends Container {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('clipPath', node), ClipPath)
+ }
+ // Unclip all clipped elements and remove itself
+ remove () {
+ // unclip all targets
+ this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
+ el.unclip()
+ })
+ // remove clipPath from parent
+ return super.remove()
+ }
+ targets () {
+ return baseFind('svg [clip-path*="' + + '"]')
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create clipping element
+ clip: function () {
+ return this.defs().put(new ClipPath())
+ }
+ },
+ Element: {
+ // Distribute clipPath to svg element
+ clipWith (element) {
+ // use given clip or create a new one
+ let clipper = element instanceof ClipPath
+ ? element
+ : this.parent().clip().add(element)
+ // apply mask
+ return this.attr('clip-path', 'url("#' + + '")')
+ },
+ // Unclip element
+ unclip () {
+ return this.attr('clip-path', null)
+ },
+ clipper () {
+ return this.reference('clip-path')
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Container.js b/src/elements/Container.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdf8495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Container.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import Element from './Element.js'
+export default class Container extends Element {
+ flatten (parent) {
+ this.each(function () {
+ if (this instanceof Container) return this.flatten(parent).ungroup(parent)
+ return this.toParent(parent)
+ })
+ // we need this so that Doc does not get removed
+ this.node.firstElementChild || this.remove()
+ return this
+ }
+ ungroup (parent) {
+ parent = parent || this.parent()
+ this.each(function () {
+ return this.toParent(parent)
+ })
+ this.remove()
+ return this
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Defs.js b/src/elements/Defs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58932cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Defs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+export default class Defs extends Container {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('defs', node), Defs)
+ }
+ flatten () { return this }
+ ungroup () { return this }
diff --git a/src/elements/Doc.js b/src/elements/Doc.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d450ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Doc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import { adopt, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { ns, svgjs, xlink, xmlns } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+import Defs from './Defs.js'
+export default class Doc extends Container {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('svg', node), Doc)
+ this.namespace()
+ }
+ isRoot () {
+ return !this.node.parentNode ||
+ !(this.node.parentNode instanceof window.SVGElement) ||
+ this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document'
+ }
+ // Check if this is a root svg
+ // If not, call docs from this element
+ doc () {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this
+ return super.doc()
+ }
+ // Add namespaces
+ namespace () {
+ if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().namespace()
+ return this
+ .attr({ xmlns: ns, version: '1.1' })
+ .attr('xmlns:xlink', xlink, xmlns)
+ .attr('xmlns:svgjs', svgjs, xmlns)
+ }
+ // Creates and returns defs element
+ defs () {
+ if (!this.isRoot()) return this.doc().defs()
+ return adopt(this.node.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0]) ||
+ this.put(new Defs())
+ }
+ // custom parent method
+ parent (type) {
+ if (this.isRoot()) {
+ return this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document'
+ ? null
+ : adopt(this.node.parentNode)
+ }
+ return super.parent(type)
+ }
+ clear () {
+ // remove children
+ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create nested svg document
+ nested () {
+ return this.put(new Doc())
+ }
+ }
+register(Doc, 'Doc', true)
diff --git a/src/elements/Dom.js b/src/elements/Dom.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eab3f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Dom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+import {
+ adopt,
+ assignNewId,
+ eid,
+ extend,
+ makeInstance
+} from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { map } from '../utils/utils.js'
+import { ns } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js'
+import EventTarget from '../types/EventTarget.js'
+import attr from '../modules/core/attr.js'
+export default class Dom extends EventTarget {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(node)
+ this.node = node
+ this.type = node.nodeName
+ }
+ // Add given element at a position
+ add (element, i) {
+ element = makeInstance(element)
+ if (i == null) {
+ this.node.appendChild(element.node)
+ } else if (element.node !== this.node.childNodes[i]) {
+ this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.childNodes[i])
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Add element to given container and return self
+ addTo (parent) {
+ return makeInstance(parent).put(this)
+ }
+ // Returns all child elements
+ children () {
+ return map(this.node.children, function (node) {
+ return adopt(node)
+ })
+ }
+ // Remove all elements in this container
+ clear () {
+ // remove children
+ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild)
+ }
+ // remove defs reference
+ delete this._defs
+ return this
+ }
+ // Clone element
+ clone (parent) {
+ // write dom data to the dom so the clone can pickup the data
+ this.writeDataToDom()
+ // clone element and assign new id
+ let clone = assignNewId(this.node.cloneNode(true))
+ // insert the clone in the given parent or after myself
+ if (parent) parent.add(clone)
+ // FIXME: after might not be available here
+ else this.after(clone)
+ return clone
+ }
+ // Iterates over all children and invokes a given block
+ each (block, deep) {
+ var children = this.children()
+ var i, il
+ for (i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i++) {
+ block.apply(children[i], [i, children])
+ if (deep) {
+ children[i].each(block, deep)
+ }
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Get first child
+ first () {
+ return adopt(this.node.firstChild)
+ }
+ // Get a element at the given index
+ get (i) {
+ return adopt(this.node.childNodes[i])
+ }
+ getEventHolder () {
+ return this.node
+ }
+ getEventTarget () {
+ return this.node
+ }
+ // Checks if the given element is a child
+ has (element) {
+ return this.index(element) >= 0
+ }
+ // Get / set id
+ id (id) {
+ // generate new id if no id set
+ if (typeof id === 'undefined' && ! {
+ = eid(this.type)
+ }
+ // dont't set directly width to make `null` work correctly
+ return this.attr('id', id)
+ }
+ // Gets index of given element
+ index (element) {
+ return []
+ }
+ // Get the last child
+ last () {
+ return adopt(this.node.lastChild)
+ }
+ // matches the element vs a css selector
+ matches (selector) {
+ const el = this.node
+ return (el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector).call(el, selector)
+ }
+ // Returns the svg node to call native svg methods on it
+ native () {
+ return this.node
+ }
+ // Returns the parent element instance
+ parent (type) {
+ var parent = this
+ // check for parent
+ if (!parent.node.parentNode) return null
+ // get parent element
+ parent = adopt(parent.node.parentNode)
+ if (!type) return parent
+ // loop trough ancestors if type is given
+ while (parent && parent.node instanceof window.SVGElement) {
+ if (typeof type === 'string' ? parent.matches(type) : parent instanceof type) return parent
+ parent = adopt(parent.node.parentNode)
+ }
+ }
+ // Basically does the same as `add()` but returns the added element instead
+ put (element, i) {
+ this.add(element, i)
+ return element
+ }
+ // Add element to given container and return container
+ putIn (parent) {
+ return makeInstance(parent).add(this)
+ }
+ // Remove element
+ remove () {
+ if (this.parent()) {
+ this.parent().removeElement(this)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Remove a given child
+ removeElement (element) {
+ this.node.removeChild(element.node)
+ return this
+ }
+ // Replace element
+ replace (element) {
+ // FIXME: after() might not be available here
+ this.after(element).remove()
+ return element
+ }
+ // Return id on string conversion
+ toString () {
+ return
+ }
+ // Import raw svg
+ svg (svg) {
+ var well, len
+ // act as a setter if svg is given
+ if (svg) {
+ // create temporary holder
+ well = document.createElementNS(ns, 'svg')
+ // dump raw svg
+ well.innerHTML = svg
+ // transplant nodes
+ for (len = well.children.length; len--;) {
+ this.node.appendChild(well.firstElementChild)
+ }
+ // otherwise act as a getter
+ } else {
+ // write svgjs data to the dom
+ this.writeDataToDom()
+ return this.node.outerHTML
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // write svgjs data to the dom
+ writeDataToDom () {
+ // dump variables recursively
+ this.each(function () {
+ this.writeDataToDom()
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+extend(Dom, { attr })
diff --git a/src/elements/Element.js b/src/elements/Element.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a38b2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Element.js
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import { getClass, makeInstance, root } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { proportionalSize } from '../utils/utils.js'
+import { reference } from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+import Dom from './Dom.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../types/SVGNumber.js'
+const Doc = getClass(root)
+export default class Element extends Dom {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(node)
+ // initialize data object
+ this.dom = {}
+ // create circular reference
+ this.node.instance = this
+ if (node.hasAttribute('svgjs:data')) {
+ // pull svgjs data from the dom (getAttributeNS doesn't work in html5)
+ this.setData(JSON.parse(node.getAttribute('svgjs:data')) || {})
+ }
+ }
+ // Move element by its center
+ center (x, y) {
+ return
+ }
+ // Move by center over x-axis
+ cx (x) {
+ return x == null ? this.x() + this.width() / 2 : this.x(x - this.width() / 2)
+ }
+ // Move by center over y-axis
+ cy (y) {
+ return y == null
+ ? this.y() + this.height() / 2
+ : this.y(y - this.height() / 2)
+ }
+ // Get defs
+ defs () {
+ return this.doc().defs()
+ }
+ // Get parent document
+ doc () {
+ let p = this.parent(Doc)
+ return p && p.doc()
+ }
+ getEventHolder () {
+ return this
+ }
+ // Set height of element
+ height (height) {
+ return this.attr('height', height)
+ }
+ // Checks whether the given point inside the bounding box of the element
+ inside (x, y) {
+ let box = this.bbox()
+ return x > box.x &&
+ y > box.y &&
+ x < box.x + box.width &&
+ y < box.y + box.height
+ }
+ // Move element to given x and y values
+ move (x, y) {
+ return this.x(x).y(y)
+ }
+ // return array of all ancestors of given type up to the root svg
+ parents (type) {
+ let parents = []
+ let parent = this
+ do {
+ parent = parent.parent(type)
+ if (!parent || parent instanceof getClass('HtmlNode')) break
+ parents.push(parent)
+ } while (parent.parent)
+ return parents
+ }
+ // Get referenced element form attribute value
+ reference (attr) {
+ attr = this.attr(attr)
+ if (!attr) return null
+ const m = attr.match(reference)
+ return m ? makeInstance(m[1]) : null
+ }
+ // set given data to the elements data property
+ setData (o) {
+ this.dom = o
+ return this
+ }
+ // Set element size to given width and height
+ size (width, height) {
+ let p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
+ return this
+ .width(new SVGNumber(p.width))
+ .height(new SVGNumber(p.height))
+ }
+ // Set width of element
+ width (width) {
+ return this.attr('width', width)
+ }
+ // write svgjs data to the dom
+ writeDataToDom () {
+ // remove previously set data
+ this.node.removeAttribute('svgjs:data')
+ if (Object.keys(this.dom).length) {
+ this.node.setAttribute('svgjs:data', JSON.stringify(this.dom)) // see #428
+ }
+ return super.writeDataToDom()
+ }
+ // Move over x-axis
+ x (x) {
+ return this.attr('x', x)
+ }
+ // Move over y-axis
+ y (y) {
+ return this.attr('y', y)
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Ellipse.js b/src/elements/Ellipse.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40b9369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Ellipse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import { extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+import * as circled from '../modules/core/circled.js'
+export default class Ellipse extends Shape {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('ellipse', node), Ellipse)
+ }
+extend(Ellipse, circled)
+registerMethods('Container', {
+ // Create an ellipse
+ ellipse: function (width, height) {
+ return this.put(new Ellipse()).size(width, height).move(0, 0)
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/G.js b/src/elements/G.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00803c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/G.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+export default class G extends Container {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('g', node), G)
+ }
+ Element: {
+ // Create a group element
+ group: function () {
+ return this.put(new G())
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Gradient.js b/src/elements/Gradient.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8aeaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Gradient.js
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import { extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Box from '../types/Box.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+import Stop from './Stop.js'
+import baseFind from '../modules/core/selector.js'
+import * as gradiented from '../modules/core/gradiented.js'
+export default class Gradient extends Container {
+ constructor (type) {
+ super(
+ nodeOrNew(type + 'Gradient', typeof type === 'string' ? null : type),
+ Gradient
+ )
+ }
+ // Add a color stop
+ stop (offset, color, opacity) {
+ return this.put(new Stop()).update(offset, color, opacity)
+ }
+ // Update gradient
+ update (block) {
+ // remove all stops
+ this.clear()
+ // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+, this)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Return the fill id
+ url () {
+ return 'url(#' + + ')'
+ }
+ // Alias string convertion to fill
+ toString () {
+ return this.url()
+ }
+ // custom attr to handle transform
+ attr (a, b, c) {
+ if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform'
+ return super.attr(a, b, c)
+ }
+ targets () {
+ return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + + '"]')
+ }
+ bbox () {
+ return new Box()
+ }
+extend(Gradient, gradiented)
+ Container: {
+ // Create gradient element in defs
+ gradient (type, block) {
+ return this.defs().gradient(type, block)
+ }
+ },
+ // define gradient
+ Defs: {
+ gradient (type, block) {
+ return this.put(new Gradient(type)).update(block)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/HtmlNode.js b/src/elements/HtmlNode.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59152d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/HtmlNode.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import Dom from './Dom.js'
+export default class HtmlNode extends Dom {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(node, HtmlNode)
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Image.js b/src/elements/Image.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e672f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Image.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { off, on } from '../modules/core/event.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import { xlink } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js'
+import Pattern from './Pattern.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+export default class Image extends Shape {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('image', node), Image)
+ }
+ // (re)load image
+ load (url, callback) {
+ if (!url) return this
+ var img = new window.Image()
+ on(img, 'load', function (e) {
+ var p = this.parent(Pattern)
+ // ensure image size
+ if (this.width() === 0 && this.height() === 0) {
+ this.size(img.width, img.height)
+ }
+ if (p instanceof Pattern) {
+ // ensure pattern size if not set
+ if (p.width() === 0 && p.height() === 0) {
+ p.size(this.width(), this.height())
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+, {
+ width: img.width,
+ height: img.height,
+ ratio: img.width / img.height,
+ url: url
+ })
+ }
+ }, this)
+ on(img, 'load error', function () {
+ // dont forget to unbind memory leaking events
+ off(img)
+ })
+ return this.attr('href', (img.src = url), xlink)
+ }
+ attrHook (obj) {
+ return obj.doc().defs().pattern(0, 0, (pattern) => {
+ pattern.add(this)
+ })
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // create image element, load image and set its size
+ image (source, callback) {
+ return this.put(new Image()).size(0, 0).load(source, callback)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Line.js b/src/elements/Line.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9bc4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Line.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import { extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { proportionalSize } from '../utils/utils.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import PointArray from '../types/PointArray.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+import * as pointed from '../modules/core/pointed.js'
+export default class Line extends Shape {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('line', node), Line)
+ }
+ // Get array
+ array () {
+ return new PointArray([
+ [ this.attr('x1'), this.attr('y1') ],
+ [ this.attr('x2'), this.attr('y2') ]
+ ])
+ }
+ // Overwrite native plot() method
+ plot (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ if (x1 == null) {
+ return this.array()
+ } else if (typeof y1 !== 'undefined') {
+ x1 = { x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2 }
+ } else {
+ x1 = new PointArray(x1).toLine()
+ }
+ return this.attr(x1)
+ }
+ // Move by left top corner
+ move (x, y) {
+ return this.attr(this.array().move(x, y).toLine())
+ }
+ // Set element size to given width and height
+ size (width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
+ return this.attr(this.array().size(p.width, p.height).toLine())
+ }
+extend(Line, pointed)
+ Container: {
+ // Create a line element
+ line (...args) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ // x1 is not necessarily a number, it can also be an array, a string and a PointArray
+ return Line.prototype.plot.apply(
+ this.put(new Line())
+ , args[0] != null ? args : [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Marker.js b/src/elements/Marker.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0541b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Marker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+export default class Marker extends Container {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('marker', node), Marker)
+ }
+ // Set width of element
+ width (width) {
+ return this.attr('markerWidth', width)
+ }
+ // Set height of element
+ height (height) {
+ return this.attr('markerHeight', height)
+ }
+ // Set marker refX and refY
+ ref (x, y) {
+ return this.attr('refX', x).attr('refY', y)
+ }
+ // Update marker
+ update (block) {
+ // remove all content
+ this.clear()
+ // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {, this) }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Return the fill id
+ toString () {
+ return 'url(#' + + ')'
+ }
+ Container: {
+ marker (width, height, block) {
+ // Create marker element in defs
+ return this.defs().marker(width, height, block)
+ }
+ },
+ Defs: {
+ // Create marker
+ marker (width, height, block) {
+ // Set default viewbox to match the width and height, set ref to cx and cy and set orient to auto
+ return this.put(new Marker())
+ .size(width, height)
+ .ref(width / 2, height / 2)
+ .viewbox(0, 0, width, height)
+ .attr('orient', 'auto')
+ .update(block)
+ }
+ },
+ marker: {
+ // Create and attach markers
+ marker (marker, width, height, block) {
+ var attr = ['marker']
+ // Build attribute name
+ if (marker !== 'all') attr.push(marker)
+ attr = attr.join('-')
+ // Set marker attribute
+ marker = arguments[1] instanceof Marker
+ ? arguments[1]
+ : this.defs().marker(width, height, block)
+ return this.attr(attr, marker)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Mask.js b/src/elements/Mask.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed5a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Mask.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+import baseFind from '../modules/core/selector.js'
+export default class Mask extends Container {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('mask', node), Mask)
+ }
+ // Unmask all masked elements and remove itself
+ remove () {
+ // unmask all targets
+ this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
+ el.unmask()
+ })
+ // remove mask from parent
+ return super.remove()
+ }
+ targets () {
+ return baseFind('svg [mask*="' + + '"]')
+ }
+ Container: {
+ mask () {
+ return this.defs().put(new Mask())
+ }
+ },
+ Element: {
+ // Distribute mask to svg element
+ maskWith (element) {
+ // use given mask or create a new one
+ var masker = element instanceof Mask
+ ? element
+ : this.parent().mask().add(element)
+ // apply mask
+ return this.attr('mask', 'url("#' + + '")')
+ },
+ // Unmask element
+ unmask () {
+ return this.attr('mask', null)
+ },
+ masker () {
+ return this.reference('mask')
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Path.js b/src/elements/Path.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71be8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Path.js
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { proportionalSize } from '../utils/utils.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import PathArray from '../types/PathArray.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+import baseFind from '../modules/core/selector.js'
+export default class Path extends Shape {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('path', node), Path)
+ }
+ // Get array
+ array () {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PathArray(this.attr('d')))
+ }
+ // Plot new path
+ plot (d) {
+ return (d == null) ? this.array()
+ : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : (this._array = new PathArray(d)))
+ }
+ // Clear array cache
+ clear () {
+ delete this._array
+ return this
+ }
+ // Move by left top corner
+ move (x, y) {
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y))
+ }
+ // Move by left top corner over x-axis
+ x (x) {
+ return x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(x, this.bbox().y)
+ }
+ // Move by left top corner over y-axis
+ y (y) {
+ return y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, y)
+ }
+ // Set element size to given width and height
+ size (width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height))
+ }
+ // Set width of element
+ width (width) {
+ return width == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(width, this.bbox().height)
+ }
+ // Set height of element
+ height (height) {
+ return height == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, height)
+ }
+ targets () {
+ return baseFind('svg textpath [href*="' + + '"]')
+ }
+// Define morphable array
+Path.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray
+// Add parent method
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped path element
+ path (d) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Path()).plot(d || new PathArray())
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Pattern.js b/src/elements/Pattern.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9111837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Pattern.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Box from '../types/Box.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+import baseFind from '../modules/core/selector.js'
+export default class Pattern extends Container {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('pattern', node), Pattern)
+ }
+ // Return the fill id
+ url () {
+ return 'url(#' + + ')'
+ }
+ // Update pattern by rebuilding
+ update (block) {
+ // remove content
+ this.clear()
+ // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+, this)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Alias string convertion to fill
+ toString () {
+ return this.url()
+ }
+ // custom attr to handle transform
+ attr (a, b, c) {
+ if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform'
+ return super.attr(a, b, c)
+ }
+ targets () {
+ return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + + '"]')
+ }
+ bbox () {
+ return new Box()
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create pattern element in defs
+ pattern (width, height, block) {
+ return this.defs().pattern(width, height, block)
+ }
+ },
+ Defs: {
+ pattern (width, height, block) {
+ return this.put(new Pattern()).update(block).attr({
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ width: width,
+ height: height,
+ patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
+ })
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Polygon.js b/src/elements/Polygon.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6097977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Polygon.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import PointArray from '../types/PointArray.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+import * as pointed from '../modules/core/pointed.js'
+import * as poly from '../modules/core/poly.js'
+export default class Polygon extends Shape {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('polygon', node), Polygon)
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polygon (p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polygon()).plot(p || new PointArray())
+ }
+ }
+extend(Polygon, pointed)
+extend(Polygon, poly)
diff --git a/src/elements/Polyline.js b/src/elements/Polyline.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2cb15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Polyline.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import PointArray from '../types/PointArray.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+import * as pointed from '../modules/core/pointed.js'
+import * as poly from '../modules/core/poly.js'
+export default class Polyline extends Shape {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('polyline', node), Polyline)
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polyline (p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polyline()).plot(p || new PointArray())
+ }
+ }
+extend(Polyline, pointed)
+extend(Polyline, poly)
diff --git a/src/elements/Rect.js b/src/elements/Rect.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6163c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Rect.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+export default class Rect extends Shape {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('rect', node), Rect)
+ }
+ // FIXME: unify with circle
+ // Radius x value
+ rx (rx) {
+ return this.attr('rx', rx)
+ }
+ // Radius y value
+ ry (ry) {
+ return this.attr('ry', ry)
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create a rect element
+ rect (width, height) {
+ return this.put(new Rect()).size(width, height)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Shape.js b/src/elements/Shape.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf68a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Shape.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import Element from './Element.js'
+export default class Shape extends Element {}
diff --git a/src/elements/Stop.js b/src/elements/Stop.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf919e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Stop.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import Element from './Element.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../types/SVGNumber.js'
+export default class Stop extends Element {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('stop', node), Stop)
+ }
+ // add color stops
+ update (o) {
+ if (typeof o === 'number' || o instanceof SVGNumber) {
+ o = {
+ offset: arguments[0],
+ color: arguments[1],
+ opacity: arguments[2]
+ }
+ }
+ // set attributes
+ if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity)
+ if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color)
+ if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', new SVGNumber(o.offset))
+ return this
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Symbol.js b/src/elements/Symbol.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..183f449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Symbol.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Container from './Container.js'
+export default class Symbol extends Container {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('symbol', node), Symbol)
+ }
+ Container: {
+ symbol () {
+ return this.put(new Symbol())
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Text.js b/src/elements/Text.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58d50a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Text.js
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import { adopt, extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { attrs } from '../modules/core/defaults.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../types/SVGNumber.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+import * as textable from '../modules/core/textable.js'
+export default class Text extends Shape {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('text', node), Text)
+ this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(1.3) // store leading value for rebuilding
+ this._rebuild = true // enable automatic updating of dy values
+ this._build = false // disable build mode for adding multiple lines
+ // set default font
+ this.attr('font-family', attrs['font-family'])
+ }
+ // Move over x-axis
+ x (x) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (x == null) {
+ return this.attr('x')
+ }
+ return this.attr('x', x)
+ }
+ // Move over y-axis
+ y (y) {
+ var oy = this.attr('y')
+ var o = typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - this.bbox().y : 0
+ // act as getter
+ if (y == null) {
+ return typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - o : oy
+ }
+ return this.attr('y', typeof y === 'number' ? y + o : y)
+ }
+ // Move center over x-axis
+ cx (x) {
+ return x == null ? this.bbox().cx : this.x(x - this.bbox().width / 2)
+ }
+ // Move center over y-axis
+ cy (y) {
+ return y == null ? this.bbox().cy : this.y(y - this.bbox().height / 2)
+ }
+ // Set the text content
+ text (text) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (text === undefined) {
+ // FIXME use children() or each()
+ var children = this.node.childNodes
+ var firstLine = 0
+ text = ''
+ for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // skip textPaths - they are no lines
+ if (children[i].nodeName === 'textPath') {
+ if (i === 0) firstLine = 1
+ continue
+ }
+ // add newline if its not the first child and newLined is set to true
+ if (i !== firstLine && children[i].nodeType !== 3 && adopt(children[i]).dom.newLined === true) {
+ text += '\n'
+ }
+ // add content of this node
+ text += children[i].textContent
+ }
+ return text
+ }
+ // remove existing content
+ this.clear().build(true)
+ if (typeof text === 'function') {
+ // call block
+, this)
+ } else {
+ // store text and make sure text is not blank
+ text = text.split('\n')
+ // build new lines
+ for (var j = 0, jl = text.length; j < jl; j++) {
+ this.tspan(text[j]).newLine()
+ }
+ }
+ // disable build mode and rebuild lines
+ return
+ }
+ // Set / get leading
+ leading (value) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (value == null) {
+ return this.dom.leading
+ }
+ // act as setter
+ this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(value)
+ return this.rebuild()
+ }
+ // Rebuild appearance type
+ rebuild (rebuild) {
+ // store new rebuild flag if given
+ if (typeof rebuild === 'boolean') {
+ this._rebuild = rebuild
+ }
+ // define position of all lines
+ if (this._rebuild) {
+ var self = this
+ var blankLineOffset = 0
+ var dy = this.dom.leading * new SVGNumber(this.attr('font-size'))
+ this.each(function () {
+ if (this.dom.newLined) {
+ this.attr('x', self.attr('x'))
+ if (this.text() === '\n') {
+ blankLineOffset += dy
+ } else {
+ this.attr('dy', dy + blankLineOffset)
+ blankLineOffset = 0
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // Enable / disable build mode
+ build (build) {
+ this._build = !!build
+ return this
+ }
+ // overwrite method from parent to set data properly
+ setData (o) {
+ this.dom = o
+ this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(o.leading || 1.3)
+ return this
+ }
+extend(Text, textable)
+ Container: {
+ // Create text element
+ text (text) {
+ return this.put(new Text()).text(text)
+ },
+ // Create plain text element
+ plain (text) {
+ return this.put(new Text()).plain(text)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/TextPath.js b/src/elements/TextPath.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04146bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/TextPath.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import { xlink } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js'
+import Path from './Path.js'
+import PathArray from '../types/PathArray.js'
+import Text from './Text.js'
+export default class TextPath extends Text {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('textPath', node), TextPath)
+ }
+ // return the array of the path track element
+ array () {
+ var track = this.track()
+ return track ? track.array() : null
+ }
+ // Plot path if any
+ plot (d) {
+ var track = this.track()
+ var pathArray = null
+ if (track) {
+ pathArray = track.plot(d)
+ }
+ return (d == null) ? pathArray : this
+ }
+ // Get the path element
+ track () {
+ return this.reference('href')
+ }
+ Container: {
+ textPath (text, path) {
+ return this.defs().path(path).text(text).addTo(this)
+ }
+ },
+ Text: {
+ // Create path for text to run on
+ path: function (track) {
+ var path = new TextPath()
+ // if d is a path, reuse it
+ if (!(track instanceof Path)) {
+ // create path element
+ track = this.doc().defs().path(track)
+ }
+ // link textPath to path and add content
+ path.attr('href', '#' + track, xlink)
+ // add textPath element as child node and return textPath
+ return this.put(path)
+ },
+ // FIXME: make this plural?
+ // Get the textPath children
+ textPath: function () {
+ return this.find('textPath')
+ }
+ },
+ Path: {
+ // creates a textPath from this path
+ text: function (text) {
+ if (text instanceof Text) {
+ var txt = text.text()
+ return text.clear().path(this).text(txt)
+ }
+ return this.parent().put(new Text()).path(this).text(text)
+ }
+ // FIXME: Maybe add `targets` to get all textPaths associated with this path
+ }
+TextPath.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray
diff --git a/src/elements/Tspan.js b/src/elements/Tspan.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69815d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Tspan.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import { extend, nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Text from './Text.js'
+import * as textable from '../modules/core/textable.js'
+export default class Tspan extends Text {
+ // Initialize node
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('tspan', node), Tspan)
+ }
+ // Set text content
+ text (text) {
+ if (text == null) return this.node.textContent + (this.dom.newLined ? '\n' : '')
+ typeof text === 'function' ?, this) : this.plain(text)
+ return this
+ }
+ // Shortcut dx
+ dx (dx) {
+ return this.attr('dx', dx)
+ }
+ // Shortcut dy
+ dy (dy) {
+ return this.attr('dy', dy)
+ }
+ // Create new line
+ newLine () {
+ // fetch text parent
+ var t = this.parent(Text)
+ // mark new line
+ this.dom.newLined = true
+ // apply new position
+ return this.dy(t.dom.leading * t.attr('font-size')).attr('x', t.x())
+ }
+extend(Tspan, textable)
+ Tspan: {
+ tspan (text) {
+ var tspan = new Tspan()
+ // clear if build mode is disabled
+ if (!this._build) {
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ // add new tspan
+ this.node.appendChild(tspan.node)
+ return tspan.text(text)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elements/Use.js b/src/elements/Use.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a4e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/Use.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { nodeOrNew, register } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import { xlink } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js'
+import Shape from './Shape.js'
+export default class Use extends Shape {
+ constructor (node) {
+ super(nodeOrNew('use', node), Use)
+ }
+ // Use element as a reference
+ element (element, file) {
+ // Set lined element
+ return this.attr('href', (file || '') + '#' + element, xlink)
+ }
+ Container: {
+ // Create a use element
+ use: function (element, file) {
+ return this.put(new Use()).element(element, file)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/elemnts-svg.js b/src/elemnts-svg.js
index 082ccd5..b5b2542 100644
--- a/src/elemnts-svg.js
+++ b/src/elemnts-svg.js
@@ -1,34 +1,68 @@
- // Import raw svg
- svg: function (svg) {
- var well, len
- // act as getter if no svg string is given
- if(svg == null || svg === true) {
- // write svgjs data to the dom
- this.writeDataToDom()
- // return outer or inner content
- return svg
- ? this.node.innerHTML
- : this.node.outerHTML
- }
+import { ns } from './namespaces.js'
+/* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */
+var a = {
+ // Import raw svg
+ svg (svg, fn = false) {
+ var well, len, fragment
+ // act as getter if no svg string is given
+ if (svg == null || svg === true || typeof svg === 'function') {
+ // write svgjs data to the dom
+ this.writeDataToDom()
+ let current = this
- // act as setter if we got a string
+ // An export modifier was passed
+ if (typeof svg === 'function') {
+ // Juggle arguments
+ [fn, svg] = [svg, fn]
- // make sure we are on a parent when trying to import
- if(!(this instanceof SVG.Parent))
- throw Error('Cannot import svg into non-parent element')
+ // If the user wants outerHTML we need to process this node, too
+ if (!svg) {
+ current = fn(current)
- // create temporary holder
- well = document.createElementNS(SVG.ns, 'svg')
+ // The user does not want this node? Well, then he gets nothing
+ if (current === false) return ''
+ }
- // dump raw svg
- well.innerHTML = svg
+ // Deep loop through all children and apply modifier
+ current.each(function () {
+ let result = fn(this)
- // transplant nodes
- for (len = well.children.length; len--;) {
- this.node.appendChild(well.firstElementChild)
+ // If modifier returns false, discard node
+ if (result === false) {
+ this.remove()
+ // If modifier returns new node, use it
+ } else if (result !== this) {
+ this.replace(result)
+ }
+ }, true)
- return this
- }, \ No newline at end of file
+ // Return outer or inner content
+ return svg
+ ? current.node.innerHTML
+ : current.node.outerHTML
+ }
+ // Act as setter if we got a string
+ // Create temporary holder
+ well = document.createElementNS(ns, 'svg')
+ fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
+ // Dump raw svg
+ well.innerHTML = svg
+ // Transplant nodes into the fragment
+ for (len = well.children.length; len--;) {
+ fragment.appendChild(well.firstElementChild)
+ }
+ // Add the whole fragment at once
+ this.node.appendChild(fragment)
+ return this
+ }
diff --git a/src/ellipse.js b/src/ellipse.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a8f027..0000000
--- a/src/ellipse.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Circle = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'circle',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create circle element, based on ellipse
- circle: function (size) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Circle()).rx(new SVG.Number(size).divide(2)).move(0, 0)
- }
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Circle, SVG.Timeline], {
- // Radius x value
- rx: function (rx) {
- return this.attr('r', rx)
- },
- // Alias radius x value
- ry: function (ry) {
- return this.rx(ry)
- }
-SVG.Ellipse = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'ellipse',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create an ellipse
- ellipse: function (width, height) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Ellipse()).size(width, height).move(0, 0)
- }
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Ellipse, SVG.Rect, SVG.Timeline], {
- // Radius x value
- rx: function (rx) {
- return this.attr('rx', rx)
- },
- // Radius y value
- ry: function (ry) {
- return this.attr('ry', ry)
- }
-// Add common method
-SVG.extend([SVG.Circle, SVG.Ellipse], {
- // Move over x-axis
- x: function (x) {
- return x == null ? - this.rx() : + this.rx())
- },
- // Move over y-axis
- y: function (y) {
- return y == null ? - this.ry() : + this.ry())
- },
- // Move by center over x-axis
- cx: function (x) {
- return x == null ? this.attr('cx') : this.attr('cx', x)
- },
- // Move by center over y-axis
- cy: function (y) {
- return y == null ? this.attr('cy') : this.attr('cy', y)
- },
- // Set width of element
- width: function (width) {
- return width == null ? this.rx() * 2 : this.rx(new SVG.Number(width).divide(2))
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function (height) {
- return height == null ? this.ry() * 2 : this.ry(new SVG.Number(height).divide(2))
- },
- // Custom size function
- size: function (width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
- return this
- .rx(new SVG.Number(p.width).divide(2))
- .ry(new SVG.Number(p.height).divide(2))
- }
diff --git a/src/eventtarget.js b/src/eventtarget.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fbe4781..0000000
--- a/src/eventtarget.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-SVG.EventTarget = SVG.invent({
- create: function () {},
- extend: {
- // Bind given event to listener
- on: function (event, listener, binding, options) {
- SVG.on(this, event, listener, binding, options)
- return this
- },
- // Unbind event from listener
- off: function (event, listener) {
-, event, listener)
- return this
- },
- dispatch: function (event, data) {
- return SVG.dispatch(this, event, data)
- },
- // Fire given event
- fire: function (event, data) {
- this.dispatch(event, data)
- return this
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/flatten.js b/src/flatten.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19eebd7..0000000
--- a/src/flatten.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-SVG.extend(SVG.Parent, {
- flatten: function (parent) {
- // flattens is only possible for nested svgs and groups
- if (!(this instanceof SVG.G || this instanceof SVG.Doc)) {
- return this
- }
- parent = parent || (this instanceof SVG.Doc && this.isRoot() ? this : this.parent(SVG.Parent))
- this.each(function () {
- if (this instanceof SVG.Defs) return this
- if (this instanceof SVG.Parent) return this.flatten(parent)
- return this.toParent(parent)
- })
- // we need this so that SVG.Doc does not get removed
- this.node.firstElementChild || this.remove()
- return this
- },
- ungroup: function (parent) {
- // ungroup is only possible for nested svgs and groups
- if (!(this instanceof SVG.G || (this instanceof SVG.Doc && !this.isRoot()))) {
- return this
- }
- parent = parent || this.parent(SVG.Parent)
- this.each(function () {
- return this.toParent(parent)
- })
- // we need this so that SVG.Doc does not get removed
- this.remove()
- return this
- }
diff --git a/src/fx.js b/src/fx.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dd515df..0000000
--- a/src/fx.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1368 +0,0 @@
-SVG.easing = {
- '-': function (pos) { return pos },
- '<>': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5 },
- '>': function (pos) { return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2) },
- '<': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1 }
-SVG.morph = function (pos) {
- return function (from, to) {
- return new SVG.MorphObj(from, to).at(pos)
- }
-let time = window.performance || window.Date
-SVG.Timeline = SVG.invent ({
- create: function () {
- // Store all of the closures to animate
- this._closures = []
- this._startTime =
- this._duration = 0
- this._running = true
- },
- extend: {
- animate (duration, ease, delay, epoch) {
- }
- loop (times, reverse) {
- }
- duration (time) {
- this._duration = time
- }
- delay (by, epoch) {
- if (epoch) {
- this._startTime =
- }
- this._duration = 0
- this._startTime += by
- }
- ease (fn) {
- }
- play ()
- pause ()
- stop ()
- finish (all=true)
- speed (newSpeed)
- seek (dt)
- persist (dt || forever) // 0 by default
- reverse ()
- // fn is a function that takes a position in range [0, 1]
- schedule (fn) { // fn can not take parameters
-let declarative = rect.animate(300, '>', 200)
- .loop().color('blue')
- .animate(SVG.Spring(300))
-onmousemove() {
- declarative.x(mouseX).y(mouseY)
- SVG.MorphObj = SVG.invent({
- create: function (from, to) {
- // prepare color for morphing
- if (SVG.Color.isColor(to)) return new SVG.Color(from).morph(to)
- // prepare value list for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.delimiter.test(from)) return new SVG.Array(from).morph(to)
- // prepare number for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.numberAndUnit.test(to)) return new SVG.Number(from).morph(to)
- // prepare for plain morphing
- this.value = from
- this.destination = to
- },
- extend: {
- at: function (pos, real) {
- return real < 1 ? this.value : this.destination
- },
- valueOf: function () {
- return this.value
- }
- }
- })
-add('fill-color', val)
-add('x', val, 'animations')
-add('x', val, 'styles')
-add('line-cap', val, 'attrs')
-, val) {
- styleAttr ('style', name, val)
-onmousemove(() => {
- el.animate(SVG.Spring(500))
- .move(event.pointX, event.pointY)
- .finish()
-Morphable ()
-Controlable ()
-new Controller(target, controller)
-SVG.Timeline = {
- styleAttr (type, name, val) {
- let morpher = new Morph(val).controller(this.controller)
- queue (
- ()=> {
- morpher = morpher.morph(element[type]('name'))
- },
- )
- }
-.styleAttr (type, name, val) {
- let morpher = declarative ? new Controller(target) : new Morph().to(val)
- queue (
- ()=> {
- morpher = morpher.from(element[type](name))
- },
- () => {
- this.element[type](name,
- }
- )
-viewbox(box) {
- new Box
- let morpher = new Morph().to(box) // box: {width, heught, x, y}
-new Morph(from, to)
-new Morpg(from, to, controller = (from, to, pos) => {from + pos * (to - from)})
-// Something line
-path = "a, b, c"
-SVG.color {
- toArray: [r, g, b]
- fromArray: new Color({r, g, b})
-morph: function (pathArray) {
- pathArray = new SVG.PathArray(pathArray)
- if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
- this.destination = pathArray
- } else {
- this.destination = null
- }
- return this
-[['M', 3, 5], ['L', 5, 6]]
-['M', 3, 4, 'L', ...]
-function detectSomething (item) {
- if(from instanceof SVG.Morphable) return from.controller(controller)
- // prepare color for morphing
- if (SVG.Color.isColor(to)) return new SVG.Color(from, controller)
- // prepare value list for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.delimiter.test(from)) return new SVG.Array(from).morph(to)
- // prepare number for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.numberAndUnit.test(to)) return new SVG.Number(from).morph(to)
- return item
-all of these things implement
-interface Morphable {
- from: (thing)=> {}
- to: (thing)=> {}
- at: (pos)=> {}
- controller: (fn (nowOrFrom, target, pos))=> {}
-new SVG.MorphObj(el.attr(name))
-animate().attr('line-joint', 5)
-SVG.MorphObj = SVG.invent({
- create: function (from, to) {
- // prepare color for morphing
- if (SVG.Color.isColor(to)) return new SVG.Color(from).morph(to)
- // prepare value list for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.delimiter.test(from)) return new SVG.Array(from).morph(to)
- // prepare number for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.numberAndUnit.test(to)) return new SVG.Number(from).morph(to)
- // prepare for plain morphing
- this.value = from
- this.destination = to
- },
- extend: {
- at: function (pos, real) {
- return real < 1 ? this.value : this.destination
- },
- valueOf: function () {
- return this.value
- }
- }
-// Only works with a single number
-new MorphObj {
- constr: (control= (from, to, c)=> {from + pos * (to - from)}) {
- }
- _detect: // Gets the user input and returns the right kind of object
- from: (from) => {
- if (SVG.Color.isColor(to)) return new SVG.Color(from).morph(to)
- // prepare value list for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.delimiter.test(from)) return new SVG.Array(from).morph(to)
- // prepare number for morphing
- if (SVG.regex.numberAndUnit.test(to)) return new SVG.Number(from).morph(to)
- // prepare for plain morphing
- this.value = from
- this.destination = to
- }
- to: (val) => {
- }
- at (pos) {
- let type = from.type
- let from = from.toArray()
- let to = to.toArray()
- result = []
- for (i)
- result[i] = this.controller(from[i], to[i], pos) : to[i]
- type.fromArray(result)
- }
-if(declartive) {
- mropher.init()
-controller(currentPos, target)
-morph interface
-detect type function
-if (mouse in box)
- move box
- animate(spring)
-zoom(level, point) {
- let morpher = SVG.Number(level).controller(this.controller)
- this.queue(
- () => {morpher = morpher.from(element.zoom())},
- (pos) => {element.zoom(, point)}
- )
-x (x) {
-this.queue(fn, morpher)
-new Morph(x(), xGiven)
- x: function (x, relative) {
- if ( instanceof SVG.G) {
- this.transform({x: x}, relative)
- return this
- }
- var num = new SVG.Number(x)
- num.relative = relative
- return this.add('x', num)
- },
- viewbox: function(box) {
- var m = SVG.Box(box)
- }
- new Runner (function(time) {
- })
- var closure = function (time) {
- // If it is time to do something, act now.
- var running = start < time && time < end
- if (running && this._running) {
- closure.position = (time - closure.start) / closure.duration
- fn (time)
- }
- // If we are not paused or stopped, request another frame
- if (this._running) SVG.Animator.frame(closure, this._startTime)
- // Tell the caller whether this animation is finished
- closure.finished = !running
- }.bind(this)
- closure.stop() // toggles a stop flag
- closure.pause()
- // If it was paused, it
- closure.start = this._startTime
- closure.end = this._startTime + this._duration
- closure.positon =
- var forwards = true // Decide if running forward based on looping
- // TODO: Store a list of closures
- SVG.Animator.timeout(closure, this._startTime)
- _continue()
- }
- _step (dt) {
- }
- // Checks if we are running and continues the animation
- _continue () {
- , continue: function () {
- if (this.paused) return
- if (!this.nextFrame)
- this.step()
- return this
- }
- }
- },
- construct: {
- animate: function(o, ease, delay, epoch) {
- return (this.timeline = this.timeline || new SVG.Timeline(o, ease, delay, epoch))
- }
- }
-// SVG.Situation = SVG.invent({
-// create: function (o) {
-// this.init = false
-// this.reversed = false
-// this.reversing = false
-// this.duration = new SVG.Number(o.duration).valueOf()
-// this.delay = new SVG.Number(o.delay).valueOf()
-// this.start = +new Date() + this.delay
-// this.finish = this.start + this.duration
-// this.ease = o.ease
-// // this.loop is incremented from 0 to this.loops
-// // it is also incremented when in an infinite loop (when this.loops is true)
-// this.loop = 0
-// this.loops = false
-// this.animations = {
-// // functionToCall: [list of morphable objects]
-// // e.g. move: [SVG.Number, SVG.Number]
-// }
-// this.attrs = {
-// // holds all attributes which are not represented from a function svg.js provides
-// // e.g. someAttr: SVG.Number
-// }
-// this.styles = {
-// // holds all styles which should be animated
-// // e.g. fill-color: SVG.Color
-// }
-// this.transforms = [
-// // holds all transformations as transformation objects
-// // e.g. [SVG.Rotate, SVG.Translate, SVG.Matrix]
-// ]
-// this.once = {
-// // functions to fire at a specific position
-// // e.g. "0.5": function foo(){}
-// }
-// }
-// })
-// SVG.Timeline = SVG.invent({
-// create: function (element) {
-// this._target = element
-// this.situations = []
-// = false
-// this.situation = null
-// this.paused = false
-// this.lastPos = 0
-// this.pos = 0
-// // The absolute position of an animation is its position in the context of its complete duration (including delay and loops)
-// // When performing a delay, absPos is below 0 and when performing a loop, its value is above 1
-// this.absPos = 0
-// this._speed = 1
-// },
-// extend: {
-// /**
-// * sets or returns the target of this animation
-// * @param o object || number In case of Object it holds all parameters. In case of number its the duration of the animation
-// * @param ease function || string Function which should be used for easing or easing keyword
-// * @param delay Number indicating the delay before the animation starts
-// * @return target || this
-// */
-// animate: function (o, ease, delay) {
-// if (typeof o === 'object') {
-// ease = o.ease
-// delay = o.delay
-// o = o.duration
-// }
-// var situation = new SVG.Situation({
-// duration: o || 1000,
-// delay: delay || 0,
-// ease: SVG.easing[ease || '-'] || ease
-// })
-// this.queue(situation)
-// return this
-// },
-// /**
-// * sets a delay before the next element of the queue is called
-// * @param delay Duration of delay in milliseconds
-// * @return
-// */
-// delay: function (delay) {
-// // The delay is performed by an empty situation with its duration
-// // attribute set to the duration of the delay
-// var situation = new SVG.Situation({
-// duration: delay,
-// delay: 0,
-// ease: SVG.easing['-']
-// })
-// return this.queue(situation)
-// },
-// /**
-// * sets or returns the target of this animation
-// * @param null || target SVG.Element which should be set as new target
-// * @return target || this
-// */
-// target: function (target) {
-// if (target && target instanceof SVG.Element) {
-// this._target = target
-// return this
-// }
-// return this._target
-// },
-// // returns the absolute position at a given time
-// timeToAbsPos: function (timestamp) {
-// return (timestamp - this.situation.start) / (this.situation.duration / this._speed)
-// },
-// // returns the timestamp from a given absolute positon
-// absPosToTime: function (absPos) {
-// return this.situation.duration / this._speed * absPos + this.situation.start
-// },
-// // starts the animationloop
-// startAnimFrame: function () {
-// this.stopAnimFrame()
-// this.animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { this.step() }.bind(this))
-// },
-// // cancels the animationframe
-// stopAnimFrame: function () {
-// window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationFrame)
-// },
-// // kicks off the animation - only does something when the queue is currently not active and at least one situation is set
-// start: function () {
-// // dont start if already started
-// if (! && this.situation) {
-// = true
-// this.startCurrent()
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // start the current situation
-// startCurrent: function () {
-// this.situation.start = +new Date() + this.situation.delay / this._speed
-// this.situation.finish = this.situation.start + this.situation.duration / this._speed
-// return this.initAnimations().step()
-// },
-// /**
-// * adds a function / Situation to the animation queue
-// * @param fn function / situation to add
-// * @return this
-// */
-// queue: function (fn) {
-// if (typeof fn === 'function' || fn instanceof SVG.Situation) {
-// this.situations.push(fn)
-// }
-// if (!this.situation) this.situation = this.situations.shift()
-// return this
-// },
-// /**
-// * pulls next element from the queue and execute it
-// * @return this
-// */
-// dequeue: function () {
-// // stop current animation
-// this.stop()
-// // get next animation from queue
-// this.situation = this.situations.shift()
-// if (this.situation) {
-// if (this.situation instanceof SVG.Situation) {
-// this.start()
-// } else {
-// // If it is not a SVG.Situation, then it is a function, we execute it
-// this.situation(this)
-// }
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // updates all animations to the current state of the element
-// // this is important when one property could be changed from another property
-// initAnimations: function () {
-// var i, j, source
-// var s = this.situation
-// if (s.init) return this
-// for (i in s.animations) {
-// source =[i]()
-// if (!Array.isArray(source)) {
-// source = [source]
-// }
-// if (!Array.isArray(s.animations[i])) {
-// s.animations[i] = [s.animations[i]]
-// }
-// // if(s.animations[i].length > source.length) {
-// // source.concat = source.concat(s.animations[i].slice(source.length, s.animations[i].length))
-// // }
-// for (j = source.length; j--;) {
-// // The condition is because some methods return a normal number instead
-// // of a SVG.Number
-// if (s.animations[i][j] instanceof SVG.Number) {
-// source[j] = new SVG.Number(source[j])
-// }
-// s.animations[i][j] = source[j].morph(s.animations[i][j])
-// }
-// }
-// for (i in s.attrs) {
-// s.attrs[i] = new SVG.MorphObj(, s.attrs[i])
-// }
-// for (i in s.styles) {
-// s.styles[i] = new SVG.MorphObj(, s.styles[i])
-// }
-// s.initialTransformation =
-// s.init = true
-// return this
-// },
-// clearQueue: function () {
-// this.situations = []
-// return this
-// },
-// clearCurrent: function () {
-// this.situation = null
-// return this
-// },
-// /** stops the animation immediately
-// * @param jumpToEnd A Boolean indicating whether to complete the current animation immediately.
-// * @param clearQueue A Boolean indicating whether to remove queued animation as well.
-// * @return this
-// */
-// stop: function (jumpToEnd, clearQueue) {
-// var active =
-// = false
-// if (clearQueue) {
-// this.clearQueue()
-// }
-// if (jumpToEnd && this.situation) {
-// // initialize the situation if it was not
-// !active && this.startCurrent()
-// this.atEnd()
-// }
-// this.stopAnimFrame()
-// return this.clearCurrent()
-// },
-// /** resets the element to the state where the current element has started
-// * @return this
-// */
-// reset: function () {
-// if (this.situation) {
-// var temp = this.situation
-// this.stop()
-// this.situation = temp
-// this.atStart()
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // Stop the currently-running animation, remove all queued animations, and complete all animations for the element.
-// finish: function () {
-// this.stop(true, false)
-// while (this.dequeue().situation && this.stop(true, false));
-// this.clearQueue().clearCurrent()
-// return this
-// },
-// // set the internal animation pointer at the start position, before any loops, and updates the visualisation
-// atStart: function () {
-// return, true)
-// },
-// // set the internal animation pointer at the end position, after all the loops, and updates the visualisation
-// atEnd: function () {
-// if (this.situation.loops === true) {
-// // If in a infinite loop, we end the current iteration
-// this.situation.loops = this.situation.loop + 1
-// }
-// if (typeof this.situation.loops === 'number') {
-// // If performing a finite number of loops, we go after all the loops
-// return, true)
-// } else {
-// // If no loops, we just go at the end
-// return, true)
-// }
-// },
-// // set the internal animation pointer to the specified position and updates the visualisation
-// // if isAbsPos is true, pos is treated as an absolute position
-// at: function (pos, isAbsPos) {
-// var durDivSpd = this.situation.duration / this._speed
-// this.absPos = pos
-// // If pos is not an absolute position, we convert it into one
-// if (!isAbsPos) {
-// if (this.situation.reversed) this.absPos = 1 - this.absPos
-// this.absPos += this.situation.loop
-// }
-// this.situation.start = +new Date() - this.absPos * durDivSpd
-// this.situation.finish = this.situation.start + durDivSpd
-// return this.step(true)
-// },
-// /**
-// * sets or returns the speed of the animations
-// * @param speed null || Number The new speed of the animations
-// * @return Number || this
-// */
-// speed: function (speed) {
-// if (speed === 0) return this.pause()
-// if (speed) {
-// this._speed = speed
-// // We use an absolute position here so that speed can affect the delay before the animation
-// return, true)
-// } else return this._speed
-// },
-// // Make loopable
-// loop: function (times, reverse) {
-// var c = this.last()
-// // store total loops
-// c.loops = (times != null) ? times : true
-// c.loop = 0
-// if (reverse) c.reversing = true
-// return this
-// },
-// // pauses the animation
-// pause: function () {
-// this.paused = true
-// this.stopAnimFrame()
-// return this
-// },
-// // unpause the animation
-// play: function () {
-// if (!this.paused) return this
-// this.paused = false
-// // We use an absolute position here so that the delay before the animation can be paused
-// return, true)
-// },
-// /**
-// * toggle or set the direction of the animation
-// * true sets direction to backwards while false sets it to forwards
-// * @param reversed Boolean indicating whether to reverse the animation or not (default: toggle the reverse status)
-// * @return this
-// */
-// reverse: function (reversed) {
-// var c = this.last()
-// if (typeof reversed === 'undefined') c.reversed = !c.reversed
-// else c.reversed = reversed
-// return this
-// },
-// /**
-// * returns a float from 0-1 indicating the progress of the current animation
-// * @param eased Boolean indicating whether the returned position should be eased or not
-// * @return number
-// */
-// progress: function (easeIt) {
-// return easeIt ? this.situation.ease(this.pos) : this.pos
-// },
-// /**
-// * adds a callback function which is called when the current animation is finished
-// * @param fn Function which should be executed as callback
-// * @return number
-// */
-// after: function (fn) {
-// var c = this.last()
-// function wrapper (e) {
-// if (e.detail.situation === c) {
-//, c)
-//'finished.fx', wrapper) // prevent memory leak
-// }
-// }
-//'finished.fx', wrapper)
-// return this._callStart()
-// },
-// // adds a callback which is called whenever one animation step is performed
-// during: function (fn) {
-// var c = this.last()
-// function wrapper (e) {
-// if (e.detail.situation === c) {
-//, e.detail.pos, SVG.morph(e.detail.pos), e.detail.eased, c)
-// }
-// }
-// // see above
-//'during.fx', wrapper).on('during.fx', wrapper)
-// this.after(function () {
-//'during.fx', wrapper)
-// })
-// return this._callStart()
-// },
-// // calls after ALL animations in the queue are finished
-// afterAll: function (fn) {
-// var wrapper = function wrapper (e) {
-//'allfinished.fx', wrapper)
-// }
-// // see above
-//'allfinished.fx', wrapper).on('allfinished.fx', wrapper)
-// return this._callStart()
-// },
-// // calls on every animation step for all animations
-// duringAll: function (fn) {
-// var wrapper = function (e) {
-//, e.detail.pos, SVG.morph(e.detail.pos), e.detail.eased, e.detail.situation)
-// }
-//'during.fx', wrapper).on('during.fx', wrapper)
-// this.afterAll(function () {
-//'during.fx', wrapper)
-// })
-// return this._callStart()
-// },
-// last: function () {
-// return this.situations.length ? this.situations[this.situations.length - 1] : this.situation
-// },
-// // adds one property to the animations
-// add: function (method, args, type) {
-// this.last()[type || 'animations'][method] = args
-// return this._callStart()
-// },
-// /** perform one step of the animation
-// * @param ignoreTime Boolean indicating whether to ignore time and use position directly or recalculate position based on time
-// * @return this
-// */
-// step: function (ignoreTime) {
-// // convert current time to an absolute position
-// if (!ignoreTime) this.absPos = this.timeToAbsPos(+new Date())
-// // This part convert an absolute position to a position
-// if (this.situation.loops !== false) {
-// var absPos, absPosInt, lastLoop
-// // If the absolute position is below 0, we just treat it as if it was 0
-// absPos = Math.max(this.absPos, 0)
-// absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
-// if (this.situation.loops === true || absPosInt < this.situation.loops) {
-// this.pos = absPos - absPosInt
-// lastLoop = this.situation.loop
-// this.situation.loop = absPosInt
-// } else {
-// this.absPos = this.situation.loops
-// this.pos = 1
-// // The -1 here is because we don't want to toggle reversed when all the loops have been completed
-// lastLoop = this.situation.loop - 1
-// this.situation.loop = this.situation.loops
-// }
-// if (this.situation.reversing) {
-// // Toggle reversed if an odd number of loops as occured since the last call of step
-// this.situation.reversed = this.situation.reversed !== Boolean((this.situation.loop - lastLoop) % 2)
-// }
-// } else {
-// // If there are no loop, the absolute position must not be above 1
-// this.absPos = Math.min(this.absPos, 1)
-// this.pos = this.absPos
-// }
-// // while the absolute position can be below 0, the position must not be below 0
-// if (this.pos < 0) this.pos = 0
-// if (this.situation.reversed) this.pos = 1 - this.pos
-// // apply easing
-// var eased = this.situation.ease(this.pos)
-// // call once-callbacks
-// for (var i in this.situation.once) {
-// if (i > this.lastPos && i <= eased) {
-// this.situation.once[i].call(, this.pos, eased)
-// delete this.situation.once[i]
-// }
-// }
-// // fire during callback with position, eased position and current situation as parameter
-// if ('during', {pos: this.pos, eased: eased, fx: this, situation: this.situation})
-// // the user may call stop or finish in the during callback
-// // so make sure that we still have a valid situation
-// if (!this.situation) {
-// return this
-// }
-// // apply the actual animation to every property
-// this.eachAt()
-// // do final code when situation is finished
-// if ((this.pos === 1 && !this.situation.reversed) || (this.situation.reversed && this.pos === 0)) {
-// // stop animation callback
-// this.stopAnimFrame()
-// // fire finished callback with current situation as parameter
-//'finished', {fx: this, situation: this.situation})
-// if (!this.situations.length) {
-// // Recheck the length since the user may call animate in the afterAll callback
-// if (!this.situations.length) {
-//'.fx') // there shouldnt be any binding left, but to make sure...
-// = false
-// }
-// }
-// // start next animation
-// if ( this.dequeue()
-// else this.clearCurrent()
-// } else if (!this.paused && {
-// // we continue animating when we are not at the end
-// this.startAnimFrame()
-// }
-// // save last eased position for once callback triggering
-// this.lastPos = eased
-// return this
-// },
-// // calculates the step for every property and calls block with it
-// eachAt: function () {
-// var i, at
-// var self = this
-// var target =
-// var s = this.situation
-// // apply animations which can be called trough a method
-// for (i in s.animations) {
-// at = [].concat(s.animations[i]).map(function (el) {
-// return typeof el !== 'string' && ?, self.pos) : el
-// })
-// target[i].apply(target, at)
-// }
-// // apply animation which has to be applied with attr()
-// for (i in s.attrs) {
-// at = [i].concat(s.attrs[i]).map(function (el) {
-// return typeof el !== 'string' && ?, self.pos) : el
-// })
-// target.attr.apply(target, at)
-// }
-// // apply animation which has to be applied with css()
-// for (i in s.styles) {
-// at = [i].concat(s.styles[i]).map(function (el) {
-// return typeof el !== 'string' && ?, self.pos) : el
-// })
-// target.css.apply(target, at)
-// }
-// // animate initialTransformation which has to be chained
-// if (s.transforms.length) {
-// // // get initial initialTransformation
-// // at = s.initialTransformation
-// // for(i = 0, len = s.transforms.length; i < len; i++){
-// //
-// // // get next transformation in chain
-// // var a = s.transforms[i]
-// //
-// // // multiply matrix directly
-// // if(a instanceof SVG.Matrix){
-// //
-// // if(a.relative){
-// // at = at.multiply(new SVG.Matrix().morph(a).at(s.ease(this.pos)))
-// // }else{
-// // at = at.morph(a).at(s.ease(this.pos))
-// // }
-// // continue
-// // }
-// //
-// // // when transformation is absolute we have to reset the needed transformation first
-// // if(!a.relative)
-// // a.undo(at.decompose())
-// //
-// // // and reapply it after
-// // at = at.multiply(
-// //
-// // }
-// //
-// // // set new matrix on element
-// // target.matrix(at)
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // adds an once-callback which is called at a specific position and never again
-// once: function (pos, fn, isEased) {
-// var c = this.last()
-// if (!isEased) pos = c.ease(pos)
-// c.once[pos] = fn
-// return this
-// },
-// _callStart: function () {
-// setTimeout(function () { this.start() }.bind(this), 0)
-// return this
-// }
-// },
-// parent: SVG.Element,
-// // Add method to parent elements
-// construct: {
-// // Get fx module or create a new one, then animate with given duration and ease
-// animate: function (o, ease, delay) {
-// return (this.fx || (this.fx = new SVG.Timeline(this))).animate(o, ease, delay)
-// },
-// delay: function (delay) {
-// return (this.fx || (this.fx = new SVG.Timeline(this))).delay(delay)
-// },
-// stop: function (jumpToEnd, clearQueue) {
-// if (this.fx) {
-// this.fx.stop(jumpToEnd, clearQueue)
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// finish: function () {
-// if (this.fx) {
-// this.fx.finish()
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // Pause current animation
-// pause: function () {
-// if (this.fx) {
-// this.fx.pause()
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // Play paused current animation
-// play: function () {
-// if (this.fx) { }
-// return this
-// },
-// // Set/Get the speed of the animations
-// speed: function (speed) {
-// if (this.fx) {
-// if (speed == null) { return this.fx.speed() } else { this.fx.speed(speed) }
-// }
-// return this
-// }
-// }
-// })
-// // MorphObj is used whenever no morphable object is given
-// SVG.MorphObj = SVG.invent({
-// create: function (from, to) {
-// // prepare color for morphing
-// if (SVG.Color.isColor(to)) return new SVG.Color(from).morph(to)
-// // prepare value list for morphing
-// if (SVG.regex.delimiter.test(from)) return new SVG.Array(from).morph(to)
-// // prepare number for morphing
-// if (SVG.regex.numberAndUnit.test(to)) return new SVG.Number(from).morph(to)
-// // prepare for plain morphing
-// this.value = from
-// this.destination = to
-// },
-// extend: {
-// at: function (pos, real) {
-// return real < 1 ? this.value : this.destination
-// },
-// valueOf: function () {
-// return this.value
-// }
-// }
-// })
-// SVG.extend(SVG.Timeline, {
-// // Add animatable attributes
-// attr: function (a, v, relative) {
-// // apply attributes individually
-// if (typeof a === 'object') {
-// for (var key in a) {
-// this.attr(key, a[key])
-// }
-// } else {
-// this.add(a, v, 'attrs')
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // Add animatable styles
-// css: function (s, v) {
-// if (typeof s === 'object') {
-// for (var key in s) {
-// this.css(key, s[key])
-// }
-// } else {
-// this.add(s, v, 'styles')
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // Animatable x-axis
-// x: function (x, relative) {
-// if ( instanceof SVG.G) {
-// this.transform({x: x}, relative)
-// return this
-// }
-// var num = new SVG.Number(x)
-// num.relative = relative
-// return this.add('x', num)
-// },
-// // Animatable y-axis
-// y: function (y, relative) {
-// if ( instanceof SVG.G) {
-// this.transform({y: y}, relative)
-// return this
-// }
-// var num = new SVG.Number(y)
-// num.relative = relative
-// return this.add('y', num)
-// },
-// // Animatable center x-axis
-// cx: function (x) {
-// return this.add('cx', new SVG.Number(x))
-// },
-// // Animatable center y-axis
-// cy: function (y) {
-// return this.add('cy', new SVG.Number(y))
-// },
-// // Add animatable move
-// move: function (x, y) {
-// return this.x(x).y(y)
-// },
-// // Add animatable center
-// center: function (x, y) {
-// return
-// },
-// // Add animatable size
-// size: function (width, height) {
-// if ( instanceof SVG.Text) {
-// // animate font size for Text elements
-// this.attr('font-size', width)
-// } else {
-// // animate bbox based size for all other elements
-// var box
-// if (!width || !height) {
-// box =
-// }
-// if (!width) {
-// width = box.width / box.height * height
-// }
-// if (!height) {
-// height = box.height / box.width * width
-// }
-// this.add('width', new SVG.Number(width))
-// .add('height', new SVG.Number(height))
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// // Add animatable width
-// width: function (width) {
-// return this.add('width', new SVG.Number(width))
-// },
-// // Add animatable height
-// height: function (height) {
-// return this.add('height', new SVG.Number(height))
-// },
-// // Add animatable plot
-// plot: function (a, b, c, d) {
-// // Lines can be plotted with 4 arguments
-// if (arguments.length === 4) {
-// return this.plot([a, b, c, d])
-// }
-// return this.add('plot', new (
-// },
-// // Add leading method
-// leading: function (value) {
-// return
-// ? this.add('leading', new SVG.Number(value))
-// : this
-// },
-// // Add animatable viewbox
-// viewbox: function (x, y, width, height) {
-// if ( instanceof SVG.Container) {
-// this.add('viewbox', new SVG.Box(x, y, width, height))
-// }
-// return this
-// },
-// update: function (o) {
-// if ( instanceof SVG.Stop) {
-// if (typeof o === 'number' || o instanceof SVG.Number) {
-// return this.update({
-// offset: arguments[0],
-// color: arguments[1],
-// opacity: arguments[2]
-// })
-// }
-// if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity)
-// if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color)
-// if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', o.offset)
-// }
-// return this
-// }
-// })
diff --git a/src/gradient.js b/src/gradient.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a4e08..0000000
--- a/src/gradient.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Gradient = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function (type) {
-, typeof type === 'object' ? type : SVG.create(type + 'Gradient'))
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Add a color stop
- stop: function (offset, color, opacity) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Stop()).update(offset, color, opacity)
- },
- // Update gradient
- update: function (block) {
- // remove all stops
- this.clear()
- // invoke passed block
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
-, this)
- }
- return this
- },
- // Return the fill id
- url: function () {
- return 'url(#' + + ')'
- },
- // Alias string convertion to fill
- toString: function () {
- return this.url()
- },
- // custom attr to handle transform
- attr: function (a, b, c) {
- if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform'
- return, a, b, c)
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create gradient element in defs
- gradient: function (type, block) {
- return this.defs().gradient(type, block)
- }
- }
-// Add animatable methods to both gradient and fx module
-SVG.extend([SVG.Gradient, SVG.Timeline], {
- // From position
- from: function (x, y) {
- return (this._target || this).type === 'radialGradient'
- ? this.attr({ fx: new SVG.Number(x), fy: new SVG.Number(y) })
- : this.attr({ x1: new SVG.Number(x), y1: new SVG.Number(y) })
- },
- // To position
- to: function (x, y) {
- return (this._target || this).type === 'radialGradient'
- ? this.attr({ cx: new SVG.Number(x), cy: new SVG.Number(y) })
- : this.attr({ x2: new SVG.Number(x), y2: new SVG.Number(y) })
- }
-// Base gradient generation
-SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, {
- // define gradient
- gradient: function (type, block) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Gradient(type)).update(block)
- }
-SVG.Stop = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'stop',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // add color stops
- update: function (o) {
- if (typeof o === 'number' || o instanceof SVG.Number) {
- o = {
- offset: arguments[0],
- color: arguments[1],
- opacity: arguments[2]
- }
- }
- // set attributes
- if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity)
- if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color)
- if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', new SVG.Number(o.offset))
- return this
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/group.js b/src/group.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0088a1c..0000000
--- a/src/group.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-SVG.G = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'g',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a group element
- group: function () {
- return this.put(new SVG.G())
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/helpers.js b/src/helpers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c2073cf..0000000
--- a/src/helpers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */
-function createElement (element, makeNested) {
- if (element instanceof SVG.Element) return element
- if (typeof element === 'object') {
- return SVG.adopt(element)
- }
- if (element == null) {
- return new SVG.Doc()
- }
- if (typeof element === 'string' && element.charAt(0) !== '<') {
- return SVG.adopt(document.querySelector(element))
- }
- var node = SVG.create('svg')
- node.innerHTML = element
- element = SVG.adopt(node.firstElementChild)
- return element
-function isNulledBox (box) {
- return !box.w && !box.h && !box.x && !box.y
-function domContains (node) {
- return (document.documentElement.contains || function (node) {
- // This is IE - it does not support contains() for top-level SVGs
- while (node.parentNode) {
- node = node.parentNode
- }
- return node === document
- }).call(document.documentElement, node)
-function pathRegReplace (a, b, c, d) {
- return c + d.replace(SVG.regex.dots, ' .')
-// creates deep clone of array
-function arrayClone (arr) {
- var clone = arr.slice(0)
- for (var i = clone.length; i--;) {
- if (Array.isArray(clone[i])) {
- clone[i] = arrayClone(clone[i])
- }
- }
- return clone
-// tests if a given element is instance of an object
-function is (el, obj) {
- return el instanceof obj
-// tests if a given selector matches an element
-function matches (el, selector) {
- return (el.matches || el.matchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.oMatchesSelector).call(el, selector)
-// Convert dash-separated-string to camelCase
-function camelCase (s) {
- return s.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function (m, g) {
- return g.toUpperCase()
- })
-// Capitalize first letter of a string
-function capitalize (s) {
- return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)
-// Ensure to six-based hex
-function fullHex (hex) {
- return hex.length === 4
- ? [ '#',
- hex.substring(1, 2), hex.substring(1, 2),
- hex.substring(2, 3), hex.substring(2, 3),
- hex.substring(3, 4), hex.substring(3, 4)
- ].join('')
- : hex
-// Component to hex value
-function compToHex (comp) {
- var hex = comp.toString(16)
- return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex
-// Calculate proportional width and height values when necessary
-function proportionalSize (element, width, height) {
- if (width == null || height == null) {
- var box = element.bbox()
- if (width == null) {
- width = box.width / box.height * height
- } else if (height == null) {
- height = box.height / box.width * width
- }
- }
- return {
- width: width,
- height: height
- }
-// Map matrix array to object
-function arrayToMatrix (a) {
- return { a: a[0], b: a[1], c: a[2], d: a[3], e: a[4], f: a[5] }
-// Add centre point to transform object
-function ensureCentre (o, target) {
- = == null ? target.bbox().cx :
- = == null ? target.bbox().cy :
-// PathArray Helpers
-function arrayToString (a) {
- for (var i = 0, il = a.length, s = ''; i < il; i++) {
- s += a[i][0]
- if (a[i][1] != null) {
- s += a[i][1]
- if (a[i][2] != null) {
- s += ' '
- s += a[i][2]
- if (a[i][3] != null) {
- s += ' '
- s += a[i][3]
- s += ' '
- s += a[i][4]
- if (a[i][5] != null) {
- s += ' '
- s += a[i][5]
- s += ' '
- s += a[i][6]
- if (a[i][7] != null) {
- s += ' '
- s += a[i][7]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return s + ' '
-// Deep new id assignment
-function assignNewId (node) {
- // do the same for SVG child nodes as well
- for (var i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- assignNewId(node.children[i])
- }
- if ( {
- return SVG.adopt(node).id(SVG.eid(node.nodeName))
- }
- return SVG.adopt(node)
-// Add more bounding box properties
-function fullBox (b) {
- if (b.x == null) {
- b.x = 0
- b.y = 0
- b.width = 0
- b.height = 0
- }
- b.w = b.width
- b.h = b.height
- b.x2 = b.x + b.width
- b.y2 = b.y + b.height
- = b.x + b.width / 2
- = b.y + b.height / 2
- return b
-// Get id from reference string
-function idFromReference (url) {
- var m = (url || '').toString().match(SVG.regex.reference)
- if (m) return m[1]
-// Create matrix array for looping
-var abcdef = 'abcdef'.split('')
-function closeEnough (a, b, threshold) {
- return Math.abs(b - a) < (threshold || 1e-6)
-function isMatrixLike (o) {
- return (
- o.a != null ||
- o.b != null ||
- o.c != null ||
- o.d != null ||
- o.e != null ||
- o.f != null
- )
-// TODO: Refactor this to a static function of matrix.js
-function formatTransforms (o) {
- // Get all of the parameters required to form the matrix
- var flipBoth = o.flip === 'both' || o.flip === true
- var flipX = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'x') ? -1 : 1
- var flipY = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'y') ? -1 : 1
- var skewX = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[0]
- : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew
- : isFinite(o.skewX) ? o.skewX
- : 0
- var skewY = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[1]
- : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew
- : isFinite(o.skewY) ? o.skewY
- : 0
- var scaleX = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[0] * flipX
- : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipX
- : isFinite(o.scaleX) ? o.scaleX * flipX
- : flipX
- var scaleY = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[1] * flipY
- : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipY
- : isFinite(o.scaleY) ? o.scaleY * flipY
- : flipY
- var shear = o.shear || 0
- var theta = o.rotate || o.theta || 0
- var origin = new SVG.Point(o.origin || o.around || o.ox || o.originX, o.oy || o.originY)
- var ox = origin.x
- var oy = origin.y
- var position = new SVG.Point(o.position || o.px || o.positionX, || o.positionY)
- var px = position.x
- var py = position.y
- var translate = new SVG.Point(o.translate || o.tx || o.translateX, o.ty || o.translateY)
- var tx = translate.x
- var ty = translate.y
- var relative = new SVG.Point(o.relative || o.rx || o.relativeX, o.ry || o.relativeY)
- var rx = relative.x
- var ry = relative.y
- // Populate all of the values
- return {
- scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, shear, theta, rx, ry, tx, ty, ox, oy, px, py
- }
-// left matrix, right matrix, target matrix which is overwritten
-function matrixMultiply (l, r, o) {
- // Work out the product directly
- var a = l.a * r.a + l.c * r.b
- var b = l.b * r.a + l.d * r.b
- var c = l.a * r.c + l.c * r.d
- var d = l.b * r.c + l.d * r.d
- var e = l.e + l.a * r.e + l.c * r.f
- var f = l.f + l.b * r.e + l.d * r.f
- // make sure to use local variables because l/r and o could be the same
- o.a = a
- o.b = b
- o.c = c
- o.d = d
- o.e = e
- o.f = f
- return o
-function getOrigin (o, element) {
- // Allow origin or around as the names
- let origin = o.origin // o.around == null ? o.origin : o.around
- let ox, oy
- // Allow the user to pass a string to rotate around a given point
- if (typeof origin === 'string' || origin == null) {
- // Get the bounding box of the element with no transformations applied
- const string = (origin || 'center').toLowerCase().trim()
- const { height, width, x, y } = element.bbox()
- // Calculate the transformed x and y coordinates
- let bx = string.includes('left') ? x
- : string.includes('right') ? x + width
- : x + width / 2
- let by = string.includes('top') ? y
- : string.includes('bottom') ? y + height
- : y + height / 2
- // Set the bounds eg : "bottom-left", "Top right", "middle" etc...
- ox = o.ox != null ? o.ox : bx
- oy = o.oy != null ? o.oy : by
- } else {
- ox = origin[0]
- oy = origin[1]
- }
- // Return the origin as it is if it wasn't a string
- return [ ox, oy ]
diff --git a/src/hyperlink.js b/src/hyperlink.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cb0a341..0000000
--- a/src/hyperlink.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-SVG.A = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'a',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Link url
- to: function (url) {
- return this.attr('href', url, SVG.xlink)
- },
- // Link target attribute
- target: function (target) {
- return this.attr('target', target)
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a hyperlink element
- link: function (url) {
- return this.put(new SVG.A()).to(url)
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Create a hyperlink element
- linkTo: function (url) {
- var link = new SVG.A()
- if (typeof url === 'function') {, link) } else {
- }
- return this.parent().put(link).put(this)
- }
diff --git a/src/image.js b/src/image.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f9395eb..0000000
--- a/src/image.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Image = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'image',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // (re)load image
- load: function (url, callback) {
- if (!url) return this
- var img = new window.Image()
- SVG.on(img, 'load', function (e) {
- var p = this.parent(SVG.Pattern)
- // ensure image size
- if (this.width() === 0 && this.height() === 0) {
- this.size(img.width, img.height)
- }
- if (p instanceof SVG.Pattern) {
- // ensure pattern size if not set
- if (p.width() === 0 && p.height() === 0) {
- p.size(this.width(), this.height())
- }
- }
- if (typeof callback === 'function') {
-, {
- width: img.width,
- height: img.height,
- ratio: img.width / img.height,
- url: url
- })
- }
- }, this)
- SVG.on(img, 'load error', function () {
- // dont forget to unbind memory leaking events
- })
- return this.attr('href', (img.src = url), SVG.xlink)
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // create image element, load image and set its size
- image: function (source, callback) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Image()).size(0, 0).load(source, callback)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/line.js b/src/line.js
deleted file mode 100644
index da0c0ca..0000000
--- a/src/line.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Line = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'line',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Get array
- array: function () {
- return new SVG.PointArray([
- [ this.attr('x1'), this.attr('y1') ],
- [ this.attr('x2'), this.attr('y2') ]
- ])
- },
- // Overwrite native plot() method
- plot: function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- if (x1 == null) {
- return this.array()
- } else if (typeof y1 !== 'undefined') {
- x1 = { x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2 }
- } else {
- x1 = new SVG.PointArray(x1).toLine()
- }
- return this.attr(x1)
- },
- // Move by left top corner
- move: function (x, y) {
- return this.attr(this.array().move(x, y).toLine())
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function (width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
- return this.attr(this.array().size(p.width, p.height).toLine())
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a line element
- line: function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- // x1 is not necessarily a number, it can also be an array, a string and a SVG.PointArray
- return SVG.Line.prototype.plot.apply(
- this.put(new SVG.Line())
- , x1 != null ? [x1, y1, x2, y2] : [0, 0, 0, 0]
- )
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/main.js b/src/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..278e8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/* Optional Modules */
+import './modules/optional/arrange.js'
+import './modules/optional/class.js'
+import './modules/optional/css.js'
+import './modules/optional/data.js'
+import './modules/optional/memory.js'
+import './modules/optional/sugar.js'
+import './modules/optional/transform.js'
+import Morphable, {
+ NonMorphable,
+ ObjectBag,
+ TransformBag,
+ makeMorphable,
+ registerMorphableType
+} from './types/Morphable.js'
+import { extend } from './utils/adopter.js'
+import { getMethodsFor } from './utils/methods.js'
+import Box from './types/Box.js'
+import Circle from './elements/Circle.js'
+import Color from './types/Color.js'
+import Container from './elements/Container.js'
+import Defs from './elements/Defs.js'
+import Doc from './elements/Doc.js'
+import Dom from './elements/Dom.js'
+import Element from './elements/Element.js'
+import Ellipse from './elements/Ellipse.js'
+import EventTarget from './types/EventTarget.js'
+import Gradient from './elements/Gradient.js'
+import Image from './elements/Image.js'
+import Line from './elements/Line.js'
+import Marker from './elements/Marker.js'
+import Matrix from './types/Matrix.js'
+import Path from './elements/Path.js'
+import PathArray from './types/PathArray.js'
+import Pattern from './elements/Pattern.js'
+import PointArray from './types/PointArray.js'
+import Polygon from './elements/Polygon.js'
+import Polyline from './elements/Polyline.js'
+import Rect from './elements/Rect.js'
+import SVGArray from './types/SVGArray.js'
+import SVGNumber from './types/SVGNumber.js'
+import Shape from './elements/Shape.js'
+import Text from './elements/Text.js'
+import Tspan from './elements/Tspan.js'
+import * as defaults from './modules/core/defaults.js'
+export {
+ Morphable,
+ registerMorphableType,
+ makeMorphable,
+ TransformBag,
+ ObjectBag,
+ NonMorphable
+export { defaults }
+export * from './utils/utils.js'
+export * from './modules/core/namespaces.js'
+export { default as parser } from './modules/core/parser.js'
+export { default as find } from './modules/core/selector.js'
+export * from './modules/core/event.js'
+export * from './utils/adopter.js'
+/* Animation Modules */
+export { default as Animator } from './animation/Animator.js'
+export { Controller, Ease, PID, Spring, easing } from './animation/Controller.js'
+export { default as Queue } from './animation/Queue.js'
+export { default as Runner } from './animation/Runner.js'
+export { default as Timeline } from './animation/Timeline.js'
+/* Types */
+export { default as SVGArray } from './types/SVGArray.js'
+export { default as Box } from './types/Box.js'
+export { default as Color } from './types/Color.js'
+export { default as EventTarget } from './types/EventTarget.js'
+export { default as Matrix } from './types/Matrix.js'
+export { default as SVGNumber } from './types/SVGNumber.js'
+export { default as PathArray } from './types/PathArray.js'
+export { default as Point } from './types/Point.js'
+export { default as PointArray } from './types/PointArray.js'
+/* Elements */
+export { default as Bare } from './elements/Bare.js'
+export { default as Circle } from './elements/Circle.js'
+export { default as ClipPath } from './elements/ClipPath.js'
+export { default as Container } from './elements/Container.js'
+export { default as Defs } from './elements/Defs.js'
+export { default as Doc } from './elements/Doc.js'
+export { default as Dom } from './elements/Dom.js'
+export { default as Element } from './elements/Element.js'
+export { default as Ellipse } from './elements/Ellipse.js'
+export { default as Gradient } from './elements/Gradient.js'
+export { default as G } from './elements/G.js'
+export { default as HtmlNode } from './elements/HtmlNode.js'
+export { default as A } from './elements/A.js'
+export { default as Image } from './elements/Image.js'
+export { default as Line } from './elements/Line.js'
+export { default as Marker } from './elements/Marker.js'
+export { default as Mask } from './elements/Mask.js'
+export { default as Path } from './elements/Path.js'
+export { default as Pattern } from './elements/Pattern.js'
+export { default as Polygon } from './elements/Polygon.js'
+export { default as Polyline } from './elements/Polyline.js'
+export { default as Rect } from './elements/Rect.js'
+export { default as Shape } from './elements/Shape.js'
+export { default as Stop } from './elements/Stop.js'
+export { default as Symbol } from './elements/Symbol.js'
+export { default as Text } from './elements/Text.js'
+export { default as TextPath } from './elements/TextPath.js'
+export { default as Tspan } from './elements/Tspan.js'
+export { default as Use } from './elements/Use.js'
+ Doc,
+ Symbol,
+ Image,
+ Pattern,
+ Marker
+], getMethodsFor('viewbox'))
+ Line,
+ Polyline,
+ Polygon,
+ Path
+], getMethodsFor('marker'))
+extend(Text, getMethodsFor('Text'))
+extend(Path, getMethodsFor('Path'))
+extend(Defs, getMethodsFor('Defs'))
+ Text,
+ Tspan
+], getMethodsFor('Tspan'))
+ Rect,
+ Ellipse,
+ Circle,
+ Gradient
+], getMethodsFor('radius'))
+extend(EventTarget, getMethodsFor('EventTarget'))
+extend(Dom, getMethodsFor('Dom'))
+extend(Element, getMethodsFor('Element'))
+extend(Shape, getMethodsFor('Shape'))
+// extend(Element, getConstructor('Memory'))
+extend(Container, getMethodsFor('Container'))
+ SVGNumber,
+ Color,
+ Box,
+ Matrix,
+ SVGArray,
+ PointArray,
+ PathArray
diff --git a/src/marker.js b/src/marker.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f8e4e..0000000
--- a/src/marker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Marker = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'marker',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Set width of element
- width: function (width) {
- return this.attr('markerWidth', width)
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function (height) {
- return this.attr('markerHeight', height)
- },
- // Set marker refX and refY
- ref: function (x, y) {
- return this.attr('refX', x).attr('refY', y)
- },
- // Update marker
- update: function (block) {
- // remove all content
- this.clear()
- // invoke passed block
- if (typeof block === 'function') {, this) }
- return this
- },
- // Return the fill id
- toString: function () {
- return 'url(#' + + ')'
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- marker: function (width, height, block) {
- // Create marker element in defs
- return this.defs().marker(width, height, block)
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, {
- // Create marker
- marker: function (width, height, block) {
- // Set default viewbox to match the width and height, set ref to cx and cy and set orient to auto
- return this.put(new SVG.Marker())
- .size(width, height)
- .ref(width / 2, height / 2)
- .viewbox(0, 0, width, height)
- .attr('orient', 'auto')
- .update(block)
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Line, SVG.Polyline, SVG.Polygon, SVG.Path], {
- // Create and attach markers
- marker: function (marker, width, height, block) {
- var attr = ['marker']
- // Build attribute name
- if (marker !== 'all') attr.push(marker)
- attr = attr.join('-')
- // Set marker attribute
- marker = arguments[1] instanceof SVG.Marker
- ? arguments[1]
- : this.doc().marker(width, height, block)
- return this.attr(attr, marker)
- }
diff --git a/src/mask.js b/src/mask.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e40d80f..0000000
--- a/src/mask.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Mask = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'mask',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Unmask all masked elements and remove itself
- remove: function () {
- // unmask all targets
- this.targets().forEach(function (el) {
- el.unmask()
- })
- // remove mask from parent
- return
- },
- targets: function () {
- return'svg [mask*="' + + '"]')
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create masking element
- mask: function () {
- return this.defs().put(new SVG.Mask())
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Distribute mask to svg element
- maskWith: function (element) {
- // use given mask or create a new one
- var masker = element instanceof SVG.Mask ? element : this.parent().mask().add(element)
- // apply mask
- return this.attr('mask', 'url("#' + + '")')
- },
- // Unmask element
- unmask: function () {
- return this.attr('mask', null)
- },
- masker: function () {
- return this.reference('mask')
- }
diff --git a/src/matrix.js b/src/matrix.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 666b898..0000000
--- a/src/matrix.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-/* global abcdef arrayToMatrix closeEnough formatTransforms isMatrixLike matrixMultiply */
-SVG.Matrix = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function (source) {
- var base = arrayToMatrix([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
- // ensure source as object
- source = source instanceof SVG.Element ? source.matrixify()
- : typeof source === 'string' ? arrayToMatrix(source.split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat))
- : Array.isArray(source) ? arrayToMatrix(source)
- : (typeof source === 'object' && isMatrixLike(source)) ? source
- : (typeof source === 'object') ? new SVG.Matrix().transform(source)
- : arguments.length === 6 ? arrayToMatrix([]
- : base
- // Merge the source matrix with the base matrix
- this.a = source.a != null ? source.a : base.a
- this.b = source.b != null ? source.b : base.b
- this.c = source.c != null ? source.c : base.c
- this.d = source.d != null ? source.d : base.d
- this.e = source.e != null ? source.e : base.e
- this.f = source.f != null ? source.f : base.f
- },
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Clones this matrix
- clone: function () {
- return new SVG.Matrix(this)
- },
- // Transform a matrix into another matrix by manipulating the space
- transform: function (o) {
- // Check if o is a matrix and then left multiply it directly
- if (isMatrixLike(o)) {
- var matrix = new SVG.Matrix(o)
- return matrix.multiplyO(this)
- }
- // Get the proposed transformations and the current transformations
- var t = formatTransforms(o)
- var current = this
- let { x: ox, y: oy } = new SVG.Point(t.ox, t.oy).transform(current)
- // Construct the resulting matrix
- var transformer = new SVG.Matrix()
- .translateO(t.rx, t.ry)
- .lmultiplyO(current)
- .translateO(-ox, -oy)
- .scaleO(t.scaleX, t.scaleY)
- .skewO(t.skewX, t.skewY)
- .shearO(t.shear)
- .rotateO(t.theta)
- .translateO(ox, oy)
- // If we want the origin at a particular place, we force it there
- if (isFinite(t.px) || isFinite( {
- const origin = new SVG.Point(ox, oy).transform(transformer)
- // TODO: Replace t.px with isFinite(t.px)
- const dx = t.px ? t.px - origin.x : 0
- const dy = ? - origin.y : 0
- transformer.translateO(dx, dy)
- }
- // Translate now after positioning
- transformer.translateO(t.tx, t.ty)
- return transformer
- },
- // Applies a matrix defined by its affine parameters
- compose: function (o) {
- if (o.origin) {
- o.originX = o.origin[0]
- o.originY = o.origin[1]
- }
- // Get the parameters
- var ox = o.originX || 0
- var oy = o.originY || 0
- var sx = o.scaleX || 1
- var sy = o.scaleY || 1
- var lam = o.shear || 0
- var theta = o.rotate || 0
- var tx = o.translateX || 0
- var ty = o.translateY || 0
- // Apply the standard matrix
- var result = new SVG.Matrix()
- .translateO(-ox, -oy)
- .scaleO(sx, sy)
- .shearO(lam)
- .rotateO(theta)
- .translateO(tx, ty)
- .lmultiplyO(this)
- .translateO(ox, oy)
- return result
- },
- // Decomposes this matrix into its affine parameters
- decompose: function (cx = 0, cy = 0) {
- // Get the parameters from the matrix
- var a = this.a
- var b = this.b
- var c = this.c
- var d = this.d
- var e = this.e
- var f = this.f
- // Figure out if the winding direction is clockwise or counterclockwise
- var determinant = a * d - b * c
- var ccw = determinant > 0 ? 1 : -1
- // Since we only shear in x, we can use the x basis to get the x scale
- // and the rotation of the resulting matrix
- var sx = ccw * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
- var thetaRad = Math.atan2(ccw * b, ccw * a)
- var theta = 180 / Math.PI * thetaRad
- var ct = Math.cos(thetaRad)
- var st = Math.sin(thetaRad)
- // We can then solve the y basis vector simultaneously to get the other
- // two affine parameters directly from these parameters
- var lam = (a * c + b * d) / determinant
- var sy = ((c * sx) / (lam * a - b)) || ((d * sx) / (lam * b + a))
- // Use the translations
- let tx = e - cx + cx * ct * sx + cy * (lam * ct * sx - st * sy)
- let ty = f - cy + cx * st * sx + cy * (lam * st * sx + ct * sy)
- // Construct the decomposition and return it
- return {
- // Return the affine parameters
- scaleX: sx,
- scaleY: sy,
- shear: lam,
- rotate: theta,
- translateX: tx,
- translateY: ty,
- originX: cx,
- originY: cy,
- // Return the matrix parameters
- a: this.a,
- b: this.b,
- c: this.c,
- d: this.d,
- e: this.e,
- f: this.f
- }
- },
- // Morph one matrix into another
- morph: function (matrix) {
- // Store new destination
- this.destination = new SVG.Matrix(matrix)
- return this
- },
- // Get morphed matrix at a given position
- at: function (pos) {
- // Make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this
- // Calculate morphed matrix at a given position
- var matrix = new SVG.Matrix({
- a: this.a + (this.destination.a - this.a) * pos,
- b: this.b + (this.destination.b - this.b) * pos,
- c: this.c + (this.destination.c - this.c) * pos,
- d: this.d + (this.destination.d - this.d) * pos,
- e: this.e + (this.destination.e - this.e) * pos,
- f: this.f + (this.destination.f - this.f) * pos
- })
- return matrix
- },
- // Left multiplies by the given matrix
- multiply: function (matrix) {
- return this.clone().multiplyO(matrix)
- },
- multiplyO: function (matrix) {
- // Get the matrices
- var l = this
- var r = matrix instanceof SVG.Matrix
- ? matrix
- : new SVG.Matrix(matrix)
- return matrixMultiply(l, r, this)
- },
- lmultiply: function (matrix) {
- return this.clone().lmultiplyO(matrix)
- },
- lmultiplyO: function (matrix) {
- var r = this
- var l = matrix instanceof SVG.Matrix
- ? matrix
- : new SVG.Matrix(matrix)
- return matrixMultiply(l, r, this)
- },
- // Inverses matrix
- inverseO: function () {
- // Get the current parameters out of the matrix
- var a = this.a
- var b = this.b
- var c = this.c
- var d = this.d
- var e = this.e
- var f = this.f
- // Invert the 2x2 matrix in the top left
- var det = a * d - b * c
- if (!det) throw new Error('Cannot invert ' + this)
- // Calculate the top 2x2 matrix
- var na = d / det
- var nb = -b / det
- var nc = -c / det
- var nd = a / det
- // Apply the inverted matrix to the top right
- var ne = -(na * e + nc * f)
- var nf = -(nb * e + nd * f)
- // Construct the inverted matrix
- this.a = na
- this.b = nb
- this.c = nc
- this.d = nd
- this.e = ne
- this.f = nf
- return this
- },
- inverse: function () {
- return this.clone().inverseO()
- },
- // Translate matrix
- translate: function (x, y) {
- return this.clone().translateO(x, y)
- },
- translateO: function (x, y) {
- this.e += x || 0
- this.f += y || 0
- return this
- },
- // Scale matrix
- scale: function (x, y, cx, cy) {
- return this.clone().scaleO(...arguments)
- },
- scaleO: function (x, y = x, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
- // Support uniform scaling
- if (arguments.length === 3) {
- cy = cx
- cx = y
- y = x
- }
- let {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this
- this.a = a * x
- this.b = b * y
- this.c = c * x
- this.d = d * y
- this.e = e * x - cx * x + cx
- this.f = f * y - cy * y + cy
- return this
- },
- // Rotate matrix
- rotate: function (r, cx, cy) {
- return this.clone().rotateO(r, cx, cy)
- },
- rotateO: function (r, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
- // Convert degrees to radians
- r = SVG.utils.radians(r)
- let cos = Math.cos(r)
- let sin = Math.sin(r)
- let {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this
- this.a = a * cos - b * sin
- this.b = b * cos + a * sin
- this.c = c * cos - d * sin
- this.d = d * cos + c * sin
- this.e = e * cos - f * sin + cy * sin - cx * cos + cx
- this.f = f * cos + e * sin - cx * sin - cy * cos + cy
- return this
- },
- // Flip matrix on x or y, at a given offset
- flip: function (axis, around) {
- return this.clone().flipO(axis, around)
- },
- flipO: function (axis, around) {
- return axis === 'x' ? this.scaleO(-1, 1, around, 0)
- : axis === 'y' ? this.scaleO(1, -1, 0, around)
- : this.scaleO(-1, -1, axis, around || axis) // Define an x, y flip point
- },
- // Shear matrix
- shear: function (a, cx, cy) {
- return this.clone().shearO(a, cx, cy)
- },
- shearO: function (lx, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
- let {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this
- this.a = a + b * lx
- this.c = c + d * lx
- this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx
- return this
- },
- // Skew Matrix
- skew: function (x, y, cx, cy) {
- return this.clone().skewO(...arguments)
- },
- skewO: function (x, y = x, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
- // support uniformal skew
- if (arguments.length === 3) {
- cy = cx
- cx = y
- y = x
- }
- // Convert degrees to radians
- x = SVG.utils.radians(x)
- y = SVG.utils.radians(y)
- let lx = Math.tan(x)
- let ly = Math.tan(y)
- let {a, b, c, d, e, f} = this
- this.a = a + b * lx
- this.b = b + a * ly
- this.c = c + d * lx
- this.d = d + c * ly
- this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx
- this.f = f + e * ly - cx * ly
- return this
- },
- // SkewX
- skewX: function (x, cx, cy) {
- return this.skew(x, 0, cx, cy)
- },
- skewXO: function (x, cx, cy) {
- return this.skewO(x, 0, cx, cy)
- },
- // SkewY
- skewY: function (y, cx, cy) {
- return this.skew(0, y, cx, cy)
- },
- skewYO: function (y, cx, cy) {
- return this.skewO(0, y, cx, cy)
- },
- // Transform around a center point
- aroundO: function (cx, cy, matrix) {
- var dx = cx || 0
- var dy = cy || 0
- return this.translateO(-dx, -dy).lmultiplyO(matrix).translateO(dx, dy)
- },
- around: function (cx, cy, matrix) {
- return this.clone().aroundO(cx, cy, matrix)
- },
- // Convert to native SVGMatrix
- native: function () {
- // create new matrix
- var matrix = SVG.parser.nodes.svg.node.createSVGMatrix()
- // update with current values
- for (var i = abcdef.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- matrix[abcdef[i]] = this[abcdef[i]]
- }
- return matrix
- },
- // Check if two matrices are equal
- equals: function (other) {
- var comp = new SVG.Matrix(other)
- return closeEnough(this.a, comp.a) && closeEnough(this.b, comp.b) &&
- closeEnough(this.c, comp.c) && closeEnough(this.d, comp.d) &&
- closeEnough(this.e, comp.e) && closeEnough(this.f, comp.f)
- },
- // Convert matrix to string
- toString: function () {
- return 'matrix(' + this.a + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.c + ',' + this.d + ',' + this.e + ',' + this.f + ')'
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return [this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f]
- },
- valueOf: function () {
- return {
- a: this.a,
- b: this.b,
- c: this.c,
- d: this.d,
- e: this.e,
- f: this.f
- }
- }
- },
- // Define parent
- parent: SVG.Element,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Get current matrix
- ctm: function () {
- return new SVG.Matrix(this.node.getCTM())
- },
- // Get current screen matrix
- screenCTM: function () {
- /*
- This is needed because FF does not return the transformation matrix
- for the inner coordinate system when getScreenCTM() is called on nested svgs.
- However all other Browsers do that */
- if (this instanceof SVG.Doc && !this.isRoot()) {
- var rect = this.rect(1, 1)
- var m = rect.node.getScreenCTM()
- rect.remove()
- return new SVG.Matrix(m)
- }
- return new SVG.Matrix(this.node.getScreenCTM())
- }
- }
-// let extensions = {}
-// ['rotate'].forEach((method) => {
-// let methodO = method + 'O'
-// extensions[method] = function (...args) {
-// return new SVG.Matrix(this)[methodO](...args)
-// }
-// })
-// SVG.extend(SVG.Matrix, extensions)
-// function matrixMultiplyParams (matrix, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
-// return matrixMultiply({a, b, c, d, e, f}, matrix, matrix)
-// }
diff --git a/src/memory.js b/src/memory.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 57dfa02..0000000
--- a/src/memory.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Remember arbitrary data
- remember: function (k, v) {
- // remember every item in an object individually
- if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') {
- for (var key in k) {
- this.remember(key, k[key])
- }
- } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
- // retrieve memory
- return this.memory()[k]
- } else {
- // store memory
- this.memory()[k] = v
- }
- return this
- },
- // Erase a given memory
- forget: function () {
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- this._memory = {}
- } else {
- for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- delete this.memory()[arguments[i]]
- }
- }
- return this
- },
- // Initialize or return local memory object
- memory: function () {
- return this._memory || (this._memory = {})
- }
diff --git a/src/modules/core/attr.js b/src/modules/core/attr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed34dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/attr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import { isImage, isNumber } from './regex.js'
+import { attrs as defaults } from './defaults.js'
+import Color from '../../types/Color.js'
+import SVGArray from '../../types/SVGArray.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../../types/SVGNumber.js'
+// Set svg element attribute
+export default function attr (attr, val, ns) {
+ // act as full getter
+ if (attr == null) {
+ // get an object of attributes
+ attr = {}
+ val = this.node.attributes
+ for (let node of val) {
+ attr[node.nodeName] = isNumber.test(node.nodeValue)
+ ? parseFloat(node.nodeValue)
+ : node.nodeValue
+ }
+ return attr
+ } else if (Array.isArray(attr)) {
+ // FIXME: implement
+ } else if (typeof attr === 'object') {
+ // apply every attribute individually if an object is passed
+ for (val in attr) this.attr(val, attr[val])
+ } else if (val === null) {
+ // remove value
+ this.node.removeAttribute(attr)
+ } else if (val == null) {
+ // act as a getter if the first and only argument is not an object
+ val = this.node.getAttribute(attr)
+ return val == null ? defaults[attr] // FIXME: do we need to return defaults?
+ : isNumber.test(val) ? parseFloat(val)
+ : val
+ } else {
+ // convert image fill and stroke to patterns
+ if (attr === 'fill' || attr === 'stroke') {
+ if (isImage.test(val)) {
+ val = this.doc().defs().image(val)
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: This is fine, but what about the lines above?
+ // How does attr know about image()?
+ while (typeof val.attrHook === 'function') {
+ val = val.attrHook(this, attr)
+ }
+ // ensure correct numeric values (also accepts NaN and Infinity)
+ if (typeof val === 'number') {
+ val = new SVGNumber(val)
+ } else if (Color.isColor(val)) {
+ // ensure full hex color
+ val = new Color(val)
+ } else if (val.constructor === Array) {
+ // Check for plain arrays and parse array values
+ val = new SVGArray(val)
+ }
+ // if the passed attribute is leading...
+ if (attr === 'leading') {
+ // ... call the leading method instead
+ if (this.leading) {
+ this.leading(val)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // set given attribute on node
+ typeof ns === 'string' ? this.node.setAttributeNS(ns, attr, val.toString())
+ : this.node.setAttribute(attr, val.toString())
+ }
+ // rebuild if required
+ if (this.rebuild && (attr === 'font-size' || attr === 'x')) {
+ this.rebuild()
+ }
+ }
+ return this
diff --git a/src/modules/core/circled.js b/src/modules/core/circled.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a3b1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/circled.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// FIXME: import this to runner
+import { proportionalSize } from '../../utils/utils.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../../types/SVGNumber.js'
+// Radius x value
+export function rx (rx) {
+ return this.attr('rx', rx)
+// Radius y value
+export function ry (ry) {
+ return this.attr('ry', ry)
+// Move over x-axis
+export function x (x) {
+ return x == null
+ ? - this.rx()
+ : + this.rx())
+// Move over y-axis
+export function y (y) {
+ return y == null
+ ? - this.ry()
+ : + this.ry())
+// Move by center over x-axis
+export function cx (x) {
+ return x == null
+ ? this.attr('cx')
+ : this.attr('cx', x)
+// Move by center over y-axis
+export function cy (y) {
+ return y == null
+ ? this.attr('cy')
+ : this.attr('cy', y)
+// Set width of element
+export function width (width) {
+ return width == null
+ ? this.rx() * 2
+ : this.rx(new SVGNumber(width).divide(2))
+// Set height of element
+export function height (height) {
+ return height == null
+ ? this.ry() * 2
+ : this.ry(new SVGNumber(height).divide(2))
+// Custom size function
+export function size (width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
+ return this
+ .rx(new SVGNumber(p.width).divide(2))
+ .ry(new SVGNumber(p.height).divide(2))
diff --git a/src/modules/core/defaults.js b/src/modules/core/defaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d496bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/defaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+export function noop () {}
+// Default animation values
+export let timeline = {
+ duration: 400,
+ ease: '>',
+ delay: 0
+// Default attribute values
+export let attrs = {
+ // fill and stroke
+ 'fill-opacity': 1,
+ 'stroke-opacity': 1,
+ 'stroke-width': 0,
+ 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter',
+ 'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
+ fill: '#000000',
+ stroke: '#000000',
+ opacity: 1,
+ // position
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ cx: 0,
+ cy: 0,
+ // size
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ // radius
+ r: 0,
+ rx: 0,
+ ry: 0,
+ // gradient
+ offset: 0,
+ 'stop-opacity': 1,
+ 'stop-color': '#000000',
+ // text
+ 'font-size': 16,
+ 'font-family': 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
+ 'text-anchor': 'start'
diff --git a/src/event.js b/src/modules/core/event.js
index 4f16609..2fcaf58 100644
--- a/src/event.js
+++ b/src/modules/core/event.js
@@ -1,48 +1,35 @@
-// Add events to elements
-;[ 'click',
- 'dblclick',
- 'mousedown',
- 'mouseup',
- 'mouseover',
- 'mouseout',
- 'mousemove',
- 'mouseenter',
- 'mouseleave',
- 'touchstart',
- 'touchmove',
- 'touchleave',
- 'touchend',
- 'touchcancel' ].forEach(function (event) {
- // add event to SVG.Element
- SVG.Element.prototype[event] = function (f) {
- if (f === null) {
-, event)
- } else {
- SVG.on(this, event, f)
- }
- return this
- }
- })
+import { delimiter } from './regex.js'
+import { makeInstance } from '../../utils/adopter.js'
+let listenerId = 0
+function getEvents (node) {
+ const n = makeInstance(node).getEventHolder()
+ if (! = {}
+ return
-SVG.listenerId = 0
+function getEventTarget (node) {
+ return makeInstance(node).getEventTarget()
+function clearEvents (node) {
+ const n = makeInstance(node).getEventHolder()
+ if ( = {}
// Add event binder in the SVG namespace
-SVG.on = function (node, events, listener, binding, options) {
+export function on (node, events, listener, binding, options) {
var l = listener.bind(binding || node)
- var n = node instanceof SVG.EventTarget ? node.getEventTarget() : node
+ var bag = getEvents(node)
+ var n = getEventTarget(node)
// events can be an array of events or a string of events
- events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(SVG.regex.delimiter)
- // ensure instance object for nodes which are not adopted
- n.instance = n.instance || {events: {}}
- // pull event handlers from the element
- var bag =
+ events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(delimiter)
// add id to listener
if (!listener._svgjsListenerId) {
- listener._svgjsListenerId = ++SVG.listenerId
+ listener._svgjsListenerId = ++listenerId
events.forEach(function (event) {
@@ -62,9 +49,9 @@ SVG.on = function (node, events, listener, binding, options) {
// Add event unbinder in the SVG namespace = function (node, events, listener, options) {
- var n = node instanceof SVG.EventTarget ? node.getEventTarget() : node
- if (!n.instance) return
+export function off (node, events, listener, options) {
+ var bag = getEvents(node)
+ var n = getEventTarget(node)
// listener can be a function or a number
if (typeof listener === 'function') {
@@ -72,11 +59,8 @@ = function (node, events, listener, options) {
if (!listener) return
- // pull event handlers from the element
- var bag =
// events can be an array of events or a string or undefined
- events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : (events || '').split(SVG.regex.delimiter)
+ events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : (events || '').split(delimiter)
events.forEach(function (event) {
var ev = event && event.split('.')[0]
@@ -94,7 +78,7 @@ = function (node, events, listener, options) {
} else if (ev && ns) {
// remove all listeners for a namespaced event
if (bag[ev] && bag[ev][ns]) {
- for (l in bag[ev][ns]) {, [ev, ns].join('.'), l) }
+ for (l in bag[ev][ns]) { off(n, [ev, ns].join('.'), l) }
delete bag[ev][ns]
@@ -102,33 +86,33 @@ = function (node, events, listener, options) {
// remove all listeners for a specific namespace
for (event in bag) {
for (namespace in bag[event]) {
- if (ns === namespace) {, [event, ns].join('.')) }
+ if (ns === namespace) { off(n, [event, ns].join('.')) }
} else if (ev) {
// remove all listeners for the event
if (bag[ev]) {
- for (namespace in bag[ev]) {, [ev, namespace].join('.')) }
+ for (namespace in bag[ev]) { off(n, [ev, namespace].join('.')) }
delete bag[ev]
} else {
// remove all listeners on a given node
- for (event in bag) {, event) }
+ for (event in bag) { off(n, event) }
- = {}
+ clearEvents(node)
-SVG.dispatch = function (node, event, data) {
- var n = node instanceof SVG.EventTarget ? node.getEventTarget() : node
+export function dispatch (node, event, data) {
+ var n = getEventTarget(node)
// Dispatch event
if (event instanceof window.Event) {
} else {
- event = new window.CustomEvent(event, {detail: data, cancelable: true})
+ event = new window.CustomEvent(event, { detail: data, cancelable: true })
return event
diff --git a/src/modules/core/gradiented.js b/src/modules/core/gradiented.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34a9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/gradiented.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// FIXME: add to runner
+import SVGNumber from '../../types/SVGNumber.js'
+export function from (x, y) {
+ return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient'
+ ? this.attr({ fx: new SVGNumber(x), fy: new SVGNumber(y) })
+ : this.attr({ x1: new SVGNumber(x), y1: new SVGNumber(y) })
+export function to (x, y) {
+ return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient'
+ ? this.attr({ cx: new SVGNumber(x), cy: new SVGNumber(y) })
+ : this.attr({ x2: new SVGNumber(x), y2: new SVGNumber(y) })
diff --git a/src/modules/core/namespaces.js b/src/modules/core/namespaces.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3791298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/namespaces.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Default namespaces
+export let ns = ''
+export let xmlns = ''
+export let xlink = ''
+export let svgjs = ''
diff --git a/src/modules/core/parser.js b/src/modules/core/parser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a656ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/parser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import Doc from '../../elements/Doc.js'
+export default function parser () {
+ // Reuse cached element if possible
+ if (!parser.nodes) {
+ let svg = new Doc().size(2, 0)
+ svg.node.cssText = [
+ 'opacity: 0',
+ 'position: absolute',
+ 'left: -100%',
+ 'top: -100%',
+ 'overflow: hidden'
+ ].join(';')
+ let path = svg.path().node
+ parser.nodes = { svg, path }
+ }
+ if (!parser.nodes.svg.node.parentNode) {
+ let b = document.body || document.documentElement
+ parser.nodes.svg.addTo(b)
+ }
+ return parser.nodes
diff --git a/src/modules/core/pointed.js b/src/modules/core/pointed.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95e6819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/pointed.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import PointArray from '../../types/PointArray.js'
+export let MorphArray = PointArray
+// Move by left top corner over x-axis
+export function x (x) {
+ return x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(x, this.bbox().y)
+// Move by left top corner over y-axis
+export function y (y) {
+ return y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, y)
+// Set width of element
+export function width (width) {
+ let b = this.bbox()
+ return width == null ? b.width : this.size(width, b.height)
+// Set height of element
+export function height (height) {
+ let b = this.bbox()
+ return height == null ? b.height : this.size(b.width, height)
diff --git a/src/modules/core/poly.js b/src/modules/core/poly.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad12020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/poly.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { proportionalSize } from '../../utils/utils.js'
+import PointArray from '../../types/PointArray.js'
+// Get array
+export function array () {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PointArray(this.attr('points')))
+// Plot new path
+export function plot (p) {
+ return (p == null) ? this.array()
+ : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p
+ : (this._array = new PointArray(p)))
+// Clear array cache
+export function clear () {
+ delete this._array
+ return this
+// Move by left top corner
+export function move (x, y) {
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y))
+// Set element size to given width and height
+export function size (width, height) {
+ let p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height))
diff --git a/src/modules/core/regex.js b/src/modules/core/regex.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1056554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/regex.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// Parse unit value
+export let numberAndUnit = /^([+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?)([a-z%]*)$/i
+// Parse hex value
+export let hex = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i
+// Parse rgb value
+export let rgb = /rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/
+// Parse reference id
+export let reference = /(#[a-z0-9\-_]+)/i
+// splits a transformation chain
+export let transforms = /\)\s*,?\s*/
+// Whitespace
+export let whitespace = /\s/g
+// Test hex value
+export let isHex = /^#[a-f0-9]{3,6}$/i
+// Test rgb value
+export let isRgb = /^rgb\(/
+// Test css declaration
+export let isCss = /[^:]+:[^;]+;?/
+// Test for blank string
+export let isBlank = /^(\s+)?$/
+// Test for numeric string
+export let isNumber = /^[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i
+// Test for percent value
+export let isPercent = /^-?[\d.]+%$/
+// Test for image url
+export let isImage = /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)(\?[^=]+.*)?/i
+// split at whitespace and comma
+export let delimiter = /[\s,]+/
+// The following regex are used to parse the d attribute of a path
+// Matches all hyphens which are not after an exponent
+export let hyphen = /([^e])-/gi
+// Replaces and tests for all path letters
+export let pathLetters = /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/gi
+// yes we need this one, too
+export let isPathLetter = /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/i
+// matches
+export let numbersWithDots = /((\d?\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)((?:\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)+))+/gi
+// matches .
+export let dots = /\./g
diff --git a/src/modules/core/selector.js b/src/modules/core/selector.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e0b55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/selector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { adopt } from '../../utils/adopter.js'
+import { map } from '../../utils/utils.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+export default function baseFind (query, parent) {
+ return map((parent || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
+ return adopt(node)
+ })
+// Scoped find method
+export function find (query) {
+ return baseFind(query, this.node)
+registerMethods('Dom', { find })
diff --git a/src/modules/core/textable.js b/src/modules/core/textable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a90db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/core/textable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Create plain text node
+export function plain (text) {
+ // clear if build mode is disabled
+ if (this._build === false) {
+ this.clear()
+ }
+ // create text node
+ this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text))
+ return this
+// FIXME: Does this also work for textpath?
+// Get length of text element
+export function length () {
+ return this.node.getComputedTextLength()
diff --git a/src/modules/optional/arrange.js b/src/modules/optional/arrange.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca0e074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/optional/arrange.js
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+// Get all siblings, including myself
+export function siblings () {
+ return this.parent().children()
+// Get the curent position siblings
+export function position () {
+ return this.parent().index(this)
+// Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
+export function next () {
+ return this.siblings()[this.position() + 1]
+// Get the next element (will return null if there is none)
+export function prev () {
+ return this.siblings()[this.position() - 1]
+// Send given element one step forward
+export function forward () {
+ var i = this.position() + 1
+ var p = this.parent()
+ // move node one step forward
+ p.removeElement(this).add(this, i)
+ // make sure defs node is always at the top
+ if (typeof p.isRoot === 'function' && p.isRoot()) {
+ p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node)
+ }
+ return this
+// Send given element one step backward
+export function backward () {
+ var i = this.position()
+ if (i > 0) {
+ this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, i - 1)
+ }
+ return this
+// Send given element all the way to the front
+export function front () {
+ var p = this.parent()
+ // Move node forward
+ p.node.appendChild(this.node)
+ // Make sure defs node is always at the top
+ if (typeof p.isRoot === 'function' && p.isRoot()) {
+ p.node.appendChild(p.defs().node)
+ }
+ return this
+// Send given element all the way to the back
+export function back () {
+ if (this.position() > 0) {
+ this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this, 0)
+ }
+ return this
+// Inserts a given element before the targeted element
+export function before (element) {
+ element.remove()
+ var i = this.position()
+ this.parent().add(element, i)
+ return this
+// Inserts a given element after the targeted element
+export function after (element) {
+ element.remove()
+ var i = this.position()
+ this.parent().add(element, i + 1)
+ return this
+registerMethods('Dom', {
+ siblings, position, next, prev, forward, backward, front, back, before, after
diff --git a/src/modules/optional/class.js b/src/modules/optional/class.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d28fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/optional/class.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import { delimiter } from '../core/regex.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+// Return array of classes on the node
+function classes () {
+ var attr = this.attr('class')
+ return attr == null ? [] : attr.trim().split(delimiter)
+// Return true if class exists on the node, false otherwise
+function hasClass (name) {
+ return this.classes().indexOf(name) !== -1
+// Add class to the node
+function addClass (name) {
+ if (!this.hasClass(name)) {
+ var array = this.classes()
+ array.push(name)
+ this.attr('class', array.join(' '))
+ }
+ return this
+// Remove class from the node
+function removeClass (name) {
+ if (this.hasClass(name)) {
+ this.attr('class', this.classes().filter(function (c) {
+ return c !== name
+ }).join(' '))
+ }
+ return this
+// Toggle the presence of a class on the node
+function toggleClass (name) {
+ return this.hasClass(name) ? this.removeClass(name) : this.addClass(name)
+registerMethods('Dom', {
+ classes, hasClass, addClass, removeClass, toggleClass
diff --git a/src/modules/optional/css.js b/src/modules/optional/css.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924b13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/optional/css.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// FIXME: We dont need exports
+import { camelCase } from '../../utils/utils.js'
+import { isBlank } from '../core/regex.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+// Dynamic style generator
+export function css (style, val) {
+ let ret = {}
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ // get full style as object
+ .filter(function (el) { return !!el.length })
+ .forEach(function (el) {
+ let t = el.split(/\s*:\s*/)
+ ret[t[0]] = t[1]
+ })
+ return ret
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ // get style properties in the array
+ if (Array.isArray(style)) {
+ for (let name of style) {
+ let cased = camelCase(name)
+ ret[cased] =[cased]
+ }
+ return ret
+ }
+ // get style for property
+ if (typeof style === 'string') {
+ return[camelCase(style)]
+ }
+ // set styles in object
+ if (typeof style === 'object') {
+ for (let name in style) {
+ // set empty string if null/undefined/'' was given
+[camelCase(name)] =
+ (style[name] == null || isBlank.test(style[name])) ? '' : style[name]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // set style for property
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+[camelCase(style)] =
+ (val == null || isBlank.test(val)) ? '' : val
+ }
+ return this
+// Show element
+export function show () {
+ return this.css('display', '')
+// Hide element
+export function hide () {
+ return this.css('display', 'none')
+// Is element visible?
+export function visible () {
+ return this.css('display') !== 'none'
+registerMethods('Dom', {
+ css, show, hide, visible
diff --git a/src/modules/optional/data.js b/src/modules/optional/data.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..341d129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/optional/data.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+// Store data values on svg nodes
+export function data (a, v, r) {
+ if (typeof a === 'object') {
+ for (v in a) {
+, a[v])
+ }
+ } else if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(this.attr('data-' + a))
+ } catch (e) {
+ return this.attr('data-' + a)
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.attr('data-' + a,
+ v === null ? null
+ : r === true || typeof v === 'string' || typeof v === 'number' ? v
+ : JSON.stringify(v)
+ )
+ }
+ return this
+registerMethods('Dom', { data })
diff --git a/src/modules/optional/memory.js b/src/modules/optional/memory.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1bf7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/optional/memory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+// FIXME: We need a constructor to set this up
+// Remember arbitrary data
+export function remember (k, v) {
+ // remember every item in an object individually
+ if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object') {
+ for (var key in k) {
+ this.remember(key, k[key])
+ }
+ } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ // retrieve memory
+ return this.memory()[k]
+ } else {
+ // store memory
+ this.memory()[k] = v
+ }
+ return this
+// Erase a given memory
+export function forget () {
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ this._memory = {}
+ } else {
+ for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ delete this.memory()[arguments[i]]
+ }
+ }
+ return this
+// return local memory object
+export function memory () {
+ return (this._memory = this._memory || {})
+registerMethods('Dom', { remember, forget, memory })
diff --git a/src/sugar.js b/src/modules/optional/sugar.js
index ad991af..904e353 100644
--- a/src/sugar.js
+++ b/src/modules/optional/sugar.js
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+import Color from '../../types/Color.js'
+import Element from '../../elements/Element.js'
+import Matrix from '../../types/Matrix.js'
+import Point from '../../types/Point.js'
+import Runner from '../../animation/Runner.js'
+import SVGNumber from '../../types/SVGNumber.js'
// Define list of available attributes for stroke and fill
var sugar = {
stroke: ['color', 'width', 'opacity', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'dasharray', 'dashoffset'],
@@ -16,7 +24,7 @@ var sugar = {
if (typeof o === 'undefined') {
return this
- if (typeof o === 'string' || SVG.Color.isRgb(o) || (o && typeof o.fill === 'function')) {
+ if (typeof o === 'string' || Color.isRgb(o) || (o instanceof Element)) {
this.attr(m, o)
} else {
// set all attributes from sugar.fill and sugar.stroke list
@@ -30,35 +38,35 @@ var sugar = {
return this
- SVG.extend([SVG.Element, SVG.Timeline], extension)
+ registerMethods(['Shape', 'Runner'], extension)
-SVG.extend([SVG.Element, SVG.Timeline], {
+registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
// Let the user set the matrix directly
matrix: function (mat, b, c, d, e, f) {
// Act as a getter
if (mat == null) {
- return new SVG.Matrix(this)
+ return new Matrix(this)
// Act as a setter, the user can pass a matrix or a set of numbers
- return this.attr('transform', new SVG.Matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f))
+ return this.attr('transform', new Matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f))
// Map rotation to transform
rotate: function (angle, cx, cy) {
- return this.transform({rotate: angle, ox: cx, oy: cy}, true)
+ return this.transform({ rotate: angle, ox: cx, oy: cy }, true)
// Map skew to transform
skew: function (x, y, cx, cy) {
return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3
- ? this.transform({skew: x, ox: y, oy: cx}, true)
- : this.transform({skew: [x, y], ox: cx, oy: cy}, true)
+ ? this.transform({ skew: x, ox: y, oy: cx }, true)
+ : this.transform({ skew: [x, y], ox: cx, oy: cy }, true)
shear: function (lam, cx, cy) {
- return this.transform({shear: lam, ox: cx, oy: cy}, true)
+ return this.transform({ shear: lam, ox: cx, oy: cy }, true)
// Map scale to transform
@@ -82,13 +90,13 @@ SVG.extend([SVG.Element, SVG.Timeline], {
flip: function (direction, around) {
var directionString = typeof direction === 'string' ? direction
: isFinite(direction) ? 'both'
- : 'both'
+ : 'both'
var origin = (direction === 'both' && isFinite(around)) ? [around, around]
: (direction === 'x') ? [around, 0]
- : (direction === 'y') ? [0, around]
- : isFinite(direction) ? [direction, direction]
- : [0, 0]
- this.transform({flip: directionString, origin: origin}, true)
+ : (direction === 'y') ? [0, around]
+ : isFinite(direction) ? [direction, direction]
+ : [0, 0]
+ this.transform({ flip: directionString, origin: origin }, true)
// Opacity
@@ -98,12 +106,12 @@ SVG.extend([SVG.Element, SVG.Timeline], {
// Relative move over x axis
dx: function (x) {
- return this.x(new SVG.Number(x).plus(this instanceof SVG.Timeline ? 0 : this.x()), true)
+ return this.x(new SVGNumber(x).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.x()), true)
// Relative move over y axis
dy: function (y) {
- return this.y(new SVG.Number(y).plus(this instanceof SVG.Timeline ? 0 : this.y()), true)
+ return this.y(new SVGNumber(y).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.y()), true)
// Relative move over x and y axes
@@ -112,28 +120,28 @@ SVG.extend([SVG.Element, SVG.Timeline], {
-SVG.extend([SVG.Rect, SVG.Ellipse, SVG.Circle, SVG.Gradient, SVG.Timeline], {
+registerMethods('radius', {
// Add x and y radius
radius: function (x, y) {
- var type = (this._target || this).type
+ var type = (this._element || this).type
return type === 'radialGradient' || type === 'radialGradient'
- ? this.attr('r', new SVG.Number(x))
+ ? this.attr('r', new SVGNumber(x))
: this.rx(x).ry(y == null ? x : y)
-SVG.extend(SVG.Path, {
+registerMethods('Path', {
// Get path length
length: function () {
return this.node.getTotalLength()
// Get point at length
pointAt: function (length) {
- return new SVG.Point(this.node.getPointAtLength(length))
+ return new Point(this.node.getPointAtLength(length))
-SVG.extend([SVG.Parent, SVG.Text, SVG.Tspan, SVG.Timeline], {
+registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
// Set font
font: function (a, v) {
if (typeof a === 'object') {
@@ -141,11 +149,11 @@ SVG.extend([SVG.Parent, SVG.Text, SVG.Tspan, SVG.Timeline], {
return a === 'leading'
- ? this.leading(v)
+ ? this.leading(v)
: a === 'anchor'
? this.attr('text-anchor', v)
- : a === 'size' || a === 'family' || a === 'weight' || a === 'stretch' || a === 'variant' || a === 'style'
- ? this.attr('font-' + a, v)
- : this.attr(a, v)
+ : a === 'size' || a === 'family' || a === 'weight' || a === 'stretch' || a === 'variant' || a === 'style'
+ ? this.attr('font-' + a, v)
+ : this.attr(a, v)
diff --git a/src/modules/optional/transform.js b/src/modules/optional/transform.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7535fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/optional/transform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import { getOrigin } from '../../utils/utils.js'
+import { delimiter, transforms } from '../core/regex.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../../utils/methods.js'
+import Matrix from '../../types/Matrix.js'
+// Reset all transformations
+export function untransform () {
+ return this.attr('transform', null)
+// merge the whole transformation chain into one matrix and returns it
+export function matrixify () {
+ var matrix = (this.attr('transform') || '')
+ // split transformations
+ .split(transforms).slice(0, -1).map(function (str) {
+ // generate key => value pairs
+ var kv = str.trim().split('(')
+ return [kv[0],
+ kv[1].split(delimiter)
+ .map(function (str) { return parseFloat(str) })
+ ]
+ })
+ .reverse()
+ // merge every transformation into one matrix
+ .reduce(function (matrix, transform) {
+ if (transform[0] === 'matrix') {
+ return matrix.lmultiply(Matrix.fromArray(transform[1]))
+ }
+ return matrix[transform[0]].apply(matrix, transform[1])
+ }, new Matrix())
+ return matrix
+// add an element to another parent without changing the visual representation on the screen
+export function toParent (parent) {
+ if (this === parent) return this
+ var ctm = this.screenCTM()
+ var pCtm = parent.screenCTM().inverse()
+ this.addTo(parent).untransform().transform(pCtm.multiply(ctm))
+ return this
+// same as above with parent equals root-svg
+export function toDoc () {
+ return this.toParent(this.doc())
+// Add transformations
+export function transform (o, relative) {
+ // Act as a getter if no object was passed
+ if (o == null || typeof o === 'string') {
+ var decomposed = new Matrix(this).decompose()
+ return decomposed[o] || decomposed
+ }
+ if (!Matrix.isMatrixLike(o)) {
+ // Set the origin according to the defined transform
+ o = { ...o, origin: getOrigin(o, this) }
+ }
+ // The user can pass a boolean, an Element or an Matrix or nothing
+ var cleanRelative = relative === true ? this : (relative || false)
+ var result = new Matrix(cleanRelative).transform(o)
+ return this.attr('transform', result)
+registerMethods('Element', {
+ untransform, matrixify, toParent, toDoc, transform
diff --git a/src/morph.js b/src/morph.js
deleted file mode 100644
index acb9e21..0000000
--- a/src/morph.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Morphable = SVG.invent({
- create: function (stepper) {
- // FIXME: the default stepper does not know about easing
- this._stepper = stepper || new SVG.Ease('-')
- this._from = null
- this._to = null
- this._type = null
- this._context = null
- this._morphObj = null
- },
- extend: {
- from: function (val) {
- if (val == null) {
- return this._from
- }
- this._from = this._set(val)
- return this
- },
- to: function (val) {
- if (val == null) {
- return this._to
- }
- this._to = this._set(val)
- return this
- },
- type: function (type) {
- // getter
- if (type == null) {
- return this._type
- }
- // setter
- this._type = type
- return this
- },
- _set: function (value) {
- if (!this._type) {
- var type = typeof value
- if (type === 'number') {
- this.type(SVG.Number)
- } else if (type === 'string') {
- if (SVG.Color.isColor(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.Color)
- } else if (SVG.regex.delimiter.test(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.regex.pathLetters.test(value)
- ? SVG.PathArray
- : SVG.Array
- )
- } else if (SVG.regex.numberAndUnit.test(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.Number)
- } else {
- this.type(SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable)
- }
- } else if (SVG.MorphableTypes.indexOf(value.constructor) > -1) {
- this.type(value.constructor)
- } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- this.type(SVG.Array)
- } else if (type === 'object') {
- this.type(SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag)
- } else {
- this.type(SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable)
- }
- }
- var result = (new this._type(value)).toArray()
- this._morphObj = this._morphObj || new this._type()
- this._context = this._context ||
- Array.apply(null, Array(result.length)).map(Object)
- return result
- },
- stepper: function (stepper) {
- if (stepper == null) return this._stepper
- this._stepper = stepper
- return this
- },
- done: function () {
- var complete = this._context
- .map(this._stepper.done)
- .reduce(function (last, curr) {
- return last && curr
- }, true)
- return complete
- },
- at: function (pos) {
- var _this = this
- return this._morphObj.fromArray(
- (i, index) {
- return _this._stepper.step(i, _this._to[index], pos, _this._context[index], _this._context)
- })
- )
- }
- }
-SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable = SVG.invent({
- create: function (val) {
- val = Array.isArray(val) ? val[0] : val
- this.value = val
- },
- extend: {
- valueOf: function () {
- return this.value
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return [this.value]
- }
- }
-SVG.Morphable.TransformBag = SVG.invent({
- create: function (obj) {
- if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
- obj = {
- scaleX: obj[0],
- scaleY: obj[1],
- shear: obj[2],
- rotate: obj[3],
- translateX: obj[4],
- translateY: obj[5],
- originX: obj[6],
- originY: obj[7]
- }
- }
- Object.assign(this, SVG.Morphable.TransformBag.defaults, obj)
- },
- extend: {
- toArray: function () {
- var v = this
- return [
- v.scaleX,
- v.scaleY,
- v.shear,
- v.rotate,
- v.translateX,
- v.translateY,
- v.originX,
- v.originY
- ]
- }
- }
-SVG.Morphable.TransformBag.defaults = {
- scaleX: 1,
- scaleY: 1,
- shear: 0,
- rotate: 0,
- translateX: 0,
- translateY: 0,
- originX: 0,
- originY: 0
-SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag = SVG.invent({
- create: function (objOrArr) {
- this.values = []
- if (Array.isArray(objOrArr)) {
- this.values = objOrArr
- return
- }
- var entries = Object.entries(objOrArr || {}).sort((a, b) => {
- return a[0] - b[0]
- })
- this.values = entries.reduce((last, curr) => last.concat(curr), [])
- },
- extend: {
- valueOf: function () {
- var obj = {}
- var arr = this.values
- for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 2) {
- obj[arr[i]] = arr[i + 1]
- }
- return obj
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return this.values
- }
- }
-SVG.MorphableTypes = [
- SVG.Number,
- SVG.Color,
- SVG.Box,
- SVG.Matrix,
- SVG.Array,
- SVG.PointArray,
- SVG.PathArray,
- SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable,
- SVG.Morphable.TransformBag,
- SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag
-SVG.extend(SVG.MorphableTypes, {
- to: function (val, args) {
- return new SVG.Morphable()
- .type(this.constructor)
- .from(this.valueOf())
- .to(val, args)
- },
- fromArray: function (arr) {
- this.constructor(arr)
- return this
- }
diff --git a/src/number.js b/src/number.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2135b61..0000000
--- a/src/number.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Module for unit convertions
-SVG.Number = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function (value, unit) {
- unit = Array.isArray(value) ? value[1] : unit
- value = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value
- // initialize defaults
- this.value = 0
- this.unit = unit || ''
- // parse value
- if (typeof value === 'number') {
- // ensure a valid numeric value
- this.value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : !isFinite(value) ? (value < 0 ? -3.4e+38 : +3.4e+38) : value
- } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
- unit = value.match(SVG.regex.numberAndUnit)
- if (unit) {
- // make value numeric
- this.value = parseFloat(unit[1])
- // normalize
- if (unit[5] === '%') { this.value /= 100 } else if (unit[5] === 's') {
- this.value *= 1000
- }
- // store unit
- this.unit = unit[5]
- }
- } else {
- if (value instanceof SVG.Number) {
- this.value = value.valueOf()
- this.unit = value.unit
- }
- }
- },
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Stringalize
- toString: function () {
- return (this.unit === '%' ? ~~(this.value * 1e8) / 1e6
- : this.unit === 's' ? this.value / 1e3
- : this.value
- ) + this.unit
- },
- toJSON: function () {
- return this.toString()
- }, // Convert to primitive
- toArray: function () {
- return [this.value, this.unit]
- },
- valueOf: function () {
- return this.value
- },
- // Add number
- plus: function (number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number)
- return new SVG.Number(this + number, this.unit || number.unit)
- },
- // Subtract number
- minus: function (number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number)
- return new SVG.Number(this - number, this.unit || number.unit)
- },
- // Multiply number
- times: function (number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number)
- return new SVG.Number(this * number, this.unit || number.unit)
- },
- // Divide number
- divide: function (number) {
- number = new SVG.Number(number)
- return new SVG.Number(this / number, this.unit || number.unit)
- },
- // Make number morphable
- morph: function (number) {
- this.destination = new SVG.Number(number)
- if (number.relative) {
- this.destination.value += this.value
- }
- return this
- },
- // Get morphed number at given position
- at: function (pos) {
- // Make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this
- // Generate new morphed number
- return new SVG.Number(this.destination)
- .minus(this)
- .times(pos)
- .plus(this)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/parent.js b/src/parent.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bdad58..0000000
--- a/src/parent.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* global createElement */
-SVG.Parent = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function (node) {
-, node)
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Returns all child elements
- children: function () {
- return, function (node) {
- return SVG.adopt(node)
- })
- },
- // Add given element at a position
- add: function (element, i) {
- element = createElement(element)
- if (element.node !== this.node.children[i]) {
- this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.children[i] || null)
- }
- return this
- },
- // Basically does the same as `add()` but returns the added element instead
- put: function (element, i) {
- this.add(element, i)
- return element.instance || element
- },
- // Checks if the given element is a child
- has: function (element) {
- return this.index(element) >= 0
- },
- // Gets index of given element
- index: function (element) {
- return []
- },
- // Get a element at the given index
- get: function (i) {
- return SVG.adopt(this.node.children[i])
- },
- // Get first child
- first: function () {
- return this.get(0)
- },
- // Get the last child
- last: function () {
- return this.get(this.node.children.length - 1)
- },
- // Iterates over all children and invokes a given block
- each: function (block, deep) {
- var children = this.children()
- var i, il
- for (i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i++) {
- if (children[i] instanceof SVG.Element) {
- block.apply(children[i], [i, children])
- }
- if (deep && (children[i] instanceof SVG.Parent)) {
- children[i].each(block, deep)
- }
- }
- return this
- },
- // Remove a given child
- removeElement: function (element) {
- this.node.removeChild(element.node)
- return this
- },
- // Remove all elements in this container
- clear: function () {
- // remove children
- while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild)
- }
- // remove defs reference
- delete this._defs
- return this
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/parser.js b/src/parser.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c8d77..0000000
--- a/src/parser.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-SVG.parser = function () {
- var b
- if (!SVG.parser.nodes.svg.node.parentNode) {
- b = document.body || document.documentElement
- SVG.parser.nodes.svg.addTo(b)
- }
- return SVG.parser.nodes
-SVG.parser.nodes = {
- svg: SVG().size(2, 0).css({
- opacity: 0,
- position: 'absolute',
- left: '-100%',
- top: '-100%',
- overflow: 'hidden'
- })
-SVG.parser.nodes.path = SVG.parser.nodes.svg.path().node
diff --git a/src/path.js b/src/path.js
deleted file mode 100644
index db3929b..0000000
--- a/src/path.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Path = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'path',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Define morphable array
- MorphArray: SVG.PathArray,
- // Get array
- array: function () {
- return this._array || (this._array = new SVG.PathArray(this.attr('d')))
- },
- // Plot new path
- plot: function (d) {
- return (d == null) ? this.array()
- : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : (this._array = new SVG.PathArray(d)))
- },
- // Clear array cache
- clear: function () {
- delete this._array
- return this
- },
- // Move by left top corner
- move: function (x, y) {
- return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y))
- },
- // Move by left top corner over x-axis
- x: function (x) {
- return x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(x, this.bbox().y)
- },
- // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- y: function (y) {
- return y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, y)
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function (width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
- return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height))
- },
- // Set width of element
- width: function (width) {
- return width == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(width, this.bbox().height)
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function (height) {
- return height == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, height)
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a wrapped path element
- path: function (d) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new SVG.Path()).plot(d || new SVG.PathArray())
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/pattern.js b/src/pattern.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c4116..0000000
--- a/src/pattern.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Pattern = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'pattern',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Return the fill id
- url: function () {
- return 'url(#' + + ')'
- },
- // Update pattern by rebuilding
- update: function (block) {
- // remove content
- this.clear()
- // invoke passed block
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
-, this)
- }
- return this
- },
- // Alias string convertion to fill
- toString: function () {
- return this.url()
- },
- // custom attr to handle transform
- attr: function (a, b, c) {
- if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform'
- return, a, b, c)
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create pattern element in defs
- pattern: function (width, height, block) {
- return this.defs().pattern(width, height, block)
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, {
- // Define gradient
- pattern: function (width, height, block) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Pattern()).update(block).attr({
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
- })
- }
diff --git a/src/point.js b/src/point.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c64ed6..0000000
--- a/src/point.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Point = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize
- create: function (x, y, base) {
- var source
- base = base || {x: 0, y: 0}
- // ensure source as object
- source = Array.isArray(x) ? {x: x[0], y: x[1]}
- : typeof x === 'object' ? {x: x.x, y: x.y}
- : {x: x, y: y}
- // merge source
- this.x = source.x == null ? base.x : source.x
- this.y = source.y == null ? base.y : source.y
- },
- // Add methods
- extend: {
- // Clone point
- clone: function () {
- return new SVG.Point(this)
- },
- // Morph one point into another
- morph: function (x, y) {
- // store new destination
- this.destination = new SVG.Point(x, y)
- return this
- },
- // Get morphed point at a given position
- at: function (pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this
- // calculate morphed matrix at a given position
- var point = new SVG.Point({
- x: this.x + (this.destination.x - this.x) * pos,
- y: this.y + (this.destination.y - this.y) * pos
- })
- return point
- },
- // Convert to native SVGPoint
- native: function () {
- // create new point
- var point = SVG.parser.nodes.svg.node.createSVGPoint()
- // update with current values
- point.x = this.x
- point.y = this.y
- return point
- },
- // transform point with matrix
- transform: function (m) {
- // Perform the matrix multiplication
- var x = m.a * this.x + m.c * this.y + m.e
- var y = m.b * this.x + m.d * this.y + m.f
- // Return the required point
- return new SVG.Point(x, y)
- }
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Get point
- point: function (x, y) {
- return new SVG.Point(x, y).transform(this.screenCTM().inverse())
- }
diff --git a/src/pointarray.js b/src/pointarray.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aa5f84a..0000000
--- a/src/pointarray.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// Poly points array
-SVG.PointArray = function (array, fallback) {
-, array, fallback || [[0, 0]])
-// Inherit from SVG.Array
-SVG.PointArray.prototype = new SVG.Array()
-SVG.PointArray.prototype.constructor = SVG.PointArray
-SVG.extend(SVG.PointArray, {
- // Convert array to string
- toString: function () {
- // convert to a poly point string
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push(this.value[i].join(','))
- }
- return array.join(' ')
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return this.value.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- return [], curr)
- }, [])
- },
- // Convert array to line object
- toLine: function () {
- return {
- x1: this.value[0][0],
- y1: this.value[0][1],
- x2: this.value[1][0],
- y2: this.value[1][1]
- }
- },
- // Get morphed array at given position
- at: function (pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this
- // generate morphed point string
- for (var i = 0, il = this.value.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push([
- this.value[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this.value[i][0]) * pos,
- this.value[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this.value[i][1]) * pos
- ])
- }
- return new SVG.PointArray(array)
- },
- // Parse point string and flat array
- parse: function (array) {
- var points = []
- array = array.valueOf()
- // if it is an array
- if (Array.isArray(array)) {
- // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
- if (Array.isArray(array[0])) {
- return array
- }
- } else { // Else, it is considered as a string
- // parse points
- array = array.trim().split(SVG.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat)
- }
- // validate points -
- // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
- if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop()
- // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
- for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
- points.push([ array[i], array[i + 1] ])
- }
- return points
- },
- // Move point string
- move: function (x, y) {
- var box = this.bbox()
- // get relative offset
- x -= box.x
- y -= box.y
- // move every point
- if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
- for (var i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- this.value[i] = [this.value[i][0] + x, this.value[i][1] + y]
- }
- }
- return this
- },
- // Resize poly string
- size: function (width, height) {
- var i
- var box = this.bbox()
- // recalculate position of all points according to new size
- for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (box.width) this.value[i][0] = ((this.value[i][0] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- if (box.height) this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- }
- return this
- },
- // Get bounding box of points
- bbox: function () {
- var maxX = -Infinity
- var maxY = -Infinity
- var minX = Infinity
- var minY = Infinity
- this.value.forEach(function (el) {
- maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX)
- maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY)
- minX = Math.min(el[0], minX)
- minY = Math.min(el[1], minY)
- })
- return {x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY}
- }
diff --git a/src/pointed.js b/src/pointed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6493964..0000000
--- a/src/pointed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// unify all point to point elements
-SVG.extend([SVG.Line, SVG.Polyline, SVG.Polygon], {
- // Define morphable array
- MorphArray: SVG.PointArray,
- // Move by left top corner over x-axis
- x: function (x) {
- return x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(x, this.bbox().y)
- },
- // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- y: function (y) {
- return y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, y)
- },
- // Set width of element
- width: function (width) {
- var b = this.bbox()
- return width == null ? b.width : this.size(width, b.height)
- },
- // Set height of element
- height: function (height) {
- var b = this.bbox()
- return height == null ? b.height : this.size(b.width, height)
- }
diff --git a/src/poly.js b/src/poly.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9625776..0000000
--- a/src/poly.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* global proportionalSize */
-SVG.Polyline = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'polyline',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a wrapped polyline element
- polyline: function (p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new SVG.Polyline()).plot(p || new SVG.PointArray())
- }
- }
-SVG.Polygon = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'polygon',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a wrapped polygon element
- polygon: function (p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new SVG.Polygon()).plot(p || new SVG.PointArray())
- }
- }
-// Add polygon-specific functions
-SVG.extend([SVG.Polyline, SVG.Polygon], {
- // Get array
- array: function () {
- return this._array || (this._array = new SVG.PointArray(this.attr('points')))
- },
- // Plot new path
- plot: function (p) {
- return (p == null) ? this.array()
- : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p
- : (this._array = new SVG.PointArray(p)))
- },
- // Clear array cache
- clear: function () {
- delete this._array
- return this
- },
- // Move by left top corner
- move: function (x, y) {
- return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y))
- },
- // Set element size to given width and height
- size: function (width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height)
- return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height))
- }
diff --git a/src/queue.js b/src/queue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 621c887..0000000
--- a/src/queue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Queue = SVG.invent({
- create: function () {
- this._first = null
- this._last = null
- },
- extend: {
- push: function (value) {
- // An item stores an id and the provided value
- var item = ? value : { value: value, next: null, prev: null }
- // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
- if (this._last) {
- item.prev = this._last
- = item
- this._last = item
- } else {
- this._last = item
- this._first = item
- }
- // Update the length and return the current item
- return item
- },
- shift: function () {
- // Check if we have a value
- var remove = this._first
- if (!remove) return null
- // If we do, remove it and relink things
- this._first =
- if (this._first) this._first.prev = null
- this._last = this._first ? this._last : null
- return remove.value
- },
- // Shows us the first item in the list
- first: function () {
- return this._first && this._first.value
- },
- // Shows us the last item in the list
- last: function () {
- return this._last && this._last.value
- },
- // Removes the item that was returned from the push
- remove: function (item) {
- // Relink the previous item
- if (item.prev) =
- if ( = item.prev
- if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev
- if (item === this._first) this._first =
- // Invalidate item
- item.prev = null
- = null
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/rect.js b/src/rect.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 35a3678..0000000
--- a/src/rect.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Rect = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'rect',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a rect element
- rect: function (width, height) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Rect()).size(width, height)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/regex.js b/src/regex.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a3e3eb..0000000
--- a/src/regex.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Storage for regular expressions
-SVG.regex = {
- // Parse unit value
- numberAndUnit: /^([+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?)([a-z%]*)$/i,
- // Parse hex value
- hex: /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i,
- // Parse rgb value
- rgb: /rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/,
- // Parse reference id
- reference: /#([a-z0-9\-_]+)/i,
- // splits a transformation chain
- transforms: /\)\s*,?\s*/,
- // Whitespace
- whitespace: /\s/g,
- // Test hex value
- isHex: /^#[a-f0-9]{3,6}$/i,
- // Test rgb value
- isRgb: /^rgb\(/,
- // Test css declaration
- isCss: /[^:]+:[^;]+;?/,
- // Test for blank string
- isBlank: /^(\s+)?$/,
- // Test for numeric string
- isNumber: /^[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,
- // Test for percent value
- isPercent: /^-?[\d.]+%$/,
- // Test for image url
- isImage: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)(\?[^=]+.*)?/i,
- // split at whitespace and comma
- delimiter: /[\s,]+/,
- // The following regex are used to parse the d attribute of a path
- // Matches all hyphens which are not after an exponent
- hyphen: /([^e])-/gi,
- // Replaces and tests for all path letters
- pathLetters: /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/gi,
- // yes we need this one, too
- isPathLetter: /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/i,
- // matches
- numbersWithDots: /((\d?\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)((?:\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)+))+/gi,
- // matches .
- dots: /\./g
diff --git a/src/runner.js b/src/runner.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e04e2..0000000
--- a/src/runner.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,928 +0,0 @@
-/* global isMatrixLike getOrigin */
-SVG.easing = {
- '-': function (pos) { return pos },
- '<>': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5 },
- '>': function (pos) { return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2) },
- '<': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1 }
-SVG.Runner = SVG.invent({
- parent: SVG.Element,
- create: function (options) {
- // Store a unique id on the runner, so that we can identify it later
- =
- // Ensure a default value
- options = options == null
- ? SVG.defaults.timeline.duration
- : options
- // Ensure that we get a controller
- options = typeof options === 'function'
- ? new SVG.Controller(options)
- : options
- // Declare all of the variables
- this._element = null
- this._timeline = null
- this.done = false
- this._queue = []
- // Work out the stepper and the duration
- this._duration = typeof options === 'number' && options
- this._isDeclarative = options instanceof SVG.Controller
- this._stepper = this._isDeclarative ? options : new SVG.Ease()
- // We copy the current values from the timeline because they can change
- this._history = {}
- // Store the state of the runner
- this.enabled = true
- this._time = 0
- this._last = 0
- // Save transforms applied to this runner
- this.transforms = new SVG.Matrix()
- this.transformId = 1
- // Looping variables
- this._haveReversed = false
- this._reverse = false
- this._loopsDone = 0
- this._swing = false
- this._wait = 0
- this._times = 1
- },
- construct: {
- animate: function (duration, delay, when) {
- var o = SVG.Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when)
- var timeline = this.timeline()
- return new SVG.Runner(o.duration)
- .loop(o)
- .element(this)
- .timeline(timeline)
- .schedule(delay, when)
- },
- delay: function (by, when) {
- return this.animate(0, by, when)
- }
- },
- extend: {
- /*
- Runner Definitions
- ==================
- These methods help us define the runtime behaviour of the Runner or they
- help us make new runners from the current runner
- */
- element: function (element) {
- if (element == null) return this._element
- this._element = element
- element._prepareRunner()
- return this
- },
- timeline: function (timeline) {
- // check explicitly for undefined so we can set the timeline to null
- if (typeof timeline === 'undefined') return this._timeline
- this._timeline = timeline
- return this
- },
- animate: function (duration, delay, when) {
- var o = SVG.Runner.sanitise(duration, delay, when)
- var runner = new SVG.Runner(o.duration)
- if (this._timeline) runner.timeline(this._timeline)
- if (this._element) runner.element(this._element)
- return runner.loop(o).schedule(delay, when)
- },
- schedule: function (timeline, delay, when) {
- // The user doesn't need to pass a timeline if we already have one
- if (!(timeline instanceof SVG.Timeline)) {
- when = delay
- delay = timeline
- timeline = this.timeline()
- }
- // If there is no timeline, yell at the user...
- if (!timeline) {
- throw Error('Runner cannot be scheduled without timeline')
- }
- // Schedule the runner on the timeline provided
- timeline.schedule(this, delay, when)
- return this
- },
- unschedule: function () {
- var timeline = this.timeline()
- timeline && timeline.unschedule(this)
- return this
- },
- loop: function (times, swing, wait) {
- // Deal with the user passing in an object
- if (typeof times === 'object') {
- swing = times.swing
- wait = times.wait
- times = times.times
- }
- // Sanitise the values and store them
- this._times = times || Infinity
- this._swing = swing || false
- this._wait = wait || 0
- return this
- },
- delay: function (delay) {
- return this.animate(0, delay)
- },
- /*
- Basic Functionality
- ===================
- These methods allow us to attach basic functions to the runner directly
- */
- queue: function (initFn, runFn, isTransform) {
- this._queue.push({
- initialiser: initFn || SVG.void,
- runner: runFn || SVG.void,
- isTransform: isTransform,
- initialised: false,
- finished: false
- })
- var timeline = this.timeline()
- timeline && this.timeline()._continue()
- return this
- },
- during: function (fn) {
- return this.queue(null, fn)
- },
- after (fn) {
- return this.on('finish', fn)
- },
- /*
- Runner animation methods
- ========================
- Control how the animation plays
- */
- time: function (time) {
- if (time == null) {
- return this._time
- }
- let dt = time - this._time
- this.step(dt)
- return this
- },
- duration: function () {
- return this._times * (this._wait + this._duration) - this._wait
- },
- loops: function (p) {
- var loopDuration = this._duration + this._wait
- if (p == null) {
- var loopsDone = Math.floor(this._time / loopDuration)
- var relativeTime = (this._time - loopsDone * loopDuration)
- var position = relativeTime / this._duration
- return Math.min(loopsDone + position, this._times)
- }
- var whole = Math.floor(p)
- var partial = p % 1
- var time = loopDuration * whole + this._duration * partial
- return this.time(time)
- },
- position: function (p) {
- // Get all of the variables we need
- var x = this._time
- var d = this._duration
- var w = this._wait
- var t = this._times
- var s = this._swing
- var r = this._reverse
- var position
- if (p == null) {
- /*
- This function converts a time to a position in the range [0, 1]
- The full explanation can be found in this desmos demonstration
- The logic is slightly simplified here because we can use booleans
- */
- // Figure out the value without thinking about the start or end time
- const f = function (x) {
- var swinging = s * Math.floor(x % (2 * (w + d)) / (w + d))
- var backwards = (swinging && !r) || (!swinging && r)
- var uncliped = Math.pow(-1, backwards) * (x % (w + d)) / d + backwards
- var clipped = Math.max(Math.min(uncliped, 1), 0)
- return clipped
- }
- // Figure out the value by incorporating the start time
- var endTime = t * (w + d) - w
- position = x <= 0 ? Math.round(f(1e-5))
- : x < endTime ? f(x)
- : Math.round(f(endTime - 1e-5))
- return position
- }
- // Work out the loops done and add the position to the loops done
- var loopsDone = Math.floor(this.loops())
- var swingForward = s && (loopsDone % 2 === 0)
- var forwards = (swingForward && !r) || (r && swingForward)
- position = loopsDone + (forwards ? p : 1 - p)
- return this.loops(position)
- },
- progress: function (p) {
- if (p == null) {
- return Math.min(1, this._time / this.duration())
- }
- return this.time(p * this.duration())
- },
- step: function (dt) {
- // If we are inactive, this stepper just gets skipped
- if (!this.enabled) return this
- // Update the time and get the new position
- dt = dt == null ? 16 : dt
- this._time += dt
- var position = this.position()
- // Figure out if we need to run the stepper in this frame
- var running = this._lastPosition !== position && this._time >= 0
- this._lastPosition = position
- // Figure out if we just started
- var duration = this.duration()
- var justStarted = this._lastTime < 0 && this._time > 0
- var justFinished = this._lastTime < this._time && this.time > duration
- this._lastTime = this._time
- if (justStarted) {
- //'start', this)
- }
- // Work out if the runner is finished set the done flag here so animations
- // know, that they are running in the last step (this is good for
- // transformations which can be merged)
- var declarative = this._isDeclarative
- this.done = !declarative && !justFinished && this._time >= duration
- // Call initialise and the run function
- if (running || declarative) {
- this._initialise(running)
- // clear the transforms on this runner so they dont get added again and again
- this.transforms = new SVG.Matrix()
- var converged = this._run(declarative ? dt : position)
- //'step', this)
- }
- // correct the done flag here
- // declaritive animations itself know when they converged
- this.done = this.done || (converged && declarative)
- // if (this.done) {
- //'finish', this)
- // }
- return this
- },
- finish: function () {
- return this.step(Infinity)
- },
- reverse: function (reverse) {
- this._reverse = reverse == null ? !this._reverse : reverse
- return this
- },
- ease: function (fn) {
- this._stepper = new SVG.Ease(fn)
- return this
- },
- active: function (enabled) {
- if (enabled == null) return this.enabled
- this.enabled = enabled
- return this
- },
- /*
- Private Methods
- ===============
- Methods that shouldn't be used externally
- */
- // Save a morpher to the morpher list so that we can retarget it later
- _rememberMorpher: function (method, morpher) {
- this._history[method] = {
- morpher: morpher,
- caller: this._queue[this._queue.length - 1]
- }
- },
- // Try to set the target for a morpher if the morpher exists, otherwise
- // do nothing and return false
- _tryRetarget: function (method, target) {
- if (this._history[method]) {
- // if the last method wasnt even initialised, throw it away
- if (!this._history[method].caller.initialised) {
- let index = this._queue.indexOf(this._history[method].caller)
- this._queue.splice(index, 1)
- return false
- }
- // for the case of transformations, we use the special retarget function
- // which has access to the outer scope
- if (this._history[method].caller.isTransform) {
- this._history[method].caller.isTransform(target)
- // for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
- } else {
- this._history[method]
- }
- this._history[method].caller.finished = false
- var timeline = this.timeline()
- timeline && timeline._continue()
- return true
- }
- return false
- },
- // Run each initialise function in the runner if required
- _initialise: function (running) {
- // If we aren't running, we shouldn't initialise when not declarative
- if (!running && !this._isDeclarative) return
- // Loop through all of the initialisers
- for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
- // Get the current initialiser
- var current = this._queue[i]
- // Determine whether we need to initialise
- var needsIt = this._isDeclarative || (!current.initialised && running)
- running = !current.finished
- // Call the initialiser if we need to
- if (needsIt && running) {
- current.initialised = true
- }
- }
- },
- // Run each run function for the position or dt given
- _run: function (positionOrDt) {
- // Run all of the _queue directly
- var allfinished = true
- for (var i = 0, len = this._queue.length; i < len; ++i) {
- // Get the current function to run
- var current = this._queue[i]
- // Run the function if its not finished, we keep track of the finished
- // flag for the sake of declarative _queue
- var converged =, positionOrDt)
- current.finished = current.finished || (converged === true)
- allfinished = allfinished && current.finished
- }
- // We report when all of the constructors are finished
- return allfinished
- },
- addTransform: function (transform, index) {
- this.transforms.lmultiplyO(transform)
- return this
- },
- clearTransform: function () {
- this.transforms = new SVG.Matrix()
- return this
- }
- }
- = 0
-SVG.Runner.sanitise = function (duration, delay, when) {
- // Initialise the default parameters
- var times = 1
- var swing = false
- var wait = 0
- duration = duration || SVG.defaults.timeline.duration
- delay = delay || SVG.defaults.timeline.delay
- when = when || 'last'
- // If we have an object, unpack the values
- if (typeof duration === 'object' && !(duration instanceof SVG.Stepper)) {
- delay = duration.delay || delay
- when = duration.when || when
- swing = duration.swing || swing
- times = duration.times || times
- wait = duration.wait || wait
- duration = duration.duration || SVG.defaults.timeline.duration
- }
- return {
- duration: duration,
- delay: delay,
- swing: swing,
- times: times,
- wait: wait,
- when: when
- }
-SVG.FakeRunner = class {
- constructor (transforms = new SVG.Matrix(), id = -1, done = true) {
- this.transforms = transforms
- = id
- this.done = done
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Runner, SVG.FakeRunner], {
- mergeWith (runner) {
- return new SVG.FakeRunner(
- runner.transforms.lmultiply(this.transforms),
- )
- }
-// SVG.FakeRunner.emptyRunner = new SVG.FakeRunner()
-const lmultiply = (last, curr) => last.lmultiplyO(curr)
-const getRunnerTransform = (runner) => runner.transforms
-function mergeTransforms () {
- // Find the matrix to apply to the element and apply it
- let runners = this._transformationRunners.runners
- let netTransform = runners
- .map(getRunnerTransform)
- .reduce(lmultiply, new SVG.Matrix())
- this.transform(netTransform)
- this._transformationRunners.merge()
- if (this._transformationRunners.length() === 1) {
- this._frameId = null
- }
-class RunnerArray {
- constructor () {
- this.runners = []
- this.ids = []
- }
- add (runner) {
- if (this.runners.includes(runner)) return
- let id = + 1
- let leftSibling = this.ids.reduce((last, curr) => {
- if (curr > last && curr < id) return curr
- return last
- }, 0)
- let index = this.ids.indexOf(leftSibling) + 1
- this.ids.splice(index, 0, id)
- this.runners.splice(index, 0, runner)
- return this
- }
- getByID (id) {
- return this.runners[this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)]
- }
- remove (id) {
- let index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)
- this.ids.splice(index, 1)
- this.runners.splice(index, 1)
- return this
- }
- merge () {
- let lastRunner = null
- this.runners.forEach((runner, i) => {
- if (lastRunner && runner.done && lastRunner.done) {
- this.remove(
- this.edit(, runner.mergeWith(lastRunner))
- }
- lastRunner = runner
- })
- return this
- }
- edit (id, newRunner) {
- let index = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1)
- this.ids.splice(index, 1, id)
- this.runners.splice(index, 1, newRunner)
- return this
- }
- length () {
- return this.ids.length
- }
- clearBefore (id) {
- let deleteCnt = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1) || 1
- this.ids.splice(0, deleteCnt, 0)
- this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new SVG.FakeRunner())
- return this
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // this function searches for all runners on the element and deletes the ones
- // which run before the current one. This is because absolute transformations
- // overwfrite anything anyway so there is no need to waste time computing
- // other runners
- _clearTransformRunnersBefore: function (currentRunner) {
- this._transformationRunners.clearBefore(
- },
- _currentTransform (current) {
- return this._transformationRunners.runners
- // we need the equal sign here to make sure, that also transformations
- // on the same runner which execute before the current transformation are
- // taken into account
- .filter((runner) => <=
- .map(getRunnerTransform)
- .reduce(lmultiply, new SVG.Matrix())
- },
- addRunner: function (runner) {
- this._transformationRunners.add(runner)
- SVG.Animator.transform_frame(
- mergeTransforms.bind(this), this._frameId
- )
- },
- _prepareRunner: function () {
- if (this._frameId == null) {
- this._transformationRunners = new RunnerArray()
- .add(new SVG.FakeRunner(new SVG.Matrix(this)))
- this._frameId = SVG.Element.frameId++
- }
- }
-SVG.Element.frameId = 0
-SVG.extend(SVG.Runner, {
- attr: function (a, v) {
- return this.styleAttr('attr', a, v)
- },
- // Add animatable styles
- css: function (s, v) {
- return this.styleAttr('css', s, v)
- },
- styleAttr (type, name, val) {
- // apply attributes individually
- if (typeof name === 'object') {
- for (var key in val) {
- this.styleAttr(type, key, val[key])
- }
- }
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(val)
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher = morpher.from(this.element()[type](name))
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element()[type](name,
- return morpher.done()
- })
- return this
- },
- zoom: function (level, point) {
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(new SVG.Number(level))
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher = morpher.from(this.zoom())
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element().zoom(, point)
- return morpher.done()
- })
- return this
- },
- /**
- ** absolute transformations
- **/
- //
- // M v -----|-----(D M v = F v)------|-----> T v
- //
- // 1. define the final state (T) and decompose it (once)
- // t = [tx, ty, the, lam, sy, sx]
- // 2. on every frame: pull the current state of all previous transforms
- // (M - m can change)
- // and then write this as m = [tx0, ty0, the0, lam0, sy0, sx0]
- // 3. Find the interpolated matrix F(pos) = m + pos * (t - m)
- // - Note F(0) = M
- // - Note F(1) = T
- // 4. Now you get the delta matrix as a result: D = F * inv(M)
- transform: function (transforms, relative, affine) {
- // If we have a declarative function, we should retarget it if possible
- relative = transforms.relative || relative
- if (this._isDeclarative && !relative && this._tryRetarget('transform', transforms)) {
- return this
- }
- // Parse the parameters
- var isMatrix = isMatrixLike(transforms)
- affine = transforms.affine != null
- ? transforms.affine
- : (affine != null ? affine : !isMatrix)
- // Create a morepher and set its type
- const morpher = new SVG.Morphable()
- .type(affine ? SVG.Morphable.TransformBag : SVG.Matrix)
- .stepper(this._stepper)
- let origin
- let element
- let current
- let currentAngle
- let startTransform
- function setup () {
- // make sure element and origin is defined
- element = element || this.element()
- origin = origin || getOrigin(transforms, element)
- startTransform = new SVG.Matrix(relative ? undefined : element)
- // add the runner to the element so it can merge transformations
- element.addRunner(this)
- // Deactivate all transforms that have run so far if we are absolute
- if (!relative) {
- element._clearTransformRunnersBefore(this)
- }
- }
- function run (pos) {
- // clear all other transforms before this in case something is saved
- // on this runner. We are absolute. We dont need these!
- if (!relative) this.clearTransform()
- let {x, y} = new SVG.Point(origin).transform(element._currentTransform(this))
- let target = new SVG.Matrix({...transforms, origin: [x, y]})
- let start = this._isDeclarative && current
- ? current
- : startTransform
- if (affine) {
- target = target.decompose(x, y)
- start = start.decompose(x, y)
- // Get the current and target angle as it was set
- const rTarget = target.rotate
- const rCurrent = start.rotate
- // Figure out the shortest path to rotate directly
- const possibilities = [rTarget - 360, rTarget, rTarget + 360]
- const distances = => Math.abs(a - rCurrent))
- const shortest = Math.min(...distances)
- const index = distances.indexOf(shortest)
- target.rotate = possibilities[index]
- }
- if (relative) {
- // we have to be careful here not to overwrite the rotation
- // with the rotate method of SVG.Matrix
- if (!isMatrix) {
- target.rotate = transforms.rotate || 0
- }
- if (this._isDeclarative && currentAngle) {
- start.rotate = currentAngle
- }
- }
- morpher.from(start)
- let affineParameters =
- currentAngle = affineParameters.rotate
- current = new SVG.Matrix(affineParameters)
- this.addTransform(current)
- return morpher.done()
- }
- function retarget (newTransforms) {
- // only get a new origin if it changed since the last call
- if (
- (newTransforms.origin || 'center').toString() !==
- (transforms.origin || 'center').toString()
- ) {
- origin = getOrigin(transforms, element)
- }
- // overwrite the old transformations with the new ones
- transforms = {...newTransforms, origin}
- }
- this.queue(setup, run, retarget)
- this._isDeclarative && this._rememberMorpher('transform', morpher)
- return this
- },
- // Animatable x-axis
- x: function (x, relative) {
- return this._queueNumber('x', x)
- },
- // Animatable y-axis
- y: function (y) {
- return this._queueNumber('y', y)
- },
- dx: function (x) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dx', x)
- },
- dy: function (y) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dy', y)
- },
- _queueNumberDelta: function (method, to) {
- to = new SVG.Number(to)
- // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
- if (this._tryRetargetDelta(method, to)) return this
- // Make a morpher and queue the animation
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(to)
- this.queue(function () {
- var from = this.element()[method]()
- morpher.from(from)
- + to)
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element()[method](
- return morpher.done()
- })
- // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
- this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher)
- return this
- },
- _queueObject: function (method, to) {
- // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
- if (this._tryRetarget(method, to)) return this
- // Make a morpher and queue the animation
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable(this._stepper).to(to)
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher.from(this.element()[method]())
- }, function (pos) {
- this.element()[method](
- return morpher.done()
- })
- // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
- this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher)
- return this
- },
- _queueNumber: function (method, value) {
- return this._queueObject(method, new SVG.Number(value))
- },
- // Animatable center x-axis
- cx: function (x) {
- return this._queueNumber('cx', x)
- },
- // Animatable center y-axis
- cy: function (y) {
- return this._queueNumber('cy', y)
- },
- // Add animatable move
- move: function (x, y) {
- return this.x(x).y(y)
- },
- // Add animatable center
- center: function (x, y) {
- return
- },
- // Add animatable size
- size: function (width, height) {
- // animate bbox based size for all other elements
- var box
- if (!width || !height) {
- box = this._element.bbox()
- }
- if (!width) {
- width = box.width / box.height * height
- }
- if (!height) {
- height = box.height / box.width * width
- }
- return this
- .width(width)
- .height(height)
- },
- // Add animatable width
- width: function (width) {
- return this._queueNumber('width', width)
- },
- // Add animatable height
- height: function (height) {
- return this._queueNumber('height', height)
- },
- // Add animatable plot
- plot: function (a, b, c, d) {
- // Lines can be plotted with 4 arguments
- if (arguments.length === 4) {
- return this.plot([a, b, c, d])
- }
- // FIXME: this needs to be rewritten such that the element is only accesed
- // in the init function
- return this._queueObject('plot', new this._element.MorphArray(a))
- /*
- var morpher = this._element.morphArray().to(a)
- this.queue(function () {
- morpher.from(this._element.array())
- }, function (pos) {
- this._element.plot(
- })
- return this
- */
- },
- // Add leading method
- leading: function (value) {
- return this._queueNumber('leading', value)
- },
- // Add animatable viewbox
- viewbox: function (x, y, width, height) {
- return this._queueObject('viewbox', new SVG.Box(x, y, width, height))
- },
- update: function (o) {
- if (typeof o !== 'object') {
- return this.update({
- offset: arguments[0],
- color: arguments[1],
- opacity: arguments[2]
- })
- }
- if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity)
- if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color)
- if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', o.offset)
- return this
- }
diff --git a/src/selector.js b/src/selector.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ea05f..0000000
--- a/src/selector.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* global idFromReference */
-// Method for getting an element by id
-SVG.get = function (id) {
- var node = document.getElementById(idFromReference(id) || id)
- return SVG.adopt(node)
-// Select elements by query string = function (query, parent) {
- return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
- return SVG.adopt(node)
- })
-SVG.$$ = function (query, parent) {
- return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
- return SVG.adopt(node)
- })
-SVG.$ = function (query, parent) {
- return SVG.adopt((parent || document).querySelector(query))
-SVG.extend(SVG.Parent, {
- // Scoped select method
- select: function (query) {
- return, this.node)
- }
diff --git a/src/shape.js b/src/shape.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cb15098..0000000
--- a/src/shape.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Shape = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function (node) {
-, node)
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Element
diff --git a/src/svg.js b/src/svg.js
index bf02df0..4026598 100644
--- a/src/svg.js
+++ b/src/svg.js
@@ -1,102 +1,14 @@
-/* global createElement, capitalize */
-/* eslint-disable new-cap */
+import * as svgMembers from './main.js'
+import * as regex from './modules/core/regex.js'
+import { makeInstance } from './utils/adopter'
// The main wrapping element
-var SVG = window.SVG = function (element) {
- if (SVG.supported) {
- element = createElement(element)
- return element
- }
+export default function SVG (element) {
+ return makeInstance(element)
-// Svg must be supported if we reached this stage
-SVG.supported = true
+Object.assign(SVG, svgMembers)
-// Default namespaces
-SVG.ns = ''
-SVG.xmlns = ''
-SVG.xlink = ''
-SVG.svgjs = ''
-// Element id sequence
-SVG.did = 1000
-// Get next named element id
-SVG.eid = function (name) {
- return 'Svgjs' + capitalize(name) + (SVG.did++)
-// Method for element creation
-SVG.create = function (name) {
- // create element
- return document.createElementNS(this.ns, name)
-// Method for extending objects
-SVG.extend = function (modules, methods) {
- var key, i
- modules = Array.isArray(modules) ? modules : [modules]
- for (i = modules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (modules[i]) {
- for (key in methods) {
- modules[i].prototype[key] = methods[key]
- }
- }
- }
-// Invent new element
-SVG.invent = function (config) {
- // Create element initializer
- var initializer = typeof config.create === 'function' ? config.create
- : function (node) {
-, node || SVG.create(config.create))
- }
- // Inherit prototype
- if (config.inherit) {
- initializer.prototype = new config.inherit()
- initializer.prototype.constructor = initializer
- }
- // Extend with methods
- if (config.extend) {
- SVG.extend(initializer, config.extend)
- }
- // Attach construct method to parent
- if (config.construct) { SVG.extend(config.parent || SVG.Container, config.construct) }
- return initializer
-// Adopt existing svg elements
-SVG.adopt = function (node) {
- // check for presence of node
- if (!node) return null
- // make sure a node isn't already adopted
- if (node.instance instanceof SVG.Element) return node.instance
- if (!(node instanceof window.SVGElement)) {
- return new SVG.HtmlNode(node)
- }
- // initialize variables
- var element
- // adopt with element-specific settings
- if (node.nodeName === 'svg') {
- element = new SVG.Doc(node)
- } else if (node.nodeName === 'linearGradient' || node.nodeName === 'radialGradient') {
- element = new SVG.Gradient(node)
- } else if (SVG[capitalize(node.nodeName)]) {
- element = new SVG[capitalize(node.nodeName)](node)
- } else {
- element = new SVG.Parent(node)
- }
- return element
+SVG.utils = SVG
+SVG.regex = regex
+SVG.get = SVG
diff --git a/src/symbol.js b/src/symbol.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ca67607..0000000
--- a/src/symbol.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Symbol = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'symbol',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Container,
- construct: {
- // create symbol
- symbol: function () {
- return this.put(new SVG.Symbol())
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/text.js b/src/text.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a50df9..0000000
--- a/src/text.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Text = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: function (node) {
-, node || SVG.create('text'))
- this.dom.leading = new SVG.Number(1.3) // store leading value for rebuilding
- this._rebuild = true // enable automatic updating of dy values
- this._build = false // disable build mode for adding multiple lines
- // set default font
- this.attr('font-family', SVG.defaults.attrs['font-family'])
- },
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Parent,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Move over x-axis
- x: function (x) {
- // act as getter
- if (x == null) {
- return this.attr('x')
- }
- return this.attr('x', x)
- },
- // Move over y-axis
- y: function (y) {
- var oy = this.attr('y')
- var o = typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - this.bbox().y : 0
- // act as getter
- if (y == null) {
- return typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - o : oy
- }
- return this.attr('y', typeof y === 'number' ? y + o : y)
- },
- // Move center over x-axis
- cx: function (x) {
- return x == null ? this.bbox().cx : this.x(x - this.bbox().width / 2)
- },
- // Move center over y-axis
- cy: function (y) {
- return y == null ? this.bbox().cy : this.y(y - this.bbox().height / 2)
- },
- // Set the text content
- text: function (text) {
- // act as getter
- if (text === undefined) {
- var children = this.node.childNodes
- var firstLine = 0
- text = ''
- for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
- // skip textPaths - they are no lines
- if (children[i].nodeName === 'textPath') {
- if (i === 0) firstLine = 1
- continue
- }
- // add newline if its not the first child and newLined is set to true
- if (i !== firstLine && children[i].nodeType !== 3 && SVG.adopt(children[i]).dom.newLined === true) {
- text += '\n'
- }
- // add content of this node
- text += children[i].textContent
- }
- return text
- }
- // remove existing content
- this.clear().build(true)
- if (typeof text === 'function') {
- // call block
-, this)
- } else {
- // store text and make sure text is not blank
- text = text.split('\n')
- // build new lines
- for (var j = 0, jl = text.length; j < jl; j++) {
- this.tspan(text[j]).newLine()
- }
- }
- // disable build mode and rebuild lines
- return
- },
- // Set / get leading
- leading: function (value) {
- // act as getter
- if (value == null) {
- return this.dom.leading
- }
- // act as setter
- this.dom.leading = new SVG.Number(value)
- return this.rebuild()
- },
- // Rebuild appearance type
- rebuild: function (rebuild) {
- // store new rebuild flag if given
- if (typeof rebuild === 'boolean') {
- this._rebuild = rebuild
- }
- // define position of all lines
- if (this._rebuild) {
- var self = this
- var blankLineOffset = 0
- var dy = this.dom.leading * new SVG.Number(this.attr('font-size'))
- this.each(function () {
- if (this.dom.newLined) {
- this.attr('x', self.attr('x'))
- if (this.text() === '\n') {
- blankLineOffset += dy
- } else {
- this.attr('dy', dy + blankLineOffset)
- blankLineOffset = 0
- }
- }
- })
- }
- return this
- },
- // Enable / disable build mode
- build: function (build) {
- this._build = !!build
- return this
- },
- // overwrite method from parent to set data properly
- setData: function (o) {
- this.dom = o
- this.dom.leading = new SVG.Number(o.leading || 1.3)
- return this
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create text element
- text: function (text) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Text()).text(text)
- },
- // Create plain text element
- plain: function (text) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Text()).plain(text)
- }
- }
-SVG.Tspan = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'tspan',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Parent,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Set text content
- text: function (text) {
- if (text == null) return this.node.textContent + (this.dom.newLined ? '\n' : '')
- typeof text === 'function' ?, this) : this.plain(text)
- return this
- },
- // Shortcut dx
- dx: function (dx) {
- return this.attr('dx', dx)
- },
- // Shortcut dy
- dy: function (dy) {
- return this.attr('dy', dy)
- },
- // Create new line
- newLine: function () {
- // fetch text parent
- var t = this.parent(SVG.Text)
- // mark new line
- this.dom.newLined = true
- // apply new position
- return this.dy(t.dom.leading * t.attr('font-size')).attr('x', t.x())
- }
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Text, SVG.Tspan], {
- // Create plain text node
- plain: function (text) {
- // clear if build mode is disabled
- if (this._build === false) {
- this.clear()
- }
- // create text node
- this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text))
- return this
- },
- // Create a tspan
- tspan: function (text) {
- var tspan = new SVG.Tspan()
- // clear if build mode is disabled
- if (!this._build) {
- this.clear()
- }
- // add new tspan
- this.node.appendChild(tspan.node)
- return tspan.text(text)
- },
- // FIXME: Does this also work for textpath?
- // Get length of text element
- length: function () {
- return this.node.getComputedTextLength()
- }
diff --git a/src/textpath.js b/src/textpath.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 561f147..0000000
--- a/src/textpath.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-SVG.TextPath = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'textPath',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Text,
- // Define parent class
- parent: SVG.Parent,
- // Add parent method
- extend: {
- MorphArray: SVG.PathArray,
- // return the array of the path track element
- array: function () {
- var track = this.track()
- return track ? track.array() : null
- },
- // Plot path if any
- plot: function (d) {
- var track = this.track()
- var pathArray = null
- if (track) {
- pathArray = track.plot(d)
- }
- return (d == null) ? pathArray : this
- },
- // Get the path element
- track: function () {
- return this.reference('href')
- }
- },
- construct: {
- textPath: function (text, path) {
- return this.defs().path(path).text(text).addTo(this)
- }
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Text], {
- // Create path for text to run on
- path: function (track) {
- var path = new SVG.TextPath()
- // if d is a path, reuse it
- if (!(track instanceof SVG.Path)) {
- // create path element
- track = this.doc().defs().path(track)
- }
- // link textPath to path and add content
- path.attr('href', '#' + track, SVG.xlink)
- // add textPath element as child node and return textPath
- return this.put(path)
- },
- // Todo: make this plural?
- // Get the textPath children
- textPath: function () {
- return'textPath')
- }
-SVG.extend([SVG.Path], {
- // creates a textPath from this path
- text: function (text) {
- if (text instanceof SVG.Text) {
- var txt = text.text()
- return text.clear().path(this).text(txt)
- }
- return this.parent().put(new SVG.Text()).path(this).text(text)
- }
- // TODO: Maybe add `targets` to get all textPaths associated with this path
diff --git a/src/timeline.js b/src/timeline.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bf8ac5..0000000
--- a/src/timeline.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-// Must Change ....
-SVG.easing = {
- '-': function (pos) { return pos },
- '<>': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5 },
- '>': function (pos) { return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2) },
- '<': function (pos) { return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1 }
-var time = window.performance || Date
-var makeSchedule = function (runnerInfo) {
- var start = runnerInfo.start
- var duration = runnerInfo.runner.duration()
- var end = start + duration
- return {start: start, duration: duration, end: end, runner: runnerInfo.runner}
-SVG.Timeline = SVG.invent({
- inherit: SVG.EventTarget,
- // Construct a new timeline on the given element
- create: function () {
- this._timeSource = function () {
- return
- }
- this._dispatcher = document.createElement('div')
- // Store the timing variables
- this._startTime = 0
- this._speed = 1.0
- // Play control variables control how the animation proceeds
- this._reverse = false
- this._persist = 0
- // Keep track of the running animations and their starting parameters
- this._nextFrame = null
- this._paused = false
- this._runners = []
- this._order = []
- this._time = 0
- this._lastSourceTime = 0
- this._lastStepTime = 0
- },
- extend: {
- getEventTarget () {
- return this._dispatcher
- },
- /**
- *
- */
- // schedules a runner on the timeline
- schedule (runner, delay, when) {
- if (runner == null) {
- return (a, b) {
- return (a.start - b.start) || (a.duration - b.duration)
- })
- }
- if (! {
- this._step()
- if (when == null) {
- when = 'now'
- }
- }
- // The start time for the next animation can either be given explicitly,
- // derived from the current timeline time or it can be relative to the
- // last start time to chain animations direclty
- var absoluteStartTime = 0
- delay = delay || 0
- // Work out when to start the animation
- if (when == null || when === 'last' || when === 'after') {
- // Take the last time and increment
- absoluteStartTime = this._startTime
- } else if (when === 'absolute' || when === 'start') {
- absoluteStartTime = delay
- delay = 0
- } else if (when === 'now') {
- absoluteStartTime = this._time
- } else if (when === 'relative') {
- let runnerInfo = this._runners[]
- if (runnerInfo) {
- absoluteStartTime = runnerInfo.start + delay
- delay = 0
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error('Invalid value for the "when" parameter')
- }
- // Manage runner
- runner.unschedule()
- runner.timeline(this)
- runner.time(-delay)
- // Save startTime for next runner
- this._startTime = absoluteStartTime + runner.duration() + delay
- // Save runnerInfo
- this._runners[] = {
- persist: this.persist(),
- runner: runner,
- start: absoluteStartTime
- }
- // Save order and continue
- this._order.push(
- this._continue()
- return this
- },
- // Remove the runner from this timeline
- unschedule (runner) {
- var index = this._order.indexOf(
- if (index < 0) return this
- delete this._runners[]
- this._order.splice(index, 1)
- runner.timeline(null)
- return this
- },
- play () {
- // Now make sure we are not paused and continue the animation
- this._paused = false
- return this._continue()
- },
- pause () {
- // Cancel the next animation frame and pause
- this._nextFrame = null
- this._paused = true
- return this
- },
- stop () {
- // Cancel the next animation frame and go to start
- return this.pause()
- },
- finish () {
- return this.pause()
- },
- speed (speed) {
- if (speed == null) return this._speed
- this._speed = speed
- return this
- },
- reverse (yes) {
- var currentSpeed = this.speed()
- if (yes == null) return this.speed(-currentSpeed)
- var positive = Math.abs(currentSpeed)
- return this.speed(yes ? positive : -positive)
- },
- seek (dt) {
- this._time += dt
- return this._continue()
- },
- time (time) {
- if (time == null) return this._time
- this._time = time
- return this
- },
- persist (dtOrForever) {
- if (dtOrForever == null) return this._persist
- this._persist = dtOrForever
- return this
- },
- source (fn) {
- if (fn == null) return this._timeSource
- this._timeSource = fn
- return this
- },
- _step () {
- // If the timeline is paused, just do nothing
- if (this._paused) return
- // Get the time delta from the last time and update the time
- // TODO: Deal with window.blur window.focus to pause animations
- var time = this._timeSource()
- var dtSource = time - this._lastSourceTime
- var dtTime = this._speed * dtSource + (this._time - this._lastStepTime)
- this._lastSourceTime = time
- // Update the time
- this._time += dtTime
- this._lastStepTime = this._time
- //'time', this._time)
- // Run all of the runners directly
- var runnersLeft = false
- for (var i = 0, len = this._order.length; i < len; i++) {
- // Get and run the current runner and ignore it if its inactive
- var runnerInfo = this._runners[this._order[i]]
- var runner = runnerInfo.runner
- let dt = dtTime
- // Make sure that we give the actual difference
- // between runner start time and now
- let dtToStart = this._time - runnerInfo.start
- // Dont run runner if not started yet
- if (dtToStart < 0) {
- runnersLeft = true
- continue
- } else if (dtToStart < dt) {
- // Adjust dt to make sure that animation is on point
- dt = dtToStart
- }
- if (! continue
- // If this runner is still going, signal that we need another animation
- // frame, otherwise, remove the completed runner
- var finished = runner.step(dt).done
- if (!finished) {
- runnersLeft = true
- // continue
- } else if (runnerInfo.persist !== true) {
- // runner is finished. And runner might get removed
- // TODO: Figure out end time of runner
- var endTime = runner.duration() - runner.time() + this._time
- if (endTime + this._persist < this._time) {
- // Delete runner and correct index
- delete this._runners[this._order[i]]
- this._order.splice(i--, 1) && --len
- runner.timeline(null)
- }
- }
- }
- // Get the next animation frame to keep the simulation going
- if (runnersLeft) {
- this._nextFrame = SVG.Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this))
- } else {
- this._nextFrame = null
- }
- return this
- },
- // Checks if we are running and continues the animation
- _continue () {
- if (this._paused) return this
- if (!this._nextFrame) {
- this._nextFrame = SVG.Animator.frame(this._step.bind(this))
- }
- return this
- },
- active () {
- return !!this._nextFrame
- }
- },
- // These methods will be added to all SVG.Element objects
- parent: SVG.Element,
- construct: {
- timeline: function () {
- this._timeline = (this._timeline || new SVG.Timeline())
- return this._timeline
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/transform.js b/src/transform.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 96c0aec..0000000
--- a/src/transform.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* global arrayToMatrix getOrigin isMatrixLike */
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Reset all transformations
- untransform: function () {
- return this.attr('transform', null)
- },
- // merge the whole transformation chain into one matrix and returns it
- matrixify: function () {
- var matrix = (this.attr('transform') || '')
- // split transformations
- .split(SVG.regex.transforms).slice(0, -1).map(function (str) {
- // generate key => value pairs
- var kv = str.trim().split('(')
- return [kv[0],
- kv[1].split(SVG.regex.delimiter)
- .map(function (str) { return parseFloat(str) })
- ]
- })
- .reverse()
- // merge every transformation into one matrix
- .reduce(function (matrix, transform) {
- if (transform[0] === 'matrix') {
- return matrix.lmultiply(arrayToMatrix(transform[1]))
- }
- return matrix[transform[0]].apply(matrix, transform[1])
- }, new SVG.Matrix())
- return matrix
- },
- // add an element to another parent without changing the visual representation on the screen
- toParent: function (parent) {
- if (this === parent) return this
- var ctm = this.screenCTM()
- var pCtm = parent.screenCTM().inverse()
- this.addTo(parent).untransform().transform(pCtm.multiply(ctm))
- return this
- },
- // same as above with parent equals root-svg
- toDoc: function () {
- return this.toParent(this.doc())
- }
-SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
- // Add transformations
- transform: function (o, relative) {
- // Act as a getter if no object was passed
- if (o == null || typeof o === 'string') {
- var decomposed = new SVG.Matrix(this).decompose()
- return decomposed[o] || decomposed
- }
- if (!isMatrixLike(o)) {
- // Set the origin according to the defined transform
- o = {...o, origin: getOrigin(o, this)}
- }
- // The user can pass a boolean, an SVG.Element or an SVG.Matrix or nothing
- var cleanRelative = relative === true ? this : (relative || false)
- var result = new SVG.Matrix(cleanRelative).transform(o)
- return this.attr('transform', result)
- }
diff --git a/src/types/ArrayPolyfill.js b/src/types/ArrayPolyfill.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf95d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/ArrayPolyfill.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* eslint no-new-func: "off" */
+export const subClassArray = (function () {
+ try {
+ // try es6 subclassing
+ return Function('name', 'baseClass', '_constructor', [
+ 'baseClass = baseClass || Array',
+ 'return {',
+ '[name]: class extends baseClass {',
+ 'constructor (...args) {',
+ 'super(...args)',
+ '_constructor && _constructor.apply(this, args)',
+ '}',
+ '}',
+ '}[name]'
+ ].join('\n'))
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Use es5 approach
+ return (name, baseClass = Array, _constructor) => {
+ const Arr = function () {
+ baseClass.apply(this, arguments)
+ _constructor && _constructor.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ Arr.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype)
+ Arr.prototype.constructor = Arr
+ return Arr
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/Base.js b/src/types/Base.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2897a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Base.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+export default class Base {
+ // constructor (node/*, {extensions = []} */) {
+ // // this.tags = []
+ // //
+ // // for (let extension of extensions) {
+ // //, node)
+ // // this.tags.push(
+ // // }
+ // }
diff --git a/src/types/Box.js b/src/types/Box.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b51415f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Box.js
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import { delimiter } from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Point from './Point.js'
+import parser from '../modules/core/parser.js'
+function isNulledBox (box) {
+ return !box.w && !box.h && !box.x && !box.y
+function domContains (node) {
+ return (document.documentElement.contains || function (node) {
+ // This is IE - it does not support contains() for top-level SVGs
+ while (node.parentNode) {
+ node = node.parentNode
+ }
+ return node === document
+ }).call(document.documentElement, node)
+export default class Box {
+ constructor (...args) {
+ this.init(...args)
+ }
+ init (source) {
+ var base = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)
+ : Array.isArray(source) ? source
+ : typeof source === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left
+ : source.x, != null ? : source.y, source.width, source.height]
+ : arguments.length === 4 ? []
+ : base
+ this.x = source[0] || 0
+ this.y = source[1] || 0
+ this.width = this.w = source[2] || 0
+ this.height = this.h = source[3] || 0
+ // Add more bounding box properties
+ this.x2 = this.x + this.w
+ this.y2 = this.y + this.h
+ = this.x + this.w / 2
+ = this.y + this.h / 2
+ }
+ // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
+ merge (box) {
+ let x = Math.min(this.x, box.x)
+ let y = Math.min(this.y, box.y)
+ let width = Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x
+ let height = Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y
+ return new Box(x, y, width, height)
+ }
+ transform (m) {
+ let xMin = Infinity
+ let xMax = -Infinity
+ let yMin = Infinity
+ let yMax = -Infinity
+ let pts = [
+ new Point(this.x, this.y),
+ new Point(this.x2, this.y),
+ new Point(this.x, this.y2),
+ new Point(this.x2, this.y2)
+ ]
+ pts.forEach(function (p) {
+ p = p.transform(m)
+ xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x)
+ xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x)
+ yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y)
+ yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y)
+ })
+ return new Box(
+ xMin, yMin,
+ xMax - xMin,
+ yMax - yMin
+ )
+ }
+ addOffset () {
+ // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
+ this.x += window.pageXOffset
+ this.y += window.pageYOffset
+ return this
+ }
+ toString () {
+ return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height
+ }
+ toArray () {
+ return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height]
+ }
+ isNulled () {
+ return isNulledBox(this)
+ }
+function getBox (cb) {
+ let box
+ try {
+ box = cb(this.node)
+ if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
+ throw new Error('Element not in the dom')
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ let clone = this.clone(parser().svg).show()
+ box = cb(clone.node)
+ clone.remove()
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn('Getting a bounding box of this element is not possible')
+ }
+ }
+ return box
+ Element: {
+ // Get bounding box
+ bbox () {
+ return new Box(, (node) => node.getBBox()))
+ },
+ rbox (el) {
+ let box = new Box(, (node) => node.getBoundingClientRect()))
+ if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse())
+ return box.addOffset()
+ }
+ },
+ viewbox: {
+ viewbox (x, y, width, height) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (x == null) return new Box(this.attr('viewBox'))
+ // act as setter
+ return this.attr('viewBox', new Box(x, y, width, height))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/Color.js b/src/types/Color.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bbfd82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Color.js
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Color {
+ constructor (a, b, c, space) {
+ space: 'hsl'
+ a: 30
+ b: 20
+ c: 10
+ },
+ toRgb () { return new Color in rgb space }
+ toHsl () { return new Color in hsl space }
+ toLab () { return new Color in lab space }
+ toArray () { [space, a, b, c] }
+ fromArray () { convert it back }
+// Conversions aren't always exact because of monitor profiles etc...
+new Color(h, s, l, 'hsl') !== new Color(r, g, b).hsl()
+new Color(100, 100, 100, [space])
+new Color('hsl(30, 20, 10)')
+// Sugar
+SVG.rgb(30, 20, 50).lab()
+SVG.lab('rgb(100, 100, 100)')
+import { hex, isHex, isRgb, rgb, whitespace } from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+// Ensure to six-based hex
+function fullHex (hex) {
+ return hex.length === 4
+ ? [ '#',
+ hex.substring(1, 2), hex.substring(1, 2),
+ hex.substring(2, 3), hex.substring(2, 3),
+ hex.substring(3, 4), hex.substring(3, 4)
+ ].join('')
+ : hex
+// Component to hex value
+function compToHex (comp) {
+ var hex = comp.toString(16)
+ return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex
+export default class Color {
+ constructor (...args) {
+ this.init(...args)
+ }
+ init (color, g, b) {
+ let match
+ // initialize defaults
+ this.r = 0
+ this.g = 0
+ this.b = 0
+ if (!color) return
+ // parse color
+ if (typeof color === 'string') {
+ if (isRgb.test(color)) {
+ // get rgb values
+ match = rgb.exec(color.replace(whitespace, ''))
+ // parse numeric values
+ this.r = parseInt(match[1])
+ this.g = parseInt(match[2])
+ this.b = parseInt(match[3])
+ } else if (isHex.test(color)) {
+ // get hex values
+ match = hex.exec(fullHex(color))
+ // parse numeric values
+ this.r = parseInt(match[1], 16)
+ this.g = parseInt(match[2], 16)
+ this.b = parseInt(match[3], 16)
+ }
+ } else if (Array.isArray(color)) {
+ this.r = color[0]
+ this.g = color[1]
+ this.b = color[2]
+ } else if (typeof color === 'object') {
+ this.r = color.r
+ this.g = color.g
+ this.b = color.b
+ } else if (arguments.length === 3) {
+ this.r = color
+ this.g = g
+ this.b = b
+ }
+ }
+ // Default to hex conversion
+ toString () {
+ return this.toHex()
+ }
+ toArray () {
+ return [this.r, this.g, this.b]
+ }
+ // Build hex value
+ toHex () {
+ return '#' +
+ compToHex(Math.round(this.r)) +
+ compToHex(Math.round(this.g)) +
+ compToHex(Math.round(this.b))
+ }
+ // Build rgb value
+ toRgb () {
+ return 'rgb(' + [this.r, this.g, this.b].join() + ')'
+ }
+ // Calculate true brightness
+ brightness () {
+ return (this.r / 255 * 0.30) +
+ (this.g / 255 * 0.59) +
+ (this.b / 255 * 0.11)
+ }
+ // Testers
+ // Test if given value is a color string
+ static test (color) {
+ color += ''
+ return isHex.test(color) || isRgb.test(color)
+ }
+ // Test if given value is a rgb object
+ static isRgb (color) {
+ return color && typeof color.r === 'number' &&
+ typeof color.g === 'number' &&
+ typeof color.b === 'number'
+ }
+ // Test if given value is a color
+ static isColor (color) {
+ return this.isRgb(color) || this.test(color)
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/EventTarget.js b/src/types/EventTarget.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32a1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/EventTarget.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import { dispatch, off, on } from '../modules/core/event.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Base from './Base.js'
+export default class EventTarget extends Base {
+ constructor ({ events = {} } = {}) {
+ super()
+ = events
+ }
+ addEventListener () {}
+ // Bind given event to listener
+ on (event, listener, binding, options) {
+ on(this, event, listener, binding, options)
+ return this
+ }
+ // Unbind event from listener
+ off (event, listener) {
+ off(this, event, listener)
+ return this
+ }
+ dispatch (event, data) {
+ return dispatch(this, event, data)
+ }
+ dispatchEvent (event) {
+ const bag = this.getEventHolder().events
+ if (!bag) return true
+ const events = bag[event.type]
+ for (let i in events) {
+ for (let j in events[i]) {
+ events[i][j](event)
+ }
+ }
+ return !event.defaultPrevented
+ }
+ // Fire given event
+ fire (event, data) {
+ this.dispatch(event, data)
+ return this
+ }
+ getEventHolder () {
+ return this
+ }
+ getEventTarget () {
+ return this
+ }
+ removeEventListener () {}
+// Add events to elements
+const methods = [ 'click',
+ 'dblclick',
+ 'mousedown',
+ 'mouseup',
+ 'mouseover',
+ 'mouseout',
+ 'mousemove',
+ 'mouseenter',
+ 'mouseleave',
+ 'touchstart',
+ 'touchmove',
+ 'touchleave',
+ 'touchend',
+ 'touchcancel' ].reduce(function (last, event) {
+ // add event to Element
+ const fn = function (f) {
+ if (f === null) {
+ off(this, event)
+ } else {
+ on(this, event, f)
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ last[event] = fn
+ return last
+}, {})
+registerMethods('Element', methods)
diff --git a/src/types/Matrix.js b/src/types/Matrix.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..963fd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Matrix.js
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+import { delimiter } from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+import { radians } from '../utils/utils.js'
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import Element from '../elements/Element.js'
+import Point from './Point.js'
+import parser from '../modules/core/parser.js'
+// Create matrix array for looping
+const abcdef = 'abcdef'.split('')
+function closeEnough (a, b, threshold) {
+ return Math.abs(b - a) < (threshold || 1e-6)
+export default class Matrix {
+ constructor (...args) {
+ this.init(...args)
+ }
+ // Initialize
+ init (source) {
+ var base = Matrix.fromArray([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
+ // ensure source as object
+ source = source instanceof Element ? source.matrixify()
+ : typeof source === 'string' ? Matrix.fromArray(source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat))
+ : Array.isArray(source) ? Matrix.fromArray(source)
+ : (typeof source === 'object' && Matrix.isMatrixLike(source)) ? source
+ : (typeof source === 'object') ? new Matrix().transform(source)
+ : arguments.length === 6 ? Matrix.fromArray([]
+ : base
+ // Merge the source matrix with the base matrix
+ this.a = source.a != null ? source.a : base.a
+ this.b = source.b != null ? source.b : base.b
+ this.c = source.c != null ? source.c : base.c
+ this.d = source.d != null ? source.d : base.d
+ this.e = source.e != null ? source.e : base.e
+ this.f = source.f != null ? source.f : base.f
+ }
+ // Clones this matrix
+ clone () {
+ return new Matrix(this)
+ }
+ // Transform a matrix into another matrix by manipulating the space
+ transform (o) {
+ // Check if o is a matrix and then left multiply it directly
+ if (Matrix.isMatrixLike(o)) {
+ var matrix = new Matrix(o)
+ return matrix.multiplyO(this)
+ }
+ // Get the proposed transformations and the current transformations
+ var t = Matrix.formatTransforms(o)
+ var current = this
+ let { x: ox, y: oy } = new Point(t.ox, t.oy).transform(current)
+ // Construct the resulting matrix
+ var transformer = new Matrix()
+ .translateO(t.rx, t.ry)
+ .lmultiplyO(current)
+ .translateO(-ox, -oy)
+ .scaleO(t.scaleX, t.scaleY)
+ .skewO(t.skewX, t.skewY)
+ .shearO(t.shear)
+ .rotateO(t.theta)
+ .translateO(ox, oy)
+ // If we want the origin at a particular place, we force it there
+ if (isFinite(t.px) || isFinite( {
+ const origin = new Point(ox, oy).transform(transformer)
+ // TODO: Replace t.px with isFinite(t.px)
+ const dx = t.px ? t.px - origin.x : 0
+ const dy = ? - origin.y : 0
+ transformer.translateO(dx, dy)
+ }
+ // Translate now after positioning
+ transformer.translateO(t.tx, t.ty)
+ return transformer
+ }
+ // Applies a matrix defined by its affine parameters
+ compose (o) {
+ if (o.origin) {
+ o.originX = o.origin[0]
+ o.originY = o.origin[1]
+ }
+ // Get the parameters
+ var ox = o.originX || 0
+ var oy = o.originY || 0
+ var sx = o.scaleX || 1
+ var sy = o.scaleY || 1
+ var lam = o.shear || 0
+ var theta = o.rotate || 0
+ var tx = o.translateX || 0
+ var ty = o.translateY || 0
+ // Apply the standard matrix
+ var result = new Matrix()
+ .translateO(-ox, -oy)
+ .scaleO(sx, sy)
+ .shearO(lam)
+ .rotateO(theta)
+ .translateO(tx, ty)
+ .lmultiplyO(this)
+ .translateO(ox, oy)
+ return result
+ }
+ // Decomposes this matrix into its affine parameters
+ decompose (cx = 0, cy = 0) {
+ // Get the parameters from the matrix
+ var a = this.a
+ var b = this.b
+ var c = this.c
+ var d = this.d
+ var e = this.e
+ var f = this.f
+ // Figure out if the winding direction is clockwise or counterclockwise
+ var determinant = a * d - b * c
+ var ccw = determinant > 0 ? 1 : -1
+ // Since we only shear in x, we can use the x basis to get the x scale
+ // and the rotation of the resulting matrix
+ var sx = ccw * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
+ var thetaRad = Math.atan2(ccw * b, ccw * a)
+ var theta = 180 / Math.PI * thetaRad
+ var ct = Math.cos(thetaRad)
+ var st = Math.sin(thetaRad)
+ // We can then solve the y basis vector simultaneously to get the other
+ // two affine parameters directly from these parameters
+ var lam = (a * c + b * d) / determinant
+ var sy = ((c * sx) / (lam * a - b)) || ((d * sx) / (lam * b + a))
+ // Use the translations
+ let tx = e - cx + cx * ct * sx + cy * (lam * ct * sx - st * sy)
+ let ty = f - cy + cx * st * sx + cy * (lam * st * sx + ct * sy)
+ // Construct the decomposition and return it
+ return {
+ // Return the affine parameters
+ scaleX: sx,
+ scaleY: sy,
+ shear: lam,
+ rotate: theta,
+ translateX: tx,
+ translateY: ty,
+ originX: cx,
+ originY: cy,
+ // Return the matrix parameters
+ a: this.a,
+ b: this.b,
+ c: this.c,
+ d: this.d,
+ e: this.e,
+ f: this.f
+ }
+ }
+ // Left multiplies by the given matrix
+ multiply (matrix) {
+ return this.clone().multiplyO(matrix)
+ }
+ multiplyO (matrix) {
+ // Get the matrices
+ var l = this
+ var r = matrix instanceof Matrix
+ ? matrix
+ : new Matrix(matrix)
+ return Matrix.matrixMultiply(l, r, this)
+ }
+ lmultiply (matrix) {
+ return this.clone().lmultiplyO(matrix)
+ }
+ lmultiplyO (matrix) {
+ var r = this
+ var l = matrix instanceof Matrix
+ ? matrix
+ : new Matrix(matrix)
+ return Matrix.matrixMultiply(l, r, this)
+ }
+ // Inverses matrix
+ inverseO () {
+ // Get the current parameters out of the matrix
+ var a = this.a
+ var b = this.b
+ var c = this.c
+ var d = this.d
+ var e = this.e
+ var f = this.f
+ // Invert the 2x2 matrix in the top left
+ var det = a * d - b * c
+ if (!det) throw new Error('Cannot invert ' + this)
+ // Calculate the top 2x2 matrix
+ var na = d / det
+ var nb = -b / det
+ var nc = -c / det
+ var nd = a / det
+ // Apply the inverted matrix to the top right
+ var ne = -(na * e + nc * f)
+ var nf = -(nb * e + nd * f)
+ // Construct the inverted matrix
+ this.a = na
+ this.b = nb
+ this.c = nc
+ this.d = nd
+ this.e = ne
+ this.f = nf
+ return this
+ }
+ inverse () {
+ return this.clone().inverseO()
+ }
+ // Translate matrix
+ translate (x, y) {
+ return this.clone().translateO(x, y)
+ }
+ translateO (x, y) {
+ this.e += x || 0
+ this.f += y || 0
+ return this
+ }
+ // Scale matrix
+ scale (x, y, cx, cy) {
+ return this.clone().scaleO(...arguments)
+ }
+ scaleO (x, y = x, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
+ // Support uniform scaling
+ if (arguments.length === 3) {
+ cy = cx
+ cx = y
+ y = x
+ }
+ let { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this
+ this.a = a * x
+ this.b = b * y
+ this.c = c * x
+ this.d = d * y
+ this.e = e * x - cx * x + cx
+ this.f = f * y - cy * y + cy
+ return this
+ }
+ // Rotate matrix
+ rotate (r, cx, cy) {
+ return this.clone().rotateO(r, cx, cy)
+ }
+ rotateO (r, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
+ // Convert degrees to radians
+ r = radians(r)
+ let cos = Math.cos(r)
+ let sin = Math.sin(r)
+ let { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this
+ this.a = a * cos - b * sin
+ this.b = b * cos + a * sin
+ this.c = c * cos - d * sin
+ this.d = d * cos + c * sin
+ this.e = e * cos - f * sin + cy * sin - cx * cos + cx
+ this.f = f * cos + e * sin - cx * sin - cy * cos + cy
+ return this
+ }
+ // Flip matrix on x or y, at a given offset
+ flip (axis, around) {
+ return this.clone().flipO(axis, around)
+ }
+ flipO (axis, around) {
+ return axis === 'x' ? this.scaleO(-1, 1, around, 0)
+ : axis === 'y' ? this.scaleO(1, -1, 0, around)
+ : this.scaleO(-1, -1, axis, around || axis) // Define an x, y flip point
+ }
+ // Shear matrix
+ shear (a, cx, cy) {
+ return this.clone().shearO(a, cx, cy)
+ }
+ shearO (lx, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
+ let { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this
+ this.a = a + b * lx
+ this.c = c + d * lx
+ this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx
+ return this
+ }
+ // Skew Matrix
+ skew (x, y, cx, cy) {
+ return this.clone().skewO(...arguments)
+ }
+ skewO (x, y = x, cx = 0, cy = 0) {
+ // support uniformal skew
+ if (arguments.length === 3) {
+ cy = cx
+ cx = y
+ y = x
+ }
+ // Convert degrees to radians
+ x = radians(x)
+ y = radians(y)
+ let lx = Math.tan(x)
+ let ly = Math.tan(y)
+ let { a, b, c, d, e, f } = this
+ this.a = a + b * lx
+ this.b = b + a * ly
+ this.c = c + d * lx
+ this.d = d + c * ly
+ this.e = e + f * lx - cy * lx
+ this.f = f + e * ly - cx * ly
+ return this
+ }
+ // SkewX
+ skewX (x, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skew(x, 0, cx, cy)
+ }
+ skewXO (x, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skewO(x, 0, cx, cy)
+ }
+ // SkewY
+ skewY (y, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skew(0, y, cx, cy)
+ }
+ skewYO (y, cx, cy) {
+ return this.skewO(0, y, cx, cy)
+ }
+ // Transform around a center point
+ aroundO (cx, cy, matrix) {
+ var dx = cx || 0
+ var dy = cy || 0
+ return this.translateO(-dx, -dy).lmultiplyO(matrix).translateO(dx, dy)
+ }
+ around (cx, cy, matrix) {
+ return this.clone().aroundO(cx, cy, matrix)
+ }
+ // Convert to native SVGMatrix
+ native () {
+ // create new matrix
+ var matrix = parser().svg.node.createSVGMatrix()
+ // update with current values
+ for (var i = abcdef.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ matrix[abcdef[i]] = this[abcdef[i]]
+ }
+ return matrix
+ }
+ // Check if two matrices are equal
+ equals (other) {
+ var comp = new Matrix(other)
+ return closeEnough(this.a, comp.a) && closeEnough(this.b, comp.b) &&
+ closeEnough(this.c, comp.c) && closeEnough(this.d, comp.d) &&
+ closeEnough(this.e, comp.e) && closeEnough(this.f, comp.f)
+ }
+ // Convert matrix to string
+ toString () {
+ return 'matrix(' + this.a + ',' + this.b + ',' + this.c + ',' + this.d + ',' + this.e + ',' + this.f + ')'
+ }
+ toArray () {
+ return [this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f]
+ }
+ valueOf () {
+ return {
+ a: this.a,
+ b: this.b,
+ c: this.c,
+ d: this.d,
+ e: this.e,
+ f: this.f
+ }
+ }
+ static fromArray (a) {
+ return { a: a[0], b: a[1], c: a[2], d: a[3], e: a[4], f: a[5] }
+ }
+ static isMatrixLike (o) {
+ return (
+ o.a != null ||
+ o.b != null ||
+ o.c != null ||
+ o.d != null ||
+ o.e != null ||
+ o.f != null
+ )
+ }
+ static formatTransforms (o) {
+ // Get all of the parameters required to form the matrix
+ var flipBoth = o.flip === 'both' || o.flip === true
+ var flipX = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'x') ? -1 : 1
+ var flipY = o.flip && (flipBoth || o.flip === 'y') ? -1 : 1
+ var skewX = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[0]
+ : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew
+ : isFinite(o.skewX) ? o.skewX
+ : 0
+ var skewY = o.skew && o.skew.length ? o.skew[1]
+ : isFinite(o.skew) ? o.skew
+ : isFinite(o.skewY) ? o.skewY
+ : 0
+ var scaleX = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[0] * flipX
+ : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipX
+ : isFinite(o.scaleX) ? o.scaleX * flipX
+ : flipX
+ var scaleY = o.scale && o.scale.length ? o.scale[1] * flipY
+ : isFinite(o.scale) ? o.scale * flipY
+ : isFinite(o.scaleY) ? o.scaleY * flipY
+ : flipY
+ var shear = o.shear || 0
+ var theta = o.rotate || o.theta || 0
+ var origin = new Point(o.origin || o.around || o.ox || o.originX, o.oy || o.originY)
+ var ox = origin.x
+ var oy = origin.y
+ var position = new Point(o.position || o.px || o.positionX, || o.positionY)
+ var px = position.x
+ var py = position.y
+ var translate = new Point(o.translate || o.tx || o.translateX, o.ty || o.translateY)
+ var tx = translate.x
+ var ty = translate.y
+ var relative = new Point(o.relative || o.rx || o.relativeX, o.ry || o.relativeY)
+ var rx = relative.x
+ var ry = relative.y
+ // Populate all of the values
+ return {
+ scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, shear, theta, rx, ry, tx, ty, ox, oy, px, py
+ }
+ }
+ // left matrix, right matrix, target matrix which is overwritten
+ static matrixMultiply (l, r, o) {
+ // Work out the product directly
+ var a = l.a * r.a + l.c * r.b
+ var b = l.b * r.a + l.d * r.b
+ var c = l.a * r.c + l.c * r.d
+ var d = l.b * r.c + l.d * r.d
+ var e = l.e + l.a * r.e + l.c * r.f
+ var f = l.f + l.b * r.e + l.d * r.f
+ // make sure to use local variables because l/r and o could be the same
+ o.a = a
+ o.b = b
+ o.c = c
+ o.d = d
+ o.e = e
+ o.f = f
+ return o
+ }
+ Element: {
+ // Get current matrix
+ ctm () {
+ return new Matrix(this.node.getCTM())
+ },
+ // Get current screen matrix
+ screenCTM () {
+ /*
+ This is needed because FF does not return the transformation matrix
+ for the inner coordinate system when getScreenCTM() is called on nested svgs.
+ However all other Browsers do that */
+ if (typeof this.isRoot === 'function' && !this.isRoot()) {
+ var rect = this.rect(1, 1)
+ var m = rect.node.getScreenCTM()
+ rect.remove()
+ return new Matrix(m)
+ }
+ return new Matrix(this.node.getScreenCTM())
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/Morphable.js b/src/types/Morphable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b12375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Morphable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import { Ease } from '../animation/Controller.js'
+import {
+ delimiter,
+ numberAndUnit,
+ pathLetters
+} from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+import { extend } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import Color from './Color.js'
+import PathArray from './PathArray.js'
+import SVGArray from './SVGArray.js'
+import SVGNumber from './SVGNumber.js'
+export default class Morphable {
+ constructor (stepper) {
+ // FIXME: the default stepper does not know about easing
+ this._stepper = stepper || new Ease('-')
+ this._from = null
+ this._to = null
+ this._type = null
+ this._context = null
+ this._morphObj = null
+ }
+ from (val) {
+ if (val == null) {
+ return this._from
+ }
+ this._from = this._set(val)
+ return this
+ }
+ to (val) {
+ if (val == null) {
+ return this._to
+ }
+ this._to = this._set(val)
+ return this
+ }
+ type (type) {
+ // getter
+ if (type == null) {
+ return this._type
+ }
+ // setter
+ this._type = type
+ return this
+ }
+ _set (value) {
+ if (!this._type) {
+ var type = typeof value
+ if (type === 'number') {
+ this.type(SVGNumber)
+ } else if (type === 'string') {
+ if (Color.isColor(value)) {
+ this.type(Color)
+ } else if (delimiter.test(value)) {
+ this.type(pathLetters.test(value)
+ ? PathArray
+ : SVGArray
+ )
+ } else if (numberAndUnit.test(value)) {
+ this.type(SVGNumber)
+ } else {
+ this.type(NonMorphable)
+ }
+ } else if (morphableTypes.indexOf(value.constructor) > -1) {
+ this.type(value.constructor)
+ } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ this.type(SVGArray)
+ } else if (type === 'object') {
+ this.type(ObjectBag)
+ } else {
+ this.type(NonMorphable)
+ }
+ }
+ var result = (new this._type(value)).toArray()
+ this._morphObj = this._morphObj || new this._type()
+ this._context = this._context ||
+ Array.apply(null, Array(result.length)).map(Object)
+ return result
+ }
+ stepper (stepper) {
+ if (stepper == null) return this._stepper
+ this._stepper = stepper
+ return this
+ }
+ done () {
+ var complete = this._context
+ .map(this._stepper.done)
+ .reduce(function (last, curr) {
+ return last && curr
+ }, true)
+ return complete
+ }
+ at (pos) {
+ var _this = this
+ return this._morphObj.fromArray(
+ (i, index) {
+ return _this._stepper.step(i, _this._to[index], pos, _this._context[index], _this._context)
+ })
+ )
+ }
+export class NonMorphable {
+ constructor (...args) {
+ this.init(...args)
+ }
+ init (val) {
+ val = Array.isArray(val) ? val[0] : val
+ this.value = val
+ }
+ valueOf () {
+ return this.value
+ }
+ toArray () {
+ return [this.value]
+ }
+export class TransformBag {
+ constructor (...args) {
+ this.init(...args)
+ }
+ init (obj) {
+ if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ obj = {
+ scaleX: obj[0],
+ scaleY: obj[1],
+ shear: obj[2],
+ rotate: obj[3],
+ translateX: obj[4],
+ translateY: obj[5],
+ originX: obj[6],
+ originY: obj[7]
+ }
+ }
+ Object.assign(this, TransformBag.defaults, obj)
+ }
+ toArray () {
+ var v = this
+ return [
+ v.scaleX,
+ v.scaleY,
+ v.shear,
+ v.rotate,
+ v.translateX,
+ v.translateY,
+ v.originX,
+ v.originY
+ ]
+ }
+TransformBag.defaults = {
+ scaleX: 1,
+ scaleY: 1,
+ shear: 0,
+ rotate: 0,
+ translateX: 0,
+ translateY: 0,
+ originX: 0,
+ originY: 0
+export class ObjectBag {
+ constructor (...args) {
+ this.init(...args)
+ }
+ init (objOrArr) {
+ this.values = []
+ if (Array.isArray(objOrArr)) {
+ this.values = objOrArr
+ return
+ }
+ var entries = Object.entries(objOrArr || {}).sort((a, b) => {
+ return a[0] - b[0]
+ })
+ this.values = entries.reduce((last, curr) => last.concat(curr), [])
+ }
+ valueOf () {
+ var obj = {}
+ var arr = this.values
+ for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 2) {
+ obj[arr[i]] = arr[i + 1]
+ }
+ return obj
+ }
+ toArray () {
+ return this.values
+ }
+const morphableTypes = [
+ NonMorphable,
+ TransformBag,
+ ObjectBag
+export function registerMorphableType (type = []) {
+ morphableTypes.push(...[].concat(type))
+export function makeMorphable () {
+ extend(morphableTypes, {
+ to (val, args) {
+ return new Morphable()
+ .type(this.constructor)
+ .from(this.valueOf())
+ .to(val, args)
+ },
+ fromArray (arr) {
+ this.init(arr)
+ return this
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/src/patharray.js b/src/types/PathArray.js
index 4432df3..989cd8f 100644
--- a/src/patharray.js
+++ b/src/types/PathArray.js
@@ -1,6 +1,62 @@
-/* globals arrayToString, pathRegReplace */
+import {
+ delimiter,
+ dots,
+ hyphen,
+ isPathLetter,
+ numbersWithDots,
+ pathLetters
+} from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+import { extend } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { subClassArray } from './ArrayPolyfill.js'
+import Point from './Point.js'
+import SVGArray from './SVGArray.js'
+import parser from '../modules/core/parser.js'
+const PathArray = subClassArray('PathArray', SVGArray)
+export default PathArray
+export function pathRegReplace (a, b, c, d) {
+ return c + d.replace(dots, ' .')
-var pathHandlers = {
+function arrayToString (a) {
+ for (var i = 0, il = a.length, s = ''; i < il; i++) {
+ s += a[i][0]
+ if (a[i][1] != null) {
+ s += a[i][1]
+ if (a[i][2] != null) {
+ s += ' '
+ s += a[i][2]
+ if (a[i][3] != null) {
+ s += ' '
+ s += a[i][3]
+ s += ' '
+ s += a[i][4]
+ if (a[i][5] != null) {
+ s += ' '
+ s += a[i][5]
+ s += ' '
+ s += a[i][6]
+ if (a[i][7] != null) {
+ s += ' '
+ s += a[i][7]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return s + ' '
+const pathHandlers = {
M: function (c, p, p0) {
p.x = p0.x = c[0]
p.y = p0.y = c[1]
@@ -52,7 +108,7 @@ var pathHandlers = {
-var mlhvqtcsaz = 'mlhvqtcsaz'.split('')
+let mlhvqtcsaz = 'mlhvqtcsaz'.split('')
for (var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i) {
pathHandlers[mlhvqtcsaz[i]] = (function (i) {
@@ -73,27 +129,14 @@ for (var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i) {
-// Path points array
-SVG.PathArray = function (array, fallback) {
-, array, fallback || [['M', 0, 0]])
-// Inherit from SVG.Array
-SVG.PathArray.prototype = new SVG.Array()
-SVG.PathArray.prototype.constructor = SVG.PathArray
-SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
+extend(PathArray, {
// Convert array to string
- toString: function () {
- return arrayToString(this.value)
- },
- toArray: function () {
- return this.value.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- return [], curr)
- }, [])
+ toString () {
+ return arrayToString(this)
// Move path string
- move: function (x, y) {
+ move (x, y) {
// get bounding box of current situation
var box = this.bbox()
@@ -103,91 +146,94 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
// move every point
- for (var l, i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- l = this.value[i][0]
+ for (var l, i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ l = this[i][0]
if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- this.value[i][1] += x
- this.value[i][2] += y
+ this[i][1] += x
+ this[i][2] += y
} else if (l === 'H') {
- this.value[i][1] += x
+ this[i][1] += x
} else if (l === 'V') {
- this.value[i][1] += y
+ this[i][1] += y
} else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- this.value[i][1] += x
- this.value[i][2] += y
- this.value[i][3] += x
- this.value[i][4] += y
+ this[i][1] += x
+ this[i][2] += y
+ this[i][3] += x
+ this[i][4] += y
if (l === 'C') {
- this.value[i][5] += x
- this.value[i][6] += y
+ this[i][5] += x
+ this[i][6] += y
} else if (l === 'A') {
- this.value[i][6] += x
- this.value[i][7] += y
+ this[i][6] += x
+ this[i][7] += y
return this
// Resize path string
- size: function (width, height) {
+ size (width, height) {
// get bounding box of current situation
var box = this.bbox()
var i, l
// recalculate position of all points according to new size
- for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- l = this.value[i][0]
+ for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ l = this[i][0]
if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- this.value[i][2] = ((this.value[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
+ this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this[i][2] = ((this[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
} else if (l === 'H') {
- this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
} else if (l === 'V') {
- this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
+ this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
} else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- this.value[i][2] = ((this.value[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- this.value[i][3] = ((this.value[i][3] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- this.value[i][4] = ((this.value[i][4] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
+ this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this[i][2] = ((this[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
+ this[i][3] = ((this[i][3] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this[i][4] = ((this[i][4] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
if (l === 'C') {
- this.value[i][5] = ((this.value[i][5] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- this.value[i][6] = ((this.value[i][6] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
+ this[i][5] = ((this[i][5] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this[i][6] = ((this[i][6] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
} else if (l === 'A') {
// resize radii
- this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] * width) / box.width
- this.value[i][2] = (this.value[i][2] * height) / box.height
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] * width) / box.width
+ this[i][2] = (this[i][2] * height) / box.height
// move position values
- this.value[i][6] = ((this.value[i][6] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- this.value[i][7] = ((this.value[i][7] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
+ this[i][6] = ((this[i][6] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this[i][7] = ((this[i][7] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
return this
// Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
- equalCommands: function (pathArray) {
+ equalCommands (pathArray) {
var i, il, equalCommands
- pathArray = new SVG.PathArray(pathArray)
+ pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray)
- equalCommands = this.value.length === pathArray.value.length
- for (i = 0, il = this.value.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
- equalCommands = this.value[i][0] === pathArray.value[i][0]
+ equalCommands = this.length === pathArray.length
+ for (i = 0, il = this.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
+ equalCommands = this[i][0] === pathArray[i][0]
return equalCommands
// Make path array morphable
- morph: function (pathArray) {
- pathArray = new SVG.PathArray(pathArray)
+ morph (pathArray) {
+ pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray)
if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
this.destination = pathArray
@@ -197,15 +243,16 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
return this
// Get morphed path array at given position
- at: function (pos) {
+ at (pos) {
// make sure a destination is defined
if (!this.destination) return this
- var sourceArray = this.value
+ var sourceArray = this
var destinationArray = this.destination.value
var array = []
- var pathArray = new SVG.PathArray()
+ var pathArray = new PathArray()
var i, il, j, jl
// Animate has specified in the SVG spec
@@ -230,10 +277,11 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
pathArray.value = array
return pathArray
// Absolutize and parse path to array
- parse: function (array) {
+ parse (array = [['M', 0, 0]]) {
// if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
- if (array instanceof SVG.PathArray) return array.valueOf()
+ if (array instanceof PathArray) return array
// prepare for parsing
var s
@@ -241,11 +289,11 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
if (typeof array === 'string') {
array = array
- .replace(SVG.regex.numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
- .replace(SVG.regex.pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
- .replace(SVG.regex.hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
- .trim() // trim
- .split(SVG.regex.delimiter) // split into array
+ .replace(numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
+ .replace(pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
+ .replace(hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
+ .trim() // trim
+ .split(delimiter) // split into array
} else {
array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
return [], curr)
@@ -254,14 +302,14 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
// array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
var result = []
- var p = new SVG.Point()
- var p0 = new SVG.Point()
+ var p = new Point()
+ var p0 = new Point()
var index = 0
var len = array.length
do {
// Test if we have a path letter
- if (SVG.regex.isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
+ if (isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
s = array[index]
// If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
@@ -272,18 +320,18 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
- array.slice(index, (index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()])).map(parseFloat),
- p, p0
- )
+ array.slice(index, (index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()])).map(parseFloat),
+ p, p0
+ )
} while (len > index)
return result
// Get bounding box of path
- bbox: function () {
- SVG.parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString())
- return SVG.parser.nodes.path.getBBox()
+ bbox () {
+ parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString())
+ return parser.nodes.path.getBBox()
diff --git a/src/types/Point.js b/src/types/Point.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0adcd90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Point.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { registerMethods } from '../utils/methods.js'
+import parser from '../modules/core/parser.js'
+export default class Point {
+ // Initialize
+ constructor (x, y, base) {
+ let source
+ base = base || { x: 0, y: 0 }
+ // ensure source as object
+ source = Array.isArray(x) ? { x: x[0], y: x[1] }
+ : typeof x === 'object' ? { x: x.x, y: x.y }
+ : { x: x, y: y }
+ // merge source
+ this.x = source.x == null ? base.x : source.x
+ this.y = source.y == null ? base.y : source.y
+ }
+ // Clone point
+ clone () {
+ return new Point(this)
+ }
+ // Convert to native SVGPoint
+ native () {
+ // create new point
+ var point = parser().svg.node.createSVGPoint()
+ // update with current values
+ point.x = this.x
+ point.y = this.y
+ return point
+ }
+ // transform point with matrix
+ transform (m) {
+ // Perform the matrix multiplication
+ var x = m.a * this.x + m.c * this.y + m.e
+ var y = m.b * this.x + m.d * this.y + m.f
+ // Return the required point
+ return new Point(x, y)
+ }
+ Element: {
+ // Get point
+ point: function (x, y) {
+ return new Point(x, y).transform(this.screenCTM().inverse())
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/PointArray.js b/src/types/PointArray.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b246b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/PointArray.js
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import { delimiter } from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+import { extend } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { subClassArray } from './ArrayPolyfill.js'
+import SVGArray from './SVGArray.js'
+const PointArray = subClassArray('PointArray', SVGArray)
+export default PointArray
+extend(PointArray, {
+ // Convert array to string
+ toString () {
+ // convert to a poly point string
+ for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
+ array.push(this[i].join(','))
+ }
+ return array.join(' ')
+ },
+ // Convert array to line object
+ toLine () {
+ return {
+ x1: this[0][0],
+ y1: this[0][1],
+ x2: this[1][0],
+ y2: this[1][1]
+ }
+ },
+ // Get morphed array at given position
+ at (pos) {
+ // make sure a destination is defined
+ if (!this.destination) return this
+ // generate morphed point string
+ for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
+ array.push([
+ this[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this[i][0]) * pos,
+ this[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this[i][1]) * pos
+ ])
+ }
+ return new PointArray(array)
+ },
+ // Parse point string and flat array
+ parse (array = [[0, 0]]) {
+ var points = []
+ // if it is an array
+ if (array instanceof Array) {
+ // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
+ if (array[0] instanceof Array) {
+ return array
+ }
+ } else { // Else, it is considered as a string
+ // parse points
+ array = array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)
+ }
+ // validate points -
+ // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
+ if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop()
+ // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
+ for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
+ points.push([ array[i], array[i + 1] ])
+ }
+ return points
+ },
+ // Move point string
+ move (x, y) {
+ var box = this.bbox()
+ // get relative offset
+ x -= box.x
+ y -= box.y
+ // move every point
+ if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
+ for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this[i] = [this[i][0] + x, this[i][1] + y]
+ }
+ }
+ return this
+ },
+ // Resize poly string
+ size (width, height) {
+ var i
+ var box = this.bbox()
+ // recalculate position of all points according to new size
+ for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (box.width) this[i][0] = ((this[i][0] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ if (box.height) this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
+ }
+ return this
+ },
+ // Get bounding box of points
+ bbox () {
+ var maxX = -Infinity
+ var maxY = -Infinity
+ var minX = Infinity
+ var minY = Infinity
+ this.forEach(function (el) {
+ maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX)
+ maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY)
+ minX = Math.min(el[0], minX)
+ minY = Math.min(el[1], minY)
+ })
+ return { x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/SVGArray.js b/src/types/SVGArray.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3894b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/SVGArray.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import { delimiter } from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+import { extend } from '../utils/adopter.js'
+import { subClassArray } from './ArrayPolyfill.js'
+const SVGArray = subClassArray('SVGArray', Array, function (arr) {
+ this.init(arr)
+export default SVGArray
+extend(SVGArray, {
+ init (arr) {
+ this.length = 0
+ this.push(...this.parse(arr))
+ },
+ toArray () {
+ return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this)
+ },
+ toString () {
+ return this.join(' ')
+ },
+ // Flattens the array if needed
+ valueOf () {
+ const ret = []
+ ret.push(...this)
+ return ret
+ },
+ // Parse whitespace separated string
+ parse (array = []) {
+ // If already is an array, no need to parse it
+ if (array instanceof Array) return array
+ return array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)
+ },
+ clone () {
+ return new this.constructor(this)
+ },
+ toSet () {
+ return new Set(this)
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/SVGNumber.js b/src/types/SVGNumber.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba9741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/SVGNumber.js
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import { numberAndUnit } from '../modules/core/regex.js'
+// Module for unit convertions
+export default class SVGNumber {
+ // Initialize
+ constructor (...args) {
+ this.init(...args)
+ }
+ init (value, unit) {
+ unit = Array.isArray(value) ? value[1] : unit
+ value = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value
+ // initialize defaults
+ this.value = 0
+ this.unit = unit || ''
+ // parse value
+ if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ // ensure a valid numeric value
+ this.value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : !isFinite(value) ? (value < 0 ? -3.4e+38 : +3.4e+38) : value
+ } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ unit = value.match(numberAndUnit)
+ if (unit) {
+ // make value numeric
+ this.value = parseFloat(unit[1])
+ // normalize
+ if (unit[5] === '%') { this.value /= 100 } else if (unit[5] === 's') {
+ this.value *= 1000
+ }
+ // store unit
+ this.unit = unit[5]
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (value instanceof SVGNumber) {
+ this.value = value.valueOf()
+ this.unit = value.unit
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ toString () {
+ return (this.unit === '%' ? ~~(this.value * 1e8) / 1e6
+ : this.unit === 's' ? this.value / 1e3
+ : this.value
+ ) + this.unit
+ }
+ toJSON () {
+ return this.toString()
+ }
+ toArray () {
+ return [this.value, this.unit]
+ }
+ valueOf () {
+ return this.value
+ }
+ // Add number
+ plus (number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number)
+ return new SVGNumber(this + number, this.unit || number.unit)
+ }
+ // Subtract number
+ minus (number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number)
+ return new SVGNumber(this - number, this.unit || number.unit)
+ }
+ // Multiply number
+ times (number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number)
+ return new SVGNumber(this * number, this.unit || number.unit)
+ }
+ // Divide number
+ divide (number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number)
+ return new SVGNumber(this / number, this.unit || number.unit)
+ }
diff --git a/src/types/set.js b/src/types/set.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c755c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/set.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* eslint no-unused-vars: "off" */
+class SVGSet extends Set {
+ // constructor (arr) {
+ // super(arr)
+ // }
+ each (cbOrName, ...args) {
+ if (typeof cbOrName === 'function') {
+ this.forEach((el) => {, el) })
+ } else {
+ this.forEach((el) => {
+ el[cbOrName](...args)
+ })
+ }
+ return this
+ }
diff --git a/src/umd.js b/src/umd.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb8e300..0000000
--- a/src/umd.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-(function(root, factory) {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- define(function(){
- return factory(root, root.document)
- })
- } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
- module.exports = root.document ? factory(root, root.document) : function(w){ return factory(w, w.document) }
- } else {
- root.SVG = factory(root, root.document)
- }
-}(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function(window, document) {
-// Check that our browser supports svg
-var supported = !! document.createElementNS &&
- !! document.createElementNS('','svg').createSVGRect
-// If we don't support svg, just exit without doing anything
-if (!supported)
- return {supported: false}
-// Otherwise, the library will be here
-<%= contents %>
-return SVG
diff --git a/src/use.js b/src/use.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b8e65e..0000000
--- a/src/use.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-SVG.Use = SVG.invent({
- // Initialize node
- create: 'use',
- // Inherit from
- inherit: SVG.Shape,
- // Add class methods
- extend: {
- // Use element as a reference
- element: function (element, file) {
- // Set lined element
- return this.attr('href', (file || '') + '#' + element, SVG.xlink)
- }
- },
- // Add parent method
- construct: {
- // Create a use element
- use: function (element, file) {
- return this.put(new SVG.Use()).element(element, file)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/utilities.js b/src/utilities.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b8ba5..0000000
--- a/src/utilities.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-SVG.utils = {
- // Map function
- map: function (array, block) {
- var i
- var il = array.length
- var result = []
- for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
- result.push(block(array[i]))
- }
- return result
- },
- // Filter function
- filter: function (array, block) {
- var i
- var il = array.length
- var result = []
- for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
- if (block(array[i])) { result.push(array[i]) }
- }
- return result
- },
- // Degrees to radians
- radians: function (d) {
- return d % 360 * Math.PI / 180
- },
- // Radians to degrees
- degrees: function (r) {
- return r * 180 / Math.PI % 360
- },
- filterSVGElements: function (nodes) {
- return this.filter(nodes, function (el) { return el instanceof window.SVGElement })
- }
diff --git a/src/utils/adopter.js b/src/utils/adopter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8017359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/adopter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import { capitalize } from './utils.js'
+import { ns } from '../modules/core/namespaces.js'
+import Base from '../types/Base.js'
+const elements = {}
+export const root = Symbol('root')
+// Method for element creation
+export function makeNode (name) {
+ // create element
+ return document.createElementNS(ns, name)
+export function makeInstance (element) {
+ if (element instanceof Base) return element
+ if (typeof element === 'object') {
+ return adopt(element)
+ }
+ if (element == null) {
+ return new elements[root]()
+ }
+ if (typeof element === 'string' && element.charAt(0) !== '<') {
+ return adopt(document.querySelector(element))
+ }
+ var node = makeNode('svg')
+ node.innerHTML = element
+ // We can use firstChild here because we know,
+ // that the first char is < and thus an element
+ element = adopt(node.firstChild)
+ return element
+export function nodeOrNew (name, node) {
+ return node || makeNode(name)
+// Adopt existing svg elements
+export function adopt (node) {
+ // check for presence of node
+ if (!node) return null
+ // make sure a node isn't already adopted
+ if (node.instance instanceof Base) return node.instance
+ if (!(node instanceof window.SVGElement)) {
+ return new elements.HtmlNode(node)
+ }
+ // initialize variables
+ var element
+ // adopt with element-specific settings
+ if (node.nodeName === 'svg') {
+ element = new elements[root](node)
+ } else if (node.nodeName === 'linearGradient' || node.nodeName === 'radialGradient') {
+ element = new elements.Gradient(node)
+ } else if (elements[capitalize(node.nodeName)]) {
+ element = new elements[capitalize(node.nodeName)](node)
+ } else {
+ element = new elements.Bare(node)
+ }
+ return element
+export function register (element, name =, asRoot = false) {
+ elements[name] = element
+ if (asRoot) elements[root] = element
+ return element
+export function getClass (name) {
+ return elements[name]
+// Element id sequence
+let did = 1000
+// Get next named element id
+export function eid (name) {
+ return 'Svgjs' + capitalize(name) + (did++)
+// Deep new id assignment
+export function assignNewId (node) {
+ // do the same for SVG child nodes as well
+ for (var i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ assignNewId(node.children[i])
+ }
+ if ( {
+ return adopt(node).id(eid(node.nodeName))
+ }
+ return adopt(node)
+// Method for extending objects
+export function extend (modules, methods) {
+ var key, i
+ modules = Array.isArray(modules) ? modules : [modules]
+ for (i = modules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ for (key in methods) {
+ modules[i].prototype[key] = methods[key]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/utils/methods.js b/src/utils/methods.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2373445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/methods.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+const methods = {}
+const constructors = {}
+export function registerMethods (name, m) {
+ if (Array.isArray(name)) {
+ for (let _name of name) {
+ registerMethods(_name, m)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ for (let [_name, _m] of Object.entries(name)) {
+ registerMethods(_name, _m)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ methods[name] = Object.assign(methods[name] || {}, m)
+export function getMethodsFor (name) {
+ return methods[name] || {}
+export function registerConstructor (name, setup) {
+ constructors[name] = setup
+export function getConstructor (name) {
+ return constructors[name] ? { setup: constructors[name], name } : {}
diff --git a/src/utils/utils.js b/src/utils/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c9111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Map function
+export function map (array, block) {
+ var i
+ var il = array.length
+ var result = []
+ for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
+ result.push(block(array[i]))
+ }
+ return result
+// Filter function
+export function filter (array, block) {
+ var i
+ var il = array.length
+ var result = []
+ for (i = 0; i < il; i++) {
+ if (block(array[i])) { result.push(array[i]) }
+ }
+ return result
+// Degrees to radians
+export function radians (d) {
+ return d % 360 * Math.PI / 180
+// Radians to degrees
+export function degrees (r) {
+ return r * 180 / Math.PI % 360
+// Convert dash-separated-string to camelCase
+export function camelCase (s) {
+ return s.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function (m, g) {
+ return g.toUpperCase()
+ })
+// Capitalize first letter of a string
+export function capitalize (s) {
+ return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)
+// Calculate proportional width and height values when necessary
+export function proportionalSize (element, width, height) {
+ if (width == null || height == null) {
+ var box = element.bbox()
+ if (width == null) {
+ width = box.width / box.height * height
+ } else if (height == null) {
+ height = box.height / box.width * width
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ width: width,
+ height: height
+ }
+export function getOrigin (o, element) {
+ // Allow origin or around as the names
+ let origin = o.origin // o.around == null ? o.origin : o.around
+ let ox, oy
+ // Allow the user to pass a string to rotate around a given point
+ if (typeof origin === 'string' || origin == null) {
+ // Get the bounding box of the element with no transformations applied
+ const string = (origin || 'center').toLowerCase().trim()
+ const { height, width, x, y } = element.bbox()
+ // Calculate the transformed x and y coordinates
+ let bx = string.includes('left') ? x
+ : string.includes('right') ? x + width
+ : x + width / 2
+ let by = string.includes('top') ? y
+ : string.includes('bottom') ? y + height
+ : y + height / 2
+ // Set the bounds eg : "bottom-left", "Top right", "middle" etc...
+ ox = o.ox != null ? o.ox : bx
+ oy = o.oy != null ? o.oy : by
+ } else {
+ ox = origin[0]
+ oy = origin[1]
+ }
+ // Return the origin as it is if it wasn't a string
+ return [ ox, oy ]