path: root/dist/svg.js
diff options
authorwout <wout@impinc.co.uk>2012-12-17 12:56:09 +0100
committerwout <wout@impinc.co.uk>2012-12-17 12:56:09 +0100
commit9ba8a780e0da4de4839df119f1d57d7f6327b1c6 (patch)
tree3463301418df7260ad326d5cda2aea06f5943cd9 /dist/svg.js
parent10fd4e46ed729b6471074d925d3a3e611b13688e (diff)
Included dist files
Diffstat (limited to 'dist/svg.js')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/svg.js b/dist/svg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63c8780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/svg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+/* svg.js 0.1 - svg container object element document defs shape rect circle ellipse path image group clip_path - svgjs.com/license */
+(function() {
+ var SVG = {
+ namespace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
+ xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
+ createElement: function(e) {
+ return document.createElementNS(this.namespace, e);
+ }
+ };
+ this.SVG = SVG;
+ SVG.Container = {
+ add: function(e) {
+ return this.addAt(e);
+ },
+ addAt: function(e, i) {
+ if (!this.contains(e)) {
+ i = i == null ? this.children().length : i;
+ this.children().splice(i, 0, e);
+ this.svgElement.insertBefore(e.svgElement, this.svgElement.childNodes[i + 1]);
+ e.parent = this;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ contains: function(e) {
+ return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.children(), e) >= 0;
+ },
+ children: function() {
+ return this._children || [];
+ },
+ sendBack: function(e) {
+ var i = this.children().indexOf(e);
+ if (i !== -1)
+ return this.remove(e).addAt(e, i - 1);
+ },
+ bringForward: function(e) {
+ var i = this.children().indexOf(e);
+ if (i !== -1)
+ return this.remove(e).addAt(e, i + 1);
+ },
+ bringToFront: function(e) {
+ if (this.contains(e))
+ this.remove(e).add(e);
+ return this;
+ },
+ sendToBottom: function(e) {
+ if (this.contains(e))
+ this.remove(e).addAt(e, 0);
+ return this;
+ },
+ remove: function(e) {
+ return this.removeAt(this.children().indexOf(e));
+ },
+ removeAt: function(i) {
+ if (0 <= i && i < this.children().length) {
+ var e = this.children()[i];
+ this.children().splice(i, 1);
+ this.svgElement.removeChild(e.svgElement);
+ e.parent = null;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ defs: function() {
+ if (this._defs == null) {
+ this._defs = new SVG.Defs();
+ this.add(this._defs);
+ }
+ return this._defs;
+ },
+ group: function() {
+ var e = new SVG.Group();
+ this.add(e);
+ return e;
+ },
+ rect: function(v) {
+ return this.place(new SVG.Rect(), v);
+ },
+ circle: function(v) {
+ var g;
+ if (v != null) {
+ g = { x: v.x, y: v.y };
+ if (v.r || v.radius)
+ g.width = g.height = (v.r || v.radius) * 2;
+ else
+ g.width = g.height = v.width || v.height;
+ }
+ return this.place(new SVG.Circle(), g);
+ },
+ ellipse: function(v) {
+ var g;
+ if (v != null) {
+ g = { x: v.x, y: v.y };
+ if (v.width) g.width = v.width;
+ if (v.height) g.height = v.height;
+ if (v.rx) g.width = v.rx * 2;
+ if (v.ry) g.height = v.ry * 2;
+ }
+ return this.place(new SVG.Ellipse(), g);
+ },
+ path: function(v) {
+ return this.place(new SVG.Path(), v);
+ },
+ image: function(v) {
+ return this.place(new SVG.Image(), v);
+ },
+ place: function(e, v) {
+ if (v != null) {
+ if (v.x != null && v.y != null)
+ e.move(v.x, v.y);
+ if (v.width != null && v.height != null)
+ e.size(v.width, v.height);
+ if (v.data != null)
+ e.data(v.data);
+ if (v.src != null)
+ e.load(v.src);
+ }
+ this.add(e);
+ return e;
+ }
+ };
+ Object.prototype.include = function(module) {
+ for (var key in module)
+ this.prototype[key] = module[key];
+ if (module.included != null)
+ module.included.apply(this);
+ return this;
+ };
+ SVG.Element = function Element(svgElement) {
+ this.svgElement = svgElement;
+ this.attributes = {};
+ };
+ //-D // inherit from SVG.Object
+ //-D SVG.Element.prototype = new SVG.Object();
+ // move element to given x and y values
+ SVG.Element.prototype.move = function(x, y) {
+ this.setAttribute('x', x);
+ this.setAttribute('y', y);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // set element opacity
+ SVG.Element.prototype.opacity = function(o) {
+ return this.setAttribute('opacity', Math.max(0, Math.min(1, o)));
+ };
+ // set element size to given width and height
+ SVG.Element.prototype.size = function(w, h) {
+ this.setAttribute('width', w);
+ this.setAttribute('height', h);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // clip element using another element
+ SVG.Element.prototype.clip = function(block) {
+ var p = this.parentSVG().defs().clipPath();
+ block(p);
+ return this.clipTo(p);
+ };
+ // distribute clipping path to svg element
+ SVG.Element.prototype.clipTo = function(p) {
+ return this.setAttribute('clip-path', 'url(#' + p.id + ')');
+ };
+ // remove element
+ SVG.Element.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ return this.parent != null ? this.parent.remove(this) : void 0;
+ };
+ // get parent document
+ SVG.Element.prototype.parentDoc = function() {
+ return this._findParent(SVG.Document);
+ };
+ // get parent svg wrapper
+ SVG.Element.prototype.parentSVG = function() {
+ return this.parentDoc();
+ };
+ // set svg element attribute
+ SVG.Element.prototype.setAttribute = function(a, v, ns) {
+ this.attributes[a] = v;
+ if (ns != null)
+ this.svgElement.setAttributeNS(ns, a, v);
+ else
+ this.svgElement.setAttribute(a, v);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // set svg element attribute
+ SVG.Element.prototype.attr = function(v) {
+ if (typeof v == 'object')
+ for (var k in v)
+ this.setAttribute(k, v[k]);
+ else if (arguments.length == 2)
+ this.setAttribute(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // get bounding box
+ SVG.Element.prototype.getBBox = function() {
+ return this.svgElement.getBBox();
+ };
+ // private: find svg parent
+ SVG.Element.prototype._findParent = function(pt) {
+ var e = this;
+ while (e != null && !(e instanceof pt))
+ e = e.parent;
+ return e;
+ };
+ SVG.Document = function Document(c) {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('svg'));
+ this.setAttribute('xmlns', SVG.namespace);
+ this.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
+ this.setAttribute('xlink', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', SVG.namespace);
+ document.getElementById(c).appendChild(this.svgElement);
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Element
+ SVG.Document.prototype = new SVG.Element();
+ // include the container object
+ SVG.Document.include(SVG.Container);
+ SVG.Defs = function Defs() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('defs'));
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Element
+ SVG.Defs.prototype = new SVG.Element();
+ // define clippath
+ SVG.Defs.prototype.clipPath = function() {
+ var e = new SVG.ClipPath();
+ this.add(e);
+ return e;
+ };
+ // include the container object
+ SVG.Defs.include(SVG.Container);
+ SVG.Shape = function Shape(element) {
+ this.constructor.call(this, element);
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Element
+ SVG.Shape.prototype = new SVG.Element();
+ // set fill color and opacity
+ SVG.Shape.prototype.fill = function(fill) {
+ if (fill.color != null)
+ this.setAttribute('fill', fill.color);
+ if (fill.opacity != null)
+ this.setAttribute('fill-opacity', fill.opacity);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // set stroke color and opacity
+ SVG.Shape.prototype.stroke = function(stroke) {
+ if (stroke.color != null)
+ this.setAttribute('stroke', stroke.color);
+ if (stroke.width != null)
+ this.setAttribute('stroke-width', stroke.width);
+ if (stroke.opacity != null)
+ this.setAttribute('stroke-opacity', stroke.opacity);
+ if (this.attributes['fill-opacity'] == null)
+ this.fill({ opacity: 0 });
+ return this;
+ };
+ SVG.Rect = function Rect() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('rect'));
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Shape
+ SVG.Rect.prototype = new SVG.Shape();
+ SVG.Circle = function Circle() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('circle'));
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Shape
+ SVG.Circle.prototype = new SVG.Shape();
+ // custom move function
+ SVG.Circle.prototype.move = function(x, y) {
+ this.attributes.x = x;
+ this.attributes.y = y;
+ this.center();
+ return this;
+ };
+ // custom size function
+ SVG.Circle.prototype.size = function(w, h) {
+ this.setAttribute('r', w / 2);
+ this.center();
+ return this;
+ };
+ // private: center
+ SVG.Circle.prototype.center = function(cx, cy) {
+ var r = this.attributes.r || 0;
+ this.setAttribute('cx', cx || ((this.attributes.x || 0) + r));
+ this.setAttribute('cy', cy || ((this.attributes.y || 0) + r));
+ };
+ SVG.Ellipse = function Ellipse() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('ellipse'));
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Shape
+ SVG.Ellipse.prototype = new SVG.Shape();
+ // custom move function
+ SVG.Ellipse.prototype.move = function(x, y) {
+ this.attributes.x = x;
+ this.attributes.y = y;
+ this.center();
+ return this;
+ };
+ // custom size function
+ SVG.Ellipse.prototype.size = function(w, h) {
+ this.setAttribute('rx', w / 2);
+ this.setAttribute('ry', h / 2);
+ this.center();
+ return this;
+ };
+ SVG.Ellipse.prototype.center = function(cx, cy) {
+ this.setAttribute('cx', cx || ((this.attributes.x || 0) + (this.attributes.rx || 0)));
+ this.setAttribute('cy', cy || ((this.attributes.y || 0) + (this.attributes.ry || 0)));
+ };
+ SVG.Path = function Path() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('path'));
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Shape
+ SVG.Path.prototype = new SVG.Shape();
+ // set path data
+ SVG.Path.prototype.data = function(d) {
+ this.setAttribute('d', d);
+ return this;
+ };
+ SVG.Image = function Image() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('image'));
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Element
+ SVG.Image.prototype = new SVG.Element();
+ // (re)load image
+ SVG.Image.prototype.load = function(url) {
+ this.setAttribute('href', url, SVG.xlink);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // include the container object
+ SVG.Image.include(SVG.Container);
+ SVG.Group = function Group() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement("g"));
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Element
+ SVG.Group.prototype = new SVG.Element();
+ // group rotation
+ SVG.Group.prototype.rotate = function(d) {
+ this.setAttribute('transform', 'rotate(' + d + ')');
+ return this;
+ };
+ // include the container object
+ SVG.Group.include(SVG.Container);
+ var clipID = 0;
+ SVG.ClipPath = function ClipPath() {
+ this.constructor.call(this, SVG.createElement('clipPath'));
+ this.id = '_' + (clipID++);
+ this.setAttribute('id', this.id);
+ };
+ // inherit from SVG.Element
+ SVG.ClipPath.prototype = new SVG.Element();
+ // include the container object
+ SVG.ClipPath.include(SVG.Container);