path: root/spec
diff options
authorUlrich-Matthias Schäfer <>2018-10-18 12:37:55 +0200
committerUlrich-Matthias Schäfer <>2018-10-18 12:37:55 +0200
commitf46aedf58fbc93483cb21017ffed10e439830108 (patch)
tree2633bc1034a4fceaca977f45ef386ecc07abe519 /spec
parente9ec77f512b01f067b20e037385f4e8074cb4bdb (diff)
fix tests
Diffstat (limited to 'spec')
6 files changed, 2912 insertions, 2997 deletions
diff --git a/spec/SpecRunner.html b/spec/SpecRunner.html
index 2a9b8d8..cdc31de 100644
--- a/spec/SpecRunner.html
+++ b/spec/SpecRunner.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
<!-- include spec files here... -->
- <!--
<script src="spec/adopter.js"></script>
<script src="spec/arrange.js"></script>
<script src="spec/array.js"></script>
@@ -77,15 +77,15 @@
<script src="spec/ellipse.js"></script>
<script src="spec/event.js"></script>
<script src="spec/fx.js"></script>
- <script src="spec/gradient.js"></script>-->
+ <script src="spec/gradient.js"></script>
<script src="spec/helper.js"></script>
- <!--<script src="spec/hyperlink.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/hyperlink.js"></script>
<script src="spec/image.js"></script>
<script src="spec/line.js"></script>
<script src="spec/marker.js"></script>
- <script src="spec/mask.js"></script>-->
- <!--<script src="spec/matrix.js"></script>-->
- <!--<script src="spec/number.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/mask.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/matrix.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/number.js"></script>
<script src="spec/path.js"></script>
<script src="spec/pattern.js"></script>
<script src="spec/point.js"></script>
@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@
<script src="spec/tspan.js"></script>
<script src="spec/use.js"></script>
<script src="spec/utils.js"></script>
- <script src="spec/viewbox.js"></script> -->
+ <script src="spec/viewbox.js"></script>
<script src="spec/morphing.js"></script>
<script src="spec/animator.js"></script>
<script src="spec/runner.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/queue.js"></script>
diff --git a/spec/spec/event.js b/spec/spec/event.js
index 5f12172..6329151 100644
--- a/spec/spec/event.js
+++ b/spec/spec/event.js
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ describe('Event', function() {
rect.on('event.namespace bla keepthis', action)'event.namespace bla .bar')
diff --git a/spec/spec/fx.js b/spec/spec/fx.js
index e813cf1..365a196 100644
--- a/spec/spec/fx.js
+++ b/spec/spec/fx.js
@@ -1,2867 +1,2867 @@
-describe('FX', function() {
- var rect, fx, undefined;
- beforeEach(function() {
- rect = draw.rect(100,100).move(100,100)
- fx = rect.animate(500)
- jasmine.clock().install()
- jasmine.clock().mockDate() // This freeze the Date
- })
- afterEach(function() {
- jasmine.clock().uninstall()
- fx.stop(false, true)
- })
- it('creates an instance of SVG.FX and sets parameter', function() {
- expect(fx instanceof SVG.FX).toBe(true)
- expect(fx._target).toBe(rect)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.lastPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.paused).toBe(false)
- expect(
- expect(fx._speed).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situations).toEqual([])
- expect(fx.situation.init).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.situation.duration).toBe(500)
- expect(fx.situation.delay).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.animations).toEqual({})
- expect(fx.situation.attrs).toEqual({})
- expect(fx.situation.styles).toEqual({})
- expect(fx.situation.transforms).toEqual([])
- expect(fx.situation.once).toEqual({})
- })
- describe('animate()', function () {
- it('set duration, ease and delay of the new situation to their default value when they are not passed', function() {
- var defaultDuration = 1000
- , defaultEase = SVG.easing['-']
- , defaultDelay = 0
- , lastSituation = fx.animate().last()
- expect(lastSituation.duration).toBe(defaultDuration)
- expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(defaultEase)
- expect(lastSituation.delay).toBe(defaultDelay)
- })
- it('use the passed values to set duration, ease and delay of the new situation', function() {
- var duration = 14502
- , ease = '>'
- , delay = 450
- , lastSituation = fx.animate(duration, ease, delay).last()
- expect(lastSituation.duration).toBe(duration)
- expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(SVG.easing[ease])
- expect(lastSituation.delay).toBe(delay)
- })
- it('allow duration, ease and delay to be passed in an object', function() {
- var o = {
- duration: 7892
- , ease: '<'
- , delay: 1145
- }
- , lastSituation = fx.animate(o).last()
- expect(lastSituation.duration).toBe(o.duration)
- expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(SVG.easing[o.ease])
- expect(lastSituation.delay).toBe(o.delay)
- })
- it('allow ease to be a custom function', function () {
- var customEase = function() {}
- , lastSituation = fx.animate({ease: customEase}).last()
- expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(customEase)
- })
- })
- describe('target()', function(){
- it('returns the current fx object with no argument given', function(){
- expect(
- })
- it('changes the target of the animation when parameter given', function(){
- var c =
- expect(
- })
- })
- describe('timeToAbsPos()', function() {
- it('converts a timestamp to an absolute progress', function() {
- expect(fx.timeToAbsPos( fx.situation.start + fx.situation.duration*0.5 )).toBe(0.5)
- })
- it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
- var spd
- spd = 4
- fx.speed(spd)
- expect(fx.timeToAbsPos( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.5 )).toBe(0.5)
- spd = 0.5
- fx.speed(spd)
- expect(fx.timeToAbsPos( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.25 )).toBe(0.25)
- })
- })
- describe('absPosToTime()', function() {
- it('converts an absolute progress to a timestamp', function() {
- expect(fx.absPosToTime(0.5)).toBe( fx.situation.start + fx.situation.duration*0.5 )
- })
- it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
- var spd
- spd = 4
- fx.speed(spd)
- expect(fx.absPosToTime(0.5)).toBe( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.5 )
- spd = 0.5
- fx.speed(spd)
- expect(fx.absPosToTime(0.25)).toBe( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.25 )
- })
- })
- describe('atStart()', function () {
- it('sets the animation at the start', function() {
- // When the animation is running forward, the start position is 0
- fx.pos = 0.5
- expect(fx.atStart().pos).toBe(0)
- // When the animation is running backward, the start position is 1
- fx.pos = 0.5
- expect(fx.reverse(true).atStart().pos).toBe(1)
- })
- it('sets the animation at the start, before any loops', function() {
- fx.loop(true)
- // When the animation is running forward, the start position is 0
-, true)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(3.7)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(0.7)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(3)
- fx.atStart()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- // When the animation is running backward, the start position is 1
- fx.reverse(true).at(2.14, true)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(2.14)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - 0.14)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- fx.atStart()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- })
- it('sets the animation at the start, before any loops when reversing is true', function() {
- fx.loop(true, true) // Set reversing to true
- // When the animation is running forward, the start position is 0
-, true)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(11.21)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - 0.21)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(11)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- fx.atStart()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- // When the animation is running backward, the start position is 1
- fx.reverse(true).at(14.10, true)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(14.10)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - 0.10)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(14)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- fx.atStart()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- })
- })
- describe('atEnd()', function () {
- it('sets the animation at the end', function() {
- // When the animation is running forward, the end position is 1
- fx.pos = 0.5
- expect(fx.atEnd().pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate()
- // When the animation is running backward, the end position is 0
- fx.pos = 0.5
- expect(fx.reverse(true).atEnd().pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- it('sets the animation at the end, after all loops', function() {
- var loops
- // When the animation is running forward, the end position is 1
- loops = 12
- fx.loop(loops).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate()
- // When the animation is running backward, the end position is 0
- loops = 21
- fx.reverse(true).loop(loops).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- it('sets the animation at the end, after all loops when reversing is true', function() {
- var loops
- // When reversing is true, the end position is 0 when loops is even and
- // 1 when loops is odd
- // The animation is running forward
- loops = 6
- fx.loop(loops, true).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because loops is even
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate()
- // When reversing is true and the animation is running backward,
- // the end position is 1 when loops is even and 0 when loops is odd
- // The animation is running backward
- loops = 3
- fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because loops is odd
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- it('sets the animation at the end of the current iteration when in an infinite loop', function () {
- // When the animation is running forward, the end position is 1
- fx.loop(true).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- // Should be halfway through iteration 10
- jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 10 + 250)
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(10.5)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(10)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(11)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate(500)
- // When the animation is running backward, the end position is 0
- fx.reverse(true).loop(true).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- // Should be halfway through iteration 21
- jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 21 + 250)
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(21.5)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(21)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(22)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- it('sets the animation at the end of the current iteration when in an infinite loop and reversing is true', function () {
- // When reversing is true, the end position is 1 when ending on an even
- // iteration and 0 when ending on an odd iteration as illustrated below:
- // 0 Iteration 1
- // |--------------0------------->|
- // |<-------------1--------------|
- // |--------------2------------->|
- // |<-------------3--------------|
- // ...
- // The animation is running forward
- fx.loop(true, true).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- // Should be halfway through iteration 11
- jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 11 + 250)
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(11.5)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(11)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(12)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because ended on a odd iteration
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate(500)
- // When reversing is true and the animation is running backward,
- // the end position is 0 when ending on an even iteration and
- // 1 when ending on an odd iteration as illustrated below:
- // 0 Iteration 1
- // |<-------------0--------------|
- // |--------------1------------->|
- // |<-------------2--------------|
- // |--------------3------------->|
- // ...
- // The animation is running backward
- fx.reverse(true).loop(true).start().step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- // Should be halfway through iteration 42
- jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 42 + 250)
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(42.5)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(42)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- fx.atEnd()
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(43)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because ended on an even iteration
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- })
- describe('at()', function() {
- it('sets the progress to the specified position', function() {
- var pos
- // Animation running forward
- pos = 0.5
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * pos)
- // Animation running backward
- pos = 0.4
- expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(pos)
- expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * (1-pos))
- })
- it('should convert a position to an absolute position', function () {
- var pos, loop, absPos
- fx.loop(true)
- // Animation running forward
- pos = 0.7
- loop = 4
- absPos = pos+loop
- fx.situation.loop = loop
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * absPos)
- // Animation running backward
- pos = 0.23
- loop = 9
- absPos = (1-pos)+loop
- fx.situation.loop = loop
- fx.situation.reversed = true
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * absPos)
- })
- it('should end the animation when the end position is passed', function() {
- var pos
- fx.start()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).not.toBeNull()
- // When running forward, the end position is 1
- pos = 1
- expect(
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate().start()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).not.toBeNull()
- // When running backward, the end position is 0
- pos = 0
- expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(pos)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- it('correct the passed position when it is out of [0,1] and the animation is not looping', function () {
- var pos
- pos = -0.7
- expect(
- pos = 1.3
- expect(
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate()
- // Should work even when animation is running backward
- pos = 1.3
- expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(1)
- pos = -0.7
- expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(0)
- })
- it('should, when the animation is looping and the passed position is out of [0,1], use the integer part of postion to update the loop counter and set position to its fractional part', function(){
- var loop, pos, posFrac, posInt
- // Without the reverse flag
- fx.loop(10)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(10)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
- pos = 1.3
- posFrac = pos % 1
- posInt = pos - posFrac
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
- pos = 7.723
- posFrac = pos % 1
- posInt = pos - posFrac
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
- // In this case, pos is above the remaining number of loops, so we expect
- // the position to be set to 1 and the animation to be ended
- pos = 4.3
- posFrac = pos % 1
- posInt = pos - posFrac
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- fx.animate()
- // With the reverse flag, the position is reversed each time loop is odd
- fx.loop(10, true)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(10)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- pos = 3.3
- posFrac = pos % 1
- posInt = pos - posFrac
- expect( // Animation is reversed because 0+3 is odd
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- // When the passed position is below 0, the integer part of position is
- // substracted from 1, so, in this case, -0.6 has 1 as is integer part
- // This is necessary so we can add something to the loop counter
- pos = -0.645
- posFrac = (1-pos) % 1
- posInt = (1-pos) - posFrac
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- // In this case, pos is above the remaining number of loop, so we expect
- // the position to be set to 0 (since we end reversed) and the animation to
- // be ended
- pos = 7.2
- posFrac = pos % 1
- posInt = pos - posFrac
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- it('should, when the animation is in a infinite loop and the passed position is out of [0,1], use the integer part of postion to update the loop counter and set position to its fractional part', function(){
- var loop, pos, posFrac, posInt
- // Without the reverse flag
- fx.loop(true)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
- pos = 10.34
- posFrac = pos % 1
- posInt = pos - posFrac
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
- // With the reverse flag, the position is reversed each time loop is odd
- fx.loop(true, true)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- pos = 3.3
- posFrac = pos % 1
- posInt = pos - posFrac
- expect( // Animation is reversed because 3+0 is odd
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- pos = -8.41
- posFrac = (1-pos) % 1
- posInt = (1-pos) - posFrac
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- })
- it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
- var dur, spd
- dur = fx.situation.duration
- spd = 4
- fx.speed(spd).at(0)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
- spd = 5
- fx.speed(spd).at(0.15)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
- spd = 0.25
- fx.speed(spd).at(0.75)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
- spd = 0.5
- fx.speed(spd).at(0.83)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
- })
- it('should consider the first parameter as an absolute position when the second parameter is true', function() {
- var absPos
- fx.loop(true)
- absPos = 3.2
- expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- absPos = -4.27
- expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- absPos = 0
- expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- absPos = 1
- expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- })
- })
- describe('start()', function(){
- it('starts the animation', function() {
- fx.start()
- expect(
- jasmine.clock().tick(200)
- fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
- expect(fx.pos).toBeGreaterThan(0)
- })
- it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
- var dur = 500
- , delay = 300
- , spd = 4
- fx.stop().animate(dur, '-', delay).speed(spd).start()
- expect(fx.situation.finish - new Date).toBe(delay/spd + dur/spd)
- })
- it('should do the delay', function() {
- fx.situation.delay = 1000
- expect(fx.start().active).toBe(true)
- jasmine.clock().tick(501)
- fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
- expect(
- jasmine.clock().tick(501)
- fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
- expect(
- jasmine.clock().tick(501)
- fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
- expect(
- })
- })
- describe('delay()', function() {
- it('should push an empty situation with its duration attribute set to the duration of the delay', function() {
- var delay = 8300
- fx.delay(delay)
- expect(fx.situations[0].duration).toBe(delay)
- })
- })
- describe('pause()', function() {
- it('pause the animation', function() {
- expect(fx.pause().paused).toBe(true)
- })
- })
- describe('play()', function() {
- it('returns itself when animation not paused', function() {
- expect(fx.paused).toBe(false)
- expect(
- })
- it('unpause the animation', function() {
- var start = fx.start().pause().situation.start
- jasmine.clock().tick(200)
- expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(start)
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.start).not.toBe(start)
- })
- it('should not change the position when the animation is unpaused while it is set to run backward', function(){
- var pos = 0.4
- expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pause().play().pos).toBe(pos)
- })
- it('should be able to unpause the delay', function () {
- fx.stop().animate(500, '-', 300).start().step()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(-0.6)
- // At this point, we should have an animation of 500 ms with a delay of
- // 300 ms that should be running.
- jasmine.clock().tick(150)
- // Should be halfway through the delay
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(-0.3)
- expect(fx.pause().paused).toBe(true) // Pause the delay
- jasmine.clock().tick(150)
- // Unpause, should still be halfway through the delay
- expect(
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(-0.3)
- jasmine.clock().tick(150)
- // Delay should be done
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- jasmine.clock().tick(500)
- // Animation and delay should be done
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(1)
- })
- })
- describe('speed()', function() {
- it('set the speed of the animation', function(){
- var dur, spd
- dur = fx.situation.duration
- spd = 2
- fx.speed(spd)
- expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
- spd = 0.5
- fx.speed(spd)
- expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
- spd = 2
- expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
- spd = 1
- fx.speed(spd)
- expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
- expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur)
- })
- it('should not change the position when the animation is run backward', function(){
- var pos = 0.4
- expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).speed(2).pos).toBe(pos)
- })
- it('return the current speed with no argument given', function(){
- var spd
- spd = 2
- fx._speed = spd
- expect(fx.speed()).toBe(spd)
- spd = 0.5
- fx._speed = spd
- expect(fx.speed()).toBe(spd)
- spd = 1
- fx._speed = spd
- expect(fx.speed()).toBe(spd)
- })
- it('pause the animation when a speed of 0 is passed', function(){
- var spd = fx._speed
- expect(fx.speed(0)).toBe(fx)
- expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
- expect(fx.paused).toBe(true)
- })
- it('should affect all animations in the queue', function(){
- fx.speed(2).animate(300)
- expect(fx.situations.length).not.toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).not.toBe(1)
- // At this point, there should be 2 animations in the queue to be played:
- // the one of 500ms that is added before every test and the one of 300ms
- // we just added. Normally, it would take 800ms before both of these
- // animations are done, but because we set the speed to 2, it should
- // only take 400ms to do both animations.
- fx.start().step()
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- // Should be playing the second animation
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).not.toBe(1)
- jasmine.clock().tick(150) // 400ms have passed
- // All animations should be done
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- })
- it('should affect the delay', function() {
- fx.stop().animate(500, '-', 300).start().step()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(-0.6)
- fx.speed(2)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(-0.6)
- // At this point, we should have an animation of 500 ms with a delay of
- // 300 ms that should be running. Normally, it would take 800 ms for the
- // animation and its delay to complete, but because the speed is set to 2
- // , it should only take 400ms
- jasmine.clock().tick(75)
- // Should be halfway through the delay
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(-0.3)
- jasmine.clock().tick(75)
- // Delay should be done
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- // Animation and delay should be done
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(1)
- })
- })
- describe('reverse()', function() {
- it('toggles the direction of the animation without a parameter', function() {
- expect(fx.reverse().situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- })
- it('sets the direction to backwards with true given', function() {
- expect(fx.reverse(true).situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- })
- it('sets the direction to forwards with false given', function() {
- expect(fx.reverse(false).situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- })
- })
- describe('queue()', function() {
- it('can add a situation to the queue', function() {
- var situation = new SVG.Situation({duration: 1000, delay: 0, ease: SVG.easing['-']})
- fx.queue(situation)
- expect(fx.situations[0]).toBe(situation)
- })
- it('can add a function to the queue', function() {
- var f = function(){}
- fx.queue(f)
- expect(fx.situations[0]).toBe(f)
- })
- it('should set the situation attribute before pushing something in the situations queue', function(){
- var situation = new SVG.Situation({duration: 1000, delay: 0, ease: SVG.easing['-']})
- // Clear the animation that is created before each test
- fx.stop()
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- fx.queue(situation)
- expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- })
- })
- describe('dequeue()', function() {
- it('should pull the next situtation from the queue', function() {
- var situation = new SVG.Situation({duration: 1000, delay: 0, ease: SVG.easing['-']})
- fx.queue(situation)
- expect(fx.situtation).not.toBe(situation)
- expect(fx.situations[0]).toBe(situation)
- fx.dequeue()
- expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- })
- it('initialize the animation pulled from the queue to its start position', function() {
- // When the animation is forward, the start position is 0
- fx.animate()
- fx.pos = 0.5
- expect(fx.dequeue().pos).toBe(0)
- // When the animation backward, the start position is 1
- fx.animate().reverse(true)
- fx.pos = 0.5
- expect(fx.dequeue().pos).toBe(1)
- })
- it('when the first element of the queue is a function, it should execute it', function() {
- var called = false
- fx.queue(function(){
- called = true
- expect(this).toBe(fx)
- this.dequeue()
- }).dequeue()
- expect(called).toBe(true)
- })
- it('should stop the currently running animation when there is one', function() {
- fx.start()
- expect(
- fx.queue(function() {
- expect(
- this.dequeue()
- })
- fx.dequeue()
- })
- })
- describe('stop()', function() {
- it('stops the animation immediately without a parameter', function() {
- fx.animate(500).start()
- expect(fx.stop().situation).toBeNull()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(1)
- })
- it('stops the animation immediately and fullfill it if first parameter true', function() {
- fx.animate(500).start()
- expect(fx.stop(true).situation).toBeNull()
- expect(
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(1)
- })
- it('stops the animation immediately and remove all items from queue when second parameter true', function() {
- fx.animate(500).start()
- expect(fx.stop(false, true).situation).toBeNull()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- })
- })
- describe('reset()', function() {
- it('resets the element to the state it was when the current animation was started', function() {
- var loops = 4
- , situation = fx.situation
- // These settings make the animations run backward
- fx.situation.loop = 2
- fx.situation.loops = loops
- fx.situation.reversed = true
- fx.pos = 0.5
- fx.absPos = 2.5
- fx.reset()
- expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true) // True because the animation is backward
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- })
- })
- describe('finish()', function() {
- it('finish the whole animation by fullfilling every single one', function() {
- fx.animate(500)
- expect(fx.finish().pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- })
- describe('progress()', function() {
- it('returns the current position', function() {
- expect(fx.progress()).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.progress()).toBe(fx.pos)
- })
- it('returns the current position as eased value if fist argument is true', function() {
- var anim = draw.rect(100,100).animate(500,'>').start()
- expect(anim.progress(true)).toBe(0)
- expect(anim.progress(true)).toBeCloseTo(anim.situation.ease(0.25))
- })
- })
- describe('after()', function() {
- it('adds a callback which is called when the current animation is finished', function() {
- var called = false
- fx.start().after(function(situation){
- expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- called = true
- })
- jasmine.clock().tick(500)
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(true)
- })
- })
- describe('afterAll()', function() {
- it('adds a callback which is called when all animations are finished', function() {
- var called = false
- fx.animate(150).animate(125).start().afterAll(function(){
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- called = true
- })
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(2)
- // End of the first animation
- jasmine.clock().tick(500)
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(1)
- expect(called).toBe(false)
- // End of the second animation
- jasmine.clock().tick(150)
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- expect(called).toBe(false)
- // End of the third and last animation
- jasmine.clock().tick(125)
- fx.step()
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- expect(called).toBe(true)
- })
- })
- describe('during()', function() {
- it('adds a callback which is called on every animation step', function() {
- var called = 0
- fx.start().during(function(pos, morph, eased, situation){
- expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
- switch(++called) {
- case 1:
- expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.25)
- break
- case 2:
- expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.5)
- break
- case 3:
- expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.65)
- break
- case 4:
- expect(pos).toBe(1)
- break
- }
- expect(morph(0, 100)).toBeCloseTo(pos*100)
- })
- jasmine.clock().tick(125)
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(1)
- jasmine.clock().tick(125) // 250 ms have passed
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(2)
- jasmine.clock().tick(75) // 325 ms have passed
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(3)
- jasmine.clock().tick(175) // 500 ms have passed
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(4)
- })
- })
- describe('duringAll()', function() {
- it('adds a callback which is called on every animation step for the whole chain', function() {
- fx.finish()
- fx.animate(500).start().animate(500)
- var sit = null
- var pos1 = false
- var pos2 = false
- fx.duringAll(function(pos, morph, eased, situation){
- if(pos1){
- pos1 = false
- sit = situation
- expect(this.fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(0.6)
- }
- if(pos2){
- pos2 = null
- expect(situation).not.toBe(sit)
- expect(this.fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(0.75)
- }
- })
- pos1 = true
- jasmine.clock().tick(300)
- fx.step()
- jasmine.clock().tick(200) // End of the first animation
- fx.step()
- pos2 = true
- jasmine.clock().tick(375)
- fx.step()
- if(pos1 || pos2) {
- fail('Not enough situations called')
- }
- })
- })
- describe('once()', function() {
- it('adds a callback which is called once at the specified position', function() {
- var called = false
- fx.start().once(0.5, function(pos, eased){
- called = true
- expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.5)
- })
- jasmine.clock().tick(125)
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(false)
- jasmine.clock().tick(125) // 250 ms have passed
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(true)
- })
- it('adds the callback on the last situation', function () {
- var callback = function () {}
- fx.animate(500).animate(500).once(0.5, callback)
- expect(fx.situation.once['0.5']).toBeUndefined()
- expect(fx.situations[0].once['0.5']).toBeUndefined()
- expect(fx.situations[1].once['0.5']).toBe(callback)
- })
- })
- describe('loop()', function() {
- it('should create an eternal loop when no arguments are given', function() {
- var time = 10523, dur = fx.situation.duration
- fx.loop()
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- fx.start().step()
- jasmine.clock().tick(time)
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe( Math.floor(time/dur) )
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- })
- it('should create an eternal loop when the first argument is true', function() {
- var time = 850452, dur = fx.situation.duration
- fx.loop(true)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- fx.start().step()
- jasmine.clock().tick(time)
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe( Math.floor(time/dur) )
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- })
- it('should loop for the specified number of times', function() {
- var time = 0, dur = fx.situation.duration
- fx.loop(3)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- fx.start().step()
- jasmine.clock().tick(200)
- time = 200
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- jasmine.clock().tick(550)
- time += 550 // time at 750
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- jasmine.clock().tick(570)
- time += 570 // time at 1320
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- jasmine.clock().tick(180)
- time += 180 // time at 1500
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(3)
- })
- it('should go from beginning to end and start over again (0->1.0->1.0->1.) by default', function() {
- var time = 0, dur = fx.situation.duration
- fx.loop(2)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- fx.start().step()
- jasmine.clock().tick(325)
- time = 325
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- jasmine.clock().tick(575)
- time += 575 // time at 900
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- jasmine.clock().tick(200)
- time += 200 // time at 1100
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(2)
- })
- it('should be completely reversed before starting over (0->1->0->1->0->1.) when the reverse flag is passed', function() {
- var time = 0, dur = fx.situation.duration
- fx.loop(2, true)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
- fx.start().step()
- jasmine.clock().tick(325)
- time = 325
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- jasmine.clock().tick(575)
- time += 575 // time at 900
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - (time/dur) % 1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
- jasmine.clock().tick(200)
- time += 200 // time at 1100
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(2)
- })
- it('should be applied on the last situation', function() {
- fx.loop(5)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(5)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
- fx.animate().loop(3, true)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(5)
- expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
- var c = fx.last()
- expect(c.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(c.loops).toBe(3)
- expect(c.reversing).toBe(true)
- })
- it('should be possible to call it with false as the first argument', function() {
- fx.situation.loops = true
- fx.loop(false)
- expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(false)
- })
- })
- describe('step()', function() {
- it('should not recalculate the absolute position if the first parameter is true', function() {
- var absPos
- // We shift start to help us see if the absolute position get recalculated
- // If it get recalculated, the result would be 0.5
- fx.situation.start -= 250
- absPos = 0.4
- fx.absPos = absPos
- expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- absPos = 0
- fx.absPos = absPos
- expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- absPos = -3.7
- fx.absPos = absPos
- expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- absPos = 1
- fx.absPos = absPos
- expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
- })
- it('should not allow an absolute position to be above the end', function() {
- var absPos, loops
- // With no loops, absolute position should not go above 1
- absPos = 4.26
- fx.absPos = absPos
- expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- // With loops, absolute position should not go above loops
- loops = 4
- absPos = 7.42
- fx.absPos = absPos
- expect(fx.loop(loops).step(true).absPos).toBe(loops)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- describe('when converting an absolute position to a position', function() {
- it('should, when the absolute position is below the maximum number of loops, use the integer part of the absolute position to set the loop counter and use its fractional part to set the position', function(){
- var absPos, absPosFrac, absPosInt, loops
- // Without the reverse flag
- loops = 12
- absPos = 4.52
- absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
- absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
- fx.stop().animate()
- loops = true
- absPos = 2.57
- absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
- absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
- fx.stop().animate()
- // With the reverse flag, the position is reversed at each odd loop
- loops = 412
- absPos = 6.14
- absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
- absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- fx.stop().animate()
- loops = true
- absPos = 5.12
- absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
- absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1-absPosFrac) // Odd loop, so it is reversed
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- fx.stop().animate()
- // When the animation is set to run backward, it is the opposite, the position is reversed at each even loop
- loops = 14
- absPos = 8.46
- absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
- absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1-absPosFrac) // Even loop, so it is reversed
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
- fx.stop().animate()
- loops = true
- absPos = 3.12
- absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
- absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- })
- it('should, when the absolute position is above or equal to the the maximum number of loops, set the position to its end value and end the animation', function() {
- var absPos, loops
- // Without the reverse flag, the end value of position is 1
- loops = 6
- absPos = 13.52
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- loops = false
- absPos = 146.22
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- // With the reverse flag, the end value of position is 0 when loops is even and 1 when loops is an odd number or false
- loops = 6
- absPos = 6
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // Even loops
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- loops = false
- absPos = 4.47
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1) // 1 since loops is false
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- // When the animation is set to run backward, it is the opposite, the end value of position is 1 when loops is even and 0 when loops is an odd number or false
- loops = 8
- absPos = 12.65
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1) // Even loops
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
- loops = 11
- absPos = 12.41
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // Odd loops
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- })
- it('should set the position to its start value when the absolute position is below 0', function() {
- var absPos
- // When the animation is not set to run backward the start value is 0
- absPos = -2.27
- fx.loop(7)
- fx.situation.loop = 3
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(absPos)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- fx.stop().animate()
- // When the animation is set to run backward the start value is 1
- absPos = -4.12
- fx.absPos = absPos
- fx.reverse(true).step(true)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
- expect(fx.absPos).toBe(absPos)
- })
- it('should, when looping with the reverse flag, toggle reversed only when the difference between the new value of loop counter and its old value is odd', function() {
- // The new value of the loop counter is the integer part of absPos
- fx.loop(9, true)
- expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
- fx.absPos = 3
- fx.step(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true) // (3-0) is odd
- fx.absPos = 1
- fx.step(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true) // (1-3) is even
- fx.absPos = 6
- fx.step(true)
- expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false) // (6-1) is odd
- fx.absPos = 9
- fx.step(true)
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- expect(fx.pos).toBe(1) // It should end not reversed, which mean the position is expected to be 1
- // ((9-1)-6) is even, the -1 is because we do not want reversed to be toggled after the last loop
- })
- })
- it('should not throw an error when stop is called in a during callback', function () {
- fx.move(100,100).start()
- fx.during(function () {this.stop()})
- expect(fx.step.bind(fx)).not.toThrow()
- })
- it('should not throw an error when finish is called in a during callback', function () {
- fx.move(100,100).start()
- fx.during(function () {this.finish()})
- expect(fx.step.bind(fx)).not.toThrow()
- })
- it('should not set active to false if the afterAll callback add situations to the situations queue', function () {
- fx.afterAll(function(){this.animate(500).move(0,0)})
- jasmine.clock().tick(500)
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).not.toBeNull()
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- jasmine.clock().tick(500)
- fx.step()
- expect(
- expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
- expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
- })
- })
- it('animates the x/y-attr', function() {
- var called = false
- fx.move(200,200).after(function(){
- expect(rect.x()).toBe(200)
- expect(rect.y()).toBe(200)
- called = true
- })
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.x()).toBeGreaterThan(100)
- expect(rect.y()).toBeGreaterThan(100)
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- fx.step()
- expect(called).toBe(true)
- })
- // it('animates matrix', function() {
- // var ctm, called = false
- //
- // fx.transform({a:0.8, b:0.4, c:-0.15, d:0.7, e: 90.3, f: 27.07}).after(function(){
- //
- // var ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBeCloseTo(0.8)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBeCloseTo(0.4)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBeCloseTo(-0.15)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBeCloseTo(0.7)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBeCloseTo(90.3)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBeCloseTo(27.07)
- // called = true
- //
- // })
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- // fx.step()
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBeLessThan(1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBeGreaterThan(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBeLessThan(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBeGreaterThan(0)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBeGreaterThan(0)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBeGreaterThan(0)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- // fx.step()
- // expect(called).toBe(true)
- // })
- // it('animate a scale transform using the passed center point when there is already a transform in place', function(){
- // var ctm
- //
- // // When no ceter point is passed to the method scale, it use the center of the element as the center point
- //
- // rect.scale(2) // The transform in place
- //
- // fx.scale(0.5)
- // jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(75)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(75)
- // })
- // it('animate a flip(x) transform', function() {
- // var ctm
- //
- // fx.transform({flip: 'x'}).start()
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(75)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(300)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
- // })
- // it('animate a flip(x) transform with an offset', function() {
- // var ctm
- //
- // fx.transform({flip: 'x', offset: 20}).start()
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(10)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(40)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
- // })
- // it('animate a flip(y) transform', function() {
- // var ctm
- //
- // fx.transform({flip: 'y'}).start()
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(75)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(300)
- // })
- // it('animate a flip(y) transform with an offset', function() {
- // var ctm
- //
- // fx.transform({flip: 'y', offset: 20}).start()
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(10)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(40)
- // })
- // it('animate a flip() transform', function() {
- // var ctm
- //
- // fx.transform({flip: 'both'}).start()
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(75)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(75)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(300)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(300)
- // })
- // it('animate a flip() transform with an offset', function() {
- // var ctm
- //
- // fx.transform({flip: 'both', offset: 20}).start()
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(10)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(10)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(40)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(40)
- // })
- // it('animate relative matrix transform', function(){
- // var ctm
- //
- // fx.transform(new SVG.Matrix().scale(2,0,0), true)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1.5)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1.5)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
- //
- // jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- // fx.step()
- //
- // ctm = rect.ctm()
- // expect(ctm.a).toBe(2)
- // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.d).toBe(2)
- // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
- // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
- // })
- describe('when animating plots', function() {
- it('should allow plot animations to be chained', function() {
- var pathString1 = 'M10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80'
- , pathString2 = 'M10 80 C 40 150, 65 150, 95 80 S 150 10, 180 80'
- , path = draw.path(pathString1)
- , morph
- fx = path.animate(1000).plot(pathString2).animate(1000).plot(pathString1)
- morph = new SVG.PathArray(pathString1).morph(pathString2)
- fx.start()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the first animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the first animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- morph = new SVG.PathArray(pathString2).morph(pathString1)
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the second animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the second animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- })
- it('should allow plot to be called on a polyline', function() {
- var startValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50]]
- , endValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50], [250,100], [300,50], [350,50]]
- , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
- , polyline = draw.polyline(startValue)
- fx = polyline.animate(3000).plot(endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(polyline.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(polyline.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(polyline.array()).toEqual(
- })
- it('should allow plot to be called on a polygon', function() {
- var startValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50]]
- , endValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50], [250,100], [300,50], [350,50]]
- , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
- , polygon = draw.polygon(startValue)
- fx = polygon.animate(3000).plot(endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(polygon.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(polygon.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(polygon.array()).toEqual(
- })
- it('should allow plot to be called on a path', function() {
- var startValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80')
- , endValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 150, 65 150, 95 80 S 150 10, 180 80')
- , morph = new SVG.PathArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
- , path = draw.path(startValue)
- fx = path.animate(2000).plot(endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1000) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1000) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(path.array()).toEqual(
- })
- it('should allow plot to be called on a textpath', function() {
- var startValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80')
- , endValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 150, 65 150, 95 80 S 150 10, 180 80')
- , morph = new SVG.PathArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
- , textPath
- var text = draw.text(function(add) {
- add.tspan("We go up and down, then we go down, then up again")
- })
- textPath = text.path(startValue)
- fx = textPath.animate(500).plot(endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(textPath.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(textPath.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(textPath.array()).toEqual(
- })
- it('should allow plot to be called on a line', function() {
- var startValue = '0,0 100,150'
- , endValue = [[50,30], [120,250]]
- , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
- , line = draw.line(startValue)
- fx = line.animate(3000).plot(endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(line.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(line.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(line.array()).toEqual(
- })
- it('should allow plot to be called with 4 parameters on a line', function () {
- var startPointArray = new SVG.PointArray('0,0 100,150')
- , endPointArray = new SVG.PointArray([[50,30], [120,250]])
- , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startPointArray).morph(endPointArray)
- , a
- a = startPointArray.value
- var line = draw.line(a[0][0], a[0][1], a[1][0], a[1][1])
- a = endPointArray.value
- fx = line.animate(3000).plot(a[0][0], a[0][1], a[1][0], a[1][1])
- fx.start()
- expect(line.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(line.array()).toEqual(
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(line.array()).toEqual(
- })
- })
- describe('when animating attributes', function() {
- it('should be possible to animate numeric attributes', function () {
- var startValue = 0
- , endValue = 150
- , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
- var text = draw.text(function(add) {
- add.tspan('We go ')
- add.tspan('up').fill('#f09').dy(-40)
- add.tspan(', then we go down, then up again').dy(40)
- })
- var path = 'M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100'
- var textPath = text.path(path).font({ size: 42.5, family: 'Verdana' })
- textPath.attr('startOffset', startValue)
- fx = textPath.animate(1000).attr('startOffset', endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
- })
- it('should be possible to animate non-numeric attributes', function () {
- var startValue = 'butt'
- , endValue = 'round'
- , line = draw.line('0,0 100,150').attr('stroke-linecap', startValue)
- fx = line.animate(3000).attr('stroke-linecap', endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(line.attr('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(line.attr('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(line.attr('stroke-linecap')).toBe(endValue)
- })
- it('should be possible to animate color attributes by using SVG.Color', function() {
- var startValue = 'rgb(42,251,100)'
- , endValue = 'rgb(10,80,175)'
- , morph = new SVG.Color(startValue).morph(endValue)
- rect.attr('fill', startValue)
- fx.attr('fill', endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(rect.attr('fill')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.attr('fill')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.attr('fill')).toBe(
- })
- it('should be possible to pass percentage strings to numeric attributes', function () {
- var startValue = '0%'
- , endValue = '80%'
- , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
- var text = draw.text(function(add) {
- add.tspan('We go ')
- add.tspan('up').fill('#f09').dy(-40)
- add.tspan(', then we go down, then up again').dy(40)
- })
- var path = 'M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100'
- var textPath = text.path(path).font({ size: 42.5, family: 'Verdana' })
- textPath.attr('startOffset', startValue)
- fx = textPath.animate(1000).attr('startOffset', endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
- })
- it('should allow 0 to be specified without unit', function () {
- // This code snippet come from issue #552
- var gradient = draw.gradient('linear', function(add) {
- s1 = add.stop(0, '#33235b')
- s2 = add.stop(0.5, '#E97639')
- s3 = add.stop(1, '#33235b')
- })
- var r1, r2;
- var fill = draw.pattern('300%', '100%', function(add) {
- r1 = add.rect('150%', '100%').fill(gradient)
- r2 = add.rect('150%', '100%').fill(gradient)
- });
- fill.attr({patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'})
- r1.attr('x', 0).animate('0.5s').attr('x', '150%')
- r2.attr('x', '-150%').animate('0.5s').attr('x', 0)
- var text = draw.text('Manifesto').move('50%', '50%').fill(fill)
- text.font({
- size: 70
- , anchor: 'middle'
- , leading: 1
- })
- r1.fx.start()
- r2.fx.start()
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- r1.fx.step()
- r2.fx.step()
- expect(r1.attr('x')).toBe('75%')
- expect(r2.attr('x')).toBe('-75%')
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- r1.fx.step()
- r2.fx.step()
- expect(r1.attr('x')).toBe('150%')
- expect(r2.attr('x')).toBe('0%')
- })
- })
- describe('when animating styles', function() {
- it('should be possible to animate numeric styles', function () {
- var startValue = 0
- , endValue = 5
- , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
- rect.css('stroke-width', startValue)
- fx.css('stroke-width', endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
- })
- it('should be possible to animate non-numeric styles', function () {
- var startValue = 'butt'
- , endValue = 'round'
- , line = draw.line('0,0 100,150').css('stroke-linecap', startValue)
- fx = line.animate(3000).css('stroke-linecap', endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(line.css('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(line.css('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
- jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(line.css('stroke-linecap')).toBe(endValue)
- })
- it('should be possible to animate color styles by using SVG.Color', function() {
- var startValue = '#81DE01'
- , endValue = '#B1835D'
- , morph = new SVG.Color(startValue).morph(endValue)
- rect.css('fill', startValue)
- fx.css('fill', endValue)
- fx.start()
- // When setting a style color, it get saved as a rgb() string even if it was passed as an hex code
- // The style rgb string has spaces while the one returned by SVG.Color do not as show bellow
- // CSS: rgb(255, 255, 255) SVG.Color: rgb(255,255,255)
- // The space in the style rbg string are removed so they can be equal
- expect(rect.css('fill').replace(/\s+/g, '')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.css('fill').replace(/ /g, '')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.css('fill').replace(/ /g, '')).toBe(
- })
- it('should be possible to pass percentage strings to numeric styles', function () {
- var startValue = '0%'
- , endValue = '5%'
- , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
- rect.css('stroke-width', startValue)
- fx.css('stroke-width', endValue)
- fx.start()
- expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
- })
- it('should allow 0 to be specified without a unit', function () {
- var r1 = draw.rect(100,100).move(200,200)
- , r2 = draw.rect(100,100).move(400,400)
- r1.css('stroke-width', '100%').animate(500).css('stroke-width', 0)
- r2.css('stroke-width', 0).animate(500).css('stroke-width', '100%')
- r1.fx.start()
- r2.fx.start()
- expect(r1.css('stroke-width')).toBe('100%')
- expect(r2.css('stroke-width')).toBe('0%')
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
- r1.fx.step()
- r2.fx.step()
- expect(r1.css('stroke-width')).toBe('50%')
- expect(r2.css('stroke-width')).toBe('50%')
- jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
- r1.fx.step()
- r2.fx.step()
- expect(r1.css('stroke-width')).toBe('0%')
- expect(r2.css('stroke-width')).toBe('100%')
- })
- })
- describe('add()', function() {
- it('adds to animations obj by default', function() {
- fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20))
- expect(fx.situation.animations.x.value).toBe(20)
- })
- it('adds to specified obj', function() {
- fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'animations')
- fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'attrs')
- fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'styles')
- expect(fx.situation.animations.x.value).toBe(20)
- expect(fx.situation.attrs.x.value).toBe(20)
- expect(fx.situation.styles.x.value).toBe(20)
- })
- })
- describe('attr()', function() {
- it('should allow an object to be passed', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'attr').and.callThrough()
- fx.attr({
- x: 20,
- y: 20
- })
- expect(fx.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20)
- expect(fx.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', 20)
- })
- it('should call add() with attrs as method', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.attr('x', 20)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20, 'attrs')
- })
- })
- describe('css()', function() {
- it('should allow an object to be passed', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'css').and.callThrough()
- fx.css({
- x: 20,
- y: 20
- })
- expect(fx.css).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20)
- expect(fx.css).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', 20)
- })
- it('should call add() with styles as method', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.css('x', 20)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20, 'styles')
- })
- })
- describe('x() / y()', function() {
- it('should add an entry to the animations obj', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.x(20)
- fx.y(20)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- })
- it('allows relative move with relative flag set', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.x(20, true)
- fx.y(20, true)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20, relative:true }))
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20, relative:true }))
- })
- it('redirects to transform when target is a group', function() {
- var group =
- , fx = group.animate(500)
- spyOn(fx, 'transform')
- fx.x(20)
- fx.y(20)
- expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({x: 20}, undefined)
- expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({y: 20}, undefined)
- })
- it('redirects to transform when target is a group with relative flag set', function() {
- var group =
- , fx = group.animate(500)
- spyOn(fx, 'transform')
- fx.x(20, true)
- fx.y(20, true)
- expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({x: 20}, true)
- expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({y: 20}, true)
- })
- })
- describe('cx() / cy()', function() {
- it('should call add with method and argument', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('cx', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('cy', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- })
- })
- describe('move()', function() {
- it('should redirect call to x() and y()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'x').and.callThrough()
- spyOn(fx, 'y').and.callThrough()
- fx.move(20, 20)
- expect(fx.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(20)
- expect(fx.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(20)
- })
- })
- describe('center()', function() {
- it('should redirect call to cx() and cy()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'cx').and.callThrough()
- spyOn(fx, 'cy').and.callThrough()
-, 20)
- expect(
- expect(
- })
- })
- describe('size()', function() {
- it('should set font-size with attr() when called on a text', function() {
- var text = draw.text('Hello World')
- , fx = text.animate(500)
- spyOn(fx, 'attr')
- fx.size(20)
- expect(fx.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith('font-size', 20)
- })
- it('should set width and height with add()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
- fx.size(20, 20)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- })
- it('should calculate proportional size when only height or width is given', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
- fx.size(40, null)
- fx.size(null, 60)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:40}))
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:40}))
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:60}))
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:60}))
- })
- })
- describe('width()', function() {
- it('should set width with add()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
- fx.width(20)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- })
- it('should animate the width attribute', function() {
- fx.width(200)
- expect(rect.width()).toBe(100)
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.width()).toBe(150)
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.width()).toBe(200)
- })
- })
- describe('height()', function() {
- it('should set height with add()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
- fx.height(20)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
- })
- it('should animate the height attribute', function() {
- fx.height(200)
- expect(rect.height()).toBe(100)
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.height()).toBe(150)
- jasmine.clock().tick(250)
- fx.step()
- expect(rect.height()).toBe(200)
- })
- })
- describe('plot()', function() {
- it('should call add with plot as method', function() {
- var polyline = draw.polyline('10 10 20 20 30 10 50 20')
- , fx = polyline.animate(500)
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.plot('5 5 30 29 40 19 12 30')
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('plot', new SVG.PointArray('5 5 30 29 40 19 12 30'))
- })
- it('also accept parameter list', function() {
- var line = draw.line('10 10 20 20')
- , fx = line.animate(500)
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.plot(5, 5, 10, 10)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('plot', new SVG.PointArray([5, 5, 10, 10]))
- })
- })
- describe('leading()', function() {
- it('should call add with method and argument', function() {
- var text = draw.text('Hello World')
- , fx = text.animate(500)
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.leading(3)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('leading', jasmine.objectContaining({value:3}))
- })
- it('does nothiing when not called on text', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.leading(3)
- expect(fx.add).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- describe('viewbox()', function() {
- it('should call add with method and argument', function() {
- var nested = draw.nested()
- , fx = nested.animate(500)
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.viewbox(1,2,3,4)
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('viewbox', jasmine.objectContaining({x:1, y:2, width:3, height:4}))
- })
- it('does nothing when not called on SVG.Container', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.viewbox(1,2,3,4)
- expect(fx.add).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- describe('update()', function() {
- it('should convert call with 3 arguments to call with obj', function() {
- var stop = new SVG.Stop()
- , fx = stop.animate()
- spyOn(fx, 'update').and.callThrough()
- fx.update(1,'#ccc',0.5)
- expect(fx.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({offset: 1, color: '#ccc', opacity: 0.5})
- })
- it('calls add with method argument and attrs as type', function() {
- var stop = new SVG.Stop()
- , fx = stop.animate()
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.update({offset: 1, color: '#ccc', opacity: 0.5})
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stop-opacity', 0.5, 'attrs')
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stop-color', '#ccc', 'attrs')
- expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('offset', 1, 'attrs')
- })
- it('does nothing when not called on SVG.Stop', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'add')
- fx.update({offset: 1, color: '#ccc', opacity: 0.5})
- expect(fx.add).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- // describe('transform()', function() {
- // it('returns itself when no valid transformation was found', function() {
- // expect(fx.transform({})).toBe(fx)
- // })
- // it('gets the current transforms', function() {
- // expect(fx.transform()).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(rect).extract())
- // })
- // it('gets a certain transformation if used with an argument', function() {
- // expect(fx.transform('x')).toEqual(0)
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when matrix given', function() {
- // var matrix = new SVG.Matrix(1,2,3,4,5,6)
- // fx.transform(matrix)
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(matrix))
- // })
- // it('sets relative flag when given', function() {
- // var matrix = new SVG.Matrix(1,2,3,4,5,6)
- // fx.transform(matrix, true)
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(matrix))
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0].relative).toBe(true)
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when rotation given', function() {
- // fx.transform({rotation: 30, cx:0, cy:0})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Rotate(30, 0, 0)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when scale given', function() {
- // fx.transform({scale: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Scale(2, 2, 0, 0)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when scaleX given', function() {
- // fx.transform({scaleX: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Scale(2, 1, 0, 0)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when scaleY given', function() {
- // fx.transform({scaleY: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Scale(1, 2, 0, 0)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when skewX given', function() {
- // fx.transform({skewX: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Skew(2, 0, 0, 0)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when skewY given', function() {
- // fx.transform({skewY: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Skew(0, 2, 0, 0)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when flip x given', function() {
- // fx.transform({flip: 'x'})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining((new SVG.Matrix()).flip('x', 150)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when flip x with offset given', function() {
- // fx.transform({flip: 'x', offset: 100})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining((new SVG.Matrix()).flip('x', 100)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when flip y given', function() {
- // fx.transform({flip: 'y'})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining((new SVG.Matrix()).flip('y', 150)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when x given', function() {
- // fx.transform({x:20})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Translate(20, undefined)))
- // })
- // it('adds an entry to transforms when y given', function() {
- // fx.transform({y:20})
- // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Translate(undefined, 20)))
- // })
- // })
- /* shortcuts for animation */
- describe('animate()', function() {
- it('creates a new fx instance on the element', function() {
- var rect = draw.rect(100,100)
- rect.animate(100)
- expect(rect.fx instanceof SVG.FX).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('redirects the call to fx.animate()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'animate')
- rect.animate()
- expect(fx.animate).toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- describe('delay()', function() {
- it('creates a new fx instance on the element', function() {
- var rect = draw.rect(100,100)
- rect.delay(100)
- expect(rect.fx instanceof SVG.FX).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('redirects the call to fx.delay()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'delay')
- rect.delay(5)
- expect(fx.delay).toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- describe('stop()', function() {
- it('redirects the call to fx.stop()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'stop')
- rect.stop()
- expect(fx.stop).toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- describe('finish()', function() {
- it('redirects the call to fx.finish()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'finish')
- rect.finish()
- expect(fx.finish).toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- describe('pause()', function() {
- it('redirects the call to fx.pause()', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'pause')
- rect.pause()
- expect(fx.pause).toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
- describe('play()', function() {
- it('redirects the call to', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'play')
- expect(
- })
- })
- describe('speed()', function() {
- it('redirects the call to fx.speed() as getter', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'speed')
- rect.speed()
- expect(fx.speed).toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- it('redirects the call to fx.speed() as setter', function() {
- spyOn(fx, 'speed').and.callThrough()
- expect(rect.speed(5)).toBe(rect)
- expect(fx.speed).toHaveBeenCalled()
- })
- })
-describe('SVG.MorphObj', function() {
- it('accepts color strings and converts them to SVG.Color', function() {
- var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('#000', '#fff')
- expect(obj instanceof SVG.Color).toBeTruthy()
- obj = new SVG.MorphObj('rgb(0,0,0)', 'rgb(255,255,255)')
- expect(obj instanceof SVG.Color).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('accepts numbers and converts them to SVG.Number', function() {
- var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('0', '10')
- expect(obj instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
- var obj = new SVG.MorphObj(0, 10)
- expect(obj instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('accepts any other values', function() {
- var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('Hello', 'World')
- expect(obj.value).toBe('Hello')
- expect(obj.destination).toBe('World')
- })
- it('morphes unmorphable objects with plain morphing', function() {
- var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('Hello', 'World')
- expect(,0)).toBe('Hello')
- expect(,0.5)).toBe('Hello')
- expect(,1)).toBe('World')
- })
- it('converts to its value when casted', function() {
- var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('Hello', 'World')
- expect(obj.valueOf()).toBe('Hello')
- expect(obj + 'World').toBe('HelloWorld')
- })
+// describe('FX', function() {
+// var rect, fx, undefined;
+// beforeEach(function() {
+// rect = draw.rect(100,100).move(100,100)
+// fx = rect.animate(500)
+// jasmine.clock().install()
+// jasmine.clock().mockDate() // This freeze the Date
+// })
+// afterEach(function() {
+// jasmine.clock().uninstall()
+// fx.stop(false, true)
+// })
+// it('creates an instance of SVG.FX and sets parameter', function() {
+// expect(fx instanceof SVG.FX).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx._target).toBe(rect)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.lastPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.paused).toBe(false)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx._speed).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situations).toEqual([])
+// expect(fx.situation.init).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.situation.duration).toBe(500)
+// expect(fx.situation.delay).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.animations).toEqual({})
+// expect(fx.situation.attrs).toEqual({})
+// expect(fx.situation.styles).toEqual({})
+// expect(fx.situation.transforms).toEqual([])
+// expect(fx.situation.once).toEqual({})
+// })
+// describe('animate()', function () {
+// it('set duration, ease and delay of the new situation to their default value when they are not passed', function() {
+// var defaultDuration = 1000
+// , defaultEase = SVG.easing['-']
+// , defaultDelay = 0
+// , lastSituation = fx.animate().last()
+// expect(lastSituation.duration).toBe(defaultDuration)
+// expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(defaultEase)
+// expect(lastSituation.delay).toBe(defaultDelay)
+// })
+// it('use the passed values to set duration, ease and delay of the new situation', function() {
+// var duration = 14502
+// , ease = '>'
+// , delay = 450
+// , lastSituation = fx.animate(duration, ease, delay).last()
+// expect(lastSituation.duration).toBe(duration)
+// expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(SVG.easing[ease])
+// expect(lastSituation.delay).toBe(delay)
+// })
+// it('allow duration, ease and delay to be passed in an object', function() {
+// var o = {
+// duration: 7892
+// , ease: '<'
+// , delay: 1145
+// }
+// , lastSituation = fx.animate(o).last()
+// expect(lastSituation.duration).toBe(o.duration)
+// expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(SVG.easing[o.ease])
+// expect(lastSituation.delay).toBe(o.delay)
+// })
+// it('allow ease to be a custom function', function () {
+// var customEase = function() {}
+// , lastSituation = fx.animate({ease: customEase}).last()
+// expect(lastSituation.ease).toBe(customEase)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('target()', function(){
+// it('returns the current fx object with no argument given', function(){
+// expect(
+// })
+// it('changes the target of the animation when parameter given', function(){
+// var c =
+// expect(
+// })
+// })
+// describe('timeToAbsPos()', function() {
+// it('converts a timestamp to an absolute progress', function() {
+// expect(fx.timeToAbsPos( fx.situation.start + fx.situation.duration*0.5 )).toBe(0.5)
+// })
+// it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
+// var spd
+// spd = 4
+// fx.speed(spd)
+// expect(fx.timeToAbsPos( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.5 )).toBe(0.5)
+// spd = 0.5
+// fx.speed(spd)
+// expect(fx.timeToAbsPos( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.25 )).toBe(0.25)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('absPosToTime()', function() {
+// it('converts an absolute progress to a timestamp', function() {
+// expect(fx.absPosToTime(0.5)).toBe( fx.situation.start + fx.situation.duration*0.5 )
+// })
+// it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
+// var spd
+// spd = 4
+// fx.speed(spd)
+// expect(fx.absPosToTime(0.5)).toBe( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.5 )
+// spd = 0.5
+// fx.speed(spd)
+// expect(fx.absPosToTime(0.25)).toBe( fx.situation.start + (fx.situation.duration/spd)*0.25 )
+// })
+// })
+// describe('atStart()', function () {
+// it('sets the animation at the start', function() {
+// // When the animation is running forward, the start position is 0
+// fx.pos = 0.5
+// expect(fx.atStart().pos).toBe(0)
+// // When the animation is running backward, the start position is 1
+// fx.pos = 0.5
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).atStart().pos).toBe(1)
+// })
+// it('sets the animation at the start, before any loops', function() {
+// fx.loop(true)
+// // When the animation is running forward, the start position is 0
+//, true)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(3.7)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(0.7)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(3)
+// fx.atStart()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// // When the animation is running backward, the start position is 1
+// fx.reverse(true).at(2.14, true)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(2.14)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - 0.14)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// fx.atStart()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// })
+// it('sets the animation at the start, before any loops when reversing is true', function() {
+// fx.loop(true, true) // Set reversing to true
+// // When the animation is running forward, the start position is 0
+//, true)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(11.21)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - 0.21)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(11)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// fx.atStart()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// // When the animation is running backward, the start position is 1
+// fx.reverse(true).at(14.10, true)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(14.10)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - 0.10)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(14)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// fx.atStart()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('atEnd()', function () {
+// it('sets the animation at the end', function() {
+// // When the animation is running forward, the end position is 1
+// fx.pos = 0.5
+// expect(fx.atEnd().pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate()
+// // When the animation is running backward, the end position is 0
+// fx.pos = 0.5
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).atEnd().pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// it('sets the animation at the end, after all loops', function() {
+// var loops
+// // When the animation is running forward, the end position is 1
+// loops = 12
+// fx.loop(loops).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate()
+// // When the animation is running backward, the end position is 0
+// loops = 21
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(loops).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// it('sets the animation at the end, after all loops when reversing is true', function() {
+// var loops
+// // When reversing is true, the end position is 0 when loops is even and
+// // 1 when loops is odd
+// // The animation is running forward
+// loops = 6
+// fx.loop(loops, true).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because loops is even
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate()
+// // When reversing is true and the animation is running backward,
+// // the end position is 1 when loops is even and 0 when loops is odd
+// // The animation is running backward
+// loops = 3
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because loops is odd
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// it('sets the animation at the end of the current iteration when in an infinite loop', function () {
+// // When the animation is running forward, the end position is 1
+// fx.loop(true).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// // Should be halfway through iteration 10
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 10 + 250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(10.5)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(10)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(11)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate(500)
+// // When the animation is running backward, the end position is 0
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(true).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// // Should be halfway through iteration 21
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 21 + 250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(21.5)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(21)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(22)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// it('sets the animation at the end of the current iteration when in an infinite loop and reversing is true', function () {
+// // When reversing is true, the end position is 1 when ending on an even
+// // iteration and 0 when ending on an odd iteration as illustrated below:
+// // 0 Iteration 1
+// // |--------------0------------->|
+// // |<-------------1--------------|
+// // |--------------2------------->|
+// // |<-------------3--------------|
+// // ...
+// // The animation is running forward
+// fx.loop(true, true).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// // Should be halfway through iteration 11
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 11 + 250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(11.5)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(11)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(12)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because ended on a odd iteration
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate(500)
+// // When reversing is true and the animation is running backward,
+// // the end position is 0 when ending on an even iteration and
+// // 1 when ending on an odd iteration as illustrated below:
+// // 0 Iteration 1
+// // |<-------------0--------------|
+// // |--------------1------------->|
+// // |<-------------2--------------|
+// // |--------------3------------->|
+// // ...
+// // The animation is running backward
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(true).start().step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// // Should be halfway through iteration 42
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500 * 42 + 250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(42.5)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0.5)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(42)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// fx.atEnd()
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(43)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // End position is 0 because ended on an even iteration
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('at()', function() {
+// it('sets the progress to the specified position', function() {
+// var pos
+// // Animation running forward
+// pos = 0.5
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * pos)
+// // Animation running backward
+// pos = 0.4
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(pos)
+// expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * (1-pos))
+// })
+// it('should convert a position to an absolute position', function () {
+// var pos, loop, absPos
+// fx.loop(true)
+// // Animation running forward
+// pos = 0.7
+// loop = 4
+// absPos = pos+loop
+// fx.situation.loop = loop
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * absPos)
+// // Animation running backward
+// pos = 0.23
+// loop = 9
+// absPos = (1-pos)+loop
+// fx.situation.loop = loop
+// fx.situation.reversed = true
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(+new Date - fx.situation.duration * absPos)
+// })
+// it('should end the animation when the end position is passed', function() {
+// var pos
+// fx.start()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).not.toBeNull()
+// // When running forward, the end position is 1
+// pos = 1
+// expect(
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate().start()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).not.toBeNull()
+// // When running backward, the end position is 0
+// pos = 0
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(pos)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// it('correct the passed position when it is out of [0,1] and the animation is not looping', function () {
+// var pos
+// pos = -0.7
+// expect(
+// pos = 1.3
+// expect(
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate()
+// // Should work even when animation is running backward
+// pos = 1.3
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(1)
+// pos = -0.7
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pos).toBe(0)
+// })
+// it('should, when the animation is looping and the passed position is out of [0,1], use the integer part of postion to update the loop counter and set position to its fractional part', function(){
+// var loop, pos, posFrac, posInt
+// // Without the reverse flag
+// fx.loop(10)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(10)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
+// pos = 1.3
+// posFrac = pos % 1
+// posInt = pos - posFrac
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
+// pos = 7.723
+// posFrac = pos % 1
+// posInt = pos - posFrac
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
+// // In this case, pos is above the remaining number of loops, so we expect
+// // the position to be set to 1 and the animation to be ended
+// pos = 4.3
+// posFrac = pos % 1
+// posInt = pos - posFrac
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// fx.animate()
+// // With the reverse flag, the position is reversed each time loop is odd
+// fx.loop(10, true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(10)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// pos = 3.3
+// posFrac = pos % 1
+// posInt = pos - posFrac
+// expect( // Animation is reversed because 0+3 is odd
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// // When the passed position is below 0, the integer part of position is
+// // substracted from 1, so, in this case, -0.6 has 1 as is integer part
+// // This is necessary so we can add something to the loop counter
+// pos = -0.645
+// posFrac = (1-pos) % 1
+// posInt = (1-pos) - posFrac
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// // In this case, pos is above the remaining number of loop, so we expect
+// // the position to be set to 0 (since we end reversed) and the animation to
+// // be ended
+// pos = 7.2
+// posFrac = pos % 1
+// posInt = pos - posFrac
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// it('should, when the animation is in a infinite loop and the passed position is out of [0,1], use the integer part of postion to update the loop counter and set position to its fractional part', function(){
+// var loop, pos, posFrac, posInt
+// // Without the reverse flag
+// fx.loop(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
+// pos = 10.34
+// posFrac = pos % 1
+// posInt = pos - posFrac
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
+// // With the reverse flag, the position is reversed each time loop is odd
+// fx.loop(true, true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop = 0)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// pos = 3.3
+// posFrac = pos % 1
+// posInt = pos - posFrac
+// expect( // Animation is reversed because 3+0 is odd
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// pos = -8.41
+// posFrac = (1-pos) % 1
+// posInt = (1-pos) - posFrac
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(loop += posInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// })
+// it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
+// var dur, spd
+// dur = fx.situation.duration
+// spd = 4
+// fx.speed(spd).at(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
+// spd = 5
+// fx.speed(spd).at(0.15)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
+// spd = 0.25
+// fx.speed(spd).at(0.75)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
+// spd = 0.5
+// fx.speed(spd).at(0.83)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
+// })
+// it('should consider the first parameter as an absolute position when the second parameter is true', function() {
+// var absPos
+// fx.loop(true)
+// absPos = 3.2
+// expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// absPos = -4.27
+// expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// absPos = 0
+// expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// absPos = 1
+// expect(, true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('start()', function(){
+// it('starts the animation', function() {
+// fx.start()
+// expect(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(200)
+// fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeGreaterThan(0)
+// })
+// it('should take speed into consideration', function() {
+// var dur = 500
+// , delay = 300
+// , spd = 4
+// fx.stop().animate(dur, '-', delay).speed(spd).start()
+// expect(fx.situation.finish - new Date).toBe(delay/spd + dur/spd)
+// })
+// it('should do the delay', function() {
+// fx.situation.delay = 1000
+// expect(fx.start().active).toBe(true)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(501)
+// fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
+// expect(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(501)
+// fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
+// expect(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(501)
+// fx.step() // Call step to update the animation
+// expect(
+// })
+// })
+// describe('delay()', function() {
+// it('should push an empty situation with its duration attribute set to the duration of the delay', function() {
+// var delay = 8300
+// fx.delay(delay)
+// expect(fx.situations[0].duration).toBe(delay)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('pause()', function() {
+// it('pause the animation', function() {
+// expect(fx.pause().paused).toBe(true)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('play()', function() {
+// it('returns itself when animation not paused', function() {
+// expect(fx.paused).toBe(false)
+// expect(
+// })
+// it('unpause the animation', function() {
+// var start = fx.start().pause().situation.start
+// jasmine.clock().tick(200)
+// expect(fx.situation.start).toBe(start)
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.start).not.toBe(start)
+// })
+// it('should not change the position when the animation is unpaused while it is set to run backward', function(){
+// var pos = 0.4
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).pause().play().pos).toBe(pos)
+// })
+// it('should be able to unpause the delay', function () {
+// fx.stop().animate(500, '-', 300).start().step()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(-0.6)
+// // At this point, we should have an animation of 500 ms with a delay of
+// // 300 ms that should be running.
+// jasmine.clock().tick(150)
+// // Should be halfway through the delay
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(-0.3)
+// expect(fx.pause().paused).toBe(true) // Pause the delay
+// jasmine.clock().tick(150)
+// // Unpause, should still be halfway through the delay
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(-0.3)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(150)
+// // Delay should be done
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500)
+// // Animation and delay should be done
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(1)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('speed()', function() {
+// it('set the speed of the animation', function(){
+// var dur, spd
+// dur = fx.situation.duration
+// spd = 2
+// fx.speed(spd)
+// expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
+// spd = 0.5
+// fx.speed(spd)
+// expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
+// spd = 2
+// expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur/spd)
+// spd = 1
+// fx.speed(spd)
+// expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
+// expect(fx.situation.finish-fx.situation.start).toBe(dur)
+// })
+// it('should not change the position when the animation is run backward', function(){
+// var pos = 0.4
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).at(pos).speed(2).pos).toBe(pos)
+// })
+// it('return the current speed with no argument given', function(){
+// var spd
+// spd = 2
+// fx._speed = spd
+// expect(fx.speed()).toBe(spd)
+// spd = 0.5
+// fx._speed = spd
+// expect(fx.speed()).toBe(spd)
+// spd = 1
+// fx._speed = spd
+// expect(fx.speed()).toBe(spd)
+// })
+// it('pause the animation when a speed of 0 is passed', function(){
+// var spd = fx._speed
+// expect(fx.speed(0)).toBe(fx)
+// expect(fx._speed).toBe(spd)
+// expect(fx.paused).toBe(true)
+// })
+// it('should affect all animations in the queue', function(){
+// fx.speed(2).animate(300)
+// expect(fx.situations.length).not.toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).not.toBe(1)
+// // At this point, there should be 2 animations in the queue to be played:
+// // the one of 500ms that is added before every test and the one of 300ms
+// // we just added. Normally, it would take 800ms before both of these
+// // animations are done, but because we set the speed to 2, it should
+// // only take 400ms to do both animations.
+// fx.start().step()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// // Should be playing the second animation
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).not.toBe(1)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(150) // 400ms have passed
+// // All animations should be done
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// })
+// it('should affect the delay', function() {
+// fx.stop().animate(500, '-', 300).start().step()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(-0.6)
+// fx.speed(2)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(-0.6)
+// // At this point, we should have an animation of 500 ms with a delay of
+// // 300 ms that should be running. Normally, it would take 800 ms for the
+// // animation and its delay to complete, but because the speed is set to 2
+// // , it should only take 400ms
+// jasmine.clock().tick(75)
+// // Should be halfway through the delay
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(-0.3)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(75)
+// // Delay should be done
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// // Animation and delay should be done
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(1)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('reverse()', function() {
+// it('toggles the direction of the animation without a parameter', function() {
+// expect(fx.reverse().situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// })
+// it('sets the direction to backwards with true given', function() {
+// expect(fx.reverse(true).situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// })
+// it('sets the direction to forwards with false given', function() {
+// expect(fx.reverse(false).situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('queue()', function() {
+// it('can add a situation to the queue', function() {
+// var situation = new SVG.Situation({duration: 1000, delay: 0, ease: SVG.easing['-']})
+// fx.queue(situation)
+// expect(fx.situations[0]).toBe(situation)
+// })
+// it('can add a function to the queue', function() {
+// var f = function(){}
+// fx.queue(f)
+// expect(fx.situations[0]).toBe(f)
+// })
+// it('should set the situation attribute before pushing something in the situations queue', function(){
+// var situation = new SVG.Situation({duration: 1000, delay: 0, ease: SVG.easing['-']})
+// // Clear the animation that is created before each test
+// fx.stop()
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// fx.queue(situation)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('dequeue()', function() {
+// it('should pull the next situtation from the queue', function() {
+// var situation = new SVG.Situation({duration: 1000, delay: 0, ease: SVG.easing['-']})
+// fx.queue(situation)
+// expect(fx.situtation).not.toBe(situation)
+// expect(fx.situations[0]).toBe(situation)
+// fx.dequeue()
+// expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// })
+// it('initialize the animation pulled from the queue to its start position', function() {
+// // When the animation is forward, the start position is 0
+// fx.animate()
+// fx.pos = 0.5
+// expect(fx.dequeue().pos).toBe(0)
+// // When the animation backward, the start position is 1
+// fx.animate().reverse(true)
+// fx.pos = 0.5
+// expect(fx.dequeue().pos).toBe(1)
+// })
+// it('when the first element of the queue is a function, it should execute it', function() {
+// var called = false
+// fx.queue(function(){
+// called = true
+// expect(this).toBe(fx)
+// this.dequeue()
+// }).dequeue()
+// expect(called).toBe(true)
+// })
+// it('should stop the currently running animation when there is one', function() {
+// fx.start()
+// expect(
+// fx.queue(function() {
+// expect(
+// this.dequeue()
+// })
+// fx.dequeue()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('stop()', function() {
+// it('stops the animation immediately without a parameter', function() {
+// fx.animate(500).start()
+// expect(fx.stop().situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(1)
+// })
+// it('stops the animation immediately and fullfill it if first parameter true', function() {
+// fx.animate(500).start()
+// expect(fx.stop(true).situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(1)
+// })
+// it('stops the animation immediately and remove all items from queue when second parameter true', function() {
+// fx.animate(500).start()
+// expect(fx.stop(false, true).situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('reset()', function() {
+// it('resets the element to the state it was when the current animation was started', function() {
+// var loops = 4
+// , situation = fx.situation
+// // These settings make the animations run backward
+// fx.situation.loop = 2
+// fx.situation.loops = loops
+// fx.situation.reversed = true
+// fx.pos = 0.5
+// fx.absPos = 2.5
+// fx.reset()
+// expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true) // True because the animation is backward
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('finish()', function() {
+// it('finish the whole animation by fullfilling every single one', function() {
+// fx.animate(500)
+// expect(fx.finish().pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('progress()', function() {
+// it('returns the current position', function() {
+// expect(fx.progress()).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.progress()).toBe(fx.pos)
+// })
+// it('returns the current position as eased value if fist argument is true', function() {
+// var anim = draw.rect(100,100).animate(500,'>').start()
+// expect(anim.progress(true)).toBe(0)
+// expect(anim.progress(true)).toBeCloseTo(anim.situation.ease(0.25))
+// })
+// })
+// describe('after()', function() {
+// it('adds a callback which is called when the current animation is finished', function() {
+// var called = false
+// fx.start().after(function(situation){
+// expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// called = true
+// })
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(true)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('afterAll()', function() {
+// it('adds a callback which is called when all animations are finished', function() {
+// var called = false
+// fx.animate(150).animate(125).start().afterAll(function(){
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// called = true
+// })
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(2)
+// // End of the first animation
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(1)
+// expect(called).toBe(false)
+// // End of the second animation
+// jasmine.clock().tick(150)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// expect(called).toBe(false)
+// // End of the third and last animation
+// jasmine.clock().tick(125)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(called).toBe(true)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('during()', function() {
+// it('adds a callback which is called on every animation step', function() {
+// var called = 0
+// fx.start().during(function(pos, morph, eased, situation){
+// expect(fx.situation).toBe(situation)
+// switch(++called) {
+// case 1:
+// expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.25)
+// break
+// case 2:
+// expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.5)
+// break
+// case 3:
+// expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.65)
+// break
+// case 4:
+// expect(pos).toBe(1)
+// break
+// }
+// expect(morph(0, 100)).toBeCloseTo(pos*100)
+// })
+// jasmine.clock().tick(125)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(1)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(125) // 250 ms have passed
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(2)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(75) // 325 ms have passed
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(3)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(175) // 500 ms have passed
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(4)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('duringAll()', function() {
+// it('adds a callback which is called on every animation step for the whole chain', function() {
+// fx.finish()
+// fx.animate(500).start().animate(500)
+// var sit = null
+// var pos1 = false
+// var pos2 = false
+// fx.duringAll(function(pos, morph, eased, situation){
+// if(pos1){
+// pos1 = false
+// sit = situation
+// expect(this.fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(0.6)
+// }
+// if(pos2){
+// pos2 = null
+// expect(situation).not.toBe(sit)
+// expect(this.fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(0.75)
+// }
+// })
+// pos1 = true
+// jasmine.clock().tick(300)
+// fx.step()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(200) // End of the first animation
+// fx.step()
+// pos2 = true
+// jasmine.clock().tick(375)
+// fx.step()
+// if(pos1 || pos2) {
+// fail('Not enough situations called')
+// }
+// })
+// })
+// describe('once()', function() {
+// it('adds a callback which is called once at the specified position', function() {
+// var called = false
+// fx.start().once(0.5, function(pos, eased){
+// called = true
+// expect(pos).toBeCloseTo(0.5)
+// })
+// jasmine.clock().tick(125)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(false)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(125) // 250 ms have passed
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(true)
+// })
+// it('adds the callback on the last situation', function () {
+// var callback = function () {}
+// fx.animate(500).animate(500).once(0.5, callback)
+// expect(fx.situation.once['0.5']).toBeUndefined()
+// expect(fx.situations[0].once['0.5']).toBeUndefined()
+// expect(fx.situations[1].once['0.5']).toBe(callback)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('loop()', function() {
+// it('should create an eternal loop when no arguments are given', function() {
+// var time = 10523, dur = fx.situation.duration
+// fx.loop()
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// fx.start().step()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(time)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe( Math.floor(time/dur) )
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// })
+// it('should create an eternal loop when the first argument is true', function() {
+// var time = 850452, dur = fx.situation.duration
+// fx.loop(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// fx.start().step()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(time)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe( Math.floor(time/dur) )
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// })
+// it('should loop for the specified number of times', function() {
+// var time = 0, dur = fx.situation.duration
+// fx.loop(3)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// fx.start().step()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(200)
+// time = 200
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(550)
+// time += 550 // time at 750
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(570)
+// time += 570 // time at 1320
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(3)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(180)
+// time += 180 // time at 1500
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(3)
+// })
+// it('should go from beginning to end and start over again (0->1.0->1.0->1.) by default', function() {
+// var time = 0, dur = fx.situation.duration
+// fx.loop(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// fx.start().step()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(325)
+// time = 325
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(575)
+// time += 575 // time at 900
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(200)
+// time += 200 // time at 1100
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(2)
+// })
+// it('should be completely reversed before starting over (0->1->0->1->0->1.) when the reverse flag is passed', function() {
+// var time = 0, dur = fx.situation.duration
+// fx.loop(2, true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(0)
+// fx.start().step()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(325)
+// time = 325
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo((time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(575)
+// time += 575 // time at 900
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(2)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBeCloseTo(1 - (time/dur) % 1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBeCloseTo(time/dur)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(200)
+// time += 200 // time at 1100
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(2)
+// })
+// it('should be applied on the last situation', function() {
+// fx.loop(5)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(5)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
+// fx.animate().loop(3, true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(5)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversing).toBe(false)
+// var c = fx.last()
+// expect(c.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(c.loops).toBe(3)
+// expect(c.reversing).toBe(true)
+// })
+// it('should be possible to call it with false as the first argument', function() {
+// fx.situation.loops = true
+// fx.loop(false)
+// expect(fx.situation.loops).toBe(false)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('step()', function() {
+// it('should not recalculate the absolute position if the first parameter is true', function() {
+// var absPos
+// // We shift start to help us see if the absolute position get recalculated
+// // If it get recalculated, the result would be 0.5
+// fx.situation.start -= 250
+// absPos = 0.4
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// absPos = 0
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// absPos = -3.7
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// absPos = 1
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// })
+// it('should not allow an absolute position to be above the end', function() {
+// var absPos, loops
+// // With no loops, absolute position should not go above 1
+// absPos = 4.26
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// expect(fx.step(true).absPos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// // With loops, absolute position should not go above loops
+// loops = 4
+// absPos = 7.42
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// expect(fx.loop(loops).step(true).absPos).toBe(loops)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// describe('when converting an absolute position to a position', function() {
+// it('should, when the absolute position is below the maximum number of loops, use the integer part of the absolute position to set the loop counter and use its fractional part to set the position', function(){
+// var absPos, absPosFrac, absPosInt, loops
+// // Without the reverse flag
+// loops = 12
+// absPos = 4.52
+// absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
+// absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
+// fx.stop().animate()
+// loops = true
+// absPos = 2.57
+// absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
+// absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
+// fx.stop().animate()
+// // With the reverse flag, the position is reversed at each odd loop
+// loops = 412
+// absPos = 6.14
+// absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
+// absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// fx.stop().animate()
+// loops = true
+// absPos = 5.12
+// absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
+// absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1-absPosFrac) // Odd loop, so it is reversed
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// fx.stop().animate()
+// // When the animation is set to run backward, it is the opposite, the position is reversed at each even loop
+// loops = 14
+// absPos = 8.46
+// absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
+// absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1-absPosFrac) // Even loop, so it is reversed
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true)
+// fx.stop().animate()
+// loops = true
+// absPos = 3.12
+// absPosInt = Math.floor(absPos)
+// absPosFrac = absPos - absPosInt
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(absPosFrac)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(absPosInt)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// })
+// it('should, when the absolute position is above or equal to the the maximum number of loops, set the position to its end value and end the animation', function() {
+// var absPos, loops
+// // Without the reverse flag, the end value of position is 1
+// loops = 6
+// absPos = 13.52
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// loops = false
+// absPos = 146.22
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// // With the reverse flag, the end value of position is 0 when loops is even and 1 when loops is an odd number or false
+// loops = 6
+// absPos = 6
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // Even loops
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// loops = false
+// absPos = 4.47
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1) // 1 since loops is false
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// // When the animation is set to run backward, it is the opposite, the end value of position is 1 when loops is even and 0 when loops is an odd number or false
+// loops = 8
+// absPos = 12.65
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1) // Even loops
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// fx.animate() // Recreate an animation since the other one was ended
+// loops = 11
+// absPos = 12.41
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.reverse(true).loop(loops, true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0) // Odd loops
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// })
+// it('should set the position to its start value when the absolute position is below 0', function() {
+// var absPos
+// // When the animation is not set to run backward the start value is 0
+// absPos = -2.27
+// fx.loop(7)
+// fx.situation.loop = 3
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// fx.stop().animate()
+// // When the animation is set to run backward the start value is 1
+// absPos = -4.12
+// fx.absPos = absPos
+// fx.reverse(true).step(true)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1)
+// expect(fx.absPos).toBe(absPos)
+// })
+// it('should, when looping with the reverse flag, toggle reversed only when the difference between the new value of loop counter and its old value is odd', function() {
+// // The new value of the loop counter is the integer part of absPos
+// fx.loop(9, true)
+// expect(fx.situation.loop).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(0)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false)
+// fx.absPos = 3
+// fx.step(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true) // (3-0) is odd
+// fx.absPos = 1
+// fx.step(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(true) // (1-3) is even
+// fx.absPos = 6
+// fx.step(true)
+// expect(fx.situation.reversed).toBe(false) // (6-1) is odd
+// fx.absPos = 9
+// fx.step(true)
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(fx.pos).toBe(1) // It should end not reversed, which mean the position is expected to be 1
+// // ((9-1)-6) is even, the -1 is because we do not want reversed to be toggled after the last loop
+// })
+// })
+// it('should not throw an error when stop is called in a during callback', function () {
+// fx.move(100,100).start()
+// fx.during(function () {this.stop()})
+// expect(fx.step.bind(fx)).not.toThrow()
+// })
+// it('should not throw an error when finish is called in a during callback', function () {
+// fx.move(100,100).start()
+// fx.during(function () {this.finish()})
+// expect(fx.step.bind(fx)).not.toThrow()
+// })
+// it('should not set active to false if the afterAll callback add situations to the situations queue', function () {
+// fx.afterAll(function(){this.animate(500).move(0,0)})
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).not.toBeNull()
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(
+// expect(fx.situation).toBeNull()
+// expect(fx.situations.length).toBe(0)
+// })
+// })
+// it('animates the x/y-attr', function() {
+// var called = false
+// fx.move(200,200).after(function(){
+// expect(rect.x()).toBe(200)
+// expect(rect.y()).toBe(200)
+// called = true
+// })
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.x()).toBeGreaterThan(100)
+// expect(rect.y()).toBeGreaterThan(100)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(called).toBe(true)
+// })
+// // it('animates matrix', function() {
+// // var ctm, called = false
+// //
+// // fx.transform({a:0.8, b:0.4, c:-0.15, d:0.7, e: 90.3, f: 27.07}).after(function(){
+// //
+// // var ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBeCloseTo(0.8)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBeCloseTo(0.4)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBeCloseTo(-0.15)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBeCloseTo(0.7)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBeCloseTo(90.3)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBeCloseTo(27.07)
+// // called = true
+// //
+// // })
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// // fx.step()
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBeLessThan(1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBeGreaterThan(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBeLessThan(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBeGreaterThan(0)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBeGreaterThan(0)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBeGreaterThan(0)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// // fx.step()
+// // expect(called).toBe(true)
+// // })
+// // it('animate a scale transform using the passed center point when there is already a transform in place', function(){
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // // When no ceter point is passed to the method scale, it use the center of the element as the center point
+// //
+// // rect.scale(2) // The transform in place
+// //
+// // fx.scale(0.5)
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(75)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(75)
+// // })
+// // it('animate a flip(x) transform', function() {
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'x'}).start()
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(75)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(300)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
+// // })
+// // it('animate a flip(x) transform with an offset', function() {
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'x', offset: 20}).start()
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(10)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(40)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
+// // })
+// // it('animate a flip(y) transform', function() {
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'y'}).start()
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(75)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(300)
+// // })
+// // it('animate a flip(y) transform with an offset', function() {
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'y', offset: 20}).start()
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(10)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(40)
+// // })
+// // it('animate a flip() transform', function() {
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'both'}).start()
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(75)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(75)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(300)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(300)
+// // })
+// // it('animate a flip() transform with an offset', function() {
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'both', offset: 20}).start()
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(125) // Have the animation be 1/4 of the way (not halfway as usual because of a bug in the node method getCTM on Firefox)
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(0.5)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(10)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(10)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(475) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(-1)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(40)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(40)
+// // })
+// // it('animate relative matrix transform', function(){
+// // var ctm
+// //
+// // fx.transform(new SVG.Matrix().scale(2,0,0), true)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(1.5)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(1.5)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
+// //
+// // jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// // fx.step()
+// //
+// // ctm = rect.ctm()
+// // expect(ctm.a).toBe(2)
+// // expect(ctm.b).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.c).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.d).toBe(2)
+// // expect(ctm.e).toBe(0)
+// // expect(ctm.f).toBe(0)
+// // })
+// describe('when animating plots', function() {
+// it('should allow plot animations to be chained', function() {
+// var pathString1 = 'M10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80'
+// , pathString2 = 'M10 80 C 40 150, 65 150, 95 80 S 150 10, 180 80'
+// , path = draw.path(pathString1)
+// , morph
+// fx = path.animate(1000).plot(pathString2).animate(1000).plot(pathString1)
+// morph = new SVG.PathArray(pathString1).morph(pathString2)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the first animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the first animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// morph = new SVG.PathArray(pathString2).morph(pathString1)
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the second animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the second animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// })
+// it('should allow plot to be called on a polyline', function() {
+// var startValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50]]
+// , endValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50], [250,100], [300,50], [350,50]]
+// , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , polyline = draw.polyline(startValue)
+// fx = polyline.animate(3000).plot(endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(polyline.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(polyline.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(polyline.array()).toEqual(
+// })
+// it('should allow plot to be called on a polygon', function() {
+// var startValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50]]
+// , endValue = [[0,0], [100,50], [50,100], [150,50], [200,50], [250,100], [300,50], [350,50]]
+// , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , polygon = draw.polygon(startValue)
+// fx = polygon.animate(3000).plot(endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(polygon.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(polygon.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(polygon.array()).toEqual(
+// })
+// it('should allow plot to be called on a path', function() {
+// var startValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80')
+// , endValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 150, 65 150, 95 80 S 150 10, 180 80')
+// , morph = new SVG.PathArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , path = draw.path(startValue)
+// fx = path.animate(2000).plot(endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1000) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1000) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(path.array()).toEqual(
+// })
+// it('should allow plot to be called on a textpath', function() {
+// var startValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80')
+// , endValue = new SVG.PathArray('M10 80 C 40 150, 65 150, 95 80 S 150 10, 180 80')
+// , morph = new SVG.PathArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , textPath
+// var text = draw.text(function(add) {
+// add.tspan("We go up and down, then we go down, then up again")
+// })
+// textPath = text.path(startValue)
+// fx = textPath.animate(500).plot(endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(textPath.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(textPath.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(textPath.array()).toEqual(
+// })
+// it('should allow plot to be called on a line', function() {
+// var startValue = '0,0 100,150'
+// , endValue = [[50,30], [120,250]]
+// , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// , line = draw.line(startValue)
+// fx = line.animate(3000).plot(endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(line.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.array()).toEqual(
+// })
+// it('should allow plot to be called with 4 parameters on a line', function () {
+// var startPointArray = new SVG.PointArray('0,0 100,150')
+// , endPointArray = new SVG.PointArray([[50,30], [120,250]])
+// , morph = new SVG.PointArray(startPointArray).morph(endPointArray)
+// , a
+// a = startPointArray.value
+// var line = draw.line(a[0][0], a[0][1], a[1][0], a[1][1])
+// a = endPointArray.value
+// fx = line.animate(3000).plot(a[0][0], a[0][1], a[1][0], a[1][1])
+// fx.start()
+// expect(line.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.array()).toEqual(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.array()).toEqual(
+// })
+// })
+// describe('when animating attributes', function() {
+// it('should be possible to animate numeric attributes', function () {
+// var startValue = 0
+// , endValue = 150
+// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// var text = draw.text(function(add) {
+// add.tspan('We go ')
+// add.tspan('up').fill('#f09').dy(-40)
+// add.tspan(', then we go down, then up again').dy(40)
+// })
+// var path = 'M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100'
+// var textPath = text.path(path).font({ size: 42.5, family: 'Verdana' })
+// textPath.attr('startOffset', startValue)
+// fx = textPath.animate(1000).attr('startOffset', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
+// })
+// it('should be possible to animate non-numeric attributes', function () {
+// var startValue = 'butt'
+// , endValue = 'round'
+// , line = draw.line('0,0 100,150').attr('stroke-linecap', startValue)
+// fx = line.animate(3000).attr('stroke-linecap', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(line.attr('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.attr('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.attr('stroke-linecap')).toBe(endValue)
+// })
+// it('should be possible to animate color attributes by using SVG.Color', function() {
+// var startValue = 'rgb(42,251,100)'
+// , endValue = 'rgb(10,80,175)'
+// , morph = new SVG.Color(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// rect.attr('fill', startValue)
+// fx.attr('fill', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(rect.attr('fill')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.attr('fill')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.attr('fill')).toBe(
+// })
+// it('should be possible to pass percentage strings to numeric attributes', function () {
+// var startValue = '0%'
+// , endValue = '80%'
+// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// var text = draw.text(function(add) {
+// add.tspan('We go ')
+// add.tspan('up').fill('#f09').dy(-40)
+// add.tspan(', then we go down, then up again').dy(40)
+// })
+// var path = 'M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100'
+// var textPath = text.path(path).font({ size: 42.5, family: 'Verdana' })
+// textPath.attr('startOffset', startValue)
+// fx = textPath.animate(1000).attr('startOffset', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(textPath.attr('startOffset')).toBe(
+// })
+// it('should allow 0 to be specified without unit', function () {
+// // This code snippet come from issue #552
+// var gradient = draw.gradient('linear', function(add) {
+// s1 = add.stop(0, '#33235b')
+// s2 = add.stop(0.5, '#E97639')
+// s3 = add.stop(1, '#33235b')
+// })
+// var r1, r2;
+// var fill = draw.pattern('300%', '100%', function(add) {
+// r1 = add.rect('150%', '100%').fill(gradient)
+// r2 = add.rect('150%', '100%').fill(gradient)
+// });
+// fill.attr({patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'})
+// r1.attr('x', 0).animate('0.5s').attr('x', '150%')
+// r2.attr('x', '-150%').animate('0.5s').attr('x', 0)
+// var text = draw.text('Manifesto').move('50%', '50%').fill(fill)
+// text.font({
+// size: 70
+// , anchor: 'middle'
+// , leading: 1
+// })
+// r1.fx.start()
+// r2.fx.start()
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// r1.fx.step()
+// r2.fx.step()
+// expect(r1.attr('x')).toBe('75%')
+// expect(r2.attr('x')).toBe('-75%')
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// r1.fx.step()
+// r2.fx.step()
+// expect(r1.attr('x')).toBe('150%')
+// expect(r2.attr('x')).toBe('0%')
+// })
+// })
+// describe('when animating styles', function() {
+// it('should be possible to animate numeric styles', function () {
+// var startValue = 0
+// , endValue = 5
+// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// rect.css('stroke-width', startValue)
+// fx.css('stroke-width', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
+// })
+// it('should be possible to animate non-numeric styles', function () {
+// var startValue = 'butt'
+// , endValue = 'round'
+// , line = draw.line('0,0 100,150').css('stroke-linecap', startValue)
+// fx = line.animate(3000).css('stroke-linecap', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(line.css('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.css('stroke-linecap')).toBe(startValue)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(1500) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(line.css('stroke-linecap')).toBe(endValue)
+// })
+// it('should be possible to animate color styles by using SVG.Color', function() {
+// var startValue = '#81DE01'
+// , endValue = '#B1835D'
+// , morph = new SVG.Color(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// rect.css('fill', startValue)
+// fx.css('fill', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// // When setting a style color, it get saved as a rgb() string even if it was passed as an hex code
+// // The style rgb string has spaces while the one returned by SVG.Color do not as show bellow
+// // CSS: rgb(255, 255, 255) SVG.Color: rgb(255,255,255)
+// // The space in the style rbg string are removed so they can be equal
+// expect(rect.css('fill').replace(/\s+/g, '')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.css('fill').replace(/ /g, '')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.css('fill').replace(/ /g, '')).toBe(
+// })
+// it('should be possible to pass percentage strings to numeric styles', function () {
+// var startValue = '0%'
+// , endValue = '5%'
+// , morph = new SVG.Number(startValue).morph(endValue)
+// rect.css('stroke-width', startValue)
+// fx.css('stroke-width', endValue)
+// fx.start()
+// expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.css('stroke-width')).toBe(
+// })
+// it('should allow 0 to be specified without a unit', function () {
+// var r1 = draw.rect(100,100).move(200,200)
+// , r2 = draw.rect(100,100).move(400,400)
+// r1.css('stroke-width', '100%').animate(500).css('stroke-width', 0)
+// r2.css('stroke-width', 0).animate(500).css('stroke-width', '100%')
+// r1.fx.start()
+// r2.fx.start()
+// expect(r1.css('stroke-width')).toBe('100%')
+// expect(r2.css('stroke-width')).toBe('0%')
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation be half way
+// r1.fx.step()
+// r2.fx.step()
+// expect(r1.css('stroke-width')).toBe('50%')
+// expect(r2.css('stroke-width')).toBe('50%')
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250) // Have the animation reach its end
+// r1.fx.step()
+// r2.fx.step()
+// expect(r1.css('stroke-width')).toBe('0%')
+// expect(r2.css('stroke-width')).toBe('100%')
+// })
+// })
+// describe('add()', function() {
+// it('adds to animations obj by default', function() {
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20))
+// expect(fx.situation.animations.x.value).toBe(20)
+// })
+// it('adds to specified obj', function() {
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'animations')
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'attrs')
+// fx.add('x', new SVG.Number(20), 'styles')
+// expect(fx.situation.animations.x.value).toBe(20)
+// expect(fx.situation.attrs.x.value).toBe(20)
+// expect(fx.situation.styles.x.value).toBe(20)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('attr()', function() {
+// it('should allow an object to be passed', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'attr').and.callThrough()
+// fx.attr({
+// x: 20,
+// y: 20
+// })
+// expect(fx.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20)
+// expect(fx.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', 20)
+// })
+// it('should call add() with attrs as method', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.attr('x', 20)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20, 'attrs')
+// })
+// })
+// describe('css()', function() {
+// it('should allow an object to be passed', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'css').and.callThrough()
+// fx.css({
+// x: 20,
+// y: 20
+// })
+// expect(fx.css).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20)
+// expect(fx.css).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', 20)
+// })
+// it('should call add() with styles as method', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.css('x', 20)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', 20, 'styles')
+// })
+// })
+// describe('x() / y()', function() {
+// it('should add an entry to the animations obj', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.x(20)
+// fx.y(20)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// })
+// it('allows relative move with relative flag set', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.x(20, true)
+// fx.y(20, true)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('x', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20, relative:true }))
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('y', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20, relative:true }))
+// })
+// it('redirects to transform when target is a group', function() {
+// var group =
+// , fx = group.animate(500)
+// spyOn(fx, 'transform')
+// fx.x(20)
+// fx.y(20)
+// expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({x: 20}, undefined)
+// expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({y: 20}, undefined)
+// })
+// it('redirects to transform when target is a group with relative flag set', function() {
+// var group =
+// , fx = group.animate(500)
+// spyOn(fx, 'transform')
+// fx.x(20, true)
+// fx.y(20, true)
+// expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({x: 20}, true)
+// expect(fx.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith({y: 20}, true)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('cx() / cy()', function() {
+// it('should call add with method and argument', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('cx', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('cy', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// })
+// })
+// describe('move()', function() {
+// it('should redirect call to x() and y()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'x').and.callThrough()
+// spyOn(fx, 'y').and.callThrough()
+// fx.move(20, 20)
+// expect(fx.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(20)
+// expect(fx.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(20)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('center()', function() {
+// it('should redirect call to cx() and cy()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'cx').and.callThrough()
+// spyOn(fx, 'cy').and.callThrough()
+//, 20)
+// expect(
+// expect(
+// })
+// })
+// describe('size()', function() {
+// it('should set font-size with attr() when called on a text', function() {
+// var text = draw.text('Hello World')
+// , fx = text.animate(500)
+// spyOn(fx, 'attr')
+// fx.size(20)
+// expect(fx.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith('font-size', 20)
+// })
+// it('should set width and height with add()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
+// fx.size(20, 20)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// })
+// it('should calculate proportional size when only height or width is given', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
+// fx.size(40, null)
+// fx.size(null, 60)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:40}))
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:40}))
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:60}))
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:60}))
+// })
+// })
+// describe('width()', function() {
+// it('should set width with add()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
+// fx.width(20)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('width', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// })
+// it('should animate the width attribute', function() {
+// fx.width(200)
+// expect(rect.width()).toBe(100)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.width()).toBe(150)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.width()).toBe(200)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('height()', function() {
+// it('should set height with add()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add').and.callThrough()
+// fx.height(20)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('height', jasmine.objectContaining({value:20}))
+// })
+// it('should animate the height attribute', function() {
+// fx.height(200)
+// expect(rect.height()).toBe(100)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.height()).toBe(150)
+// jasmine.clock().tick(250)
+// fx.step()
+// expect(rect.height()).toBe(200)
+// })
+// })
+// describe('plot()', function() {
+// it('should call add with plot as method', function() {
+// var polyline = draw.polyline('10 10 20 20 30 10 50 20')
+// , fx = polyline.animate(500)
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.plot('5 5 30 29 40 19 12 30')
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('plot', new SVG.PointArray('5 5 30 29 40 19 12 30'))
+// })
+// it('also accept parameter list', function() {
+// var line = draw.line('10 10 20 20')
+// , fx = line.animate(500)
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.plot(5, 5, 10, 10)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('plot', new SVG.PointArray([5, 5, 10, 10]))
+// })
+// })
+// describe('leading()', function() {
+// it('should call add with method and argument', function() {
+// var text = draw.text('Hello World')
+// , fx = text.animate(500)
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.leading(3)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('leading', jasmine.objectContaining({value:3}))
+// })
+// it('does nothiing when not called on text', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.leading(3)
+// expect(fx.add).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('viewbox()', function() {
+// it('should call add with method and argument', function() {
+// var nested = draw.nested()
+// , fx = nested.animate(500)
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.viewbox(1,2,3,4)
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('viewbox', jasmine.objectContaining({x:1, y:2, width:3, height:4}))
+// })
+// it('does nothing when not called on SVG.Container', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.viewbox(1,2,3,4)
+// expect(fx.add).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('update()', function() {
+// it('should convert call with 3 arguments to call with obj', function() {
+// var stop = new SVG.Stop()
+// , fx = stop.animate()
+// spyOn(fx, 'update').and.callThrough()
+// fx.update(1,'#ccc',0.5)
+// expect(fx.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({offset: 1, color: '#ccc', opacity: 0.5})
+// })
+// it('calls add with method argument and attrs as type', function() {
+// var stop = new SVG.Stop()
+// , fx = stop.animate()
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.update({offset: 1, color: '#ccc', opacity: 0.5})
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stop-opacity', 0.5, 'attrs')
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stop-color', '#ccc', 'attrs')
+// expect(fx.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith('offset', 1, 'attrs')
+// })
+// it('does nothing when not called on SVG.Stop', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'add')
+// fx.update({offset: 1, color: '#ccc', opacity: 0.5})
+// expect(fx.add).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// // describe('transform()', function() {
+// // it('returns itself when no valid transformation was found', function() {
+// // expect(fx.transform({})).toBe(fx)
+// // })
+// // it('gets the current transforms', function() {
+// // expect(fx.transform()).toEqual(new SVG.Matrix(rect).extract())
+// // })
+// // it('gets a certain transformation if used with an argument', function() {
+// // expect(fx.transform('x')).toEqual(0)
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when matrix given', function() {
+// // var matrix = new SVG.Matrix(1,2,3,4,5,6)
+// // fx.transform(matrix)
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(matrix))
+// // })
+// // it('sets relative flag when given', function() {
+// // var matrix = new SVG.Matrix(1,2,3,4,5,6)
+// // fx.transform(matrix, true)
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(matrix))
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0].relative).toBe(true)
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when rotation given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({rotation: 30, cx:0, cy:0})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Rotate(30, 0, 0)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when scale given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({scale: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Scale(2, 2, 0, 0)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when scaleX given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({scaleX: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Scale(2, 1, 0, 0)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when scaleY given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({scaleY: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Scale(1, 2, 0, 0)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when skewX given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({skewX: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Skew(2, 0, 0, 0)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when skewY given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({skewY: 2, cx:0, cy:0})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Skew(0, 2, 0, 0)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when flip x given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'x'})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining((new SVG.Matrix()).flip('x', 150)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when flip x with offset given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'x', offset: 100})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining((new SVG.Matrix()).flip('x', 100)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when flip y given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({flip: 'y'})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining((new SVG.Matrix()).flip('y', 150)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when x given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({x:20})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Translate(20, undefined)))
+// // })
+// // it('adds an entry to transforms when y given', function() {
+// // fx.transform({y:20})
+// // expect(fx.situation.transforms[0]).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.Translate(undefined, 20)))
+// // })
+// // })
+// /* shortcuts for animation */
+// describe('animate()', function() {
+// it('creates a new fx instance on the element', function() {
+// var rect = draw.rect(100,100)
+// rect.animate(100)
+// expect(rect.fx instanceof SVG.FX).toBeTruthy()
+// })
+// it('redirects the call to fx.animate()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'animate')
+// rect.animate()
+// expect(fx.animate).toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('delay()', function() {
+// it('creates a new fx instance on the element', function() {
+// var rect = draw.rect(100,100)
+// rect.delay(100)
+// expect(rect.fx instanceof SVG.FX).toBeTruthy()
+// })
+// it('redirects the call to fx.delay()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'delay')
+// rect.delay(5)
+// expect(fx.delay).toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('stop()', function() {
+// it('redirects the call to fx.stop()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'stop')
+// rect.stop()
+// expect(fx.stop).toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('finish()', function() {
+// it('redirects the call to fx.finish()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'finish')
+// rect.finish()
+// expect(fx.finish).toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('pause()', function() {
+// it('redirects the call to fx.pause()', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'pause')
+// rect.pause()
+// expect(fx.pause).toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// describe('play()', function() {
+// it('redirects the call to', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'play')
+// expect(
+// })
+// })
+// describe('speed()', function() {
+// it('redirects the call to fx.speed() as getter', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'speed')
+// rect.speed()
+// expect(fx.speed).toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// it('redirects the call to fx.speed() as setter', function() {
+// spyOn(fx, 'speed').and.callThrough()
+// expect(rect.speed(5)).toBe(rect)
+// expect(fx.speed).toHaveBeenCalled()
+// })
+// })
+// })
+// describe('SVG.MorphObj', function() {
+// it('accepts color strings and converts them to SVG.Color', function() {
+// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('#000', '#fff')
+// expect(obj instanceof SVG.Color).toBeTruthy()
+// obj = new SVG.MorphObj('rgb(0,0,0)', 'rgb(255,255,255)')
+// expect(obj instanceof SVG.Color).toBeTruthy()
+// })
+// it('accepts numbers and converts them to SVG.Number', function() {
+// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('0', '10')
+// expect(obj instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
+// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj(0, 10)
+// expect(obj instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
+// })
+// it('accepts any other values', function() {
+// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('Hello', 'World')
+// expect(obj.value).toBe('Hello')
+// expect(obj.destination).toBe('World')
+// })
+// it('morphes unmorphable objects with plain morphing', function() {
+// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('Hello', 'World')
+// expect(,0)).toBe('Hello')
+// expect(,0.5)).toBe('Hello')
+// expect(,1)).toBe('World')
+// })
+// it('converts to its value when casted', function() {
+// var obj = new SVG.MorphObj('Hello', 'World')
+// expect(obj.valueOf()).toBe('Hello')
+// expect(obj + 'World').toBe('HelloWorld')
+// })
+// })
diff --git a/spec/spec/number.js b/spec/spec/number.js
index 58c14bd..ce5c641 100644
--- a/spec/spec/number.js
+++ b/spec/spec/number.js
@@ -94,25 +94,6 @@ describe('Number', function() {
- describe('to()', function() {
- beforeEach(function() {
- number =
- })
- it('returns a new instance', function() {
- expect('em')).not.toBe(number)
- expect('em') instanceof SVG.Number).toBeTruthy()
- })
- it('changes the unit value', function() {
- number ='%')
- expect(number.unit).toBe('%')
- })
- it('changes the output value', function() {
- var oldNumber = number.valueOf()
- number ='%')
- expect(number.toString()).toBe('400%')
- })
- })
describe('plus()', function() {
it('returns a new instance', function() {
diff --git a/spec/spec/queue.js b/spec/spec/queue.js
index 738831c..531b900 100644
--- a/spec/spec/queue.js
+++ b/spec/spec/queue.js
@@ -44,46 +44,20 @@ describe ('SVG.Queue()', function () {
- it ('changes the length when you add things', function () {
- var queue = new SVG.Queue()
- queue.push(1)
- expect(queue.length).toBe(1)
- queue.push(2)
- expect(queue.length).toBe(2)
- })
describe('remove ()', function () {
- it('removes an item from the queue which matches the matcher', function () {
+ it('removes the given item from the queue', function () {
var queue = new SVG.Queue()
- queue.push(3)
+ var item = queue.push(3)
- queue.remove(function(item) {
- return item.value == 3
- })
+ queue.remove(item)
- expect(queue.length).toBe(2)
- it('removes no item from the queue if nothing is matched', function () {
- var queue = new SVG.Queue()
- queue.push(1)
- queue.push(2)
- queue.push(3)
- queue.remove(function(item) {
- return item.value == 4
- })
- expect(queue.length).toBe(3)
- expect(queue.last()).toBe(3)
- expect(queue.first()).toBe(1)
- })
describe('shift ()', function () {
@@ -101,7 +75,6 @@ describe ('SVG.Queue()', function () {
var val = queue.shift()
- expect(queue.length).toBe(2)
diff --git a/spec/spec/runner.js b/spec/spec/runner.js
index c1c5972..c824eff 100644
--- a/spec/spec/runner.js
+++ b/spec/spec/runner.js
@@ -133,47 +133,6 @@ describe('SVG.Runner', function () {
- describe('tag()', function () {
- it('acts as a getter', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- runner.tags = {foo: true}
- expect(runner.tag()).toEqual(jasmine.arrayContaining(['foo']))
- })
- it('sets one tag with a string given', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- runner.tag('foo')
- expect(runner.tags).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({foo: true}))
- })
- it('sets multiple tags with an array given', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- runner.tag(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
- expect(runner.tags).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({foo: true, bar: true, baz: true}))
- })
- })
- describe('untag()', function () {
- it('untags with a string given', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- runner.tag('foo')
- runner.untag('foo')
- expect(runner.tags).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({}))
- })
- it('untags multiple tags with an array given', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- runner.tag(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
- runner.untag(['bar', 'baz'])
- expect(runner.tags).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({foo: true}))
- })
- })
describe('step()', function () {
@@ -779,12 +738,14 @@ describe('SVG.Runner', function () {
var runner2 = runner.animate(500, 1000)
+ var t = timeline.time()
- jasmine.objectContaining({start: 0, duration: 1000, end: 1000, runner: runner}),
- jasmine.objectContaining({start: 1000, duration: 500, end: 1500, runner: runner2})
+ jasmine.objectContaining({start: t, duration: 1000, end: t+1000, runner: runner}),
+ jasmine.objectContaining({start: t+1000, duration: 500, end: t+1500, runner: runner2})
@@ -814,35 +775,35 @@ describe('SVG.Runner', function () {
- describe('after()', function () {
- it('returns itself', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- expect(runner.after(runFn)).toBe(runner)
- })
- it('binds a function to the after event', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- spyOn(runner, 'on')
- runner.after(runFn)
- expect(runner.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith('finish', runFn)
- })
- })
- describe('finish()', function () {
- it('returns itself', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- expect(runner.finish()).toBe(runner)
- })
- it('calls step with Infinity as argument', function () {
- var runner = new SVG.Runner()
- spyOn(runner, 'step')
- runner.finish()
- expect(runner.step).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Infinity)
- })
- })
+ // describe('after()', function () {
+ // it('returns itself', function () {
+ // var runner = new SVG.Runner()
+ // expect(runner.after(runFn)).toBe(runner)
+ // })
+ //
+ // it('binds a function to the after event', function () {
+ // var runner = new SVG.Runner()
+ // spyOn(runner, 'on')
+ // runner.after(runFn)
+ //
+ // expect(runner.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith('finish', runFn)
+ // })
+ // })
+ //
+ // describe('finish()', function () {
+ // it('returns itself', function () {
+ // var runner = new SVG.Runner()
+ // expect(runner.finish()).toBe(runner)
+ // })
+ //
+ // it('calls step with Infinity as argument', function () {
+ // var runner = new SVG.Runner()
+ // spyOn(runner, 'step')
+ // runner.finish()
+ //
+ // expect(runner.step).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Infinity)
+ // })
+ // })
describe('reverse()', function () {
it('returns itself', function () {