path: root/src/patharray.js
diff options
authorSaivan <>2018-02-27 01:14:06 +1100
committerSaivan <>2018-02-27 01:14:06 +1100
commit15637375c5a00b64ae6b493187e5791cfadbc94f (patch)
tree44374e3a4e943de6d3382c9a99f01dc3c052c9ee /src/patharray.js
parentbec7881979149425a9c1b894f4741413b28c8141 (diff)
All files now loosely abide by standard linting
This commit completes the rest of the files, making sure they are in the standard linting format. Next we will add the linter to the build process of our application.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/patharray.js')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/src/patharray.js b/src/patharray.js
index 697bc68..d1b9420 100644
--- a/src/patharray.js
+++ b/src/patharray.js
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
var pathHandlers = {
- M: function(c, p, p0) {
+ M: function (c, p, p0) {
p.x = p0.x = c[0]
p.y = p0.y = c[1]
return ['M', p.x, p.y]
- L: function(c, p) {
+ L: function (c, p) {
p.x = c[0]
p.y = c[1]
return ['L', c[0], c[1]]
- H: function(c, p) {
+ H: function (c, p) {
p.x = c[0]
return ['H', c[0]]
- V: function(c, p) {
+ V: function (c, p) {
p.y = c[0]
return ['V', c[0]]
- C: function(c, p) {
+ C: function (c, p) {
p.x = c[4]
p.y = c[5]
return ['C', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]]
- S: function(c, p) {
+ S: function (c, p) {
p.x = c[2]
p.y = c[3]
return ['S', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]]
- Q: function(c, p) {
+ Q: function (c, p) {
p.x = c[2]
p.y = c[3]
return ['Q', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]]
- T: function(c, p) {
+ T: function (c, p) {
p.x = c[0]
p.y = c[1]
return ['T', c[0], c[1]]
- Z: function(c, p, p0) {
+ Z: function (c, p, p0) {
p.x = p0.x
p.y = p0.y
return ['Z']
- A: function(c, p) {
+ A: function (c, p) {
p.x = c[5]
p.y = c[6]
return ['A', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6]]
@@ -52,19 +52,19 @@ var pathHandlers = {
var mlhvqtcsaz = 'mlhvqtcsaz'.split('')
-for(var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i){
- pathHandlers[mlhvqtcsaz[i]] = (function(i){
- return function(c, p, p0) {
- if(i == 'H') c[0] = c[0] + p.x
- else if(i == 'V') c[0] = c[0] + p.y
- else if(i == 'A'){
- c[5] = c[5] + p.x,
+for (var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i) {
+ pathHandlers[mlhvqtcsaz[i]] = (function (i) {
+ return function (c, p, p0) {
+ if (i === 'H') c[0] = c[0] + p.x
+ else if (i === 'V') c[0] = c[0] + p.y
+ else if (i === 'A') {
+ c[5] = c[5] + p.x
c[6] = c[6] + p.y
- }
- else
- for(var j = 0, jl = c.length; j < jl; ++j) {
- c[j] = c[j] + (j%2 ? p.y : p.x)
+ } else {
+ for (var j = 0, jl = c.length; j < jl; ++j) {
+ c[j] = c[j] + (j % 2 ? p.y : p.x)
+ }
return pathHandlers[i](c, p, p0)
@@ -72,21 +72,21 @@ for(var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i){
// Path points array
-SVG.PathArray = function(array, fallback) {
+SVG.PathArray = function (array, fallback) {, array, fallback || [['M', 0, 0]])
// Inherit from SVG.Array
-SVG.PathArray.prototype = new SVG.Array
+SVG.PathArray.prototype = new SVG.Array()
SVG.PathArray.prototype.constructor = SVG.PathArray
SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
// Convert array to string
- toString: function() {
+ toString: function () {
return arrayToString(this.value)
- }
+ },
// Move path string
-, move: function(x, y) {
+ move: function (x, y) {
// get bounding box of current situation
var box = this.bbox()
@@ -99,121 +99,113 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
for (var l, i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
l = this.value[i][0]
- if (l == 'M' || l == 'L' || l == 'T') {
+ if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
this.value[i][1] += x
this.value[i][2] += y
- } else if (l == 'H') {
+ } else if (l === 'H') {
this.value[i][1] += x
- } else if (l == 'V') {
+ } else if (l === 'V') {
this.value[i][1] += y
- } else if (l == 'C' || l == 'S' || l == 'Q') {
+ } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
this.value[i][1] += x
this.value[i][2] += y
this.value[i][3] += x
this.value[i][4] += y
- if (l == 'C') {
+ if (l === 'C') {
this.value[i][5] += x
this.value[i][6] += y
- } else if (l == 'A') {
+ } else if (l === 'A') {
this.value[i][6] += x
this.value[i][7] += y
return this
- }
+ },
// Resize path string
-, size: function(width, height) {
+ size: function (width, height) {
// get bounding box of current situation
- var i, l, box = this.bbox()
+ var box = this.bbox()
+ var i, l
// recalculate position of all points according to new size
for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
l = this.value[i][0]
- if (l == 'M' || l == 'L' || l == 'T') {
- this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
+ this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
this.value[i][2] = ((this.value[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- } else if (l == 'H') {
- this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- } else if (l == 'V') {
+ } else if (l === 'H') {
+ this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ } else if (l === 'V') {
this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- } else if (l == 'C' || l == 'S' || l == 'Q') {
- this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
+ this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
this.value[i][2] = ((this.value[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- this.value[i][3] = ((this.value[i][3] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this.value[i][3] = ((this.value[i][3] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
this.value[i][4] = ((this.value[i][4] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- if (l == 'C') {
- this.value[i][5] = ((this.value[i][5] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ if (l === 'C') {
+ this.value[i][5] = ((this.value[i][5] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
this.value[i][6] = ((this.value[i][6] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- } else if (l == 'A') {
+ } else if (l === 'A') {
// resize radii
- this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] * width) / box.width
+ this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] * width) / box.width
this.value[i][2] = (this.value[i][2] * height) / box.height
// move position values
- this.value[i][6] = ((this.value[i][6] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
+ this.value[i][6] = ((this.value[i][6] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
this.value[i][7] = ((this.value[i][7] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
return this
- }
+ },
// Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
-, equalCommands: function(pathArray) {
+ equalCommands: function (pathArray) {
var i, il, equalCommands
pathArray = new SVG.PathArray(pathArray)
equalCommands = this.value.length === pathArray.value.length
- for(i = 0, il = this.value.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
+ for (i = 0, il = this.value.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
equalCommands = this.value[i][0] === pathArray.value[i][0]
return equalCommands
- }
+ },
// Make path array morphable
-, morph: function(pathArray) {
+ morph: function (pathArray) {
pathArray = new SVG.PathArray(pathArray)
- if(this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
+ if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
this.destination = pathArray
} else {
this.destination = null
return this
- }
+ },
// Get morphed path array at given position
-, at: function(pos) {
+ at: function (pos) {
// make sure a destination is defined
if (!this.destination) return this
var sourceArray = this.value
- , destinationArray = this.destination.value
- , array = [], pathArray = new SVG.PathArray()
- , i, il, j, jl
+ var destinationArray = this.destination.value
+ var array = []
+ var pathArray = new SVG.PathArray()
+ var i, il, j, jl
// Animate has specified in the SVG spec
// See:
for (i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
array[i] = [sourceArray[i][0]]
- for(j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
+ for (j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
array[i][j] = sourceArray[i][j] + (destinationArray[i][j] - sourceArray[i][j]) * pos
// For the two flags of the elliptical arc command, the SVG spec say:
@@ -221,74 +213,70 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.PathArray, {
// Elliptical arc command as an array followed by corresponding indexes:
// ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- if(array[i][0] === 'A') {
- array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] != 0)
- array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] != 0)
+ if (array[i][0] === 'A') {
+ array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] !== 0)
+ array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] !== 0)
// Directly modify the value of a path array, this is done this way for performance
pathArray.value = array
return pathArray
- }
+ },
// Absolutize and parse path to array
-, parse: function(array) {
+ parse: function (array) {
// if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
if (array instanceof SVG.PathArray) return array.valueOf()
// prepare for parsing
var i, x0, y0, s, seg, arr
- , x = 0
- , y = 0
- , paramCnt = { 'M':2, 'L':2, 'H':1, 'V':1, 'C':6, 'S':4, 'Q':4, 'T':2, 'A':7, 'Z':0 }
- if(typeof array == 'string'){
+ var x = 0
+ var y = 0
+ var paramCnt = { 'M': 2, 'L': 2, 'H': 1, 'V': 1, 'C': 6, 'S': 4, 'Q': 4, 'T': 2, 'A': 7, 'Z': 0 }
+ if (typeof array === 'string') {
array = array
.replace(SVG.regex.numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
.replace(SVG.regex.pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
.replace(SVG.regex.hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
.trim() // trim
.split(SVG.regex.delimiter) // split into array
- }else{
- array = array.reduce(function(prev, curr){
+ } else {
+ array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
return [], curr)
}, [])
// array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
- var arr = []
- , p = new SVG.Point()
- , p0 = new SVG.Point()
- , index = 0
- , len = array.length
+ var result = []
+ var p = new SVG.Point()
+ var p0 = new SVG.Point()
+ var index = 0
+ var len = array.length
- do{
+ do {
// Test if we have a path letter
- if(SVG.regex.isPathLetter.test(array[index])){
+ if (SVG.regex.isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
s = array[index]
// If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
- }else if(s == 'M'){
+ } else if (s === 'M') {
s = 'L'
- }else if(s == 'm'){
+ } else if (s === 'm') {
s = 'l'
- arr.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null,
+ result.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null,
array.slice(index, (index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()])).map(parseFloat),
p, p0
+ } while (len > index)
- }while(len > index)
- return arr
- }
+ return result
+ },
// Get bounding box of path
-, bbox: function() {
+ bbox: function () {
SVG.parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString())
return SVG.parser.nodes.path.getBBox()