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21 files changed, 1881 insertions, 2908 deletions
diff --git a/dist/svg.js b/dist/svg.js
index 3b71aea..946db81 100644
--- a/dist/svg.js
+++ b/dist/svg.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* @copyright Wout Fierens <>
* @license MIT
-* BUILT: Mon Nov 05 2018 18:59:11 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)
+* BUILT: Mon Nov 05 2018 21:52:42 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)
var SVG = (function () {
'use strict';
@@ -216,8 +216,157 @@ var SVG = (function () {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
- var Base = function Base() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Base);
+ var Queue =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Queue() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Queue);
+ this._first = null;
+ this._last = null;
+ }
+ _createClass(Queue, [{
+ key: "push",
+ value: function push(value) {
+ // An item stores an id and the provided value
+ var item = ? value : {
+ value: value,
+ next: null,
+ prev: null // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
+ };
+ if (this._last) {
+ item.prev = this._last;
+ = item;
+ this._last = item;
+ } else {
+ this._last = item;
+ this._first = item;
+ } // Update the length and return the current item
+ return item;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "shift",
+ value: function shift() {
+ // Check if we have a value
+ var remove = this._first;
+ if (!remove) return null; // If we do, remove it and relink things
+ this._first =;
+ if (this._first) this._first.prev = null;
+ this._last = this._first ? this._last : null;
+ return remove.value;
+ } // Shows us the first item in the list
+ }, {
+ key: "first",
+ value: function first() {
+ return this._first && this._first.value;
+ } // Shows us the last item in the list
+ }, {
+ key: "last",
+ value: function last() {
+ return this._last && this._last.value;
+ } // Removes the item that was returned from the push
+ }, {
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function remove(item) {
+ // Relink the previous item
+ if (item.prev) =;
+ if ( = item.prev;
+ if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev;
+ if (item === this._first) this._first =; // Invalidate item
+ item.prev = null;
+ = null;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Queue;
+ }();
+ var Animator = {
+ nextDraw: null,
+ frames: new Queue(),
+ timeouts: new Queue(),
+ timer: window.performance || window.Date,
+ transforms: [],
+ frame: function frame(fn) {
+ // Store the node
+ var node = Animator.frames.push({
+ run: fn
+ }); // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
+ } // Return the node so we can remove it easily
+ return node;
+ },
+ transform_frame: function transform_frame(fn, id) {
+ Animator.transforms[id] = fn;
+ },
+ timeout: function timeout(fn, delay) {
+ delay = delay || 0; // Work out when the event should fire
+ var time = + delay; // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
+ var node = Animator.timeouts.push({
+ run: fn,
+ time: time
+ }); // Request another animation frame if we need one
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
+ }
+ return node;
+ },
+ cancelFrame: function cancelFrame(node) {
+ Animator.frames.remove(node);
+ },
+ clearTimeout: function clearTimeout(node) {
+ Animator.timeouts.remove(node);
+ },
+ _draw: function _draw(now) {
+ // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
+ // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
+ var nextTimeout = null;
+ var lastTimeout = Animator.timeouts.last();
+ while (nextTimeout = Animator.timeouts.shift()) {
+ // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
+ if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
+ } else {
+ Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout);
+ } // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
+ if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break;
+ } // Run all of the animation frames
+ var nextFrame = null;
+ var lastFrame = Animator.frames.last();
+ while (nextFrame !== lastFrame && (nextFrame = Animator.frames.shift())) {
+ }
+ Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) {
+ el();
+ }); // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
+ Animator.nextDraw = Animator.timeouts.first() || Animator.frames.first() ? window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw) : null;
+ }
// Parse unit value
@@ -282,6 +431,47 @@ var SVG = (function () {
dots: dots
+ /* eslint no-new-func: "off" */
+ var subClassArray = function () {
+ try {
+ // try es6 subclassing
+ return Function('name', 'baseClass', '_constructor', ['baseClass = baseClass || Array', 'return {', '[name]: class extends baseClass {', 'constructor (...args) {', 'super(...args)', '_constructor && _constructor.apply(this, args)', '}', '}', '}[name]'].join('\n'));
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Use es5 approach
+ return function (name) {
+ var baseClass = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : Array;
+ var _constructor = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
+ var Arr = function Arr() {
+ baseClass.apply(this, arguments);
+ _constructor && _constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ Arr.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype);
+ Arr.prototype.constructor = Arr;
+ return Arr;
+ };
+ }
+ }();
+ // Default namespaces
+ var ns = '';
+ var xmlns = '';
+ var xlink = '';
+ var svgjs = '';
+ var ns$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ ns: ns,
+ xmlns: xmlns,
+ xlink: xlink,
+ svgjs: svgjs
+ });
+ var Base = function Base() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Base);
+ };
function isNulledBox(box) {
return !box.w && !box.h && !box.x && !box.y;
@@ -447,76 +637,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return [ox, oy];
- // Default namespaces
- var ns = '';
- var xmlns = '';
- var xlink = '';
- var svgjs = '';
- var ns$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- ns: ns,
- xmlns: xmlns,
- xlink: xlink,
- svgjs: svgjs
- });
- function nodeOrNew(name, node) {
- return node || makeNode(name);
- } // Method for element creation
- function makeNode(name) {
- // create element
- return document.createElementNS(ns, name);
- } // Method for extending objects
- function extend(modules, methods) {
- var key, i;
- modules = Array.isArray(modules) ? modules : [modules];
- for (i = modules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- for (key in methods) {
- modules[i].prototype[key] = methods[key];
- }
- }
- } // FIXME: enhanced constructors here
- function addFactory(modules, methods) {
- extend(modules, methods);
- } // Invent new element
- function invent(config) {
- // Create element initializer
- var initializer = typeof config.create === 'function' ? config.create : function (node) {
-, node || makeNode(config.create));
- }; // Inherit prototype
- if (config.inherit) {
- /* eslint new-cap: "off" */
- initializer.prototype = new config.inherit();
- initializer.prototype.constructor = initializer;
- } // Extend with methods
- if (config.extend) {
- extend(initializer, config.extend);
- } // Attach construct method to parent
- if (config.construct) {
- extend(config.parent || getClass('Container'), config.construct);
- }
- return initializer;
- }
- var tools = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- nodeOrNew: nodeOrNew,
- makeNode: makeNode,
- extend: extend,
- addFactory: addFactory,
- invent: invent
- });
var elements = {};
var root = Symbol('root');
function makeInstance(element) {
@@ -607,6 +727,196 @@ var SVG = (function () {
assignNewId: assignNewId
+ function nodeOrNew(name, node) {
+ return node || makeNode(name);
+ } // Method for element creation
+ function makeNode(name) {
+ // create element
+ return document.createElementNS(ns, name);
+ } // Method for extending objects
+ function extend(modules, methods) {
+ var key, i;
+ modules = Array.isArray(modules) ? modules : [modules];
+ for (i = modules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ for (key in methods) {
+ modules[i].prototype[key] = methods[key];
+ }
+ }
+ } // FIXME: enhanced constructors here
+ function addFactory(modules, methods) {
+ extend(modules, methods);
+ } // Invent new element
+ function invent(config) {
+ // Create element initializer
+ var initializer = typeof config.create === 'function' ? config.create : function (node) {
+, node || makeNode(config.create));
+ }; // Inherit prototype
+ if (config.inherit) {
+ /* eslint new-cap: "off" */
+ initializer.prototype = new config.inherit();
+ initializer.prototype.constructor = initializer;
+ } // Extend with methods
+ if (config.extend) {
+ extend(initializer, config.extend);
+ } // Attach construct method to parent
+ if (config.construct) {
+ extend(config.parent || getClass('Container'), config.construct);
+ }
+ return initializer;
+ }
+ var tools = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ nodeOrNew: nodeOrNew,
+ makeNode: makeNode,
+ extend: extend,
+ addFactory: addFactory,
+ invent: invent
+ });
+ var SVGArray = subClassArray('SVGArray', Array, function () {
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ });
+ extend(SVGArray, {
+ init: function init() {
+ this.length = 0;
+ this.push.apply(this, _toConsumableArray(this.parse.apply(this, arguments)));
+ },
+ toArray: function toArray() {
+ return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this);
+ },
+ toString: function toString() {
+ return this.join(' ');
+ },
+ // Flattens the array if needed
+ valueOf: function valueOf() {
+ var ret = [];
+ ret.push.apply(ret, _toConsumableArray(this));
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // Parse whitespace separated string
+ parse: function parse() {
+ var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
+ // If already is an array, no need to parse it
+ if (array instanceof Array) return array;
+ return array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat);
+ },
+ clone: function clone() {
+ return new this.constructor(this);
+ },
+ toSet: function toSet() {
+ return new Set(this);
+ }
+ });
+ var SVGNumber =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ // Initialize
+ function SVGNumber() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, SVGNumber);
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ _createClass(SVGNumber, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(value, unit) {
+ unit = Array.isArray(value) ? value[1] : unit;
+ value = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value; // initialize defaults
+ this.value = 0;
+ this.unit = unit || ''; // parse value
+ if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ // ensure a valid numeric value
+ this.value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : !isFinite(value) ? value < 0 ? -3.4e+38 : +3.4e+38 : value;
+ } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ unit = value.match(numberAndUnit);
+ if (unit) {
+ // make value numeric
+ this.value = parseFloat(unit[1]); // normalize
+ if (unit[5] === '%') {
+ this.value /= 100;
+ } else if (unit[5] === 's') {
+ this.value *= 1000;
+ } // store unit
+ this.unit = unit[5];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (value instanceof SVGNumber) {
+ this.value = value.valueOf();
+ this.unit = value.unit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return (this.unit === '%' ? ~~(this.value * 1e8) / 1e6 : this.unit === 's' ? this.value / 1e3 : this.value) + this.unit;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toJSON",
+ value: function toJSON() {
+ return this.toString();
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.value, this.unit];
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "valueOf",
+ value: function valueOf() {
+ return this.value;
+ } // Add number
+ }, {
+ key: "plus",
+ value: function plus(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this + number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ } // Subtract number
+ }, {
+ key: "minus",
+ value: function minus(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this - number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ } // Multiply number
+ }, {
+ key: "times",
+ value: function times(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this * number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ } // Divide number
+ }, {
+ key: "divide",
+ value: function divide(number) {
+ number = new SVGNumber(number);
+ return new SVGNumber(this / number, this.unit || number.unit);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return SVGNumber;
+ }();
var listenerId = 0;
function getEvents(node) {
@@ -630,11 +940,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
var bag = getEvents(node);
var n = getEventTarget(node); // events can be an array of events or a string of events
- events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(delimiter); // ensure instance object for nodes which are not adopted
- // n.instance = n.instance || {events: {}}
- // pull event handlers from the element
- // var bag =
- // add id to listener
+ events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(delimiter); // add id to listener
if (!listener._svgjsListenerId) {
listener._svgjsListenerId = ++listenerId;
@@ -655,16 +961,12 @@ var SVG = (function () {
function off(node, events, listener, options) {
var bag = getEvents(node);
- var n = getEventTarget(node); // we cannot remove an event if its not an svg.js instance
- // if (!n.instance) return
- // listener can be a function or a number
+ var n = getEventTarget(node); // listener can be a function or a number
if (typeof listener === 'function') {
listener = listener._svgjsListenerId;
if (!listener) return;
- } // pull event handlers from the element
- // var bag =
- // events can be an array of events or a string or undefined
+ } // events can be an array of events or a string or undefined
events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : (events || '').split(delimiter);
@@ -739,6 +1041,56 @@ var SVG = (function () {
dispatch: dispatch
+ var methods = {};
+ function registerMethods(name, m) {
+ if (Array.isArray(name)) {
+ var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
+ var _didIteratorError = false;
+ var _iteratorError = undefined;
+ try {
+ for (var _iterator = name[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
+ var _name = _step.value;
+ registerMethods(_name, m);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ _didIteratorError = true;
+ _iteratorError = err;
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
+ _iterator.return();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (_didIteratorError) {
+ throw _iteratorError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_typeof(name) === 'object') {
+ var _arr = Object.entries(name);
+ for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
+ var _arr$_i = _slicedToArray(_arr[_i], 2),
+ _name2 = _arr$_i[0],
+ _m = _arr$_i[1];
+ registerMethods(_name2, _m);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ methods[name] = Object.assign(methods[name] || {}, m);
+ }
+ function getMethodsFor(name) {
+ return methods[name] || {};
+ }
var EventTarget =
function (_Base) {
@@ -821,7 +1173,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return EventTarget;
}(Base); // Add events to elements
- var methods = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].reduce(function (last, event) {
+ var methods$1 = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].reduce(function (last, event) {
// add event to Element
var fn = function fn(f) {
if (f === null) {
@@ -836,11 +1188,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
last[event] = fn;
return last;
}, {});
- extend(EventTarget, methods); // registerMethods('EventTarget', {
- // on, off, dispatch, fire
- // })
- //
- // registerConstructor('EventTarget', setup)
+ registerMethods('Element', methods$1);
// Map function
function map(array, block) {
@@ -1039,209 +1387,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return Color;
- /* eslint no-new-func: "off" */
- var subClassArray = function () {
- try {
- // try es6 subclassing
- return Function('name', 'baseClass', '_constructor', ['baseClass = baseClass || Array', 'return {', '[name]: class extends baseClass {', 'constructor (...args) {', 'super(...args)', '_constructor && _constructor.apply(this, args)', '}', '}', '}[name]'].join('\n'));
- } catch (e) {
- // Use es5 approach
- return function (name) {
- var baseClass = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : Array;
- var _constructor = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
- var Arr = function Arr() {
- baseClass.apply(this, arguments);
- _constructor && _constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- Arr.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype);
- Arr.prototype.constructor = Arr;
- return Arr;
- };
- }
- }();
- var SVGArray = subClassArray('SVGArray', Array, function () {
- this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- });
- extend(SVGArray, {
- init: function init() {
- // this.splice(0, this.length)
- this.length = 0;
- this.push.apply(this, _toConsumableArray(this.parse.apply(this, arguments)));
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- // const ret = []
- // ret.push(...this)
- // return ret
- return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this);
- },
- toString: function toString() {
- return this.join(' ');
- },
- // Flattens the array if needed
- valueOf: function valueOf() {
- var ret = [];
- ret.push.apply(ret, _toConsumableArray(this));
- return ret; // return this.toArray()
- },
- // Parse whitespace separated string
- parse: function parse() {
- var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
- // array = array.valueOf()
- // If already is an array, no need to parse it
- if (array instanceof Array) return array;
- return array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat);
- },
- clone: function clone() {
- return new this.constructor(this);
- },
- toSet: function toSet() {
- return new Set(this);
- }
- }); // export default class SVGArray extends BaseArray {
- // constructor (...args) {
- // super()
- // this.init(...args)
- // }
- //
- // init (array, fallback = []) {
- // //this.splice(0, this.length)
- // this.length = 0
- // this.push(...this.parse(array || fallback))
- // }
- //
- // toArray () {
- // return [].concat(this)
- // }
- //
- // toString () {
- // return this.join(' ')
- // }
- //
- // valueOf () {
- // return this.toArray()
- // }
- //
- // // Parse whitespace separated string
- // parse (array) {
- // array = array.valueOf()
- //
- // // if already is an array, no need to parse it
- // if (Array.isArray(array)) return array
- //
- // return array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)
- // }
- //
- // clone () {
- // return new this.constructor(this)
- // }
- //
- // toSet () {
- // return new Set(this)
- // }
- // }
- var SVGNumber =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function () {
- // Initialize
- function SVGNumber() {
- _classCallCheck(this, SVGNumber);
- this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- _createClass(SVGNumber, [{
- key: "init",
- value: function init(value, unit) {
- unit = Array.isArray(value) ? value[1] : unit;
- value = Array.isArray(value) ? value[0] : value; // initialize defaults
- this.value = 0;
- this.unit = unit || ''; // parse value
- if (typeof value === 'number') {
- // ensure a valid numeric value
- this.value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : !isFinite(value) ? value < 0 ? -3.4e+38 : +3.4e+38 : value;
- } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
- unit = value.match(numberAndUnit);
- if (unit) {
- // make value numeric
- this.value = parseFloat(unit[1]); // normalize
- if (unit[5] === '%') {
- this.value /= 100;
- } else if (unit[5] === 's') {
- this.value *= 1000;
- } // store unit
- this.unit = unit[5];
- }
- } else {
- if (value instanceof SVGNumber) {
- this.value = value.valueOf();
- this.unit = value.unit;
- }
- }
- }
- }, {
- key: "toString",
- value: function toString() {
- return (this.unit === '%' ? ~~(this.value * 1e8) / 1e6 : this.unit === 's' ? this.value / 1e3 : this.value) + this.unit;
- }
- }, {
- key: "toJSON",
- value: function toJSON() {
- return this.toString();
- }
- }, {
- key: "toArray",
- value: function toArray() {
- return [this.value, this.unit];
- }
- }, {
- key: "valueOf",
- value: function valueOf() {
- return this.value;
- } // Add number
- }, {
- key: "plus",
- value: function plus(number) {
- number = new SVGNumber(number);
- return new SVGNumber(this + number, this.unit || number.unit);
- } // Subtract number
- }, {
- key: "minus",
- value: function minus(number) {
- number = new SVGNumber(number);
- return new SVGNumber(this - number, this.unit || number.unit);
- } // Multiply number
- }, {
- key: "times",
- value: function times(number) {
- number = new SVGNumber(number);
- return new SVGNumber(this * number, this.unit || number.unit);
- } // Divide number
- }, {
- key: "divide",
- value: function divide(number) {
- number = new SVGNumber(number);
- return new SVGNumber(this / number, this.unit || number.unit);
- }
- }]);
- return SVGNumber;
- }();
// Set svg element attribute
function attr(attr, val, ns) {
@@ -1331,7 +1476,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return this;
- } // registerMethods('Element', {attr})
+ }
var Dom =
@@ -1534,7 +1679,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
}, {
key: "replace",
value: function replace(element) {
- // FIXME: after might not be available here
+ // FIXME: after() might not be available here
return element;
} // Return id on string conversion
@@ -1737,21 +1882,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return Element;
- }(Dom); // registerMethods('Element', {
- var Shape =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Element) {
- _inherits(Shape, _Element);
- function Shape() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Shape);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Shape).apply(this, arguments));
- }
- return Shape;
- }(Element);
+ }(Dom);
var Container =
@@ -1790,20 +1921,40 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return Container;
- var HtmlNode =
+ var Bare =
- function (_Dom) {
- _inherits(HtmlNode, _Dom);
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Bare, _Container);
- function HtmlNode(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, HtmlNode);
+ function Bare(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Bare);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(HtmlNode).call(this, node, HtmlNode));
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Bare).call(this, nodeOrNew(node, typeof node === 'string' ? null : node), Bare));
- return HtmlNode;
- }(Dom);
- register(HtmlNode);
+ _createClass(Bare, [{
+ key: "words",
+ value: function words(text) {
+ // remove contents
+ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
+ } // create text node
+ this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Bare;
+ }(Container);
+ register(Bare);
+ registerMethods('Container', {
+ // Create an element that is not described by SVG.js
+ element: function element(node, inherit) {
+ return this.put(new Bare(node, inherit));
+ }
+ });
var Defs =
@@ -1832,56 +1983,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
- var methods$1 = {};
- function registerMethods(name, m) {
- if (Array.isArray(name)) {
- var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
- var _didIteratorError = false;
- var _iteratorError = undefined;
- try {
- for (var _iterator = name[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
- var _name = _step.value;
- registerMethods(_name, m);
- }
- } catch (err) {
- _didIteratorError = true;
- _iteratorError = err;
- } finally {
- try {
- if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
- _iterator.return();
- }
- } finally {
- if (_didIteratorError) {
- throw _iteratorError;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (_typeof(name) === 'object') {
- var _arr = Object.entries(name);
- for (var _i = 0; _i < _arr.length; _i++) {
- var _arr$_i = _slicedToArray(_arr[_i], 2),
- _name2 = _arr$_i[0],
- _m = _arr$_i[1];
- registerMethods(_name2, _m);
- }
- return;
- }
- methods$1[name] = Object.assign(methods$1[name] || {}, m);
- }
- function getMethodsFor(name) {
- return methods$1[name] || {};
- } // FIXME: save memory?
var Doc$1 =
function (_Container) {
@@ -1910,7 +2011,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
key: "doc",
value: function doc() {
if (this.isRoot()) return this;
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Doc.prototype), "doc", this).call(this); // return
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Doc.prototype), "doc", this).call(this);
} // Add namespaces
}, {
@@ -1937,20 +2038,8 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return this.node.parentNode.nodeName === '#document' ? null : adopt(this.node.parentNode);
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Doc.prototype), "parent", this).call(this, type); // return, type)
- } // Removes the doc from the DOM
- // remove() {
- // if (!this.isRoot()) {
- // return super.remove()
- // }
- //
- // if (this.parent()) {
- // this.parent().remove(this)
- // }
- //
- // return this
- // }
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Doc.prototype), "parent", this).call(this, type);
+ }
}, {
key: "clear",
value: function clear() {
@@ -1975,216 +2064,231 @@ var SVG = (function () {
register(Doc$1, 'Doc', true);
- var G =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Container) {
- _inherits(G, _Container);
- function G(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, G);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(G).call(this, nodeOrNew('g', node), G));
+ function parser() {
+ // Reuse cached element if possible
+ if (!parser.nodes) {
+ var svg = new Doc$1().size(2, 0).css({
+ opacity: 0,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: '-100%',
+ top: '-100%',
+ overflow: 'hidden'
+ });
+ var path = svg.path().node;
+ parser.nodes = {
+ svg: svg,
+ path: path
+ };
- return G;
- }(Container);
- registerMethods({
- Element: {
- // Create a group element
- group: function group() {
- return this.put(new G());
- }
+ if (!parser.nodes.svg.node.parentNode) {
+ var b = document.body || document.documentElement;
+ parser.nodes.svg.addTo(b);
- });
- register(G);
- var Queue =
+ return parser.nodes;
+ }
+ var Point =
function () {
- function Queue() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Queue);
- this._first = null;
- this._last = null;
- }
- _createClass(Queue, [{
- key: "push",
- value: function push(value) {
- // An item stores an id and the provided value
- var item = ? value : {
- value: value,
- next: null,
- prev: null // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
+ // Initialize
+ function Point(x, y, base) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Point);
- };
+ var source;
+ base = base || {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0 // ensure source as object
- if (this._last) {
- item.prev = this._last;
- = item;
- this._last = item;
- } else {
- this._last = item;
- this._first = item;
- } // Update the length and return the current item
+ };
+ source = Array.isArray(x) ? {
+ x: x[0],
+ y: x[1]
+ } : _typeof(x) === 'object' ? {
+ x: x.x,
+ y: x.y
+ } : {
+ x: x,
+ y: y // merge source
+ };
+ this.x = source.x == null ? base.x : source.x;
+ this.y = source.y == null ? base.y : source.y;
+ } // Clone point
- return item;
- }
- }, {
- key: "shift",
- value: function shift() {
- // Check if we have a value
- var remove = this._first;
- if (!remove) return null; // If we do, remove it and relink things
- this._first =;
- if (this._first) this._first.prev = null;
- this._last = this._first ? this._last : null;
- return remove.value;
- } // Shows us the first item in the list
+ _createClass(Point, [{
+ key: "clone",
+ value: function clone() {
+ return new Point(this);
+ } // Convert to native SVGPoint
}, {
- key: "first",
- value: function first() {
- return this._first && this._first.value;
- } // Shows us the last item in the list
+ key: "native",
+ value: function native() {
+ // create new point
+ var point = parser().svg.node.createSVGPoint(); // update with current values
- }, {
- key: "last",
- value: function last() {
- return this._last && this._last.value;
- } // Removes the item that was returned from the push
+ point.x = this.x;
+ point.y = this.y;
+ return point;
+ } // transform point with matrix
}, {
- key: "remove",
- value: function remove(item) {
- // Relink the previous item
- if (item.prev) =;
- if ( = item.prev;
- if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev;
- if (item === this._first) this._first =; // Invalidate item
+ key: "transform",
+ value: function transform(m) {
+ // Perform the matrix multiplication
+ var x = m.a * this.x + m.c * this.y + m.e;
+ var y = m.b * this.x + m.d * this.y + m.f; // Return the required point
- item.prev = null;
- = null;
+ return new Point(x, y);
- return Queue;
+ return Point;
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Get point
+ point: function point(x, y) {
+ return new Point(x, y).transform(this.screenCTM().inverse());
+ }
+ }
+ });
- var Animator = {
- nextDraw: null,
- frames: new Queue(),
- timeouts: new Queue(),
- timer: window.performance || window.Date,
- transforms: [],
- frame: function frame(fn) {
- // Store the node
- var node = Animator.frames.push({
- run: fn
- }); // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
- if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
- } // Return the node so we can remove it easily
+ var Box =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Box() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Box);
- return node;
- },
- transform_frame: function transform_frame(fn, id) {
- Animator.transforms[id] = fn;
- },
- timeout: function timeout(fn, delay) {
- delay = delay || 0; // Work out when the event should fire
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
- var time = + delay; // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
+ _createClass(Box, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(source) {
+ var base = [0, 0, 0, 0];
+ source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat) : Array.isArray(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left : source.x, != null ? : source.y, source.width, source.height] : arguments.length === 4 ? [] : base;
+ this.x = source[0];
+ this.y = source[1];
+ this.width = source[2];
+ this.height = source[3]; // add center, right, bottom...
- var node = Animator.timeouts.push({
- run: fn,
- time: time
- }); // Request another animation frame if we need one
+ fullBox(this);
+ } // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
- if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- Animator.nextDraw = window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
+ }, {
+ key: "merge",
+ value: function merge(box) {
+ var x = Math.min(this.x, box.x);
+ var y = Math.min(this.y, box.y);
+ var width = Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x;
+ var height = Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y;
+ return new Box(x, y, width, height);
+ }, {
+ key: "transform",
+ value: function transform(m) {
+ var xMin = Infinity;
+ var xMax = -Infinity;
+ var yMin = Infinity;
+ var yMax = -Infinity;
+ var pts = [new Point(this.x, this.y), new Point(this.x2, this.y), new Point(this.x, this.y2), new Point(this.x2, this.y2)];
+ pts.forEach(function (p) {
+ p = p.transform(m);
+ xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x);
+ xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x);
+ yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y);
+ yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y);
+ });
+ return new Box(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "addOffset",
+ value: function addOffset() {
+ // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
+ this.x += window.pageXOffset;
+ this.y += window.pageYOffset;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height];
+ }
+ }]);
- return node;
- },
- cancelFrame: function cancelFrame(node) {
- Animator.frames.remove(node);
- },
- clearTimeout: function clearTimeout(node) {
- Animator.timeouts.remove(node);
- },
- _draw: function _draw(now) {
- // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
- // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
- var nextTimeout = null;
- var lastTimeout = Animator.timeouts.last();
- while (nextTimeout = Animator.timeouts.shift()) {
- // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
- if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
- } else {
- Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout);
- } // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
+ return Box;
+ }();
+ function getBox(cb) {
+ var box;
- if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break;
- } // Run all of the animation frames
+ try {
+ box = cb(this.node);
+ if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
+ throw new Error('Element not in the dom');
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ var clone = this.clone(parser().svg).show();
+ box = cb(clone.node);
+ clone.remove();
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn('Getting a bounding box of this element is not possible');
+ }
+ }
- var nextFrame = null;
- var lastFrame = Animator.frames.last();
+ return box;
+ }
- while (nextFrame !== lastFrame && (nextFrame = Animator.frames.shift())) {
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Get bounding box
+ bbox: function bbox() {
+ return new Box(, function (node) {
+ return node.getBBox();
+ }));
+ },
+ rbox: function rbox(el) {
+ var box = new Box(, function (node) {
+ return node.getBoundingClientRect();
+ }));
+ if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse());
+ return box.addOffset();
+ },
+ viewbox: {
+ viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (x == null) return new Box(this.attr('viewBox')); // act as setter
- Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) {
- el();
- }); // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
- Animator.nextDraw = Animator.timeouts.first() || Animator.frames.first() ? window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw) : null;
+ return this.attr('viewBox', new Box(x, y, width, height));
+ }
- };
+ });
- var Bare =
+ var Shape =
- function (_Container) {
- _inherits(Bare, _Container);
+ function (_Element) {
+ _inherits(Shape, _Element);
- function Bare(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Bare);
+ function Shape() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Shape);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Bare).call(this, nodeOrNew(node, typeof node === 'string' ? null : node), Bare));
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Shape).apply(this, arguments));
- _createClass(Bare, [{
- key: "words",
- value: function words(text) {
- // remove contents
- while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
- this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild);
- } // create text node
- this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
- return this;
- }
- }]);
- return Bare;
- }(Container);
- register(Bare);
- registerMethods('Container', {
- // Create an element that is not described by SVG.js
- element: function element(node, inherit) {
- return this.put(new Bare(node, inherit));
- }
- });
+ return Shape;
+ }(Element);
// FIXME: import this to runner
@@ -2288,28 +2392,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
- // SVG.get = function (id) {
- // var node = document.getElementById(idFromReference(id) || id)
- // return SVG.adopt(node)
- // }
- //
- // // Select elements by query string
- // = function (query, parent) {
- // return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
- // return SVG.adopt(node)
- // })
- // }
- //
- // SVG.$$ = function (query, parent) {
- // return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
- // return SVG.adopt(node)
- // })
- // }
- //
- // SVG.$ = function (query, parent) {
- // return SVG.adopt((parent || document).querySelector(query))
- // }
function baseFind(query, parent) {
return map((parent || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
return adopt(node);
@@ -2343,7 +2425,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
}); // remove clipPath from parent
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(ClipPath.prototype), "remove", this).call(this); // return
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(ClipPath.prototype), "remove", this).call(this);
}, {
key: "targets",
@@ -2380,56 +2462,235 @@ var SVG = (function () {
- var A =
+ /***
+ Base Class
+ ==========
+ The base stepper class that will be
+ ***/
+ function makeSetterGetter(k, f) {
+ return function (v) {
+ if (v == null) return this[v];
+ this[k] = v;
+ if (f);
+ return this;
+ };
+ }
+ var easing = {
+ '-': function _(pos) {
+ return pos;
+ },
+ '<>': function _(pos) {
+ return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;
+ },
+ '>': function _(pos) {
+ return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2);
+ },
+ '<': function _(pos) {
+ return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1;
+ },
+ bezier: function bezier(t0, x0, t1, x1) {
+ return function (t) {// TODO: FINISH
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ var Stepper =
- function (_Container) {
- _inherits(A, _Container);
+ function () {
+ function Stepper() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Stepper);
+ }
- function A(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, A);
+ _createClass(Stepper, [{
+ key: "done",
+ value: function done() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }]);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(A).call(this, nodeOrNew('a', node), A));
- } // Link url
+ return Stepper;
+ }();
+ /***
+ Easing Functions
+ ================
+ ***/
+ var Ease =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Stepper) {
+ _inherits(Ease, _Stepper);
+ function Ease(fn) {
+ var _this;
- _createClass(A, [{
- key: "to",
- value: function to(url) {
- return this.attr('href', url, xlink);
- } // Link target attribute
+ _classCallCheck(this, Ease);
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Ease).call(this));
+ _this.ease = easing[fn || timeline.ease] || fn;
+ return _this;
+ }
+ _createClass(Ease, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(from, to, pos) {
+ if (typeof from !== 'number') {
+ return pos < 1 ? from : to;
+ }
+ return from + (to - from) * this.ease(pos);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Ease;
+ }(Stepper);
+ /***
+ Controller Types
+ ================
+ ***/
+ var Controller =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Stepper2) {
+ _inherits(Controller, _Stepper2);
+ function Controller(fn) {
+ var _this2;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Controller);
+ _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Controller).call(this));
+ _this2.stepper = fn;
+ return _this2;
+ }
+ _createClass(Controller, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
+ return this.stepper(current, target, dt, c);
+ }
}, {
- key: "target",
- value: function target(_target) {
- return this.attr('target', _target);
+ key: "done",
+ value: function done(c) {
+ return c.done;
- return A;
- }(Container);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a hyperlink element
- link: function link(url) {
- return this.put(new A()).to(url);
+ return Controller;
+ }(Stepper);
+ function recalculate() {
+ // Apply the default parameters
+ var duration = (this._duration || 500) / 1000;
+ var overshoot = this._overshoot || 0; // Calculate the PID natural response
+ var eps = 1e-10;
+ var pi = Math.PI;
+ var os = Math.log(overshoot / 100 + eps);
+ var zeta = -os / Math.sqrt(pi * pi + os * os);
+ var wn = 3.9 / (zeta * duration); // Calculate the Spring values
+ this.d = 2 * zeta * wn;
+ this.k = wn * wn;
+ }
+ var Spring =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Controller) {
+ _inherits(Spring, _Controller);
+ function Spring(duration, overshoot) {
+ var _this3;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Spring);
+ _this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Spring).call(this));
+ _this3.duration(duration || 500).overshoot(overshoot || 0);
+ return _this3;
+ }
+ _createClass(Spring, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
+ if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
+ c.done = dt === Infinity;
+ if (dt === Infinity) return target;
+ if (dt === 0) return current;
+ if (dt > 100) dt = 16;
+ dt /= 1000; // Get the previous velocity
+ var velocity = c.velocity || 0; // Apply the control to get the new position and store it
+ var acceleration = -this.d * velocity - this.k * (current - target);
+ var newPosition = current + velocity * dt + acceleration * dt * dt / 2; // Store the velocity
+ c.velocity = velocity + acceleration * dt; // Figure out if we have converged, and if so, pass the value
+ c.done = Math.abs(target - newPosition) + Math.abs(velocity) < 0.002;
+ return c.done ? target : newPosition;
- },
- Element: {
- // Create a hyperlink element
- linkTo: function linkTo(url) {
- var link = new A();
+ }]);
- if (typeof url === 'function') {
-, link);
- } else {
+ return Spring;
+ }(Controller);
+ extend(Spring, {
+ duration: makeSetterGetter('_duration', recalculate),
+ overshoot: makeSetterGetter('_overshoot', recalculate)
+ });
+ var PID =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Controller2) {
+ _inherits(PID, _Controller2);
+ function PID(p, i, d, windup) {
+ var _this4;
+ _classCallCheck(this, PID);
+ _this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(PID).call(this));
+ p = p == null ? 0.1 : p;
+ i = i == null ? 0.01 : i;
+ d = d == null ? 0 : d;
+ windup = windup == null ? 1000 : windup;
+ _this4.p(p).i(i).d(d).windup(windup);
+ return _this4;
+ }
+ _createClass(PID, [{
+ key: "step",
+ value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
+ if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
+ c.done = dt === Infinity;
+ if (dt === Infinity) return target;
+ if (dt === 0) return current;
+ var p = target - current;
+ var i = (c.integral || 0) + p * dt;
+ var d = (p - (c.error || 0)) / dt;
+ var windup = this.windup; // antiwindup
+ if (windup !== false) {
+ i = Math.max(-windup, Math.min(i, windup));
- return this.parent().put(link).put(this);
+ c.error = p;
+ c.integral = i;
+ c.done = Math.abs(p) < 0.001;
+ return c.done ? target : current + (this.P * p + this.I * i + this.D * d);
- }
+ }]);
+ return PID;
+ }(Controller);
+ extend(PID, {
+ windup: makeSetterGetter('windup'),
+ p: makeSetterGetter('P'),
+ i: makeSetterGetter('I'),
+ d: makeSetterGetter('D')
- register(A);
var Ellipse =
@@ -2513,218 +2774,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
to: to
- function parser() {
- // Reuse cached element if possible
- if (!parser.nodes) {
- var svg = new Doc$1().size(2, 0).css({
- opacity: 0,
- position: 'absolute',
- left: '-100%',
- top: '-100%',
- overflow: 'hidden'
- });
- var path = svg.path().node;
- parser.nodes = {
- svg: svg,
- path: path
- };
- }
- if (!parser.nodes.svg.node.parentNode) {
- var b = document.body || document.documentElement;
- parser.nodes.svg.addTo(b);
- }
- return parser.nodes;
- }
- var Point =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function () {
- // Initialize
- function Point(x, y, base) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Point);
- var source;
- base = base || {
- x: 0,
- y: 0 // ensure source as object
- };
- source = Array.isArray(x) ? {
- x: x[0],
- y: x[1]
- } : _typeof(x) === 'object' ? {
- x: x.x,
- y: x.y
- } : {
- x: x,
- y: y // merge source
- };
- this.x = source.x == null ? base.x : source.x;
- this.y = source.y == null ? base.y : source.y;
- } // Clone point
- _createClass(Point, [{
- key: "clone",
- value: function clone() {
- return new Point(this);
- } // Convert to native SVGPoint
- }, {
- key: "native",
- value: function native() {
- // create new point
- var point = parser().svg.node.createSVGPoint(); // update with current values
- point.x = this.x;
- point.y = this.y;
- return point;
- } // transform point with matrix
- }, {
- key: "transform",
- value: function transform(m) {
- // Perform the matrix multiplication
- var x = m.a * this.x + m.c * this.y + m.e;
- var y = m.b * this.x + m.d * this.y + m.f; // Return the required point
- return new Point(x, y);
- }
- }]);
- return Point;
- }();
- registerMethods({
- Element: {
- // Get point
- point: function point(x, y) {
- return new Point(x, y).transform(this.screenCTM().inverse());
- }
- }
- });
- var Box =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function () {
- function Box() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Box);
- this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- _createClass(Box, [{
- key: "init",
- value: function init(source) {
- var base = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat) : Array.isArray(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left : source.x, != null ? : source.y, source.width, source.height] : arguments.length === 4 ? [] : base;
- this.x = source[0];
- this.y = source[1];
- this.width = source[2];
- this.height = source[3]; // add center, right, bottom...
- fullBox(this);
- } // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
- }, {
- key: "merge",
- value: function merge(box) {
- var x = Math.min(this.x, box.x);
- var y = Math.min(this.y, box.y);
- var width = Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x;
- var height = Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y;
- return new Box(x, y, width, height);
- }
- }, {
- key: "transform",
- value: function transform(m) {
- var xMin = Infinity;
- var xMax = -Infinity;
- var yMin = Infinity;
- var yMax = -Infinity;
- var pts = [new Point(this.x, this.y), new Point(this.x2, this.y), new Point(this.x, this.y2), new Point(this.x2, this.y2)];
- pts.forEach(function (p) {
- p = p.transform(m);
- xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x);
- xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x);
- yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y);
- yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y);
- });
- return new Box(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
- }
- }, {
- key: "addOffset",
- value: function addOffset() {
- // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
- this.x += window.pageXOffset;
- this.y += window.pageYOffset;
- return this;
- }
- }, {
- key: "toString",
- value: function toString() {
- return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height;
- }
- }, {
- key: "toArray",
- value: function toArray() {
- return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height];
- }
- }]);
- return Box;
- }();
- function getBox(cb) {
- var box;
- try {
- box = cb(this.node);
- if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
- throw new Error('Element not in the dom');
- }
- } catch (e) {
- try {
- var clone = this.clone(parser().svg).show();
- box = cb(clone.node);
- clone.remove();
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn('Getting a bounding box of this element is not possible');
- }
- }
- return box;
- }
- registerMethods({
- Element: {
- // Get bounding box
- bbox: function bbox() {
- return new Box(, function (node) {
- return node.getBBox();
- }));
- },
- rbox: function rbox(el) {
- var box = new Box(, function (node) {
- return node.getBoundingClientRect();
- }));
- if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse());
- return box.addOffset();
- }
- },
- viewbox: {
- viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
- // act as getter
- if (x == null) return new Box(this.attr('viewBox')); // act as setter
- return this.attr('viewBox', new Box(x, y, width, height));
- }
- }
- });
var Gradient =
function (_Container) {
@@ -2772,7 +2821,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
key: "attr",
value: function attr(a, b, c) {
if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform';
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Gradient.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c); // return, a, b, c)
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Gradient.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
}, {
key: "targets",
@@ -2805,6 +2854,95 @@ var SVG = (function () {
+ var G =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(G, _Container);
+ function G(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, G);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(G).call(this, nodeOrNew('g', node), G));
+ }
+ return G;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Create a group element
+ group: function group() {
+ return this.put(new G());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(G);
+ var HtmlNode =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Dom) {
+ _inherits(HtmlNode, _Dom);
+ function HtmlNode(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, HtmlNode);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(HtmlNode).call(this, node, HtmlNode));
+ }
+ return HtmlNode;
+ }(Dom);
+ register(HtmlNode);
+ var A =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(A, _Container);
+ function A(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, A);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(A).call(this, nodeOrNew('a', node), A));
+ } // Link url
+ _createClass(A, [{
+ key: "to",
+ value: function to(url) {
+ return this.attr('href', url, xlink);
+ } // Link target attribute
+ }, {
+ key: "target",
+ value: function target(_target) {
+ return this.attr('target', _target);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return A;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a hyperlink element
+ link: function link(url) {
+ return this.put(new A()).to(url);
+ }
+ },
+ Element: {
+ // Create a hyperlink element
+ linkTo: function linkTo(url) {
+ var link = new A();
+ if (typeof url === 'function') {
+, link);
+ } else {
+ }
+ return this.parent().put(link).put(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(A);
var Pattern =
function (_Container) {
@@ -2847,7 +2985,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
key: "attr",
value: function attr(a, b, c) {
if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform';
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Pattern.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c); // return, a, b, c)
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Pattern.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
}, {
key: "targets",
@@ -3056,129 +3194,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
height: maxY - minY
- }); // export default class PointArray extends SVGArray {
- // constructor (array, fallback = [[0, 0]]) {
- // super(array, fallback)
- // }
- //
- // // Convert array to string
- // toString () {
- // // convert to a poly point string
- // for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- // array.push(this[i].join(','))
- // }
- //
- // return array.join(' ')
- // }
- //
- // // toArray () {
- // // return this.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- // // return [], curr)
- // // }, [])
- // // }
- //
- // // Convert array to line object
- // toLine () {
- // return {
- // x1: this[0][0],
- // y1: this[0][1],
- // x2: this[1][0],
- // y2: this[1][1]
- // }
- // }
- //
- // // Get morphed array at given position
- // at (pos) {
- // // make sure a destination is defined
- // if (!this.destination) return this
- //
- // // generate morphed point string
- // for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- // array.push([
- // this[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this[i][0]) * pos,
- // this[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this[i][1]) * pos
- // ])
- // }
- //
- // return new PointArray(array)
- // }
- //
- // // Parse point string and flat array
- // parse (array) {
- // var points = []
- //
- // array = array.valueOf()
- //
- // // if it is an array
- // if (Array.isArray(array)) {
- // // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
- // if (Array.isArray(array[0])) {
- // return array
- // }
- // } else { // Else, it is considered as a string
- // // parse points
- // array = array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)
- // }
- //
- // // validate points -
- // // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
- // if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop()
- //
- // // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
- // for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
- // points.push([ array[i], array[i + 1] ])
- // }
- //
- // return points
- // }
- //
- // // Move point string
- // move (x, y) {
- // var box = this.bbox()
- //
- // // get relative offset
- // x -= box.x
- // y -= box.y
- //
- // // move every point
- // if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
- // for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- // this[i] = [this[i][0] + x, this[i][1] + y]
- // }
- // }
- //
- // return this
- // }
- //
- // // Resize poly string
- // size (width, height) {
- // var i
- // var box = this.bbox()
- //
- // // recalculate position of all points according to new size
- // for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- // if (box.width) this[i][0] = ((this[i][0] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- // if (box.height) this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- // }
- //
- // return this
- // }
- //
- // // Get bounding box of points
- // bbox () {
- // var maxX = -Infinity
- // var maxY = -Infinity
- // var minX = Infinity
- // var minY = Infinity
- // this.forEach(function (el) {
- // maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX)
- // maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY)
- // minX = Math.min(el[0], minX)
- // minY = Math.min(el[1], minY)
- // })
- // return {x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY}
- // }
- // }
+ });
var MorphArray = PointArray; // Move by left top corner over x-axis
@@ -3382,7 +3398,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
}); // remove mask from parent
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Mask.prototype), "remove", this).call(this); // return
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Mask.prototype), "remove", this).call(this);
}, {
key: "targets",
@@ -3418,1120 +3434,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
- var PathArray = subClassArray('PathArray', SVGArray);
- var pathHandlers = {
- M: function M(c, p, p0) {
- p.x = p0.x = c[0];
- p.y = p0.y = c[1];
- return ['M', p.x, p.y];
- },
- L: function L(c, p) {
- p.x = c[0];
- p.y = c[1];
- return ['L', c[0], c[1]];
- },
- H: function H(c, p) {
- p.x = c[0];
- return ['H', c[0]];
- },
- V: function V(c, p) {
- p.y = c[0];
- return ['V', c[0]];
- },
- C: function C(c, p) {
- p.x = c[4];
- p.y = c[5];
- return ['C', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]];
- },
- S: function S(c, p) {
- p.x = c[2];
- p.y = c[3];
- return ['S', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
- },
- Q: function Q(c, p) {
- p.x = c[2];
- p.y = c[3];
- return ['Q', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
- },
- T: function T(c, p) {
- p.x = c[0];
- p.y = c[1];
- return ['T', c[0], c[1]];
- },
- Z: function Z(c, p, p0) {
- p.x = p0.x;
- p.y = p0.y;
- return ['Z'];
- },
- A: function A(c, p) {
- p.x = c[5];
- p.y = c[6];
- return ['A', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6]];
- }
- };
- var mlhvqtcsaz = 'mlhvqtcsaz'.split('');
- for (var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i) {
- pathHandlers[mlhvqtcsaz[i]] = function (i) {
- return function (c, p, p0) {
- if (i === 'H') c[0] = c[0] + p.x;else if (i === 'V') c[0] = c[0] + p.y;else if (i === 'A') {
- c[5] = c[5] + p.x;
- c[6] = c[6] + p.y;
- } else {
- for (var j = 0, jl = c.length; j < jl; ++j) {
- c[j] = c[j] + (j % 2 ? p.y : p.x);
- }
- }
- return pathHandlers[i](c, p, p0);
- };
- }(mlhvqtcsaz[i].toUpperCase());
- }
- extend(PathArray, {
- // Convert array to string
- toString: function toString() {
- return arrayToString(this);
- },
- // Move path string
- move: function move(x, y) {
- // get bounding box of current situation
- var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
- x -= box.x;
- y -= box.y;
- if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
- // move every point
- for (var l, i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- l = this[i][0];
- if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- this[i][1] += x;
- this[i][2] += y;
- } else if (l === 'H') {
- this[i][1] += x;
- } else if (l === 'V') {
- this[i][1] += y;
- } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- this[i][1] += x;
- this[i][2] += y;
- this[i][3] += x;
- this[i][4] += y;
- if (l === 'C') {
- this[i][5] += x;
- this[i][6] += y;
- }
- } else if (l === 'A') {
- this[i][6] += x;
- this[i][7] += y;
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Resize path string
- size: function size(width, height) {
- // get bounding box of current situation
- var box = this.bbox();
- var i, l; // recalculate position of all points according to new size
- for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- l = this[i][0];
- if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this[i][2] = (this[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- } else if (l === 'H') {
- this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- } else if (l === 'V') {
- this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this[i][2] = (this[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- this[i][3] = (this[i][3] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this[i][4] = (this[i][4] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- if (l === 'C') {
- this[i][5] = (this[i][5] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this[i][6] = (this[i][6] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- }
- } else if (l === 'A') {
- // resize radii
- this[i][1] = this[i][1] * width / box.width;
- this[i][2] = this[i][2] * height / box.height; // move position values
- this[i][6] = (this[i][6] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- this[i][7] = (this[i][7] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
- equalCommands: function equalCommands(pathArray) {
- var i, il, equalCommands;
- pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray);
- equalCommands = this.length === pathArray.length;
- for (i = 0, il = this.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
- equalCommands = this[i][0] === pathArray[i][0];
- }
- return equalCommands;
- },
- // Make path array morphable
- morph: function morph(pathArray) {
- pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray);
- if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
- this.destination = pathArray;
- } else {
- this.destination = null;
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Get morphed path array at given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this;
- var sourceArray = this;
- var destinationArray = this.destination.value;
- var array = [];
- var pathArray = new PathArray();
- var i, il, j, jl; // Animate has specified in the SVG spec
- // See:
- for (i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
- array[i] = [sourceArray[i][0]];
- for (j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
- array[i][j] = sourceArray[i][j] + (destinationArray[i][j] - sourceArray[i][j]) * pos;
- } // For the two flags of the elliptical arc command, the SVG spec say:
- // Flags and booleans are interpolated as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true
- // Elliptical arc command as an array followed by corresponding indexes:
- // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
- // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- if (array[i][0] === 'A') {
- array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] !== 0);
- array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] !== 0);
- }
- } // Directly modify the value of a path array, this is done this way for performance
- pathArray.value = array;
- return pathArray;
- },
- // Absolutize and parse path to array
- parse: function parse() {
- var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [['M', 0, 0]];
- // if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
- if (array instanceof PathArray) return array; // prepare for parsing
- var s;
- var paramCnt = {
- 'M': 2,
- 'L': 2,
- 'H': 1,
- 'V': 1,
- 'C': 6,
- 'S': 4,
- 'Q': 4,
- 'T': 2,
- 'A': 7,
- 'Z': 0
- };
- if (typeof array === 'string') {
- array = array.replace(numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
- .replace(pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
- .replace(hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
- .trim() // trim
- .split(delimiter); // split into array
- } else {
- array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- return [], curr);
- }, []);
- } // array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
- var result = [];
- var p = new Point();
- var p0 = new Point();
- var index = 0;
- var len = array.length;
- do {
- // Test if we have a path letter
- if (isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
- s = array[index];
- ++index; // If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
- } else if (s === 'M') {
- s = 'L';
- } else if (s === 'm') {
- s = 'l';
- }
- result.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null, array.slice(index, index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()]).map(parseFloat), p, p0));
- } while (len > index);
- return result;
- },
- // Get bounding box of path
- bbox: function bbox() {
- parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString());
- return parser.nodes.path.getBBox();
- }
- }); // export default class PathArray extends SVGArray {
- // constructor (array, fallback = [['M', 0, 0]]) {
- // super(array, fallback)
- // }
- //
- // // Convert array to string
- // toString () {
- // return arrayToString(this)
- // }
- //
- // toArray () {
- // return this.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- // return [], curr)
- // }, [])
- // }
- //
- // // Move path string
- // move (x, y) {
- // // get bounding box of current situation
- // var box = this.bbox()
- //
- // // get relative offset
- // x -= box.x
- // y -= box.y
- //
- // if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
- // // move every point
- // for (var l, i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- // l = this[i][0]
- //
- // if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- // this[i][1] += x
- // this[i][2] += y
- // } else if (l === 'H') {
- // this[i][1] += x
- // } else if (l === 'V') {
- // this[i][1] += y
- // } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- // this[i][1] += x
- // this[i][2] += y
- // this[i][3] += x
- // this[i][4] += y
- //
- // if (l === 'C') {
- // this[i][5] += x
- // this[i][6] += y
- // }
- // } else if (l === 'A') {
- // this[i][6] += x
- // this[i][7] += y
- // }
- // }
- // }
- //
- // return this
- // }
- //
- // // Resize path string
- // size (width, height) {
- // // get bounding box of current situation
- // var box = this.bbox()
- // var i, l
- //
- // // recalculate position of all points according to new size
- // for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- // l = this[i][0]
- //
- // if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
- // this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- // this[i][2] = ((this[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- // } else if (l === 'H') {
- // this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- // } else if (l === 'V') {
- // this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- // } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
- // this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- // this[i][2] = ((this[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- // this[i][3] = ((this[i][3] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- // this[i][4] = ((this[i][4] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- //
- // if (l === 'C') {
- // this[i][5] = ((this[i][5] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- // this[i][6] = ((this[i][6] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- // }
- // } else if (l === 'A') {
- // // resize radii
- // this[i][1] = (this[i][1] * width) / box.width
- // this[i][2] = (this[i][2] * height) / box.height
- //
- // // move position values
- // this[i][6] = ((this[i][6] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
- // this[i][7] = ((this[i][7] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
- // }
- // }
- //
- // return this
- // }
- //
- // // Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
- // equalCommands (pathArray) {
- // var i, il, equalCommands
- //
- // pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray)
- //
- // equalCommands = this.length === pathArray.value.length
- // for (i = 0, il = this.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
- // equalCommands = this[i][0] === pathArray.value[i][0]
- // }
- //
- // return equalCommands
- // }
- //
- // // Make path array morphable
- // morph (pathArray) {
- // pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray)
- //
- // if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
- // this.destination = pathArray
- // } else {
- // this.destination = null
- // }
- //
- // return this
- // }
- //
- // // Get morphed path array at given position
- // at (pos) {
- // // make sure a destination is defined
- // if (!this.destination) return this
- //
- // var sourceArray = this
- // var destinationArray = this.destination.value
- // var array = []
- // var pathArray = new PathArray()
- // var i, il, j, jl
- //
- // // Animate has specified in the SVG spec
- // // See:
- // for (i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
- // array[i] = [sourceArray[i][0]]
- // for (j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
- // array[i][j] = sourceArray[i][j] + (destinationArray[i][j] - sourceArray[i][j]) * pos
- // }
- // // For the two flags of the elliptical arc command, the SVG spec say:
- // // Flags and booleans are interpolated as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true
- // // Elliptical arc command as an array followed by corresponding indexes:
- // // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
- // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- // if (array[i][0] === 'A') {
- // array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] !== 0)
- // array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] !== 0)
- // }
- // }
- //
- // // Directly modify the value of a path array, this is done this way for performance
- // pathArray.value = array
- // return pathArray
- // }
- //
- // // Absolutize and parse path to array
- // parse (array) {
- // // if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
- // if (array instanceof PathArray) return array.valueOf()
- //
- // // prepare for parsing
- // var s
- // var paramCnt = { 'M': 2, 'L': 2, 'H': 1, 'V': 1, 'C': 6, 'S': 4, 'Q': 4, 'T': 2, 'A': 7, 'Z': 0 }
- //
- // if (typeof array === 'string') {
- // array = array
- // .replace(numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
- // .replace(pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
- // .replace(hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
- // .trim() // trim
- // .split(delimiter) // split into array
- // } else {
- // array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
- // return [], curr)
- // }, [])
- // }
- //
- // // array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
- // var result = []
- // var p = new Point()
- // var p0 = new Point()
- // var index = 0
- // var len = array.length
- //
- // do {
- // // Test if we have a path letter
- // if (isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
- // s = array[index]
- // ++index
- // // If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
- // } else if (s === 'M') {
- // s = 'L'
- // } else if (s === 'm') {
- // s = 'l'
- // }
- //
- // result.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null,
- // array.slice(index, (index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()])).map(parseFloat),
- // p, p0
- // )
- // )
- // } while (len > index)
- //
- // return result
- // }
- //
- // // Get bounding box of path
- // bbox () {
- // parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString())
- // return parser.nodes.path.getBBox()
- // }
- // }
- var Path =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Path, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Path(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Path);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Path).call(this, nodeOrNew('path', node), Path));
- } // Get array
- _createClass(Path, [{
- key: "array",
- value: function array() {
- return this._array || (this._array = new PathArray(this.attr('d')));
- } // Plot new path
- }, {
- key: "plot",
- value: function plot(d) {
- return d == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : this._array = new PathArray(d));
- } // Clear array cache
- }, {
- key: "clear",
- value: function clear() {
- delete this._array;
- return this;
- } // Move by left top corner
- }, {
- key: "move",
- value: function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y));
- } // Move by left top corner over x-axis
- }, {
- key: "x",
- value: function x(_x) {
- return _x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(_x, this.bbox().y);
- } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- }, {
- key: "y",
- value: function y(_y) {
- return _y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, _y);
- } // Set element size to given width and height
- }, {
- key: "size",
- value: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
- } // Set width of element
- }, {
- key: "width",
- value: function width(_width) {
- return _width == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(_width, this.bbox().height);
- } // Set height of element
- }, {
- key: "height",
- value: function height(_height) {
- return _height == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, _height);
- }
- }, {
- key: "targets",
- value: function targets() {
- return baseFind('svg textpath [href*="' + + '"]');
- }
- }]);
- return Path;
- }(Shape); // Define morphable array
- Path.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray; // Add parent method
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a wrapped path element
- path: function path(d) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new Path()).plot(d || new PathArray());
- }
- }
- });
- register(Path);
- // Add polygon-specific functions
- function array() {
- return this._array || (this._array = new PointArray(this.attr('points')));
- } // Plot new path
- function plot(p) {
- return p == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p : this._array = new PointArray(p));
- } // Clear array cache
- function clear() {
- delete this._array;
- return this;
- } // Move by left top corner
- function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y));
- } // Set element size to given width and height
- function size$1(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
- }
- var poly = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- array: array,
- plot: plot,
- clear: clear,
- move: move,
- size: size$1
- });
- var Polygon =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Polygon, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Polygon(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Polygon);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polygon).call(this, nodeOrNew('polygon', node), Polygon));
- }
- return Polygon;
- }(Shape);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a wrapped polygon element
- polygon: function polygon(p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new Polygon()).plot(p || new PointArray());
- }
- }
- });
- extend(Polygon, pointed);
- extend(Polygon, poly);
- register(Polygon);
- var Polyline =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Polyline, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Polyline(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Polyline);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polyline).call(this, nodeOrNew('polyline', node), Polyline));
- }
- return Polyline;
- }(Shape);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a wrapped polygon element
- polyline: function polyline(p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new Polyline()).plot(p || new PointArray());
- }
- }
- });
- extend(Polyline, pointed);
- extend(Polyline, poly);
- register(Polyline);
- var Rect =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Rect, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Rect(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Rect);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Rect).call(this, nodeOrNew('rect', node), Rect));
- } // FIXME: unify with circle
- // Radius x value
- _createClass(Rect, [{
- key: "rx",
- value: function rx(_rx) {
- return this.attr('rx', _rx);
- } // Radius y value
- }, {
- key: "ry",
- value: function ry(_ry) {
- return this.attr('ry', _ry);
- }
- }]);
- return Rect;
- }(Shape);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a rect element
- rect: function rect(width, height) {
- return this.put(new Rect()).size(width, height);
- }
- }
- });
- register(Rect);
- var _Symbol =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Container) {
- _inherits(_Symbol, _Container);
- // Initialize node
- function _Symbol(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, _Symbol);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(_Symbol).call(this, nodeOrNew('symbol', node), _Symbol));
- }
- return _Symbol;
- }(Container);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- symbol: function symbol() {
- return this.put(new _Symbol());
- }
- }
- });
- register(_Symbol);
- // Create plain text node
- function plain(text) {
- // clear if build mode is disabled
- if (this._build === false) {
- this.clear();
- } // create text node
- this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
- return this;
- } // FIXME: Does this also work for textpath?
- // Get length of text element
- function length() {
- return this.node.getComputedTextLength();
- }
- var textable = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- plain: plain,
- length: length
- });
- var Text =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Text, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Text(node) {
- var _this;
- _classCallCheck(this, Text);
- _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Text).call(this, nodeOrNew('text', node), Text));
- _this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(1.3); // store leading value for rebuilding
- _this._rebuild = true; // enable automatic updating of dy values
- _this._build = false; // disable build mode for adding multiple lines
- // set default font
- _this.attr('font-family', attrs['font-family']);
- return _this;
- } // Move over x-axis
- _createClass(Text, [{
- key: "x",
- value: function x(_x) {
- // act as getter
- if (_x == null) {
- return this.attr('x');
- }
- return this.attr('x', _x);
- } // Move over y-axis
- }, {
- key: "y",
- value: function y(_y) {
- var oy = this.attr('y');
- var o = typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - this.bbox().y : 0; // act as getter
- if (_y == null) {
- return typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - o : oy;
- }
- return this.attr('y', typeof _y === 'number' ? _y + o : _y);
- } // Move center over x-axis
- }, {
- key: "cx",
- value: function cx(x) {
- return x == null ? this.bbox().cx : this.x(x - this.bbox().width / 2);
- } // Move center over y-axis
- }, {
- key: "cy",
- value: function cy(y) {
- return y == null ? this.bbox().cy : this.y(y - this.bbox().height / 2);
- } // Set the text content
- }, {
- key: "text",
- value: function text(_text) {
- // act as getter
- if (_text === undefined) {
- // FIXME use children() or each()
- var children = this.node.childNodes;
- var firstLine = 0;
- _text = '';
- for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
- // skip textPaths - they are no lines
- if (children[i].nodeName === 'textPath') {
- if (i === 0) firstLine = 1;
- continue;
- } // add newline if its not the first child and newLined is set to true
- if (i !== firstLine && children[i].nodeType !== 3 && adopt(children[i]).dom.newLined === true) {
- _text += '\n';
- } // add content of this node
- _text += children[i].textContent;
- }
- return _text;
- } // remove existing content
- this.clear().build(true);
- if (typeof _text === 'function') {
- // call block
-, this);
- } else {
- // store text and make sure text is not blank
- _text = _text.split('\n'); // build new lines
- for (var j = 0, jl = _text.length; j < jl; j++) {
- this.tspan(_text[j]).newLine();
- }
- } // disable build mode and rebuild lines
- return;
- } // Set / get leading
- }, {
- key: "leading",
- value: function leading(value) {
- // act as getter
- if (value == null) {
- return this.dom.leading;
- } // act as setter
- this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(value);
- return this.rebuild();
- } // Rebuild appearance type
- }, {
- key: "rebuild",
- value: function rebuild(_rebuild) {
- // store new rebuild flag if given
- if (typeof _rebuild === 'boolean') {
- this._rebuild = _rebuild;
- } // define position of all lines
- if (this._rebuild) {
- var self = this;
- var blankLineOffset = 0;
- var dy = this.dom.leading * new SVGNumber(this.attr('font-size'));
- this.each(function () {
- if (this.dom.newLined) {
- this.attr('x', self.attr('x'));
- if (this.text() === '\n') {
- blankLineOffset += dy;
- } else {
- this.attr('dy', dy + blankLineOffset);
- blankLineOffset = 0;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- return this;
- } // Enable / disable build mode
- }, {
- key: "build",
- value: function build(_build) {
- this._build = !!_build;
- return this;
- } // overwrite method from parent to set data properly
- }, {
- key: "setData",
- value: function setData(o) {
- this.dom = o;
- this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(o.leading || 1.3);
- return this;
- }
- }]);
- return Text;
- }(Shape);
- extend(Text, textable);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create text element
- text: function text(_text2) {
- return this.put(new Text()).text(_text2);
- },
- // Create plain text element
- plain: function plain$$1(text) {
- return this.put(new Text()).plain(text);
- }
- }
- });
- register(Text);
- var TextPath =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Text) {
- _inherits(TextPath, _Text);
- // Initialize node
- function TextPath(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, TextPath);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(TextPath).call(this, nodeOrNew('textPath', node), TextPath));
- } // return the array of the path track element
- _createClass(TextPath, [{
- key: "array",
- value: function array() {
- var track = this.track();
- return track ? track.array() : null;
- } // Plot path if any
- }, {
- key: "plot",
- value: function plot(d) {
- var track = this.track();
- var pathArray = null;
- if (track) {
- pathArray = track.plot(d);
- }
- return d == null ? pathArray : this;
- } // Get the path element
- }, {
- key: "track",
- value: function track() {
- return this.reference('href');
- }
- }]);
- return TextPath;
- }(Text);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- textPath: function textPath(text, path) {
- return this.defs().path(path).text(text).addTo(this);
- }
- },
- Text: {
- // Create path for text to run on
- path: function path(track) {
- var path = new TextPath(); // if d is a path, reuse it
- if (!(track instanceof Path)) {
- // create path element
- track = this.doc().defs().path(track);
- } // link textPath to path and add content
- path.attr('href', '#' + track, xlink); // add textPath element as child node and return textPath
- return this.put(path);
- },
- // FIXME: make this plural?
- // Get the textPath children
- textPath: function textPath() {
- return this.find('textPath');
- }
- },
- Path: {
- // creates a textPath from this path
- text: function text(_text) {
- if (_text instanceof Text) {
- var txt = _text.text();
- return _text.clear().path(this).text(txt);
- }
- return this.parent().put(new Text()).path(this).text(_text);
- } // FIXME: Maybe add `targets` to get all textPaths associated with this path
- }
- });
- TextPath.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray;
- register(TextPath);
- var Tspan =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Text) {
- _inherits(Tspan, _Text);
- // Initialize node
- function Tspan(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Tspan);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Tspan).call(this, nodeOrNew('tspan', node), Tspan));
- } // Set text content
- _createClass(Tspan, [{
- key: "text",
- value: function text(_text) {
- if (_text == null) return this.node.textContent + (this.dom.newLined ? '\n' : '');
- typeof _text === 'function' ?, this) : this.plain(_text);
- return this;
- } // Shortcut dx
- }, {
- key: "dx",
- value: function dx(_dx) {
- return this.attr('dx', _dx);
- } // Shortcut dy
- }, {
- key: "dy",
- value: function dy(_dy) {
- return this.attr('dy', _dy);
- } // Create new line
- }, {
- key: "newLine",
- value: function newLine() {
- // fetch text parent
- var t = this.parent(Text); // mark new line
- this.dom.newLined = true; // apply new position
- return this.dy(t.dom.leading * t.attr('font-size')).attr('x', t.x());
- }
- }]);
- return Tspan;
- }(Text);
- extend(Tspan, textable);
- registerMethods({
- Tspan: {
- tspan: function tspan(text) {
- var tspan = new Tspan(); // clear if build mode is disabled
- if (!this._build) {
- this.clear();
- } // add new tspan
- this.node.appendChild(tspan.node);
- return tspan.text(text);
- }
- }
- });
- register(Tspan);
- var Use =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Use, _Shape);
- function Use(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Use);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Use).call(this, nodeOrNew('use', node), Use));
- } // Use element as a reference
- _createClass(Use, [{
- key: "element",
- value: function element(_element, file) {
- // Set lined element
- return this.attr('href', (file || '') + '#' + _element, xlink);
- }
- }]);
- return Use;
- }(Shape);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a use element
- use: function use(element, file) {
- return this.put(new Use()).element(element, file);
- }
- }
- });
- register(Use);
var Matrix =
function () {
@@ -5050,234 +3952,274 @@ var SVG = (function () {
- /***
- Base Class
- ==========
- The base stepper class that will be
- ***/
- function makeSetterGetter(k, f) {
- return function (v) {
- if (v == null) return this[v];
- this[k] = v;
- if (f);
- return this;
- };
- }
- var easing = {
- '-': function _(pos) {
- return pos;
+ var PathArray = subClassArray('PathArray', SVGArray);
+ var pathHandlers = {
+ M: function M(c, p, p0) {
+ p.x = p0.x = c[0];
+ p.y = p0.y = c[1];
+ return ['M', p.x, p.y];
- '<>': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5;
+ L: function L(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[0];
+ p.y = c[1];
+ return ['L', c[0], c[1]];
- '>': function _(pos) {
- return Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2);
+ H: function H(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[0];
+ return ['H', c[0]];
- '<': function _(pos) {
- return -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1;
+ V: function V(c, p) {
+ p.y = c[0];
+ return ['V', c[0]];
- bezier: function bezier(t0, x0, t1, x1) {
- return function (t) {// TODO: FINISH
- };
+ C: function C(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[4];
+ p.y = c[5];
+ return ['C', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]];
+ },
+ S: function S(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[2];
+ p.y = c[3];
+ return ['S', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
+ },
+ Q: function Q(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[2];
+ p.y = c[3];
+ return ['Q', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]];
+ },
+ T: function T(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[0];
+ p.y = c[1];
+ return ['T', c[0], c[1]];
+ },
+ Z: function Z(c, p, p0) {
+ p.x = p0.x;
+ p.y = p0.y;
+ return ['Z'];
+ },
+ A: function A(c, p) {
+ p.x = c[5];
+ p.y = c[6];
+ return ['A', c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6]];
- var Stepper =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function () {
- function Stepper() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Stepper);
- }
- _createClass(Stepper, [{
- key: "done",
- value: function done() {
- return false;
- }
- }]);
+ var mlhvqtcsaz = 'mlhvqtcsaz'.split('');
- return Stepper;
- }();
- /***
- Easing Functions
- ================
- ***/
+ for (var i = 0, il = mlhvqtcsaz.length; i < il; ++i) {
+ pathHandlers[mlhvqtcsaz[i]] = function (i) {
+ return function (c, p, p0) {
+ if (i === 'H') c[0] = c[0] + p.x;else if (i === 'V') c[0] = c[0] + p.y;else if (i === 'A') {
+ c[5] = c[5] + p.x;
+ c[6] = c[6] + p.y;
+ } else {
+ for (var j = 0, jl = c.length; j < jl; ++j) {
+ c[j] = c[j] + (j % 2 ? p.y : p.x);
+ }
+ }
+ return pathHandlers[i](c, p, p0);
+ };
+ }(mlhvqtcsaz[i].toUpperCase());
+ }
- var Ease =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Stepper) {
- _inherits(Ease, _Stepper);
+ extend(PathArray, {
+ // Convert array to string
+ toString: function toString() {
+ return arrayToString(this);
+ },
+ // Move path string
+ move: function move(x, y) {
+ // get bounding box of current situation
+ var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
- function Ease(fn) {
- var _this;
+ x -= box.x;
+ y -= box.y;
- _classCallCheck(this, Ease);
+ if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
+ // move every point
+ for (var l, i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ l = this[i][0];
- _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Ease).call(this));
- _this.ease = easing[fn || timeline.ease] || fn;
- return _this;
- }
+ if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
+ this[i][1] += x;
+ this[i][2] += y;
+ } else if (l === 'H') {
+ this[i][1] += x;
+ } else if (l === 'V') {
+ this[i][1] += y;
+ } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
+ this[i][1] += x;
+ this[i][2] += y;
+ this[i][3] += x;
+ this[i][4] += y;
- _createClass(Ease, [{
- key: "step",
- value: function step(from, to, pos) {
- if (typeof from !== 'number') {
- return pos < 1 ? from : to;
+ if (l === 'C') {
+ this[i][5] += x;
+ this[i][6] += y;
+ }
+ } else if (l === 'A') {
+ this[i][6] += x;
+ this[i][7] += y;
+ }
- return from + (to - from) * this.ease(pos);
- }]);
- return Ease;
- }(Stepper);
- /***
- Controller Types
- ================
- ***/
- var Controller =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Stepper2) {
- _inherits(Controller, _Stepper2);
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Resize path string
+ size: function size(width, height) {
+ // get bounding box of current situation
+ var box = this.bbox();
+ var i, l; // recalculate position of all points according to new size
- function Controller(fn) {
- var _this2;
+ for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ l = this[i][0];
- _classCallCheck(this, Controller);
+ if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][2] = (this[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ } else if (l === 'H') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ } else if (l === 'V') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
+ this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][2] = (this[i][2] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ this[i][3] = (this[i][3] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][4] = (this[i][4] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Controller).call(this));
- _this2.stepper = fn;
- return _this2;
- }
+ if (l === 'C') {
+ this[i][5] = (this[i][5] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][6] = (this[i][6] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ }
+ } else if (l === 'A') {
+ // resize radii
+ this[i][1] = this[i][1] * width / box.width;
+ this[i][2] = this[i][2] * height / box.height; // move position values
- _createClass(Controller, [{
- key: "step",
- value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
- return this.stepper(current, target, dt, c);
- }
- }, {
- key: "done",
- value: function done(c) {
- return c.done;
+ this[i][6] = (this[i][6] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ this[i][7] = (this[i][7] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ }
- }]);
- return Controller;
- }(Stepper);
- function recalculate() {
- // Apply the default parameters
- var duration = (this._duration || 500) / 1000;
- var overshoot = this._overshoot || 0; // Calculate the PID natural response
- var eps = 1e-10;
- var pi = Math.PI;
- var os = Math.log(overshoot / 100 + eps);
- var zeta = -os / Math.sqrt(pi * pi + os * os);
- var wn = 3.9 / (zeta * duration); // Calculate the Spring values
- this.d = 2 * zeta * wn;
- this.k = wn * wn;
- }
- var Spring =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Controller) {
- _inherits(Spring, _Controller);
- function Spring(duration, overshoot) {
- var _this3;
- _classCallCheck(this, Spring);
- _this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Spring).call(this));
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
+ equalCommands: function equalCommands(pathArray) {
+ var i, il, equalCommands;
+ pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray);
+ equalCommands = this.length === pathArray.length;
- _this3.duration(duration || 500).overshoot(overshoot || 0);
+ for (i = 0, il = this.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
+ equalCommands = this[i][0] === pathArray[i][0];
+ }
- return _this3;
- }
+ return equalCommands;
+ },
+ // Make path array morphable
+ morph: function morph(pathArray) {
+ pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray);
- _createClass(Spring, [{
- key: "step",
- value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
- if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
- c.done = dt === Infinity;
- if (dt === Infinity) return target;
- if (dt === 0) return current;
- if (dt > 100) dt = 16;
- dt /= 1000; // Get the previous velocity
+ if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
+ this.destination = pathArray;
+ } else {
+ this.destination = null;
+ }
- var velocity = c.velocity || 0; // Apply the control to get the new position and store it
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Get morphed path array at given position
+ at: function at(pos) {
+ // make sure a destination is defined
+ if (!this.destination) return this;
+ var sourceArray = this;
+ var destinationArray = this.destination.value;
+ var array = [];
+ var pathArray = new PathArray();
+ var i, il, j, jl; // Animate has specified in the SVG spec
+ // See:
- var acceleration = -this.d * velocity - this.k * (current - target);
- var newPosition = current + velocity * dt + acceleration * dt * dt / 2; // Store the velocity
+ for (i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
+ array[i] = [sourceArray[i][0]];
- c.velocity = velocity + acceleration * dt; // Figure out if we have converged, and if so, pass the value
+ for (j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
+ array[i][j] = sourceArray[i][j] + (destinationArray[i][j] - sourceArray[i][j]) * pos;
+ } // For the two flags of the elliptical arc command, the SVG spec say:
+ // Flags and booleans are interpolated as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true
+ // Elliptical arc command as an array followed by corresponding indexes:
+ // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- c.done = Math.abs(target - newPosition) + Math.abs(velocity) < 0.002;
- return c.done ? target : newPosition;
- }
- }]);
- return Spring;
- }(Controller);
- extend(Spring, {
- duration: makeSetterGetter('_duration', recalculate),
- overshoot: makeSetterGetter('_overshoot', recalculate)
- });
- var PID =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Controller2) {
- _inherits(PID, _Controller2);
+ if (array[i][0] === 'A') {
+ array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] !== 0);
+ array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] !== 0);
+ }
+ } // Directly modify the value of a path array, this is done this way for performance
- function PID(p, i, d, windup) {
- var _this4;
- _classCallCheck(this, PID);
+ pathArray.value = array;
+ return pathArray;
+ },
+ // Absolutize and parse path to array
+ parse: function parse() {
+ var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [['M', 0, 0]];
+ // if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
+ if (array instanceof PathArray) return array; // prepare for parsing
- _this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(PID).call(this));
- p = p == null ? 0.1 : p;
- i = i == null ? 0.01 : i;
- d = d == null ? 0 : d;
- windup = windup == null ? 1000 : windup;
+ var s;
+ var paramCnt = {
+ 'M': 2,
+ 'L': 2,
+ 'H': 1,
+ 'V': 1,
+ 'C': 6,
+ 'S': 4,
+ 'Q': 4,
+ 'T': 2,
+ 'A': 7,
+ 'Z': 0
+ };
- _this4.p(p).i(i).d(d).windup(windup);
+ if (typeof array === 'string') {
+ array = array.replace(numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
+ .replace(pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
+ .replace(hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
+ .trim() // trim
+ .split(delimiter); // split into array
+ } else {
+ array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
+ return [], curr);
+ }, []);
+ } // array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
- return _this4;
- }
- _createClass(PID, [{
- key: "step",
- value: function step(current, target, dt, c) {
- if (typeof current === 'string') return current;
- c.done = dt === Infinity;
- if (dt === Infinity) return target;
- if (dt === 0) return current;
- var p = target - current;
- var i = (c.integral || 0) + p * dt;
- var d = (p - (c.error || 0)) / dt;
- var windup = this.windup; // antiwindup
+ var result = [];
+ var p = new Point();
+ var p0 = new Point();
+ var index = 0;
+ var len = array.length;
- if (windup !== false) {
- i = Math.max(-windup, Math.min(i, windup));
+ do {
+ // Test if we have a path letter
+ if (isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
+ s = array[index];
+ ++index; // If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
+ } else if (s === 'M') {
+ s = 'L';
+ } else if (s === 'm') {
+ s = 'l';
- c.error = p;
- c.integral = i;
- c.done = Math.abs(p) < 0.001;
- return c.done ? target : current + (this.P * p + this.I * i + this.D * d);
- }
- }]);
+ result.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null, array.slice(index, index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()]).map(parseFloat), p, p0));
+ } while (len > index);
- return PID;
- }(Controller);
- extend(PID, {
- windup: makeSetterGetter('windup'),
- p: makeSetterGetter('P'),
- i: makeSetterGetter('I'),
- d: makeSetterGetter('D')
+ return result;
+ },
+ // Get bounding box of path
+ bbox: function bbox() {
+ parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString());
+ return parser.nodes.path.getBBox();
+ }
var Morphable =
@@ -5530,6 +4472,221 @@ var SVG = (function () {
+ var Path =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Path, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Path(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Path);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Path).call(this, nodeOrNew('path', node), Path));
+ } // Get array
+ _createClass(Path, [{
+ key: "array",
+ value: function array() {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PathArray(this.attr('d')));
+ } // Plot new path
+ }, {
+ key: "plot",
+ value: function plot(d) {
+ return d == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : this._array = new PathArray(d));
+ } // Clear array cache
+ }, {
+ key: "clear",
+ value: function clear() {
+ delete this._array;
+ return this;
+ } // Move by left top corner
+ }, {
+ key: "move",
+ value: function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y));
+ } // Move by left top corner over x-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "x",
+ value: function x(_x) {
+ return _x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(_x, this.bbox().y);
+ } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "y",
+ value: function y(_y) {
+ return _y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, _y);
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ }, {
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
+ } // Set width of element
+ }, {
+ key: "width",
+ value: function width(_width) {
+ return _width == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(_width, this.bbox().height);
+ } // Set height of element
+ }, {
+ key: "height",
+ value: function height(_height) {
+ return _height == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, _height);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg textpath [href*="' + + '"]');
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Path;
+ }(Shape); // Define morphable array
+ Path.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray; // Add parent method
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped path element
+ path: function path(d) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Path()).plot(d || new PathArray());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Path);
+ // Add polygon-specific functions
+ function array() {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PointArray(this.attr('points')));
+ } // Plot new path
+ function plot(p) {
+ return p == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p : this._array = new PointArray(p));
+ } // Clear array cache
+ function clear() {
+ delete this._array;
+ return this;
+ } // Move by left top corner
+ function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y));
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ function size$1(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
+ }
+ var poly = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ array: array,
+ plot: plot,
+ clear: clear,
+ move: move,
+ size: size$1
+ });
+ var Polygon =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Polygon, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Polygon(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Polygon);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polygon).call(this, nodeOrNew('polygon', node), Polygon));
+ }
+ return Polygon;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polygon: function polygon(p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polygon()).plot(p || new PointArray());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ extend(Polygon, pointed);
+ extend(Polygon, poly);
+ register(Polygon);
+ var Polyline =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Polyline, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Polyline(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Polyline);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polyline).call(this, nodeOrNew('polyline', node), Polyline));
+ }
+ return Polyline;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polyline: function polyline(p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polyline()).plot(p || new PointArray());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ extend(Polyline, pointed);
+ extend(Polyline, poly);
+ register(Polyline);
+ var Rect =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Rect, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Rect(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Rect);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Rect).call(this, nodeOrNew('rect', node), Rect));
+ } // FIXME: unify with circle
+ // Radius x value
+ _createClass(Rect, [{
+ key: "rx",
+ value: function rx(_rx) {
+ return this.attr('rx', _rx);
+ } // Radius y value
+ }, {
+ key: "ry",
+ value: function ry(_ry) {
+ return this.attr('ry', _ry);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Rect;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a rect element
+ rect: function rect(width, height) {
+ return this.put(new Rect()).size(width, height);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Rect);
var time = window.performance || Date;
var makeSchedule = function makeSchedule(runnerInfo) {
@@ -6731,96 +5888,470 @@ var SVG = (function () {
- // export {default as SVGArray} from './SVGArray.js'
- // export {default as Bare} from './Bare.js'
- // export {default as Box} from './Box.js'
- // export {default as Circle} from './Circle.js'
- // export {default as ClipPath} from './ClipPath.js'
- // export {default as Color} from './Color.js'
- // export {default as Container} from './Container.js'
- // export {Controller, Ease, PID, Spring} from './Controller.js'
- // export {default as Defs} from './Defs.js'
- // export {default as Doc} from './Doc.js'
- // export {default as Element} from './Element.js'
- // export {default as Ellipse} from './Ellipse.js'
- // export {default as EventTarget} from './EventTarget.js'
- // export {default as Gradient} from './Gradient.js'
- // export {default as G} from './G.js'
- // export {default as HtmlNode} from './HtmlNode.js'
- // export {default as A} from './A.js'
- // export {default as Image} from './Image.js'
- // export {default as Line} from './Line.js'
- // export {default as Marker} from './Marker.js'
- // export {default as Mask} from './Mask.js'
- // export {default as Matrix} from './Matrix.js'
- // export {default as Morphable} from './Morphable.js'
- // export {default as SVGNumber} from './SVGNumber.js'
- // export {default as Path} from './Path.js'
- // export {default as PathArray} from './PathArray.js'
- // export {default as Pattern} from './Pattern.js'
- // export {default as Point} from './Point.js'
- // export {default as PointArray} from './PointArray.js'
- // export {default as Polygon} from './Polygon.js'
- // export {default as Polyline} from './Polyline.js'
- // export {default as Queue} from './Queue.js'
- // export {default as Rect} from './Rect.js'
- // export {default as Runner} from './Runner.js'
- // export {default as Shape} from './Shape.js'
- // export {default as Stop} from './Stop.js'
- // export {default as Symbol} from './Symbol.js'
- // export {default as Text} from './Text.js'
- // export {default as TextPath} from './TextPath.js'
- // export {default as Timeline} from './Timeline.js'
- // export {default as Use} from './Use.js'
+ var _Symbol =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(_Symbol, _Container);
+ // Initialize node
+ function _Symbol(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, _Symbol);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(_Symbol).call(this, nodeOrNew('symbol', node), _Symbol));
+ }
+ return _Symbol;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ symbol: function symbol() {
+ return this.put(new _Symbol());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(_Symbol);
+ // Create plain text node
+ function plain(text) {
+ // clear if build mode is disabled
+ if (this._build === false) {
+ this.clear();
+ } // create text node
+ this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ return this;
+ } // FIXME: Does this also work for textpath?
+ // Get length of text element
+ function length() {
+ return this.node.getComputedTextLength();
+ }
+ var textable = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ plain: plain,
+ length: length
+ });
+ var Text =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Text, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Text(node) {
+ var _this;
+ _classCallCheck(this, Text);
+ _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Text).call(this, nodeOrNew('text', node), Text));
+ _this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(1.3); // store leading value for rebuilding
+ _this._rebuild = true; // enable automatic updating of dy values
+ _this._build = false; // disable build mode for adding multiple lines
+ // set default font
+ _this.attr('font-family', attrs['font-family']);
+ return _this;
+ } // Move over x-axis
+ _createClass(Text, [{
+ key: "x",
+ value: function x(_x) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (_x == null) {
+ return this.attr('x');
+ }
+ return this.attr('x', _x);
+ } // Move over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "y",
+ value: function y(_y) {
+ var oy = this.attr('y');
+ var o = typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - this.bbox().y : 0; // act as getter
+ if (_y == null) {
+ return typeof oy === 'number' ? oy - o : oy;
+ }
+ return this.attr('y', typeof _y === 'number' ? _y + o : _y);
+ } // Move center over x-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "cx",
+ value: function cx(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.bbox().cx : this.x(x - this.bbox().width / 2);
+ } // Move center over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "cy",
+ value: function cy(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.bbox().cy : this.y(y - this.bbox().height / 2);
+ } // Set the text content
+ }, {
+ key: "text",
+ value: function text(_text) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (_text === undefined) {
+ // FIXME use children() or each()
+ var children = this.node.childNodes;
+ var firstLine = 0;
+ _text = '';
+ for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // skip textPaths - they are no lines
+ if (children[i].nodeName === 'textPath') {
+ if (i === 0) firstLine = 1;
+ continue;
+ } // add newline if its not the first child and newLined is set to true
+ if (i !== firstLine && children[i].nodeType !== 3 && adopt(children[i]).dom.newLined === true) {
+ _text += '\n';
+ } // add content of this node
+ _text += children[i].textContent;
+ }
+ return _text;
+ } // remove existing content
+ this.clear().build(true);
+ if (typeof _text === 'function') {
+ // call block
+, this);
+ } else {
+ // store text and make sure text is not blank
+ _text = _text.split('\n'); // build new lines
+ for (var j = 0, jl = _text.length; j < jl; j++) {
+ this.tspan(_text[j]).newLine();
+ }
+ } // disable build mode and rebuild lines
+ return;
+ } // Set / get leading
+ }, {
+ key: "leading",
+ value: function leading(value) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (value == null) {
+ return this.dom.leading;
+ } // act as setter
+ this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(value);
+ return this.rebuild();
+ } // Rebuild appearance type
+ }, {
+ key: "rebuild",
+ value: function rebuild(_rebuild) {
+ // store new rebuild flag if given
+ if (typeof _rebuild === 'boolean') {
+ this._rebuild = _rebuild;
+ } // define position of all lines
+ if (this._rebuild) {
+ var self = this;
+ var blankLineOffset = 0;
+ var dy = this.dom.leading * new SVGNumber(this.attr('font-size'));
+ this.each(function () {
+ if (this.dom.newLined) {
+ this.attr('x', self.attr('x'));
+ if (this.text() === '\n') {
+ blankLineOffset += dy;
+ } else {
+ this.attr('dy', dy + blankLineOffset);
+ blankLineOffset = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return this;
+ } // Enable / disable build mode
+ }, {
+ key: "build",
+ value: function build(_build) {
+ this._build = !!_build;
+ return this;
+ } // overwrite method from parent to set data properly
+ }, {
+ key: "setData",
+ value: function setData(o) {
+ this.dom = o;
+ this.dom.leading = new SVGNumber(o.leading || 1.3);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Text;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Text, textable);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create text element
+ text: function text(_text2) {
+ return this.put(new Text()).text(_text2);
+ },
+ // Create plain text element
+ plain: function plain$$1(text) {
+ return this.put(new Text()).plain(text);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Text);
+ var TextPath =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Text) {
+ _inherits(TextPath, _Text);
+ // Initialize node
+ function TextPath(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, TextPath);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(TextPath).call(this, nodeOrNew('textPath', node), TextPath));
+ } // return the array of the path track element
+ _createClass(TextPath, [{
+ key: "array",
+ value: function array() {
+ var track = this.track();
+ return track ? track.array() : null;
+ } // Plot path if any
+ }, {
+ key: "plot",
+ value: function plot(d) {
+ var track = this.track();
+ var pathArray = null;
+ if (track) {
+ pathArray = track.plot(d);
+ }
+ return d == null ? pathArray : this;
+ } // Get the path element
+ }, {
+ key: "track",
+ value: function track() {
+ return this.reference('href');
+ }
+ }]);
+ return TextPath;
+ }(Text);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ textPath: function textPath(text, path) {
+ return this.defs().path(path).text(text).addTo(this);
+ }
+ },
+ Text: {
+ // Create path for text to run on
+ path: function path(track) {
+ var path = new TextPath(); // if d is a path, reuse it
+ if (!(track instanceof Path)) {
+ // create path element
+ track = this.doc().defs().path(track);
+ } // link textPath to path and add content
+ path.attr('href', '#' + track, xlink); // add textPath element as child node and return textPath
+ return this.put(path);
+ },
+ // FIXME: make this plural?
+ // Get the textPath children
+ textPath: function textPath() {
+ return this.find('textPath');
+ }
+ },
+ Path: {
+ // creates a textPath from this path
+ text: function text(_text) {
+ if (_text instanceof Text) {
+ var txt = _text.text();
+ return _text.clear().path(this).text(txt);
+ }
+ return this.parent().put(new Text()).path(this).text(_text);
+ } // FIXME: Maybe add `targets` to get all textPaths associated with this path
+ }
+ });
+ TextPath.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray;
+ register(TextPath);
+ var Tspan =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Text) {
+ _inherits(Tspan, _Text);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Tspan(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Tspan);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Tspan).call(this, nodeOrNew('tspan', node), Tspan));
+ } // Set text content
+ _createClass(Tspan, [{
+ key: "text",
+ value: function text(_text) {
+ if (_text == null) return this.node.textContent + (this.dom.newLined ? '\n' : '');
+ typeof _text === 'function' ?, this) : this.plain(_text);
+ return this;
+ } // Shortcut dx
+ }, {
+ key: "dx",
+ value: function dx(_dx) {
+ return this.attr('dx', _dx);
+ } // Shortcut dy
+ }, {
+ key: "dy",
+ value: function dy(_dy) {
+ return this.attr('dy', _dy);
+ } // Create new line
+ }, {
+ key: "newLine",
+ value: function newLine() {
+ // fetch text parent
+ var t = this.parent(Text); // mark new line
+ this.dom.newLined = true; // apply new position
+ return this.dy(t.dom.leading * t.attr('font-size')).attr('x', t.x());
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Tspan;
+ }(Text);
+ extend(Tspan, textable);
+ registerMethods({
+ Tspan: {
+ tspan: function tspan(text) {
+ var tspan = new Tspan(); // clear if build mode is disabled
+ if (!this._build) {
+ this.clear();
+ } // add new tspan
+ this.node.appendChild(tspan.node);
+ return tspan.text(text);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Tspan);
+ var Use =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Use, _Shape);
+ function Use(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Use);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Use).call(this, nodeOrNew('use', node), Use));
+ } // Use element as a reference
+ _createClass(Use, [{
+ key: "element",
+ value: function element(_element, file) {
+ // Set lined element
+ return this.attr('href', (file || '') + '#' + _element, xlink);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Use;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a use element
+ use: function use(element, file) {
+ return this.put(new Use()).element(element, file);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Use);
var Classes = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- EventTarget: EventTarget,
- Dom: Dom,
- Element: Element,
- Shape: Shape,
- Container: Container,
- HtmlNode: HtmlNode,
- Doc: Doc$1,
- Defs: Defs,
- G: G,
Animator: Animator,
+ SVGArray: SVGArray,
Bare: Bare,
+ Box: Box,
Circle: Circle,
ClipPath: ClipPath,
- A: A,
+ Color: Color,
+ Container: Container,
+ Controller: Controller,
+ Ease: Ease,
+ Spring: Spring,
+ Defs: Defs,
+ Doc: Doc$1,
+ Dom: Dom,
+ Element: Element,
Ellipse: Ellipse,
- Stop: Stop,
+ EventTarget: EventTarget,
Gradient: Gradient,
+ G: G,
+ HtmlNode: HtmlNode,
+ A: A,
Image: Image,
Line: Line,
Marker: Marker,
Mask: Mask,
+ Matrix: Matrix,
+ Morphable: Morphable,
+ SVGNumber: SVGNumber,
Path: Path,
+ PathArray: PathArray,
Pattern: Pattern,
+ Point: Point,
+ PointArray: PointArray,
Polygon: Polygon,
Polyline: Polyline,
+ Queue: Queue,
Rect: Rect,
+ Runner: Runner,
+ Shape: Shape,
+ Stop: Stop,
Symbol: _Symbol,
Text: Text,
TextPath: TextPath,
- Tspan: Tspan,
- Use: Use,
- SVGNumber: SVGNumber,
- SVGArray: SVGArray,
- PathArray: PathArray,
- PointArray: PointArray,
- Matrix: Matrix,
- Point: Point,
- Box: Box,
- Color: Color,
- Morphable: Morphable,
- Queue: Queue,
- Runner: Runner,
Timeline: Timeline,
- Controller: Controller,
- Ease: Ease,
- Spring: Spring
+ Tspan: Tspan,
+ Use: Use
// ### This module adds backward / forward functionality to elements.
@@ -7125,10 +6656,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
transform: transform
- //
- // export function setup (node) {
- // this._memory = {}
- // }
// Remember arbitrary data
function remember(k, v) {
@@ -7167,7 +6694,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
remember: remember,
forget: forget,
memory: memory
- }); // registerConstructor('Memory', setup)
+ });
var sugar = {
stroke: ['color', 'width', 'opacity', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'dasharray', 'dashoffset'],
diff --git a/dist/svg.min.js b/dist/svg.min.js
index 7f3eb18..001199b 100644
--- a/dist/svg.min.js
+++ b/dist/svg.min.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-var SVG=function(){"use strict";function l(t){return(l="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t})(t)}function o(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function i(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var i=e[n];i.enumerable=i.enumerable||!1,i.configurable=!0,"value"in i&&(i.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,i.key,i)}}function a(t,e,n){return e&&i(t.prototype,e),n&&i(t,n),t}function _(r){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var s=null!=arguments[t]?arguments[t]:{},e=Object.keys(s);"function"==typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols&&(e=e.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s).filter(function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s,t).enumerable}))),e.forEach(function(t){var e,n,i;e=r,i=s[n=t],n in e?Object.defineProperty(e,n,{value:i,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[n]=i})}return r}function r(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),e&&n(t,e)}function u(t){return(u=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(t){return t.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(t)})(t)}function n(t,e){return(n=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(t,e){return t.__proto__=e,t})(t,e)}function s(t){if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return t}function h(t,e){return!e||"object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e?s(t):e}function c(t,e,n){return(c="undefined"!=typeof Reflect&&Reflect.get?Reflect.get:function(t,e,n){var i=function(t,e){for(;!,e)&&null!==(t=u(t)););return t}(t,e);if(i){var r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i,e);return r.get?}})(t,e,n||t)}function f(t,e){return function(t){if(Array.isArray(t))return t}(t)||function(t,e){var n=[],i=!0,r=!1,s=void 0;try{for(var u,o=t[Symbol.iterator]();!(i=(,!e||n.length!==e);i=!0);}catch(t){r=!0,s=t}finally{try{i||null==o.return||o.return()}finally{if(r)throw s}}return n}(t,e)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")}()}function O(t){return function(t){if(Array.isArray(t)){for(var e=0,n=new Array(t.length);e<t.length;e++)n[e]=t[e];return n}}(t)||function(t){if(Symbol.iterator in Object(t)||"[object Arguments]" Array.from(t)}(t)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance")}()}var d=function t(){o(this,t)},v=/^([+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?)([a-z%]*)$/i,y=/^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i,p=/rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/,m=/(#[a-z0-9\-_]+)/i,t=/\)\s*,?\s*/,g=/\s/g,w=/^#[a-f0-9]{3,6}$/i,k=/^rgb\(/,b=/^(\s+)?$/,x=/^[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,A=/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)(\?[^=]+.*)?/i,C=/[\s,]+/,j=/([^e])-/gi,M=/[MLHVCSQTAZ]/gi,S=/[MLHVCSQTAZ]/i,T=/((\d?\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)((?:\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)+))+/gi,E=/\./g,e=Object.freeze({numberAndUnit:v,hex:y,rgb:p,reference:m,transforms:t,whitespace:g,isHex:w,isRgb:k,isCss:/[^:]+:[^;]+;?/,isBlank:b,isNumber:x,isPercent:/^-?[\d.]+%$/,isImage:A,delimiter:C,hyphen:j,pathLetters:M,isPathLetter:S,numbersWithDots:T,dots:E});function N(t,e,n,i){return n+i.replace(E," .")}function D(t){return t.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g,function(t,e){return e.toUpperCase()})}function P(t){return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+t.slice(1)}function z(t){var e=t.toString(16);return 1===e.length?"0"+e:e}function R(t,e,n){if(null==e||null==n){var i=t.bbox();null==e?e=i.width/i.height*n:null==n&&(n=i.height/i.width*e)}return{width:e,height:n}}function q(t){return{a:t[0],b:t[1],c:t[2],d:t[3],e:t[4],f:t[5]}}var L="abcdef".split("");function F(t,e,n){return Math.abs(e-t)<(n||1e-6)}function I(t){return null!=t.a||null!=t.b||null!=t.c||null!=t.d||null!=t.e||null!=t.f}function X(t,e){var n,i,r=t.origin;if("string"==typeof r||null==r){var s=(r||"center").toLowerCase().trim(),u=e.bbox(),o=u.height,a=u.width,h=u.x,l=u.y,c=s.includes("left")?h:s.includes("right")?h+a:h+a/2,f=s.includes("top")?l:s.includes("bottom")?l+o:l+o/2;n=null!=t.ox?t.ox:c,i=null!=t.oy?t.oy:f}else n=r[0],i=r[1];return[n,i]}var Y="",H="",G="",V="",B=Object.freeze({ns:Y,xmlns:H,xlink:G,svgjs:V});function Q(t,e){return e||U(t)}function U(t){return document.createElementNS(Y,t)}function $(t,e){var n,i;for(i=(t=Array.isArray(t)?t:[t]).length-1;0<=i;i--)for(n in e)t[i].prototype[n]=e[n]}var W=Object.freeze({nodeOrNew:Q,makeNode:U,extend:$,addFactory:function(t,e){$(t,e)},invent:function(e){var t="function"==typeof e.create?e.create:function(t){,t||U(e.create))};return e.inherit&&(t.prototype=new e.inherit,t.prototype.constructor=t),e.extend&&$(t,e.extend),e.construct&&$(e.parent||nt("Container"),e.construct),t}}),J={},Z=Symbol("root");function K(t){if(t instanceof d)return t;if("object"===l(t))return tt(t);if(null==t)return new J[Z];if("string"==typeof t&&"<"!==t.charAt(0))return tt(document.querySelector(t));var e=U("svg");return e.innerHTML=t,t=tt(e.firstChild)}function tt(t){return t?t.instance instanceof d?t.instance:t instanceof window.SVGElement?"svg"===t.nodeName?new J[Z](t):"linearGradient"===t.nodeName||"radialGradient"===t.nodeName?new J.Gradient(t):J[P(t.nodeName)]?new(J[P(t.nodeName)])(t):new J.Bare(t):new J.HtmlNode(t):null}function et(t){var e=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1],n=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2];return J[e]=t,n&&(J[Z]=t),t}function nt(t){return J[t]}var it=1e3;function rt(t){return"Svgjs"+P(t)+it++}function st(t){for(var e=t.children.length-1;0<=e;e--)st(t.children[e]);return}var ut=Object.freeze({root:Z,makeInstance:K,adopt:tt,register:et,getClass:nt,eid:rt,assignNewId:st}),ot=0;function at(t){var e=K(t).getEventHolder();return||({}),}function ht(t){return K(t).getEventTarget()}function lt(t,e,i,n,r){var s=i.bind(n||t),u=at(t),o=ht(t);e=Array.isArray(e)?e:e.split(C),i._svgjsListenerId||(i._svgjsListenerId=++ot),e.forEach(function(t){var e=t.split(".")[0],n=t.split(".")[1]||"*";u[e]=u[e]||{},u[e][n]=u[e][n]||{},u[e][n][i._svgjsListenerId]=s,o.addEventListener(e,s,r||!1)})}function ct(u,t,o,a){var h=at(u),l=ht(u);("function"!=typeof o||(o=o._svgjsListenerId))&&(t=Array.isArray(t)?t:(t||"").split(C)).forEach(function(t){var e,n,i,r=t&&t.split(".")[0],s=t&&t.split(".")[1];if(o)h[r]&&h[r][s||"*"]&&(l.removeEventListener(r,h[r][s||"*"][o],a||!1),delete h[r][s||"*"][o]);else if(r&&s){if(h[r]&&h[r][s]){for(n in h[r][s])ct(l,[r,s].join("."),n);delete h[r][s]}}else if(s)for(t in h)for(e in h[t])s===e&&ct(l,[t,s].join("."));else if(r){if(h[r]){for(e in h[r])ct(l,[r,e].join("."));delete h[r]}}else{for(t in h)ct(l,t);(i=K(u).getEventHolder()).events&&({})}})}function ft(t,e,n){var i=ht(t);return e instanceof window.Event||(e=new window.CustomEvent(e,{detail:n,cancelable:!0})),i.dispatchEvent(e),e}var dt=Object.freeze({on:lt,off:ct,dispatch:ft}),vt=function(t){function i(){var t,e=(0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{}).events,n=void 0===e?{}:e;return o(this,i),(t=h(this,u(i).call(this))).events=n,t}return r(i,d),a(i,[{key:"addEventListener",value:function(){}},{key:"on",value:function(t,e,n,i){return lt(this,t,e,n,i),this}},{key:"off",value:function(t,e){return ct(this,t,e),this}},{key:"dispatch",value:function(t,e){return ft(this,t,e)}},{key:"dispatchEvent",value:function(t){var e=this.getEventHolder().events;if(!e)return!0;var n=e[t.type];for(var i in n)for(var r in n[i])n[i][r](t);return!t.defaultPrevented}},{key:"fire",value:function(t,e){return this.dispatch(t,e),this}},{key:"getEventHolder",value:function(){return this}},{key:"getEventTarget",value:function(){return this}},{key:"removeEventListener",value:function(){}}]),i}();function yt(t,e){var n,i=t.length,r=[];for(n=0;n<i;n++)r.push(e(t[n]));return r}function pt(t){return t%360*Math.PI/180}$(vt,["click","dblclick","mousedown","mouseup","mouseover","mouseout","mousemove","mouseenter","mouseleave","touchstart","touchmove","touchleave","touchend","touchcancel"].reduce(function(t,e){return t[e]=function(t){return null===t?ct(this,e):lt(this,e,t),this},t},{}));var mt=Object.freeze({map:yt,filter:function(t,e){var n,i=t.length,r=[];for(n=0;n<i;n++)e(t[n])&&r.push(t[n]);return r},radians:pt,degrees:function(t){return 180*t/Math.PI%360},filterSVGElements:function(t){return this.filter(t,function(t){return t instanceof window.SVGElement})}});function gt(){}var wt={duration:400,ease:">",delay:0},kt={"fill-opacity":1,"stroke-opacity":1,"stroke-width":0,"stroke-linejoin":"miter","stroke-linecap":"butt",fill:"#000000",stroke:"#000000",opacity:1,x:0,y:0,cx:0,cy:0,width:0,height:0,r:0,rx:0,ry:0,offset:0,"stop-opacity":1,"stop-color":"#000000","font-size":16,"font-family":"Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif","text-anchor":"start"},bt=Object.freeze({noop:gt,timeline:wt,attrs:kt}),xt=function(){function t(){o(this,t),this.init.apply(this,arguments)}return a(t,[{key:"init",value:function(t,e,n){var i,r;(this.r=0,this.g=0,this.b=0,t)&&("string"==typeof t?k.test(t)?(i=p.exec(t.replace(g,"")),this.r=parseInt(i[1]),this.g=parseInt(i[2]),this.b=parseInt(i[3])):w.test(t)&&(i=y.exec(4===(r=t).length?["#",r.substring(1,2),r.substring(1,2),r.substring(2,3),r.substring(2,3),r.substring(3,4),r.substring(3,4)].join(""):r),this.r=parseInt(i[1],16),this.g=parseInt(i[2],16),this.b=parseInt(i[3],16)):Array.isArray(t)?(this.r=t[0],this.g=t[1],this.b=t[2]):"object"===l(t)?(this.r=t.r,this.g=t.g,this.b=t.b):3===arguments.length&&(this.r=t,this.g=e,this.b=n))}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return this.toHex()}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){return[this.r,this.g,this.b]}},{key:"toHex",value:function(){return"#"+z(Math.round(this.r))+z(Math.round(this.g))+z(Math.round(this.b))}},{key:"toRgb",value:function(){return"rgb("+[this.r,this.g,this.b].join()+")"}},{key:"brightness",value:function(){return this.r/255*.3+this.g/255*.59+this.b/255*.11}}],[{key:"test",value:function(t){return t+="",w.test(t)||k.test(t)}},{key:"isRgb",value:function(t){return 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t.push.apply(t,O(this)),t},parse:function(){var t=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[];return t instanceof Array?t:t.trim().split(C).map(parseFloat)},clone:function(){return new this.constructor(this)},toSet:function(){return new Set(this)}});var At=function(){function n(){o(this,n),this.init.apply(this,arguments)}return a(n,[{key:"init",value:function(t,e){e=Array.isArray(t)?t[1]:e,t=Array.isArray(t)?t[0]:t,this.value=0,this.unit=e||"","number"==typeof t?this.value=isNaN(t)?0:isFinite(t)?t:t<0?-34e37:34e37:"string"==typeof t?(e=t.match(v))&&(this.value=parseFloat(e[1]),"%"===e[5]?this.value/=100:"s"===e[5]&&(this.value*=1e3),this.unit=e[5]):t instanceof n&&(this.value=t.valueOf(),this.unit=t.unit)}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return("%"===this.unit?~~(1e8*this.value)/1e6:"s"===this.unit?this.value/1e3:this.value)+this.unit}},{key:"toJSON",value:function(){return 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0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:0,n=this.a,i=this.b,r=this.c,s=this.d,u=this.e,o=this.f,a=n*s-i*r,h=0<a?1:-1,l=h*Math.sqrt(n*n+i*i),c=Math.atan2(h*i,h*n),f=180/Math.PI*c,d=Math.cos(c),v=Math.sin(c),y=(n*r+i*s)/a,p=r*l/(y*n-i)||s*l/(y*i+n);return{scaleX:l,scaleY:p,shear:y,rotate:f,translateX:u-t+t*d*l+e*(y*d*l-v*p),translateY:o-e+t*v*l+e*(y*v*l+d*p),originX:t,originY:e,a:this.a,b:this.b,c:this.c,d:this.d,e:this.e,f:this.f}}},{key:"multiply",value:function(t){return this.clone().multiplyO(t)}},{key:"multiplyO",value:function(t){var e=t instanceof h?t:new h(t);return h.matrixMultiply(this,e,this)}},{key:"lmultiply",value:function(t){return this.clone().lmultiplyO(t)}},{key:"lmultiplyO",value:function(t){var e=t instanceof h?t:new h(t);return h.matrixMultiply(e,this,this)}},{key:"inverseO",value:function(){var t=this.a,e=this.b,n=this.c,i=this.d,r=this.e,s=this.f,u=t*i-e*n;if(!u)throw new Error("Cannot invert "+this);var o=i/u,a=-e/u,h=-n/u,l=t/u,c=-(o*r+h*s),f=-(a*r+l*s);return this.a=o,this.b=a,this.c=h,this.d=l,this.e=c,this.f=f,this}},{key:"inverse",value:function(){return this.clone().inverseO()}},{key:"translate",value:function(t,e){return this.clone().translateO(t,e)}},{key:"translateO",value:function(t,e){return this.e+=t||0,this.f+=e||0,this}},{key:"scale",value:function(t,e,n,i){var r;return(r=this.clone()).scaleO.apply(r,arguments)}},{key:"scaleO",value:function(t){var e=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:t,n=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0,i=3<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:0;3===arguments.length&&(i=n,n=e,e=t);var r=this.a,s=this.b,u=this.c,o=this.d,a=this.e,h=this.f;return this.a=r*t,this.b=s*e,this.c=u*t,this.d=o*e,this.e=a*t-n*t+n,this.f=h*e-i*e+i,this}},{key:"rotate",value:function(t,e,n){return this.clone().rotateO(t,e,n)}},{key:"rotateO",value:function(t){var e=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:0,n=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0;t=pt(t);var i=Math.cos(t),r=Math.sin(t),s=this.a,u=this.b,o=this.c,a=this.d,h=this.e,l=this.f;return this.a=s*i-u*r,this.b=u*i+s*r,this.c=o*i-a*r,this.d=a*i+o*r,this.e=h*i-l*r+n*r-e*i+e,this.f=l*i+h*r-e*r-n*i+n,this}},{key:"flip",value:function(t,e){return this.clone().flipO(t,e)}},{key:"flipO",value:function(t,e){return"x"===t?this.scaleO(-1,1,e,0):"y"===t?this.scaleO(1,-1,0,e):this.scaleO(-1,-1,t,e||t)}},{key:"shear",value:function(t,e,n){return this.clone().shearO(t,e,n)}},{key:"shearO",value:function(t){var e=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0,n=this.a,i=this.b,r=this.c,s=this.d,u=this.e,o=this.f;return this.a=n+i*t,this.c=r+s*t,this.e=u+o*t-e*t,this}},{key:"skew",value:function(t,e,n,i){var r;return(r=this.clone()).skewO.apply(r,arguments)}},{key:"skewO",value:function(t){var e=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:t,n=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:0,i=3<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:0;3===arguments.length&&(i=n,n=e,e=t),t=pt(t),e=pt(e);var r=Math.tan(t),s=Math.tan(e),u=this.a,o=this.b,a=this.c,h=this.d,l=this.e,c=this.f;return this.a=u+o*r,this.b=o+u*s,this.c=a+h*r,this.d=h+a*s,this.e=l+c*r-i*r,this.f=c+l*s-n*s,this}},{key:"skewX",value:function(t,e,n){return this.skew(t,0,e,n)}},{key:"skewXO",value:function(t,e,n){return this.skewO(t,0,e,n)}},{key:"skewY",value:function(t,e,n){return this.skew(0,t,e,n)}},{key:"skewYO",value:function(t,e,n){return this.skewO(0,t,e,n)}},{key:"aroundO",value:function(t,e,n){var i=t||0,r=e||0;return this.translateO(-i,-r).lmultiplyO(n).translateO(i,r)}},{key:"around",value:function(t,e,n){return this.clone().aroundO(t,e,n)}},{key:"native",value:function(){for(var t=ie().svg.node.createSVGMatrix(),e=L.length-1;0<=e;e--)t[L[e]]=this[L[e]];return t}},{key:"equals",value:function(t){var e=new h(t);return F(this.a,e.a)&&F(this.b,e.b)&&F(this.c,e.c)&&F(this.d,e.d)&&F(this.e,e.e)&&F(this.f,e.f)}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return"matrix("+this.a+","+this.b+","+this.c+","+this.d+","+this.e+","+this.f+")"}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){return[this.a,this.b,this.c,this.d,this.e,this.f]}},{key:"valueOf",value:function(){return{a:this.a,b:this.b,c:this.c,d:this.d,e:this.e,f:this.f}}}],[{key:"formatTransforms",value:function(t){var e="both"===t.flip||!0===t.flip,n=t.flip&&(e||"x"===t.flip)?-1:1,i=t.flip&&(e||"y"===t.flip)?-1:1,r=t.skew&&t.skew.length?t.skew[0]:isFinite(t.skew)?t.skew:isFinite(t.skewX)?t.skewX:0,s=t.skew&&t.skew.length?t.skew[1]:isFinite(t.skew)?t.skew:isFinite(t.skewY)?t.skewY:0,u=t.scale&&t.scale.length?t.scale[0]*n:isFinite(t.scale)?t.scale*n:isFinite(t.scaleX)?t.scaleX*n:n,o=t.scale&&t.scale.length?t.scale[1]*i:isFinite(t.scale)?t.scale*i:isFinite(t.scaleY)?t.scaleY*i:i,a=t.shear||0,h=t.rotate||t.theta||0,l=new re(t.origin||t.around||t.ox||t.originX,t.oy||t.originY),c=l.x,f=l.y,d=new re(t.position||t.px||t.positionX,||t.positionY),v=d.x,y=d.y,p=new re(t.translate||t.tx||t.translateX,t.ty||t.translateY),m=p.x,g=p.y,w=new re(t.relative||t.rx||t.relativeX,t.ry||t.relativeY);return{scaleX:u,scaleY:o,skewX:r,skewY:s,shear:a,theta:h,rx:w.x,ry:w.y,tx:m,ty:g,ox:c,oy:f,px:v,py:y}}},{key:"matrixMultiply",value:function(t,e,n){var i=t.a*e.a+t.c*e.b,r=t.b*e.a+t.d*e.b,s=t.a*e.c+t.c*e.d,u=t.b*e.c+t.d*e.d,o=t.e+t.a*e.e+t.c*e.f,a=t.f+t.b*e.e+t.d*e.f;return n.a=i,n.b=r,n.c=s,n.d=u,n.e=o,n.f=a,n}}]),h}();function De(e,n){return function(t){return null==t?this[t]:(this[e]=t,n&&,this)}}Pt({Element:{ctm:function(){return new Ne(this.node.getCTM())},screenCTM:function(){if("function"!=typeof this.isRoot||this.isRoot())return new Ne(this.node.getScreenCTM());var t=this.rect(1,1),e=t.node.getScreenCTM();return t.remove(),new Ne(e)}}});var Pe={"-":function(t){return t},"<>":function(t){return-Math.cos(t*Math.PI)/2+.5},">":function(t){return Math.sin(t*Math.PI/2)},"<":function(t){return 1-Math.cos(t*Math.PI/2)},bezier:function(t,e,n,i){return function(t){}}},ze=function(){function t(){o(this,t)}return a(t,[{key:"done",value:function(){return!1}}]),t}(),Re=function(t){function n(t){var e;return o(this,n),(e=h(this,u(n).call(this))).ease=Pe[t||wt.ease]||t,e}return r(n,ze),a(n,[{key:"step",value:function(t,e,n){return"number"!=typeof t?n<1?t:e:t+(e-t)*this.ease(n)}}]),n}(),qe=function(t){function n(t){var e;return o(this,n),(e=h(this,u(n).call(this))).stepper=t,e}return r(n,ze),a(n,[{key:"step",value:function(t,e,n,i){return this.stepper(t,e,n,i)}},{key:"done",value:function(t){return t.done}}]),n}();function Le(){var t=(this._duration||500)/1e3,e=this._overshoot||0,n=Math.PI,i=Math.log(e/100+1e-10),r=-i/Math.sqrt(n*n+i*i),s=3.9/(r*t);this.d=2*r*s,this.k=s*s}var Fe=function(t){function i(t,e){var n;return o(this,i),(n=h(this,u(i).call(this))).duration(t||500).overshoot(e||0),n}return r(i,qe),a(i,[{key:"step",value:function(t,e,n,i){if("string"==typeof t)return t;if(i.done=n===1/0,n===1/0)return e;if(0===n)return t;100<n&&(n=16),n/=1e3;var r=i.velocity||0,s=-this.d*r-this.k*(t-e),u=t+r*n+s*n*n/2;return i.velocity=r+s*n,i.done=Math.abs(e-u)+Math.abs(r)<.002,i.done?e:u}}]),i}();$(Fe,{duration:De("_duration",Le),overshoot:De("_overshoot",Le)});var Ie=function(t){function s(t,e,n,i){var r;return o(this,s),t=null==t?.1:t,e=null==e?.01:e,n=null==n?0:n,i=null==i?1e3:i,(r=h(this,u(s).call(this))).p(t).i(e).d(n).windup(i),r}return r(s,qe),a(s,[{key:"step",value:function(t,e,n,i){if("string"==typeof t)return t;if(i.done=n===1/0,n===1/0)return e;if(0===n)return t;var r=e-t,s=(i.integral||0)+r*n,u=(r-(i.error||0))/n,o=this.windup;return!1!==o&&(s=Math.max(-o,Math.min(s,o))),i.error=r,i.integral=s,i.done=Math.abs(r)<.001,i.done?e:t+(this.P*r+this.I*s+this.D*u)}}]),s}();$(Ie,{windup:De("windup"),p:De("P"),i:De("I"),d:De("D")});var Xe=function(){function e(t){o(this,e),this._stepper=t||new Re("-"),this._from=null,this._to=null,this._type=null,this._context=null,this._morphObj=null}return a(e,[{key:"from",value:function(t){return null==t?this._from:(this._from=this._set(t),this)}},{key:"to",value:function(t){return null==t?this._to:(this._to=this._set(t),this)}},{key:"type",value:function(t){return null==t?this._type:(this._type=t,this)}},{key:"_set",value:function(t){if(!this._type){var 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this.value}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){return[this.value]}}]),t}(),He=function(){function e(){o(this,e),this.init.apply(this,arguments)}return a(e,[{key:"init",value:function(t){Array.isArray(t)&&(t={scaleX:t[0],scaleY:t[1],shear:t[2],rotate:t[3],translateX:t[4],translateY:t[5],originX:t[6],originY:t[7]}),Object.assign(this,e.defaults,t)}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){var t=this;return[t.scaleX,t.scaleY,t.shear,t.rotate,t.translateX,t.translateY,t.originX,t.originY]}}]),e}();He.defaults={scaleX:1,scaleY:1,shear:0,rotate:0,translateX:0,translateY:0,originX:0,originY:0};var Ge=function(){function t(){o(this,t),this.init.apply(this,arguments)}return a(t,[{key:"init",value:function(t){if(this.values=[],Array.isArray(t))this.values=t;else{var e=Object.entries(t||{}).sort(function(t,e){return t[0]-e[0]});this.values=e.reduce(function(t,e){return t.concat(e)},[])}}},{key:"valueOf",value:function(){for(var t={},e=this.values,n=0,i=e.length;n<i;n+=2)t[e[n]]=e[n+1];return t}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){return this.values}}]),t}(),Ve=[Ye,He,Ge];var Be=window.performance||Date,Qe=function(t){var e=t.start,n=t.runner.duration();return{start:e,duration:n,end:e+n,runner:t.runner}},Ue=function(){function t(){o(this,t),this._timeSource=function(){return},this._dispatcher=document.createElement("div"),this._startTime=0,this._speed=1,this._reverse=!1,this._persist=0,this._nextFrame=null,this._paused=!1,this._runners=[],this._order=[],this._time=0,this._lastSourceTime=0,this._lastStepTime=0}return a(t,[{key:"getEventTarget",value:function(){return this._dispatcher}},{key:"schedule",value:function(t,e,n){if(null==t)return,e){return t.start-e.start||t.duration-e.duration});||(this._step(),null==n&&(n="now"));var i=0;if(e=e||0,null==n||"last"===n||"after"===n)i=this._startTime;else if("absolute"===n||"start"===n)i=e,e=0;else if("now"===n)i=this._time;else{if("relative"!==n)throw new Error('Invalid value for the "when" parameter');var 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null==t?this._time:(this._time=t,this)}},{key:"persist",value:function(t){return null==t?this._persist:(this._persist=t,this)}},{key:"source",value:function(t){return null==t?this._timeSource:(this._timeSource=t,this)}},{key:"_step",value:function(){if(!this._paused){var t=this._timeSource(),e=t-this._lastSourceTime,n=this._speed*e+(this._time-this._lastStepTime);this._lastSourceTime=t,this._time+=n,this._lastStepTime=this._time;for(var i=!1,r=0,s=this._order.length;r<s;r++){var u=this._runners[this._order[r]],o=u.runner,a=n,h=this._time-u.start;if(h<0)i=!0;else if(h<a&&(a=h),{if(!0!==u.persist){o.duration()-o.time()+this._time+this._persist<this._time&&(delete this._runners[this._order[r]],this._order.splice(r--,1)&&--s,o.timeline(null))}}else i=!0}return this._nextFrame=i?Ft.frame(this._step.bind(this)):null,this}}},{key:"_continue",value:function(){return this._paused||this._nextFrame||(this._nextFrame=Ft.frame(this._step.bind(this))),this}},{key:"active",value:function(){return!!this._nextFrame}}]),t}();Pt({Element:{timeline:function(){return this._timeline=this._timeline||new Ue,this._timeline}}});var $e=function(t){function s(t){var e;return o(this,s),(e=h(this,u(s).call(this))),t="function"==typeof(t=null==t?wt.duration:t)?new qe(t):t,e._element=null,e._timeline=null,e.done=!1,e._queue=[],e._duration="number"==typeof t&&t,e._isDeclarative=t instanceof qe,e._stepper=e._isDeclarative?t:new Re,e._history={},e.enabled=!0,e._time=0,e._last=0,e.transforms=new Ne,e.transformId=1,e._haveReversed=!1,e._reverse=!1,e._loopsDone=0,e._swing=!1,e._wait=0,e._times=1,e}return r(s,vt),a(s,[{key:"element",value:function(t){return null==t?this._element:((this._element=t)._prepareRunner(),this)}},{key:"timeline",value:function(t){return void 0===t?this._timeline:(this._timeline=t,this)}},{key:"animate",value:function(t,e,n){var i=s.sanitise(t,e,n),r=new s(i.duration);return this._timeline&&r.timeline(this._timeline),this._element&&r.element(this._element),r.loop(i).schedule(e,n)}},{key:"schedule",value:function(t,e,n){if(t instanceof Ue||(n=e,e=t,t=this.timeline()),!t)throw Error("Runner cannot be scheduled without timeline");return t.schedule(this,e,n),this}},{key:"unschedule",value:function(){var t=this.timeline();return t&&t.unschedule(this),this}},{key:"loop",value:function(t,e,n){return"object"===l(t)&&(e=t.swing,n=t.wait,t=t.times),this._times=t||1/0,this._swing=e||!1,this._wait=n||0,this}},{key:"delay",value:function(t){return this.animate(0,t)}},{key:"queue",value:function(t,e,n){return this._queue.push({initialiser:t||gt,runner:e||gt,isTransform:n,initialised:!1,finished:!1}),this.timeline()&&this.timeline()._continue(),this}},{key:"during",value:function(t){return this.queue(null,t)}},{key:"after",value:function(t){return this.on("finish",t)}},{key:"time",value:function(t){if(null==t)return this._time;var e=t-this._time;return this.step(e),this}},{key:"duration",value:function(){return this._times*(this._wait+this._duration)-this._wait}},{key:"loops",value:function(t){var e=this._duration+this._wait;if(null==t){var n=Math.floor(this._time/e),i=(this._time-n*e)/this._duration;return Math.min(n+i,this._times)}var r=t%1,s=e*Math.floor(t)+this._duration*r;return this.time(s)}},{key:"position",value:function(t){var e,n=this._time,r=this._duration,s=this._wait,i=this._times,u=this._swing,o=this._reverse;if(null==t){var a=function(t){var e=u*Math.floor(t%(2*(s+r))/(s+r)),n=e&&!o||!e&&o,i=Math.pow(-1,n)*(t%(s+r))/r+n;return Math.max(Math.min(i,1),0)},h=i*(s+r)-s;return e=n<=0?Math.round(a(1e-5)):n<h?a(n):Math.round(a(h-1e-5)),e}var l=Math.floor(this.loops()),c=u&&l%2==0;return e=l+(c&&!o||o&&c?t:1-t),this.loops(e)}},{key:"progress",value:function(t){return null==t?Math.min(1,this._time/this.duration()):this.time(t*this.duration())}},{key:"step",value:function(t){if(!this.enabled)return this;t=null==t?16:t,this._time+=t;var e=this.position(),n=this._lastPosition!==e&&0<=this._time;this._lastPosition=e;var i=this.duration(),r=this._lastTime<0&&0<this._time,s=this._lastTime<this._time&&this.time>i;this._lastTime=this._time,r&&"start",this);var u=this._isDeclarative;if(this.done=!u&&!s&&this._time>=i,n||u){this._initialise(n),this.transforms=new Ne;var o=this._run(u?t:e);"step",this)}return this.done=this.done||o&&u,this.done&&"finish",this),this}},{key:"finish",value:function(){return this.step(1/0)}},{key:"reverse",value:function(t){return this._reverse=null==t?!this._reverse:t,this}},{key:"ease",value:function(t){return this._stepper=new Re(t),this}},{key:"active",value:function(t){return null==t?this.enabled:(this.enabled=t,this)}},{key:"_rememberMorpher",value:function(t,e){this._history[t]={morpher:e,caller:this._queue[this._queue.length-1]}}},{key:"_tryRetarget",value:function(t,e){if(this._history[t]){if(!this._history[t].caller.initialised){var n=this._queue.indexOf(this._history[t].caller);return this._queue.splice(n,1),!1}this._history[t].caller.isTransform?this._history[t].caller.isTransform(e):this._history[t],this._history[t].caller.finished=!1;var i=this.timeline();return i&&i._continue(),!0}return!1}},{key:"_initialise",value:function(t){if(t||this._isDeclarative)for(var e=0,n=this._queue.length;e<n;++e){var i=this._queue[e],r=this._isDeclarative||!i.initialised&&t;t=!i.finished,r&&t&&(,i.initialised=!0)}}},{key:"_run",value:function(t){for(var e=!0,n=0,i=this._queue.length;n<i;++n){var r=this._queue[n],,t);r.finished=r.finished||!0===s,e=e&&r.finished}return e}},{key:"addTransform",value:function(t,e){return this.transforms.lmultiplyO(t),this}},{key:"clearTransform",value:function(){return this.transforms=new Ne,this}}],[{key:"sanitise",value:function(t,e,n){var i=1,r=!1,s=0;return e=e||wt.delay,n=n||"last","object"!==l(t=t||wt.duration)||t instanceof ze||(e=t.delay||e,n=t.when||n,r=t.swing||r,i=t.times||i,s=t.wait||s,t=t.duration||wt.duration),{duration:t,delay:e,swing:r,times:i,wait:s,when:n}}}]),s}();$;var We=function t(){var e=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:new Ne,n=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:-1,i=!(2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2])||arguments[2];o(this,t),this.transforms=e,,this.done=i};$([$e,We],{mergeWith:function(t){return new We(t.transforms.lmultiply(this.transforms),}});var Je=function(t,e){return t.lmultiplyO(e)},Ze=function(t){return t.transforms};var Ke=function(){function t(){o(this,t),this.runners=[],this.ids=[]}return a(t,[{key:"add",value:function(t){if(!this.runners.includes(t)){var,e=this.ids.reduce(function(t,e){return t<e&&e<n?e:t},0),i=this.ids.indexOf(e)+1;return this.ids.splice(i,0,n),this.runners.splice(i,0,t),this}}},{key:"getByID",value:function(t){return this.runners[this.ids.indexOf(t+1)]}},{key:"remove",value:function(t){var e=this.ids.indexOf(t+1);return this.ids.splice(e,1),this.runners.splice(e,1),this}},{key:"merge",value:function(){var n=this,i=null;return this.runners.forEach(function(t,e){i&&t.done&&i.done&&(n.remove(,n.edit(,t.mergeWith(i))),i=t}),this}},{key:"edit",value:function(t,e){var n=this.ids.indexOf(t+1);return this.ids.splice(n,1,t),this.runners.splice(n,1,e),this}},{key:"length",value:function(){return this.ids.length}},{key:"clearBefore",value:function(t){var e=this.ids.indexOf(t+1)||1;return this.ids.splice(0,e,0),this.runners.splice(0,e,new We),this}}]),t}(),tn=0;Pt({Element:{animate:function(t,e,n){var i=$e.sanitise(t,e,n),r=this.timeline();return new $e(i.duration).loop(i).element(this).timeline(r).schedule(e,n)},delay:function(t,e){return this.animate(0,t,e)},_clearTransformRunnersBefore:function(t){this._transformationRunners.clearBefore(},_currentTransform:function(e){return this._transformationRunners.runners.filter(function(t){return<}).map(Ze).reduce(Je,new Ne)},addRunner:function(t){this._transformationRunners.add(t),Ft.transform_frame(function(){var,new Ne);this.transform(t),this._transformationRunners.merge(),1===this._transformationRunners.length()&&(this._frameId=null)}.bind(this),this._frameId)},_prepareRunner:function(){null==this._frameId&&(this._transformationRunners=(new Ke).add(new We(new Ne(this))),this._frameId=tn++)}}}),$($e,{attr:function(t,e){return this.styleAttr("attr",t,e)},css:function(t,e){return this.styleAttr("css",t,e)},styleAttr:function(e,n,t){if("object"===l(n))for(var i in t)this.styleAttr(e,i,t[i]);var r=new Xe(this._stepper).to(t);return 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Math.abs(t-o)}),l=Math.min.apply(Math,O(h)),c=h.indexOf(l);r.rotate=a[c]}v&&(p||(r.rotate=d.rotate||0),this._isDeclarative&&k&&(s.rotate=k)),x.from(s),;var;return k=f.rotate,w=new Ne(f),this.addTransform(w),x.done()},function(t){(t.origin||"center").toString()!==(d.origin||"center").toString()&&(m=X(d,g)),d=_({},t,{origin:m})}),this._isDeclarative&&this._rememberMorpher("transform",x),this},x:function(t,e){return this._queueNumber("x",t)},y:function(t){return this._queueNumber("y",t)},dx:function(t){return this._queueNumberDelta("dx",t)},dy:function(t){return this._queueNumberDelta("dy",t)},_queueNumberDelta:function(e,n){if(n=new At(n),this._tryRetargetDelta(e,n))return this;var i=new Xe(this._stepper).to(n);return this.queue(function(){var t=this.element()[e]();i.from(t),},function(t){return this.element()[e](,i.done()}),this._rememberMorpher(e,i),this},_queueObject:function(e,t){if(this._tryRetarget(e,t))return this;var n=new Xe(this._stepper).to(t);return 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Ft(e.ox,e.oy).transform(this),i=n.x,r=n.y,s=(new h).translateO(e.rx,e.ry).lmultiplyO(this).translateO(-i,-r).scaleO(e.scaleX,e.scaleY).skewO(e.skewX,e.skewY).shearO(e.shear).rotateO(e.theta).translateO(i,r);if(isFinite(e.px)||isFinite({var u=new Ft(i,r).transform(s),o=e.px?e.px-u.x:0,;s.translateO(o,a)}return s.translateO(e.tx,e.ty),s}},{key:"compose",value:function(t){t.origin&&(t.originX=t.origin[0],t.originY=t.origin[1]);var e=t.originX||0,n=t.originY||0,i=t.scaleX||1,r=t.scaleY||1,s=t.shear||0,u=t.rotate||0,o=t.translateX||0,a=t.translateY||0;return(new h).translateO(-e,-n).scaleO(i,r).shearO(s).rotateO(u).translateO(o,a).lmultiplyO(this).translateO(e,n)}},{key:"decompose",value:function(){var t=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,e=1<arguments.length&&void 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Ft(t.origin||t.around||t.ox||t.originX,t.oy||t.originY),c=l.x,f=l.y,d=new Ft(t.position||t.px||t.positionX,||t.positionY),v=d.x,y=d.y,p=new Ft(t.translate||t.tx||t.translateX,t.ty||t.translateY),m=p.x,g=p.y,w=new Ft(t.relative||t.rx||t.relativeX,t.ry||t.relativeY);return{scaleX:u,scaleY:o,skewX:r,skewY:s,shear:a,theta:h,rx:w.x,ry:w.y,tx:m,ty:g,ox:c,oy:f,px:v,py:y}}},{key:"matrixMultiply",value:function(t,e,n){var i=t.a*e.a+t.c*e.b,r=t.b*e.a+t.d*e.b,s=t.a*e.c+t.c*e.d,u=t.b*e.c+t.d*e.d,o=t.e+t.a*e.e+t.c*e.f,a=t.f+t.b*e.e+t.d*e.f;return n.a=i,n.b=r,n.c=s,n.d=u,n.e=o,n.f=a,n}}]),h}();kt({Element:{ctm:function(){return new Oe(this.node.getCTM())},screenCTM:function(){if("function"!=typeof this.isRoot||this.isRoot())return new Oe(this.node.getScreenCTM());var t=this.rect(1,1),e=t.node.getScreenCTM();return t.remove(),new Oe(e)}}});for(var Ae=D("PathArray",lt),Ce={M:function(t,e,n){return e.x=n.x=t[0],e.y=n.y=t[1],["M",e.x,e.y]},L:function(t,e){return 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Ae(t),this.equalCommands(t)?this.destination=t:this.destination=null,this},at:function(t){if(!this.destination)return this;var e,n,i,r,s=this,u=this.destination.value,o=[],a=new Ae;for(e=0,n=s.length;e<n;e++){for(o[e]=[s[e][0]],i=1,r=s[e].length;i<r;i++)o[e][i]=s[e][i]+(u[e][i]-s[e][i])*t;"A"===o[e][0]&&(o[e][4]=+(0!==o[e][4]),o[e][5]=+(0!==o[e][5]))}return a.value=o,a},parse:function(){var t,e=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[["M",0,0]];if(e instanceof Ae)return e;var n={M:2,L:2,H:1,V:1,C:6,S:4,Q:4,T:2,A:7,Z:0};e="string"==typeof e?e.replace(T,I).replace(M," $& ").replace(j,"$1 -").trim().split(C):e.reduce(function(t,e){return[],e)},[]);for(var i=[],r=new Ft,s=new Ft,u=0,o=e.length;S.test(e[u])?(t=e[u],++u):"M"===t?t="L":"m"===t&&(t="l"),i.push(Ce[t].call(null,e.slice(u,u+=n[t.toUpperCase()]).map(parseFloat),r,s)),u<o;);return i},bbox:function(){return Lt().path.setAttribute("d",this.toString()),Lt.nodes.path.getBBox()}});var Te=function(){function 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null==t?this._stepper:(this._stepper=t,this)}},{key:"done",value:function(){return,e){return t&&e},!0)}},{key:"at",value:function(n){var i=this;return this._morphObj.fromArray(,e){return i._stepper.step(t,i._to[e],n,i._context[e],i._context)}))}}]),e}(),Ee=function(){function t(){o(this,t),this.init.apply(this,arguments)}return a(t,[{key:"init",value:function(t){t=Array.isArray(t)?t[0]:t,this.value=t}},{key:"valueOf",value:function(){return this.value}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){return[this.value]}}]),t}(),Ne=function(){function e(){o(this,e),this.init.apply(this,arguments)}return a(e,[{key:"init",value:function(t){Array.isArray(t)&&(t={scaleX:t[0],scaleY:t[1],shear:t[2],rotate:t[3],translateX:t[4],translateY:t[5],originX:t[6],originY:t[7]}),Object.assign(this,e.defaults,t)}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){var t=this;return[t.scaleX,t.scaleY,t.shear,t.rotate,t.translateX,t.translateY,t.originX,t.originY]}}]),e}();Ne.defaults={scaleX:1,scaleY:1,shear:0,rotate:0,translateX:0,translateY:0,originX:0,originY:0};var De=function(){function t(){o(this,t),this.init.apply(this,arguments)}return a(t,[{key:"init",value:function(t){if(this.values=[],Array.isArray(t))this.values=t;else{var e=Object.entries(t||{}).sort(function(t,e){return t[0]-e[0]});this.values=e.reduce(function(t,e){return t.concat(e)},[])}}},{key:"valueOf",value:function(){for(var t={},e=this.values,n=0,i=e.length;n<i;n+=2)t[e[n]]=e[n+1];return t}},{key:"toArray",value:function(){return this.values}}]),t}(),Pe=[Ee,Ne,De];var ze=function(t){function e(t){return o(this,e),h(this,u(e).call(this,ut("path",t),e))}return r(e,Yt),a(e,[{key:"array",value:function(){return this._array||(this._array=new Ae(this.attr("d")))}},{key:"plot",value:function(t){return null==t?this.array():this.clear().attr("d","string"==typeof t?t:this._array=new 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Je).path(this).text(t)}}}),Ze.prototype.MorphArray=Ae,tt(Ze);var Ke=function(t){function e(t){return o(this,e),h(this,u(e).call(this,ut("tspan",t),e))}return r(e,Je),a(e,[{key:"text",value:function(t){return null==t?this.node.textContent+(this.dom.newLined?"\n":""):("function"==typeof t?,this):this.plain(t),this)}},{key:"dx",value:function(t){return this.attr("dx",t)}},{key:"dy",value:function(t){return this.attr("dy",t)}},{key:"newLine",value:function(){var t=this.parent(Je);return this.dom.newLined=!0,this.dy(t.dom.leading*t.attr("font-size")).attr("x",t.x())}}]),e}();at(Ke,We),kt({Tspan:{tspan:function(t){var e=new Ke;return this._build||this.clear(),this.node.appendChild(e.node),e.text(t)}}}),tt(Ke);var tn=function(t){function e(t){return o(this,e),h(this,u(e).call(this,ut("use",t),e))}return r(e,Yt),a(e,[{key:"element",value:function(t,e){return this.attr("href",(e||"")+"#"+t,R)}}]),e}();kt({Container:{use:function(t,e){return this.put(new tn).element(t,e)}}}),tt(tn);var en=Object.freeze({Animator:d,SVGArray:lt,Bare:zt,Box:It,Circle:Jt,ClipPath:te,Color:Tt,Container:Pt,Controller:se,Ease:re,PID:ae,Spring:oe,Defs:Rt,Doc:qt,Dom:Et,Element:Dt,Ellipse:he,EventTarget:xt,Gradient:fe,G:de,HtmlNode:ve,A:ye,Image:me,Line:be,Marker:xe,Mask:_e,Matrix:Oe,Morphable:Te,SVGNumber:ct,Path:ze,PathArray:Ae,Pattern:pe,Point:Ft,PointArray:ge,Polygon:qe,Polyline:Le,Queue:t,Rect:Fe,Runner:He,Shape:Yt,Stop:le,Symbol:$e,Text:Je,TextPath:Ze,Timeline:Ye,Tspan:Ke,Use:tn});kt("Dom",{siblings:function(){return this.parent().children()},position:function(){return this.parent().index(this)},next:function(){return this.siblings()[this.position()+1]},prev:function(){return this.siblings()[this.position()-1]},forward:function(){var t=this.position()+1,e=this.parent();return e.removeElement(this).add(this,t),"function"==typeof e.isRoot&&e.isRoot()&&e.node.appendChild(e.defs().node),this},backward:function(){var t=this.position();return 0<t&&this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this,t-1),this},front:function(){var t=this.parent();return t.node.appendChild(this.node),"function"==typeof t.isRoot&&t.isRoot()&&t.node.appendChild(t.defs().node),this},back:function(){return 0<this.position()&&this.parent().removeElement(this).add(this,0),this},before:function(t){t.remove();var e=this.position();return this.parent().add(t,e),this},after:function(t){t.remove();var e=this.position();return this.parent().add(t,e+1),this}}),kt("Dom",{data:function(e,t,n){if("object"===l(e))for(t in e),e[t]);else if(arguments.length<2)try{return JSON.parse(this.attr("data-"+e))}catch(t){return this.attr("data-"+e)}else this.attr("data-"+e,null===t?null:!0===n||"string"==typeof t||"number"==typeof t?t:JSON.stringify(t));return this}}),kt("Dom",{classes:function(){var t=this.attr("class");return null==t?[]:t.trim().split(C)},hasClass:function(t){return-1!==this.classes().indexOf(t)},addClass:function(t){if(!this.hasClass(t)){var e=this.classes();e.push(t),this.attr("class",e.join(" "))}return this},removeClass:function(e){return this.hasClass(e)&&this.attr("class",this.classes().filter(function(t){return t!==e}).join(" ")),this},toggleClass:function(t){return this.hasClass(t)?this.removeClass(t):this.addClass(t)}}),kt("Dom",{css:function(t,e){var n={};if(0===arguments.length)return\s*;\s*/).filter(function(t){return!!t.length}).forEach(function(t){var e=t.split(/\s*:\s*/);n[e[0]]=e[1]}),n;if(arguments.length<2){if(Array.isArray(t)){var i=!0,r=!1,s=void 0;try{for(var u,o=t[Symbol.iterator]();!(i=(;i=!0){var a=X(u.value);n[a][a]}}catch(t){r=!0,s=t}finally{try{i||null==o.return||o.return()}finally{if(r)throw s}}return n}if("string"==typeof t)return[X(t)];if("object"===l(t))for(var h in t)[X(h)]=null==t[h]||b.test(t[h])?"":t[h]}return 2===arguments.length&&([X(t)]=null==e||b.test(e)?"":e),this},show:function(){return this.css("display","")},hide:function(){return this.css("display","none")},visible:function(){return"none"!==this.css("display")}}),kt("Element",{untransform:function(){return this.attr("transform",null)},matrixify:function(){return(this.attr("transform")||"").split(e).slice(0,-1).map(function(t){var e=t.trim().split("(");return[e[0],e[1].split(C).map(function(t){return parseFloat(t)})]}).reverse().reduce(function(t,e){return"matrix"===e[0]?t.lmultiply(V(e[1])):t[e[0]].apply(t,e[1])},new Oe)},toParent:function(t){if(this===t)return this;var e=this.screenCTM(),n=t.screenCTM().inverse();return this.addTo(t).untransform().transform(n.multiply(e)),this},toDoc:function(){return this.toParent(this.doc())},transform:function(t,e){if(null==t||"string"==typeof t){var n=new Oe(this).decompose();return n[t]||n}U(t)||(t=_({},t,{origin:$(t,this)}));var i=new Oe(!0===e?this:e||!1).transform(t);return this.attr("transform",i)}}),kt("Dom",{remember:function(t,e){if("object"===l(t))for(var n in t)this.remember(n,t[n]);else{if(1===arguments.length)return this.memory()[t];this.memory()[t]=e}return this},forget:function(){if(0===arguments.length)this._memory={};else for(var t=arguments.length-1;0<=t;t--)delete this.memory()[arguments[t]];return this},memory:function(){return this._memory=this._memory||{}}});var nn={stroke:["color","width","opacity","linecap","linejoin","miterlimit","dasharray","dashoffset"],fill:["color","opacity","rule"],prefix:function(t,e){return"color"===e?t:t+"-"+e}};["fill","stroke"].forEach(function(e){var n,t={};t[e]=function(t){if(void 0===t)return this;if("string"==typeof t||Tt.isRgb(t)||t instanceof Dt)this.attr(e,t);else for(n=nn[e].length-1;0<=n;n--)null!=t[nn[e][n]]&&this.attr(nn.prefix(e,nn[e][n]),t[nn[e][n]]);return this},kt(["Shape","Runner"],t)}),kt(["Element","Runner"],{matrix:function(t,e,n,i,r,s){return null==t?new Oe(this):this.attr("transform",new Oe(t,e,n,i,r,s))},rotate:function(t,e,n){return this.transform({rotate:t,ox:e,oy:n},!0)},skew:function(t,e,n,i){return 1===arguments.length||3===arguments.length?this.transform({skew:t,ox:e,oy:n},!0):this.transform({skew:[t,e],ox:n,oy:i},!0)},shear:function(t,e,n){return this.transform({shear:t,ox:e,oy:n},!0)},scale:function(t,e,n,i){return 1===arguments.length||3===arguments.length?this.transform({scale:t,ox:e,oy:n},!0):this.transform({scale:[t,e],ox:n,oy:i},!0)},translate:function(t,e){return this.transform({translate:[t,e]},!0)},relative:function(t,e){return this.transform({relative:[t,e]},!0)},flip:function(t,e){var n="string"==typeof t?t:(isFinite(t),"both"),i="both"===t&&isFinite(e)?[e,e]:"x"===t?[e,0]:"y"===t?[0,e]:isFinite(t)?[t,t]:[0,0];this.transform({flip:n,origin:i},!0)},opacity:function(t){return this.attr("opacity",t)},dx:function(t){return this.x(new ct(t).plus(this instanceof He?0:this.x()),!0)},dy:function(t){return this.y(new ct(t).plus(this instanceof He?0:this.y()),!0)},dmove:function(t,e){return this.dx(t).dy(e)}}),kt("radius",{radius:function(t,e){var n=(this._element||this).type;return"radialGradient"===n||"radialGradient"===n?this.attr("r",new ct(t)):this.rx(t).ry(null==e?t:e)}}),kt("Path",{length:function(){return this.node.getTotalLength()},pointAt:function(t){return new Ft(this.node.getPointAtLength(t))}}),kt(["Element","Runner"],{font:function(t,e){if("object"===l(t))for(e in t)this.font(e,t[e]);return"leading"===t?this.leading(e):"anchor"===t?this.attr("text-anchor",e):"size"===t||"family"===t||"weight"===t||"stretch"===t||"variant"===t||"style"===t?this.attr("font-"+t,e):this.attr(t,e)}});var rn=at;function sn(t){return Z(t)}return rn([qt,$e,me,pe,xe],bt("viewbox")),rn([be,Le,qe,ze],bt("marker")),rn(Je,bt("Text")),rn(ze,bt("Path")),rn(Rt,bt("Defs")),rn([Je,Ke],bt("Tspan")),rn([Fe,he,Jt,fe],bt("radius")),rn(xt,bt("EventTarget")),rn(Et,bt("Dom")),rn(Dt,bt("Element")),rn(Yt,bt("Shape")),rn(Pt,bt("Container")),function(){var t=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[];Pe.push.apply(Pe,O([].concat(t)))}([ct,Tt,It,Oe,lt,ge,Ae]),at(Pe,{to:function(t,e){return(new Te).type(this.constructor).from(this.valueOf()).to(t,e)},fromArray:function(t){return this.init(t),this}}),Object.assign(sn,en),Object.assign(sn,ht),Object.assign(sn,st),sn.utils=At,sn.regex=N,(sn.get=sn).find=Zt,Object.assign(sn,L),sn.easing=ne,Object.assign(sn,gt),sn.TransformBag=Ne,sn.ObjectBag=De,sn.NonMorphable=Ee,sn.parser=Lt,sn.defaults=St,sn}();
diff --git a/src/ClipPath.js b/src/ClipPath.js
index 2321656..953d5cf 100644
--- a/src/ClipPath.js
+++ b/src/ClipPath.js
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ export default class ClipPath extends Container {
// remove clipPath from parent
return super.remove()
- // return
targets () {
diff --git a/src/Doc.js b/src/Doc.js
index d2c40ea..b44a122 100644
--- a/src/Doc.js
+++ b/src/Doc.js
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ export default class Doc extends Container {
doc () {
if (this.isRoot()) return this
return super.doc()
- // return
// Add namespaces
@@ -51,22 +50,8 @@ export default class Doc extends Container {
return super.parent(type)
- // return, type)
- // Removes the doc from the DOM
- // remove() {
- // if (!this.isRoot()) {
- // return super.remove()
- // }
- //
- // if (this.parent()) {
- // this.parent().remove(this)
- // }
- //
- // return this
- // }
clear () {
// remove children
while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) {
diff --git a/src/Dom.js b/src/Dom.js
index 488f3e0..5c84308 100644
--- a/src/Dom.js
+++ b/src/Dom.js
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ export default class Dom extends EventTarget {
// Replace element
replace (element) {
- // FIXME: after might not be available here
+ // FIXME: after() might not be available here
return element
@@ -234,4 +234,5 @@ export default class Dom extends EventTarget {
return this
extend(Dom, { attr })
diff --git a/src/Element.js b/src/Element.js
index 8161b6a..4c3dcf6 100644
--- a/src/Element.js
+++ b/src/Element.js
@@ -136,12 +136,3 @@ export default class Element extends Dom {
return this.attr('y', y)
-// registerMethods('Element', {
-// x, y, cx, cy, move, center, width, height, size, clone, remove, replace,
-// addTo, putIn, id, inside, toString, classes, hasClass, addClass, removeClass,
-// toggleClass, reference, doc, defs, parent, parents, matches, native, svg,
-// writeDataToDom, setData, getEventTarget
-// })
-// registerConstructor('Element', setup)
diff --git a/src/EventTarget.js b/src/EventTarget.js
index e306271..bc7a09c 100644
--- a/src/EventTarget.js
+++ b/src/EventTarget.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Base from './Base.js'
import { on, off, dispatch } from './event.js'
-import { extend } from './tools.js'
+import { registerMethods } from './methods.js'
export default class EventTarget extends Base {
constructor ({ events = {} } = {}) {
@@ -87,10 +87,4 @@ const methods = [ 'click',
return last
}, {})
-extend(EventTarget, methods)
-// registerMethods('EventTarget', {
-// on, off, dispatch, fire
-// })
-// registerConstructor('EventTarget', setup)
+registerMethods('Element', methods)
diff --git a/src/Gradient.js b/src/Gradient.js
index 7e8075e..5d7dd2a 100644
--- a/src/Gradient.js
+++ b/src/Gradient.js
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ export default class Gradient extends Container {
attr (a, b, c) {
if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform'
return super.attr(a, b, c)
- // return, a, b, c)
targets () {
diff --git a/src/Mask.js b/src/Mask.js
index fb599b9..c5a2faa 100644
--- a/src/Mask.js
+++ b/src/Mask.js
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ export default class Mask extends Container {
// remove mask from parent
return super.remove()
- // return
targets () {
diff --git a/src/PathArray.js b/src/PathArray.js
index 5c4fa5e..9fa5b99 100644
--- a/src/PathArray.js
+++ b/src/PathArray.js
@@ -289,220 +289,3 @@ extend(PathArray, {
return parser.nodes.path.getBBox()
-// export default class PathArray extends SVGArray {
-// constructor (array, fallback = [['M', 0, 0]]) {
-// super(array, fallback)
-// }
-// // Convert array to string
-// toString () {
-// return arrayToString(this)
-// }
-// toArray () {
-// return this.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
-// return [], curr)
-// }, [])
-// }
-// // Move path string
-// move (x, y) {
-// // get bounding box of current situation
-// var box = this.bbox()
-// // get relative offset
-// x -= box.x
-// y -= box.y
-// if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
-// // move every point
-// for (var l, i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-// l = this[i][0]
-// if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
-// this[i][1] += x
-// this[i][2] += y
-// } else if (l === 'H') {
-// this[i][1] += x
-// } else if (l === 'V') {
-// this[i][1] += y
-// } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
-// this[i][1] += x
-// this[i][2] += y
-// this[i][3] += x
-// this[i][4] += y
-// if (l === 'C') {
-// this[i][5] += x
-// this[i][6] += y
-// }
-// } else if (l === 'A') {
-// this[i][6] += x
-// this[i][7] += y
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// return this
-// }
-// // Resize path string
-// size (width, height) {
-// // get bounding box of current situation
-// var box = this.bbox()
-// var i, l
-// // recalculate position of all points according to new size
-// for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-// l = this[i][0]
-// if (l === 'M' || l === 'L' || l === 'T') {
-// this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
-// this[i][2] = ((this[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
-// } else if (l === 'H') {
-// this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
-// } else if (l === 'V') {
-// this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
-// } else if (l === 'C' || l === 'S' || l === 'Q') {
-// this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
-// this[i][2] = ((this[i][2] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
-// this[i][3] = ((this[i][3] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
-// this[i][4] = ((this[i][4] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
-// if (l === 'C') {
-// this[i][5] = ((this[i][5] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
-// this[i][6] = ((this[i][6] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
-// }
-// } else if (l === 'A') {
-// // resize radii
-// this[i][1] = (this[i][1] * width) / box.width
-// this[i][2] = (this[i][2] * height) / box.height
-// // move position values
-// this[i][6] = ((this[i][6] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
-// this[i][7] = ((this[i][7] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
-// }
-// }
-// return this
-// }
-// // Test if the passed path array use the same path data commands as this path array
-// equalCommands (pathArray) {
-// var i, il, equalCommands
-// pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray)
-// equalCommands = this.length === pathArray.value.length
-// for (i = 0, il = this.length; equalCommands && i < il; i++) {
-// equalCommands = this[i][0] === pathArray.value[i][0]
-// }
-// return equalCommands
-// }
-// // Make path array morphable
-// morph (pathArray) {
-// pathArray = new PathArray(pathArray)
-// if (this.equalCommands(pathArray)) {
-// this.destination = pathArray
-// } else {
-// this.destination = null
-// }
-// return this
-// }
-// // Get morphed path array at given position
-// at (pos) {
-// // make sure a destination is defined
-// if (!this.destination) return this
-// var sourceArray = this
-// var destinationArray = this.destination.value
-// var array = []
-// var pathArray = new PathArray()
-// var i, il, j, jl
-// // Animate has specified in the SVG spec
-// // See:
-// for (i = 0, il = sourceArray.length; i < il; i++) {
-// array[i] = [sourceArray[i][0]]
-// for (j = 1, jl = sourceArray[i].length; j < jl; j++) {
-// array[i][j] = sourceArray[i][j] + (destinationArray[i][j] - sourceArray[i][j]) * pos
-// }
-// // For the two flags of the elliptical arc command, the SVG spec say:
-// // Flags and booleans are interpolated as fractions between zero and one, with any non-zero value considered to be a value of one/true
-// // Elliptical arc command as an array followed by corresponding indexes:
-// // ['A', rx, ry, x-axis-rotation, large-arc-flag, sweep-flag, x, y]
-// // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-// if (array[i][0] === 'A') {
-// array[i][4] = +(array[i][4] !== 0)
-// array[i][5] = +(array[i][5] !== 0)
-// }
-// }
-// // Directly modify the value of a path array, this is done this way for performance
-// pathArray.value = array
-// return pathArray
-// }
-// // Absolutize and parse path to array
-// parse (array) {
-// // if it's already a patharray, no need to parse it
-// if (array instanceof PathArray) return array.valueOf()
-// // prepare for parsing
-// var s
-// var paramCnt = { 'M': 2, 'L': 2, 'H': 1, 'V': 1, 'C': 6, 'S': 4, 'Q': 4, 'T': 2, 'A': 7, 'Z': 0 }
-// if (typeof array === 'string') {
-// array = array
-// .replace(numbersWithDots, pathRegReplace) // convert 45.123.123 to 45.123 .123
-// .replace(pathLetters, ' $& ') // put some room between letters and numbers
-// .replace(hyphen, '$1 -') // add space before hyphen
-// .trim() // trim
-// .split(delimiter) // split into array
-// } else {
-// array = array.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
-// return [], curr)
-// }, [])
-// }
-// // array now is an array containing all parts of a path e.g. ['M', '0', '0', 'L', '30', '30' ...]
-// var result = []
-// var p = new Point()
-// var p0 = new Point()
-// var index = 0
-// var len = array.length
-// do {
-// // Test if we have a path letter
-// if (isPathLetter.test(array[index])) {
-// s = array[index]
-// ++index
-// // If last letter was a move command and we got no new, it defaults to [L]ine
-// } else if (s === 'M') {
-// s = 'L'
-// } else if (s === 'm') {
-// s = 'l'
-// }
-// result.push(pathHandlers[s].call(null,
-// array.slice(index, (index = index + paramCnt[s.toUpperCase()])).map(parseFloat),
-// p, p0
-// )
-// )
-// } while (len > index)
-// return result
-// }
-// // Get bounding box of path
-// bbox () {
-// parser().path.setAttribute('d', this.toString())
-// return parser.nodes.path.getBBox()
-// }
-// }
diff --git a/src/Pattern.js b/src/Pattern.js
index 6f56e58..4a3e1ad 100644
--- a/src/Pattern.js
+++ b/src/Pattern.js
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ export default class Pattern extends Container {
attr (a, b, c) {
if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform'
return super.attr(a, b, c)
- // return, a, b, c)
targets () {
diff --git a/src/PointArray.js b/src/PointArray.js
index 68aeddc..42299e0 100644
--- a/src/PointArray.js
+++ b/src/PointArray.js
@@ -118,127 +118,3 @@ extend(PointArray, {
return { x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY }
-// export default class PointArray extends SVGArray {
-// constructor (array, fallback = [[0, 0]]) {
-// super(array, fallback)
-// }
-// // Convert array to string
-// toString () {
-// // convert to a poly point string
-// for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
-// array.push(this[i].join(','))
-// }
-// return array.join(' ')
-// }
-// // toArray () {
-// // return this.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
-// // return [], curr)
-// // }, [])
-// // }
-// // Convert array to line object
-// toLine () {
-// return {
-// x1: this[0][0],
-// y1: this[0][1],
-// x2: this[1][0],
-// y2: this[1][1]
-// }
-// }
-// // Get morphed array at given position
-// at (pos) {
-// // make sure a destination is defined
-// if (!this.destination) return this
-// // generate morphed point string
-// for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
-// array.push([
-// this[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this[i][0]) * pos,
-// this[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this[i][1]) * pos
-// ])
-// }
-// return new PointArray(array)
-// }
-// // Parse point string and flat array
-// parse (array) {
-// var points = []
-// array = array.valueOf()
-// // if it is an array
-// if (Array.isArray(array)) {
-// // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
-// if (Array.isArray(array[0])) {
-// return array
-// }
-// } else { // Else, it is considered as a string
-// // parse points
-// array = array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)
-// }
-// // validate points -
-// // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
-// if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop()
-// // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
-// for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
-// points.push([ array[i], array[i + 1] ])
-// }
-// return points
-// }
-// // Move point string
-// move (x, y) {
-// var box = this.bbox()
-// // get relative offset
-// x -= box.x
-// y -= box.y
-// // move every point
-// if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
-// for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-// this[i] = [this[i][0] + x, this[i][1] + y]
-// }
-// }
-// return this
-// }
-// // Resize poly string
-// size (width, height) {
-// var i
-// var box = this.bbox()
-// // recalculate position of all points according to new size
-// for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-// if (box.width) this[i][0] = ((this[i][0] - box.x) * width) / box.width + box.x
-// if (box.height) this[i][1] = ((this[i][1] - box.y) * height) / box.height + box.y
-// }
-// return this
-// }
-// // Get bounding box of points
-// bbox () {
-// var maxX = -Infinity
-// var maxY = -Infinity
-// var minX = Infinity
-// var minY = Infinity
-// this.forEach(function (el) {
-// maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX)
-// maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY)
-// minX = Math.min(el[0], minX)
-// minY = Math.min(el[1], minY)
-// })
-// return {x: minX, y: minY, width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY}
-// }
-// }
diff --git a/src/SVGArray.js b/src/SVGArray.js
index 247f0b2..351e166 100644
--- a/src/SVGArray.js
+++ b/src/SVGArray.js
@@ -10,15 +10,11 @@ export default SVGArray
extend(SVGArray, {
init (...args) {
- // this.splice(0, this.length)
this.length = 0
toArray () {
- // const ret = []
- // ret.push(...this)
- // return ret
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this)
@@ -31,13 +27,10 @@ extend(SVGArray, {
const ret = []
return ret
- // return this.toArray()
// Parse whitespace separated string
parse (array = []) {
- // array = array.valueOf()
// If already is an array, no need to parse it
if (array instanceof Array) return array
@@ -52,46 +45,3 @@ extend(SVGArray, {
return new Set(this)
-// export default class SVGArray extends BaseArray {
-// constructor (...args) {
-// super()
-// this.init(...args)
-// }
-// init (array, fallback = []) {
-// //this.splice(0, this.length)
-// this.length = 0
-// this.push(...this.parse(array || fallback))
-// }
-// toArray () {
-// return [].concat(this)
-// }
-// toString () {
-// return this.join(' ')
-// }
-// valueOf () {
-// return this.toArray()
-// }
-// // Parse whitespace separated string
-// parse (array) {
-// array = array.valueOf()
-// // if already is an array, no need to parse it
-// if (Array.isArray(array)) return array
-// return array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat)
-// }
-// clone () {
-// return new this.constructor(this)
-// }
-// toSet () {
-// return new Set(this)
-// }
-// }
diff --git a/src/attr.js b/src/attr.js
index cccc340..f3aa230 100644
--- a/src/attr.js
+++ b/src/attr.js
@@ -79,5 +79,3 @@ export default function attr (attr, val, ns) {
return this
-// registerMethods('Element', {attr})
diff --git a/src/classes.js b/src/classes.js
index a4cc758..8e1b866 100644
--- a/src/classes.js
+++ b/src/classes.js
@@ -1,87 +1,44 @@
-export { default as EventTarget } from './EventTarget.js'
-export { default as Dom } from './Dom.js'
-export { default as Element } from './Element.js'
-export { default as Shape } from './Shape.js'
-export { default as Container } from './Container.js'
-export { default as HtmlNode } from './HtmlNode.js'
-export { default as Doc } from './Doc.js'
-export { default as Defs } from './Defs.js'
-export { default as G } from './G.js'
export { default as Animator } from './Animator.js'
+export { default as SVGArray } from './SVGArray.js'
export { default as Bare } from './Bare.js'
+export { default as Box } from './Box.js'
export { default as Circle } from './Circle.js'
export { default as ClipPath } from './ClipPath.js'
-export { default as A } from './A.js'
+export { default as Color } from './Color.js'
+export { default as Container } from './Container.js'
+export { Controller, Ease, PID, Spring } from './Controller.js'
+export { default as Defs } from './Defs.js'
+export { default as Doc } from './Doc.js'
+export { default as Dom } from './Dom.js'
+export { default as Element } from './Element.js'
export { default as Ellipse } from './Ellipse.js'
-export { default as Stop } from './Stop.js'
+export { default as EventTarget } from './EventTarget.js'
export { default as Gradient } from './Gradient.js'
+export { default as G } from './G.js'
+export { default as HtmlNode } from './HtmlNode.js'
+export { default as A } from './A.js'
export { default as Image } from './Image.js'
export { default as Line } from './Line.js'
export { default as Marker } from './Marker.js'
export { default as Mask } from './Mask.js'
+export { default as Matrix } from './Matrix.js'
+export { default as Morphable } from './Morphable.js'
+export { default as SVGNumber } from './SVGNumber.js'
export { default as Path } from './Path.js'
+export { default as PathArray } from './PathArray.js'
export { default as Pattern } from './Pattern.js'
+export { default as Point } from './Point.js'
+export { default as PointArray } from './PointArray.js'
export { default as Polygon } from './Polygon.js'
export { default as Polyline } from './Polyline.js'
+export { default as Queue } from './Queue.js'
export { default as Rect } from './Rect.js'
+export { default as Runner } from './Runner.js'
+export { default as Shape } from './Shape.js'
+export { default as Stop } from './Stop.js'
export { default as Symbol } from './Symbol.js'
export { default as Text } from './Text.js'
export { default as TextPath } from './TextPath.js'
+export { default as Timeline } from './Timeline.js'
export { default as Tspan } from './Tspan.js'
export { default as Use } from './Use.js'
-export { default as SVGNumber } from './SVGNumber.js'
-export { default as SVGArray } from './SVGArray.js'
-export { default as PathArray } from './PathArray.js'
-export { default as PointArray } from './PointArray.js'
-export { default as Matrix } from './Matrix.js'
-export { default as Point } from './Point.js'
-export { default as Box } from './Box.js'
-export { default as Color } from './Color.js'
-export { default as Morphable } from './Morphable.js'
-export { default as Queue } from './Queue.js'
-export { default as Runner } from './Runner.js'
-export { default as Timeline } from './Timeline.js'
-export { Controller, Ease, PID, Spring } from './Controller.js'
-// export {default as Animator} from './Animator.js'
-// export {default as SVGArray} from './SVGArray.js'
-// export {default as Bare} from './Bare.js'
-// export {default as Box} from './Box.js'
-// export {default as Circle} from './Circle.js'
-// export {default as ClipPath} from './ClipPath.js'
-// export {default as Color} from './Color.js'
-// export {default as Container} from './Container.js'
-// export {Controller, Ease, PID, Spring} from './Controller.js'
-// export {default as Defs} from './Defs.js'
-// export {default as Doc} from './Doc.js'
-// export {default as Element} from './Element.js'
-// export {default as Ellipse} from './Ellipse.js'
-// export {default as EventTarget} from './EventTarget.js'
-// export {default as Gradient} from './Gradient.js'
-// export {default as G} from './G.js'
-// export {default as HtmlNode} from './HtmlNode.js'
-// export {default as A} from './A.js'
-// export {default as Image} from './Image.js'
-// export {default as Line} from './Line.js'
-// export {default as Marker} from './Marker.js'
-// export {default as Mask} from './Mask.js'
-// export {default as Matrix} from './Matrix.js'
-// export {default as Morphable} from './Morphable.js'
-// export {default as SVGNumber} from './SVGNumber.js'
-// export {default as Path} from './Path.js'
-// export {default as PathArray} from './PathArray.js'
-// export {default as Pattern} from './Pattern.js'
-// export {default as Point} from './Point.js'
-// export {default as PointArray} from './PointArray.js'
-// export {default as Polygon} from './Polygon.js'
-// export {default as Polyline} from './Polyline.js'
-// export {default as Queue} from './Queue.js'
-// export {default as Rect} from './Rect.js'
-// export {default as Runner} from './Runner.js'
-// export {default as Shape} from './Shape.js'
-// export {default as Stop} from './Stop.js'
-// export {default as Symbol} from './Symbol.js'
-// export {default as Text} from './Text.js'
-// export {default as TextPath} from './TextPath.js'
-// export {default as Timeline} from './Timeline.js'
-// export {default as Use} from './Use.js'
diff --git a/src/containers.js b/src/containers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 02869e4..0000000
--- a/src/containers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-export { default as Bare } from './Bare.js'
-export { default as ClipPath } from './ClipPath.js'
-export { default as Defs } from './Defs.js'
-export { default as Doc } from './Doc.js'
-export { default as Gradient } from './Gradient.js'
-export { default as G } from './G.js'
-export { default as A } from './A.js'
-export { default as Marker } from './Marker.js'
-export { default as Mask } from './Mask.js'
-export { default as Pattern } from './Pattern.js'
-export { default as Symbol } from './Symbol.js'
-export { default as Text } from './Text.js'
-export { default as Tspan } from './Tspan.js'
-export { default as TextPath } from './TextPath.js'
diff --git a/src/elements.js b/src/elements.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b09d6e8..0000000
--- a/src/elements.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-export { default as Bare } from './Bare.js'
-export { default as Circle } from './Circle.js'
-export { default as ClipPath } from './ClipPath.js'
-export { default as Defs } from './Defs.js'
-export { default as Doc } from './Doc.js'
-export { default as Ellipse } from './Ellipse.js'
-export { default as Gradient } from './Gradient.js'
-export { default as G } from './G.js'
-export { default as HtmlNode } from './HtmlNode.js'
-export { default as A } from './A.js'
-export { default as Image } from './Image.js'
-export { default as Line } from './Line.js'
-export { default as Marker } from './Marker.js'
-export { default as Mask } from './Mask.js'
-export { default as Path } from './Path.js'
-export { default as Pattern } from './Pattern.js'
-export { default as Polygon } from './Polygon.js'
-export { default as Polyline } from './Polyline.js'
-export { default as Rect } from './Rect.js'
-export { default as Stop } from './Stop.js'
-export { default as Symbol } from './Symbol.js'
-export { default as Text } from './Text.js'
-export { default as TextPath } from './TextPath.js'
-export { default as Tspan } from './Tspan.js'
-export { default as Use } from './Use.js'
diff --git a/src/event.js b/src/event.js
index 8cd4188..d3cf26d 100644
--- a/src/event.js
+++ b/src/event.js
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ export function on (node, events, listener, binding, options) {
// events can be an array of events or a string of events
events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(delimiter)
- // ensure instance object for nodes which are not adopted
- // n.instance = n.instance || {events: {}}
- // pull event handlers from the element
- // var bag =
// add id to listener
if (!listener._svgjsListenerId) {
listener._svgjsListenerId = ++listenerId
@@ -59,18 +53,12 @@ export function off (node, events, listener, options) {
var bag = getEvents(node)
var n = getEventTarget(node)
- // we cannot remove an event if its not an svg.js instance
- // if (!n.instance) return
// listener can be a function or a number
if (typeof listener === 'function') {
listener = listener._svgjsListenerId
if (!listener) return
- // pull event handlers from the element
- // var bag =
// events can be an array of events or a string or undefined
events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : (events || '').split(delimiter)
diff --git a/src/memory.js b/src/memory.js
index 3f81c6f..9c826a2 100644
--- a/src/memory.js
+++ b/src/memory.js
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
import { registerMethods } from './methods.js'
-// export const name = 'Memory'
-// export function setup (node) {
-// this._memory = {}
-// }
+// FIXME: We need a constructor to set this up
// Remember arbitrary data
export function remember (k, v) {
@@ -42,4 +38,3 @@ export function memory () {
registerMethods('Dom', { remember, forget, memory })
-// registerConstructor('Memory', setup)
diff --git a/src/methods.js b/src/methods.js
index f926598..2373445 100644
--- a/src/methods.js
+++ b/src/methods.js
@@ -23,11 +23,6 @@ export function getMethodsFor (name) {
return methods[name] || {}
-// FIXME: save memory?
-// export function cleanMethods () {
-// methods = {}
-// }
export function registerConstructor (name, setup) {
constructors[name] = setup
diff --git a/src/selector.js b/src/selector.js
index 6ee1207..7208153 100644
--- a/src/selector.js
+++ b/src/selector.js
@@ -2,29 +2,6 @@ import { map } from './utils.js'
import { adopt } from './adopter.js'
import { registerMethods } from './methods.js'
-// // Method for getting an element by id
-// SVG.get = function (id) {
-// var node = document.getElementById(idFromReference(id) || id)
-// return SVG.adopt(node)
-// }
-// // Select elements by query string
-// = function (query, parent) {
-// return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
-// return SVG.adopt(node)
-// })
-// }
-// SVG.$$ = function (query, parent) {
-// return || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
-// return SVG.adopt(node)
-// })
-// }
-// SVG.$ = function (query, parent) {
-// return SVG.adopt((parent || document).querySelector(query))
-// }
export default function baseFind (query, parent) {
return map((parent || document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
return adopt(node)