diff options
13 files changed, 31 insertions, 981 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ceb62a2..e564245 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ The document follows the conventions described in [“Keep a CHANGELOG”](http:
- added possibility to pass in additional attribues to element creators e.g. `canvas.rect({x:100})` or `canvas.rect(100, 100, {x:100})` (#796)
- added `SVG.List` (#645)
- added `words()` and `element()` to `Dom` because of (#935)
+- added lab, lch, hsl and cmyk color spaces (#790)
+- added `random()` method on `SVG.Color` to create random colors of different kinds (#939)
### Removed
- removed `SVG.Array.split()` function
@@ -41,7 +43,6 @@ The document follows the conventions described in [“Keep a CHANGELOG”](http:
- removed `SVG.Nested` (#809)
- removed `show()` from `SVG.A` to avoid name clash (#802)
- removed `size()` from `SVG.Text` to avoid name clash (#799)
-- removed `move(), dmove()` etc for groups to avoid inconsistencies, we will expect users to use transforms to move around groups as they should (especially since they are much simpler now).
- removed `native()` function
- removed `Bare` in favour of `Dom` (#935)
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
index 148b70a..41b1b10 100644
--- a/LICENSE.txt
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Wout Fierens
+Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Wout Fierens
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
diff --git a/dirty.html b/dirty.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 900c738..0000000
--- a/dirty.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title></title>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/polyfills.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/polyfillsIE.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/svg.min.js"></script>
-<body style="background-color: #c7c7ff">
-<!-- <div id="absolute"><label>Absolute: <input type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01"></slider></label><span></span></div>
-<div id="position"><label>Position: <input type="range" min="0" max="5" step="0.01"></slider></label><span></span></div> -->
-<button name="back1000">Back 1000</button>
-<button name="back100">Back 100</button>
-<button name="forth100">Forth 100</button>
-<button name="forth1000">Forth 1000</button>
-<button name="speed2">Speed x2</button>
-<button name="speed05">Speed x0.5</button>
-<button name="stop">Stop</button>
-<button name="finish">Finish</button>
-<button name="pause">Pause</button>
-<button name="play">Play</button>
-<button name="reverse">Reverse</button>
-<span id="displayText"></span>
-<!-- Making the svg -->
-<svg width=1000px height=500px id="canvas">
- <rect x=50 y=100 width=200 height=100 stroke=none stroke-width=2 />
-<!-- Modifying the svg -->
-<script type="text/javascript">
-// import SVG from './src/svg.js'
-// window.SVG = SVG
-var rect = SVG('rect').hide()
-var sin = Math.sin
-var pi = Math.PI
-var round = Math.round
-function getColor(t) {
- var a = round(80 * sin(2 * pi * t / 0.5 + 0.01) + 150)
- var b = round(50 * sin(2 * pi * t / 0.5 + 4.6) + 200)
- var c = round(100 * sin(2 * pi * t / 0.5 + 2.3) + 150)
- var color = 'rgb('+ a +','+ b +','+ c +')'
- return color
-// var rect1 = SVG('<rect>').addTo('svg').size(50, 50).move(100, 100)
-// var rect2 = SVG('<rect>').addTo('svg').size(50, 50).move(100, 200)
-// var anim1 = new SVG.Runner(1000).element(rect1).loop(5, true, 1000).move(200, 100)
-// var anim2 = new SVG.Runner(1000).element(rect2).loop(5, true, 1000).move(200, 200)
-// SVG('#absolute').on('input slide', function (e) {
-// var val =
-// document.querySelector('#absolute span').textContent = val
-// anim1.absolute(val)
-// })
-// SVG('#position').on('input slide', function (e) {
-// var val =
-// document.querySelector('#position span').textContent = val
-// anim2.position(val)
-// })
-// rect.animate(4000)
-// .during(t => rect.transform({scale: sqrt(1 + t), rotate: 720 * t}))
-// .after(500, ()=> {rect.attr('stroke', 'white')})
-// .queue(() => rect.attr('fill', getColor(0)))
-// .animate(1500, 500, true)
-// .queue(()=> {}, t => rect.attr('fill', getColor(t)))
-// .animate(1000, true)
-// .move(200, 200)
-// .size(300, 300)
-// SVG.Animator.timeout(()=> { rect.animate().pause() }, 1000 - 10)
-// SVG.Animator.timeout(()=> { rect.animate().play() }, 2000 - 10)
-// SVG('rect')
-// .clone().show()
-// .animate()
-// .move(300, 200)
-// for (let i = 0 ; i < 15; i++) {
-// for (let j = 0 ; j < 10; j++) {
-// // Make the rect
-// let o = i + j
-// let rect = SVG('rect').clone().show()
-// .width(40).height(40)
-// .x(50 * i).y(50 * j)
-// .attr('fill', getColor(o * 0.1))
-// // Move the rect
-// let {cx, cy} = rect.bbox()
-// // Animate the rect
-// rect.animate(3000, Math.random() * 2000)
-// // .during(t => rect.transform({rotate: 700 * t, origin: [cx, cy]}))
-// .transform({rotate: 720}, true)
-// // .during(t => rect.attr('transform', `rotate(${700 * t})`))
-// .during(t => rect.attr('fill', getColor(o * 0.1 + t)))
-// }
-// }
-var canvas = SVG('#canvas')
-canvas.attr('viewBox', null)
-SVG.defaults.timeline.ease = '-'
-var r = new SVG.Runner(1000)
-var t = new SVG.Timeline().persist(true)
-r.schedule(t, 200)
- .animate(500).loop(5, true, 100)
- .animate(600, 200, 'absolute')
- .animate(600, 300)
- .animate(600, 300, 'now')
- .animate(1000, 0, 'absolute').loop(6, true)
-var schedule = t.schedule()
-schedule.forEach(function (s, i) {
- var rect = canvas.rect(s.duration / 10, 25)
- .move(100 + s.start/10, 100 + i*30)
- .attr('fill', '#000')
- s.runner.element(rect)
- .attr('fill', getColor(i*0.1))
- // if (i===0)
- // s.runner.during(console.log)
-var mover = canvas.line(100, 100, 100, 300).attr('stroke', 'black')
-canvas.line(100, 300, 800, 300).attr('stroke', 'black')
-var text = SVG('#displayText')
-t.on('time', function (e) {
- mover.x(100 + e.detail/10)
- text.node.textContent = e.detail
-t.on('finished', function (e) {
- console.log('finished')
-SVG('button[name="back100"]').on('click', function (e) {
-SVG('button[name="back1000"]').on('click', function (e) {
-SVG('button[name="forth100"]').on('click', function (e) {
-SVG('button[name="forth1000"]').on('click', function (e) {
-SVG('button[name="speed2"]').on('click', function (e) {
- t.speed(2)
-SVG('button[name="speed05"]').on('click', function (e) {
- t.speed(0.5)
-SVG('button[name="pause"]').on('click', function (e) {
- t.pause()
-SVG('button[name="play"]').on('click', function (e) {
-SVG('button[name="stop"]').on('click', function (e) {
- t.stop()
-SVG('button[name="finish"]').on('click', function (e) {
- t.finish()
-SVG('button[name="reverse"]').on('click', function (e) {
- t.reverse()
-canvas.rect(100, 100).on('click', function (e) {
- .move(Math.random()*1000, Math.random()*750)
- .timeline().on('finished', function (e) {
- console.log('rect finished')
- })
-// var bla = SVG('<rect>').size(0, 0).move(200, 200).addTo('svg')
-// bla.animate().size(220, 200).queue(null, console.log)
-// var randPoint = (x = 50, y = 50) => [
-// Math.random() * 100 - 50 + x,
-// Math.random() * 100 - 50 + y
-// ]
-// var poly = SVG('<polygon>').plot([
-// randPoint(),
-// randPoint(),
-// randPoint(),
-// randPoint(),
-// randPoint()
-// ]).attr({fill: 'none', stroke: 'black'}).addTo('svg')
-// var polyAni = poly.animate(new SVG.Spring(3000, 0))
-// SVG.on(document, 'click', function (e) {
-// polyAni.plot([
-// randPoint(e.pageX-50, e.pageY-50),
-// randPoint(e.pageX+50, e.pageY-50),
-// randPoint(e.pageX+50, e.pageY),
-// randPoint(e.pageX+50, e.pageY+50),
-// randPoint(e.pageX-50, e.pageY+50)
-// ])
-// })
-// var mover = SVG('<ellipse>').size(50, 50).center(100, 100).addTo('svg')
-// var anim = mover.animate(new SVG.Spring(500, 10))
-// let date = +new Date
-// SVG.on(document, 'mousemove', function (e) {
-// // if (+new Date - date > 50) {
-// // date = +new Date
-// // } else {
-// // return
-// // }
-// //var p = mover.point(e.pageX, e.pageY)
-// var p = mover.doc().point(e.clientX, e.clientY)
-// //var p = {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY}
-// //console.log(p)
-// anim.transform({px: p.x - 100, py: p.y - 100})
-// //, p.y)
-// })
-let canvas = SVG('#canvas')
-let rectangle = canvas.rect(100, 200).move(100, 0)
-let bbox = rectangle.bbox()
-var timer = 0
-rectangle.timeline().source(() => {
- timer += 2
- document.querySelector('#absolute span').textContent = timer
- return timer
- rotate: 90,
- origin: [,]
-// SVG('#absolute').on('input slide', function (e) {
-// var val =
-// canvas.clear()
- // canvas.ellipse(20, 20)
- // let re = canvas.rect(300, 150).move(100, 150).attr('opacity', 0.5)
- // re.clone()
- // .transform({rotate: 45, skew: 30}, true)
- //
- // re.clone()
- // .transform({
- // rotate: 45, skew: 30, /*translate: [150, 140], */
- // }, true)
- // .transform({rotate: val, origin: 'bottom-right'}, true)
- //
- // re.clone()
- // .transform({rotate: 45, skew: 30}, true)
- // .transform({rotate: val, origin: 'bottom-right'}, true)
- // .transform({skew}, true)
-// let a = canvas.rect(200, 400).move(500, 400)
-// .attr('opacity', 0.3)
-// .addClass('pink')
-// //.transform({ px: 100, py: 500, origin: 'top-left' })
-// var timer = 0
-// a.timeline().source(() => {
-// timer += 1
-// document.querySelector('#absolute span').textContent = timer
-// return timer
-// })
-// let obj = { rotate: val * 180, origin: 'top-left' }
-// let obj2 = { rotate: val * 280, origin: 'center' }
-// a.clone() // startPosition
-// a.clone().transform(obj, true).transform(obj2, true) // endPosition
-// })
-// let a = canvas.rect(200, 400).move(500, 400)
-// a.animate(1000, 500).move(100, 100).animate(1000, 500).move(500, 400)
-// let canvas = SVG('#canvas')
-// let gradient = canvas.gradient('radial', function(gradient) {
-// gradient.stop(0, '#f00')
-// gradient.stop(1, '#ff0')
-// })
-// let gradientEarth = canvas.gradient('linear', function(gradient) {
-// gradient.stop(0, '#00f')
-// gradient.stop(1, '#0f0')
-// })
-// let sun =, 300).attr({ fill: gradient })
-// let earth =, 300).attr({fill: gradientEarth})
-// let moon =, 300).attr({fill: '#ffa'})
-// earth.animate(10000).loop().ease('-')
-// .transform({rotate: 360, origin: [500, 300]}, true)
-// .transform({rotate: 720, origin: 'center'}, true)
-// .on('step', (e) => {
-// // console.log(e)
-// })
-// moon.animate(10000).loop().ease('-')
-// .transform({rotate: 360, origin: [500, 300]}, true)
-// .transform({rotate: 3600, origin: [1000, 300]}, true)
- */
-// let a = canvas.rect(200, 400).move(500, 400)
-// .attr('opacity', 0.3)
-// .addClass('pink')
-// .transform({ tx: 300, ty: 500, origin: 'top-left' })
-// let obj = { rotate: 100, origin: 'top-left'}
-// let obj2 = { rotate: 280, origin: 'center' }
-// let obj3 = { rotate: 1000, origin: 'center', translate: [300, 200]}
-// var c = a.clone()
-// c.animate(3000)
-// .transform(obj)
-// .transform(obj2, true) // animation
-// a.clone().attr('fill', 'blue')
-// .transform(obj)
-// .transform(obj2, true) // endPosition
-// canvas.ellipse(20, 20).center(100, 100)
-// let r = canvas.rect(200, 400).move(100, 100)
-// .attr('opacity', 0.3)
-// //.transform({ tx: 300, ty: 500, origin: 'top-left' })
-// // Normal usage
-// let wait = 3000
-// let rAnim = r.clone().attr('fill', '#f00').animate(wait).attr('fill', '#0f0')
-// let rDecl = r.clone().attr('fill', 'blue').animate(new SVG.Spring(wait, 15))
-// //let rDecl = r.clone().attr('fill', 'blue').animate(new SVG.PID(0.01, 0.001, 1, 10))
-// // var timer = 0
-// // rDecl.timeline().source(() => {
-// // timer += 100
-// // return timer
-// // })
-// let runTransformation = (transform) => {
-// return () => {
-// //transform = new SVG.Matrix(transform)
-// let relative = true
-// let affine = true
-// r.transform(transform, relative)
-// rAnim.animate(wait).transform(transform, relative, affine)
-// rDecl.transform(transform, relative, affine)
-// }
-// }
-// setTimeout(runTransformation({
-// origin: 'top-left',
-// translate: [530, 250],
-// rotate: 300,
-// scale: 2,
-// shear: 1,
-// }), 0.1 * wait )
-// setTimeout(runTransformation({
-// origin: 'top-left',
-// translate: [530, 250],
-// rotate: 100,
-// scale: 2,
-// shear: 1,
-// }), 0.4 * wait)
-// setTimeout(runTransformation({
-// origin: 'top-left',
-// translate: [530, 250],
-// rotate: 100,
-// scale: 2,
-// shear: 1,
-// }), 0.6 * wait)
-//, 0).attr('fill', 'gray')
-// setTimeout(runTransformation({
-// rotate: 360,
-// origin: [100, 0]
-// }), 0.1 * wait )
-// setTimeout(runTransformation({
-// rotate: 360,
-// }), 0.4 * wait)
-// const getConsole = (time) => {
-// return () => {
-// console.log(0, rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[0] && rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[0].transforms.decompose().rotate)
-// console.log(1, rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[1] && rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[1].transforms.decompose().rotate)
-// console.log(2, rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[2] && rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[2].transforms.decompose().rotate)
-// console.log(3, rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[3] && rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[3].transforms.decompose().rotate)
-// console.log(4, rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[4] && rAnim.element()._transformationRunners[4].transforms.decompose().rotate)
-// console.groupEnd(time)
-// }
-// }
-// logCall = (time) => {
-// setTimeout(getConsole(time), time)
-// }
-// logCall(0.2 * wait)
-// logCall(0.3 * wait)
-// logCall(0.4 * wait)
-// logCall(0.5 * wait)
-// logCall(0.6 * wait)
-// logCall(0.7 * wait)
-// logCall(0.8 * wait)
-// logCall(0.9 * wait)
-// logCall(1 * wait)
-// logCall(1.1 * wait)
-// logCall(1.2 * wait)
-// logCall(1.3 * wait)
-// logCall(1.4 * wait)
-// logCall(1.5 * wait)
diff --git a/playgrounds/colors/index.html b/playgrounds/colors/index.html
index 301dd3a..cb0b688 100644
--- a/playgrounds/colors/index.html
+++ b/playgrounds/colors/index.html
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@
<script src="../../dist/svg.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
- <script src="bundle.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
+ <script src="main.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
diff --git a/playgrounds/colors/main.js b/playgrounds/colors/main.js
index fda3ce2..d81bb47 100644
--- a/playgrounds/colors/main.js
+++ b/playgrounds/colors/main.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function rectangles ( method='Vibrant') {
// Add the squares
for ( let i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) {
- let color = SVG.Color.random( method.toLowerCase() ).hex()
+ let color = SVG.Color.random( method.toLowerCase() ).toHex()
let rect = group.rect(100, 100)
.x( 20 + 100 * i )
.fill( color )
diff --git a/playgrounds/matrix/drag.js b/playgrounds/matrix/drag.js
index 2dd6cac..7609404 100644
--- a/playgrounds/matrix/drag.js
+++ b/playgrounds/matrix/drag.js
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function reactToDrag(element, onDrag, beforeDrag) {
// Bind the drag tracker to this element directly
- let parent = element.doc()
+ let parent = element.root()
let point = new SVG.Point()
diff --git a/playgrounds/matrix/index.html b/playgrounds/matrix/index.html
index cd34b7d..e815ed5 100644
--- a/playgrounds/matrix/index.html
+++ b/playgrounds/matrix/index.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>SVG Playground</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../playground.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
diff --git a/playgrounds/transforms/index.html b/playgrounds/transforms/index.html
index a165dd9..8e1f804 100644
--- a/playgrounds/transforms/index.html
+++ b/playgrounds/transforms/index.html
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>SVG Playground</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../playground.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
diff --git a/spec/SpecRunner.html b/spec/SpecRunner.html
index 1f8dae8..da55e82 100644
--- a/spec/SpecRunner.html
+++ b/spec/SpecRunner.html
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<!-- include source files here... -->
<script src="../dist/polyfills.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="../dist/polyfillsIE.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
- <script src="../dist/svg.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
+ <script src="../dist/svg.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
<!--<script src="es5TestBundle.js"></script>-->
- <!-- <script src="spec/adopter.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/adopter.js"></script>
<script src="spec/arrange.js"></script>
<script src="spec/array.js"></script>
<script src="spec/bare.js"></script>
<script src="spec/boxes.js"></script>
<script src="spec/circle.js"></script>
- <script src="spec/clip.js"></script> -->
+ <script src="spec/clip.js"></script>
<script src="spec/color.js"></script>
- <!-- <script src="spec/container.js"></script>
+ <script src="spec/container.js"></script>
<script src="spec/defs.js"></script>
<script src="spec/doc.js"></script>
<script src="spec/easing.js"></script>
@@ -104,6 +104,6 @@
<script src="spec/morphing.js"></script>
<script src="spec/animator.js"></script>
<script src="spec/runner.js"></script>
- <script src="spec/queue.js"></script> -->
+ <script src="spec/queue.js"></script>
diff --git a/src/modules/core/event.js b/src/modules/core/event.js
index 507e91f..d9b4f46 100644
--- a/src/modules/core/event.js
+++ b/src/modules/core/event.js
@@ -3,27 +3,32 @@ import { makeInstance } from '../../utils/adopter.js'
import { globals } from '../../utils/window.js'
let listenerId = 0
+let windowEvents = {}
-function getEvents (node) {
- const n = makeInstance(node).getEventHolder()
+function getEvents (instance) {
+ let n = instance.getEventHolder()
+ // We dont want to save events in global space
+ if (n === globals.window) n = windowEvents
if (! = {}
-function getEventTarget (node) {
- return makeInstance(node).getEventTarget()
+function getEventTarget (instance) {
+ return instance.getEventTarget()
-function clearEvents (node) {
- const n = makeInstance(node).getEventHolder()
+function clearEvents (instance) {
+ const n = instance.getEventHolder()
if ( = {}
// Add event binder in the SVG namespace
export function on (node, events, listener, binding, options) {
var l = listener.bind(binding || node)
- var bag = getEvents(node)
- var n = getEventTarget(node)
+ var instance = makeInstance(node)
+ var bag = getEvents(instance)
+ var n = getEventTarget(instance)
// events can be an array of events or a string of events
events = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(delimiter)
@@ -51,8 +56,9 @@ export function on (node, events, listener, binding, options) {
// Add event unbinder in the SVG namespace
export function off (node, events, listener, options) {
- var bag = getEvents(node)
- var n = getEventTarget(node)
+ var instance = makeInstance(node)
+ var bag = getEvents(instance)
+ var n = getEventTarget(instance)
// listener can be a function or a number
if (typeof listener === 'function') {
@@ -109,7 +115,7 @@ export function off (node, events, listener, options) {
off(n, event)
- clearEvents(node)
+ clearEvents(instance)
diff --git a/src/utils/adopter.js b/src/utils/adopter.js
index 3e86d8a..34b853e 100644
--- a/src/utils/adopter.js
+++ b/src/utils/adopter.js
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ export function adopt (node) {
if (node.instance instanceof Base) return node.instance
// initialize variables
- var className = capitalize(node.nodeName)
+ var className = capitalize(node.nodeName || 'Dom')
// Make sure that gradients are adopted correctly
if (className === 'LinearGradient' || className === 'RadialGradient') {
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb71762..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# tests to write
-- sugar.js
- - insertBefore
- - insertAfter
- - after
- - before
- - ax, ay, amove
-- Path.js
- - targets
-- Element.js
- - svg
-- attr.js
-- Style.js
-# Where We Left Off
-- Use runners[runnerid] = {startTime, runner, persist}
-timeline.persist('monkey-in', Infinity)
-- folding transformations
-- testing direct non affine morph
-- why cant i use current?
-- handle null values
-- We discussed that matrices should always be applied from the left for animation, so we have:
- - If we have C R x where C is the current Matrix and R is the relative matrix that we want to apply
- - It could be animated by instead left multiplying (C R inv(C)) so that we have (C R inv(C)) C R
- - This allows us to always left multiply (which greatly simplifies things)
- => Conclusion: We dont do this. We apply transformations left or right whatever is necessary
-- Runners would call an element.mergeMatrix() function that requests a native animation frame. Each runner would cancel the call made by the last runner, so that the function only runs once per frame.
-# Timeline Description
-- [T] Timeline constructors
- - [T] timeline () - Returns the timeline context to the user
-- [T] Time Management
- - [T] play () - Lets the timeline keep playing from here
- - [T] pause () - Pauses the timeline where it currently is
- - [T] stop () - Pauses the timeline and sets time = 0
- - [T] finish () - Moves the time to the final time for the final animation, forces declaratives to snap to their final positions
- - [T] speed (newSpeed) - Sets the playback speed
- - [T] seek (dt) - Scrubs the timeline time forward or backward by dt
- - [T] time (t) - Sets the absolute time to t
- - [T] backwards (back) - Sets the speed to (back ? speed : -speed)
- - [T] position (p) - sets the position in range [0, 1]
- - [T] loop (times, swing, waits)
-- [T] Runner Management
- - [T] remove(tagOrRunner, end) - Removes all runners with tag from the timeline
- - [T] reset () - Deletes all of the runners and resets the timeline
- - [T] persist (tag, lifetime) - how long to keep a reference to an animation after it is completed
- - [T] schedule (tag, time, when) - move the start time of the runner to time otherwise, returns all of the scheduled runners start and end times.
-- [T] Hidden Methods
- - [x] `_step (dt)`
- - [x] `_continue ()`
-# Runner
-- [x] Constructors
- - [x] animate (duration, delay, when) - Makes a new runner and returns the timeline context to the user with the new runner active.
- - [x] loop (duration, times, swing) - Makes a new runner with the looping set as described by the parameters, returns timeline
- - [x] delay (by, when) - Makes a new runner to start <by> ms after the last active runner is complete
-- [x] Runner Methods
- - [x] element (svgElement) - Given an element, you can bind it directly
- - [x] animate (args) - Calls animate if we have an element set
- - [x] loop (args) - Calls loop with arguments if we have an element
- - [x] delay (args) - calls delay if we have an element
-- [x] Runner Events
- - [x] on (eventName, fn) - Binds a function to an event
- - [x] off (eventName) - Unbinds all function from that event
- - [x] fire () - Fires an event
-- [x] Basic Functionality
- - [x] queue (initFn, runFn, alwaysInitialise) - Given two functions, the runner will run initFn once, and run runFn on every step. If alwaysInitialise is true, it will always run the initialisation as well.
- - [x] during (runFn) - The function to run on each frame
-- [x] Runner Animation Methods
- - [x] time (time) - Sets the time to the given time and runs the runner
- - [x] step (dt) - Runs the runner method if
- - [x] finish () - runs step with dT = Infinity
- - [x] reverse () - Makes non-declarative runners play backwards
- - [x] ease (fn) - Sets the easing function, can not be used to convert a non-declarative to a declarative animation.
- - [x] active (activated) - Activates or deactivates a runner
- - [x] loop (o) - Activates a loop sequence
-- [x] Runner Management
- - [x] tag (name) - Name a runner or act as a getter
- - [x] untag ()
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index d6acdcb..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-# Tagged Animations
-The user can tag and control the runner for any animation
-var animation = element
- .loop(300, true)
- .tag('first')
- .rotate(360)
- .translate(50)
- .animate(300, 200)
- .tag('second')
- .scale(3)
-# Absolute Timeline Times
-The user can specify their time which is relative to the timelines time.
-var animation = element.animate(2000).move(200, 200)
-// after 1000 ms
-animation.animate(1000, 500, 'absolute').scale(2)
-var runner = elemenet.move(0, 0).animate(1000)
-// after 500ms
-runner.move(200, 200)
-This block of code would:
-- Spend the first 1000ms moving the element
-- At this time, it will snap the scale to 1.5 (halfway to 2)
-- After this time, the scale and the move should go together
-# Rotating While Scaling
-The user may want to run multiple animations concurrently and have
-control over each animation that they define.
-let animationA = element.loop(300, ">").rotate(360)
-let animationB = element.loop(200, "><").scale(2)
-// Maybe they want to disable a runner - which acts like pausing
-// Maybe they want to remove an animation matching a tag
-// They can move around a runner as well
- .schedule('B', 300, 'absolute') // Moves a runner to start at 300
- // time(currentAbsolute - newAbsolute)
- .shift('B', 300) // Shifts the runner start time by 300
- // which is sugar to
- .schedule('B', 300, 'relative')
- // seek(shiftTime)
-Lets demonstrate the difference between the schedule and shift
-Given this:
- --------
- --------------
- ----------------
- --------
- --------------
- ----------------
- --------
- --------------
- ----------------
-# A Sequenced Animation
-The user might want to be able to run a long sequenced animation that they have
-predesigned as they please.
-let timeline = element.loop(300, "><").scale(2)
- .animate(300).rotate(30)
- .animate(300, 200).fill(blue)
-// They might want to move forwards or backwards
-// They might want to set a specific time
-// Or a specific position
-// Maybe they want to clear the timeline
-# User wants to Loop Something
-If the user wants to loop something, they should be able to call the loop
-method at any time, and it will just change the behaviour of the current
-runner. If we are running declaratively, we will throw an error.
-## Correct Usages
-They can invoke this from the timeline
-element.loop(duration, times, swing)
-If they want to work with absolute times, they should animate first
-element.animate(300, 200, true)
- .loop(Infinity, true)
-Or alternatively, they could equivalently do this:
- now: true,
- times: Infinity,
- delay: 200,
- duration: 300,
- swing: true,
- wait: [200, 300]
-## Error Case
-# Declarative Animations
-The user might want to have something chase their mouse around. This would
-require a declarative animation.
-el.animate((curr, target, dt, ctx) => {
- // Find the error and the value
- let error = target - current
- ctx.speed = (ctx.error - error) / dt
- ctx.error = error
- return newPos
-SVG.on(document, 'mousemove', (ev) => {
- el.timeline(controller)
- .move(ev.pageX, ev.pageY)
-## Springy Mouse Chaser
-Pretend we gave the user a springy controller that basically springs to a
-target in 300ms for example. They might be constantly changing the target with:
-el.animate(Spring(500), 200)
- .tag('declarative')
- .persist()
- .move(10, 10)
- .move(300, 200)
-SVG.on(document, 'mousemove', function (ev) {
- el.animate(springy, 200)
- .tag('declarative')
- .move(ev.pageX, ev.pageY)
-# Repeated Animations
-The user might want to duplicate an animation and have it rerun a few times
-// User makes two copies of an animation
-let animA = el.animate(300, 300, 'now')...(animation)...
-let animB = animA.clone() // Deep copy
-// Now let the user attach and reschedule their animations
- .schedule(animA, 500, 'absolute')
- .schedule(animB, 2000, 'absolute')
-Then the user can loop the timeline, by changing its play mode
- .loop(times, swing, waits)
-# Advanced Animations
-The user can create their own runners and then attach it to the timeline
-themselves if they like.
-// They declare their animation
-let rotation = () => new SVG.Runner().rotate(500)
-// They attach an element, and schedule the runner
-let leftAnimation = rotation().element(leftSquare).reverse()
-// They might want to animate another
-let rightAnimation = rotation().element(rightSquare)
-// They can schedule these two runners to a master element
- .schedule(leftAnimation, 300, 'absolute')
- .schedule(rightAnimation, 500, 'now')
- .schedule(rightAnimation, 300, 'end')
-// Or they can schedule it to a timeline as well
-let timeline = new SVG.Timeline()
- .schedule(leftAnimation, 300, 'absolute')
- .schedule(rightAnimation, 500, 'now')
-# Modifying Controller Parameters
-Some user might want to change the speed of a controller, or how the controller
-works in the middle of an animation. For example, they might do:
-var pid = PID(30, 20, 40)
-let animation = el.animate(pid).move(.., ..)
-// Some time later, the user slides a slider, and they can do:
-slider1.onSlide( v => pid.p(v) )
-# Bidirectional Scheduling **(TODO)**
-We would like to schedule a runner to a timeline, or to do the opposite
-// If we have a runner and a timeline
-let timeline = new Timeline()...
-let runner = new Runner()...
-// Since the user can schedule a runner onto a timeline
-// It should be possible to do the opposite
-// It could be Implemented like this
-runner.schedule = (t, duration, delay, now) {
- this._timeline.remove(this) // Should work even if its not scheduled
- t.schedule(this, duration, delay, now)
- return this
-// The benefit would be that they could call animate afterwards: eg:
- .animate()...
-# Binding Events
-The user might want to react to some events that the runner might emit. We will
-emit the following events from the runner:
-- start - when a runner first initialises
-- finish - when a runner finishes
-- step - on every step
-Maybe they also want to react to timeline events as well