path: root/src/morph.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/morph.js')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/morph.js b/src/morph.js
index 7e99fef..28584d3 100644
--- a/src/morph.js
+++ b/src/morph.js
@@ -59,11 +59,13 @@ SVG.Morphable = SVG.invent{
var _this = this
+ modifier = this.modifier || function(el) { return el }
// for(var i = 0, len = this._from.length; i < len; ++i) {
// arr.push(this.controller(this._from[i], this._to[i]))
// }
- return this.type.fromArray(this.modifier( (i, index) {
+ return this.type.fromArray(modifier( (i, index) {
return _this.controller(i, _this._to[i], pos)
@@ -129,6 +131,38 @@ SVG.Morphable.TransformBag = SVG.invent({
+SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag = SVG.invent({
+ create: function (obj) {
+ this.values = []
+ this.keys = []
+ for(var i in obj) {
+ this.values.push(obj[i])
+ this.keys.push(i)
+ }
+ },
+ extend: {
+ valueOf: function () {
+ return this.values
+ },
+ toArray: function (){
+ return this.values
+ }
+ fromArray: function (arr) {
+ var obj = {}
+ for(var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ obj[this.keys[i]] = arr[i]
+ }
+ return obj
+ }
SVG.MorphableTypes = [SVG.Number, SVG.Color, SVG.Box, SVG.Matrix, SVG.Morphable.NonMorphable, SVG.Morphable.TransformBag]
SVG.extend(SVG.MorphableTypes, {
to: (item, args) => {
@@ -176,6 +210,24 @@ SVG.extend(SVG.MorphableTypes, {
// 4. Now you get the delta matrix as a result: D = I * inv(M)
+value = null
+init ( ) {
+ if(!morpher.hasFrom()) {
+ morpher.from(el.whatever())
+ }
+ value = value == null ? get the value : value
+ return value
+ else
+// C R x = D C x = A x
+// (C R inv(C)) C x
+// C R = D C
+// D = C R inv(C)
el.animate().trasform({rotate: 720, scale: 2}, true)
@@ -193,23 +245,80 @@ relative -> start at 0 always - {random stuff}
|> modifier
|> fromArray
-function transform(transforms, relative, affine) {
- affine = transforms.affine || affine
- relative = transforms.relative || relative
+function transform(o, relative, affine) {
+ affine = transforms.affine || affine || !!transform.a
+ relative = transforms.relative || relative || false
+ var morpher
+ var el =
+ /**
+ The default of relative is false
+ affine defaults to true if transformations are used and to false when a matrix is given
+ We end up with 4 possibilities:
+ false, false: absolute direct matrix morph with SVG.Matrix
+ true, false: relative direct matrix morph with SVG.Marix or relative whatever was passed transformation with ObjectBag
+ false, true: absolute affine transformation with SVG.TransformBag
+ true, true: relative whatever was passed transformation with ObjectBag
+ **/
+ // if we have a relative transformation and its not a matrix
+ // we morph all parameters directly with the ObjectBag
+ // the following cases are covered here:
+ // - true, false with ObjectBag
+ // - true, true with ObjectBag
+ if(relative && transforms.a == null) {
+ morpher = SVG.Morphable.ObjectBag(formatTransforms({})).to(formatTransforms(transforms))
+ return this.queue(function() {}, function (pos) {
+ el.pushRightTransform(new Matrix(
+ })
+ }
+ // when we have a matrix and its non affine we transform directly
+ // the following cases are covered here:
+ // - true, false with SVG.Matrix
+ // - false, false with SVG.Matrix
+ /*
+ // this is covered below now
+ if(transforms.a != null && !affine) {
+ var morpher = new SVG.Matrix().to(transforms)
+ this.queue(function () {}, function (pos) {
+ if(!relative) {
+ var curr = el.currentTransform()
+ morpher.from(curr)
+ el.pushLeftTransform(
+ } else {
+ el.pushRightTransform(
+ }
+ })
+ }*/
+ // what is left is affine morphing for SVG.Matrix and absolute transformations with TransformBag
+ // the following cases are covered here:
+ // - false, true with SVG.Matrix
+ // - false, true with SVG.TransformBag
+ // - true, false with SVG.Matrix
+ // - false, false with SVG.Matrix
// 1. define the final state (T) and decompose it (once) t = [tx, ty, the, lam, sy, sx]
- var morpher = new SVG.Morphable.TransformBag().to(transforms)
+ var morpher = (transforms.a && !affine)
+ ? new SVG.Matrix().to(transforms)
+ : new SVG.Morphable.TransformBag().to(transforms)
- // make sure you have an identity matrix defined as default for relative transforms
- var morpher.from()
- var el =
+ // create identity Matrix for relative not affine Matrix transformation
+ morpher.from()
+ this.queue(function() {}, function (pos) {
- var initFn = relative ? function() {} : function() {
// 2. on every frame: pull the current state of all previous transforms (M - m can change)
- morpher.from(el.transform())
- }
+ var curr = el.currentTransform()
+ if(!relative) morpher.from(curr)
- this.queue(initFn, function (pos) {
// 3. Find the interpolated matrix I(pos) = m + pos * (t - m)
// - Note I(0) = M
// - Note I(1) = T
@@ -217,14 +326,91 @@ function transform(transforms, relative, affine) {
if(!relative) {
// 4. Now you get the delta matrix as a result: D = I * inv(M)
- matrix = matrix.multiply(el.transform().inverse())
+ var delta = matrix.multiply(curr.inverse())
+ el.pushLeftTransform(delta)
+ } else {
+ el.pushRightTransform(matrix)
- el.pushTransform(matrix)
+ - save the current transformation
+ ELEMENT TIMELINE (one timeline per el)
+ - Reads the current transform and save it to the transformation stack
+ - Runs all available runners, runners will:
+ - Modify their transformation on the stack
+ - Mark their transformation as complete
+ - After each runner, we group the matrix (not for now)
+ - After running the runners, we bundle all contiguous transformations into
+ a single transformation
+ - transformtionstack is like this: [RunnerB, Matrix, RunnerC]
+ - skip merging for now (premature blabla)
+el.loop({times: 5, swing: true, wait: [20, 50]})
+ .animate(300).opacity(1)
+ .animate(300, true).scale(5).reverse()
+for(var i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
+ circle.clone()
+ .scale(3).rotate(0)
+ .loop({swing: false, wait: 500})
+ .scale(1)
+ .rotate(360)
+ .delay(1000)
+ .animate(500, 'swingOut')
+ .scale(3)
+fn () => {
+ el.animate().stroke('dashoffset', 213).scale(1)
+ .delay(1)
+ .animate().scale(2)
+ .after(fn)
+When you start an element has a base matrix B - which starts as the identity
+ If you modify the matrix, then we have:
+ T U V W X B x
+ . . .
+ runner.step()
+ for all runners in stack:
+ if(runner is done) repalce with matrix
+ if(2 matrix next to eachother are done) {
+ }
+What if
+/// RunnerA
+ .transform({rotate: 30, scale: 2})
+ .transform({rotate: 500}, true)
+f| -----A-----
+s| --------B---------
+t| ---------C-------
SVG.Morphable.TransformList = Object
if(affine) {