path: root/svg.js.d.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'svg.js.d.ts')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/svg.js.d.ts b/svg.js.d.ts
index d941fed..4bfec8f 100644
--- a/svg.js.d.ts
+++ b/svg.js.d.ts
@@ -1339,6 +1339,8 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
isRoot(): boolean
+ type EventHandler<T extends Event> = (event: T) => void
interface Sugar {
fill(): string
fill(fill: FillData): this
@@ -1371,6 +1373,28 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
font(a: string): string
font(a: string, v: string | number): this
font(a: object): this
+ click(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ dblclick(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mousedown(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseup(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseover(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseout(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mousemove(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseenter(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseleave(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ touchstart(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchmove(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchleave(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchend(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchcancel(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ contextmenu(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ wheel(cb: EventHandler<WheelEvent>): this
+ pointerdown(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointermove(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointerup(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointerleave(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointercancel(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
// Symbol.js
@@ -1402,7 +1426,6 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
before(element: Element): Element
center(x: number, y: number): this
classes(): string[]
- click(cb: Function | null): this
clipper(): ClipPath
clipWith(element: Element): this
clone(deep?: boolean, assignNewIds?: boolean): this
@@ -1414,24 +1437,14 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
data(name: string, value: any, sustain?: boolean): this
data(name: string): any
data(val: object): this
- dblclick(cb: Function | null): this
defs(): Defs
dmove(x: NumberAlias, y: NumberAlias): this
dx(x: NumberAlias): this
dy(y: NumberAlias): this
event(): Event | CustomEvent
- fill(): any
- fill(color: string): this
- fill(color: Color | ColorLike): this
- fill(color: FillData): this
- fill(pattern: Element): this
fire(event: Event): this
fire(event: string, data?: any): this
- flip(a: string, offset?: number): this
- flip(offset?: number): this
- font(a: object): this
- font(a: string, v: string | number): this
- font(a: string): string
forget(...keys: string[]): this
forget(): this
forward(): this
@@ -1451,41 +1464,13 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
maskWith(element: Element): this
maskWith(mask: Mask): this
matches(selector: string): boolean
- matrix(): Matrix
- matrix(
- a?: number,
- b?: number,
- c?: number,
- d?: number,
- e?: number,
- f?: number
- ): this
- matrix(
- mat: MatrixAlias,
- b?: number,
- c?: number,
- d?: number,
- e?: number,
- f?: number
- ): this
matrixify(): Matrix
memory(): object
- mousedown(cb: Function | null): this
- mousemove(cb: Function | null): this
- mouseout(cb: Function | null): this
- mouseover(cb: Function | null): this
- mouseup(cb: Function | null): this
- mouseenter(cb: Function | null): this
- mouseleave(cb: Function | null): this
move(x: NumberAlias, y: NumberAlias): this
native(): LinkedHTMLElement
next(): Element
// off(events?: string | Event[], cb?: EventListener | number): this;
// on(event: string, cb: Function, context?: object): this;
- opacity(): number
- opacity(o: number): this
- relative(x: number, y: number): this
- shear(lam: Matrix, cx: number, cy: number): this
toRoot(): Svg
* By default parents will return a list of elements up until the root svg.
@@ -1517,14 +1502,11 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
remove(): this
removeClass(name: string): this
root(): Svg
- rotate(d: number, cx?: number, cy?: number): this
- scale(x?: number, y?: number, cx?: number, cy?: number): this
screenCTM(): Matrix
setData(data: object): this
show(): this
show(): this
size(width?: NumberAlias, height?: NumberAlias): this
- skew(x?: number, y?: number, cx?: number, cy?: number): this
stop(jumpToEnd: boolean, clearQueue: boolean): Animation
offset?: NumberAlias | string,
@@ -1536,23 +1518,14 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
color?: NumberAlias
opacity?: NumberAlias
}): Stop
- stroke(): any
- stroke(color: string): this
- stroke(stroke: StrokeData): this
timeline(): Timeline
timeline(tl: Timeline): this
toggleClass(name: string): this
toParent(parent: Dom): this
toParent(parent: Dom, i: number): this
toSvg(): this
- touchcancel(cb: Function | null): this
- touchend(cb: Function | null): this
- touchleave(cb: Function | null): this
- touchmove(cb: Function | null): this
- touchstart(cb: Function | null): this
transform(): MatrixExtract
transform(t: MatrixAlias, relative?: boolean): this
- translate(x: number, y: number): this
unclip(): this
unmask(): this
untransform(): this
@@ -1563,6 +1536,60 @@ declare module '@svgdotjs/svg.js' {
x(x: NumberAlias): this
y(): NumberAlias
y(y: NumberAlias): this
+ fill(): string
+ fill(fill: FillData): this
+ fill(color: string): this
+ fill(pattern: Element): this
+ fill(image: Image): this
+ stroke(): string
+ stroke(stroke: StrokeData): this
+ stroke(color: string): this
+ matrix(): Matrix
+ matrix(
+ a: number,
+ b: number,
+ c: number,
+ d: number,
+ e: number,
+ f: number
+ ): this
+ matrix(mat: MatrixAlias): this
+ rotate(degrees: number, cx?: number, cy?: number): this
+ skew(skewX?: number, skewY?: number, cx?: number, cy?: number): this
+ scale(scaleX?: number, scaleY?: number, cx?: number, cy?: number): this
+ translate(x: number, y: number): this
+ shear(lam: number, cx: number, cy: number): this
+ relative(x: number, y: number): this
+ flip(direction?: string, around?: number): this
+ flip(around: number): this
+ opacity(): number
+ opacity(value: number): this
+ font(a: string): string
+ font(a: string, v: string | number): this
+ font(a: object): this
+ click(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ dblclick(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mousedown(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseup(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseover(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseout(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mousemove(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseenter(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ mouseleave(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ touchstart(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchmove(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchleave(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchend(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ touchcancel(cb: EventHandler<TouchEvent>): this
+ contextmenu(cb: EventHandler<MouseEvent>): this
+ wheel(cb: EventHandler<WheelEvent>): this
+ pointerdown(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointermove(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointerup(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointerleave(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
+ pointercancel(cb: EventHandler<PointerEvent>): this
// ellipse.js