# 1.0.0-rc.4 (04/02/2014) - switched to `MAJOR`.`MINOR`.`PATCH` versioning format to play nice with package managers - made svg.pattern.js part of the core library - automatic pattern creation by passing an image url or instance as `fill` attribute on elements - added `loaded()` method to image tag - fix in `animate('=').to()` - added `pointAt()` method to `SVG.Path`, wrapping the native `getPointAtLength()` - moved `length()` method to sugar module # v1.0rc3 (03/02/2014) - fix for html-less documents - added the `SVG.invent` function to ease invention of new elements - using `SVG.invent` to generate core shapes as well for leaner code - added second values for `animate('2s')` - fix for arcs in patharray `toString()` method - added `length()` mehtod to path, wrapping the native `getTotalLength()` # v1.0rc2 (01/02/2014) - added `index()` method to `SVG.Parent` and `SVG.Set` - modified `cx()` and `cy()` methods on elements with native `x`, `y`, `width` and `height` attributes for better performance - added `morph()` and `at()` methods to `SVG.Number` for unit morphing # v1.0rc1 (31/01/2014) - added `SVG.PathArray` for real path transformations - removed `unbiased` system for paths - enabled proportional resizing on `size()` method with `null` for either `width` or `height` values - moved data module to separate file - `data()` method now accepts object for for multiple key / value assignments - added `bbox()` method to `SVG.Set` - added `relative()` method for moves relative to the current position - added `morph()` and `at()` methods to `SVG.Color` for color morphing # v0.38 (28/01/2014) - added `loop()` method to `SVG.FX` - switched from `setInterval` to `requestAnimFrame` for animations # v0.37 (26/01/2014) - added `get()` to `SVG.Set` - moved `SVG.PointArray` to a separate file # v0.36 (25/01/2014) - added `linkTo()`, `addTo()` and `putIn()` methods on `SVG.Element` - provided more detailed documentation on parent elements # v0.35 (23/01/2014) - added `SVG.A` element with the `link()` # v0.34 (23/01/2014) - added `pause()` and `play()` to `SVG.FX` - storing animation values in `situation` object # v0.33 (22/01/2014) - added `has()` method to `SVG.Set` - added `width()` and `height()` as setter and getter methods on all shapes - moved sub-pixel offset fix to be an optional method (e.g. `SVG('drawing').fixSubPixelOffset()`) - added `replace()` method to elements - added `radius()` method to `SVG.Rect` and `SVG.Ellipse` - added reference to parent node in defs - merged plotable.js and path.js # v0.32 - added library to [cdnjs](http://cdnjs.com)