# Svg.js Svg.js is a lightweight (less than 3k gzipped) library for manipulating SVG. Svg.js is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. ## Usage ### Create a SVG document Use the `svg()` function to create a SVG document within a given html element: ```javascript var draw = svg('paper').size(300, 300); var rect = draw.rect(100, 100).attr({ fill: '#f06' }); ``` The first argument can either be an id of the element or the selected element itself. This will generate the following output: ```html
``` By default the svg canvas follows the dimensions of its parent, in this case `#paper`: ```javascript var draw = svg('paper').size('100%', '100%'); ``` ## Elements ### Rect Rects have two arguments, their `width` and `height`: ```javascript var text = draw.rect(100, 100); ``` ### Ellipse Ellipses, like rects, have two arguments, their `width` and `height`: ```javascript var ellipse = draw.ellipse(100, 100); ``` ### Circle The only argument necessary for a circle is the diameter: ```javascript var circle = draw.circle(100); ``` ### Text The first argument of a text element is the actual text content: ```javascript var text = draw.text("svg\nto\nthe\npoint.").move(300, 0); ``` Changing text afterwards is also possible with the `text()` method: ```javascript text.text('Brilliant!'); ``` To get the raw text content: ```javascript text.content; ``` The sugar.js module provides some syntax sugar specifically for this element type: ```javascript text.font({ family: 'Helvetica', size: 144, anchor: 'middle', leading: 1.5 }); ``` ### Image When creating images the `width` and `height` values should be defined: ```javascript // image(src, width, height) var image = draw.image('/path/to/image.jpg', 200, 200).move(100, 100); ``` ### Path Pass the path string as the first argument: ```javascript var path = draw.path('M10,20L30,40').attr({ fill: '#9dffd3' }); ``` For more details on path data strings, please read the SVG documentation: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathData ## Manipulating elements ### Attributes You can get and set an element's attributes directly using `attr()`: ```javascript // get a single attribute rect.attr('x'); // set a single attribute rect.attr('x', 50); // set multiple attributes at once rect.attr({ fill: '#f06', 'fill-opacity': 0.5, stroke: '#000', 'stroke-width': 10 }); // set an attribute with a namespace rect.attr('x', 50, 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'); ``` ### Transform With the `transform()` method elements can be scaled, rotated, translated and skewed: ```javascript rect.transform({ rotation: 45, cx: 100, cy: 100 }); ``` All available transformations are: ```javascript rect.transform({ x: [translation on x-axis], y: [translation on y-axis], rotation: [degrees], cx: [x rotation point], cy: [y rotation point], scaleX: [scaling on x-axis], scaleX: [scaling on y-axis], skewX: [skewing on x-axis], skewY: [skewing on y-axis] }); ``` Important: matrix transformations are not yet supported. ### Move Move the element to a given `x` and `y` position by its upper left corner: ```javascript rect.move(200, 350); ``` Note that you can also use the following code to move elements around: ```javascript rect.attr({ x: 20, y: 60 }); ``` Although `move()` is much more convenient because it will always use the upper left corner as the position reference, whereas with using `attr()` the `x` and `y` reference differ between element types. For example, rect uses the upper left corner with the `x` and `y` attributes, circle and ellipse use their center with the `cx` and `cy` attributes and thereby simply ignoring the `x` and `y` values you might assign. ### Size Set the size of an element by a given `width` and `height`: ```javascript rect.size(200, 300); ``` Same as with `move()` the size of an element could be set by using `attr()`. But because every type of element is handles its size differently the `size()` method is much more convenient. ### Center This is an extra method to move an element by its center: ```javascript rect.center(150, 150); ``` ### Removing elements Pretty straightforward: ```javascript rect.remove(); ``` ## Bounding box ```javascript path.bbox(); ``` This will return an object with the following values: ```javascript { height: 20, width: 20, y: 20, x: 10, cx: 30, cy: 20 } ``` As opposed to the native `getBBox()` method any translations used with the `transform()` method will be taken into account. ## Syntax sugar Fill and stroke are used quite often. Therefore two convenience methods are provided: ### Fill The `fill()` method is a pretty alternative to the `attr()` method: ```javascript rect.fill({ color: '#f06', opacity: 0.6 }); ``` ### Stroke The `stroke()` method is similar to `fill()`: ```javascript rect.stroke({ color: '#f06', opacity: 0.6, width: 5 }); ``` ### Rotate The `rotate()` method will automatically rotate elements according to the center of the element: ```javascript // rotate(degrees) rect.rotate(45); ``` Unless you also define a rotation point: ```javascript // rotate(degrees, cx, cy) rect.rotate(45, 100, 100); ``` _This functionality requires the sugar.js module which is included in the default distribution._ ## Clipping elements Clipping elements can be done with either `clip()` or `clipTo()`. Using `clip()` creates a clip path in the parents 'defs' node, and passes it to a block: ```javascript rect.clip(function(clipPath) { clipPath.rect(80, 80).move(10, 10); }); ``` You can also reuse clip paths for multiple elements using `clipTo()`. ```javascript var clipPath = doc.defs().clip(); clipRect = clipPath.rect(80, 80).move(10, 10); rect.clipTo(clipPath); ``` _This functionality requires the clip.js module which is included in the default distribution._ ## Arranging elements You can arrange elements within their parent SVG document using the following methods: ```javascript // move element to the front rect.front(); // move element to the back rect.back(); // move element one step forward rect.forward(); // move element one step backward rect.backward(); ``` _This functionality requires the arrange.js module which is included in the default distribution._ ## Grouping elements Grouping elements is useful if you want to transform a set of elements as if it were one. All element within a group maintain their position relative to the group they belong to. A group has all the same element methods as the root svg document: ```javascript var group = draw.group(); group.path('M10,20L30,40'); ``` Existing elements from the svg document can also be added to a group: ```javascript group.add(rect); ``` _This functionality requires the group.js module which is included in the default distribution._ ## Gradients There are linear and radial gradients. The linear gradient can be created like this: ```javascript var gradient = draw.gradient('linear', function(stop) { stop.at({ offset: 0, color: '#333', opacity: 1 }); stop.at({ offset: 100, color: '#fff', opacity: 1 }); }); ``` The `offset` and `color` parameters are required for stops, `opacity` is optional. Offset is an integer expressed in percentage. To define the direction you can set from `x`, `y` and to `x`, `y`: ```javascript gradient.from(0, 0).to(0, 100); ``` The from and to values are also expressed in percent. Finally, to use the gradient on an element: ```javascript rect.attr({ fill: gradient.fill() }); ``` Radial gradients have a `radius()` method to define the outermost radius to where the inner color should develop: ```javascript var gradient = draw.gradient('radial', function(stop) { stop.at({ offset: 0, color: '#333', opacity: 1 }); stop.at({ offset: 100, color: '#fff', opacity: 1 }); }); gradient.from(50, 50).to(50, 50).radius(50); ``` A gradient can also be updated afterwards: ```javascript gradient.update(function(stop) { stop.at({ offset: 10, color: '#333', opacity: 0.2 }); stop.at({ offset: 90, color: '#f03', opacity: 1 }); }); ``` And even a single stop can be updated: ```javascript var s1, s2, s3; draw.gradient('radial', function(stop) { s1 = stop.at({ offset: 0, color: '#000', opacity: 1 }); s2 = stop.at({ offset: 50, color: '#f03', opacity: 1 }); s3 = stop.at({ offset: 100, color: '#066', opacity: 1 }); }); s1.update({ offset: 10, color: '#0f0', opacity: 1 }); ``` [W3Schools](http://www.w3schools.com/svg/svg_grad_linear.asp) has a great example page on how [linear gradients](http://www.w3schools.com/svg/svg_grad_linear.asp) and [radial gradients](http://www.w3schools.com/svg/svg_grad_radial.asp) work. _This functionality requires the gradient.js module which is included in the default distribution._ ## Extending functionality Svg.js has a modular structure. It is very easy to add you own methods at different levels. Let's say we want to add a method to all shape types then we would add our method to SVG.Shape: ```javascript SVG.extend(SVG.Shape, { paintRed: function() { return this.fill({ color: 'red' }); } }); ``` Now all shapes will have the paintRed method available. Say we want to have the paintRed method on a circle apply a slightly different color: ```javascript SVG.extend(SVG.Circle, { paintRed: function() { return this.fill({ color: 'orangered' }); } }); ``` The complete inheritance stack for `SVG.Circle` is: _SVG.Circle < SVG.Shape < SVG.Element_ The SVG document can be extended by using: ```javascript SVG.extend(SVG.Doc, { paintAllPink: function() { var children = this.children(); for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) { children[i].fill({ color: 'pink' }); }; return this; } }); ``` ## Building Starting out with the default distribution of svg.js is good. Although you might want to remove some modules to keep the size at minimum. You will need ruby, RubyGems, and rake installed on your system. ``` sh # dependencies: $ ruby -v $ gem -v $ rake -V # required to generate the minified version: $ gem install uglifier ``` Build Zepto by running `rake`: ``` sh $ rake Original version: 17.010k Minified: 9.083k Minified and gzipped: 2.760k, compression factor 6.163 ``` The resulting files are: 1. `dist/svg.js` 2. `dist/svg.min.js` To include optional modules and remove default ones, use the `concat` task. In this example, 'clip' is removed, but 'group' and 'arrange' are added: ``` $ rake concat[-clip:group:arrange] dist ``` _The Rakefile has been borrowed from [madrobby's](https://github.com/madrobby) [Zepto](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto)_ ## To-do - Animation module (element animation, path tweens and easing) - Draggable module (make elements and groups draggable) - Shapes module (add preset shapes like star, n-gon) - Text on path module (write text along paths) - Nested SVG (add a svg document inside another svg document) ## Compatibility ### Desktop - Firefox 3+ - Chrome 4+ - Safari 3.2+ - Opera 9+ - IE9 + ### Mobile - iOS Safari 3.2+ - Android Browser 3+ - Opera Mobile 10+ - Chrome for Android 18+ - Firefox for Android 15+ Visit the [svg.js test page](http://svgjs.com/test) if you want to check compatibility with different browsers. Important: this library is still in alpha, therefore the API might be subject to change in the course of development.