/* svg.js v0.1-87-g6ae4977 - svg container element fx event group arrange defs mask pattern gradient doc shape wrap rect ellipse poly path image text nested sugar - svgjs.com/license */ (function() { this.svg = function(element) { return new SVG.Doc(element); }; // The main wrapping element this.SVG = { // Default namespaces ns: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', xlink: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', // Defs id sequence did: 0, // Method for element creation create: function(element) { return document.createElementNS(this.ns, element); }, // Method for extending objects extend: function(object, module) { for (var key in module) object.prototype[key] = module[key]; } }; SVG.Container = { // Add given element at a position add: function(element, index) { if (!this.has(element)) { index = index == null ? this.children().length : index; this.children().splice(index, 0, element); this.node.insertBefore(element.node, this.node.childNodes[index] || null); element.parent = this; } return this; }, // Basically does the same as `add()` but returns the added element put: function(element, index) { this.add(element, index); return element; }, // Checks if the given element is a child has: function(element) { return this.children().indexOf(element) >= 0; }, // Returns all child elements children: function() { return this._children || (this._children = []); }, // Iterates over all children and invokes a given block each: function(block) { var index, children = this.children(); for (index = 0, length = children.length; index < length; index++) if (children[index] instanceof SVG.Shape) block.apply(children[index], [index, children]); return this; }, // Remove a given child element remove: function(element) { return this.removeAt(this.children().indexOf(element)); }, // Remove a child element at a given position removeAt: function(index) { if (0 <= index && index < this.children().length) { var element = this.children()[index]; this.children().splice(index, 1); this.node.removeChild(element.node); element.parent = null; } return this; }, // Returns defs element defs: function() { return this._defs || (this._defs = this.put(new SVG.Defs(), 0)); }, // Re-level defs to first positon in element stack level: function() { return this.remove(this.defs()).put(this.defs(), 0); }, // Create a group element group: function() { return this.put(new SVG.G()); }, // Create a rect element rect: function(width, height) { return this.put(new SVG.Rect().size(width, height)); }, // Create circle element, based on ellipse circle: function(diameter) { return this.ellipse(diameter); }, // Create an ellipse ellipse: function(width, height) { return this.put(new SVG.Ellipse().size(width, height)); }, // Create a wrapped polyline element polyline: function(points) { return this.put(new SVG.Wrap(new SVG.Polyline())).plot(points); }, // Create a wrapped polygon element polygon: function(points) { return this.put(new SVG.Wrap(new SVG.Polygon())).plot(points); }, // Create a wrapped path element path: function(data) { return this.put(new SVG.Wrap(new SVG.Path())).plot(data); }, // Create image element, load image and set its size image: function(source, width, height) { width = width != null ? width : 100; return this.put(new SVG.Image().load(source).size(width, height != null ? height : width)); }, // Create text element text: function(text) { return this.put(new SVG.Text().text(text)); }, // Create nested svg document nested: function() { return this.put(new SVG.Nested()); }, // Create gradient element in defs gradient: function(type, block) { return this.defs().gradient(type, block); }, // Create pattern element in defs pattern: function(width, height, block) { return this.defs().pattern(width, height, block); }, // Create masking element mask: function() { return this.defs().put(new SVG.Mask()); }, // Get first child, skipping the defs node first: function() { return this.children()[0] instanceof SVG.Defs ? this.children()[1] : this.children()[0]; }, // Get the last child last: function() { return this.children()[this.children().length - 1]; }, // Remove all elements in this container clear: function() { this._children = []; while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild); return this; } }; SVG.Element = function Element(node) { /* keep reference to the element node */ if (this.node = node) this.type = node.nodeName; /* initialize attribute store with defaults */ this.attrs = { 'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke-opacity': 1, 'stroke-width': 0, x: 0, y: 0, cx: 0, cy: 0, width: 0, height: 0, r: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0 }; /* initialize transformation store with defaults */ this.trans = { x: 0, y: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotation: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0 }; }; // SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // Move element to given x and y values move: function(x, y) { return this.attr({ x: x, y: y }); }, // Move element by its center center: function(x, y) { var box = this.bbox(); return this.move(x - box.width / 2, y - box.height / 2); }, // Set element size to given width and height size: function(width, height) { return this.attr({ width: width, height: height }); }, // Clone element clone: function() { var clone; /* if this is a wrapped shape */ if (this instanceof SVG.Wrap) { /* build new wrapped shape */ clone = this.parent[this.child.node.nodeName](); clone.attrs = this.attrs; /* copy child attributes and transformations */ clone.child.trans = this.child.trans; clone.child.attr(this.child.attrs).transform({}); /* re-plot shape */ if (clone.plot) clone.plot(this.child.attrs[this.child instanceof SVG.Path ? 'd' : 'points']); } else { var name = this.node.nodeName; /* invoke shape method with shape-specific arguments */ clone = name == 'rect' ? this.parent[name](this.attrs.width, this.attrs.height) : name == 'ellipse' ? this.parent[name](this.attrs.rx * 2, this.attrs.ry * 2) : name == 'image' ? this.parent[name](this.src) : name == 'text' ? this.parent[name](this.content) : name == 'g' ? this.parent.group() : this.parent[name](); clone.attr(this.attrs); } /* copy transformations */ clone.trans = this.trans; /* apply attributes and translations */ return clone.transform({}); }, // Remove element remove: function() { return this.parent != null ? this.parent.remove(this) : void 0; }, // Get parent document doc: function() { return this._parent(SVG.Doc); }, // Get parent nested document nested: function() { return this._parent(SVG.Nested); }, // Set svg element attribute attr: function(a, v, n) { if (arguments.length < 2) { /* apply every attribute individually if an object is passed */ if (typeof a == 'object') for (v in a) this.attr(v, a[v]); /* act as a getter for style attributes */ else if (this._isStyle(a)) return a == 'text' ? this.content : a == 'leading' ? this[a] : this.style[a]; /* act as a getter if the first and only argument is not an object */ else return this.attrs[a]; } else { /* store value */ this.attrs[a] = v; /* treat x differently on text elements */ if (a == 'x' && this._isText()) for (var i = this.lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.lines[i].attr(a, v); /* set the actual attribute */ else n != null ? this.node.setAttributeNS(n, a, v) : this.node.setAttribute(a, v); /* if the passed argument belongs to the style as well, add it there */ if (this._isStyle(a)) { a == 'text' ? this.text(v) : a == 'leading' ? this[a] = v : this.style[a] = v; this.text(this.content); } } return this; }, // Manage transformations transform: function(o) { /* act as a getter if the first argument is a string */ if (typeof o === 'string') return this.trans[o]; /* ... otherwise continue as a setter */ var key, transform = []; /* merge values */ for (key in o) if (o[key] != null) this.trans[key] = o[key]; /* alias current transformations */ o = this.trans; /* add rotation */ if (o.rotation != 0) { var box = this.bbox(); transform.push('rotate(' + o.rotation + ',' + (o.cx != null ? o.cx : box.cx) + ',' + (o.cy != null ? o.cy : box.cy) + ')'); } /* add scale */ transform.push('scale(' + o.scaleX + ',' + o.scaleY + ')'); /* add skew on x axis */ if (o.skewX != 0) transform.push('skewX(' + o.skewX + ')'); /* add skew on y axis */ if (o.skewY != 0) transform.push('skewY(' + o.skewY + ')') /* add translation */ transform.push('translate(' + o.x + ',' + o.y + ')'); /* add only te required transformations */ return this.attr('transform', transform.join(' ')); }, // Get bounding box bbox: function() { /* actual, native bounding box */ var box = this.node.getBBox(); return { /* include translations on x an y */ x: box.x + this.trans.x, y: box.y + this.trans.y, /* add the center */ cx: box.x + this.trans.x + box.width / 2, cy: box.y + this.trans.y + box.height / 2, /* plain width and height */ width: box.width, height: box.height }; }, // Checks whether the given point inside the bounding box of the element inside: function(x, y) { var box = this.bbox(); return x > box.x && y > box.y && x < box.x + box.width && y < box.y + box.height; }, // Show element show: function() { this.node.style.display = ''; return this; }, // Hide element hide: function() { this.node.style.display = 'none'; return this; }, // Private: find svg parent by instance _parent: function(parent) { var element = this; while (element != null && !(element instanceof parent)) element = element.parent; return element; }, // Private: tester method for style detection _isStyle: function(attr) { return typeof attr == 'string' && this._isText() ? (/^font|text|leading/).test(attr) : false; }, // Private: element type tester _isText: function() { return this instanceof SVG.Text; } }); SVG.FX = function FX(element) { /* store target element */ this.target = element; }; // SVG.extend(SVG.FX, { // Add animation parameters and start animation animate: function(duration, ease) { /* ensure default duration and easing */ duration = duration == null ? 1000 : duration; ease = ease || '<>'; var akeys, tkeys, tvalues, element = this.target, fx = this, start = (new Date).getTime(), finish = start + duration; /* start animation */ this.interval = setInterval(function(){ // This code was borrowed from the emile.js micro framework by Thomas Fuchs, aka MadRobby. var index, time = (new Date).getTime(), pos = time > finish ? 1 : (time - start) / duration; /* collect attribute keys */ if (akeys == null) { akeys = []; for (var key in fx.attrs) akeys.push(key); }; /* collect transformation keys */ if (tkeys == null) { tkeys = []; for (var key in fx.trans) tkeys.push(key); tvalues = {}; }; /* apply easing */ pos = ease == '<>' ? (-Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2) + 0.5 : ease == '>' ? Math.sin(pos * Math.PI / 2) : ease == '<' ? -Math.cos(pos * Math.PI / 2) + 1 : ease == '-' ? pos : typeof ease == 'function' ? ease(pos) : pos; /* run all position properties */ if (fx._move) element.move(fx._at(fx._move.x, pos), fx._at(fx._move.y, pos)); else if (fx._center) element.move(fx._at(fx._center.x, pos), fx._at(fx._center.y, pos)); /* run all size properties */ if (fx._size) element.size(fx._at(fx._size.width, pos), fx._at(fx._size.height, pos)); /* animate attributes */ for (index = akeys.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) element.attr(akeys[index], fx._at(fx.attrs[akeys[index]], pos)); /* animate transformations */ if (tkeys.length > 0) { for (index = tkeys.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) tvalues[tkeys[index]] = fx._at(fx.trans[tkeys[index]], pos); element.transform(tvalues); } /* finish off animation */ if (time > finish) { clearInterval(fx.interval); fx._after ? fx._after.apply(element, [fx]) : fx.stop(); } }, duration > 10 ? 10 : duration); return this; }, // Add animatable attributes attr: function(a, v, n) { if (typeof a == 'object') for (var key in a) this.attr(key, a[key]); else this.attrs[a] = { from: this.target.attr(a), to: v }; return this; }, // Add animatable transformations transform: function(o) { for (var key in o) this.trans[key] = { from: this.target.trans[key], to: o[key] }; return this; }, // Add animatable move move: function(x, y) { var box = this.target.bbox(); this._move = { x: { from: box.x, to: x }, y: { from: box.y, to: y } }; return this; }, // Add animatable size size: function(width, height) { var box = this.target.bbox(); this._size = { width: { from: box.width, to: width }, height: { from: box.height, to: height } }; return this; }, // Add animatable center center: function(x, y) { var box = this.target.bbox(); this._move = { x: { from: box.cx, to: x }, y: { from: box.cy, to: y } }; return this; }, // Callback after animation after: function(after) { this._after = after; return this; }, // Stop running animation stop: function() { /* stop current animation */ clearInterval(this.interval); /* reset storage for properties that need animation */ this.attrs = {}; this.trans = {}; this._move = null; this._size = null; this._after = null; return this; }, // Private: at position according to from and to _at: function(o, pos) { /* if a number, recalculate pos */ return typeof o.from == 'number' ? o.from + (o.to - o.from) * pos : /* if animating to a color */ o.to.r || /^#/.test(o.to) ? this._color(o, pos) : /* for all other values wait until pos has reached 1 to return the final value */ pos < 1 ? o.from : o.to; }, // Private: tween color _color: function(o, pos) { var from, to; /* convert FROM hex to rgb */ from = this._h2r(o.from || '#000'); /* convert TO hex to rgb */ to = this._h2r(o.to); /* tween color and return hex */ return this._r2h({ r: ~~(from.r + (to.r - from.r) * pos), g: ~~(from.g + (to.g - from.g) * pos), b: ~~(from.b + (to.b - from.b) * pos) }); }, // Private: convert hex to rgb object _h2r: function(hex) { /* parse full hex */ var match = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(this._fh(hex)); /* if the hex is successfully parsed, return it in rgb, otherwise return black */ return match ? { r: parseInt(match[1], 16), g: parseInt(match[2], 16), b: parseInt(match[3], 16) } : { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }; }, // Private: convert rgb object to hex string _r2h: function(rgb) { return '#' + this._c2h(rgb.r) + this._c2h(rgb.g) + this._c2h(rgb.b); }, // Private: convert component to hex _c2h: function(c) { var hex = c.toString(16); return hex.length == 1 ? '0' + hex : hex; }, // Private: force potential 3-based hex to 6-based _fh: function(hex) { return hex.length == 4 ? [ '#', hex.substring(1, 2), hex.substring(1, 2), hex.substring(2, 3), hex.substring(2, 3), hex.substring(3, 4), hex.substring(3, 4) ].join('') : hex; } }); // SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // Get fx module or create a new one, then animate with given duration and ease animate: function(duration, ease) { return (this._fx || (this._fx = new SVG.FX(this))).stop().animate(duration, ease); }, // Stop current animation; this is an alias to the fx instance stop: function() { this._fx.stop(); return this; } }); // Usage: // rect.animate(1500, '>').move(200, 300).after(function() { // this.fill({ color: '#f06' }); // }); [ 'click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'touchstart', 'touchend', 'touchmove', 'touchcancel' ].forEach(function(event) { /* add event to SVG.Element */ SVG.Element.prototype[event] = function(f) { var self = this; /* bind event to element rather than element node */ this.node['on' + event] = function() { return f.apply(self, arguments); }; return this; }; }); // Add event binder in the SVG namespace SVG.on = function(node, event, listener) { if (node.addEventListener) node.addEventListener(event, listener, false); else node.attachEvent('on' + event, listener); }; // Add event unbinder in the SVG namespace SVG.off = function(node, event, listener) { if (node.removeEventListener) node.removeEventListener(event, listener, false); else node.detachEvent('on' + event, listener); }; // SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // Bind given event to listener on: function(event, listener) { SVG.on(this.node, event, listener); return this; }, // Unbind event from listener off: function(event, listener) { SVG.off(this.node, event, listener); return this; } }); SVG.G = function G() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('g')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.G.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.G, SVG.Container); SVG.extend(SVG.G, { defs: function() { return this.doc().defs(); } }); SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // Get all siblings, including myself siblings: function() { return (this.nested() || this.doc()).children(); }, // Get the curent position siblings position: function() { return this.siblings().indexOf(this); }, // Get the next element (will return null if there is none) next: function() { return this.siblings()[this.position() + 1]; }, // Get the next element (will return null if there is none) previous: function() { return this.siblings()[this.position() - 1]; }, // Send given element one step forward forward: function() { return this.parent.remove(this).put(this, this.position() + 1); }, // Send given element one step backward backward: function() { var i, parent = this.parent.level(); i = this.position(); if (i > 1) parent.remove(this).add(this, i - 1); return this; }, // Send given element all the way to the front front: function() { return this.parent.remove(this).put(this); }, // Send given element all the way to the back back: function() { var parent = this.parent.level(); if (this.position() > 1) parent.remove(this).add(this, 0); return this; } }); SVG.Defs = function Defs() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('defs')); }; // Inherits from SVG.Element SVG.Defs.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, SVG.Container); SVG.Mask = function Mask() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('mask')); /* set unique id */ this.attr('id', (this.id = 'svgjs_element_' + (SVG.did++))); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Mask.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Mask, SVG.Container); SVG.extend(SVG.Element, { // Distribute mask to svg element maskWith: function(element) { return this.attr('mask', 'url(#' + (element instanceof SVG.Mask ? element : this.parent.mask().add(element)).id + ')'); } }); SVG.Pattern = function Pattern(type) { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('pattern')); /* set unique id */ this.attr('id', (this.id = 'svgjs_element_' + (SVG.did++))); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Pattern.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Pattern, SVG.Container); // SVG.extend(SVG.Pattern, { // Return the fill id fill: function() { return 'url(#' + this.id + ')'; } }); // SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, { /* define gradient */ pattern: function(width, height, block) { var element = this.put(new SVG.Pattern()); /* invoke passed block */ block(element); return element.attr({ x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height, patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse' }); } }); SVG.Gradient = function Gradient(type) { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create(type + 'Gradient')); /* set unique id */ this.attr('id', (this.id = 'svgjs_element_' + (SVG.did++))); /* store type */ this.type = type; }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Gradient.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Gradient, SVG.Container); // SVG.extend(SVG.Gradient, { // From position from: function(x, y) { return this.type == 'radial' ? this.attr({ fx: x + '%', fy: y + '%' }) : this.attr({ x1: x + '%', y1: y + '%' }); }, // To position to: function(x, y) { return this.type == 'radial' ? this.attr({ cx: x + '%', cy: y + '%' }) : this.attr({ x2: x + '%', y2: y + '%' }); }, // Radius for radial gradient radius: function(radius) { return this.type == 'radial' ? this.attr({ r: radius + '%' }) : this; }, // Add a color stop at: function(stop) { return this.put(new SVG.Stop(stop)); }, // Update gradient update: function(block) { /* remove all stops */ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild); /* invoke passed block */ block(this); return this; }, // Return the fill id fill: function() { return 'url(#' + this.id + ')'; } }); // SVG.extend(SVG.Defs, { /* define gradient */ gradient: function(type, block) { var element = this.put(new SVG.Gradient(type)); /* invoke passed block */ block(element); return element; } }); SVG.Stop = function Stop(stop) { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('stop')); /* immediatelly build stop */ this.update(stop); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Stop.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // SVG.extend(SVG.Stop, { /* add color stops */ update: function(o) { var index, style = '', attr = ['opacity', 'color']; /* build style attribute */ for (index = attr.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) if (o[attr[index]] != null) style += 'stop-' + attr[index] + ':' + o[attr[index]] + ';'; /* set attributes */ return this.attr({ offset: (o.offset != null ? o.offset : this.attrs.offset || 0) + '%', style: style }); } }); SVG.Doc = function Doc(element) { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('svg')); /* ensure the presence of a html element */ this.parent = typeof element == 'string' ? document.getElementById(element) : element; /* set svg element attributes and create the node */ this. attr({ xmlns: SVG.ns, version: '1.1', width: '100%', height: '100%' }). attr('xlink', SVG.xlink, SVG.ns). defs(); /* ensure correct rendering for safari */ this.stage(); }; // Inherits from SVG.Element SVG.Doc.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Doc, SVG.Container); // Hack for safari preventing text to be rendered in one line. // Basically it sets the position of the svg node to absolute // when the dom is loaded, and resets it to relative a few milliseconds later. SVG.Doc.prototype.stage = function() { var check, element = this, wrapper = document.createElement('div'); /* set temp wrapper to position relative */ wrapper.style.cssText = 'position:relative;height:100%;'; /* put element into wrapper */ element.parent.appendChild(wrapper); wrapper.appendChild(element.node); /* check for dom:ready */ check = function() { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { element.attr('style', 'position:absolute;'); setTimeout(function() { /* set position back to relative */ element.attr('style', 'position:relative;'); /* remove temp wrapper */ element.parent.removeChild(element.node.parentNode); element.node.parentNode.removeChild(element.node); element.parent.appendChild(element.node); }, 5); } else { setTimeout(check, 10); } }; check(); return this; }; SVG.Shape = function Shape(element) { this.constructor.call(this, element); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Shape.prototype = new SVG.Element(); SVG.Wrap = function Wrap(element) { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('g')); /* insert and store child */ this.node.insertBefore(element.node, null); this.child = element; this.type = element.node.nodeName; }; // inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Wrap.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); SVG.extend(SVG.Wrap, { // Move wrapper around move: function(x, y) { return this.transform({ x: x, y: y }); }, // Set the actual size in pixels size: function(width, height) { var scale = width / this._b.width; this.child.transform({ scaleX: scale, scaleY: height != null ? height / this._b.height : scale }); return this; }, // Move by center center: function(x, y) { return this.move( x + (this._b.width * this.child.trans.scaleX) / -2, y + (this._b.height * this.child.trans.scaleY) / -2 ); }, // Create distributed attr attr: function(a, v, n) { /* call individual attributes if an object is given */ if (typeof a == 'object') { for (v in a) this.attr(v, a[v]); /* act as a getter if only one argument is given */ } else if (arguments.length < 2) { return a == 'transform' ? this.attrs[a] : this.child.attrs[a]; /* apply locally for certain attributes */ } else if (a == 'transform') { this.attrs[a] = v; n != null ? this.node.setAttributeNS(n, a, v) : this.node.setAttribute(a, v); /* apply attributes to child */ } else { this.child.attr(a, v, n); } return this; }, // Distribute plot method to child plot: function(data) { /* plot new shape */ this.child.plot(data); /* get and store new bbox */ this._b = this.child.bbox(); /* reposition element withing wrapper */ this.child.transform({ x: -this._b.x, y: -this._b.y }); return this; } }); SVG.Rect = function Rect() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('rect')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Rect.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); SVG.Ellipse = function Ellipse() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('ellipse')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Ellipse.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // SVG.extend(SVG.Ellipse, { // Custom move function move: function(x, y) { this.attrs.x = x; this.attrs.y = y; return this.center(); }, // Custom size function size: function(width, height) { return this. attr({ rx: width / 2, ry: (height != null ? height : width) / 2 }). center(); }, // Custom center function center: function(x, y) { return this.attr({ cx: x || (this.attrs.x || 0) + (this.attrs.rx || 0), cy: y || (this.attrs.y || 0) + (this.attrs.ry || 0) }); } }); // Usage: // draw.ellipse(200, 100); SVG.Poly = { // Set polygon data with default zero point if no data is passed plot: function(points) { this.attr('points', points || '0,0'); return this; } }; SVG.Polyline = function Polyline() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('polyline')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Polyline.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Add polygon-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Polyline, SVG.Poly); SVG.Polygon = function Polygon() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('polygon')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Polygon.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Add polygon-specific functions SVG.extend(SVG.Polygon, SVG.Poly); SVG.Path = function Path() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('path')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Shape SVG.Path.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); SVG.extend(SVG.Path, { /* move using transform */ move: function(x, y) { this.transform({ x: x, y: y }); }, /* set path data */ plot: function(data) { return this.attr('d', data || 'M0,0'); } }); SVG.Image = function Image() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('image')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Image.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); SVG.extend(SVG.Image, { /* (re)load image */ load: function(url) { this.src = url; return (url ? this.attr('xlink:href', url, SVG.xlink) : this); } }); var _styleAttr = ['size', 'family', 'weight', 'stretch', 'variant', 'style']; SVG.Text = function Text() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('text')); /* define default style */ this.style = { 'font-size': 16, 'font-family': 'Helvetica', 'text-anchor': 'start' }; this.leading = 1.2; }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Text.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); SVG.extend(SVG.Text, { // Set the text content text: function(text) { /* update the content */ this.content = text = text || 'text'; this.lines = []; var index, length, tspan, style = this._style(), parent = this.doc(), lines = text.split("\n"), size = this.style['font-size']; /* remove existing child nodes */ while (this.node.hasChildNodes()) this.node.removeChild(this.node.lastChild); /* build new lines */ for (index = 0, length = lines.length; index < length; index++) { /* create new tspan and set attributes */ tspan = new TSpan(). text(lines[index]). attr({ dy: size * this.leading - (index == 0 ? size * 0.3 : 0), x: (this.attrs.x || 0), style: style }); /* add new tspan */ this.node.appendChild(tspan.node); this.lines.push(tspan); }; /* set style */ return this.attr('style', style); }, // Build style based on _styleAttr _style: function() { var index, style = ''; for (index = _styleAttr.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) if (this.style['font-' + _styleAttr[index]] != null) style += 'font-' + _styleAttr[index] + ':' + this.style['font-' + _styleAttr[index]] + ';'; style += 'text-anchor:' + this.style['text-anchor'] + ';'; return style; } }); function TSpan() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('tspan')); }; // Inherit from SVG.Shape TSpan.prototype = new SVG.Shape(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(TSpan, { // Set text content text: function(text) { this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); return this; } }); SVG.Nested = function Nested() { this.constructor.call(this, SVG.create('svg')); this.attr('overflow', 'visible'); }; // Inherit from SVG.Element SVG.Nested.prototype = new SVG.Element(); // Include the container object SVG.extend(SVG.Nested, SVG.Container); SVG._stroke = ['color', 'width', 'opacity', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'dasharray', 'dashoffset']; SVG._fill = ['color', 'opacity', 'rule']; // Prepend correct color prefix var _colorPrefix = function(type, attr) { return attr == 'color' ? type : type + '-' + attr; }; /* Add sugar for fill and stroke */ ['fill', 'stroke'].forEach(function(method) { // Set fill color and opacity SVG.Shape.prototype[method] = function(o) { var index; if (typeof o == 'string') this.attr(method, o); else /* set all attributes from _fillAttr and _strokeAttr list */ for (index = SVG['_' + method].length - 1; index >= 0; index--) if (o[SVG['_' + method][index]] != null) this.attr(_colorPrefix(method, SVG['_' + method][index]), o[SVG['_' + method][index]]); return this; }; }); [SVG.Element, SVG.FX].forEach(function(module) { if (module) { SVG.extend(module, { // Rotation rotate: function(angle) { return this.transform({ rotation: angle || 0 }); }, // Skew skew: function(x, y) { return this.transform({ skewX: x || 0, skewY: y || 0 }); }, // Scale scale: function(x, y) { return this.transform({ scaleX: x || 0, scaleY: y || 0 }); } }); } }); if (SVG.G) { SVG.extend(SVG.G, { // Move using translate move: function(x, y) { return this.transform({ x: x, y: y }); } }); } if (SVG.Text) { SVG.extend(SVG.Text, { // Set font font: function(o) { var key, attr = {}; for (key in o) key == 'leading' ? attr[key] = o[key] : key == 'anchor' ? attr['text-anchor'] = o[key] : _styleAttr.indexOf(key) > -1 ? attr['font-'+ key] = o[key] : void 0; return this.attr(attr).text(this.content); } }); } }).call(this);